Let's have a thread for the ultimate mecha weapon archetype. Bits, Fangs, Dragoons, INCOMS, all are welcome
shame the MG dragoons are flat and not as blocky
Kshatriya is my favorite funnel user.And also my favorite mobile suit in general.
Get INCOM'ed
>>22972362Are these Providence's or Legend's?>>22972401Exquisite taste
I like reflector bits better since regular beam shooting remote weapons are little more than an annoyance when the main characters are involved. At least reflector bits aren't as easily shot down.
>>22972401Love the Kshatriya, have this image as one of my wallpapers and seriously considering chinese 'MG' kit since bandai refuses to make one
>>22972674The problem with Kshatriya kits is that; ironically, she's way too held down by gravity. The binders need either a metal frame with screws and all, or a spearate stand for each one
>>22971887I really dislike the overuse of funnels in Gundam media. We need to come up with some new endgame weapon that isn't funnels for 30th time.
>>22972729Not all endgame MS are funnel users. Hell, doesn't Gwitch DROP the funnels for Suletta's final upgrade?
>>22972804>funnels for Suletta's final upgrade?No? She had funnels. Not sure where you got that idea.
>>22972804Yeah she loses the funnels and basically gets a Buster Launcher insteadDoesn't get much time to shine since its right in the last couple of episodes though
>>22972806Calibarn has funnels? I need to rewatch Gwitch it seems
>>22972753This design was wasted on Unicorn.
>>22972809Final Form Calibarn has funnels.
>>22972809Funnels are transplanted from Ariel
>>22972820And calibarn has all the correct sockets and ports to connect the funnels. No incompatibility!
>>22972815>>22972820Oh right, she overrides/yoinks them a la unicorn. I still wouldn't call it a funnel MS>>22972821Aren't all the Gundams just Lfrith with a bodykit anyways?
>>22971887>my remote weapons have more of them inside
>>22972729What exactly is more endgame than a bunch of psychic guns that can fire from any direction? The only thing that surpasses it are actual weapons of mass destruction or super robot shit
>>22972708ye the chinese kits have metal arms to support the binders, its why bandai wont make an MG, it'd cost too much so I don't have much choice really :))) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnN-4gguGWI rip the stark jegan pilot, he really knew what he was doing but just wasn't meant to be
>>22973353>What exactly is more endgame than a bunch of psychic guns that can fire from any direction?Making them teleport
>>22973434Quanta is the only instance of teleportation in Gundam right?
The ultimate bits
>>22973472Turn A
Everyone had bits in G-Witch. Even the bits had bits.
>>22975001But they had interestimg variations. Gundam Bits work like usual but give you cancer. Terrorist bits are full on drone MS. Pharact has EMP bits instead. And Darilbalde has safe AI-controlled bits with a mind of their own. And then there's Schwarzette
>calls them "bits">just little balls of glowing deathI get the concept but I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed.
>>22971887IRL weaponry is starting to look a little closer to this, in a sense. AI-controlled drone wingmen will assist human fighter pilots, and some tanks can launch recon drones.Not the same thing but it's as close as we can get.
>>22975465Not really, RL drones are leaning towards autonomous ones due to the possibility of jamming. Funnels and bits are closer to wireless floaty guns, still connected and controlled by a main body.
>>22975476Yeah, unfortunately we can't have any drones controlled by brain waves. The AI boom is good for the militaries' development of AI drones (the US military created an autonomous tank recently IIRC), but I don't think they're intelligent enough that they can be fully autonomous at this stage, hence their role as wingmen.I do think they will be fully autonomous by the end of the decade however, considering the rate at which they're advancing.
>>22973353>What exactly is more endgame than a bunch of psychic guns that can fire from any direction? You really can't think of anything? Really? Nothing? Pffft.. Mighty Strike Freedom that has a beam that slices atoms apart on a molecular level. It also has an all range lightning attack that disables all weapons and kills anyone it touches.Use your imagination anon.
>>22975476They're autonomous in some series like 00 and Wing.
>>22975547Thechnically that's just a gorillion very small funnels
>>22975513>slices atoms apart on a molecular levelI want you to think about what you just said.
