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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22946833
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Vote for your favorite entry in the Nightmare groupbuild!


Voting lasts until the 25th. Also, suggest new themes for the next groupbuild by replying to this post with them. The runner up themes from the previous poll are automatically included:
>Giant Weapons Groupbuild (Build a robot that uses oversized weaponry (buster sword, hyper mega bazooka, enormous drill, tower shield, etc)
>Artillery Groupbuild (Build a MS with shoulder-mounted weaponry (Cannons, Missiles, Rockets, etc)
>Super Robot Groupbuild (Build a mecha with the aesthetics/loadout of a super robot (Original or based off an existing one)
>Urban Warfare Groupbuild (Build and customize a mech themed around combat in a city environment)

And other suggestions can be found in the replies here:
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Now post your WIPs!
here are the individual entries in case you want to read about them before voting.
>Do you know what youre talking about? Their latest financial report shows that they only made 100 billion yen net profit, which is fucking peanuts.
Net profit is the profit after you chop off every expenses, retard. Bandai doesn't "make" 100 billion, that's what's left after calculating every business expenses and will go into their savings. If you tell me this multi billion dollar corpo is operating on a loss, i will say you are mentally challenged and needs help.
Are you retarded or something? Maybe read back on the posts that you're replying to before saying something so retarded holy shit, lay off on the lacquer fumes.
I swear to christ people aren't even reading what they are replying to. Their operating profit in EU has them on a loss, no one is saying they are operating on loss ENTIRELY.
>was promised a Getter nightmare build
>no Getter
>Their operating profit in EU has them on a loss, no one is saying they are operating on loss ENTIRELY.
Metaverse project is a loss. That does not mean you have to show sympathy to this company just to justify their price increase. Bandai is too big to fail at this point.
think i'll get the bolinoak on release
no strong build plan for him yet but i like how he looks which is more than i can say for most upcoming stuff
and shit's only gonna get pricier
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bootleg aaah lookin boxart lmaoo
I'm building the perfect grade Unicorn and the shoulder joints use a very hard type of polycap and I'm literally too weak to fit them in, wtf do I do? It's the POM polycaps if anyone's built it
Just wiggle them in. Unless you're actually trying to force together the wrong parts
Already on them lmao
Nah I already triple checked and all the pieces are correct. I gotta fit in two different parts into two different polycaps at the same time, my fingers hurt like hell from all the pushing. Might have to hit the gym for this one bros
then it's over for you
whenever i take my adderall i screw on paint jar lids so tight they're a struggle to get off sober, among other things
He's a bandai employee attempting to gas light. We know how much record breaking profit bandai keeps making every single year. But this guy is literally in here telling us
>abloo bloo bloo small famiry company they don't actually make money on toys!
To be fair it's not exactly an amphetamine as it is not a releaser, but a reuptake inhibitor. In any case taking a pill won't give me the superhuman strength required to build this thing
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Same. I'm collecting Titans kits and the Bolinoak has a really unique silhouette imo. might even give one of its extra beam sabers or tomahawks to my new Hizack custom when it gets here
sand it
Might, but it's a last tesort. I'll try to get stronger first
Reading dalong's reviews on old kits and seeing how they evolved is fun. Anyone got a video or tuber to recommand about the history of gunpla kits? Like someone that details old gimmicks that got dropped, evolutions in engineering, very specific kits that marked a breakpoint (like the introduction or grades), etc. I need myself a good listen to power through a lot of really boring menial work tomorrow.
Hobby Clubhouse is a treasure trove of that kind of info, plus genuinely high quality videos
Mgk. You can watch him throw kits against the wall
I voted for trump because I thought he would be good for the economy. But now people are saying there will be tariffs on gunpla and economic downstream effects that will make gunpla prices higher? Explain to me.
Seconding Hobby Clubhouse
time for the threadly american panic about paying 500 yen more for a kit
international goods are getting tariffs, aka taxed higher
so now something that costs $20 will be $24(ish)
think of how much foreign goods this hobby is wrapped up in
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Which one of you bastards decided not to enter your groupbuild entry and posted it on reddit instead?
i'm not aware of any icelandic anons
So wait why did people want this? This seems so unnecessary. Like there’s no reason why we need things to be more expensive except someone decided it.

