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These chicks remind me to Utena and Anthy
Nothing happened anon, maybe you should stop watching too much porn
Fucking tourist, Anthy design was based on Lalah Sune.
I don’t get it
It's a short. It ends there.
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Any translations for the dialogue. All I could make out was KANOJO KANOJO over and over again at the end.
I guess the joke is every dark-skinned girl in anime is Lalah.
Perfectly succinct artistic experience that tells everything it needs to tell without a second of bloat.
And what it says is the G in GUNDAM stands for GAY
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The most important thing was this event
where they autographed gunpla boxes but i guess the person who posted this is a troll or a tourist
Then why is Domon straight in G Gundam ? (gay Gundam)
Does two gay negate it ?
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Gundam is, and always will be, a GAY MAN’s franchise. Yurifreaks can try their hardest but they will never be accepted into the fold. The sooner you accept that, the better
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He's prison straight
GAY men and GAY women are natural allies, there is zero overlap between them to compete over. Amuro and Char will kiss gayfully in the sequel, trust the process.
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Why is she carrying a psychoframe ? Is she stupid ?
it's not psychoframe, it's a personal signature from Tomino, reflecting his approval of this
Somewhat it feels very in character lol
It was truly a movile suit size
Basically Char thinks Lalah isekai'd to our world
Amuro tries to kill Char because he doesn't belong but Char's like 'muh lalah' and so they fight again
When Char sees Lalah making out with Hime from brainpowered he muses with Amuro about maybe they were fighting for nothing
Loran says Trans Rights!
Not-lala (nala?) Is cute
What song is she dancing to?
Thinking Loran is trans would prove the person did not watch the show… it wasn’t even his choice it was just Guin trying to pretend he’s not gay
‘Hot’ by illiomote
It’s a song made for the short I believe.
I guess they really did their research because it really does sound like the type of stuff young folks listen on TikTok
illiomote is the duo of the song. the release it's next month. probably that's why there are two random girls on the front
reading comprehension issue
>Anthy design was based on Lalah Sune
Imagine this being the most positive influence Tomino's had on anime.
Excuse me?
Don't reply to shitposters, you only encourage their retardation.
>the fucking T
So the guys running this franchise have no idea what their most influencial movie was trying to say or do?
The rest of Tomino's influence is the sarin gas attack.
You're stupid
The t has always stood for tik-tok. Ever since CCA gekijoban road show
I will say this; having Amuro in a space suit while Char dresses casually is the funniest shit. I guess he was right and Amuro is only a pilot and nothing else.
Better a pilot than a pedophile.
Char isn’t into young girls he want a mother. Lalah was 17 when he was 20 it’s not that weird.
Quess was only a weapon to him and nothing else

Why do people not understand this? Are you anons all Gyunei ?
First G-Witch now this. Based Trigger slowly taking over Banrise
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How do you explain this evidence Char; and why only bring up wanting Lalah to be a mother to him only when Amuro was arguing with him over how he treated Quess?
Yeah, we might get an RG GX + Divider any time soon. Or just the Wing Zero TV first. We have 2/3 of the TV Asahi era AU show leads as Real Grades, now they gotta give Gundam X more love, and pour a little extra for Wing.
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>he want a mother
He is one nowadays
How could they not realize this before drawing this art
Beside the twink face they gave him
They knew
So this is the full ending to CCA
>Fucking tourist, Anthy design was based on Lalah Sune.
What about Akio? Is he a Char clone? He doesn't wear a mask but has a secret identity and a complicated relationship with his sister
This will be nice if it wasnt a short and already over. We are been teased.
Sunrise already animates Love Live which is gayer than Gundam not to mention they did Mai-Hime and Otome.
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They're the illiomote girls in-animation expies.
>Love Live
So does /m/ still deludedly think that Mercury does the have any impact on the franchise?

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