>>22976704Don't try to educate Kira fanboys, it's an excercise in futility
>>22975001I like it
Funnels are only interesting when they integrate well with the setting.UC Gundam may have a lot of magic going on but it did make funnel something special with rules.Non-Newtype needed wire to control the funnels.Newtype could control new type of funnels the same way they ignore minovsky jamming.It's rather impressive how Narrative reconciled the craziest newtype techs (on top of the ghost stuff).
Top 100000 funnels: when you funnel actually fight against gravity instead of floating by fucking magic.(or course later Unicorn stuff have downright magic flying shield)
That kind is cool too
Sad that nobody mentioned the Tyrant Sword. That thing had literal whole mobile suits as funnels in the form of the Slave Swords.
>>22977756Now that I think about it, wouldn't this be the first instance of a beam shield in UC? otherwise they don't show up until the F90 in UC 110-ish. And I'm pretty sure no other funnels in the settkng have ever replicated the Fin Fjnnels' functions
>>22976704That's what the material says about the weapon. Don't like it? Too bad.
>>22977764Colonies don't have gravity in the air. If you jump high enough you float away. The funnels are struggling because the Colony is actively rotating, and the the artificial wind and weather and knocking the funnel around.
>>22978222Even air resistance alone is enough to mess up expert spacenoid pilots, so actually controlling so many tiny funnels in atmosphere is an incredible feat
>>22978220I'm more concerned about the quality of your education that you would repeat it.
>>22978209>wouldn't this be the first instance of a beam shield in UC?I assume you aren't counting the i-field and only mean the energy-plane kind of shield.Else we did have such "beam shield" of a sort.https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/MA-08_Big_Zam#Special_Equipment>And I'm pretty sure no other funnels in the settkng have ever replicated the Fin Fjnnels' functionsIn the setting? We've had other energy-plane shield since then.And well, Gundam up to Narrative reuse the fin funnel hard shield.>>22978222Ush, centripetal gravity is still gravity.Just "jumping" (vertically) will not change your vector to one that no longer collide with the station.You need to cancel your tangential velocity, doing so while maintaining your altitude, means moving very fast between building, which is not what the funnels were doing.Maintaining both altitude and null velocity relative to building, mean fighting gravity, this is what the funnels were doing.Shame I don't have a video of Banagher first rescue of Minerva handy, because the physics of the landing was consistent.>>22978230Arguably, all form of automated pilot isn't lost in UC, minovsky be damned.One description of the working of "funnels" is that the (newtype) pilot solely provide the position of the target (with themselves as a reference) something which sensors are no longer capable of because of minovsky witchy particles.However, given that funnels can operate in multiple modes, moving non-stop, even the most user-friendly newtype interface likely require extra consideration for that shot.unless she got lucky that one of the funnel didn't plow into a building and had nothing in its wayNewtype are cheater anyway
>>22978209>And I'm pretty sure no other funnels in the settkng have ever replicated the Fin Fjnnels' functionsIf you mean using specialized emitters to produce a large barrier instead of how most beam shields are just repurposed and reshaped beam sabers, then there's the mega beam shield from Victory.
Is this what funnel-training could look like?
>>22972508INCOM units are my favorite. Mass Produced Nu is good shit as well.
>>22979562why's there two of them
>>22985006The big E is a dead(hehe) giveaway
>>22985039Also the parka.
>>22979335>Ush, centripetal gravity is still gravity. >Just "jumping" (vertically) will not change your vector to one that no longer collide with the station. None of which applies to Kshatriya since it's flying.
>>22985504Don't be confused, we are talking about the FUNNELS from >>22977764If a funnel match velocity near a target that's grounded by centripetal gravity, the funnel must fight said centripetal gravity.Thought,Given the apparent distance with the target (the textbook O'neill colonies have like 4km of radius), the Kshatriya is either hovering with trust quite low & slow, or zooming a lot with its camera.
>>22980219I prefer the Mk V to be honest but yeah the Mass Production Nu is such sex, also I swear (maybe tripping af) that I saw somewhere on the AoZ or other Gundam threads that some of the optional armament for the fucking Zeta was some INCOM's
>>22987165Mk V has a very brutal and predatory design, huge, blocky, violent seeming. Love it in GBO2.
