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Morning Gaybies edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

>Shirabe's cooking adventure

>XDU Events

>Symphogear XDU English Translation Sheet

>Compilation of pictures from the Symphogear Expo 2022 in Nagoya. Thanks anon!

>New Project has started: PROJECT SYMPHOGEAR -next-
>Furthermore, it has been decided that #SenkiZesshouSymphogear will be made into a movie

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need… more… symphogear…
If we are all alive in 2043, let's rewatch Symphogear as if it were actually happening
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Some people whine about the AXZ Chris subplot but I think it's really good how Chris just completely dismisses the idea that she might have done something wrong by shooting Stephan's leg, and boldly asserts that she'd do the exact same if she was in the same situation. I know it still hurts her, but it shows she's opinionated and knows what calls need to be made.
I mean she thought logically, what else was she supposed to do when amputating his leg was the only way for Stephan to survive. Of course she felt sad about it but you gotta do what you gotta do, more important for people to survive than die
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I want to see Tsubasa as an alcoholic
Yeah, I just think a badly written anime (even considering Symphogear has issues in that domain) would have her question whether it was good or bad.
We already went through Chris questioning herself in the first season and later in G to finally become confident in herself so I think this is one of the more thought out plots in the series

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My only problem with it is that it felt pointless, much like AXZ as a whole.
is this the ntr that captcha talked about
Is there a "when they see your penis" but for gears?
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who wore it better?
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Without a doubt Kirika.
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Morning gaybies, we'll make our dreams come true
Morning gaybies, we'll do the same for you
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Premium milk
Are there any good games where you can larp as symphogear characters? Doesn't have to fit character wise, similar gameplay to what the characters do in fights is mostly what I want
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Isn't Symphogear just Devil May Cry with cute girls? Play 3 or 5.
I played both but it doesn't really feel like I'm playing as Basa for example, maybe I'm too autistic for this but just the fact that Dante and others use normal swords instead of superior nippon katanas is enough for me to not work
Yeah you'd have to pick Vergil. The dynamic soundtrack helps too. Metal Gear Revengeance also comes to mind, Raiden has some of Basa's moves.
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anime fighting games, in particular Blazblue which I'm pretty sure was the inspiration for every character's moveset
Valid answers, but also Bayonetta is pretty much "What fine was up to before Symphogear"
Haven't gotten to playing Virgil so I guess I'll try and went through MGR before becoming a Symphogear fan so maybe it will work too

