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Previous thread >>22937203

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>RideChemy Card Database

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Invincible Rider!
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Friendly reminder :)
>Friendly reminder
That you are a falseflagging tranny.
You just give duel another chance to spam.
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The younger sister sure has nice ass
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Can't wait!
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>no gavv winter movies
Gavvsisters, our response!?????
Kamen Rider Revice Episodes 37 + 38
Mugen Damashii
My #1 Least favorite Final Form (June 2016 - November 2024)
Ultimate Revice
My #1 Least favorite Final Form (November 2024 - ????) Okay, I saw Rainbow Gotchard, and it made me recoil a little, but only truly dogshit writing will make me hate it more. The same goes for Geats Mark IX.
This is just mediocre beyond belief. Ultimate Revice is dead on arrival because Ikki and Vice have not had any significant development for some time, and this two-parter doesn't even focus on them. Instead, all the problems that the series has are on full display:
-Weekend (with the exception of Masumi) being boring and honestly dumb. Why are they making a PSA as if the general public is gonna take their word over that of the Fenix Director's? They are nothing to the average citizen.
-Sakura saying dumb, cringey shit about being invincible. You are not, you dumb broad.
-Hana and Hikaru suddenly having some sort of rivalry that screams of desperation to give them a personality that isn't related to being Sakura simps.
-Tamaki may as well not exist.
-Kinoshita expecting me to feel anything aside from apathy about Akemi.
-Daiji becoming exhausting to watch because this shift in character is just so unwarranted.
-Yukimi once again saying everything will be okay with Daiji cuz he's family, y'know!
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Going back to Ultimate Revice, this final form instantly loses me because George, Masumi and Genta were the ones to put all the effort into making the Giffard Rex Vistamp. Meanwhile Ikki and Vice did jack shit. Oh, they separated the stamp into two? Whoop de fucking doo! And what am I supposed to find cool about Ultimate Revice in this debut? That they took out a bunch of basic mooks? That they can multiply and use magnetic powers? That they defeated Hell Gifftarian (who, by the way, was such a nothing enemy that I had to look up his name)?
I am sorely missing Xross Saber. Touma at least had an arc to get to it, and Xross had infinitely more interesting and meaningful themes in its design and powers compared to Ultimate Revice, who only seems to have given the base Revi and Vice suit armor. And don't get me started on how badly Master Logos clears Akaishi as a pre-final boss villain. It's not even a contest.
My only ray of hope at this moment is Hiromi, and Im investing all my stocks into Hiromicoin. Fuck it, we ball. Yes, I know. He's not done much. But you know what? At leaat he feels like he's not the same character from Episode 1 (in a positive way). I honestly can't say the same about Ikki at this moment.
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>Im investing all my stocks into Hiromicoin
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Were her Ws that huge?
>Why are they making a PSA as if the general public is gonna take their word over that of the Fenix Director's?
Because the Stamps and the Covid vaccine are exactly what Voldemort and Hitler were planning or something.
>I saw Rainbow Gotchard, and it made me recoil a little, but only truly dogshit writing will make me hate it more. The same goes for Geats Mark IX.
Rainbow Gotchard's introductory arc is actually one of the better parts of its show. Can't say the same for Geats IX, but it at least has a cool debut fight.
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This is Kamen Rider Valen's second form, Domaru. Say anything about this form.
Both Riders continue looking like aliens, it's great. Neo Granutes when?
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>My only ray of hope at this moment is Hiromi, and Im investing all my stocks into Hiromicoin.
oh anon....
Wakana's even bigger.
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He makes a delicious assortment of...sweet delights
manga or anime collab when
woah that's big
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>My only ray of hope at this moment is Hiromi, and Im investing all my stocks into Hiromi. Fuck it, we ball.
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>Im investing all my stocks into Hiromicoin.
They actually use Ultimate Revice's magnetic powers in pretty creative ways, but by this point in the show the writing is in the gutter so almost nobody cares about that.
>geats out of nowhere
I'm enjoying how you've increasingly gotten more angry and fed up with Revice as you've gone through it because you're hitting exactly the same beats the rest of us did three years ago.
New comment from color

>it’s been confirmed so I will reveal: there is no gavv and gotchard. Gavv’s earlybird production has made it impossible for the yearly filming to occur.
>If it does occur, it won’t be bundled with BoomboonKingoh. That already finished filming back in August.
>It can occur either as a post series special in TTFC or a web comic. But do not expect it to be a roadshow release at all.
>Anyone saying otherwise are wrong and should not be taken seriously
>Weekend (with the exception of Masumi) being boring and honestly dumb.
Don't worry, they're going to ruin Masumi soon too.
It would be interesting to see a crossover movie with V-Cinema budget.
Link? I don't see the comment on this post
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Pick a main rider from any series? Got one? Good. He has an unforgettable luncheon. He can be the cook, or the guest
love how he need to add the last comment
Probably just going to be like Sentai VS movie.
Gotchard would be almost a year since it ended, and Gavv almost ending, might as well put 7th Reiwa Rider as cameo.
shut the fuck up duel
He didn't comment that anywhere
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The game is back in town
Does that mean winter crossover are kill altogether or just for this instance? They could always just toss Gotchard in in the next winter movie kinda Mega Max style.
Ah he deleted it then. It was such a big drop I focused on translating it than making sure I had a screencap
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>Sakura saying dumb, cringey shit about being invincible. You are not, you dumb broad.
God this is so satisfying
Exactly this. Sure personally I get comically infuriated whenever I think of Revice but there's a clear reason
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You know, Magnet States being magnet makes Ultimate Revice (god I hate that name, I hate it when a final form shares the same name with other series, Like Beast getting Hyper for one) feel meh because we've seen magnet powers before.

Depens if the next Rider also films early, but if that's the case I'd assume Gavv would finish filming early, so maybe they could make a new schedule for it. At the same time, I feel like the Movie War format should return, like a proper one because Geats x Revice one are just a Revice prologue and Geats segment is immediately the crossover portion.
Japanese actor SHF? Man I want a Kazuki Kitamura SHF
She's hot.
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Who is this guy and why do you keep posting him?
He is Kamen Rider Eden's actor.
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It’s a kids show stop crying over it
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This picture is misleading "KYS" means "Kiss Your Spanner" in Gotchard.
the creator who charges forward believing in paradise
What's interesting about this is one of the early leaks for Gavv showed how the Legend Rider forms would look. I wonder if that's gonna come into play at any point without a Crossover movie.
Mokudai and the dogs.
Being a kids show does not excuse being bad.
If the show started filming earlier than usual wouldn’t it be easier to make a crossover movie?
You have both casts already.
They'll all be busy filming their own shows
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>The Five Super Riders film reel had been found
Fuck you, Geats and Gotchard
Yeah, I don't buy that being the reason. If anything the cast needing to handle the start of the show and the movie as was the usual pattern before would be harder than being in the middle of the show when shooting the movie. I really think it's just due to low box office.