>>22987054>If a funnel match velocity near a target that's grounded by centripetal gravity, the funnel must fight said centripetal gravity. Not if the funnels are flying. It's fighting against wind and the fact that those funnels were never designed to work in atmosphere. She's trying to strike a precise part of the enemy suit so it won't explode while fighting a decompressing Colony cylinder with blowing everywhere. It's like trying to control a giant rocket engine to do heart surgery.
>>22989501>flyingDo we agree that your "flying" mean "active propulsion to avoid colliding with the ground"?Cause that's my point.>She's trying to strike a precise part of the enemy suit so it won't explodeFirst, it did blow up, she was just hoping it didn't.Second, some funnels are shown crashing in the backgroundI don't follow the school that "good" pilot have godlike interface that let them control every single funnel position as if in slow motion.NT pilot give target position, funnels move to shoot said position using their own programmed pattern.So I see the funnels difficulties (>>22987054 >>22977764) as portraying automated systems asked to maintain relative velocity when they are optimized to shoot once, then relocate (>>22977770).At most atmosphere make vacuum-thruster overperform.>wind- it's ground level- in a habitation area- funnel is likely >100kgAt least's call it backblast, but to me the pressure quickly drop below relevance.few newtype match my autism
>>22990324>First, it did blow up, she was just hoping it didn't.It wasn't just hoping. She was actively trying to NOT shoot the reactor and cause a nuclear explosion.>wind You drew a nice picture. I will give you credit for your efforts. But you are forgetting a major thing. Londo Bell was blowing holes in the Colony wall with spamming their beam rifles repeatedly, and their nuclear exploding suits were ripping apart the Colony wall. These holes were sucking the air out of the Colony and causing high velocity unnatural winds messing with the funnels.
>>22990342So I suppose you understand funnels need propulsion to maintain relative velocity in this context.>actively trying to NOT shoot the reactorPlease, we shouldn't put skills where there's only hope. Don't go fanboy.The safest solution would have been to shoot straight down, not in 4 different direction. Or use one as a missile.As easy as when her funnels blew her a door.>wind>holesKILOMETERS BIG colony anon,- even if they used beam-gatling, it would mean shooting non-stop at their own MS.- even if it pierced (they don't), there's only 1 atmosphere of pressure, realistically it's nothing.- even thermobaric bombs wouldn't be enough.Really, it's time to give up the "wind" reasoning.The funnels are even aerodynamic as fuck.>You drew a nice picture.Thanks, surely the forces dynamic to move inside giant open-space colonies will be the next popular topic.
>>22973551Came to post this but DXBased
>>22990669>KILOMETERS BIG colony anon, Have you watched any Gundam? A single hole causes explosive decompression and people/vehicles/machinery get blown into space. The entire Colony goes into lockdown and people run to shelters. This isn't some casual event.
Juggle your balls
>>22991170Are you a low effort troll?Here I made a drawing at the level of your understanding of the chainquote.
>>22992270If Zeon can make wireless bits and funnels that shoot beams, then why the hell can't the Zaku 2 get equipped with a beam rifle?
>>22992287Because the Zaku II was developed many years before beams were a thing, Elmeth's bits were huge, and Qubeley was only later developed by Axis once they had a better grasp on Newtype tech
>>22992406>Elmeth's bits were hugeSeems like the perfect size to fit in a Zakus hand
>>22992429They recharge off the Elmeth's giant generators
>>22992441After being depleted, The Gundam beam rifle needs to be recharged at White Base before it can be used again.
Is AI calculations a weapon?
>>22992287"funnels" need energy recharge the Zaku wouldn't satisfy"bits" are self powered and bigger, also later tech as I remember.
>>22992287>zaku with funnelsee >>22990669 webm
Funnels and the like are way too powerful for what they are.
>>22975513>>22976704>>22976809It fits perfectly with Kira's passive-aggressive no-lethalities policy though. He doesn't want to destroy any molecules, so he kind of just singes a small subatomic layer off the sides, just enough to cut the molecular bonds, but leave the poor innocent molecules themselves alone.
