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In 2018, Hasbro bought Power Rangers from Saban. Then CEO Brian Goldner believed the franchise to have a lot of potential, seeing it as a brand with plenty of life and longevity.

Unfortunately, he was the only one at Hasbro that felt this way about the franchise, and with his untimely death came the seemingly untimely death of Power Rangers as we knew it.

Since then, the show has been taken off the air, the Lightning Collection line has been shelved, the rumored TV/Movie Reboot multiverse helmed by Brian Entwistle has been cancelled, the deal with Netflix to put new Power Rangers content on their streaming service has been reneged, 30+ years of props and costumes have been auctioned off, and the only things we have to look forward to in the foreseeable future is the Rita's Rewind game, the Boom! Comic series, and the Playmates toy line that will seemingly only pander to MMPR fans.

What do you think, at this point in time, the future of Power Rangers looks like? Do you think we will ever get a new season? A new Movie? Will the Lightning Collection come back? Will we continue to adapt Sentai, or are we past the point of no return and are going to go 100% American footage from here on out?

Personally, I hope Power Rangers comes back eventually, but I've also moved on to Super Sentai. I'll support the show should it come back, but I'm not holding my breath either.
Move on please.

It's Robotech now. Only a very small increasingly shrinking group of obsessed fans who are obsessed with the Americanized version and refused to move on will care while Hasbro bring out the franchise every couple years for a halfassed thing to try to fleece them for all their worth. Except probably worse because while Harmony Gold had the money power to keep Macross eternally fucked until recently through their real estate business Hasbro is getting increasingly broke year by year and they need to keep paying Toei for the rights.

Anyone who's geninuely likes the concept that isn't a racist or stuck in the 90s will have moved onto Sentai

I hate to agree with you, but you're right. And at this point, I've moved onto Sentai myself. Hard to be sad about losing PR when Ninja Steel was ass and KingOhger was so damn good.
There is a way to stimulate this franchise in an original way that can benefit the current rights-holder AND Toei, but neither side will do it.
While I agree totally, it kind of sucks that who ever has the rights to Power Rangers, for some reason, also holds the rights to Western Releases of the Super Sentai series.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this elaborated, please.

I absolutely hate that the Shout Factory DVD releases have basically paused after Fiveman, and I'm also REALLY hoping that this isnt also somehow making the western releases of Kamen Rider slow down too. I'd REALLY love if we eventually got all of, if not most of the Heisei and Reiwa Rider series on physical media.

Us not having the OG Kamen Rider on DVD already is a crime.
>Sentai and KR overseas releases have slowed down to halted
This is the Robotech bullshit with macross all over again, a big reason we never got most of the SRW games
They have to go all in on a few things
-All original characters/teams; new continuity. It could be a universe where other team also exist (although not exactly the ones that already exist)
-Shorter form content rather than a full series, but with full series budget (such allocation should be efficient to put some effort towards movies or miniseries),
-Be animated

My proposal is to do a team-up story, like what Super Sentai always does or Forever Red, but with original characters. It's an Avengers / X-Men / Justice League / Spiderverse type formula that wouldn't the require the baggage of knowing past characters, but be diverse enough to give each new character distinction (since they're originally from different teams).
Plus if they do animation, it just might be generic enough to be marketable as Power Rangers OR Super Sentai.
why is there a purple megaranger?
they just released a beat em up for 5 dollars more then shredders revenge, with 6 fucking levels all the characters sharing the same move set sans their supers, non union vas that don't attempt to sound like the original characters. The series is fucking dead and digital eclipse got to be the losers to shit on the corpse for the last time.

I had a ton of fun replaying shredders revenge as most characters play different, the rangers all have the same 4 hit combo with the last hit being their weapon, its the biggest fucking ripoff for me and since this was a game hasbro helped produce

I think if you're over the age 10 and you still care about power rangers you're a special kind of autistic. No, I don't mean having an nostalgic fondness. Yes, I know many if not all shows talked about here are kids stuff. But if you're vested in the future of this franchise then you're Sonic levels of weird.
This is probably why SS and KR have lower budgets now.
Vested, no. Wanting it to be able to succeed in the future? maybe. I've made a lot of friends because of a shared nostalgic fondness of Power Rangers, but if you think that I'm waking up every day and counting the calendar until it makes its being triumphant return, then, yeah, no.

