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Kehaar II has a funny hat

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>proof of concept for a translation project of the Reboot volumes

>last thread
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family pic with her, uh, older cousin she admires a lot?
A bit like a Tengu nose isn't it?
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The thread can have a little Mars Zeon, as a treat
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Maybe a tiny bit? But it's really more of a pointy hat than anything on the face
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have a map of Mars
Isn't there a translated version?
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Closest thing I know is this
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Is that a Delta Plus shield?
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Winch cannon that can be mounted on the torso latch, different design but same concept as TR-5 Advanced Hrairoo and TR-6 Hrairoo II
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Convergent evolution I guess, looks almost exactly like the underside of D+'s shield. I'm also interested in the rifle and shield it's holding, and that odd-looking shield on top of the MA mode (is that a psycommu cross?) Also seems to have missile pods underslung on the arms? And why is there a random Baund Doc head there?
If you mean the full drawing on the left here >>22987260 then that's a tentative sketch for ZZZ so right now it's anyone's guess what the hell it has other than it being related to other Project Z suits. Everything else in here is about regular ol' Hazel Hrair (El-Ahrairah form) we know (barely) and love (greatly).
So for that:
>I'm also interested in the rifle and shield it's holding
The rifle appears to be a Xeku Eins machine gun, though i think the size is a bit off. The shield is classic shield booster with extra equipment added.
>and that odd-looking shield on top of the MA mode (is that a psycommu cross?)
I'll be honest I can't see the cross here. The shield appears to be the booster on the back serving as a "cowl", covering the top of the head. Worth noting it's a bit unclear if this MA form is El-Ahrairah's or ZZZ, though it is likened to the transformation style of Z II and ReZEL which derive from Methuss.
>Also seems to have missile pods underslung on the arms?
Yep, same type El-Ahrairah form has on the shoulders and almost definitely same type Barzam II has there too.
>And why is there a random Baund Doc head there?
Must there really be a reason to draw that beauty beyond the art itself? Jokes aside, it's because Hrair's beeeg v-fin is articulated akin to Baund Doc's "ears" to make space for head-mounted equipment. Though El-Ahrairah form appears to use a Psycho Blade v-fin instead.
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>Delta Plus shield
I meant the bit highlighted in green here
>Weird rifle and shield
Yeah I think it¿s the Xeku MG. The shield looks nothing like the shield booster. Talking about the one the full body diagram on the right is wearing
>Psycommu cross
see picrel
That's the one AEUG made from abandoned TR-S right? which of the drawings depict it? Is it just a rename or is actually a different machine?
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The circled things are ZZZ and probably its MA form, but that one is too damn small to say for sure if it's not El-Ahrairah.
>I meant the bit highlighted in green here
I see what you mean but I think it's just a kinda similar shape. And we've no idea if these are missiles or thrusters or small beam guns or who knows what in these indents.
>The shield looks nothing like the shield booster.
I was referring to El-Ahrairah's from the previous pic, as we've no idea what ZZZ is equipped with.
>Psycommu cross
kind of seems like a stretch to me, the doodle is too small to really tell anything from it
It's TR-S captured by AEUG and refitted with Project Z parts, serving as the focal point of their tests on recovered TR Plan data and parts. Essentially their own Hazel. You can see how this early drawing has some new parts, the legs and front skirt armor are much more Zeta-like than anything Titans ever made.
It's also known as AoZ Gundam or Lambda Gundam, the same one that's been a mystery since Sentinel.
Hadn't noticed the legs before. Those are some very high heels, kinda looks like ZII if you squint. Did AEUG sluttify the TR-S? Is this a corruption doujin?
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AEUG is based like that
That's a fat schlong
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Peak of Federation engineering. I wonder what it's like in MS form.
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That gun is not the Xeku MG, is it?
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nah, here it's carrying the same Hazel rifle on steroids as for example Hizack Flight Type (Vanargand)
You sure? they don't really look alike. Look at the "box mag", or the bipod, or the side scope thingy. Actually, it might be the same gun with more attachments
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I'm fairly sure, yeah. There could very well be some further additional attachments added besides the bipod but most of it is the same. There's the big power cable, the shape of the barrel, or the muzzle with the white "spike" thing under it. Sensor shape, too.
And besides, we know that bipod type and the side sensor are optional attachments to the Hazel rifle.
Hazel Hrair already has a thing with using some "powered up" versions of existing standard equipment too. The shield it's holding there is the regular shield booster with a shit ton of upgrade parts added like the huge missile bay in the front, a sensor behind it or the thrusters and wing binders on the back.
in real guns that's a recoil spring or a gas tube. Leaning towards the former here.
Do we know if Hrair has extra/more powerful generators? I'd assume the big shoulder pods have something to do with it
We have very little info on it for now, but it is a new and distinct MS compared to Hazel and a parallel development line to Woundwort so it's definitely top of the line for the time. And it still follows the same design principles, so additional equipment like generators can definitely be attached.
Speaking of which, the "shoulders" on El-Ahrairah are weapon containers - one carries spare weaponry and the other mounts a large I-Field generator.
I can see the vision
my woundwort is going to be done somewhere next week I reckon.
you guys are gonna like the colour scheme
Is this a MkV with Xeku gear? And El-Ahrairah arms? I see HZII crotch plate too.They twinkified her legs though
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I love shield boosters so much
You and me both. Mounting shield boosters on the sides of the shoulders is objectively the best way to do it
>A.E.U.G Prototype Mobile Suit
dunno about that chief
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In fairness AEUG colors version has been consistently labeled "AEUG Prototype Mobile Suit" on kits for some 35 years now, and presumably in other materials too. Likewise Titans colors is called a "Titans Prototype Mobile Suit".
Which, well, fair enough really. AEUG did yoink them and use them for a whole lot longer.
Do the AoZ MS use the new armor materials that the MkII uses? Or are they still on the ol' luna titanium slab
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>tfw brave cod died before he could reach his final form
Imagine how many spacenoids he could've butchered with that thing
I don't think Mk-II uses new armor, in fact it's known for using rather basic and dated Titanium Alloy-Ceramic composite (possibly with some Gundarium in key areas) which was one of the major areas where Rick Dias was ahead of it.
TR-1 is listed as Titanium Alloy-Ceramic composite as well with some Gundarium reinforcements.
I don't think TR-6's armor is listed anywhere but logically it should be using Gundarium Gamma as by then that was the standard.
It's been a while, but wasn't the MkII's whole deal that it used new, lighter(and frailer) armor developed by Kamille's parents?
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nah, that's movable frame, the insides of the MS not the armor
The sub-arms are touching...
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You ever see a bootleg kit and go "wait, that's a Hazel"?
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Now listen here you...
seems like, basically Mk-V enhanced with a whole bunch of TR standard parts plus Xeku Zwei bits.
Where does the TR-S fit into the story? The ReHaize is already the signature MS of ReZeon. Does it even show up?