Also I can’t imagine a lot of this other stuff like laying off most of the federal workforce and deporting millions of low wage workers will be good for the economy. I feel like all this stuff will lower consumer spending and be bad for the small businesses in the hobby.
How peculiar of you to immediately recognize the language anon. Do you have anything you want to come clean about?
>why did people want this
Because china bad and US production good, except US manufacturing isn't set up to take the weight of the world that is about to be passed on

Like many things with Trump, he said a lot of things to get people excited but who knows what he'll actually be able to get implemented and to what extent
man, why didn't they seamweld those legs at the very least?
fucker stole my idea and didn't even seamweld!
that was the kind of texture I was going for but I never used miliput before and didn't have the best tools...
Because it’s reddit
yeah, I'm gay.
Why is this general so gay
Because it's 4chan.
Oh shit lol didn’t they say the china tariffs would be 60%? RIP third party and bootleg kits
I thought 4chan is full of coomers and poltards who hate fags
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bootleg sdcs nightingale
I thought I saw 100% china, 20% everywhere else, but again, we're MONTHS away from anything remotely concrete
it's a distinctive language. unless you're counting old norse and old english the only other language that looks similar is faroese and considering their population is much lower icelandic was a safer guess
It’s a general for robot toys on a site for sexless anime fans and polcels. Don’t be surprised when the users have some form of autism that can manifest itself in other ways
Have you ever paid attention to the news? The more anti-gay you are, the deeper into the closet you are. Every retard who screams about how much they hate gays inevitably comes out as having male strippers in their office 24/7 and able to suck a golfball through a garden hose.
I was told that china would pay the tariffs
I can't believe retards like you are allowed to vote
did you not learn when he said mexico would pay for the wall and the american taxpayer ended up paying for it?
5%? really hlj
couldn't even chuck us a 10%
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>a country
>EVER paying tariffs
You had a fucking history class in school. The US started BECAUSE no one wanted to pay retarded tariff's. Why did you think voting for the moron who wanted to throw tariff's on everything would make things cheaper?

You don't have to answer though, because we know the answer: You're fucking retarded. You are the sort of person we would have sterilized if the US had decided to do that to low IQ American's during the 60's and 70's like they were discussing to do. And you know what, we should have. You retards ruin everything.
AND plamo
Any advice on how to prevent bubbles in sprue goo?
you can't really, that solvent has to evaporate to somewhere
super glue and accelerant or a 2 part epoxy putty are better tools for larger filling jobs
FINALLY I was able to place an order on 30mm Steel Haze, hope he arrives soon. Anyone here actually got the kit and can give me feedback on it? Also what is the best way to paint the eyes
>americans are acting like this is the end of the world when europe did the exact same shit only a few years ago and literally nothing happened besides importing gunpla became 25% more expensive
>nothing happened
>besides importing gunpla became 25% more expensive
lol. At least we Americans have more disposable income, but europoors can’t even afford that severe of a price hike
I would rather that trump get grassy knolled than be inconvenienced by even a 0.1% price increase in my gunpla, it's what America is founded on.
Depending on your setup, you could apply some mild heat underneath, helps reduce viscosity and encourage air bubbles to rise upward. Assuming you have either, a pressure pot or vacuum chamber could also work.
inb4 he melts his kit blasting it with a heat gun
>no one wanted to pay retarded tariffs
The Boston Tea party started because the king not only raised taxes/prices of his tea but also banned consumption of any other teas. Also the colonists were paying taxes while not having any representation in England, hence the NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION stuff. In addition there was eventually a "massacre" of colonists + an attempt to confiscate guns.

Any way that's enough off topic history for /gpg/ but I don't appreciate people gaslighting.
Nah the us started as a revolution of the bourgeoisie. They didn’t want anything fundamentally different than what England had, they just wanted the colonial elites to be in power rather than England’s. That’s why originally only white property owning males could vote and anti democratic measures were put in place like the electoral college and senate.

But enough of the history lesson. Gunpla.
Where other gunpla sales? So far only newtype has one
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Gimme some suggestions before I start this project, chat.

It would be really easy to just paint these in standard colors, and I could do them in tandem rather than one after another, which would streamline the process. However, apparently there was a PS2 game where two of them had custom colors (purple and pink), if I do it like that it would add a bit of identity and make them look less samey. Thing is, I never played the PS2 game (or owned a PS2) and I don't like doing paint jobs or buying merchandise for media that I haven't personally experienced (plus even if it's a licensed Bandai product it's also basically fanwank as far as I'm concerned). There's also the problem that a bunch of the joint pieces are red, so having to paint those risks the paint scratching during the posing process.

