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Gavv's 13th episode was ___
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Really great as usual.
Specially the fight against the twins, might be one of the best choreographed fights in the franchise.
I'm actually glad uncle exists, so that we don't get miscommunication
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What the fuck is wrong with you, Dad
baka gummy
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The lineup
I actually like stuff like this rather than riders teleporting in and out
Oh no!
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...yamete kudasai~
>that guitar bgm
What are your thoughts on this form now?
It's Shouma, isn't it? The one who ate Hanto's mom.
I don't have an axe to grind about it.
oh shit
this is fucking real
>that jeep and shida fight
oh god that was awesome
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Nude Gavv
Defeated within this episode.
whip cream is fatty after all
>might be one of the best choreographed fights in the franchise
It wasn't that good, it was mostly carried by Fujita and Sugihara's obnoxious camera tricks and SFX. There's better fights even in this very same show.
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>TFW got enlisted and will miss out on the next two years
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Sorry to hear that anon, hopefully it's a post that doesn't see a lot of combat, if at all.
you in korea?
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why don't they use extended previews in the eps nowadays?
So Hanto figured it out that Shouma is Granute?
I doubt it. The more likely explanation if he does find out is he grills Shouma for his connection to the two Granutes that sent him over the cliff
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I hope Sachika finds out about his identity soon. She's not an idiot and he's gonna show up pretty beaten up soon enough.
She's going to be mad because he already promised he wouldn't randomly run off again, and that's exactly what he seems to have done again from her perspective. Shouma's got an excuse when he gets back
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Pretty cool for a rollcake form
Seems like Sheeta & Jeebh won't be redeemed which is good imo, don't think they deserve it
Seeing Sasori Orange play a character like that was pretty strange, he did a good job though

it seems too cool to just be a throwaway form honestly
>it seems too cool to just be a throwaway form honestly
That's why Valen's getting it
>this guy
>Cancer Zodiarts from Fourze
Are crab-themed kaijin always this goofy
Pretty good. Lmao to Valen and the guitar guy, though him wanting more info about his mother’s kidnapper bit him in the ass. And to Jeeb and Shiita’s battle against Shouma, they’re a goddamn menace. Fast as hell, doing combo attacks and being able to help the other dodge against him-it’s like the cat dopant all over again except there’s two.
Wow what a great episode, the new form debut and the twins fight was just well done in general.

Also Valen dropkick starter number something I haven't been keeping count.
worst, russia
Cyka blyat
Since when is conscription 2 years? I thought it was 1.
That anon was larping.
I'm Vietnamese about to get draft in February
why toku this year gay so much?
It's been gay for a while, fujoshi are a powerful section of the fanbase
Entertaining as usual. Can't wait for twins despair next week.
really feels like Shoma's supposed to be the Granute that abducted Hanto's mother, except age-wise it shouldn't work at all, we saw younger Sheeta and Jeebh in this episode and they were visibly smaller, it looked like a full sized Granute who abducted Hanto's mother
It's probably lingering memories from an organ from wolf implanted into Shouma.
So why did the episode cut most of the plot from the next preview?
crazy good this week gavv
God damnit these episodes have been so good that they feel like they last 5 minutes
He won a fight.
Idiot, it's mooks fight shouldn't even count.
Agents are better than mooks.
Really good, glad to see Dente again and them hammer in on Shouma's connection to the wolf granute.
Even for a serious episode the comedy was on-point. The fountain scene absolutely did steal the show there but the cake making scene was also great.
The fight with the twins was absolutely brutal. The two were vicious.
lovingly staring into Sachika's eyes while baking her a cake
and then sex with Sachika
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>Can survive falling from a cliff but a bowl of hot water is enough to hurt him
the whole point of the surgeries Lord Bouche asked Grunkle Dente to do on Shouma was to make him stronger at least strong enough to fight against his siblings and defend his mom if needed. and neither did really knew how.

for all we know one of the surgeries was to give Shouma the power of an adult Granute, hence why the wolf looks like that. but the truth, considering Grunkle Dente just mentioned the surgeries caused memory loss, is that Shouma IS the wolf granute.
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>Shouma IS the wolf granute
That's a giant stretch.
It red herring.
Shouma ain't the Wolf Granute
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That does confirm that pressing is recent tech rather than Dr. Sugar's hunch.
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That's retarded.
>still just a low-ranking wagie after 20 years
such is the crab life
Sasori Orange made for a pretty fun villain honestly. He wasn't defeated here so I hope he comes back later
Well then odds are you just aren't coming back period. Sorry anon. Try thinking about KR in your last thoughts before the drone strike hits and maybe you'll get isekaied into KR heaven.
The only way that's true is if his past is not at all how he remembers. If he had a granute form though it seems like his family wouldn't have treated him so shitty.
>It has been estimated that 100,000 Japanese people disappear annually.[2]
Thats the thing: its possible Shoma didnt had a Granute form. and that form was something that was born from the surgeries or was implanted onto him.