Also do we know the size of that thing compared to other MS?
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It hasn't shown up in the story directly but parts designed for it have been prominently features as used by ReZeon.
TR-S itself is back in the Earth Sphere still and was remade into AEUG's ZZZ Gundam, the same way Haze'n-thley II was remade into ReZeon's ReHaze. They're parallels to each other. Once the manga resumes and enters the Earth arc, it will take the center stage.

Sizewise bare TR-S Hazel Hrair appears to be more or less average MS size, maybe a bit larger or a bit smaller but entirely within standards. El-Ahraihah has the gigantic arms which give it a lot more width and overall bulk with the weapon containers, but it's not absolutely massive. Rabscuttle, however, is a tad bigger than Dandelion II.
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I'm gonna have to get the Titans ver. kit and repaint it for that sick head design, won't I?
you could always keep it in the glorious Titans color scheme
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Unless we get a kit of the Reboot version down the line (unlikely but not impossible) and that one is in test colors (double unlikely), yeah.
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Proto Hizack is so good...
Anyone taking bets on what's the next kit announcement? I'm going all-in on the Advanced Hrairoo/Hrairoo II parts.
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Logically these should be coming soon, it's two birds with one stone. But you never know, they seemed like an easy guess before and then BAM
Barzam II.
And now Hizack Custom.
We could get Barzam II [Titans], and there's a bajilion Hizack options. Base Hizack for one thing, and if they're feeling cute it could also tie into a GM Type CR and Sniper III.
I'm still holding onto Hrududu II done properly, ideally as Hambrabi II.
If they were to do Hrairoo II then Advanced Kehaar II is also an easy pick.
We could also be hit with something completely outta nowhere like a Mars Zeon kit or Hazel Kelderek.
The thing about Bandai releases is that there's always a bunch of things that are very likely and then they hit you with a completely random unrelated thing.
So fuck it, Marine Hizack.
Either that or ReHaize. Though a Hizack variant is also possible
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God I'd squeel if ReHaze finally got her due. Would be an amazing release to match manga coming of hiatus, for a double whammy surprise.
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>Barzam II [Titans]
That'd be so cool. I really want to take a closer look at what the fuck is going on with that rifle it has.

>I'm still holding onto Hrududu II
And you lost me. What do you mean? You can still make the Hrududu II right now, but you need to grab the TR-6 Hazel II, no?
We know she can reach orbit without extra boosters, but is that Earth or Mars oebit? Even then it's pretty insane considering she uses regular propellant-fed boosters. It's not like she has minovsky flight/craft or anything of the sort right? Not even late UC MS can achieve that via conventional means
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>closer look at what the fuck is going on with that rifle it has.
AFAIK it's basically one of the claws of the CBS holding onto the bazooka somehow, but it'd be neat to see that properly.
>You can still make the Hrududu II right now, but you need to grab the TR-6 Hazel II, no?
Yeah but it's kinda fucked up you have to disembowel a Woundy for that, nevermind it's another p-bandai kit. And the drum frame + conntector pod booster + subarm set is kinda integral to most Rah II forms nowadays.
Bonus points if they make it as Hambrabi II with a bunch of extra upgrade parts.
Presumably Earth orbit as Haze'n-thley II Rah II can also do that. And it might sound unreasonable at first but Ex-S with fuel tanks have been stated to do the same for decades before that.
Wundy core, Barzam legs, El Ahrairah arms and pod? So wundy can use TR-S parts directly?
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I was under the impression the TR-S was supposed to be huge. Like Xi sized.