Beyond Generations' Box office was just 440 million and that's barely above the point where they stopped doing Sentai Vs movies on theater (300 million yen in that case). I don't know the box office of Gotchard x Geats, but I imagine it was similarly low.
I assume it means that he's still not certain of what's going to happen this December? We might still get some crumbs of special
Ok so is Vram a woman or not
He's just saying a crossover might still happen in some format, but definitely not this December.
She cute
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>turtle with cannons on its back
is this a Blastoise reference?
You’re a fucking retard
Every other Rider show is also a kids show and better. Also Revice was the 50th anniversary show, that's fucking insulting to this franchise
>sees a cute girl rushing at him for a hug, telling him she loves him
i'm starting to think hanto might actually be gay
Zi-O and Decade exist and are worse than Revice.
Some random irrelevant anniversary show makes you seethe more than the finale of an entire era
It's weird that it was better for her that her scammer was a monster instead of a regular human
>Zi-O and Decade exist and are worse than Revice.
Nope, they aren't. And I'm not even that anon.

>Some random irrelevant anniversary show

It was the 50th anniversary show. The fact that it's such a bundle of nothing that could neither be a good anniversary nor a good standalone show is insulting.
> Nope, they aren't
Yes they are
> And I'm not even that anon
Why does that matter? We all know it’s you. You always post the same non-argument response and spamming about Revice
>It was the 50th anniversary show
Irrelevant. Kabuto is also an anniversary show but newfags like you don’t know that.
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No, even better.
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Have we ever gotten a rider that uses a bazooka or a big ass gun as a primary weapon? (form changes and zolda don’t count)
It's the -50th- freaking anniversary. Not a random date like 35th (Kabuto). It really should be a bigger deal.
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>zolda don’t count
That’s his strike vent not his primary weapon
G4 newfag
His base weapon is a 4-tube ROCKET LAUNCHER
Rocket Launcher and a Gun are not the same dumbass
No, although that doesn't mean their won't be a female rider at some point during the show. Hard to believe there won't be at least one even if it's a supporting character.
He mentioned bazookas too, retard.
This has probably been answered somewhere already but do we know what the DX Gochizo Special set is supposed to be, exactly? Do we know from any kind of leaks?
>be a good anniversary
The only proper anniversary shows are the ones that celebrate Heisei milestones, because that's the only era that matters. Neither Agito, Fourze nor Revice were centered very much on the anniversary aspect.
Some leak said it was just dead versions of goschizos
>The only proper anniversary shows are the ones that celebrate Heisei milestones, because that's the only era that matters
heisei wouldnt exist without showa
learn your place kid
I have a feeling this is down to Minato-P and Takebe-P not communicating properly. Honestly feels bizarre that they got NOTHING out for a winter movie though. Could they not have just eaten time out of the normal filming schedule for a Gavv only winter movie and postpone Gavv x Gotchard for Summer or something? China money is more valuable than movie money I guess.
>heisei wouldnt exist without showa
And yet almost nobody really cares about the latter.
>they got NOTHING out for a winter movie
There's the Fuuto Tantei movie.
Sachika cute!
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Hush, newfriend
Trying to figure out whether I dislike her or the dumb artist from a few episodes ago more
>Could they not have just eaten time out of the normal filming schedule for a Gavv only winter movie
The Zero-One solo movie did really bad in spite of the series' popularity and the movie's good reception (450 million yen, coming from Reiwa First Generation's 930 million yen. Note this is just 20 million yen above Revice's 430 million yen solo movie but that also had a really low Beyond Generations box office of 440 million yen, so with Revice you had a general trend of low box office's, while with Zero-One the out of place movie had a much lower than expected number), that likely convinced them a solo movie needs the summer spot.
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>Okay, I saw Rainbow Gotchard, and it made me recoil a little, but only truly dogshit writing will make me hate it more. The same goes for Geats Mark IX.
This should help.
By this point, Ikki is pretty much a non-entity in his own show. Aside from Daiji and Sakura, he barely has any interactions with anyone, he lacks any real antagonism with any of the villains beyond “bad guy to blow up”, and as many were pointing out around this point, they show is simultaneously building up to the final form, but doing nothing to build Ikki up for it. This kind of joke was pretty much the show at this point.
It weirdly encapsulates who Ikki is, and why I can’t stand him. And that is not a busybody, that’s a controlfreak. Because, it just shows him, again, like his entire family, make decisions that are not his to make because he knows best. Not because he can predict what will happen and how things work, but because he is sure he knows.
Not even the final form
>Rainbow Gotchard
Gay Gotchard
Repaint with a garbage bag cape
Only there to shill legend cards and a character nobody cares about
>Geats IX
Just wins against mooks
Literally just a fucking repaint
Eyesore, Assault Wolf was better
Fine, I guess

>great final forms
Zero-Two was barely used, Xross is a repaint, Geats IX only did shit during its debut and at the very end of the show, Bujin Sword is tied to one of the worst arcs in the franchise.
Ultimate Revi and Ultimate Vice's debut and it lacks any weight whatsoever, as it was used against a horde of mooks and a MOTW rather than anyone relevant. Instead, they tried to put the weight on the possibility of the father's death. Which was obvious wasn't going to happen. As a result, this episode lived and died by the impression of the final form itself. And that first impression was garbage. When it comes to final forms, one thing I hate is final forms that just have all the abilities of prior forms. Something I hate even more are final forms that are so indecisive on what they can do, they can just do whatever is necessary at the moment.
It should be important though. If you are trying to make an emotional moment, it needs to be internally coherent or it utterly falls apart, as it does here. Watched the episode now and yeah, this comes off as if the writers don't know what happens in their own show, which, honestly, doesn't feel that surprising.
>this comes off as if the writers don't know what happens in their own show, which, honestly, doesn't feel that surprising.
There's a metric fuckton of scrapped ideas and last minute decisions taken for this show, might lend you both a list of archive links detailing all the known ones once you both finish the show.
>Gay Gotchard
He's aggressively straight though.
Revice continues to be a frustratingly shallow and disappointing show for me with this episode. The plot was such an afterthought that the whole thing falls utterly flat. I don't like the implication that he once more took a decision that wasn't his to make and took it from someone else. If your father chose to bet his life on this, you got no right to change that! I get he is a busy body and that, that can be good, but once you are actively undermining what someone else wants you cross over into egoist, my way or the highway, type. This all just worked out because the story bends over backward so the stamp still functions. All in all, a very disappointing episode with a surprisingly dull fight to boot, so par for the course.
>Hana and Hikaru suddenly having some sort of rivalry that screams of desperation to give them a personality that isn't related to being Sakura simps.
In Hikaru's case, it seems that his agency at some point asked Toei to give the character more attention. And apparently, there was no time left for some character development, so he got the belt and "banter" over Hana, I guess.
This DID NOT feel like a final form debut episode!! It lacks any of the flair or any of the usual drama that comes with the build up to the lead rider finally overcoming one of their biggest hurdles throughout the series and the satisfaction of that moment. Or to simply put it? It doesn't feel like they earned it.
See, this didn't feel like a Final From debut, and not just because they used it on a bunch of mooks and a super crone, but because the transformation sequence and jingle felt like any regular Rider powerup, and the whole arc didn't have as much of an impact as previous shows. Because compared to Zero-Two and Xross Saber's debuts, this felt lackluster in comparison.
I also have to rant about Daiji a bit here, since I feel like it would have made more sense for him to become some kind of vigilante against Akaishi rather than begrudgingly follow him, because after watching him for the past months before the turning point makes it plenty obvious he would never under any circumstances follow that scuzzball.
If your dad tried to kill himself behind his family's back I think you'd try to stop him too, no matter the reason. Stopping him was justified and not control freak behavior, it was his fucking dad's life at stake here.

