Are there any other shows or novels that are fantasy mecha? So far, I've only seen Escaflowne and Frame Gride.
>>22991492Dunbine. It's an isekai show in a fantasy world with bug mechs. It kind of has a medieval style. Lots of cool mecha action, fairy butts, it's pretty cool.
Panzer World Galient is a personal favorite. Little more down to earth and less magic oriented than other sci-fantasy shows. The final arc really spoke to me.
Magic Knight Rayearth.
Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight - has OVAs, TV series and manga. Criminally underrated
>>22993041Break Blade adaption is pretty terrible and the manga basically got self-cancelled because the author got bored of writing it.
>>22991492Majin Hunter Mitsurugi is a fantasy robot series if I ever saw one (even if it is toku and aired 10 years before Dunbine).
>>22991492RayearthRyu KnightNG Knight LamuneThey're much more fantasy compared to Escaflowne though.
>>22994736>Ryu Knight>NG Knight LamuneBased Takehiko Itou
Mashin Hero Wataru, 2 and Chou and various OVAs. Its getting a new version soon too. Knights and Magic
I'm making my own. Just wait a couple years bro.
>>>/wsr/Vacate the premises, brat
Magic Knight Rayearth is getting a remake soon
>>23001252the soul got sucked out of it
>>22991492When the fuck will Level 5 bring back White Knight Chronicles
>>22991495>>23001238>don't discuss mecha here!!!! I'll police every thread!kill yourself wannabe janny
>>22993598what are you talking about? The adaptation movies were pretty great and had awesome mecha action. They just end abruptly because they literally ran out of manga chapters to adapt. Hoping that one day the author gets unbored with the concept and picks it back up again, it was so unique
>>22993041More like broken buck, I remember being confused by their awkward sad love triangle. I did like that they put thought into the setting with the small desert city-state using what little resources they have to deal with a massive invasion.
>>23006449>a metric fuckton of content locked behind a patch that you can download, but doesn't activate if you don't log into multiplayer at least onceI still struggle with understanding the thought process behind this approach.
>>22991526Dunbine is both my favorite fantasy mecha and my favorite isekai
>>22991587Not OP but should I read the manga first? Somebody told me the anime messed up the ending?
>>23011040I dunno about messed up but like every Clamp series the manga and anime are very different
>>23011040Anime ending aired when manga ending didn't exist yet.
>>23011040The anime does have more of the mecha, but you do have to wait until the end of the first season before they get used. And then they pop up a lot more in the second season.
There's also this. Though, I've heard the anime didn't do the fights justice.
>>23011040I really, really, really like the anime original characters and conflict. The finalie was extremely cathartic.IIRC it was also written by the clamp ladies so it's "official" in its own way, just a different take on the second arc.
>>23019923These are from a novel series arent they? Something like "The Lady Knight of Lightning" was one of them IIRC.
>>22991492Pic related in a couple years, for 4 fights
>>23025886>>23029788Any fan translation available?
>>22991492Dunbine and Galient.
>>22991574This is magical enough for me.
>>23007779It's a form of DRM, because corporations and game devs don't realize that pirates won't ever give a fuck while they're just hurting actual customers.
>>23011040The way it works with CLAMP is that every version of their stuff is canon to itself.
>>23007779I feel I'm necroing thread but.. Wanted to say it's not the first time LV 5 were pants on head retarded.. Though I do like white knight aside from Leonard, he to me is how they run that company.
>>22991492Knights and Magic is a pretty generic isekai series, but it does focus on mecha>>23011787The original work didn't do much with the mecha to begin with.
>>23035085Knight's & Magic manga adaption was cancelled and anime adaption was quite lackluster.
>>23035122Post-S1 anime is where the series becomes more interesting. Overall, the mecha-building aspect is what makes the series distinct rather than the typical "MC piloting one-of-the-kind OP mech"
>>23035085LN is cool, one can hope a season 2 one day
>>23036396I do hope so, but seeing the author's output has been slow considerably. As of now, the latest chapter is 218 released in last year Oct. As light novel wise, anime covered 6 volumes of the story, while the available LN volume is 11.
>>22991492I thought RahXephon to have an otherworldly feel in tone and designs
>>22991492Code geass
>>23035085Will the light Novel's ever get around to putting Ernie on trial for crimes against humanity? This little nigga destabilized an entire world and will likely catalyze an apocalyptic arms race, all because he wanted to fly around in a cool robot.
>>23038594It's probably because he got busy coming up with the series.
>>23039491The airship maniac is much worse at catalyzing the apocalyptic arms race.
>>22991492Trails of Cold Steel if you are into games.Full Metal Daemon Muramasa if you are into visual novels.
>>23028132What Is this?looks pretty cool, kinda reminds me of neoranga
>>23045125Diego no Kyojin.
>>23043830Kind of disappointing that it's a novel instead of manga.
>>22991492Mob otome of ones not mentioned here yet.>>23035085How is R&D: The Novel a generic series?
>>23045953The anatomy of every figure on here is really weird
Not a show or novel(unless you consider rpg rulebook novels)but Exalted has fantasy mechs called war striders. Exalted borrows a lot from anime.