Am I going crazy? Why did I think that?
>for decades before that.
Doesn't HZII predate Ex-S (in univrrse)
What rifle are you talking about?
Because Woundwort is tiny (the HG is out of scale). TRS is not small but it's not ECKSBAWKSHUEG either
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Yep, it's pretty prominently featured in the first chapter of the manga. They're parallel projects and share at least some parts.
>Doesn't HZII predate Ex-S (in universe)
They were deployed at basically the exact same time, just in different places. Titans' Aswan sent for Gryps and the EFSF Task Force Alpha for Pezun.
>what rifle
the Composite Shield Booster, Barzam II carries one without the heat blade barrel and with a hyper bazooka.
>first chapter of the manga.
I thought that was a Queenly
Angle looks ofd, I don't think the zooka is attached to the csb
Queenly with the El-Ahrairah parts attached. We also see Hizacks with the ballistic ones serving as artillery units.
>I don't think the zooka is attached to the csb
I mean...
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>Yeah but it's kinda fucked up you have to disembowel a Woundy for that, nevermind it's another p-bandai kit
Bro, your bootleg Hazel II? I bought one just to get ass booster to make a Re-Boot accurate Woundwort Rah II, do you think I give a shit? You shouldn't either.

Same with that upcoming bootleg Hazel Custom. Buying one just to slap that arms and legs onto one of my Woundworts.
Oh, so aiming it is just a PITA
you literally CANNOT make out where the hand is gripping the gun in that image
So the Barzam II is a TTT project that ReZeon adopted or we looking at a what-if because only the ReZeon Barzam II was built?
You can, but it's very low detail
>You can
Both are correct
Which AoZ is this?
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Hizacks with the ballistic arms. I've had a pic from the manga with Woundwort equipped with just the TR-S gigantic arms but I can't find it right now.
I mean, it's still aimed in the same direction as the beam gun and I imagine the claw could adjust it too. It's like an underslung grenade launcher on steroids I guess.
check here for higher resolution
I really can't see how else it can be interpreted
It's part of the TR Plan that was never built by Titans as far as we know, ReZeon was the first to implement it. Even though they're using different parts, their performance is supposed to be even.
waaaaaait if the Barzam II's v fin opens up to communicate with the satellite shooting everything in Mars orbit what was the point of the gimmick when the Titans designed it in the first place?
it uses psycommu for transferring data and battlefield information, ReZeon just uses Eleanor as a relay for more range
>and enters the Earth arc
Is that even planned?
Well, I'm all in for Fujioka being able to play with EFF/AEUG/Londo Bell and Char's Neo Zeon suits too.
I wonder how much he's going to be constrained by more recent material showing AEUG still uses shitty nemos into late UC
Not AEUG, but ex-AEUG terrorists that are as starved as Zeon remnants that use OYW relics. SSD on other hand is quite likely backed by Anaheim and got their hands on a lot of Titans suits. Besides TR-S, you can see their Barzam variant.
Nemos aren't that bad either way. Just not cost effective enough.
what the fuck are you people talking about
Fujioka referenced that on Twitter before, and the manga itself has been building up towards it. SSD has been active and involved in the background the whole time, they're gonna take the center stage sooner or later.
Especially when AEUG-ifying / Anaheim-ing the TR suits is just too good of a concept to leave at just Barzam.
What even is there for them to do on Earth when Zeon is stuck on Mars?
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the whole point of them is that they're remnants clinging onto ideals for decades
Exactly. Everyone from AEUG either joined the EFF becoming Londo Bell and the like, or refused to do so and remained AEUG later EGUM
I thought SSD would send a ship to Mars sphere rather than the other way around, honestly.
Personally, I think it's a good place to revisit Nemo Cannon and Rick Dias [Stutzer], which are earlier TR-ing of AEUG suits. But even experimenting with newer suits, like Jeddah and ReGZ isn't out of the question.
Also, if they are bringing ZZZ and ZZZ is Lambda, one could wish for Nero.
aw yiss
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well, we have smol art of the Nero in AoZ style already prepared...
what in the world? It looks like the dark parts of the Mk-II shield are being used as independent small shields with thrusters inside them
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TTT version of the Ex-S soon. I can feel it.
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Nouvel GM III my beloved. The bestest, most Chad-like GM.
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Katoki made absolute bangers straight out of the gate. It's cool how Hazel references this too.
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Fujioka is the best Gundam designer that still making new designs and it's a wash.

But he is no peak Katoki.
Hasegawa is doing cool stuff too, and Gyoubu(sp?) never misses safe for a couple so-so designs in G-reco
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I still want to see references to this guy in AoZ. Mk-III as well while we're at it.
As far as I can tell, this was some modeller's custom design featured in a 1999 issue of Hobby Japan magazine, so it's not any sort of canon or from any story in particular.

The modeller came up with the backstory for it, it's supposed to be a replacement enhanced Gundam Mark II "unit 4" nicknamed "Tempest" created after the Titans lost the first three units. The shoulder thruster binders are indeed made out of spare parts of the shield.
Straight up visionary.
This is a psycho gundam (forma de manlet) so really all the gigantic and queenly forms are references
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I mean yeah, but I was thinking its structure in particular. Not the psycho plates but for example the backpack structure with subarms holding large equipment or the sensor placement.
Or the beam rifle design, we had a whole volume about how modular the structure is.
as long as they don't touch Psychoframe,
>Gyoubu(sp?) never misses
>safe for a couple so-so designs in G-reco
Bro, you could not say something that makes me disagree any harder. Gyobu was really good in G-Reco, has only made abominations since. IBO, G-Witch and especially Moon.
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The rifle certainly looks very Mk. II/Hazel.
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You shut your whore mouth right name. name three bad gyoubu designs
Just looking at the garbage wiki, I can give you three lists worth.

