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Previous thread: >>22837666

The real couple of the series that should've been, not gonna lie.
Just make normal Geass threads. Push some trash off the catalog.
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All Britannians Are ________.
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Based and numbers deserve to be slaves
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Ah, what could have been...
Clamp could approve this considering they're firm believers that lesbianism is a phase
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it seems they are going to have people choose what kind of KMF Lelouch will be for an upcoming future event so get your chance to vote since it ends on 12/12.
so the web comic of Lost stories is out; you think that someone can upload the raws they currently have?
over at comic walker, ch 21 part 1 of Lelouch of the Resurrection comic is out now. It finished the fight of Kallen with the Guren Type Special
The previous thread didn't even hit bump limit yet.
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What's your message to this character?
Happy birthday Lelouch!
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you think someone could upload or make a download link of the latest chapter?
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given the way the 1st anniversary was about the Zero Kagero I wonder if the 3rd will have about the KMF the votes gotten?
Team deathmatch?
given the color scheme, I wonder of an alternative emperor outfit of Lelouch and remand in power?
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for the voting results so far; 1st place is the Sky Fortress Damocles 2nd is Lancelot Albion and 3rd is the Guren Seiten. it will as until the 15th.
so, what is the setting and summary for this?
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here is a link for it as well.

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well, it seems Damocles was chosen.
wonder how long until this event will make an apperance?
He should have turned Cornelia into his sisterwife slave when he Geass'd her.
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I'm glad that Margaret hasn't been forgotten... Although it's still not very clear how the remnants of the effectively dissolved EU were able to cooperate and elect a minor girl as president???
Dat filename.
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>what if i... hypnotized you... into ethnically cleansing the Japanese hahaha
>jk jk, i would never lol, that would be just SO silly haha

The FUCK did he mean by this?
>the effectively dissolved EU
Maybe, just maybe...it didn't dissolve
Take it off and work that stripper pole
Or Have sex with Cornelia while I watch
Or let's have raw babymaking sex all week
Or let's film some gravure and jav
is someone going to make a summary of this, cause I check over reddit but still nothing.
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Exia, I mean Pendulum Repair is fighting a new KMF.
To hell with Pendulum and its faggot pilot.

What is this black and red Nightmare with tech blades and a Zilkhstan cockpit? A variation of Nagid?
Aside from Suzaku, were there self loathing bootlickers in the Areas who joined the Britannia military to either be a bully or because they feel like they deserved to be conquered for being weak and not trying to become honorary Britannians?
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seems in the new chapter Kallen, Shirley, and Milly visited Shirley grave which didn't even happened in the comic version.
Shirley visited her own grave? Did she hop dimensions or something?
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I meant Rivalz
Ha somebody shoop Shirley into this.
Any news on the next geass project?
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It'll be a long time before we get any info. Shit I think Rose got announced like 5 years ago and it just released this year and that was only a 12 episode deal. I imagine there won't be any info on upcoming stuff for a year or two aside from rumors.
here is a link of someone translated the first part of chapter 3 of the Main Story Part 3.

Since nobody answered my question, were there any non Suzaku Eleven bootlickers who support the atrocities of Britannia because they feel inferior?
At the end of the day it was just a job.
Does Viletta still teach at Ashford?
Yes and she stays as late as she possibly can.
I always imagine the areas having black shirts who actively call for their own genocide out of bleak despair of the oppression and figure it hurts less if they were the ones doing it.
Ahh yes, Drama Tits the Mecha Anime.
They need to make this consistent once and for all. Is she dead because Rollo killed her, or is she not dead because the movie compilation retconned her death.
It's a lot like how the Anglo-Saxons had collaborators amongst their ranks to the Normans; join the winning side and admit thr superior culture.
I only saw the original and R2. Is anything else worth seeing?
Indeed you do.
the movie
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Started watching Rose, gotta admit it just made Geass kind of grimdark. I don't want to admit it, but Britannia (Neo anyway) is kind of sympathetic. They kept world order and now humanity was in a dark age because Lelouch wanted to play tragic hero.
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Jun Fukuyama.
Are the Metal Build "Dragon Scale" Guren & Lancelot featured in anything? And what's up with the spinny arm gimmick?
I haven't checked in on Code Geass since Akito the Exiled finished.

What's new?

IDGAF about the manga.
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Thats the Marishiten from a new manga/photo novel starting up
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Half way into Roze of The Recapture, this series is basically an upgrade of the old series:

No annoying characters, better mechs, action, art, and animation are still high quality, the music isn't annoying, good pacing, better world building, and none of the mean spirited malarkey so far. Although I can't help but wonder if it's woke; this is a Disney series staring a non-caucasean woman fighting eurocentric tyranny and her body double holding hands with her fits South Park's "put a chick in it and make it gay and lame" observation. Perhaps communism infiltrated Sunrise? Unlike Woke Gundam this is actually entertaining.
Just finished it, damn this was awesome! Easy perfect score from me although it was unnecessary for Sakura to use Geass on herself at the very end. This might even top Fafner The Beyond as best real robot series ever! And props to Noland for being one of the best mecha anime villains in fuck knows how long.
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This song compilation they did makes me realize all the new songs they added years later suck so much
maybe because we didn't actual get new visuals for the songs
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Happy 50th birthday to Yukana, the voice of C.C.
>Be 10 years in the fall of 2006
>Download Code Geass episode 1
I fucking love Flow. They did so many great 2000s intros like Colors and Eureka 7's.
Wtf she actually kinda looks like C.C
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Her current, 50 year old self.
Beauty... Is it plastic surgery or genes?
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If there's one good thing to come from Lost Stories it's all the beautiful art.
Why did Gefjun Disturbers got memoryholed after S2? They're OP as fuck
They don't work on new Gen KMF, they built in countermeasures to them between seasons.
seems we got a collab with Poker Chaser