>>22979335The real reason for psycommu is that brainwave communication, massively amplified, somehow is on a frequency that is not fucked up by Minovsky radiation like radio waves et al.Basically, it plugs your brain into a signal amplifier and makes you the broadcaster. ... and receiver. Which is why NT-D is capable of funnel-jacking by supplying a stronger broadcast; and is capable of completely fucking up any Newtype connected to a psycommu that the NT-D system decides it wants to jack. It's also why Kamille ended up a vegetable after receiving feedback from Scirroco, amplified back a thousandfold through the biosensor psycommu hijincks.
>>22992541Other way around. Funnels carry their own reactor. Bits need periodic recharging.The nu-Gundam's fin funnels are infamous for being misnamed and actually being bits; not funnels.
>>22992616Funnels don't have reactors, bits do. Bits came first in 0079 and were large and had their own reactor, funnels first appeared later in Zeta and were small enough to mount on a mobile suit because instead of having a reactor, they used a battery and e-cap tech from a beam rifle instead. Then with tech advances you had compact enough reactors to fit into the Nu's fin "funnels".You're right about the fin funnels actually being bits, there's a whole scene in CCA where Gyunei is confused why Amuro's fin funnels haven't run out of power yet, and it's because they're actually bits because they have an onboard reactor, not a battery.
>>22992578This is stupid and I accept it entirely. Well done.
Does Mercurius's planet defensors count as funnels?
>>22993417They electrocute enemy suits so yeah
>>22992470The problem with AI is that it doesn't react well to unexpected situations. It can only work based on existing data. New or unexpected tactics mess with it badly.
>>22992441>They recharge off the Elmeth's giant generatorsSurely they can come up with a method to recharge their beam rifles at home base? IIRC the original Gundam did the same thing. Amuro had to bring his rifle back to White Base to recharge it.
>>22992588That was part of what I said.Newtype are first capable of seeing through space and time without being bothered by minovsky jamming.It's like seeing clear when everyone move in a fog.Then the Psycomm needed for funnels/bits used that signal to teach newtype to give order to funnels.That said, the Braw Bro >>22992553 was sending order through wires.NT-D is a whole other level. Damn thing HIJACK the pilot mind, then use it as a broacast.Not even talking about NARRATIVE honestly a good use and explanation of all the NT shittery.>>22992616Check your sources. Funnels don't have reactors.https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Universal_Century_Weapons#FunnelThe Fin funnels does make a mockery of that classification, tho.brb I'm gonna retcon that as false-information to make the enemy underestimate themSpeaking of bits...>>22992441>>22992429>ElmethIt used bits, they had their own generatorshttps://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/MAN-08_ElmethAnd Makoto Kobayashi had his own idea of what was inside the hElmeth
>>22994565>brb I'm gonna retcon that as false-information to make the enemy underestimate themI mean, I kind of thought that was part of the point of their unorthodox shape and design. Amuro even called them funnels and Gyunei thought he was lying about having funnels and called them "radiator plates" instead.
>>22994676>Be up agaiinst AMURO "WHITE DEVIL" FUCKING RAY, Zeon slaughterer in extraordinaire>Underestimate him and assume he's bluffingThe only reason he's not considered the biggest retard in CCA is because he's overshadowed by much bigger ones like Hathaway
>>22994935>>22994676To be fair to Gyunei, no one had seen that design of funnels before. Bits had always looked like flying ketchup or mustard bottles.
>>22995283It's still a massive white gundam with Amueo's emblem. Pretty sure that alone should activate some primal fear within zeeks
>>22995659>It's still a massive white gundam with Amueo's emblem.Which doesn't matter.Amuro is one man. Mass enemy pilots aren't freaking out about him because he can't do everything. He can't be everywhere. This isn't Seed, 00 or Wing where single pilots take out whole armies. Most Zeon pilots in the OYW didn't even see the Gundam. They heard about it, but they didn't see it. Amuro isn't this God that everyone fears.
>>22994565Damn, OYW Psy-Commu looks like THAT?