The Theta Plus was the best design to come out of Moon and it wasn't even by Gyobu. I remember thinking a HG of it was very possible back when they made the HG Moon Gundam. Ah, to be young and hopeful again.
You still haven't even named one bad design.
Good designers tend to be underappreciated, huh.
that just looks like a shitty Yanase design
God I love Build Mk-II, it's pretty much an AoZ design already. Sensors, subarms, drum frames and all.
Can't say I'm a fan personally
the fuck?
Moon Gundam
Enhanced Moon Gundam
Now, why don't you name three good ones? I promise not to laugh.
these are good ones tho
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>Lists the same good design three times
As for three great recent designs, waht about
>Darlbalde (both versions)
>Grimoire Red Beret
>Grimoire Red Beret
this design has been around longer than most of today's /m/ userbase man it's not recent
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okay, here
don't think I'm the one calling Gyoubu designs shit
but that's still worse than the Fujita Dijeh SE-R
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It's a different path. Gyoubu's variants take after the Fed side of the family
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While Fujita's is Dijeh going through a rebellious phase and wanting to be like the Zeonic uncle. Hard to say which looks cooler, but the SE-R has the better head and crotch section for sure
what's really crazy is how none of those guys have kits or even figures
you'd figure an Amuro custom Dijeh would be a shoo-in
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Words cannot describe how much I love everything about this volume
The only decent Gyobu design in Moon is Modified Rick-Dijeh.
The rest is overdesigned trash. Re-GZID, Zaku IV, Gaz Grau, etc.
G-Witch mecha designs are whatever in general.
But sure enough, Gyobu did well on G-Reco, Divers and ReRise.
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The Moon Gyobu designs all remind me of that time Katoki designed a figure of the Exia. Some things just shouldn't mix.
It's not THAT bad aside from the big tits and weird face
How is the Sniper III compared to to the Sniper II? Other than it being dressed for Halloween.

Also that SMG looking gun from the Titans GM II looks so fucking sick, never noticed it before.
Well, it's using GM II as basis so it's no slouch (for 0085 anyway), but the most important highlight is that it is, in essence, just a set of upgrade parts mounted onto a GM II rather than a variant machine just using the same baseline, so in terms of practical usability it's excellent.
And yeah that gun is neat, it's the GM II rifle with a stock, E-Caps and some kind of presumably high convergence barrel.
>How is the Sniper III compared to to the Sniper II?
Straight upgrade pretty much. It's almost GM III.
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is there a Gudnam p90?
I honestly thought the GM Sniper II was better than the GM II, but then I remembered one was a OYW machine while the other was post-OYW.

Zeta just really made the impression the GM II was straight up garbage.
GM II is more of a spec name than of an actual mobile suit.
Fresh from the factory GM II were good, but most were upgraded GM I old stock and you'd be lucky to get one based on barely used GM Type C or GM Command and not some battered early GM.
Of course Titans got the best ones and were the developer of alternate equipment sets, like Sniper III. That's how you know that it is good.
These things are kinda up in the air honestly, written specs are largely arbitrary, nevermind very limited in scope and other descriptions can be vague or mutually incompatible with their benchmarks.
By the time of Zeta GM IIs are absolutely outdated, especially when tech starts progressing faster, but that does also fit a thematic role - here's a successor to the mass produced model of the previous show, superior to it in every way, and yet now it's far more below par than the GM was in MSG. Times have changed. F91 does a similar thing with Jegans too.
There's also the bonus aspect of having mostly similar heroic colors yet being used by the enemies from the very start, times have changed.
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Are there bootlegs of designs Bandai hasn't made into kits yet?
not really bootlegs in the disparaging sense but check out Watership 4.5 in the OP >>22986510
Getting their stuff in the west is rather pricy but it looks very high quality and Fujioka retweeted them before I believe.
AEUG stole all our pixels
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apolocheese, found a bigger pic
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the spacenoid exterminator 3000
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She's beautiful
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Do all machines have the red fingertips? I thought they were extra sensors for the prototype variants. I guess she's allowed to have pretty nails, as a treat
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That was stated to be their purpose but as seen for example here >>22992969 they're present on literally all the Feddie suits, even back during the OYW. It is a little inconsistent though, sometimes some suits don't have them, but I suspect that's an error rather than intentional.
They're not just a design quirk though, all of the Mars Zeon suits notably do not have the manicure.
what's the shadow behind ZZZ/Hrair? looks Zeon-shaped
those are some BEEFY vents on the back. Wonder if they're thrusters or radiators?
Thrusters I believe, specialized for ground use. You can see the same type on Dwadge's backpack, and the extra ones on Dwadge Kai are also mounted on Dom III
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so this is a ground-spec Zaku III? I guess not even Mars Zeon dares to fly on Mars. Would love to see them with some sort of hover pack on the legs though
The blurb only describes ZZZ so presumably that us another variant of it
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Everything relating to that MS is tease after tease. It's like a months-long edging session
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Remember, edging to MS is dangeorus
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Woah. Wonder how much of it is printed/resin and how much is real kits.
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woah, that's a lot of effort, I didn't expect pla plate scrachbuilds
Sick as fuck. As ridiculous as the idea of rolling up a house-sized tarp around the giant gun is, it looks cool. No clue what it'd be for though, ghetto barrel cooling in atmosphere?
Can't say I'm a fan of the tiny shoulder cannon (more like a mortar lmao).
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This looks too good for something so defenseless
Years long more like, it's been going on since 2014. Fir what it's worth, I'm pretty sure we got more info this year than the last 5 combined.
When we finally get a big TR-S based illustration I'm going to bust so hard they'll call me Gryps 3
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Been reading Moon Gundam, so far Theta Plus steals the show. What year does ReBoot take place in? Would be interesting to know if the ZZZ is at all related to the ZZ tech-wise
Both Moon and AoZ Reboot are UC 0091.
so you're saying there's a chance...
AOZ need a bawoo
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I'm surprised that none of the HZII diagrams reference it, since it uses the same top and bottom fighter separation gimmick.
Off the top of my head, you have the modified 90mm machine gun that the Escort Jegan from Narrative uses. I think it gets pretty damn close.
But barzam better
Woah, you're right. It even has the top-loaded mag
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Anyone here paint their models? I'm looking for ideas on what colors to paint the inner frame and weapons that matches this illustration. I'm gonna recreate it with a HG GM Quel and MG Hazel Early Type. Just blasting gunmetal will not look right.

