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File: Victory_Gundam_Poster.jpg (1.52 MB, 1200x1700)
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What exactly is it about late UC-Gundam productions like F91 and Victory so much less popular than the earlier works? It feels as if the only things anybody ever has to say about them are the behind-the-scenes details like how F91 was supposed to be a whole show and Victory was Tomino before his meds. Do they really just not stand up on their own merits?

It'd be really sad if the only actual reason was because they had nothing to do with the earlier conflicts or Zeon.
Assuming this thread is in good faith both F91 and Victory are just sub-part productions for the most part. You can like them but F91 is literally an unfinished mess and Victory is the ramblings of a crazy person, most of Victory is good but there are quite a lot of different things for many different people to dislike.
In fact probably the only consistent positive people bring up with these is they AREN'T just "dude zeon lmao" again so I have no idea where your last sentence is coming from.
Also the fact that people still consistently ask for a Crossbone anime shows there is certainly an interest in Late UC, it's just that the two current Late UC anime we have are plagued with issues.
F91 is decent. It just feels like what it is: a bigger story condensed awkwardly into a single movie. If it were a trilogy or even just a pair of movies it would work a lot better.

Victory is a weird ride, but despite the weirdness it mostly feels uninspired to me. It's not a bad show, though. It's still one of the best Gundam series and I'd take it over just about any AU.
>In fact probably the only consistent positive people bring up with these is they AREN'T just "dude zeon lmao" again so I have no idea where your last sentence is coming from.
That praise comes mostly from /m/ anons though. The average Gundam fan both in Japan and overseas never gets tired of Zeekwank.
>The average Gundam fan both in Japan and overseas...
The average Gundam fan both in Japan and overseas just watches Sneed.
Victory is in transition period after bandai acquired sunrise, and bandai kept intervening in the production making it toy-friendly
Tomino went full seethe and turned a somewhat bright story into a gloomy nuclear warfare plus useless some weird religious shits and stylish death expo
>Victory is in transition period after bandai acquired sunrise, and bandai kept intervening in the production making it toy-friendly
Then what's the actual story?
I like Victory over double zeta
There’s a lot of misinformation about Victory. It’s more likely it had the giant bikes because Tomino is a massive bike autist himself.

The show isn’t perfect of course, but I think a lot of people who shit on it (and so, lead to other not seeing it) have not actually seeing it and just repeat what someone else told them. A lot of people despite saying they are tired of the OYW refuse to go past the Federation vs Zeon conflict. Even the Titan and AEUG are far less popular despite Zeta having a lot of fans.
91 is a similar case to a lesser degree. A lot of people think it was a canceled 50 episode when the truth was that they weren’t sure about doing a short show (see : 10/12 episodes) or a movie from the start, Tomino decided it to be a movie because it was clearer and someone had to decide because nobody else wanted to do it. Not that much was cut from the final product. You can perfectly understand the story easily (hell it even got a dub for the anti sub fags, and a pretty good one at that too)
Also, people still says Tomino hates VGundam when he actually praised it pretty recently. I think Tomino wanted to avoid talking about it to not fall back in the bad place he was at the time (lad was on the verge of killing people it was that bad, it was the breaking point of a decade of depression and mood swings). But he accepted the past as he got older.

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