Ikki's the opposite of a busybody, he's a doormat (outside of a rare few occasions).
>In Hikaru's case, it seems that his agency at some point asked Toei to give the character more attention. And apparently, there was no time left for some character development, so he got the belt and "banter" over Hana, I guess.
This is complete conjecture on anons' part. The only thing they've said regarding Hikaru becoming Over Demons is that it wasn't part of the original plans, it was done because they wanted to give more focus to the Ushijimas and Hikaru's actor himself said that when he got casted it hadn't been decided if he would transform or not yet so he was surprised when he heard he would.
I know this image is bait but Ultimate Revice is best reiwa main rider final form in terms of being simple and not having any crazy as fuck abilities that came straight out of Jojo.
02 can predict anything (except when it can’t)
Xros Saber has all the fuck ass abilites from the other swords like time erasure
Rainbow Gotchard could litterally just summon a army of Gotchards along with all the other Chemy bullshit
Geats IX can alter reality
Don’t even get me started on Legendary Legend, that form borderlines on being a fanfic OC

Ultimate Revice is just two guys and their teamwork at its max power. That’s all we need
>Honestly feels bizarre that they got NOTHING out for a winter movie though
They do. Oshi no Ko the Movie
How many people are watching Revice for the first time right now?
It’s just one anon. But the other three responses is just some dude obsessed with Revice
>because after watching him for the past months before the turning point makes it plenty obvious he would never under any circumstances follow that scuzzball
Daiji at the beginning was more about following Fenix's mandates over being a people person like the rest of his family.
>one of the worst arcs in the franchise.
Stop beying hyperbolic
Thread got better.
It may just be the fact that I personally have a strong dislike for people who involve themself in someone's agency and take it for themself.
Same here. It kind of undermines the whole message of individuality this show's going for when that dysfunctional family is always depicted as being right in the end, even when they're wrong.
Get your eyes checked.
Multiple people learning to hate it.
That's Japan for you. The collective group is always right, even if they shouldn't be.
Isn't this the episode where kinoshitter outed himself as an anti-vaccine.
>Ultimate Revice is best reiwa main rider final form
Thanks for proving you did not watch any of them.
Pic unrelated.
Stop being a Geatsfag, Satan.
That's his shoot vent.
Pic very related.
Sometimes people you love try to make stupid self-destructing decisions and you have to stop them. Putting ideals of self-agency and such over actual lives is fucking retarded.
It has magnetic powers that have nothing to do with Revice's other forms. It always felt to me like it should have been a minor upgrade, not the final form.
Preach the truth.
No, you have to respect their choices. If you don't you are like Shocker.
It does since the stamps work via magnet
stop samefagging
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No, there's more to a final form than looks. Geats IX was pathetic and mishandled throughout most of its appearances.
That's the toy though. They're never established as magnetic in the show before the final form.
>Geats IX was pathetic and mishandled
Wrong again.
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You are wrong.
They rarely established how the belt works in most series, regardless. The design team likely consider that aspect when designing Giffard Revice
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>that henshin
CGI ruined toku
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Wrong again.
Shocker doesn't respect people's choices, Hongo does respect them.
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
You are wrong.
not an argument and you responded to the wrong post you fucking imbecile
Anon is upset that he's wrong.
The bitch Hongo's talking to wanted to kill him, he didn't let her do it.
Neon was so hot bros
And he's not taking away her agency or forcing his onto her.
Worst show
He's literally telling her why she's wrong for trying
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I am right, we literally had to wait 9 whole episodes for it to do anything significant again and win against anything other than mooks.
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We all know exactly what this conversation is actually about. You two really can't help yourselves, can you?
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She was mid at best. Yua is better.
Hongo is talking there because the woman was blaming herself and wanting to be punished for attempting to kill Hongo, but she did it to attempt to save a child, and he's saying that so she doesn't blame herself for what she attempted to do since she was doing it for someone's life.
>lets multiple dangerous villains go free
Our hero
No, you are wrong.
Meant for >>22941739
Yua is streamlined not necessarily butter.
not an argument
She isn't anywhere near as plappable
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Keep coping.
Still wrong.
She isn't butter, but she is better.
What do you mean was? Geats was only two years ago and she was still a teen. She's barely 20 now and looks basically the same
I wish the mods finally banned this general. Just have all Rider discussion in random threads cause you fags shitpost more than discuss the show.
Cry about it lil niggas
No need to ban the whole general when 90% of its problems can be fixed by permanently banning a single faggot.
I'd argue that isn't really the case with Revice given the public was wrong about getting Stamped and the only other significant crowds were the cultists, it's more Revice was reluctant in letting Ikki or Sakura be wrong about anything.
Revice's other forms revolve around elemental power duos.
Thunder Gale is such a random power up theme
She ratted Hongo out to save her brother which is why he says that
That's convenient for you anon
yeah that really fixed the gundam threads great idea
It was supposed rep all three eras
>Wind - Showa
>Electric - Heisei
Don't hurt yourself stretching that much.
I honestly think fire is more of heisei's style than lightning
Kinoshita is just a bad writer.
Also another big problem with Revice, Sakura becomes a Mary Sue everytime she wants something the characters struggle she shits out a new power that makes the problem solved like 2 seconds and literally breaks a Deadman's contract that was set to kill her even though that type of contract kills it's user. I don't know if I said this yet but when the guy who writes this show was signed he wanted to make it about a young woman who protects her family from demons it really feels like at times he wrote episodes feeling like Sakura's the main character, during that batch this becomes the Sakura creates a weapon that let's her rewrite the rules of the series show.
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Kuuga had electric powers.
I miss my wife. She's so cute and sexy.
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>sets someone on fire telepathically
yeah sure
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Shut the fuck up already. You've been seething for an entire fucking day do something better with your life
What does that have to do with the writing?
Why do you keep defending kinoshita?
>Sakura becomes a Mary Sue everytime she wants something the characters struggle she shits out a new power that makes the problem solved like 2 seconds and literally breaks a Deadman's contract that was set to kill her even though that type of contract kills it's user
Seems like you're not remembering the show very well, George just modified the Shoebill Vistamp to give it the same non-lethal ability that all of Revice's upgrades have. The Gifftex dying upon defeat was a problem that was solved ages ago back during Volcano's debut.
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"We were invited to a premium advance screening of Jisariz 2 produced by Masahiro Inoue!
The world view and CG are as detailed as ever! Amazing!
It gave me the energy to try my best!"
As we all know the writer is in charge of the suit designs and philosophy, not Plex or the designers.
If you actually watched Kuuga you would know why electricity is more significant than a power he only displayed in the very last episode.
Except that was unique and the show warps itself an breaks its own rule to give it to Mooteki.
Well he is. He had them make overdemons to give it to what's his face.
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Still doesn't remove the fact that his Ultimate forms uses flames, and multiple heisei riders have flames in their arsenal than electricity
Unique how? It's all literally just down to George's R&D.
are the food in gavv real products?
because it's funny they still pose them for the camera like it's an ad
It was specific to Ikki and Vice, but again Kinoshita warps the show around Mooteki to give her anything.
Kuuga is the face of the Heisei era. Only a minority of Showa Riders are associated with the wind but it's still an iconic element purely because it was used by the very first.
>are the food in gavv real products?
I'd imagine they wouldn't feed their actors plastic.
Yeah and in every appearance Kuuga has, they still use his flaming ultimate kicks
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why is Sieg part of this when he is used in like, movies only
Why is Build called Build if he's science themed?
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Wing form is in the show.
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but why is he not in the all form shit
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He is.
why do I keep forgetting the back
Because like most things in the back, they are mostly obscured.
I'm surprised it's Den-O that never got the "which is the final form" talk
Chair Gochizou when?
Because they is no reason to dispute Liner.
After the puzzle piece gochizo
Man I hate that Gavv makes me hungry after watching it
eat snack eat snack eat snack
They only use fire with Yuuseless, electricity is Godai's signature.
discount kuuga also used electricity
You didn't finish Kuuga
Why did Outsiders redesign Ouja Survive?
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>just watched Gavv's last episode
>come to talk about it
>multiple page downs witnessing two Geatards going nuh uh at each other
You could just use the episode thread.
Why are you complaining about the show actually making it a plot point instead of just off-screening it? I’m pretty sure Daiji had the same ability too
>It was specific to Ikki and Vice
No, George said he created a new method to separate Deadmans through the Volcano Vistamp, which he later integrated into Thunder Gale and the Shoebill Vistamps. Ikki and Vice only had to train to prevent Volcano from burning the former.