Fighting games are not really my cup of tea so sadly can't play them, I was planning on playing Bayonetta so I'll go with the mindset of being Fine
In Armored Core you can larp as Chris
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Kiri is SMART!
"this sentence is false"
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>[AOL dialup noises]
Play FFXIV and pick the following job:
- Reaper to larp as Kirika
- Samurai to larp as Basa
- Machinist to larp as Chris
- Monk to larp as Hibiki
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It's a good thing Kiri isn't a 90s kid. She probably would end up misusing one of those AOL Free Trial CDs without knowing how to cancel until Maria come raring because of an unexpected bill.
instead she gets conned into sending pictures of her armpits to strangers on the internet for vbucks
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what kind of loser would want to see Kiri's pits, haha
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Chris Pits.
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Zenbu pits for Nana dubs
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Explain pit fetish to a fellow anon, where's the appeal?
No. Lurk moar.
princess anime airing in april, on a morning slot. There's no symphogear stealth sequel or lovecraftian horror surprise here, it's an actual kids show
All cartoons are for kids.
bible black was my favourite cartoon when I was 12 for sure.
Shimono as mascot. Also Kobayashi, Enoki, Chiba, and Takeuchi as enemy(?) characters. Quite packed with familiar male VAs, I'd say, compared to the newcomer female VAs assigned to the main characters
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we will be watching anyway
enjoy this then
What's something you'd like to see as a Relic in the future if the franchise continues?
For me it's the Ark of the Covenant
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fits how she lives surrounded by other geahs in bikinis
Chris should lay off the snacks if she wants to be able to stretch properly like Senpai
What the hell is this?
Yep, that's bikki's room alright
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She needs to be heavy to steppy
all of the fat goes into the boobs in her case
Great, now I'm imagining Chris steering every vehicle with her foot while standing
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Hello, I identify as a vehicle
>Tsubasa immediately crashes herself
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In a different life, Kiri takes swordmom's lessons to heart
Who turned Chris into a sadist
Probably the sadist who subjcted her to sapphic torture daily
Darkness is too straight to be Kirika
Fine is actually fine???
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I'm an anime-only so I don't know how straight she is, but I feel like she would "accidentally" trip over her own armor and fall to the ground "defenseless" if Chris was handing out big steppies
Why did Chris stop calling Tsubasa senpai after G?
I know she says it in the GX intro after Tsubasa says the rockets are wild.
Tsubasa graduated school after or mid G
she still calls her that.
Looks as if Kirika was oogling them.
So she changed her mind twice? Damn
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>Chris wanting what HibikiMiku have
>Meria can't believe she finally gets paired up with Serena
>Serena trying to secure both the flattest and the bustiest girls
>Tsubasa feeling Kanade's Gungnir rubbing against her leg
>Hibiki telling Miku "those two seem like such good firends"
Lots to unpack in this image
The thing about AXZ is that it's a season that has to spend its entire runtime on damage control. GX fucked the setting, the plot, and most of the characters, and AXZ does a remarkable job of tying all the alchemist nonsense back into the main Custodian plot. It also dials back the power level of alchemists from being a billion times stronger than a Symphogear to being where a 2v1 fight is a fair fight, which also makes it the only season besides the first one where the fights aren't completely lopsided in one side's favor. It just spends so long doing that that it doesn't have time to forge a lot of its own identity as a season.
Kanade's tits get bigger with every piece of official art, goddamn. Rooster earned her sexual tyrannosaurus title.
well, she technically had like 6-7 birthdays in XDU even though like 1-2 years passed at best. Anime is just magical like that. Maybe all the extra years went into her breasts.
And Miku resting her hand on Shirabe's head.
Miku and Shirabe lowkey have a "neighborhood wives" level relationship in xdu, there's a memoria where everyone is having a birthday sleepover party and both of them wake up in the middle of the night so they just start drinking cocoa or some shit while speaking about the relationship to their respective waifus, I can't remember.
Miku's favorite daughter
Cute, did they end up making an offline version of XDU? I can't remember.
the closest thing is the yamete tomete cutscene webplayer
If you were around when it shut down, you got an offline version of your account that lets you view all the stories, costumes etc you unlocked. The actual gameplay is missing but you can still view skill animations.
those APKs are shareable as long as the owner was playing on an emulator or hacked phone, but there's not much point in going through the trouble of installing it when you could also just go onto youtube. They'll also probably brick as operating systems and emulators continue to advance so at some point you'll have to keep ancient versions of those handy too.
All of that story content justified a proper offline version, even being unvoiced.
oh it would have been easy to just release an apk with all story content unlocked and in offline mode but why do that when you can make more pachinko machines
But the gears had to 2v1 alchemists in Ignite, while they managed to 1v1 their doll in GX.
It did, but for all I know the movie will be the final entry in the franchise and they decided it wasn't worth the effort.
Then again, you could also think the other way and believe they didn't make one because there's going to be a full 3d relaunch/sequel to accompany seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9. They did certainly put a lot of weird ass world-building that seemingly serves no purpose into an arc that was actually titled "End of." and designed to end the game.

At this point I'll take fucking anything man, I can't survive on a monthly cooking manga.
>I can't survive on a monthly cooking manga.
and you posted this just in time as the 25th chapter just got uploaded, I'll begin dumping it here like last time with 24th
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Erotic geahs just like always
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Seems like we're getting a beach episode and we got an instance of Chris calling Basa senpai
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And now we got sexual assault
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Gang sexual assault even
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Feels weird how they're not using their gears like always despite this being an actually valid situation
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I can't tell if this is shirabe meshi or if this is the leadup to a foursome
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Basa being smart?
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Leiur using finger flick technique?