>>22975476>RL drones are leaning towards autonomous ones due to the possibility of jamming.Not really because aside from moral reasons, we really don't want computers to make the final decision on whether something should die or not because they can get it wrong.
>>22992578But Kira kills the villain of the movie...
>>23000830Nta but it's clear he has a reputation of being feared considering the Titans locked him up in house arrest just so that he could never turn on them
I'm glad AC6 said fuck it and just gave us funnels. Shame you won't really see them before endgame though.I thought I had a webm of someone using it in a not-Sazabi but I can't find it.
>>23000864>Not reallyYou don't follow military tech. Stop pretending. That's what is happening right now. It's being beta tested with Autonomous vehicles.
>>23000920buddy if it was "leaning" that way then there would be hundreds of armchair general web sites and articles that talk about it, you could point to any one of them
>>23000950Damn straight, I think we're on the same wavelength here
>>23000926Only 5 years ago, people like you said drones wouldn't be a thing in war. Or that AI was a joke and would never happen.
>>23000926>>23000864We already have autonomous drones in the Civilian and commercial sector. They fly around using a mix of software, AI, and GPS signals. Human operators can step in if necessary, but these drones can operate independently without human assistance.Want to have a swarm of drones document and survey a crash site? Go for it. Unless a few dozen and they will carry out their assigned task and send the data back to homebase without humans needing to directly pilot them. They will even land themselves.Heck, we already have SpaceX having re-usable rockets be able to self land and come back to earth. It's simply a matter of time (if it's not already happening) for autonomous drones to become a thing.
>>22976340They're not programmable, thoughTrue "nano funnels" would be programmable and allow you to direct all of them for one huge beam attack
>>23000882That was a general fear of Newtypes. Not Amuro in particular. Again, no one is freaking out over fighting Amuro. He didn't even have an emblem during the OYW where he was most active so most people probably didn't even realize they were fighting him in Zeta and CCA even if they knew about him.
>>23000830Every single gundam entry has the zeeks going "GANDAMU DA! HWHITO DEVIRU!" Anytime something even close to resembling a V-fin shows up
>>23001067Maybe they are, but nobody figured out how to use that setting
>>22973023My first exposure to funnel's. Amazing game
>>22975001That was one of my complaints with G-Witch. You either have bits or you can get fucked, but the vast majority of mobile suits don't have them
>>23001360>Every single gundam entry has the zeeks going "GANDAMU DA! HWHITO DEVIRU!"No they don't. You have people reacting to seeing a Gundam sometimes but no one is really screaming, "white devil". Not in Zeta, not in ZZ and not in CCA. By Victory, people only know of the Gundam from legends. I don't recall people freaking out about the Alex, GP01/2/3, Ground type etc.
>>23001063>Heck, we already have SpaceX having re-usable rockets be able to self land and come back to earthDamn, you're drinking the whole pitcher. That shit ain't real, son.
>>23001396Space is fake and gay, right? See you on /x/
>>23000920Ok but there is a difference between autonomous in what we're doing and like...actually autonomous. For all of our advancements, no one is suggesting we actually create Mobile Dolls because that could be a really, really, REALLY bad idea. Not because it's distasteful but because without any form of human control, you basically hand over the keys to your country's national security to whoever has control over the AI and trust them not to take over the country or unilaterally start wars with it.
>>23001373the first two and the bottom ones all lost to MS without bits though
>>23001493Mobile Dolls still had human controllers in Wing. Not sure what you mean.
>>22975398I accept the trade off because they were supposed to be created in-battle by a bit generator in the shield. So they should look simple and crude.
>>23001550They don't look simple and crude so much as they look like low-budget magic.
>>23000920>>23000926>>23001063Guys,It think >>23000864 only mean "no we don't" in that you still need a human giving the decision.But because of Jamming, modern drone still continue to dive on the target they were locked on even if jammed.Whether they can ACQUIRE target autonomously, now I think that's above current capability.And given the risk of friendly fire I think they would avoid it (I said avoid, not refuse to do it).
