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Not a single character since her debut has been as popular, are other designers even trying?
>OP is a Rikkafag
You don't even know who Drool is do you..
Yeah, I thought he hated Gridman and Trigger as a whole.
That's duel using his latest shitposting method, calling other people duel when he feels threatened.
He's also accusing random threads of being Drool slide threads and links his post to random images he posted on other threads which have nothing to do with the OP image used, with that said this is still a shitty bait thread from a day ago thats been reposted.
rikka is having a banger thread over in /a/
Hi duel, stop pretending like those threads aren't yours.
I pray someone finds you Duel and deals with you properly with a Shotgun, you will burn in hell forever and it will be funny.
Gridfags are a cancer
Rikka's thighs get fatter with every post.
Guess her Weight Gain plan is paying off!
>Weight Gain plan
What's the endgame of such plan?
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Merry Christmas!!!
merry tripmas anon
And a happy new year!
Stop self bumping your threads gridshitter.
that's one hell of a babybump
What about the original series?
nobody cares about it
fuck off
Fuck on.
Fuck in.
But does anyone care about Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad?
why is she so sweaty?
I think it was some spammer posting low-quality sample images in a bunch of threads that had their shit wiped.
but that was neither spam nor low quality, and it was on-topic, is it really breaking any rules?
It was on-topic in each thread, it was in a bunch of them. I saw a Victory Gundam in that current thread. Maybe the jannies thought it was someone trying to bump shit strategically to slide threads off the board, who fucking knows. It definitely seemed like spam.
>it was in a bunch of them
ah I see, still pretty weird that someone would go out of their way to ban someone doing that considering exactly what you mention is pretty normal in this board
Mujina would be as popular as Rikka if it weren't for her very limited screen time, role in Dynazenon sucking, not being a heroine (not even a secondary or tertiary), and most importantly, premature death. They wasted this top-tier design so badly.
Honestly her design isn't as good. Rikka shines in her simplicity.
>her design isn't as good
I disagree.
Not saying it's bad, just not as good or memorable. The short hair for example.
damn what are they feeding this piggy?
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The triple sides of humanity.
Imagine the intercrural.
Only Pierce "Importer-Exporter" Brosnan knows of such things
isnt she jsut popular because of the porn?
it's the highest honor one can aspire to
I will never understand how it's most vacuous characters who somehow end up the most popular
Asuka isn't vacuous, yet the amount of Doujins she has is legendary.
>it's most vacuous characters who somehow end up the most popular
Such as?
She is popular because she is a very believable teenaged girl.
Female characters in a nutshell.
what about a buttjob?
can be arranged
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Dynazenon is a better show anyway.
Why do all the boys look kinda gay.
Yuta is so lucky
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Mecha is gay
They're insanely huge chads and need to dress like fags to limit their power level like in Harrison Bergeron
How soon?
Duel, why won't you return to /a/ to shill Solo Leveling like you've been doing recently?
>every who replies to this thread is automatically a drool alt:
Gramps, I think it's about time you take your meds and go to bed now.
Whatever you say, Duel
Trigger shows always have borderline gay male designs
Except for David Gigachoom Martinez, based as he is.
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She's a busy girl, how does march 3rd 2026 sound?
That's assuming the aliens don't nuke us by then.
Mexicans don't have nukes.
not those aliens, glowie!
Haha, gbitch got his post deleted
>Felsi takes great offense to this statement:
Felsi is no bitch.
But she is from Mercury, no?
This thread isn't doing a good job of convincing me she is actually popular.
a decent coom art of rikka would rack you atleast 50k likes on twitter, even for small accounts
THAT'S NOT THE SAME YOU DUMB TOURIST! If Rikka was so popular, then why doesn't she get more threads outside being spammed by the same five people? Even Macross girls get more love on /m/.
>spammed by the same five people
>Even Macross girls get more love on /m/.
Macross, and /m/ is not even a popular board in 4chan so your criteria for popularity are all over the place.
Damn who pissed in this guy's foreskin.
Seems like you spam a lot of them, friendo.
That's a good thing.
>borderline gay male designs
You'd know all about that.
bum pan
Many such cases.
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Would you let her sit on your face?
Holy cankles.
That skirt is so short I can see her ass.
She's presenting it to you.

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