Should I paint these in custom colors, or is there a more subtle way to make them more distinct beyond the numbering stickers?
I suggest you trash that seedslop and pick up some uc kits like a grown up
Do one up in Jean Carrey's colors. Maybe paint another like an M1A.
It’s gonna suck when prices go up because my hobby is just buying shit and not building it. Maybe I’ll actually have to work through my backlog.
How big are your tables /gpg/? Im planning to expand my workstation into a bench and want some ideas.
should I buy all the GM's I need now for $25 each before the price hike or is it likely that they'll go on sale before then?
I have three workstations:

1. Standard desk where I put all my tools on top and do my regular assemblage, tool work and planning.
2. Spray booth stand that's just the spray booth and a place to put the airbrush and compressor, separated from the desk and placed next to the window where the hose can reach it
3. Small workstation in a separate part of my house that's more convenient to reach since it's closer to a water source and my computer, where I mostly just do cutting and sanding.
There will be big Black Friday sales in a couple days. Might even be some on newtype right now. Yes get them all during the Black Friday sales before the price hikes. You will pay more if you wait.
>10 threads later anons keep falling for the exact same tariff bait
god bless you anon
don't worry, chinkgod bootleg stores will just lie to US customs about the price so you get less tax.
only japcels will pay the tax.
ps2 is emulatable nowadays. you must get the true ending before beginning to snap.
It's not Black Friday or Cyber Monday yet, anon. Newtype jumped the gun to get more sales obviously. And since most places don't do above like, 15% site wide, going 10% site wide is enough to hook most people, especially since they tend to have the biggest stocks of things while other shops seem to run out fast.
If I want to buy stuff on sale should I just go ahead and buy from newtype or do you think I should hold out and wait to see if there’s something better later on another site?
It's perfect
some burger stores are starting their black friday sales a fucking week early for ??? reasons but the actual black friday isn't until this upcoming friday in 5 days. wait til then AT LEAST, and probably until Monday dec 2nd to see all sales and shit
If what you're looking for isn't something liable to sell out (ie: older, not so in demand kits), yeah, might as well wait a few days. If it's something new you know people want, or a just reprinted kit that you also know is in high demand, get it while you can.
Because stores know people bite at deals as most places aren't offering huge sales like they used to. You don't see crazy ass BF deals anymore. Most model kit places offer like, 10-20% tops on stuff they know is going to sell. Only stuff cluttering their shelves is going to go any deeper.
Black friday commemorates the beginning of the holiday season, so stores that do it early are trying to relieve pressure from everyone going nuts that friday.
Because "sales" aren't good for consumers anymore and real discounts are minimal, everyone knows it so might as well start them early.
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I knew the guy who said they're done making WFM HGs is retarded
this one is really cool
best suit from that company or w/e, even better than the gundam with the sword
Like 45 HGs announced but jus like 1 MG. Fuck bandai lazy cunts