If nothing else, I'm just happy that it was the gateway for me to be able to dive into Tokusatsu. Been really enjoying Kamen Rider Gavv, loved KingOhger and BoonBoomger has been alright (it got better after the first 10 episodes).

Still havent really dived into Ultraman much yet. Watched a little of the OG Ultraman, Mebius and X, and I was watching Blazar for a bit there too, but I tend to prefer Rider and Sentai.
Game is garbage? HAH! This was their last chance. Now it really is over.
I'd be down for a new continuity, and I think a 50 episode model just doesn't work in the West anymore, so I agree that a shorter form content kind of miniseries would be really good. Iike, a season as short as the netflix marvel shows, around 12 episodes would be perfect.

Animation would work; wouldnt be my first choice, but it also never stopped Godzilla or Ultraman from putting out animated shows and movies that were pretty decent.

Id love a team up like that. ooh, and maybe their power up is that they wind up forming their own new team and have a new design, power set and megazord.

I cannot remember; It wasn't a summer movie exclusive suit, was it?

Thats really fucking disappointing, I was kind of looking forward to that.
its a garbage game that is based on snes beat em ups yet every review is like "this is so an arcade beat em up" snes beat em ups prided themselves on pallete swaps being different characters because the devs were lazy. Reviewers are praising it because it has minigames thats it.
cobra kai literally does everything non morphed power rangers did, get rid of the swearing and add in a monster of the week and stock footage and thats basically how you handle power rangers.

Instead they decided to dumb it down to the point where its just a tv sitcom on par with the really loud house where they think the audience is to stupid to know anything. I watched mmpr, and then dino fury and its like one show was made for kids and the other show was made for toddlers.
Hard to disagree with anything you said here. I will say, I think Cosmic Fury TRIED to be a little less for toddlers, but it didn't really work,. The problem with a lot of later seasons of Power Rangers is they baby their audience so much; The fart jokes in Ninja Steel were just fucking stupid;

I would love a Power Rangers show like Cobra Kai
>made for toddlers
That pretty much describes every PR in the Neo-saban and Hasbro eras, though Samurai tried way to hard to copy Shinkger but did it non of the quality that Wild Force's adapting of Gaoranger did,

>characters won't stop making quips in every single battle, pretty much ruining the tone
>hamfisted morals that were even worse than the MMPR era
>Mandatory Bulk and Skull expies from Ninja Steel onwards, however since their scenes are filmed separately, probably by a completely different crew, they feel completely out of place, more like they belong in a Kidcom. At least the duo from Dino Thunder wasn't that bad.
>forced to be episodic because they think kids are that stupid
>any plot elements had to be resolved in the same episode they were introduced
>mixes this with constant references to previous seasons, which falls flat because the young kids won't get it and the older fans would be turned off by the childish writing.

Even the goofier Sentai wasn't afraid to get serious when they needed to be
the directors even said the fight scenes for the big fights were directly inspired by power rangers, the problem with a lot of peoples solutions for power rangers is that they cost a lot of money all original content? to expensive, animated series, you either get AI slop or nothing. you have to go back to their roots, not as in reboot mmpr, but do what cobra kai does, a ton of the non main characters are just kids that are professional martial artists cast 5 of the extras from cobra kai pick a season of sentai and adapt it. It truly is that simple

you know the crazy part kids LOVE cobra kai heck hasbro knew that and is part of the reason we got those crossover figures, yet they were so adamant that the show needs to be for children I don't understand how they were so close to the answer and ignored it. Miguel and Robby season 6 arc is basically a tommy and jason arc
It actually got to the point where the heroes weren't allowed to feel TOO sad. Come on, even Seasame Street said it was ok to feel sad, you're even more childish than most actual preschool shows.
Besides the obvious, original footage and going back to new continuity each series, the thing it really needs is a a proper show runner and martial arts.
>yet they were so adamant that the show needs to be for children I don't understand how they were so close to the answer and ignored it.