I tried looking at all the officials models that have this color scheme (all one of them), but the color doesn't quite match the image.

I could ask the gunpla thread, but that place is awful and I get the feeling the average IQ of this general is higher than /gpg/'s.

Incidentally, is Fujioka also the author for Advance of Zeta/Re-Boot or is he just the illustrator?
I've seen some custom builds on twitter that got very close to replicating colors like this, I'll look for them later and get back to you.
Regarding Fujioka, for Flag of the Titans he was only in charge of mechanical design but for Reboot as a whole I believe he's in charge of everything from designs through drawing to plot.
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In that image (and a fair few other AoZ examples) joints/unpainted areas have an indigo tint, varying from about 20-40% which is probably done to make them sit better with the overall scheme Fujioka is using of 'cool' (temperature) hues. The v-fin isn't yellow/gold here but more of a peach tone, much closer to red than yellow, but surrounded by all these 'cool' colours it can seem more yellow. As a contrast, the white sections have very neutral shading.
This effect is much harder to get right in 3D than 2D, where you have total control of lighting, background etc. Gunmetal over a dark indigo base might get the result you want but I'm just guessing.
The sheen on the armor also means you'd have to paint the black sections in a glossy black color, unless a glossy topcoat achieves the desired result
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this one might be helpful, here's the whole thread for more pics
I think he posted some experimentation about picking the paints too
The way the Owsla armor plates fit over Hazel's body is so good, it reminds me of a a bulletproof vest. Come to think it of it, AoZ is basically the mecha version of tacticool (ECOAS from Unicorn are tactocool done wrong)
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Yep, Eleanor is gonna target and obliterate them otherwise. All equipment has been converted to ground or marine use. Leg equipment would be cool, but it's worth adding these are actually "hover propulsion units" specifically rather than just basic bitch thrusters. I think Zaku III can also hover by default, it's pretty standard in that era.
That said I'd like to see more references to the old ZZ production drafts for its equipment options that never made it anywhere.
Zaku III has a shit ton of modular equipment but it's kinda underused.
woah. Are those mega beam sabers on the one on the right? What variant is that, space type?
Can't lie, the propellant tanks having an indentation for the sabers bothers me. Those things are supposed to be cheapo disposable universal tanks, not custom tooled for each MS loadout
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Some kind of mid-range cruising type, which would explain the extra fuel tanks. the beam saber-looking things are just labeled as just weapons, I would sooner guess they're just beam cannons but it's impossible to tell.
And in fairness, there's no shortage of other suits with fuel tanks that seem unique or designed for them. Doesn't mean they can't be used on other things though.
I don't think they can shoot forwards if they're cannons, so sabers feels more likely. maybe the propellant tanks are for the extra movement required for close combat instead. What are some other examples of MS with bespoke canisters? I'm pretty sure in 99.9% of cases they're always generic cilindrical tanks not even painted in the same color as the MS. Sure they might not all be the exact same design because out-of-universe the designers just drew them differently, but I imagine they're all unviersal generic models in-universe, you want standarization in that kind of "consumable" part and thye don't really have any fancy tech that would justify new models.

What do MS use as propellant anyways? Water?
>I don't think they can shoot forwards if they're cannons
In fairness shooting forward doesn't mean that much in space. The, like, one time ZZ fires its backpack beam cannons/sabers is upwards at a Dreissen IIRC.
>What are some other examples of MS with bespoke canisters?
I mean, this is just a draft that wasn't used in the show so there aren't any, I'm just saying there theoretically could be. Even if they don't take advantage of the shape, fuel's fuel if the hardpoint fits.
Fair enough on tank shapes in general though, though I want to say some are a bit more distinctive one way or another like heaving weapon storage on them or whatever.