That's pretty good.
Nobody actually buys MGs. Sorry fat white guys don't count
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This thing has a weird effect on people. Even Gyobu's biggest hater agree it is a good looking mech.
I want mg age 1 normie, mg cow, stock up on a few paints and maybe some 30ms stuff. Not much. There is a 30ms optional body part thing that says it’s November release but idk if it will be out while the sales are still ongoing
That guy is kinda half right. There is no retail HG for Turd from Mercury anymore. Obviously we had that manga exclusive Beguir Beu as the latest P-Bandai release.
never seen that nigga befo but damn he cool
of course
No, I'm indifferent to it.
oh wait isn't it olcott's ride?
Nah I'm referring to the guy a few threads ago who said they're literally never making anymore WFM kits because it performed poorly or some other dimwit conjecture
this is just autistic. Canonfags are the worst part of any fanbase.
man, this is gonna cost me like 80 bucks
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Nice. This is the one I always held out hope for. Now we just need HG Prodoros.
yeah after doing the math and having a flash of my scalper's puffy face, fuck that
It's a tacticool dilanza, what's not to love.
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My bet, Bandai is gonna restock Dilanza Sol along with this. For lore reasons.
the price
Delpi or EVO/SIMP waterslides?
>he doesn't realize where he is
Its only ¥2860 how the hell can't you get it for cheap?
What annoys me is how short the bazooka is.
i think its fine
its like an expandable one that you shoot once and throw away
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Nice. Soon.
What's even the point of doing retail releases at this stage.
That would make too much sense so not happening.
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I honestly hate AT4's designs and the scifi designs inspired by it.
Delpi decal or EVO/SIMP for waterslides?
Both are good and pretty similar levels of quality. I prefer simp for most decals though because I find a lot of Delpi’s reds look pretty washed and inaccurate. But I use delpi for decals that don’t have red.
shipping + customs rape tax
uuuuh guess i'm a retard
Quads confirm. You my friend are a retard
Hopefully some time next year
That's because it looks like a hexa gear govenor
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Except it is happening.
thoughts on the RG RX-178-2? I heard taht early RG kits had some issues but I love the titans color scheme
It's fine. The pre-build MS frame on the early RGs are prone to weakening over time but if you build it and leave it in one pose, it'll be fine. It's not that much more than the HG and it looks much better.
RG kits in general are pain in the ass.
i generally really enjoyed building my MG Tallgeese 2 but the prioce point of RGs seems really appealing
They aren't. Some of the early RGs can be a hassle and one or two of them, like the Sinanju, aren't worth bothing with at all due to the huge design flaws. Generally speaking since 2017 with the release of the RG Unicorn (RG 25), RGs have been amazing.
The rg mk ii is generally considered an exception in the early rgs. It’s pretty solid. But yeah in general early rgs are trash up to the rg unicorn
MG kits are actually good. RG is meh, most of them are floppy and difficult to pose.
I dont paint these shits I just fuckin snap em together I dont file anything I dont even use clippers I just snap these little shits and smack em together. I don't even watch the show I just think these little niggers are cool lookin'
>most of them are floppy
>difficult to pose
If you're a fat retard maybe
RG God Gundam is meh in spite of it being one of the later release.
Well pardon me for being careful with my kits because RG always seem to be begging to be broken.
>RG always seem to be begging to be broken
If you're a fat retard maybe.
The shows are mostly shit, you're not missing out on anything. Looking up the units and buying kits based purely on aesthetics is the best way to interact with gundam.
Yeah honestly, sometimes i wish there is some sort of catastrophe that wipes entire Gundam anime history off this planet and only the modelkits and toys remain. This franchise is just so trash.
wish i had a wife so i could take her to japan and gift her to gyobu
>Bandai: Yeah, all of you kept asking for it, here you go. Now shut up and leave us alone.
...Or so it seems.

Next P-Bandai might not even be a usual /m/ entry, but maybe Samurai Troopers with cross-compatibility with 30MF?
Why does Bandai know i'm gonna order 3?
Kitbash: kit made of at least 3 different models
Are bandaibabbies really that starved for good designs by their nepotistic boomer "mechanical designers" that gyobu copying hexa gear has them creaming their pants like it's the second coming of christ?
I know there are fags here who think it's a dick but the artist should have given her a loin cloth.
wfm designs are hot garbage and half these guys are forced to like it because of politics so go figure
>half these guys are forced to like it because of politics
What the fuck are you talking about you lunatic
You know what he’s talking about fuckin retard. There’s a reason they call it the woke from mercury
I'm picturing both of you as basedjack versions of Barbatos because Barbatos is cringe. Stay owned fellas.
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Is this a kit bash with narrative?
>kit bash
Not really all he did was put the Banshee weapons on it. They're compatible
I liked the witch from mercury because of politics
is Dilanza Sol hard to find or something? shit was literally "shelfwarming" for months after it was released, I even bought two for my eternal backlog
I thought I liked some of the designs because they looked cool but it turns out I was psyop'd into it by (((Japanese))) space lasers.
ordered a RG Gundam Astray Red Frame and a
RG Gundam Epyon, lads. what am I in for?
Has anybody here done the r/gunpla secret santa thing? What was your experience?
Titans colors really make anything look good.
technically, it is, but it's a low-effort kitbash, since as you said, he only added the banshee weapons and antenna on it.
Epyon is fantastic, Astray is very whatever.
I don't think it's supposed to be titans, it's just gaianotes prism blue black.
the Heindrees and Demi Trainers are collecting dust here, then next time they'll become the rarest WFM kits that would sell 5x the retail price.
Send the Demi Trainers to me.
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Reminds me of the Jegans getting taken over by the Neo-Zeong.
Is gaianotes t-07 moderate thinner the same as Mr leveling thinner?
How's the RG Shin Matsunaga's Zaku II? It has the early RG problems too like the other RG Zaku IIs?
Yep. It’s pretty much the same thing as the others except different color. Maybe a couple parts different.
Well fuck, thanks Anon.
rule of thumb is that if the RG is based on an earlier kit, or uses parts from it, expect it to be inherently shit.
There's any other RG I should avoid? I heard the RG GaoGaiGar was pretty good.
Avoid most rgs that came out before the rg unicorn. The gaogaigar came out after it so it’s probably fine
i heard escaflowne is pretty gay, or at least popular among women (same thing)
should i watch that next? how many plamo does it have
Escaflowne is a shojo with mechas, and an Isekai'd Isaac Newton as the villain.
Is gaia notes t-07 moderate thinner the same as Mr leveling thinner?
that's like over half of the RGs....
the only pre-assembled joint in that kit are the hands. but since RGGGG is a transforming suit, expect it to be a bit flimsy in some areas.
Yeah most of them are dogshit. Luckily most of them also have hgs that are actually good and mog the fuck out of their rg equivalent.
Sick of all the newfags asking “is x kit good?” Let me break it down for you nice and simple