One of the rumors is it's mandated the show be for Toddlers because they don't want the kid fanbase being old enough to read so they could go on the internet and realize it's a reskinned Japanese show.
That seems like something that would have happened anyway, all they did was alienate any viewers they got even further.

No hope, considering Hasbro's recent track record.
The suits aren't known for being intelligent when it comes to calls like that
Even when Dino Thunder did a badly dubbed ep of Abaranger (I don't know which ep of Aba it was), it was pointed out both shows were good in their own way.
Yeah but that was back when Sentai wasn't easily accessible and torrents were only just starting to be a thing. Several years later and I think they were legit starting to worry some kids old enough would rather just pirate Sentai for free.
I don't think they actually need to pay anything additional to keep the IP itself, they only need to pay Toei when they bring out new Zyuranger related merch. But you're right about it being a bad situation. Them sitting on it forever is the worst outcome.
What the fuck, that sounds worse than the dopey PS3 arcade game. That at least had a designated unique weapon button.

Now, if you wanted to try to cope, you'd say that the clearing of old obligations and the selling off of the legacy props is hasbro clearing the deck for their vision of power ranger. And that they want to go forward without the baggage. A hard reboot of the series.

But let's be honest here: that's not what's happening. They're selling off the props, cancelling deals, and ending toy lines because they don't see enough profit in it for it to be worth it.

Keep in mind that Hasbro, while not actively going bankrupt, is basically struggling to make most of its business actually grow. And the idea of taking a big swing at a TV production of a legacy franchise that is struggling to find a new audience due to the currently shifting nature of children's programming? It's not something that a hasbro that's struggling for return on investment is going to do.
>Hasbro: We are done funding ALL movies because Transformers One flopped.
>Power Rangers YouTubers: Clearly Hasbro is gearing up to make a huge investment to try and salvage this IP acquisition that wasn't meeting their existing expectations.
Toei still has some stake in the IP and they have to reup their contract every once in a while. They don't completely own everything. If they did, Toei couldn't cockblock their animated series attempts and try and force them to use certain series.
Take your meds. Touch grass.
>Shredder's Revenge aka Padding The Game
>implying you didn't also spend $30-50 to get the extra characters
Lol lmao
I can't believe they are selling this for 35$. People are saying it's a 4 hour game on top of having each ranger be the same, destroying any replay value. UFO 50 is 10$ less and it took me over a month to get through.
Nta but I think it's fun, especially with friends but that's a given for beat-em-ups
I will say Shredder's Revenge is the better game, but Rita's Rewind has way more variety in its design and even if it's short it's pretty fun all the way through
Megazord segments are kino
I just replayed that one to compare the two, and the old one is like 10 times better in every way
your a retard aren't you? to get the 4 dlc characters its 15 bucks no one calls shredders revenge to long either are you a moron
How much money did Saban/Hasbro pay to ship the suits and props from Japan?
They can't be this delusional. Did they get scammed by Hasbro, overpaying for the licence and are now trying to make it back fleecing us?
And who the fuck decided race levels and random arcade mini games were more important than making each character play different?
You might find a couple good things to say but the game is ultimately a scam.
this is digital shitclipse they half ass a ton of shit I will say its funny the game is really trying hard to ripoff shredders revenge
>blocking enemies
but no way to knock them out of blocking you have to hit them from behind somehow
>dedicated dodge button
but it just uses the same slide attack that dash gives you tmnt gave you two separate moves
>with 6 fucking levels
don't be dishonest faggot, it's 3-4 levels inside of those 6 so the game technically has more levels than Shredder's Revenge does
one of those levels is less then 3 minutes long each tmnt level is around 6-8 minutes except the final boss level plus each level in shredders revenge has a boss
Probably just general shipping costs I think, part of their contract was that they could have the props and suits within reason to shoot their own footage. Like most Ranger suits for original footage were US made (hence the Green Ranger's cheap looking shield) they never had the actual Sentai suits they just got better at duplicating them.
IIRC, I heard in an interview that on MMPR seasons 1-2, if they needed a morpher or a blaster or anything like that, and Toei wasnt shipping any props to them, or they just didnt want to bother with making a prop, they would go to Chinatown and buy a bunch of the Zyuranger changers and blasters, relabel them and use them as props on the show.
Anon, while racist is a bit too extreme, he's not entirely wrong. I've seen people refusing to watch Sentai because it's not dubbed in English. Frankly the best way for the brand name is Sentai airing on the west under the name Power Rangers like Korea did, but evwn if they are able to make that happen there is still a huge risk.
>reddit spacing
>Boom shitty comics
Fuck off
Which lasts longer?
The concept has just worn thin. The type of kid who would watch power rangers (4 to 8 year olds) now watches marvel shit. There is no saving power rangers.
It's OVER. Move. On.
These threads always reek of SEAs and "too cool for school" fat white guys.
I never see any SEA liking PR though. Exclusively Americans.
SEAs come in these threads to shitpost in a cringe way.
How'd you know they're SEAfilths? IP?
They cringepost a lot and act like PR raped their moms.
I miss when Power Rangers had REALLY cool games.