>>22972804Yes and no. The Aerial always has its Stave Bits, they're crucial to its operation. But the Calibarn has no bits and just uses a mega launcher/booster hybrid. Suletta wound up on the receiving end of funnel spam when she faced Aerial in it, who by this point had taken over a platoon of bit mobile suits in addition to its own stave bits. After Suletta won, she summoned all the stave bits to Calibarn to do a Unicorn magic spell with them.
>>23001547>Mobile Dolls still had human controllers in Wing.If you mean the helmet Dorothy wore, it was mainly for greater tactical understanding of the battlefield and also because of an understanding there should be SOME safeguards.Tubarov Bilmon, the creator of the Mobile Doll, showed how dangerous it can be when there are zero checks and balances in the system.
>>23001605>Whether they can ACQUIRE target autonomously, now I think that's above current capability.And even if they could we probably wouldn't be keen on the idea because let's be real, machines don't have any capacity for empathy. It will think in cold logic and no matter how much you program in some level of valuing human life, you still strapped that AI into a chassis with machineguns so either it's going to be stuck in a loop where it can't shoot becuase of conflicting orders....or it will be ok with killing indiscriminately anything labelled the enemy. And that's just asking for war crime tribunals.
>>23001605Ultimately it comes down to what's programmed in the Drone.If the Drone enters a jamming field, Then tou could have it continue attacking. Or you could have it return to base. It depends on what's programmed.
>>23001641I think the fear is less machines being ruthless and more machines being idiotic. Look at how many errors "AI" technology makes nowadays and apply that to target acquisition.>"Yes, that child looks EXACTLY like a main battle tank! Commencing attack!"
>>23002279Yes of course...it was stupidity. We DEFINITELY didn't program it to not care if the kids get killed as long as the MBT is destroyed in the process.
>>23002614the joke was that there was no actual MBT or even a threat to begin with, just children
Has it ever been explained why missiles don't work (except when they do) in UC? Minovsky interfference mwans no radar but surely IR and cameras work right? MS use those to see after all. And sometimes MS like the Zssa or the ReZel defensers have tons of missiles, but then by Hathaway you need to develop funnel missiles?
>>23002918Optical guidance works but dummy balloons could trick them, IR might work but seems like it's never brought up in any of the shows other than a throwaway line in CCA about heat sources or signatures when Gyunei and Char intercept the hidden nuclear missiles. Laser guidance is also a thing but requires line of sight.There are also dumb non-guided missiles that just follow a certain path, like when the Nahel Argama was threatened by a missile volley early on in Unicorn. I think the Torrington base in 0083 was also hit by missiles during the GP02A hijacking.
>>23002918>but surely IR and cameras work right?Not as well as they used to. MS and ship cameras do a lot of image cleanup, which is essentially why dummy balloons work at all. Minovsky interference is still present at those wavelengths, though substantially weaker than in radio.
>>23002918It's best to think of M particles as a plot device to force battleships to fight like it's World War 2 again. That's according to Tomino. M particles will do whatever is necessary by the writer to keep that status quo.The only two exception to M particles are Newtypes which communicate with their minds. And laser communications which have a very limited range. Lasers require direct line of sight with the target to mark them with a laser. The receiver must be perfectly aligned with the incoming laser. Also Laser communications can also be disrupted by atmospheric conditions like clouds, fog, or counter laser interference jamming.
>>22975001I hated this show. GWitch made funnel spam as the ultimate weapon. Very dumb. At least Tomino limited funnels by saying they had limited propulsion, range, and ammo. Also G witch was dumb for making funnels be able to be an attack weapon and a shield. Too easy.
>>23000872Kira kills the villain of the movie, because he's also a massive fucking hypocrite.Just like Athrun *and* Shin on individual occurences pointed out to him before.
>>23001067>>True "nano funnels" would be programmable and allow you to direct all of them for one huge beam attack>>23001365Pretty sure the G-Lucifer does exactly that in G-Reco. Or at least concentrates the Butterfly into a beam rather than a spread.
>>23003242>umb for making funnels be able to be an attack weapon and a shield.00 did that too.
>>23003304>00 did thatGundam seed did it first before 00Then Gundam Age copied itThen Gundam Unicorn did it.Now gwitch over did it
>>23003308Wing did it too.
