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/co/ creation /m/ thread
I appreciate the simplicity of it. The unnecessary multiplication of lines is a serious problem in contemporary mechanical design. Makes every "Gundam" look nearly indistinguishable.
Fuck off /co/.
I don't want to sound racist but man I really hate the way white people draw mecha. They're always so ugly and goofy looking.
They are vastly superior to the generic japanese angular design however
How do you feel about mock-Kaiju Zeon aquatic mobile suits?
No they look retarded. I'd rather take a generic Gundam over the shit honkies crap out
You seem reasonable.
This is 4chan. In real life I'd probably say something more like 'I just prefer the complexity of angular designs but western designs are cool too haha' even though I absolutely do not mean it
Looks gay as hell and like it's gonna be another Voltron
Why should we consider sheer geometrical complexity a virtue in mechanical design? In writing functionless ornamentation that obscures the information or impression to be communicated is considered something to excise in the process of revision.
>blue girl
>simple but decent robit
Yeah, alright.
The hell is their cheeks?
Perhaps they're trying to infiltrate the Greater Clown Imperium.
Tumblr cheeks, because why stop at just noses?
It looks like absolute shit.
I expect this gay garbage from Tumblr, but not from this forum.
Forum? What forum?
Do you know what is an internet forum right?
Alot of Western mecha designs feel too 'tropey' for lack of a better word, like they don't go all the way with their concepts so some of the designs just feel like slammed together parts of the few mecha shows they did watch.
The mecha is fine I guess, could be better. The head's atleast kind of cute.
The point is that this place isn't the reactionary monoculture you think it is. "This forum thinks this," "this forum does this"...no, actually, fuck you! What forum?
Anon WTF are you talking about?
4chan is an internet forum
That you think this just shows how little your opinion matters.
I'm not literally disputing that. I'm disputing the attempt to say that there is some kind of 4chan monoculture, such that you can identify the "4chan perspective" or "4chan sensibility" on any issue. /m/ is /m/, /a/ is /a/, /v/ is /v/, /pol/ is /pol/. Visceral hatred of all things vaguely Tumblr because of GamerGate trauma is not something to expect of "4chan" generally. We call people who struggle with that /v/irgins or /pol/tards
What the fuck are you talking about retard? Are you seriously going to defend this bland californian crap just to "own the nazis"?
Are you high?
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your raid failed
Nasty little GNUish princess.
Feel free to criticize as much as you like once we've actually seen anything from it. "It looks gay" or "this is from California" aren't actual criticisms, just obnoxious alien board culture
What is this shit
Go back
Ok, you are half right.
But you have shown that you're a newfag.
People in all sub forums have hated Tumblr way before Gamergate.
Also it looks gay is real criticism
No, you don't get to call people new while demonstrating your own ignorance.
Not in this obnoxious culture war reactionary fashion
Anon you are a newfag.
Fuck off and take this type of bullshit to /pol/ or /news/
"this is gay and Tumblr and Calfornia bad scary look at their cheeks we don't abide this here on conservative web forum 4channel!" shit belongs on /pol/
not the posts pointing out how goofy it is
>the strong & heroic cast member is an ambiguously androgynous gender-monster
>token white nerd paired with token black girl; forced interracial message
>stolen Dick Gumshoe design, but brown just because
Holy shit, this couldn't represent the absolute state of western media any more even if it were a parody.
>"It looks gay" or "this is from California" aren't actual criticisms
Yes they are lmao, why the fuck would anyone defend this? I mean, besides shilling of course.
>trying to police thought
>on /m/ of all places
yeah these might be shills
yes, you're being oppressed by paid shills on the mecha board anon
fucking ridiculous lol
>paid shills
See, that's where you're wrong.
It looks only slightly more tumblr than gwitch lmao. Why cant /co/ just make Megas again?
>fucking ridiculous lol
more likely than you think
IIRC they tried like multiple times.
Huh, never heard of that, it looks absolutely rad. Looks like the same people behind Gorillaz' animation, right?
No, character designer was influenced by him, though.
It's the same guy who did Tron: Uprising and the intro/trailer animations for Beatles: Rock Band. 99% sure he did the designs for that GHII commercial too.

Apparently Pete Candeland was involved with production on both Gorillaz music videos and B:RB stuff, though. So, degrees of association. Jamie Hewlett is the og Gorillaz guy.
You're both wrong, >>22944576 is correct. Valley animated on early Gorillaz videos.
I actually like the robot. The character designs came straight out of Dumblr and that's a hard pass.
This shit sucks so bad, it's really bland.
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If you're going to do this you should at least start with a good /co/ and /m/ design.

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