The modern one that released will never compare. It's devoid of any soul.
Battle for the Grid was really good until execs decided to be retarded.
>Thoughts on the future of Power Rangers?
I'm glad its dead. Show was an embarrassment for Sentai.
I was more wondering about the suits of the monsters. How do you fucking ship those?
In a box.
woah woah, Nway execs were perfectly happy doing 3 more seasons and a sequel, but then we were bought by a nft company and told us to stop working on BFTG and work on NFT games. We were working on Trent before we were told to stop
That's what I meant, nWay-kun. You guys got bought out by execs that decided to be retarded.
Sorry I'm white and live in America.
PR is still dogshit.
PR franchise is nothing without JDF.
He was always an insufferable faggot.
Glad he's dead
The franchise died with him
Sorry not fat either. I'm 6' tall and weigh only 150 lbs.
>Bragging about being frail enough to get your ass kicked easily
These are all terrible ideas
Gavv is about candy-coated warriors, if you like it you’re a baby
I don't get into fights. I'm not black.
Gavv is candy coated warriors fighting monsters that EAT PEOPLE AS CANDY.
Calm down Linkara
I bought this game and it was utterly fucking horrible; they should be ashamed of themselves. Not even worth $5, or even $1.
This guy gets it2nnr8
So instead of hurting or murdering people, the monsters change the situation into something suitable for toddlers’ eyes. Got it. The show IS for babies.
Its supposed to be MegaPink
How is eating humans suitable for toddlers?
Do you even watch the fucking show?
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So every major demographic that is conceivably aware of Power Rangers in 2024?
>So instead of hurting or murdering people
They still do that, just not graphically since they're turned into props before being killed. But they've already killed people on screen doing that.
sorry I just wanted to make it clear that we loved what we did, because in the FGC a lot of people think we jumped on to NFTs when it was really out of our hands
Do you mind fucking off and going to watch something more suitable to your edgy tastes like that edgelord power/rangers fan film a while back?
Excuse you, Gavv is fucking awesome and I'm sorry you don't like fun.
NTA but we want a family suitable tokusatsu, not for babies and definitely not edgy shit. A bit more mature? Perhaps, but I have no problem if it's the same vibe as post-Zordon to Disney era.
In a shipping crate in pieces?
You should have resisted. Violently.
Just move on from the cringe butchered American version and watch the real thing, FFS
>Thoughts on the future of Power Rangers?
Indifferent. I still have nostalgia for all the seasons up to SPD, but it's time to face reality. Even if they resurrected the franchise and miraculously made a season as good as Time Force, it wouldn't hit as hard because we're all too old for this shit. Move on instead of expecting the show for 4-year-olds to get good again.
So are most ideas regarding the franchise. The bar isn't high as you think
They'd be forced into doing the same thing as the Star Wars sequels, use past series as the framework for a mostly standalone and original plot
people are defending the devs on steam saying "They will fix it just wait" why the fuck should we trust they will fix it
With all due respect because you may know what was going on internally, but if someone offers to buy a company, and that company isn't going bankrupt and in need of a bailout, they don't fucking HAVE to say yes. So I don't know what definition of "exec" you're using but whoever was at the top of nWay, it seems like it is their faults for choosing the "yes, buy me out of the thing I created so I can just retire, I care more about that than about making things I would love" option. That's just standard corporate greed.
Let me write it, I can fix it.
the owner is the one who sold the execs mostly left during the purchase and after leaving only a skeleton crew behind which is why they shut down everything but legacy wars
>it wouldn't hit as hard because we're all too old for this shit
The original audience is old enough to have kids that would be the target audience of new content. It's not always about you.
Kids aren't into stuff like PR anymore. They probably never will be again the way tech is changing.
>people are defending the devs on steam saying "They will fix it just wait" why the fuck should we trust they will fix it
I’m not surprised, they’re shills (and sometimes worse, they’re also drones who do it for free). This site also has a huge shill problem (on /v/) for the top parent company of the company who made that game (I won’t name it but you’ll know who it is if you google it; naming them will help their SEO, fuck them). These people always shill for their other projects/releases too and the moderation team refuses to do anything about it; despite the same shills being banned on /vr/ multiple times. It seems like this is becoming an epidemic for any type of social media site, it’s really sad.
It was dead to me the moment they said they won't bring the sentai stuff from Japan.
Yeah, which is why I'm indifferent. A good PR season won't matter because we're all too old for it to matter. Besides, there are already 900 episodes of Power Rangers. Kids can just go rewatch that instead of waiting for new content.
>the future of Power Rangers looks like?
dead. I feel like the business model of PR adaptions is just too outdated. It was perfect back in the 90s to early 200s when the internet wasn't a thing but there's no reason now when people can just watch the sentai.
>One of the rumors is it's mandated the show be for Toddlers because they don't want the kid fanbase being old enough to read so they could go on the internet and realize it's a reskinned Japanese show.