As the show goes on George keeps improving everyone's gear, he even modified the Demons and Vail Drivers so they could work safely without Vail.
because it’s a low budget web series and nobody remembers those SIC stories anyway.
It’s retarded that they even gave him a survive form to begin with
It's warping itself and breaking its own rules for little miss mary sue.
But it isn’t. George was always improving on his tech. Fucking Demons Driver didn’t need Vail.
Watch the fucking show.
>Ikki and Vice only had to train to prevent Volcano from burning the former.
And then Mooteki could do it no issue. Again, warping itself and breaking it's rules for her.
He never got Rising Forms, only Ultimate with fire effects.
But enough about you.
I did, and that is dumb and breaks the rules too.
he literally had electric crackling when he henshins
We go through this shit all the time in Rider just watch something that came out before 2021.
For example
DKHZ’s going berserk was just Emu being a faggot. Brave and Snipe could handle it
Zi-O’s thing with the ride watches
Every thing George makes is more efficient than the last, Ikki and Vice didn't even need to train to use Thunder Gale and Giffard Rex, and Shoebill was made after Thunder Gale.
>It’s retarded that they even gave him a survive form to begin with
Half of the cast have Survive forms.
So you're saying electricity is Kuuga's signature element? I accept your concession.
Only Ryuki, Knight and Ouja have survive forms.
Concept art and SIC side stories don’t count you fucking retard
Also dumb, Geiz just not having a drawback after 1 episode will never not be dumb.
it means that kuuga still uses fire attacks anon
No, it's Kinoshita warping the plot and breaking its own rules to prop up his mary sue.
Those are different. They vail thing actually breaks the rules of the show, which is you need gif cells to henshin, and then forgets it completely.
It did, people have argued whether Climax or Liner is the final form.
No they didn't. Liner is obviously the final form. It doesn't even have the bad ooo excuse of being the form used at the end because that was Sword form.
Nope, the packagings are made specifically for the show but they do resemble real life brands such as ZakuZaku Chips being a Calbee spoof.
Inoue Shoma here.
Get out aka gavv! You ruined us!
Liner only came to be because Ryotaro lost access to every other form. Climax is also stronger than Liner.
Odin is perpetually in Survive Form.
Wind and Thunder are an elemental duo like Fire and Ice.
And Liner is still the final form.
Shut the fuck up shitposting faggot
Please stop replying to bait
Yes, but that didn't stop some people from claiming Climax was the true final form.
Pretty sure he isn't.
yet when saber and gotchard does it's henshin you turn a blind eye.. double standard much?
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No one did that.
Get that trash out of here.
And that's (you).
Shitting on people's opinion like yours is better.
I hate people like you more than shitposter, at least they are most likely a bot. But you fags that talk shit about others opinion are the worst.
So what if people like revice, or Zero-one?
Why does it matter to you?
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>fondling her driver
>So what if people like revice
No one does.

This is why Survive Mugen is called like that, and why Odin's Cards have golden borders like other Survive powerset Cards.
Kys, Falseflagging retard.
Stop defending yourself.
Stop replying to yourself.
Chou Climax is the true Final Form
Decade claims both Liner and Super Climax are the final form, when he puts every Rider into their final form in Movie Wars 2010 Den-O gets Super Climax but Decade Complete uses Liner.