I think there's different types of propellant, but Hazel shield booster explicitly uses some low-explosive kind.
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Fenris Wolf custom build
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Fujioka retweeted it and just quickly grabbed manga pics from amazon lmao
this is what he posted, phone overlay and all
the ZZ was piloted by a newtype, they're known for their enhanced spatial perception. Regular pilots don't have an innate feel for what's happening 360 degrees around them
maybe he's in the hospital or somewhere that's not his work PC
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Good day, /m/echa bros, Jim Quail here. I apologize for the silence since my last update. Should I make it easier to get in touch with me? I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance!

Preamble aside, I have some (probably) good news to bring you guys. I've finally gotten some time off from university and managed to get my groove back. I've just published another translation (with a new Plaintext Transcription segment for easier reading) much like my "proof of concept" for Vol.53. This time around, it's for Vol.20; The Rabscuttle. I have also created a "home page" for my translation work to serve as an easier way to access my future work. The link to my site with a link to the translation of Vol.20 is https://jim-quail.github.io/aoz-reboot-translations/index

For the Crossbone Gundam Ghost guys who sent me an invite all the way back in August, I'm sorry for only now seeing this. If you're in this thread, I apologize. I'll have to set up a Discord account and join soon. For the guys who wanted to see pics of my ZZ kits and my AoZ Barzam, I may just make a page in my site for that.
Great work, both with Rabscuttle in particular and for persevering with this project. I'll look through it in more detail later and see if I can give any precise feedback.
Is the claw cannon supposed to be some sort of diffuse/spread beam? it talks about converging the beams but only mentions one cannon
Convergence is a thing for regular beam guns, I think it has something to do with how focused or narrow the beam is when it comes out the barrel. I imagine longer barrels have more convergence rings so a long beam launcher or sniper rifle will fire a more focused beam that has longer effective range, and then you have things like ZZ's hi-mega cannon or the Psyco Gundam's scattering beam cannons that are basically barrel-less beam emitters and fire a wide-ass beam spread, almost like a spray
makes sense. Where is that pic from?
Was there ever a point in time where the GM II could be considered an up to date/top of the line MS? It's performance every time it's on screen has led me to believe that it was largely a stop gap filler update with only the bare minimum upgrades made to the remaining OG GMs to make them "current"
As far as mass-production suits go? Not with the Quel around, no.
But GM II was the second best thing and also available in higher numbers (often at the cost of quality). At its best it's not far behind Hizack and Galbaldy that were the replacement at the time and depending on equipment could be better.
MS development is so breakneck fast that nothing really stays top of the line for long. That goes double for mass production units. in the time it takes to set up the factory lines, there's already a newer, better unit finishing its testing period
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Originally printed in the MS Illustrated 2003 databook.


Some databooks put the GM II's development around late 0083 to 0085 so maybe about then it was still decent, but then MS development speeds up right about when Zeta starts.
>Some databooks put the GM II's development around late 0083 to 0085
Considering that Stardust memory wasn't a thing when the GM II was initially designed, its a pretty reasonable peace time update. You don't need top of the line MS with all the bells and whistles to patrol colonies.
I know the pictures in the link are in Chinese, but I think that they can provide some sort of a guide for color ideas once translated.
And being the dumbass that I am, I forgot the link: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/5027053378210436
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im currently painting my woundwort
for the gun I'd use gray/neutral gray from mr colour. Neutral gray is the about the same colour as the plastic, you could always darken it to taste.
for my woundwort I did the purple innerframe by the painting guide as seen here: http://www.dalong.net/reviews/cg/cgh307/p/cgh307m_0010.jpg
I only used neutral grey instead of the normal grey because thats what I had at home. Neutral is a little bit darker so the purple looks a tad darker/purpler too. Mind you it is not as dark as your illustration but its noticably darker than the base plastic.
I reckon you could use this too and use a grey thats a bit more dark than neutral grey to get your result
Picrel: left is painted, right is unpainted
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What's the status of railgun tech in UC? bullet-based weapons seem to work like conventional firearms, and the only examples of railguns I can think of are Atlas from Thunderbolt, and Draig's minovsky "railgun" way down the line
There was a few used during the One Year War and a handful more later over the years, but they're rare. I guess there's not much they can do that beams don't do better and they're more expensive than regular ballistics.
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Underutilized. Desert GM has a railcannon weapon held in the hands, and the Hyaku Shiki Kai ground type has a beam rifle with underbarrel railgun.
Ground combat has one as well. Later down the line there's a Cannon Gundam variant with railguns too.
The OYW GM rail cannons are essentially naval weapons refitted for MS use to ease the burden on beam weapon production. Incidentally, Barzam Commander Custom (most thread-relevant out of all these) has a railgun rifle that was originally meant to be mounted on a Garuda-class.
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Feels like they would be great for in-colony operations. Been thinking up my side story like mecha autists do and got to thinking about colony-use weapons. Beams are out, and even beam sabers are out since they can cause a reactor meltdown. So you'd want heat weapons and ballistics. A railgun seems like the best weapon in such an environment. Can punch through anti-ballistic armor plates, but likely not through colony walls