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wow this chapter seems actually fun compared to the previous curse
I can't believe Garie is fucking dead
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Aaaaanddd we're getting the foursome

She'll get resurrected later anyway like they always do in this manga
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Wow more death
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I should have expected them to make the most random Shirabe appearance to cook food
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Basa handcut sushi…
>That window
Kanade is so confident.
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Hmmm, Basa's finger technique is quite good, I wonder how she trained it
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groyper or something idk
>S: I'm here to remind you that I'm the focus character on this manga
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Straightest Shirabemeshi page
somehow, Chris always ends up molested. And this is full on elbows-on-shoulders action
Genjuro remembering that he has a sister-niece.
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Basa took Chris grouper sushi virginity
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Wait what, who thought that making it this gay was a good idea? Was this all organized and planned by Basa?
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Oh so there was a bit of improv, Basa defending the innocence of Chris lips is nice
I can't believe they have Chris doing full-on AVs now
she only gets less focus the longer the manga goes on desu
In a way it's a good thing because this manga has become the only source of symphogear content so chapter and chapter of only Shirabe and her waifu would be very fucked
Is there a Kiri centric chapter?
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yeah Basa was the mastermind all along, this was all a ruse to have gay scenes with Chris but it was ruined by stupid Autoscorers
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Basa airhead rizz strikes again

This is the last page and it seems like we have no extra page this time sadly, this was one of the better chapters
Are symphogears common knowledge in the Shirabe Meshiverse? Are their identities not secret?
not one that isn't shared with Shirabe, but there's one where Carol orders the Autoscorers to kiss Hibiki as revenge for having seen her naked.
Sometimes I wonder if the Aria entertainment or whatever even has someone read the chapters before they go live, or if the mangaka has the power to publish anything he wants
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>Helps an old sponsor in a moment of need
>Reassures and woos Chris
>Shows that there's a type of food the she can actually prepare, proficiently even!
>Helps Carol's crew to find an honest work
This was a pretty darn good basa chapter.
Fucking Adam gets a TV show because the author backported comedy adam from xdu into his manga
don't think too hard about the lore
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>All in a sentinel's day's work
Basa can't keep getting away with being the most useful one despite her previous failings.

Still wondering how she got her finger technique though, maybe she practiced it with Chris
>proficiently even
What you didn't see was Shirabe removing all the poison glands from all the sushi pieces. They weren't even preparing poisonous fish.
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How do you think in the time period between Kanade and Maria?
Tsubasa's back must hurt from carrying the team so hard.
>How do you think in the time period between Kanade and Maria?
Oh yeah I forgot she also had Maria to practice with, I don't think she had practice with Kanade though. Basa wasn't really confident in the first season and the Kanade resurrection meet later mentioned that she only had few meet ups after onsen thing
Finally, a worthy fish for Basa’s sword
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with Gungnirs, you need grip strength, not finger dexterity
Finger dexterity was Basa's part in the relationship with Maria so it's still plausible, Maria was the one who worked her grip strenght on Basa
That would look good if it was made by the Toji no Miko devs.
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Kanade copping a feel of Tsubasa's tsubasas, too
poor girl is aiming too slow expecting something to be there
while fist bumping maria
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I completely missed the fist bump
it's the pic that keeps on giving
Wait a second, I don't normally do this, but I'm pretty sure that second panel is a reference to Dio kissing Erina
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oh fuck
stop whining and draw more smug Chris Axia
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Something about this picture's anatomy feels off...
for startes, her tits aren't centered on her chest, and either her spine is broken or her torso is double-wide
When are artists going to realize that "protecting" their art with those obnoxious watermarks is not only worthless but ugly as fuck?
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Hi Axia I'm the one that dumped the chapter and it's translated by guy called FlameOf
>>22997273 (me)
forgot to add that the guy translating shirabemeshi uploads it to mangadex
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it's good
but it's no SMUG CHRIS
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Basa is a hard working bee
I want to taste her honey.
>Chris jobbed again
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You'll catch a cold that way, Shirabe. Btw who are they ever cheering for? Does Lydian Academy has a sports team?
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The Kazanari idol has such influence on Japan's youth.
Never. Following japanese artists for years has shown me that creative types simply don't think logically most of the time.
Tsubasa Kazanari is a pilar if the community.
more like a load-bearing wall
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Bearing Maria's and Chris' tits is a huge load
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what about Kanade's loads?
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We don't talk about Gungnir's penetration ability
Tsubasa need a hearty breakfast.
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The Geahs went on Christmas vacation but forgot Serena at home. And worst of all she noticed a pair of burglarls are planning to rob her house! But Serena is a smart girl and now it comes down to her to defend her place while Maria tries to frantically find the way to come back home during the most busy season of the year.
Maria would just go in her private jet/helicopter depending on distance unless you make up some plot reason why she can't do that like idk pilot on a break or something
>queue house being fiery rubble and jelly on face
I don't want to miss the fun mental image of Maria traveling with a corky band inside a delivery truck.
All the pilots got food poisoning so Tsubasa volunteered to fly the plane
You can imagine how that turned out
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This is more in Tsubasa's style
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but... Maria knows how to fly a helicopter... and I'm pretty sure she'd straight up run on water to get Serena if required
I remember there being always a pilot when she was shown in a helicopter, am I mistaken?
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Please, Serena has a higher IQ than the gaybies combined.
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yes you are. She might not look like it, but she's actually a competent professional offscreen!
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huh, maybe the cat isn't such a jobber like I thought
She is, on the battlefield. But Maria is very competent inany other areas. Just ask Tsubasa.
They're cheering for (you)
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no, don't. We had to replace half the craw the last time she got on the PA system
Peeking lil Maria should also share wisdoms.
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The wisdom is that you're going to get penetrated by leek
That's a cold remedy IIRC.
True, you got your wisdom now go be happy with it and the leek in your ass
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But I don't have a cold.
That's not my issue
That's how you know its working.
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"I'm not a siscon because my feelings for Serena not complex, they're pure "
It's all Hibiki's good for.
Are you sure that's not Carol?
Vanessa's voiced by Nana
That's the joke
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oh. I just saw the purple witch outfit with string magic
Well, that's fair
Carol can't change fate, though
those hotels are a ripoff
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You don't really care if you're in a situation where you need one
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>Serena topping Kanade
Actually, a Symphogear/Black Clover crossover could be fun
>Hibiki trains with Asta
>Tsubasa teaches Asta some swordmanship
>Asta gets one more person shorter than him with Chris
>Chris gets someone shorter than her with Charmy
>Maria bonds with Gauch over being siscons and with Nacht over having a sibling that sacrificed themselves to save them
>Kirika finds a role model in Jack the Ripper
>Shirabe cooks with Charmy
>Genjuro and Yami bro it up
God, I wish I was molested by that loli Morrigan cosplayer
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I don't think Serena is in control here
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Kanade lets Serena be in control sometimes, as a treat. Kanade likes being tied up every once in a while.
Why doesn't she ask Tsuba- oh right
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Kanade sometimes can no longer tell whose in control.
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Which Geah has the best attack naming scheme?
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They put Nana in a pod…