I remember reading old reports around the time of Megaforce. IIRC to Bandai, the idea was for Power rangers to be a child's FIRST superhero experience. Before they grow a little older and move onto Marvel or DC, kids would have Power Rangers. Really, they just didn't want to directly compete with those properties, so they were literally targetting the show for preschoolers while promoting the good messages the show has to please parents.

Never mind that if the parents are that concerned, they'd care more about that Y-7 rating on screen due to the show's violent content.
kids won't watch this shit any more. it's corny.
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Meanwhile, Yu-Gi-Oh will still be around. Each season having a fresh coat of paint. As its old audience ages out and the new audience ages in. Renewing itself like the Phoenix
How stupid are Hasbro to not understand that the core audience AREN'T MMPRfags?
>Even the goofier Sentai wasn't afraid to get serious when they needed to be
Go-Onger was really too good for what it was.
>two dying villains reach out to one another but
die before they can hold hands
>yellow ranger brings their hands together while grieving her fallen foes
>Smile, Smile
>your game is selling so bad, and you can't even say its review bombing that within a week of release you had to have a meeting on how to salvage the game
lol, they even say in the tweet they ain't doing shit to fix it besides the online and speed, so now instead of slow palette swaps we will have fast palette swaps

As a beat em up fan how did they think palette swaps were acceptable in 2024
This was the end of Power Rangers's relevance.

Boom comics are the best the franchise had to offer in modern day until Shattered Grid ending. Then it became a huge Tumblr joke.
>It's Robotech now.
Hasbro under Chris Cocks is intentionally sinking Transformers after he was done with Power Rangers. Even Reactivate, which is the next video game for Transformers, is being silently cancelled after both YouTube and Instagram accounts got deleted without warning, not to mention the employee layoffs even affected some of the Transformers staff (Warden is hit or miss, your mileage may vary).
It's actually a two-hour game, unless you're terrible at beat em ups.

