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Why is there barely any steampunk mecha/mecha adjacent anime?
Both genre would mix well in my view. A few mecha anime even take the "victorian-like era" aesthetic for the character clothing, but they don't mix it with the rest.
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Because it got one anime and it was already the peak of it's potential
Would turn A fit?
Most of the show is about steam powered tech being usurped though.
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You don't look hard enough.
What is he holding? Because you can't tell me that's a functioning grenade.
Because Steampunk is a shit aesthetic.
Xabungle is specifically dieselpunk
Nobody said it was, retard
Steampunk is a gay reddit aesthetic.
retard lmao
It's not very toyetic. That's probably all there is to it. Like it's out there, but you don't exactly see stuff like Steam Detectives being merchandise titans
Steam Punk isn't a real genre.
That's art deco.
Sakura wars franchise is still alive, is it not? So there's still at least that to satisfy your steamy needs
lol no
It is.
But it's specifically supposed to be a timeshift alternate history variation on cyberpunk, where you apply the high tech low life approach to the industrial revolution rather than the information age.
Most people tend to just lump anything victorian/edwardian speculative fiction cogs and boiler shit into the genre which just dilutes the meaning, though.
Kill yourself spammer.
You bumped this from page 10 just to spam an irrelevant catchphrase?
What catchphrase?
The deleted post bumped it, as is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. This is one of the most pathetic attempts at misdirection in a long time.
>ctrl+f Sakura Wars or Sakura Taisen
>0 results

..... the fuck is wrong with you people? Not only is Sakura Taisen stea/m/punk, it was set in a steampunk adjacent-era - the 1920s

>but thats not Victorian enough!

Semantics, schemantics - it was not dieselpunk yet. Also the koubus were entirely steam-powered. Imho its arguably the most steampunk /m/ to get a full series
I can't imagine any purpose for the clunk of metal he's holding then.
It's a MacGuffin.
I read the wiki page and understand now, thanks!
Steampunk with art deco, yes.

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