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Also why do people said that G-Armor isn't canon, is it because Tomino doesn't have want them?
That's because it's linked to the G-Fighter, which was removed in the movie (replaced by the Core Booster)
The G-fighter was made mostly to sell toys and was disliked by Tomino and Yas.

Some people prefer to consider the movie as the "canon version" and not the show.
Not only the movie trilogy, the CCA flashback also went with the Core Booster over the G-Fighter.
>why do people said
>doesn't have want them
Are you African?
The TV series is its own self-contained continuity, like the novels. Char probably died at A Baoa Qu. All the sequels following are in continuity with the movies. And then A New Translation represents another distinct branch of continuity, not yet followed up on… Char seems to have died there, too.
Oh, also: I love the G-Armor, the Gundam Hammer, Beam Javelin, etc. All good fun.
>The TV series is its own self-contained continuity
Nope, the TV series is the main continuity according to sunrise. If they specify a version, they always specify the TV version over the movie version
Why do these charts produced by license holders matter more than the contents of the authored works themselves?
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>Tomino doesn't have want them?
The takes the Core Booster flashback seen in CCA an oddity then.
They made this way after going with movie only continuity for two decades.
>movie only continuity
Still the coolest Grandpa variant in the Versus series.
Not only that, you had the producer of Cucuruz Doan's Island's movie talking like they could redo any material exclusive to tv show, like the movies were fixed but the tv show wasn't.
It’s a fact. They buried the show until the Big Bang project.
>see this thread
>"Hmm, you know, it would be awesome if they made a MG of this
>do a bit of research
>they actually did fucking make a MG of this thing in 2009
>even better, the MG RX-78-2 2.0, which was released the year prior, was specifically engineered to be able to combine with it
>and to this day, there's no modern kit of the Core Booster

That's some wild fucking shit.
I'm currently waiting for them to do RG G-Armor
The Robot Spirits ANIME figure is awesome too
>shows up in practically half the episodes
>not canon
Zoomers play too fast and loose with that term these days. It's completely delusional to say that something that you SEE HAPPEN isn't canon.
tomino's the same retard who insists g-reco is after turn a
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per usual my son the G-bull was snubbed the spotlight
It is so fucking obvious it is
My only complaint (if you even want to call it that) with the G-Armor is that there's no ultimate configuration where it combines with the Gundam to make a final form full armored Gundam or whatever. That's usually the play pattern with these kinds of support vehicles for the hero mech.

Yeah the actual FA and Perfect Gundams exist but it always seemed to me that they should've had a similar configuration when they came up with the G-Armor.
and he's right
I wish they make G-Armor that can combine into Full Armor Gundam
I think it looks stupid, but a gm that had one appeared in thunderbolt for 3 seconds and now I want to buy it so bad.
G-armor is as canon as the guntank in space. Tomino cannot erase history just because it’s retarded.

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