To the people here complaining about the game, were you even actually going to buy it in the first place? If not then you don't really get to complain without trying it yourself first.

I'll admit its not a perfect game but I enjoyed the heck out of it despite its imperfections. I personally felt that a lot of the voice actors were very close to the originals and each level was jam packed with love for the series as far as references and little easter eggs went.

There were even references to other beat em up games like the turtles and even a Final fight reference. As for gameplay limitations the devs had specific types of old school games they wanted to emulate so in that regard I feel they nailed it but you can't please eveyone.

Some levels were a bit clunky like the cycle and zord levels but I'm hoping that they can possibly fix up minor things with the feedback they have recieved from fans.

I personally would want to see the game be succesful so we can possibly get sequals or dlc if that ending credits tease will lead up to something like that in the near future.
Everyone moved on or grew into Marvel movies.
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Your game, Rita's Rewind, is a poor imitation of Shredder's Revenge.

Does every game need to be shredders revenge though?
Don't bother anon. These threads are full of retards from /ssg/ that never liked PR and shitposters from /prg/.
ye, should've made it river city girls instead
It took me a while to figure out how the mechanics of the Megazord fight actually worked. On one hand I'm glad you can't actually lose during them, otherwise it'd have taken me forever. I still don't like them though, and really would have preferred to use the Megazord (or the Dragonzord Battle Mode if I could have had my way) in the same beat em up style.

Yeah I'll admit those aren't perfect. I feel like thats one thing they could possibly patch to be a little bit better. But once I got a hang of the mechanics they were pretty fun. Reminded me a bit of the Goemon battles from the mystical ninja series.
>The crazed genocidal maniac initiates a plan that puts Countdown to Destruction to shame
>It turns out he just wants a hug and doesn't understand why he's the only Tommy to never get hugged
>It couldn't possibly be because he murdered every person who ever tried to hug him
digital shitclipse employee please, every power ranger youtubber and beat em up youtubber explained why your game is ass its short as fuck, only 10 beat em up levels, everyone plays the same, there is actually issues like grabs not functioning because the grab hit box is so small. The game is ass

>were any of you going to buy it in the first place
this is a ranger thread on /m/ if the game was good everyone here would have bought it, but it is overpriced shovel ware

>its a licensed title what do you expect
shredders revenge is a licensed title, SoR4 is a licensed title, the karate kid is a licensed title, all play better and have unique characters, plus are longer. I bring up Karate kid cause that one was fucking ass, Ritas Rewind is objectively worse then the ass Karate Kid beat em up
>SOR4 is a licensed title
If you're gonna argue, at least know what you're talking about.
is it another studio getting the rights to do a game made by another studio? Is it literally listed under licensed titles by dotemu? don't be retarded
Becoming the next Robotech...
Hasbro did them dirty.
Just let it die already.

Power Rangers is crap. the original super sentai is better.

I saw Zyuranger, and it is much better than the americanized crap called power rangers.

Power ranges is to super sentai what robotech is to macross.
>While I agree totally, it kind of sucks that who ever has the rights to Power Rangers, for some reason, also holds the rights to Western Releases of the Super Sentai series.

Whatever bitch, just download from torrents. And buy stuff from some japanese online store.
A Karate Kid beat-em-up exists? Neat.
>checks it out
Yeah, it does look A LOT better than Rita's Rewind. Almost looks like a re-skinned Kunio-kun game.
its also longer, more enemy variety and each character plays differently, its still a bad game but it has a function parry mechanic that is fun to mess with.

