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Toonami should have aired X after Wing instead of MSG. There are plenty of examples of shows that were panned in Japan but that were successful in the US. Sunrise fucked up. I can't stop thinking about the timeline where we got it.
Well, they didn't. I hope you find a better use of your time.
Wings and seed were popular elsewhere too.
I hate how Americans only think about themselves
X unpopularity at the time is not about Toonami it has many factors and most of it were in Japan.
>wing sucked
>let's put on a show that sucked even harder
great plan
I want to say American audiences would find its mild pace too boring, but Wing is a total snoozefest, so who knows?
Maybe I'm biased since I really don't like Wing but I think X is far more engaging than Wing. That could be in part due to it being 10 episodes shorter though.
I'm saying that if it had come over here, cable viewers would have appreciated its similarities to Wing and enjoyed it more than they did Gundam. Also would have been a better set-up for people to be interested in UC. They were lucky that Dragonball G sustained enthusiasm.
But Gundam X is very bland. You have a better impression of it because you've watched it back to back without any restriction. Its a completely different story if you get to watch only 1 episode a week. It did not succeed in Japan for a reason. Its not some kind of a conspiracy. The reviews were middling and the audience interest was barely there.
Look, I appreciate you really like this show. But this isn't a good show by any means. It is the definition of a middling meandering show that ends in a very unsatisfying and rushed way.
>Dragonball G sustained enthusiasm
Because G Gundam was actually good and entertaining. Can't say the same about X
>They were lucky that Dragonball G sustained enthusiasm.
I wouldn't call people enjoying a genuinely great show with it's own identity that isn't just poorly aping off it's predecessors lucky or unexpected.
I love X very much but I just don’t think it could ever have being popular.

Especially as it might would have aired instead of UC. And you lose a lot of enjoyment of watching X without at least 0079 and Zeta. As X is show directly made to «defy» the UC and ask «what makes Gundam Gundam» according to the writer himself.
I meant in terms of bridging the Wing-SEED gap. When they cancelled MSG, that could have been it.
If it had aired in 2001, it would have been 4-5 episodes a week.
I think everyone is kind of missing the point. Pace isn't a problem. Were people just no around during that era? The audience wasn't hardened gunota, it was preteens.
You live in another reality and this conversation is pointless.
People usually bring up that the highest rated episode was the first one, but 2nd highest rated episode was the Lucile one in the middle of the sea arc and 3rd highest rated one was in the lead up to the DX.

The show kind of screws up with the Ennil El arc, but otherwise it was building up an audience. It fell apart due to merch sales.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
>but otherwise it was building up an audience
That's definitely not true. Momentary spikes in viewer figures can be due to a lot of things. what matters is audience retention. X performed poorly. There is simply no denying this fact.
X doesn't have merchandise like Wing had. Wing had a toyline before it was brought over that they imported. G had a ton of figures that debuted in the west first but G wasn't considered a failure in Japan. They wouldn't make a toyline specifically for X that would be ready for it to air on Toonami.
Wing is kino.
I am sorry you feel that way, 00s American teenager. But the real world isn't like the one in your pop songs.
>what matters is audience retention.
Which is why I'm pointing the spikes later in the show, which do indicate audience retention (before the timeslot change, of course, where everything comes crashing down). You have consistently lower and lower ratings up to the end of the Ennil El, but they start recovering during the Fort Severn and Sea arc, leading to the DX.

And I'd add the timeslot change isn't just a matter of X's merch doing "so bad" sponsors pulled out and it was moved. They literally hadn't secured that timeslot at all past a certain number of episodes in spite of the show start. Note it was replaced by a program completely unrelated to Sunrise - for comparison, for example, when the original Gundam was canceled, it was just another Sunrise robot show taking its place - Tryder G7. Gundam X's situation overall is extremely strange programming arrangement.
Fuck off tourist.
>muh ratings
I'm thinking that they would have done exactly that. No one has ever lost betting against Sunrise knowing its Western audience and not trying to push UC because it thought that it could replicate its Japanese success in America exactly.
Japanese Wing audience (fujos) was not the American Wing audience (preteen boys).
I mean, people are talking about the viability of having tried to air X in America in the early 00s, rather than going back to a 70s show like MSG.
>lower and lower ratings up to the end of the Ennil El