The actual answer is, of course, that Toei doesn't give a shit and caring about what form is the final form is fan autism.
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Why did they slim him down for the card?
Try again retard.
Why do you think? Did you not see the suit actor's pretty embarrassing beer gut?
Ah, anon knows how to use photoshop. Cute.
Final form counts in the series, not post-series
They should have kept the gut, make it special accurate.
my favorite build fanarts are the ones that make sento look badass when he was actually a kissless virgin for the entire season.
This is why we need to gatekeep rider, lots of retarded newfags ruined the franchise with their forced hate/opinions.
Nuh uh
Infinity Dragon Gold is Wizard's true final form
>pretty embarrassing
Nah, it's pretty badass. It's as if Ouja had evolved from a regular snake into a tsuchinoko.
>It's pretty badass
Uhh, sure. Why not.
The Movie Wars 2010 line up also had Rising Ultimate Kuuga. It was counting the Beyond Final Forms too, if available, not just the official final forms. You can see the RU Kuuga and Super climax Den-O cards even have different background colors from the other final forms due to their different status.
Yeah, and we should start with you.
The idea seems to be that you can get a different Survive form based on what Surviva card you're using. Ouja ends up full of gold due to using the Odin Mugen card, but he could have ended bluer or redder if he used Knight's or Ryuki's cards.
So what's the difference between magic and alchemy?
You can make the "nani, maji ka!?" pun when it's magic.
In Rider? Magic is based on the power of inner phantom. Alchemy is external.

Aside from that they're pretty much the same especially since Wizard itself had some alchemist influences (the whole Philosopher's stone plot).
He's like the Sixth in Sentai.
Magic is courage!
magi magi magiiiiro~!
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Kamen Rider Revice Episodes 39 + 40.
Ghost, I apologize… All the bad memories I have of you are being replaced with the genuine sadness I feel watching Revice. Takeru, I'm sorry for calling you every slur known to mankind.
Take me back to the first few days of this month, when I was praising this series. I just have no words to describe what is being done here in terms of writing.
I'll put aside my utter disdain for Ultimate Revice for a bit and say that it is somewhat cool what they do with their magnetic powers. But that is the only praise I can give. This just doesn't feel like a Final Form.
Oh my God, Daiji, what have they done to you? Tamaki was treated with respect compared to you at the moment. Yukimi is probably the worst character. Always saying vague words that Ikki is grateful for with the most forced smile I have ever seen. Speaking of the supposed main character of this show, he's just so bad right now. Where the fuck did this "I wanna see people's smiles!" dumbassery come from? The main problem with Ikki is that Maeda Kentaro is very obviously working on auto pilot and phoning in his performance.
What is this "uh... can we be partners pwetty pwease UwU?" bullshit coming from Vail?
Am I supposed to care that Hikaru's not parents were killed in violent ways? I actually enjoyed watching them get torn apart. They were nothing, Hikaru. Just like you.
Sakura, Hana, just… just dissapear. I hate you both.
mumumu maginu~
>Maeda Kentaro is very obviously working on auto pilot and phoning in his performance
Maeda had nothing to work with because Kinoshita casted him aside for his OC.
Daichi is such a ridiculously dumb written character though. Absolutely awful.
>Sakura, Hana, just… just dissapear. I hate you both.
Remember, an honorable death would have been better for Aguilera.
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Daiji's conflict are continuing to become more boring. He is such a poorly written character. At this point he is worse than Kiriya and I don't know if I can get any lower than that.
THIS is what makes Revice the worst series: The fact that it started out pretty good.
It would be one thing if it was mediocre the whole way through (like Gotchard or Ghost), but it instead started out really strongly and then tripped over and never got back up.

And it's only going to get even worse from here. Yes, that's right: You're not at the bottom yet.
It didn't start out good.
Gotta ask, did you expect Hiromi to return as Over Demons? And if so, how did you feel when it turned out to be Hikaru of all people?
The main issue with the Ikki/Daiji conflict is that the show never truly pits their ideals against each other. Instead, Daiji gives several perfectly good reasons for why he’s working with Giff, but Ikki doesn’t offer any counter-arguments and basically treats his reason for changing sides as unresolved angst.
Nah, a tragic death being eaten by Giff like in the original plans would've been better than a duel to the death with Sakura.
>The fact that it started out pretty good.
Your facts are wrong.
NGL I Feel like when the writers of Revice actually don't know what they're doing/writing about.
I gotta be honest, I entirely forgot that Ikki was losing his memories until this episode dredged it back up again. The fact is handled with so little consistency and weight, on top of the show trying to juggle 50 other things, that it just completely fell by the wayside. It feels a bit emblematic of Revice as a whole.
>but it instead started out really strongly
It did not. It was very weak at the start.
It may not have been the best, but the show was fine when it was being carried by Hiromi.
Here's one of Kinoshita's infamous Tweets:
>"Does the person who made this hate Daiji?"
>"Of course, I love him".
They really butchered Daiji in the last few episodes. Even if he mistook Ikki for Akemi's death, I fail to see why he'd become obedient to Akaishi, the sole person he swore to take down, and led to Akemi's fate in the first place. Maybe they are trying to get the Daiji becomes Kagerou angle, but I'm not buying it. What they're trying to accomplish isn't bad, but it just doesn't feel right.
It wasn't. It was bad even back then.
Stop replying to bait. Report and ignore instead.
>but the show was fine
It had the same problems it does now. It was never fine.
Stop watching and skip revice.
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Third preorder start in 3 hours
Shit like this makes it abundantly clear kinoshita was purposefully sabotaging the show.
All of it is because kinoshita is a bad writer. So bad that japanese fans personally told him how they hated the show and him.
The idea is that he thinks there's no hope in fighting against Giff. They fail to sell the despair of the situation when Revi and Vice have newer stronger forms though.
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All me btw teehee
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I can't wait for you to watch Gotchard
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Like being presented with a cake that ends up being filled with worms.
But why...
Saber... home...
Holy shit, Gotchard. No, I must not judge before I get to you.
>I fail to see why he'd become obedient to Akaishi, the sole person he swore to take down
The gist of it is that the Giff faction killed so many rebels and beat Daiji so fucking hard, alongside some manipulation to make him believe Ikki will just make things worse like in Akemi's case, he was successfully mindbroken into believing they can't possibly win against Giff and that it's better to just cut their losses by subjugating to him because he'll end up killing anyone who opposes him. Akaishi actually has this very same mentality too, he fears Giff and his power.