If you want a really good jank beat em up the cobra kai game is good, people shit on it because the 3d is bargain bin tier, and the animations are jank, but it is filled with tons of references to karate kid, Street fighter, and KOF, Johnny is basically axel stone. and Kreese is based on M. Bison and Akuma very fun game just lacks online.
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Now it's always:
>Female Lead Ranger fanfic
Yep, just blow it up and never look back.
You know how you know they realized they fucked up?
look at all their other steam discussion boards, almost no response from the devs at all, with this game they are constantly posting they are working on stuff, but they specifically only respond to bugs and online issues. They avoid responding to people asking for the rangers movesets to be reworked or speed of the rangers because they aren't fixing shit they are just hyping up regular bug fixes in hopes that they can sell even a single copy more because this game flopped hard by word of mouth.

People were hyping this game up day one reviews from actual players killed it. And remember these idiots refused to delay the game for the online because fans demanded it release this year when every fucking person on steam told them to delay it
there's no future as long as Hasbro keeps humping its corpse.
take it, Toei and Hasbro.
I meant..."take it Toei and Bandai"
>power rangers fans scared if elon bought hasbro
>would actually be a net positive cause he would sell the power rangers ip so fast.
faggots don't realize it though
Who's he even gonna sell it to at this point?
As hard as I tried, I just couldn't keep up with the Boom comics, with storylines constantly shifting between different titles and wikis never keeping up to date.

Whatever happened to this jackoff?
I only enter these topics to discuss the late, great Jason David Frank. If even the fucking green ranger can kill himself over a fucking broad, we really are living in Hell.

Rest in peace.
Got enslaved by Rita in the final arc. Not sure if he remained her slave and died, broke free and was a hero, broke free and died, etc. Shit got dumb in the last arc.
>leddit spacing
Lol fuck off shill

How easy would it be to fix things people want to see fixed though? I imagine making all new move sets for the rangers might not be easy to do sincet hat would require all new animatons for everyone. But what about the speed and hit box issues?
speed what fixed in a patch, instead of the smart thing and increasing the hitbox size of the rangers, they just increased the hitbox size of the time disruptor because you can only hit the bottom of it.

They specifically avoid responding to anyone asking for improved move sets, like you can see them on twitter saying thanks for playing we hope we can fix it to everyone but people asking for better movesets.

The steam discussion board is funny, people blindly defending the game getting mocked, the devs constantly posting how it will be better but everyone continuing to shit on the game.

Yeah like i said move sets would require more work and I think they mentioned not everything would be able to be implemented so I guess we'll see if they change the move sets or not. Personally it doesn't bother me too much but if they can fix some of the other issues i'd be pretty happy. I can always hope they might add more levels or content in a future update.
>adding more levels for a game that didn't even sell 3000 copies
also did the update come out on switch or xbox? because if it did it confirms this was a pre planned patch because getting approval for switch takes a month. Meaning a patch within a week is impossible
Most likely back to Toei
That's not racism, it's laziness. There is a big difference between
>I don't like watching subtitled anything
>Damn foreigners!
Subtitles are just an acquired taste.
To be fair, many Americans feel offended if the Americans don't save the day. Also there's the ongoing cold war with China (inb4 japs, they arr rook the same)
Outside of Toei, the only other party that would be a likely candidate is Marvel
Need I remind you all that Marvel were involved with the creation of Battle Fever J, Denziman, and Sun Vulcan, and thus Super Sentai already has its own alternate earth in the Marvel multiverse
Because Americans have been heroes for decades. Since when did the japs ever save civilization from oppression?
Nobody has believed that since 9/11. Especially not after you let a South African run around inside your government like a diseased rat all for the promise of no more gay Mexicans on street corners.
Gavv is darker than any Powers Rangers show.
Who is now owned and controlled by Disney. Who already owned PR, didn't really want it and sold it. And who both have more superheroes than they could ever need with Marvel, are struggling to get them to make money now and are hurting in cash for general.

