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>canonically the strongest Gundam in IBO
>Series has a billion gundams
>Only show a handful of them in the actual show
IBO summed up in 1 word

I will take this bait only because I love the Dantalion but you retards were filtered.

Secondly if you had bothered to watch the show you would understand that the gundams were destroyed or lost over the course of 3 centuries a lot of shit can happen between then.

I like that most of the 72 frames are still a mystery it gives a lot of interesting avenues for side material.

Damn philistines, never cast pearls before swine.
do you think gekko will ever be adapted, i know they're doing urdr hunt

I would hope so myself, I plan on dedicating a portion of my income to personally drive sales for anything IBO just to gain interest to stick it to those chucklefucks like the two posters above me.

I love the universe and while I attest the series was not the best executed I also maintain that every gundam series aside from 79 was a shitshow with poor ideas as well.

I love my wasp-waisted gundams
Still waiting for the kit of the bottom half of this.

What makes it the strongest of the frames? I am not versed on this one compared to Bael or Barbatos
the main series wasn't bad at all but it had its flows, to name one: mikazuki

Agreed, I hate newtype magic, the power of understanding and wusses.

Mika just enjoyed wrecking shit and that was refreshing to see someone that didn’t get bogged down by inner turmoil or morality.

I think my favorite kills were Kudel Cadel, Crank, Carta and the guy he kills during the atmospheric re-entry
anon i made i typo, i meant to say flAws
Dantalion's one of the last Gundam Frames made, with the gimmick that it has a bunch of optional equipment to suit the situation. The most prominent are a big pair of booster units for its back and waist which can transform into a giant power frame for it, making it big and strong enough to take on mobile armors with its bare hands.
not even the strongest in gekko (that's the Astaroth Origin)
GM Solomon
Solomon should be Zaku-based, since that's what brought Gundams in UC
>strongest Gundam is named after a nerd demon
Weird but ok
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Isn't it implied most of the manga IBO Gundams are just better? Gremory is supposed to have maxed out defence that can supposedly tank dainsleifs.
Astaroth originally had a melee weapon that was supposed to be on a totally different level than anything we see in the show. And Dantalion essentially still has itex original load out from when it was considered one of the absolute best.
That one doesn't exist in present. Dantalion still has all its original gear.
It's a nerd with a giant exosuit.
It's a shame we never got the legs as a separate kit. I would have bought both to make the BIG suit.
Mogged by Astaroth
But what is it without prep time?
A fairly barebonew frame. It's been completely min maxed to use it's transforming armor. The key here is unlike most other Gundams (like Astaroth), it still HAS its original gear. So it's prep time is already done, as long as the pilot doesn't leave it behind.
how the hell did this thing not snap its waist in half yet with all of that upper body weight it carries?

This thing looks like it could rip a mobile armor in half, I hope we do get the rest of this kit at some point, next year is going to be 10 years of IBO right?
It probably could since it was apparently meant to be a one man army. Considering they made at least two gundams with dainsleif launchers before it, the Dantalion must be a monster if they were confident enough to just give it hulk fists
I do hope they show us the prototype frame "G-00", since that would logically be the one that's the most advanced from having an unlimited budget behind its development
I'd want to know what the frame was like before being split into a line of special-purpose units
Astaroths origin could surge Ahab magic from the reactor into the sword and it would basically cut anything into half without much effort. Dantalion was the last Gundam made that was used in battle. I'm not 100% sure on the lore but I believe the last few Gundam used the previous models max stats and would build off of it in turn making the latest Gundam the strongest due to them increasing the possible stat limits. Gundam 72 was in the final stages of build build when the war ended so it never saw the battle field but it would have been stronger than dantalion.
>three fucking centuries
>still relevant technologically

I swear to God, some writers have no goddamn sense of time
As I said
IBO summed up in 1 word
Will the gundam frames become the new astrays? A new one appearing every couple years. Each design more retarded than the one before.
Id believe it
isn't the bael gundam better than anyone else canonically?
The machine itself is okay at best, but it had a supreme pilot.
ultimately the bael is the strongest because when you become the pilot of the bael you also become the leader of the Gjallarhorn and the entire Gjallarhorn has to follow your orders
Bael is surprisingly decent for being the very first Gundam Frame, but it's under-armed compared to almost anything else. Agnika was just so good that he only needed what Bael had. Without that exceptional skill you get what you wound up having with McGillis when he fought Gaelio, where Bael trades hits with Kimaris Vidar for a while but Gaelio just has more weapons to go through.
I'm still mad about how wasted IBO's amazing setting was. Rewatched the show recently in case I just didn't get it the first time, but holy SHIT they had no idea what to do. Felt like at no point was there a plan on how the story should progress. Definitely the worst Gundam TV series.
mikazuki as the protagonist was a mistake, he should have been a side character
What character? the guy was dry and one note even after 50 episodes worth of story. He was nothing more than a moving piece of the background
This anon >>22944529 is right.
When I watched on release, I was waiting for the Frankenstein's Monster moment to happen. With how soulless (textually and subtextually) he is, the only interesting direction they could really take him in is being a horrible faustian mistake on Orga's part (even ties in with the setting's take on Gundams). And the writing staff rub right up against that idea time and time again without even seeming to realize it's an option. What a terrible show.
A tragic mistake, mind you, that would take Orga's all-gas-no-brakes characterization in a fascinating direction, while intensifying the brotherly melodrama the show wanted to center itself around.

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