If we're talking about TTRPGs, then Tenra Bansho Zero has tons of material. Different design philosophies for units so you can have your grunts or your super unique prototypes within the same point buy framework, unique storytelling mechanics (players incentivized to come up with stuff and make things easier for the gm), etc. It's a really fun game.
>>23045524>Diego no Kyojin>not a isekaiNow this deserve attention
Does Scrapped princess count as mecha? You could argue it's sci-fi actually but still chinese dragon fighting dark angels was nice.
>>23051505Yes. Those Gigas, Dragoon and Peacemakers are (bio)-mecha.
>>23046109Their necks make them look like snake people.
>>23045956Feel like artist copy Tauburn there.
Do armed workers count? If so, picrel.
Did anyone ever translate those Dragon Quest-Themed NES and SNES SD Gundam games?
>>23006735The story ended. They brokered a peace through Krishna ending that proxy civil war. Conflict could brew again, but the author clearly derailed the story with that.
>>23058346>>23069194I want to slap whoever decided the background color should be the same as the mechas.
>>23039491Hiram Maxim was never put on trial despite ostensibly causing trench warfare.
>>23045524>Diego>Alvaro>Country of Spina exploring the new world What are the chances of this being based on Spain?
>>23071869>>23073914Really need to have at least a summary. Never seen these series before
>>23075463Making a valuable contribution is not the goal of this particular poster.
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is a bit a weird case since the isekai world doesn't have any mechs or anything equivalent to them but Red has the ability to summon Kizuna Kaiser, his Megazord stand-in
>>23062943Yeah at least one of them has a translation.
>>22991492no ones said Maze yet?>>23046792for TTRPGs there's Wares Blade of course. Aether Nexus and Battle Century Z too
>>23077076>>23078886I presume these also do not have any English translations. >>23083248The "generic isekai tropes with op hidden mech" the series. What was it? I dropped it too early..oh yeah this one: "I was Sold at the Lowest Price in my Class, However my Personal Parameter is the Most Powerful". The recent manga has been positive about its development so maybe I'll give it a try again
>>22991492It's a game, not a book, but The Legend of Dragoon is exactly the kind of thing you're looking for if you're not filtered by QTEs.
>>23081016Nobody here can handle Maze dude.
>>23084047If I can handle Shadow Hearts I can handle Legend of Dragoon.
>>23085720That's what I thought. So many turnslop niggas get so turnt and assmad about jarpigs that try to do anything other than four-niggas-in-a-row, with the same boring artificial menu combat.
>>23085889>anything other than four-niggas-in-a-row, with the same boring artificial menu combat.That's exactly what Shadow Hearts and Legend of Dragoon are except you have to press some QTEs, and as a person who played through Shadow Hearts recently you better believe it gets old pretty quickly.
>>23086048And listen to godawful acting. HarpOON!
>>23086080>t. filtered by SOVL:shame upon you and your family!
>>23035085Is this LN actually good or is it just a nerd MC pulling out highly advanced mecha schematics out of his ass as epic pwning everyone he doesn't like?
Sequence Palladium
>>23090026Read it.
>>23088383>generic slop designs devoid of personality, with very little in common with a medieval/renaissance/steampunk fantasy setting:Hard pass.
>>23090085I'll have the top left and bottom right, if you please...
>>23090085Top middle reminds me of something I can't quite place.
>>23090464Top right looks like a over-sized Grunt from Halo.
>>23090085Bottom left look a lot like Allen's Scherazade.
Is there any series besides isekai slop worth watching? Preferably the Mechs should be fighting cool Dragon Kaiju or something of that nature.
War on Geminar. It's a decent show with good animation. It was an OVA series.
>>22992081Is FSS really fantasy?
>>23099784The character designs look promising, so that's a good sign.
>>23065042Not that guy, but I just got around to reading the final arc a few days ago. The author literally skipped everything that he'd set up to lead up to the ending. A "continuation" could be the bits that were implied to have happened in that time, like Zess and Rygart finally facing off against each other during the siege of Fort Mizram, and expanding on the assassination attempt. I was also intrigued by the concept art for a prequel following the ancients and the circumstances surrounding the Delphine's creation.
>>23007729>I did like that they put thought into the setting with the small desert city-state using what little resources they have to deal with a massive invasionDude if you wanted that, just read Frank Herbert, you sick fuck.
>>23045953That art look so amateurish.
>>23101240IMO it looks like they hired a gachapon artist, so go figure it looks like slop.
>>23045950The manga started last year
>>23090085>>23090082Has this game been translated? It looks right up my alley.
>>23054612I say yes.
>>22991492Taniguchi threw cowboys, wuxia, knights and robots into one series when he made Back Arrow.Nowhere near as good as GunxSword but still pretty fun and I don't know if GunxSword counts since Westerns usually aren't considered fantasy.
All these LN covers look exactly the fucking same
>>23113751You meant they mostly focus on girls in front, the mechs in the background?
>>22991492white knight chronicles for the ps3 comes to mind. the sequel was cool enough to have both games bundled in 1 disc. the henshin sequence was pretty cool and the villian has a big knight mech as well
>mecha are ancient lost technology>mecha are entirely magicalWhich do you prefer?
>>23118871Both at the same time. It's called magitech
>>23118871>>23118991hell yeah
>>23034717What is this?