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surprising the artist is creayus given the doujinshi that where released mainly focused on pairing Lelouch and C.C.
Tutor Lelouch is an officially produced manga
the dress gives similar vibes to the illustration of Lelouch and Kallen together in a Cinderella theme aspect.
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Damn, how'd you get this early?
I want to go on a pizza date with C.C!
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so, anyone got a full summary of this event yet, cause still waiting for the Christmas event as well

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given how long the event is being held why is there no summary for this?
I would give anything for a Code Geass slice of life high school series like FMP did with Fumoffu.
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>she now has a cute pink bow
Why is C.C. so pretty and perfect? She looks good in literally any outfit she wears.
what of official english release of these manga?
so, is the new main event be out next week for Lost Stories?
Next week is new story chapter
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new geass spinoff manga
kinda NSFW
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you think someone could upload the first chapter of Pure Almaria at cubari? as well as Part 1 of Chapter 20 of the Re;surrection comic?
Naked fat bastard and slave loli auctions? A strong start, I see.
Thank you!

So, "the world created by Lelouch" is a shitty place, since it requires manual control from Kaguya through the intervention of her personal intelligence agents (WTF?) to help the helpless UFN special services...

To be honest, in this chapter the most interesting thing is not the new characters of Almaria or the cameos of the original characters or Glinda, but that little girl from the "bargaining", who has a truly royal dignity in her behavior. I wonder if she is really an episodic character or will she play some role later?

Where did the agent girl get Geass and why does no one care? Well, judging by the cover, the rumors about the presence of a clone of Marianne turned out to be true - damn.
Hi. Tangentially related but I do not want to start a new thread for this: Does anyone know if Code Geass' KMFs have a start up sound of some kind, in particular for the Guren series?
any full summary of this chapter?
feels like you could probably just find out quickly by checking the first episode it appears in on one of those shitty anime streaming websites or maybe even youtube
Well obviously I can't find anything so I was wondering if they had it in some obscure or mobile adaptations.
Its time of her birthday again
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Any of the Geass mangas worth reading?
if someone out there actaully translate/scanlation them given their have been no official ones besides the old mangas that depict alternate tellings, like Nightmare of Nunnally or Suzaku of the Counterattack.
here is a link to part 4 for when Maya is the MC.

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Yeah, even before the movie came out I was hoping for the Middle East to be revealed in CG and its resistance to the dark sides of UFN global dominance... Unfortunately, Resurrection came out and Zilkhstan was made to blame for everything... But, honestly, I was on the side of Shalio and Shamna throughout the entire feature film - their faction turned out to be more interesting and well-developed than the EU,
- their technological level turned out to be higher than CF,
- their culture and traditions turned out to be no less interesting than HBE,
- and their "plan" turned out to be much more realistic and sane than Lelouch's stupid peace throughout the world (ugh).
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Surprised nobody talks about the new Knightmares from Roze.
so, any changes compared to the comic and movie version?
Where can one find all the Geass picture/audio dramas? Found some on YouTube but not all of them.
>Beauty... Is it plastic surgery or genes?
Most likely, genes
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Give me a rocking C.C. or give me death
Forgive me Kallen but I cannot stop staring.
Very hot.
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The only good thing about this shitty gacha is that beautiful art appears from time to time.
Kallen The Conqueror.
Usagi C.C.
>once again C.C. looks amazing regardless of what she's wearing
I'm losing my mind, I need bunny C.C. in my life
watch again watch again watch again
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C.C. sexo

Literally perfection, every time
She can't keep getting away with this.
>can't poke her in the home screen and read English lines anymore
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C.C. a shit
Kaname Ohgi a best
I love her so much, anyone have a higher res of her in-game usagi sprite?
Whore. good seiyuu though
Youtube link.
I'm trying to get into this but it's really hard. When does it become more mecha
Season 2. But season 2 is also when it starts going to shit precisely because it becomes more mecha.
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so, any summary of the event yet?
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Happy 39th birthday.
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Imagine being such a loser of a person that your life's "work" is to use your voice to pretend to be gay ass anime characters. Jfc. What's worse is people like you worshipping them.

Thank God for AI. So many useless feeders will, ironically, starve to death.

Now then, can we focus on Code Geass and not jack off to 2/10 japfu seiryus or whatever they're called? I have a complaint. Why are Kallen's tits appropriately sized in the beginning of the show in both her terrorist outfit AND school uniform, and even more realistic when she's in her pajamas during that one scene with her dumb mom and cunt step mom, YET as the show progresses they get fucking stupid big and just get disgusting.

I get it. You're all coomers, and all anime has fan service. But for fucks sake have some consistency. You don't see C.C.'s tits fluctuating in size. Gosh damn I hope all simps die
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Kallen is perfection.
You sound really angry and frustrated.
what happen to the person that usually makes summaries of the events?
She sure is!
Fresh and based
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The 'net variant:
As I know one of them personally, many of the old regulars of these threads got tired of the shitposters of these threads so they don't come here anymore
I'm still here, the retard is still going ballistic it seems.
so how come we didn't see summaries of the past events like for the Christmas or the recent band event that seems to take place during R2?
the YouTube links that show them are still available on this thread to look back on, including the one for back in the first season.
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Mommy C.C. is best.
>no mommy C.C. to cook meals for you every day and tell you that she's proud of you
Why even live
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Is it just me or would CC look really good in a dirndl? Not even a CC fag but it makes me think
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Not that I mind, but when did she wear this?
C.C. would look good in anything
>C.C. in a German dress serving beer
Just merchandise outfits.

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