The most important thing for colony combat weapons is avoiding reactor chain reactions, that's a much bigger explosion than just stray beam fire. Buuuut that is still a problem too and the best way of avoiding reactor explosions is not using beam weapons anyway so it amounts to the same thing. That's why fir example heat weapons still have an important niche.
In UC 0110 and beyond the go-to Freddie approach for avoiding collateral damage was lowered firepower in general, like smaller calibers and less powerful explosives on non beam weapons. This suggests that either heavy ballistic firepower us still a threat to colonies - if not the walls proper, then other critical infrastructure. Or the glass walls. Or that Feddies just took the simplest and cheapest approach rather than am effective one
Comparatively, Crossbone Vanguard shot lancers are apparently using rail cannon tech. The Lance's are melee weapons, but they can also be shot out in stages on the same principles as rail weaponry and they're designed to minimise colony damage so it seems like you're right on the money.
The shrinking of calibers is likely also due to MS size shrinking. Both because you need smaller bullets to penetrate their barely-armored frame, and because the MS carrying the gun is also smaller
one of the benefits of railguns is super velocity and high penetration, they're likely to punch through armor and keep going so they might hit buildings behind enemies, why not stick to regular projectile weapons and immobilizing stuff like the AEUG sticky glue or the Atlas freeze gel darts?

patlabor had a fun mini-episode about what kind of ammo to use to reduce the odds of over-penetration

Wouldn't close quarters combat suits, like G-Line Assault Armor fit colony fighting more?
Just smack silly spacenoids with Gundam Hammer while they try to blast through chobam armor without beam weaponry.
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I was thinking something akin to the Gustav Karl. Heavy armor to counter ballistics, not much emphasis on speed since they'd be fighting in cramped colony streets or tunnels, so type of riot shield, and a full on "city fighting" loadout. Shotguns, heat knives, etc.
IIRC that's exactly what Assault Armour and assorted honor guard suits are for. Fighting in cities and colonies with the intent of minimising collateral damage. Hell, the archetype is still alive fuck knows how much later via SUMO.
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The forgotten AoZ Nemo
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>I assure you pilot, it is essential that the beam launcher has the brand of sacrifice as a bipod
that is true and I agree but I'm not sure if this is the right thread
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Hey all, Jim Quail here with another release. This time it's on the Zaku III and the Dom III, two designs that I love. Here's the link: https://jim-quail.github.io/aoz-reboot-translations/dengeki/vol21a.htm

If you're already familiar with my "index" website, you can also access it from there.
Great work as always. Would it be possible to make it so that the popup text boxes stay open when your mouse is over the text box itself?
classic MTL blunder, should be changed to MS

On the lore-related side of things, I wonder what exactly is the difference between a Zaku III ground type and a Dom III. Both are more or less the same MS with a different head, I guess the Dom has the sleeve guns? Other than that, both are fatso zeon MS equipped with hover units (the same ones in fact), can use the same weapons, etc.
Ack, I knew I felt like something was off. I'll fix the "aircraft" thing.

As for the Zaku III / Dom III thing, I'm guessing the Dreissen is still more heavily armored compared to the Zaku III?
I should've packed my reply to this in the previous post as well. I'm a little loopy and tired, so apologies. As for your request, I'll look into it; in later Dengeki releases, the popup text boxes stay open. I'm not too familiar with JS, so I'll have to poke around a bit.
Aircraft isn't an entirely incorrect translation, there's plenty of talk about anti-air fire referring to mobile suits in official subs for example or mention of avionics in kit manuals, borrowing terminology from that field is pretty common. Mobile suits are stand-ins for aircraft in many ways and have been conceptualized in the same role since before they were called mobile suits.
Zeonic also has no qualms using that term and while I'm not a fan of the guy himself he has been working with this shit for an unreasonably long time and does know his stuff.