And why wouldn't the same happen in 00s America?
They wanted to. It was the dinosaurs at Banrise who pushed for UCslop next.
>I'm thinking that they would have done exactly that
No they wouldn't have. They never made a single MSiA for X. Even Turn A got one. Even ZZ got some. Only other series that didn't get any was Victory, another controversial series. Even with Robot Damashii, X got 2. DX and the G-Falcon. To this day X barely has any model kits. It never has been and never will be a series they want to push.
This show would've been really weird to air so close to Outlaw Star, having extremely similar villains and female leads.
Because Grandpa sold so well in the States. In the timeline (however unlikely) that they aired X, they would have spun up kits and figures.
Vindication. Though I must ask for a source, if you have one.
They imported Eastern UC stock into America. They didn't create a ton of new product for the western audience. X had nothing. It was considered a failure. They aren't going to try and push it elsewhere and create material for something they can't cross sell in the east.
Not him but I saw an interview on YouTube a few years ago with one of the guys in charge of Toonami programming and he said they wanted X or even Turn A after Wing
The source is this is the same guy from the MAHQ forum who believed X was wronged 20 years ago. The only real switch was retailers being promised Zeta but getting Seed when that unexpectedly took off in Japan.
>MAHQ forum
Ground zero of all retardation regarding mecha anime. It should have been nuked decades ago
Anybody who talks about ZZ, X or Seed Destiny should be forced at gunpoint to confess to how much of them they've watched.
You know the answer is going to be 1 episode and then the juvenile MAHQ episode reviews.
>1 episode
The actual episode or the weird-ass clip show episode?
>They aren't going to try and push it elsewhere and create material for something they can't cross sell in the east.
Big (probably wrong) assumption. Also assuming that Banrise would be the producers. Americans can make toys, too.
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2.52 MB PNG
Gunpoint yo' mouth.
Seems wrong. I believe >>22944704. This whole convo is people confidently arguing that middle schoolers would have wanted to watch (by way of analogy) OG Star Trek after The Next Generation, and not, like, Voyager or even Enterprise. It's obviously wrong, but I don't know how you convince someone who thinks that Enterprise is the worst thing ever (show them Discovery/Destiny?).
X is better than wing and it's not close.
Oh hey, I have that bootleg DVD case too!
But did you actually watch them
Not a wrong assumption. In nearly 30 years X has barely gotten merchandise. They weren't going to make a whole new toyline for a different country. You're making a big assumption thinking they'd allow an American company to make toys for their franchise.
Why would they spend so much on R&D in building new kits and figures on a franchise deadend? There was no follow up to X. No demand for X in Japan. What would possess Bandai to spend so much in importing a show that was a huge financial disappointment for them?
This is all incredibly childish wishful thinking. They had a huge backlog of actually, demonstrably profitable media and merchandise. Why does X deserve any more attention than it got?
damn dxfag is an actual third worlder, I feel bad about mocking him now
Did you really think someone who behaves like this wasn't from Southeast Asia?
>Am*rican geography

Damn and you aren't even the ones with Mrs McMahon as Secretary of Education
>seething about Americans out of nowhere
Yep, you are definitely a SEAmonkey.
>out of nowhere

I saw dimwits failing geography, it was a natural conclusion. Hit hogs holler.
Exactly what did anons get wrong for you to make that schizoid correlation? You are an ESL like most SEAs, and most of SEA is comprised by third world countries.
>You are an ESL like most SEAs

There's 2 just in that half of a sentence. No Child Left Behind.
You are legitimately retarded.
Turn your monitor on.
Mine's already on, unlike yours.
>n-n-no you!

American't banter.
It would have worked out better, if X started around the time MSG did on Toonami, then it would have either ended on or the week after 9/11. Saved from the ignominy of being cancelled twice.
Toonami wanted to do it after Wing's success but Banrise insisted on pushing MSG to bring Universal Century to Americans but it backfired
It's a waste of time to "banter" with a retarded schizo like you.
Yes, instead just "waste your time" replying anyway. No bants?

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