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Anyone else find it weird that Mao's favorite girl is someone who's meant to have "sacrificed her womanhood for a career"? Or are the writers behind Build Fighters totally naive to Tomino and Endo's gender politics?
Mao is just a weird little guy don't shit on my man
He's a simple man, he has a type and he's sticking with it.
>"sacrificed her womanhood for a career"
Someone who defected and goes against the authority just because they act like a jerk doesn't seem like a person who will sacrifice anything to further her career.
I don't think there's anything meant by it other than to reference a famous character. Just also shows he's not just a Gundam X fag and does watch other stuff.
>other stuff
Zeta is seen as THE Gundam by the gunota hivemind.

Is it "gunota" or "ganota" that the Japs use as a nickname for Gundam fans?
No. Fuck off newfag.
Anyone else find it weird how anons obsess over gender politics in Gundam?
It's just americans and zoomers.
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I rather a Fa Yuiry
>Sacrificed her womanhood for a career?

Huh? What in the absolute varnished rose are you talking about? She defected to the AEUG due to the Titans revealing their true nature, a competent pilot, and helped brought down the titans at the end.

If anything, she wasted in Zeta because she lacked scenes to develop her character. The whole Dakar storyline should have had Emma front and center.
For me, it's Cecily.
Zeta and ZZ are obsessed with gender.
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For me, it's Elle Viano
Have you watched the last dozen episodes of Zeta? Pretty much all her scenes fighting Reccoa have Emma getting called an "un-woman".
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>sacrificed her womanhood for a career
that all sounds like a Reccoa problem. Emma is not burdened by her bullshit, she's got a war to fight
Mao has good taste
Emma “I’m not thinking about marriage” Sheen
Reminder that Emma is pregnant in OL Haman.
Here is a bonus page.
The good ending...
Every last member of the Titans is burning in hell.
This, Marbet, or Cima
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Go back to space, Glemy.
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Don't compare me to him, I love her rouxpectufully!
What about his master's favorite girl?
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I like Aina.
How are Build Fighters girls? I see plenty of love for Rinko, Fumina, and Gyanko, but what about the others?
I like Shia, I find her cute.
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For me it's Christina
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Aila is the best girl in the series.
>Fumina, and Gyanko
Are only liked by rabid hentai obsessed brain rotters who only give a shit about character design and type rather than anything remotely related to personality and story.
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Dianna-sama uoooooohhh
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She won't fuck you bro.
For me, it's the spunky little Heim princess.
Surprised she hasn't been mentioned yet.
There is maybe two homos on the planet who don't like Rain.
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Dios mio! Perdóname, Padre, porque he pecado.
These are all very safe, surface appeal characters. Yes, Aila is in a better written show, but I don't think that has a huge effect on how palatable this kind of character is to people.
I mean Rinko is god tier as a waifu and she just acts like a normal mom and barely has big character moments.
You're a tourist.
most people talking about which anime girls they like don't think that deeply about it anon, they just think about which girls they like to coom to or if they did something cool once in the show

desu it's the same for guy characters too
Hell a lot of the time you don't even need that. Look how popular fucking Bobba Fett got just because his mask.
Emma was best girl in Zeta so Mao is based just for that

That was Reccoa projecting her own issues onto Emma. Reccoa was the one who got nothing going for her except her career and wanting some dick. If she has gone for anyone other than Char she probably wouldn't have defected.
At least there's one universe where they're happy together.
>I mean Rinko is god tier as a waifu and she just acts like a normal mom
Which is why she's a good waifu, motherly caring women are the best.
Why the fuck are you listening to Reccoa's opinion on literally anything?
>At least there's one universe where they're happy together.
I'm sure they showed up in Build Fighters somewhere but I can't be assed to go look for it right now.
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Reccoa took a bullet for Char, he wouldn't even visit her in the ER, and women STILL want the walls of their uterus splattered with his baby batter anyway. Why?
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Because Captain Bright is already taken.
Cute for a Vagan.
There is only one who can pull of bright red gloves and a sleeveless vest...
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Wait a minute...
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Stop noticing things.
Sophie is stretching it a little, but you can't just say Fram doesn't look a lot like the Escalayer girl.
I thought Fram was supposed to be plagiarized from CDA Haman?
I mean, they both have twintails and are newtype/x-rounder, but that's about it. They're not too similar in personality, in fact they develop in opposite directions. Fram started out a bit judgemental, wanting to see if Zeheart was worth her brother's sacrifice, but eventually learned to care for and become Zeheart's loyal subordinate. Haman in CDA started out idolizing Char and wanting to get closer, but eventually grew cold and distant.
Reccoa was an extremely shitty person who threw away her agency and responsibility to let someone else make all the hard decisions for her, and tried to hide behind a mask of "muh vagina".