Even so, Daiji isn't happily going along with all of this, he genuinely hates Akaishi and the situation he's in, but he doesn't see any way out.
Gotchard writers actually love the characters unlike Revice
Gotchard never reached these levels, its biggest problems are the leads' acting skills and the rushed final arc.
Fragile gotshartfags...............
Reading your blog posts since starting Revice has made me feel confident about skipping the show.
The one you should really be concerned about is Geats.
See, double standard is inherent in this general.
Such hypocrite.
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>The gist of it is that the Giff faction killed so many rebels
But they didn't.
>and beat Daiji so fucking hard,
He's just being an idiot. Anyone would see through it.
>Even so, Daiji isn't happily going along with all of this,
But he is though.
>Tamaki was treated with respect compared to you at the moment.
Is he really? Daiji's suffering is not being played off for laughs at least, unlike Tamaki's and a certain tanuki Secondary's.
I wish they had shown Great Cross-Z more
when's the final outsider episodes?
December 22.
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Most badass MC in heisei phase2.
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>Kept up with Philip's growing power and achieved Xtreme.
>Even if weaker, defeated the Heat and Metal Dopants as Joker.
>Overcame the fear and madness induced by Terror.
>Stopped a blow from Utopia untransformed and with just a hat.
>All throughout sheer fucking willpower.
And that's only taking W into account. He really is that good.
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epic xitter meme
Unpopular but I really like the W ending because it shows how Shotaro isn't supposed to be this hard boiled depressed guy, but instead as a half boiled wildcard
No I agree with you, my only problem is that it's a plot for two episodes cut down into one.
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First Vice now Keiwa? Heisei Riders would never...
Yes. Kuuga's buttocks are sublime.
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I miss those rare location shots. I think even Blade had a ferry ship shot.
>Doesn't know about that Sento vid
that's greenface
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Is it out already?
Kinoshita is a trash writer who kept trying to make Sakura the main character at the detriment of literally the entire rest of the cast, even/especially the titular characters.
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I'm in Japan and literally ALL the gochizos are sold out everywhere.
Where the fuck do you buy these things?
there's some shady guy going by シュルク
That's for the best
Bluray release this month
I heard you can get some in exchange for dark sweets
Go to a candy shop and ask for "the goods."
>skipping series
If you can't handle rider at its worst then you shouldn't watching anything rider at all
No, you should skip bad shows that are known o be bad so you don't waste your time.
There's a dedicated Rider fanshop in an alley in akihabara, in the giant department store there's also multiple stores that'll have bits and bops including a dedicated Tokusatsu Jungle or something. Push come to shove, try the amiami store in the same department building as the Toku store, when I was there they still had sealed boxes of the Quartzer Ridewatches.
Idgaf about you, but if i want to shit on something at least i have to experience it firsthand. Even then, i can always find something charming about it.
Not like you're doing anything else with your time with no job or gf
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How long until we get a proper rip?
Comes out tomorrow in Japan, but some people are getting it already. Pic rel
>How long until we get a proper rip?
literally as soon as somebody rips it from the BluRay. If it's out tomorrow in Japan, then expect it within 24 hours
Chinese torrent usually rip it faster
Actual trash
>Yumiki, Sakura, Hana
Know you understand why women ruin rider.
Missing Thouser.
>Daiji's suffering is not being played off for laughs
It is.
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True OOO final form
A better movie than revice.
I disagree. OOO 10th felt like it was tailor-made specifically to stick a middle finger to people, especially when it was meant to be the long-awaited reunion of a beloved cast of characters from a fan-favorite series. It was made with active spite and malice, as if they went in with the intention of leaving you with a sour, unsatisfying taste in your mouth. I was mad then and I'm mad now and I'll never not be mad with the full knowledge of how autistic it is to be a grown-ass adult getting mad about a cheesy superhero show for children.
>It was made with active spite and malice
But enough about revice.
>Made with spite and malice
>Specifically to stick a middle finger to people
>Leaving a sour and bitter taste
All of that is true for Revice as well because Kinoshita was mad they wouldn't let him make his lesbian daughterwife Sakura the main character.
There's a certain vendor who frequents a juice bar. He'll have what you need.
I wonder if this will get a US release
>it was made with active spite and malice
You guys sound like gigantic faggots when you talk like this lmao
Cope seethe & dilate
I found a few second hand in Book Off down in Hiroshima. I havent even seen Gavv yet but I picked up a Punching Gummy because you all talk about how hard to find they are and Ill watch it eventually.
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I hope you have fun when you do watch it
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>Episode 4 and 5 of SKR are longer than the rest because they're the Toei Manga Matsuri episodes
holy autism
Anno you fucking autistic bastard
I havent watched a currently airing series since Build, usually because I prefer watching shows at my own pace rather than week to week, but with how much praise Gavvs been getting I think I'll have to dip in again.
wait, *this* younger sister?
I'd keep waiting. People are anticipating Komura inevitably dropping the ball after the first quarter like she always does.
Wait until episode 20-24. Wizard happened after Phoenix died and main plot grinds to a halt.
Komura sentai also did it too.
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from what I'm also reading, Anno actually included this too
Pure autism
Nah Ill just get into it, I like the designs and the fights seem fun. I havent really been paying much attention to Reiwa and the apparent shitshow its been, but I cant help but feeling all the ass pain is exaggerated, at least in my admittedly uninformed opinion. I cant see myself getting too upset if Gavv ends up a bit boring, even if I dont like watching shit week to week.
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Bitter Gavv, Blizzard Sorbet or some new form?
Sketch from J-Hero
Probably Bitter Gavv unless they went back to Final form look like base form thing
I'd be okay if this is the final form.
But we have no leak about that so..this might be blizard sorbet.
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We already have Sorbel sketch. Look nothing like that.
I still can't believe we're having a form based on a lame dessert (sorbet)
More Gochizo torture device
The eyes of the belt dont match Bitter Gavv either. Unless it's a mistake.
Kamen Rider Revice Episodes 41 + 42.
Akaishi's talk about how Giff wanted to coexist with humans but he was rejected by humanity actually sounds interesting… too bad there's not been a single glimpse of that in the entire show. It would have done wonders to give Giff more impact. I'd say that maybe I just havent gotten to where they actually show this, but I get the feeling that those of you who have seen the show will just respond with "BZZT! WRONG-O!" Because every time I dare to hope about this show, you all give me a reality check. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it.
Perhaps I'm being too mean to Hikaru, but I don't care about him at all. He doesn't do anything worthy of notice for the longest time, then suddenly the show wants to overcompensate by not only making him a Rider, but also by having him get development because his not!mom got her throat slashed and his not!dad now has a hole in his chest.
Speaking of deaths, sheesh, this show has a body count. Trio of Deep Sin would be a different movie if the Saber Crew was letting this many civies get blown the fuck up.
Credit where credit is due, the resolution of the Genta and Vail conflict hit some of the points I not only expected, but wanted. It's not perfect, but it's decent, and I'll gladly take decency at this point. Destream isnt gonna do much, ain't he?
Goodbye, Akaishi. You were a load. You only brought terrible developments, and I'm glad to see you go- wait, why is the actor credited in Battle Familia? Fucking tell me that it's just a small cameo.
>[Uchuusen Interview] At first, granute made humans unhappy and then turned them into pressed

