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Old shows are not hard to recommend, you are just afraid and ashamed of it.
When I recommended old shows to normies the answer I get is "it's not on Netflix, and I won't pirate because it's scary" or "it looks old, it's ugly and boring"
I'm ashamed normalfags exist.
Modern fags wouldn't be able to watch bread turn into toast if someone didn't give them a faq to read a head of time.
Okay. Watch Mazinger Z (1972) and get back to me anon. I'm not embarrassed at all :)
60% of all anime were done in the last 10 years. And most modern anime watchers aka regular folks and young people refuse to watch things pre 2015 (beside a few exceptions)

It’s sadly how it is now.
Well yeah, even mediocre new content puts old stuff to shame. That's just how art evolves.
Old shows have shit writing and animation. Only the mecha design is good. If you watch these you have no standards
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>60% of all anime were done in the last 10 years.
That can't be fucking true.
I’m afraid it is anon. A load of anime are produced now. It’s why newer generations don’t focus as much on some shows beside exceptions. They always have something else to watch and focus on. They never stop. See the seasonal anime watchers syndrome.

Mechas though have a lot less shows than before.
It’s probably why it’s less popular. And why this board is pretty small. It has cons and pros. Though it’s a bit worrying for the future generations.
It's never been easier to produce anime nowadays (read: slop). You don't even need to be Japanese to do it
But what kind of bread should I use? Should I go with the top crust slice first or should I go with a middle slice with no crus for my first timet? Any recs on butter brands? I heard salted butter is bad for your heart, anyone know if that's true? I think whole wheat bread looks old and outdated, but someone said it's better for your health, what should I do? Does anyone know a good store where I can get bread? No not that one they don't accept cash and I don't know how to use a debit card. My bread got really brown after a couple minutes in the toaster, should I throw it away? Is burnt toast safe to eat?
Old shows are hard to recommend because torrents are dead. How's a nigga supposed to watch an unlicensed show with no seeds?
There's virtually no show unavailable right now.
I think it's just an age thing. I only recently started getting into old westerns like Wagon Train and Bonanza.
There's definitely an age barrier for people to tolerate old media. Twenty to thirty years is the norm, anything beyond that gets into 'I can't understand these references' and 'this is too corny for me' territory.
I don't think it has to do with age that much, willingness to watch old media stems from whether your environment provides both tools and encouragement to do so. There's a local cinema in my town that shows old foreign movies every day and there's a good balance of old and young people, but they advertise their cycles in social media so it's easier to find out about it and I assume most of the young people that go are university students and people generally interested in art. Of course you are probably talking about general population, but I still think it's a matter of whether the media is available to you and an encouragement to watch it in some type or form, whether that's someone recommending it to you, curiosity or whatever.
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It's an unwritten rule that you can't comprehend westerns until you're really halfway through adulthood. Not sure how that applies to mecha though.
but when i was 15 i thought tombstone was the coolest shit
i do hope gundriver gets put out in english one of these days
>tfw I didn't realize Westerns were actually really cool until after my grandpa who loved them passed away
My dumb teenage ass thought Red Dead Redemption was the exception and everything else was corny shit. Still got his old DVD's and tapes at least.
I’ll recommend old mecha shows if someone asks.
This quote is talking about the ease of entry of a given series, not how old it is.
Often fiction that just throws you to the wolves and expects the audience to figure things out, ends up being a lot more exciting and engaging than productions that are overly concerned with tutorializing the experience and putting exposition in front of entertainment, out of concern that the audience is too dumb to parse this information naturally as the narrative goes.
Shame has nothing to do with it.
What mecha show isn't considered old by this point? Gundam IBO and Witch From Mercury? They barely make this shit anymore. Even the main stream recommended shit like Gundam 00, Code Geass and Gurren Lagann are getting closed and closer to being two decades old.
Sure but compare viewers 20 years ago to viewers now, everyone is worried about some special watch order that will improve your viewing experience or understanding of it instead of just watching whatever they want out of sheer curiosity.
People will claim they want to watch the absolute best and only the best because their time is so valuable and they don't want to waste it but then they will binge a 30 episode show in a weekend regardless of its quality because they had no other plans.

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