If it’s mg and came out before 2007 (mg zaku ii 2.0), it’s trash

If it’s rg and came out before 2017 (rg unicorn), it’s complete junk
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There is hope.
I didn't ask you
wish we got desultor in the normal line instead of dilanza sol or heindree sturm or zowort heavy
Im sorry nigger queer
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I own it, the mane parts of the StealthGao is a little bit tricky to handle since the tabs don't fit snugly, and the helmet (also StealthGao's) same problem. Otherwise BOKURA NO YUUSHA OH.
>Is gaia notes t-07 moderate thinner the same as Mr leveling thinner?
Can i loosen up stiff joints by moving them around?
no, you can only do it by shoving them in your ass
trust me, sounds crazy but works
The fact that we're getting this before the Aries or Taurus really fucking grinds my gears
5 hours later and that's what you clap back with lmfao
Im afraid they might get lost in there
stopping being gay and playing with it then
>been waiting for Desultor for the longest time
Anon, what isn't pbandai these days?
Bolinoak and rg Shining Gundam
those are all i know though recently, it's been a while since i checked with gunpla
Bandai sent saboteurs to slow down Kotobukiya's production
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They said after they finish reprinting all of the old kits which means.

10 gen 1-3 AC model kit reissues
12 Gen 1-3 weapon unit packs
2 Gen 4 Weapon unit pack
1 Gen IV addon pack
1 Gen V weapon packs
2 Gen 1-3 head unit packs
and 2 Gen 1-3 arm unit packs

I am most likely forgetting to subtract a kit or two.
maybe add an extra gen 1-3 AC kit if they want to bring out Clear plastic nine ball seraph for whatever reason.
Acrylics can survive lacquer based top coats right?
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So I'm kind of impressed so far. The arms and legs require almost zero color correction to make them look like the anime, and what little there is are in accessible areas. It's not like the Bael, which had several pieces that had to be painted in three colors. Lack of inner frame is something I'm happy to live with, though I'm also kind of concerned with how I should be approaching the joints (I'm thinking of just sanding the surfaces slightly to increase tolerances, dull coating them all and calling it a day).

I already know and expect the thrusters and shield to be a bit bullshit, but I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge. As before I'm probably not going to attempt seam line removal, the only obvious ones so far are on the knees anyway (and would require some serious masking after cementing them up).
just don't go too wet on the first coat
new usagundamstore sale just dropped. 20% off all orders
I was kinda thinking about getting the hguc gerbera tetra. i already have a fuckhuge backlog so i probably wouldn't build it for a while. but considering all the shit that's about to go down, it seems like i should pick it up while it's still $20 before it becomes $40. what do you think?
Barely any better/worse than their Veteran's Day sale, and on the whole not as good as Newtype's which has some kits at 25-35% off.
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they have bigger discounts on some stuff
the website is pretty bad though and if you click through to that "everything on sale" page there's no way to filter by categories like model kits vs tools vs figures
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red is a sexy color
What was /gpg/‘s reaction when the mg turn x’s release was first announced? I bet it must have been crazy to see it actually get a good kit, considering how Bandai neglects shows like turn a.
I don't even think we had a general yet
>no special sale on any hexa gear stuff except that one hanger and hook base background kit that has always been on sale for a while now
siiiiiiigh time to stalk jap sites even more now
the reactions are just your usual "yay" kinda like how the MGEX SF was recieved. it only got its current notoriety because it never had a re-release ever since its first run. it's kinda like how Shia Qant became a "unicorn" kit before the recent reissue
>it's kinda like how Shia Qant became a "unicorn" kit before it got a bootleg
>hgs that are actually good and mog the fuck out of their rg equivalent.

in what way?
Not him but the HG Sinanju is better in every way compared to the RG
ok bros, explain to me like I'm retarded (cuz I am), it's my understanding that RGs have more parts and details than HGs at the same scale. if I enjoy the building aspect of gunpla and not so much the painting and customizing etc so they look bad ass out of the box, are HGs still worth it?

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