——Did Ms. Komura come up with any other ideas?
>Takebe: The setting of "monsters attacking happy people" was Komura's suggestion.
>Komura: The original setting was "to put pressure on humans to make them unhappy and then turn them into pressed", but this would make the growth experience of Shouma and his friends very cruel, and add to the even more tragic storyline.
>Takebe: Thanks to this idea, "attacking happy people" also fits the theme of the work. The character of Hanto was also Komura's idea.
>Komura:The profession of writer and the setting of "not eating sweets" were my suggestions.
>He doesn't do anything worthy of notice for the longest time, then suddenly the show wants to overcompensate by not only making him a Rider,
Blame his agency, there was an interview around that time that stated his agency wanted him to become a Rider. Or something to that effect, it was outside sources that forced them to make him into Over Demons and attempt to salvage his nothing character this late into the game.
Akashi was really useless and pointless wasn't he?
Source on the interview?
Cringey newfag
(you)r gaping anus
Final form maybe?
*whoops, meant Hikaru. Holy fuck I keep mistaking Revice characters. But Akaishi was also bad.
Anon is talking out of his ass.
Hikaru is a shit character but all the baseless theories is even more retarded. First you think he’s some sort of nepobaby then you think he’s the one that harassed Hana’s actor all because you don’t like him
Even color can’t confirm yet which form this is
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Not final form according to him
Here you go again. The thread is gonna go to shit
Color confirms it as Vram Breaker, but unknown for this >>22942475 >>22942479
Not even the usual leaker, trust color/lemon guy only.
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Kinoshita? Is that you? I didn't know you spoke English you self insert writing hack!
Forgot the screenshot
I wish they didn’t front load all the upgrades to the main riders. It’s looks weird
Special form? Caking is his Upgrade and Sorbet is his Super. Unless that IS the Sorbet form and that other drawing is bullshit. Could be tied to some special out to release next year?
J-Hero literally leak Gozyuger helmets yesterday, he's holding the catalogue for now.
Stop falseflagging, shitposting nigger. We know it's you and your boyfriends.
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>schizo posting and misusing an image
It’s Tuesday morning. How did you fuck it up this badly
fuck off. You faggots always do this retarded pedantic act when you exactly what I mean. Kill yourself
Lemon guy on the Vram Breaker sketch
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Cause it pisses you off, and it causes me endless enjoyment.
Ask him about that jhero form sketch
but I’m not mad just confused
more kamen rider & based than gotshart
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Someone already did
Not too feminine-looking weapon if Vram is Sachika
Stop replying to yourself lass
What if sachika is trans?
>Destream isnt gonna do much, ain't he?
At least he got a cool transformation sequence.
Well, really, nothing that this guy has shared has been fulfilled yet and I mean, maybe he is being given a lot of credit for being Thai? It's not as if there had been a Malaysian before who claimed to have data and be able to say what it is and what it is not according to an imaginary catalog that Bandai personally sent him. Oh wait yeah Ironheng
He literally only reposting leak from color before anyone knew who color was back in the day
Make me
He also shared another note from the uchuusen although the names are complicated to translate
Ironheng is a toy distributor like Tokullector. They all have early access to toy listings so they can choose to stock items beforehand and open pre-order.
Have you seen Geats yet? If not I can't wait to see you get mindbroken again.
Idk it sounds a little silly, have any of those stores really claimed to have that supposed catalog? because all I hear is things like the friend of a friend cousin of another friend who "supposedly" ran into Tokullector says he heard about it
At least in J-HERO’s case, they seem to have gotten hold of toy description for Gavv and Gozyuger. Color has repeatedly reposted and confirmed the sketches that J-HERO posted earlier.
Ah, the episode that revolves around a fight between two characters that have not interacted for the entire show.
This episode leaves me utterly cold. I do not care one iota for Genta and Vail. He was a fine comic relief character, but he just did never work as a tragic character for me; it mostly related to how nonexistent he was during the show and how bad the Vail special is.
So they have Daiji kill Kagero and frame it as bad but when Genta kills Vail it's framed as good now?
>Goodbye, Akaishi.
Should we tell him?
This is like revice's third time trying and failing to copy ren and dezast.
>Destream isnt gonna do much, ain't he?
You are correct.
>why is the actor credited in Battle Familia? Fucking tell me that it's just a small cameo.
Yes, it's just a cameo
Eh, he's dying for real next episode.
>Destream isnt gonna do much, ain't he?
He is a fart/poop joke. That is all he does.
Genta didn't kill Vail, he reabsorbed and forgave him. It almost served as a wake-up call for Daiji.
This arc sums up my feeling about Revice the most. Bad setup, awful execution, and at the core, a terrible idea.
He did kill him. Vail is dead and never coming back.
He doesn't come back but he's not dead, he's inside Genta. They established Genta would die if he killed Vail.
>They established Genta would die if he killed Vail.
Obviously not since Daiji killed Kagero and he was fine.
He is dead. It's the exact same thing that happened with live/evil.
>Perhaps I'm being too mean
No, you are being to nice.
>Destream isnt gonna do much, ain't he?
Nope, it only gets used a total of 3 times and only useful one other time. Don't feel bad about Hikaru either, he's literally a forced nothing burger.