>>23003242>Tomino limited funnels by saying they had limited propulsion, range, and ammo.Bits and Fin Funnels didn't have these issues however.
>>23003304>>23003308The Nu's Fin Funnels did it first.
>>22973320"Mother Funnels" are a cool idea on concept, like a missile releasing bomblets.
Bits? Funnel? No problem!
>>22973559Is that a game thing?
>>23014631game and novel. awakened turn A (red eyes) will blink in and out of existence during attack animations instead of just moving with thrusters, and when it uses the beam rifle, the animation shows it holding out the arm and the beam rifle materializes into its hand as opposed to already holding it or needing to grab the rifle from its back.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQMdA-6g1Qs
>>23014698Isn't there some lore about the turn A not being made of metal, but rather basicallly being a mass of energy or antimatter or some other exotic thing held together in the shape of a robot by forcefields
>>23014705Some of that is right, some not. The Turn A is definitely made of some kind of metal, not energy. It does have a fancy power source, a black hole contained in its chest. The force field thing is called the I-field beam drive, what it means is that the Turn A's body has no conventional motors or actuators in the usual sense, it's more like a hollow doll with jointed limbs. To move the limbs, the Turn A's main body emits I-fields and uses those to manipulate the arms and legs around. The result is that the Turn A is lightweight and agile enough to move like a ballerina\athlete, but it also means it doesn't have the raw strength to easily win in a wrestling match with a Zaku.
>>22972669Its kinda funny how the providence didnt use the funnels as skewers after this.
>>23014740>doesn't have the raw strength to easily win in a wrestling match with a ZakuJust dump more energy into the field, it has a matter to energy conversion system powering it.
>>23014769or just obliterate the zaku too
>>23014740Doesn't it throw a WaDom at one point?
Are OPTIONs welcome?
>>23018867This is awesome. Wing needed more episodes dedicated to Non-Gundam Ace suits. Tallgeese was awesome, but these suits were great too.
>>23018928Are the AI or remote controlled?
>>23019024newtype controlled
Could funnels work underwater? Would be a very niche weapon but I think it would look cool.>uses propellers to maneuver>water-cooled by nature>might have its parts divided into snake-like segments to reduce width for certain environments
>>23019025>Could funnels do the same thing but better?>Yes>Would it be remotely as cool>Not even half
>>23019059No.Beam weapons don't work well underwater, so you will need really powerful guns + generator, which wouldn't be able to fit on funnels. It is the same for torpedos and physical projectile weapons, you need enough firepower to threaten mobile suits, so you need big guns/torps, which wouldn't work with funnels.The only thing that might work is the funnels become kinetic kill vehicles themselves and ram underwater mobile suits, acting as guided torpedos. But that would be very costly on top of being extremely niche, and might not even more efficient than regular ole torpedos to justify their existence.
>>22972401death to Riddeh
>>22979467beam is spelled with B not V though
>>23002773The joke is that there were no kids either, the whole thing was a story on paper. But the money they took from the treasury on the basis of the story was real, and it was yours.
>>22973320>this thing is bigger than the ptolemaios 2I always thought it was just a bit bigger than the average mobile armor
>>23018934>Non-Gundam Ace suitsVayate and Mercurius were armored with Gundanium alloy and were developed by the same 5 engineers that built the 5 colony Gundams, using the same technology.They're Gundams. They just lack the traditional color scheme and samurai-inspired face.
>>23028454>They're Gundams. They just lack the traditional color scheme and samurai-inspired face."Gundam" is not just a name. Gundams are also a title giving to the latest and greatest mobile suits of each generation.Mercurius and Vayeate are powerful. But they are not Gundams. They are Leo suits powered up with Gundam technology and use special weapons. A massive step up from a normal Leo, but they are not Gundams. And Mercurius and Vayeate are definitely not the best the 5 scientists can do when making a suit. But they are just good enough to keep Oz happy and not execute the 5 scientists.
>>23014746That's the Legend. Providence does not have those beam tips. From what I recall, the Legend does not engage large ships after this battle, only one-on-one tussles with mobile suits. I suppose it is not as effective in attacking lithe suits than a giant slow moving target like a ship