I like how Shirabe's special attack are called alpha, beta style and so on though Bikki getting Hibiki Style attacks is nice too
There's an interview where they say what each Style refers to
I remember that one was attacks with her pigtails, for example
I think Agematsu brought it up on twitter once, but Kaneko also listed the naming scheme on symphogear radio one time. I also seem to recall him saying Agematsu knows it better than he does.
Deepest Shirabe lore
Kirika meets a blond couple, each with their own verbal tic, who mention that they've spent years looking for their missing daughter, whom they lost after they let a nice white haired man babysit her
She wishes them luck on finding her and gets back to what she was doing
Yeah, the radio one is what I was thinking of
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screenshot of xdu showing Hibiki and Her Mjollnir
Chris has the coolest attack names
Maria has the coolest attack names
I like that Kirika's attack names are related to fairy tales.
>POV: You told Bikki that the tall busty evil blonde woman is your GF
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stop it with this disgusting "artist"
Princession Orchestra is looking a bit too like "its Symphogear but with frillier outfits" or its just me? I hope its just me, but I want it to be a bit more mahou shoujo and less "lets just punch and kick the monster into oblivion lol"
Precure has action too but it always felt more magical girly even in Futari Wa
I've commissioned some Miku art that should cleanse the palette once it's done.
I am still amused by the fact that Maho Precure is by far not the most magical beam spammy cure season
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but this is the Symphogear general. We like Mahou Shoujos kicking the shit out of the bad guys
How would you rank the series by magical beam spam?
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I like the bad guys in Symphogear
Me too, more symphogear would be nice
I just think that if they are doing just symphogear 2.0 might as well just call it that, otherwise Princession will end up just looking like knock-off, thought it could also be just my dumb ass jumping to conclusions
Plus I felt appropriate to post here since its another Elements Garden/Agematsu musical mahou shoujo anime
I don't think this is intended as having any kind of link to Symphogear, probably just a phoned in job to pay the bills
Looks like it's gonna be straight, though
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>all XV holy chant ver. links are dead
Ver ruins Christmas once again
If you mean the extended songs I made, they're here: https://mega.nz/folder/BdhzDZDQ#epMgezZWibjXITqgJzlMzA
yeah, this airing in the morning and having actual little kids merchandise pretty much deletes any chance of there even being the slightest symphogear connection. Not the same animation team either so you won't get lookalike filler chracters like in the horse show
Wait, there's a Geah cameo in Uma Musume?
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>open door
>see this
what do
Where's my drink?
But...I didn't order extra sausage...
This is not Santa, this is a hamster!
I saw that the creator of Nyaruko-san is also working on it and it's his first job after finishing it so my guess is that they're just trying to make a good mahou shoujo anime
In honor of the final comic
What TF2 Class would each Geah play?
What drink?
My drink? My diet Dr Ver? Don't tell me you forgot my drink!
I haven't played much TF2, but:
Hibiki - Scout
Tsubasa - Spy
Chris - Sniper
Maria - Soldier
Shirabe - Engineer
Kirika - Demo
Kanade - Heavy
Miku - Pyro
Serena - Medic
Bikki came with love and I don't think love has calories so there is your diet Dr Ver
How am I supposed to eat this pizza without my drink?!
Didn't you ever once think of the customer? You call yourself a delivery girl? Well, I ain't buying!
If love isn't enough then Bikki can quickly get you a drink from within
But, you didn't order any...
>That's a cold remedy IIRC.
I wonder how this remedy was discovered.
Tsubasa wouldn't pick that dishonorable backstabber, she'll choose demo with sword and shield
Ogawa was playing on that PC before her and she doesn't know how to change characters
Bikki - (r) Soldier
Basa - (p) Soldier
Chris - Heavy
Genjuuro - Medic
Kirika - Scout
Shirabe - Scout
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do they not realize the gaybies are about to get a true love powerup and turn them to ash?
it's like they're about to be petrified
Kinda funny how they did that to the dog but still lost the war because they still destroyed the objective
Symphogear needed more "fuck you, the bad guys won that one" moments. Not because it's hot, but it's hard to build stakes when you know how every battle goes.
>wtf the protagonists won? fuck this show
I mean, they should win at the end but maybe not in every step of the way.
First three seasons did it well with short term villain victories. It's in AXZ and XV where the Geahs became invincible.
Guess they overcorrected the autoscorer issue
He's a better father than hers
That man is conscious, why is she giving him cpr?
She's training. He has to be conscious to tell her if she's doing well.
Why is this hot