Her damning of Emma is the highest of praise to a sane person's ears.
>Doesn't die
>You can argue she's a more competent pilot than Judau and not sound like a total retard
Imagine a world where Tomino treated every female character as well as Roux.
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>Tomino treated every female character
I always resent this kind of logic. Tomino often has his men act just as nutty or die just as often. Hell I'd say his men tend to die in dumber ways. But in any case his women don't act really any different than his men yet people always treat it like it's some THING because stuff happens to women.
What complete homosexual looks at this and then doesn't fuck it?
I want to agree with you, yet the Shrikes exist.
That's hardly indicative of anything. The black tri stars were all dudes and they all bit it. Yazan's wing buddies both died. See this is my exact point.
Because they're Endo's unironic opinions on women filtered through fictional strawmen.
No I mean the character design. Which show was it specifically stolen from?
Usually when men die it's not treated as some kind of massive statement about gender. And neither is it about being torn between love and mental conditioning. Compare Apolly and Katz's deaths to Sarah and Rosamia 2's.
Roux still has that bullshit moment where she sheds tears for Glemy.
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What does anyone think about Meer?
Literally me
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Something something Sune
I'm a taste renegade. I like China. She's cute.
I would not describe someone who likes Emma as "weird" in the slightest. She's a sensible girl and soldier who kept her mind open to new ideas and chose on her own to fight against oppression, genocide, and tyranny. Mao likes Gundam X, Crossbone Gundam, Emma, and pays for car rides with Kshatriyas. He is a man of EXCELLENT taste.
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I know one or more people here hates X, but anyone like Pala?
I don't think about her much but I think she's fine too.
That's just a shit poster looking for attention
Pala is X's best girl.
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no tears
just dreams
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i think this chart has every cameo from GBF
>Finding Career driven women attractive?
>Uhhh Are they retarded?

No you are just a weak pussy


Zeta is all about gender roles. Tomino is always playing with Gender

Why are you such a fucking smooth brain you can't talk about something like gender in media
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Mao is one rape away from becoming a full fledge femboy. Goddamn, I remember jerking off to this cute little slut too.
fuck off
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>Why can't you talk about something like gender in media
Yes I can, I just rather avoid to talk about it on the internet since it mostly attract the "WE WUZ TRU QUEEN & SHIEET!" crowd.
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>gender politics
Stop spamming your headcannons.
Female soldiers were never something unusual in UC, as far back as 0079.

Election tourists.

You haven't even watched it.

>Her damning of Emma is the highest of praise to a sane person's ears.
Yeah. Imagine taking the words of a traitor who doesn't mind gassing colonies (and she actively does it) and working for an authoritarian military regime seriously.
>unmasked Iron Mask
You are silly.
>Female soldiers were never something unusual in UC, as far back as 0079.
And yet Zeta decides it's some kind of huge anomaly because of the then-current zeitgeist of women entering the Japanese workforce.
It's something Tomino decided to give special attention to in the sequel. Why are you acting like that's strange?
Because I fucking hate Cyber-Newtypes and I hate how indecisive Sarah is.
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>I fucking hate Cyber-Newtypes
How could you.
Have you tried sitting through Unicorn episode 4 without rolling your eyes?
I like Four but it often feels like no one else does.
I believe I've found the problem.
I like her too, but she has heavy competition in Zeta
The problem is Endo for resurrecting Four and lobotomizing Rosamia.

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