It's unlikely. And Disney reminder initially just wanted to dub SS and call it Power Rangers and had to be convinced by the staff and producers that actually putting money into producing a show was worth it multiple times. I really doubt that's happening. And even if it did it would not be very good.
You sound like a Disney intern attempting to erase Marvel's autonomy and the fact that PR as we know it would never exist without them.
Battle Fever wouldn't have happened without Supaidaman
Stan Lee did more in laying PR's groundwork than Haim Saban ever did
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Marvel wouldn't buy Power Rangers. It's not profitable. Also, they can just make their own ranger team using alternate versions of Spider-Man.
Supaidaman has a robot because Popy as the main sponsor wanted one in it because robot toys were big sellers, not because of Stan Lee not disputing the Saban didn't do shit part
I wasn't talking about Leopardon
My point was Battle Fever J was a collaboration between Marvel and Toei, it's what saved Sentai from being axed
Stan Lee is long gone and Marvel is controlled by the Mouse now. They were a major contribution in the past yeah but the Marvel of yesteryear is different from the one of today.
Marvel is doing new Godzilla crossover comics when most thought their bridges with Toho were long burned
Okay and? How does any of that matters?
Disney had PR and then they sold it cause they didn't want it anymore. Marvel was in the gutter before Disney bought them and the MCU wasn't yet this money making machine, Iron Man was thought out to be an outlier.
They aren't buying it back, not when they got even more profitable IPs since 2010. It's over, move on already.
Why does Marvel get to go on eternally but we don't
Marvel is an original idea, not an adaptation of a different property that's reliant on another franchise's footage to exist. Power Rangers had one chance to become its own thing, and it was back around the time of MMPR S3 when its popularity was at its peak. That chance was squandered, and after that, it was always going to end like this sooner or later.
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>Prime Rangers aren't a complete MMPR rehash
>Proper Unicorn helmet even if the mouth piece is different
Fucking hell, I actually like this
Still not gonna actively follow Prime though
>Because Americans have been sticking their dicks where it doesn't belong for decades?
"Prime" is such a godawful suffix.
Would you know that from being an official representative? Look above you at the post regarding Godzilla, how you would have said the same thing given their past treatment of his character and strained relations with Toho as a result of that treatment
>The US is still highly regarded and liked by many if not most of the world.
[Source unverified]
What animals are everyone else except red? Griffon, Snake and Raptor? Prime seems OK so far. The VR Troopers remind me of Robocop (not visually like the commercial parodies) which is fun.
The Boom comics have only one trick and that trick is "what if the Red Ranger was a woman?" and they've done nearly every single time there's an original team
>and they've done nearly every single time there's an original team
Both iterations of the Solar Rangers, the Supersonic team, and the earliest known Omegas had male Reds
I'm sort of willing to let Prime slide because
A. Red's Lauren who's an already pre-existing character so they're not pulling someone out of their ass entirely
B. She's sort of not the true "main" character as of yet. The first issue gave more focus to everyone else who will eventually be part of the team
Call it overthinking but I wouldn't be surprised if the guy in purple eventually "graduates" to Red given both he and Lauren seem to be both powered by the same thing given the t-rex motifs while everyone else gets something else
Basically everyone has a motif tied to a previous Ranger
Blue is Unicron
Red is Tyrannosaurus
Black is Snake
Yellow is either Eagle or Griffon
Purple is either Tyrannosaurus as well given the helmet and symbol but I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually Plesiosaur
>Yellow is either Eagle or Griffon

Oh yeah I forgot they tried to say the Tylin was a Griffon and Tenma was a Unicorn
>Tenma was a Unicorn
To be fair, it does pass given it has a horn
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Did it have one on the toy or something? Cause I don't remember it in the show.
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It's there
It's just very small and hard to see at times but it's there
I'm willing to believe the "horn" is like Cyclopsis' "single eye" where it wasn't the intention from the designer but when imported to Power Rangers the design is recontextualized to fit the description in Power Rangers
in Dairanger it's a pegasus, as evident by the wings on the side
Yeah we know
It's a tenma
We're just pointing out the small "horn" that lets it pass as a Unicorn
Should have just let Jun be a full time twink Pink

Lmao, this meme is already 10 years old.
>Red's Lauren who's an already pre-existing character so they're not pulling someone out of their ass entirely
Not really. She wasn't a real character in her own show so they have cart blanche to do what ever they want with her.

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