>Oh my God, Daiji, what have they done to you?
It's already obvious Kinoshita is a terrible writer, but he really did Daiji dirty. As frustrating it is to watch his suffering arc drag because Kinoshita genuinely didn't know what to do with him, he's probably one of the better characters in the show with the best actor out of the three siblings. Even though he's siding with the villains, he's the only one that's being rational if not understandably afraid of going up against Gift after his efforts were hopeless so far. I will say though and apologies for spoiling anything, but there is a very good episode coming up that involves Daiji, Kagero, and Hiromi coming up which I consider the three best characters in the show. Sadly, it continues being shit after that episode.
That episode is also terrible.
>very good episode coming up
Don't lie, that episode is just as bad as the rest of the Daiji focus.
You are a retard.
Kagerou didn't hold Daiji's heart hostage.
This is the one episode of the second half that gets praise and it's just a watered down version of what Saber did down to the insert song
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"You know these ridebooks only have one or two pages."
"You call them pages despite the fact they're obviously flaps."
Does anyone know where the Spicy Cola rumor came from, or is Dennis making it up
The difference in quality between PNGs really sets off my autism. Who ever made that needs to try harder.
Same person
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Finally drew my favorite Rider :)
It's the same shitposter
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More like Kamen Rider Gyataiz
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Fuwamallowchads, stay strong
Our time will come.
I'm kind of out of the loop on this, did they really split SKR into episodes? Is this out?
I remember the preview for SKR being cut like an episode of the original show, eye catch and all, so if there's more of that I'm very hyped.
If there was a winter movie, it definitely would've been used...
Personally speaking, if I had a choice between eating chips, chocolate, candy, and marshmallows, marshmallows would definitely be my bottom pick. I can understand Shouma’s preference.
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fuwamallow is made almost irrelevant by having a mech suit form
I miss this autistic nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Sento "LOVE & PEACE" Kiryu will always be in my heart.
Fuwamallow isn't even a power form. It's pure defense.
You ever think about how Evolto was a cheeky, sassy old dandy character and when it came to making his theme THIS was what the composer dropped on the directors table?
Tekken 3 ass theme.
I don't remember Evolt's theme being so ass

Not industrial enough for Tekken 3
I like it because everyone else has straight MCUesque "heroic theme" music that is very safe. This dosn't give a fuck. Its like the buttrock in symphony of the night
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It's his birthday.
No idea. Bitter Gavv suppose to use Sparking and Amazing Gummy never heard of spicy cola.
No one cares about this ugly balding mofo.
The fabled ninehead....
I love 01's intro theme and i'm tired of pretending i don't.
Stay mad
People are just desperate for a Build cross over because snacks and drinks but we all know rabbit tank sparklings been thrown in a wood chipper long ago.
>Anon likes a theme song lots of others like
Wow good for you fren so brave
I love that one photo of his artistically large stack of ganbarizing cards at the arcade.
I hope he's enjoying watching his currently airing candy kids
>straight MCUesque "heroic theme" music that is very safe.
Friend the MCU was nearly a decade old when Build came out. Love or hate how it saturated cinema it absolutely influenced tokusatsu in many ways.
nice quarttro cosplay
How autistic can one person be?
>the MCU was nearly a decade old when Build came out.
jesus christ.
yes but you're saying songs like Law of Victory and Burning my Soul are MCU inspired when we've been getting stuff like that before the MCU was even possible
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But enough about you, this is his birthday.
Kanzaki should've used the mirror world to fix his receding hairline instead of Yui
Speaking of villain themes, Glion's is pretty fucking good.
So is the lolipop.
If you willingly ignore that he has access to gatling guns and missiles
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Gurucan is a tank. It's defense and power.
Those are separate buffs. The main purpose is defense.
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Feel sorry for hanto
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kinda crazy that cookies didn't get a suit but a fucking log cake did.
I didn't even know what that was until now
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Chapter 12: Shouma didn’t reveal to Hanto that he was a Granute
Chapter 13: The twins came to the human world in order to take revenge on Shouma.
>Chapter 13: The twins came to the human world in order to take revenge on Shouma.
They already did that though, and failed.
Cookie and Pop Burn both deserved forms
Nice fanfic. You can hear in next week preview that hanto spouting granute nonsense to shoma's face.
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Good good
Let the hatred take over your heart
Can we go lower than this?
>excite & beverly at the top
This is why we got more kpop bs for rider opening.
I miss literal kino like takanori or jampro, or shit like rider chips.
cry more
Destream was done dirty
literally the kibou & zetsubou in Wizard
Kinda weird how they didn't make an announcement or anything at all considering it's basically like tradition at this point.
Just finished Drive, absolute cinema
Just finished sabore, absolute enema
Also true
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Is it really bitter gavv?
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Kabuto's fighting style is still one of my favorites. So confident, so menacing.
reiwa rider could never...
The real aka Gabu
>everyone else has straight MCUesque "heroic theme" music that is very safe
My brother in Christ their inserts are all chuunicore buttrock and J-Pop.
We have fewer forms and we still run into this problem of redundant forms
Stop being a faggot for once.
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From Aruto to Hotaro
>definitely not
>very possible
>very possible
>contractually obligated
Who wasn't done dirty in Revice. Even the main protagonist was done dirty.
Techincally Fumiya was on a TV Asahi production recently so there is a possibility they were able work out a contract for a future return
Scheduling, anon. That's the biggest issue.
>kimura vice
Fuck off!
Honestly the only difficult one would be Fumiya. All the others, while still getting roles and all, are not THAT much popular, I could very well see them all returning and carrying a Reiwa Generations along Gavv, and then have Zero-One appear for the last act since that's probably the most Fumiya can afford nowadays with his agenda.
It's not like Heisei Generations was ever a complete selection in the first place.

1st one had no Phase1 Riders, W, OOO, Fourze and Gaim was suit-only using old voice clips.

2nd one had no Phase 1, W, Wizard or Drive.

3rd one only had Build, Zi-O and Den-O on set, with voice cameos for a few Riders (Decade, Ryuki, Agito, Ghost) and stock voice clips for all others.
You first, faggot.
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They can just put Izu in Aruto's place.
>reiwa generations
More like shite generations..am i right bros!??
Turns out the resident shitposter transitioned years ago, around the time of Zi-O's airing. The trauma of chopping his dick off combined with the estrogen caused untold damage to his brain, which is why he has spent nearly every day shitposting here for years, to his family's concern. He shitposts here for the same reason he came out as gay and later transitioned: he just wants people to pay attention to him. The reason why he hates Saber so much is because swords remind him of the dick he cut off and his days as a man, his use of "revicesissy" as an insult is a projection of his own self-hatred, and he invented the buzzwords "gotshart" and "shieats" because he has severe chronic diarrhea (caused by his hormonal unbalance) and wants everyone here to know when he's shit on his chair, as a plea for help.

A tragic case indeed.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
I'm talking about the tranny most famously known as "vulvaposter" (he spammed the word "vulva" so much because, as a tranny, he's obsessed with getting one in place of his mutilated dick) and "saboreschizo". A former friend of his recently came forward and revealed why he's such a chronic shitposter.
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>writing fanfiction about shitposters
This is it. This is rock bottom. There's no coming back from this.
We hit rock bottom years ago, you just refused to accept it until now.
You're the same bot as last thread.
Expert in Rider here, i have come to a conclusion on what is the greatest rider season ever created.
Trust the science.
Oops, wrong pic
Dunno who you're talking about but a bot spams simple stuff constantly, it doesn't make a two detailed posts that it'll never repost again.
Also true.
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Sorry, meant to post this one.
Actually terminally obsessed
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