As for Zaku and Dom, Zaku is still a hell of a lot more modular, you're not gonna turn the Dom III into a recon type so easily for example. Meanwhile Dom is still the bigger, badder, fatter bastard with all the advantages of that.
Incidentally it's worth adding the ground type Zaku III's model was changed in later materials into AMX-011RG as the Ground variant of AMX-011R, Mars Zeon's space use Zaku III that was mentioned but not depicted for now. So this is still accurate to the volume itself of course, it's just that the volume itself is a tad outdated on this one element.
What the fuck is ReZeon’s deal? Mars Zeon makes sense - they’re continuity Gihrenists, simple as, but I have no idea what’s up with ReZeon beyond “Zabi clones?” and “something something national revival on Mars”?
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You joke but TR Plan's attempts at flight have names like Icarus or Daedalus, there's a bit of a thematic link there. And the leg design for Hizack Flight Type directly references similarity to Penelope's.
This is like Vanargand plus right?
I understand this is more of a sidegrade using Hazel Icarus parts
A shame all these flight types are doomed to never show up again since Mars forbids flying. Unless that's exactly why the story will move to Earth
about that
wait, that's illegal
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Black Hares <3
it's ok when rezeon does it
Certain people are exempt from the ban - namely Alicia's honor guard (hence they use Kehaar IIs) and the cyber newtype "Psycho Girls II squad" in Flight type Hizacks, inspired by the Fenris Wolf-using PG Squad deployed against them by Axis remnants.
>Psycho Girls II squad
are they a ragtag punk-themed group of Purus in quirky costumes?
I don't know if we see them directly, actually. For what it's worth Axis's PG weren't Puru series and IIRC were implied to be "conventional" (Federation-style) enhanced regular people.
The PG II squad and their Hizacks are mostly there to get immediately wiped out by the work-use Psycho Gundam Mk-II that was overclocked with a BuNNYS model based on Char.
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Hi dad
More like great grandfather.
so what's the missing link?
Marasai and Geara Doga?
Gears Dogs, Sazabi and some Jegan and Gelgoog III thrown in
Apparently the Hizack Custom is out in Japan, we'll probably see reviews before christmas. It's probably nothing groundbreaking but there could be hints what other variants we can expect.
>finally done decalling
when they are dry tomorrow Ill topcoat it and post the results. Excited to post it here
I hadn't really thought about it, but yeah the Geara Dogas (and Zulus) are just Anaheim engineers playing pretend Zeon. And Messer is more or less a de-newtype'd Sazabi
don't forget the womb decals
woundwort has a cock and balls, no womb
nonsense! where do you think the baby woundworts come from?
It's an optional equipment.
/m/preg is always possible
they come from the barzam bussy
>Barzams are girls
>Woundworts are girls(male)
What does that make Hazels? Hrairoos?
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all mechas are girls silly
the womb is the cockpit
>pretend Zeon
Those were made by ex-Zeonic staff specifically, secretly, for non-EFF use.
You know, If I were an AE exect ruthlessly pursuing profit over morals by selling to everyone, I'd make up an excuse like "it was ex-zeonic employees that did it without my consent" to divert blame.
Funny story about it. They never officially recognized Geara Doga as being made by them, even if all the involved parties knew.
Thus, EFF had to ask Buch to reverse engineer it for their aggressor units and hope that Anaheim wouldn't call patent infridgement as that would be admitting that they are sponsoring terrorism.
The amount of BS the Federation lets Anaheim get away with is incredible. Okay, I can buy that the Gerbera, an already existing MS, was handed over to Zeon by sone rogue enployees. Whole incident was covered up anyways. Then you get the whole Rick Dias-Marasai-Zeta (and I think Nemos too?) Shenanigans okay, pretty suspect but we'll let it slide. Then the Geara and Jagd Dogas happen, and at this point you have to wonder how they explained away all the production lines and enough MS to equip a small nation "going missing". Hwy Mr. Anaheim CEO, care to explain why you have some factories churning out these distinctly zeonic looking MS, and why you never informed us that you were doing so? And then the Messer straight up has the chest vents, all it's missing is a big AE decal
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Guys, please explain:
1) why does Chester's Fleet, which was never mentioned in either Z or ZZ, have MA and MS NeoZeon Lady Haman, which were somehow upgraded during the flight to Mars? (by the way, why are they "Mars Zeon" then?)
2) and Alicia's ReZeon (which is Puru?) somehow has improved Titan technologies in mass production, although they could not technically have been on Mars much earlier than Chester's forces?

Doesn't the opposite picture make more sense:
1) on Mars they develop and upgrade NeoZeon technologies and form Mars Zeon, which simply due to generations raised on the Red Planet no longer has any attachment to the Earth Sphere and the Old Principality?
2) and the fleet of Chester, who was defeated in ZZ, returning to the Martian Sphere would have been heavily diluted with Titans and other radical refugees from the Earth Sphere, who would have been plotting to start a new war on Mars?
read this

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The rest of the Delaz fleet versus a full-fledged planetary militarized colonial structure, with the corresponding population and resources? This is not even serious.

The Titans arrived on Mars after Gryps, but Chester Junior's fleet was sent to Mars only a little later? So how did ReZeon have time to switch from NeoZeon to Titan-tech? And why the hell would Alicia need it if they had their own tech base + I assume the Axis too?

Again, guerrilla warfare on Mars is like a joke - there is no way to survive there without a correspondingly extensive infrastructure, unlike in Africa, and these systems are more than easy to detect from satellites.

Is this explained in any way in the manga or does it all boil down to "trust me bro"? By the way, are these "childish" drawings manga? In English, roughly, chapters 5 from 21st year. I suppose the translation is dead?
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Chester Fleet was sent from Mars to assist Axis, by the time they arrived in the Earth Sphere Neo Zeon was in the middle of the Haman/Glemy civil war. Chester refused to get caught up in this mess and left back home, taking in Axis personnel that wanted to GTFO. By the time he came back, what were small scale guerillas before are now running the place.
ReZeon was backed up by the Titans refugees who brought the Fiver II and other weapons with them, enough to turn the tide and take over Mars. Establishing their new order, they use the Titans technology arguing it's simply reclaiming what was designed based on Zeon tech in the first place.

Mars Zeon has always been all about clinging to old glory, the only difference is that unlike F90 there are still some veterans in active combat that remember the One Year War.
That just doesn't make sense
you basically need to handwave a lot of the stuff, it's pretty much par for the course when it comes to gundam
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the collection grows
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bought this thinking it was going to be an artbook
turns out it's a manga instead
fucking nice
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bit of a bummer as Fujioka's character art sucks compared to his mecha designs
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oh well here's Barzam at least

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