the Surgeries, the fact that there were many, and the fact that Grunkle Dente didnt really had an idea of how to do them, therefore he was just chucking shit into the wall to see what sticks, is the key behind this.
Still more plausible than the alternative.
Well the other thing is that Dente said there were no results from his tests.
I don't trust Komura to not take the most obvious and boring route.
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
what if shouma is hanto's mom
>Shoma has only eaten sweets that others have made
>His first real power up is through a sweet he's made himself
>Shoma is gaining power by both embracing his family business of making food, while rejecting the darkness of what they're currently doing
>It's through a cake he made for a human
>This form also gives him full-sized minions, as well, showing how he's closer to his "true nature" as well
It's peak. I know nothing else about the form but what we've seen but it's already peak.
Can't wait for it to job in 2 episodes.
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>Shoma is too busy making cake and fighting his siblings
>therefore can't have any BL tension with Hanto
>Ships Valen and the Crab Granute for ten seconds to keep the fujos interested
we know, you tell us this every thread
Which is......?
Also the song played is called "Love Me".
What if the crab granute is actually pudding rider
gavv is either going to taste someone's blood or be forced fed the human cube and revert to wolf form and then retards will be like
>wuuuuuuuuuut he was the wolf with the red mouth this whole time?????
this dude's gotta shill that he can sing in every role he does huh
the grind is respectable I guess
>Shoma's supposed to be the Granute that abducted Hanto's mother
I don't think so. But I DO think that Shouma's and Hanto's mother is the same person.
You blind or something?
It's a different actress ffs
>You face blind or something?
I think he's trying to tell us that all of these hints about Shouma possibly being Hanto's mom killer are actually red herrings
Ok, maybe "hints" isn't really the most appropriate word to use; it's just Shouma getting an headache upon seeing valen's mom in a photo and dente theorizing that Shouma might suffer from some light memory loss
It -IS- kind of a dogshit theory
If caking is the first thing Shouma cooks for himself and ice-cream is his mother's favorite food, what will the final form be?

It reminded me of Yamato from Naruto weirdly enough.

I feel that the relation between the wolf Granute and Shouma can't be solved with the information we currently have and that it will somehow be related with Bitter Gavv.

Me too, did Kamen-Rider-Official list him as a guest?
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The episode also implies Shouma's memories have been altered.
The episode shows that Granute have food that's perfectly fine. So not only were Shouma and his mother just getting crappy sludge soup because the family hated them, but it also means the Stomach family hunts hunts and turns them into drugs to get their race hooked on pure for evil and profit.
Just like real life drug dealers!
>Shouma IS the wolf granute.
It's his dad.
His dad is goat. I'm going to stick to the theory I've had since Hanto's Flashback was first revealed. The Dog Granute that kidnapped Hanto's mom is Bitter Gavv.
Yeah, that's why they're trying to get rich Granute addicted, dark treats aren't legal in the Granute World. It's a criminal enterprise. Shoma is essentially a mafia princess.
>Wolf = Dog
>Dog can't eat Chocolate
>Shouma can
There, I debunked the Shouma is Wolf Granute theory
>Granuto Kani was played by Kishi Yosuke-san, who played Scorpion Orange/Stinger in Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger! While he changed from a scorpion to a crab, his suit actor partner remained the same, It's still Imai Yasuhiko-san!!
>He played a street artist this time. We needed someone who could write songs, sing, and do dubbing work for monsters. The first person who came to mind was Kishi-san! The song that was played during the cutesy action with Valen and the Granuto in the water, was written by Kishi-san especially for this occasion! The song is called "Love Me" (愛して).
>"A love song with a Crab Cannery Ship-like theme, expressing resentment towards society, sadness towards the changing times, and self-deprecating being a disposable part-time worker" ... is what I sent Kishi-san in an email. What kind of sentence is this??! Kishi-san created a masterpiece that was so amazing it blew me away. Kishi-san's team also worked on the arrangement and performance.
>mafia princess
hey wait a minute
Your posts are dogshit.

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