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Zentradi Love.
what they did to her is unforgivable
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Total zentran love
Made for gentle ear licking and nibbling.
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When I get lonely
And I'm sure I've had enough
She sends her comfort
Comin' in from above
Don't need no letter at all
We've got a thing that's called Zentran
We've got a line in the sky
Zentran Love
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Honorary Zentradi.
I need to crawl inside her coochie.
Who's the flat red-hair at the end?
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Pixie Squadron member Raramia Rerenia/Lalamia Lelenia.
Well she is no longer the most tsurupettan meltrandi pixie pilot.
shame she dead
Poor Mirage...I am watching Delta again and its a shame how hard she gets screwed over. It feels like there was supposed to be an episode where she was supposed to "get it" and learn to fly like her family is known for but it never happens.
I think it's a bit overstated honestly. I rewatched the TV show and movies recently too and I feel like she ended up pulling through in the end.
She gets shoved into the role of a commander and never gets better than decent as a pilot.
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She kind of does though. It's not some super amazing "look how badass I am my power level is over 9000" flex move, she's not pulling shit like her Grandparents, but the TV series ends with her bailing Hayate out, watching his back and being a really solid wing man. Nobody stops to go WOW MIRAGE YOU GOT OVER YOUR SHIT AND ARE NOW GOOD! She just kind of does. They'd have been dead several times over if she wasn't there.
Movie does her even worse, with Max calling her a shit pilot and IIRC she even ends up in the Yamcha pose
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I actually don't mind her finding herself as a commander, but like I said, where she ends up as far as the TV series was concerned really wasn't that bad. I feel like anime viewers have this problem where they can only understand skill or growth in the bluntest of power level showcases. The shows hardly subtle but its like you need to beat stuff in with a hammer it feels like.
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Mirage is fine.
Why did she have massive elf wigglers when her relatives all had pretty normal looking ears
/m/, how long is Klan's clit?
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Some girls just get big wigglers.
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>The animators made sure there was a pronounced floor shake with each step
It was over for me since the start
What are their queefs like?
Kill yourself.
Make me
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That and her voice was pure sexo.
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If anything was a waste it was that there was never a scene where Mirage turned giant.
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Remind me again, how many bathtubs per day?
because Zentradi ears get more ridiculous with every entry in the series, Milia was indistinguishable from a human in Macross and DYRL
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Post her getting out of her mech.

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Cute...and funny
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>Cant sing worth a shit
>Has 0 ass or tits
What a waste of time
Yeah but her big sister though.
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I still remember the episode where the kid flipped her skirt while taking a picture together.
>big sister
In more ways than one.
You could fill a swimming pool.
An Olympic swimming pool
You think Max tells his kids about how Milia tried to kill him on their first date?
His kids. His mailman. Literally anyone in ear shot.
>Kids, your mother and I nearly killed each other on our first date
>Also, make sure to give your partner proper gear when they go spelunking
>Well she tried to anyways. I had it well in hand.
>Sure you were pumpkin.
>We can go in the kitchen right now and settle this.
And that's why you have so many little sisters.
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How many kids did the other Miria kids have? Are zentran woman naturally extremely fertile? How does that work with the diluted blood line?
>you'll never excite groups of giant space women like Basara
Planet bomb me pls
>when Basara joins and both blast Gavil with Heart and Soul
One of the best scenes in anime ever.
>you will never dress like Indiana Jones and use a machete to hack through Klan's gigantic bush
>you will never get sleep between her giant breasts
>you'll never get to put on scuba gear and go spelunking in her gigantic, cavernous pussy
Seven kids (like the show) and one adopted one added by the Dreamcast game.
No. How many kids, who had kids, have.
I think what they meant was how many grandkids do Milia and Max have.
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Yeah there's Mirage. But she must have some cousins and or siblings.
Why the hell did I read all of that?
Never be ashamed of learning things.
Because you're actually learning something, and learning is interesting. If it was just a post flatly fantasizing boobs without any of the anatomical info or mathematics, it wouldn't be interesting. The structure of the writing is also very well composed to start mundane, escalate with mildly lewd context, and deliver the punchline.
>Had a dream that I was at a firebomber concert for some reason last night
Was neat
T. Gamlin.
Never forget that her mom tried to ship Basara with Mylene because she had a cold. Damn, it made me hate 7 even more. Fucking mary sue of a protag.
Please be understanding micro Milia is kinda clueless.
Emphasis on "big".
You're a joyless cunt
The only one of the daughters that is reasonable.
So what the fuck is Mike exactly? I am not trying to get into some Wannsee style blood one drop thing discussion but what fucking is he?
2/3rds Zentran.
He is a human/zolan hybrid according to the novelization. Zolans are the space whale hunts in Dynamite 7.
Imagine falling on her tits
I wonder what the mentrandi side of the porn industry looks like. You know full sized girls and normal humans has to be a category.
>implying they would have deculture
They do, in spades.
I was wondering if this picture was going to be what I thought it was. Turns out it is.
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More of this version of her please
I still want to see how she's looking in the Delta era. I bet she was a real dotting gilf
I'll never forget the disappointment I felt when I first saw her shrink to that form.
She has a face like a Shin-Chan character in this clip
But its funny! Didnt you laugh!? I mean, I get it, if she was a bombshell while micloned, then Michael wouldnt be flirting with other chicks. They had to give her some disadvantage.
Just say she can't miclone. She spends just as much time big as she does small.
They barely use full size zentradi as is...She basically wouldnt show up at all.
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For you, anon.
Imagine coming out of that, and not getting ANY of it. Why is Mylene such a failure? Was Max having an off day or something?
Isn't Mylene like 13? She still has more than enough time
When the fuck did this happen? I remember them being a race of militaristic clones. Now they look like space elves.
Like thirty years ago. You monumental sped.
I thought she was 15.
It looks like she's checking out Sheryl's ass.
I admit i stopped paying attention to Macross when i discovered Gundam around 1996
So basically you were lying this whole conversation.
Lying how?
13, 15, pic related doesn't mind. What a weird, out of nowhere subplot this was.
I remember reading that in the manga version, Mylene's zentradi instincts kicked in and she fought her way out until the rest of the band showed up.
Yep, and Veffidas had to punch her to stop her. The whole bed scene was a bit more explicit iirc.
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Actually her does blood does activate but she freaks out and the producer thinks she killed Mylene.
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Milia has a cold and thinks she is dying.
Mylene has an orgasm and thinks she is dying.
-1 does here.

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