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Steampunk mecha
my brother
Not a real thing
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it's a shame this yugioh monster belongs to a shit archetype and sees no play cause it can't do 20 things at once and allow for 30 minute comboing that makes a card considered good in modern Yugioh.
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In another timeline, steampunk is the norm because realistically to create steam energy without using a ridiculous amount of coal or burnable fuel we'd use nuclear rods, because nuclear reactors basically work by boiling water. All we need to figure out is to shield the radiation and micro-size the boiler bit and wa la. In fact it might've been much much better without the oil jews running the world
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This is what Boston Dynamics SHOULD be teaching their robots to do!
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She's trashing this toilet...
Mecha generally is not real, my boy.
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Wish DragonMech did better
Yay Trains
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Steam cars exist, you realize?
One can make any tech imaginable with steam.
Is that the dog from curse of the moon?
Yes. Please appreciate his single piece of art.
Bloodstained 2 when?
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No Sakura Wars yet?
Here's the Koubu!
This scene was fucking hilarious. Michiru grabbing her, putting her on her lap and straight up interrogating her in the bathroom stall. The questions becoming more and more perverted and insane and the whole time Yuria wondering why the fuck Michiru was eating a pencil.
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I don't know if it's technically steampunk but there was a lot of steam-related tech in Escaflowne.
Such an awesome shot with the parallax between foreground and background. Michael Bay WISHES he was this good!
They don't
That's less steampunk and more suit of armor.
>doesn’t recognize the orange tinted 10 minute long 360 camera sweep
You’ve got egg on your face for this one
Hey, at least somebody caught it! Though 10 minutes is a bit much for Bay's ADHD lizard brain methinks. Ten seconds, TOPS!
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These remind me of the Yugioh ancient gear archetypes.
I love how the gears make them look like skelly bros!
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whats the deal with that show, ive never seen anyone really talk about it or what its about. all i see are some weird, fat little hardsuits with girls in them and zero context
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Dragonmech my beloved
>Leader of the Human faction is named SHAR
It's based
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>Michael Bay WISHES he was good!
he is

Fuuuuuuuuug, I'd never heard of Dragonmech before but it sounds right up my alley. It's been around since 2004, I gather from looking it up?
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Not true! There's a development sketch

DOG ->
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Another bit of concept/alternate color art

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