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Rate this movie.
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Also really like these movie forms
Did the show even hint at Minato and the girl from SPEC being romantically involved? this just came out of nowhere.
Houtaro alone ruined this movie/10
Pretty great film. I really missed these idiots so much. It felt like it needed an extra 20-30 mins to flesh out some stuff better as with other recent rider films.

>better than realXtime
Lol no
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Catholic priest themed Rider soon...
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Nice job fucking up the thread title anon.

Really good, was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

REALxTIME is good but not great, the first half is better than the last half but that's because the cast is too bloated, it only needed Aruto and Izu, not everyone else.

They have moments sprinked throughout the show but neither truly play into it because they're both busy bodies.
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Atropos a cute / 10
Shut the fuck up rinnepedo.
Absolute kino
You had ONE JOB OP
Wrong anon, I don't care about Rinne.

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