Why is this hotter
Didn't the geahs job hard against the Alchemists initially?
In S1 the Noise are the main antagonists and always lose, but when Chris is an enemy she wins about half the time.
G has FIS getting what they wanted out of most encounters but only because they're constantly playing dirty. Even then they're still barely scraping by, it's established right away that they would get completely curbstomped if the main trio could corner them into a fair fight.
GX has the dolls winning every fight easily, only losing when they deliberately decide to lose and making it blatantly obvious that they're actually winning by doing so. The only fight where the villains aren't completely in control is the last one.
AXZ is the only season besides the first one where the fights are 50/50. The alchemists start out with an advantage in being able to nullify Ignite, but they can still be fought and even take losses without it, it's just a lot harder.
XV goes back to the G model but exaggerated: Noble Red are basically jokes in actual combat, they're just too slippery to finish off. Shem-Ha is the only opponent who's presented like she could actually win a fight.
>In S1 the Noise are the main antagonists and always lose, but when Chris is an enemy she wins about half the time
Also Finè walks over them during most of the final battle.
>Also Finè walks over them during most of the final battle.
Only to get one shotted by Genjuro who got nerfed by liking Ryoko
Yeah but Genjuro is more like the inexplicably OP character. I never took him seriously.
FIS jumped the trio successfully a few times though. And I guess Chris got the villain buff by switching sides.
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Anybody got images for the other relics?
Just found this sorting through some stuff and now I kinda want the rest (assuming existence of course)
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Surprise, mf's!
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Kiri...you walked into something you weren't supposed to see...
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No Shirabe and no cake make Kirika something something.
The thing about Shem-ha is that the deeper you get into the lore, the less sense it makes that she managed to lose. Like, it's actually impressive. She must be more brain damaged than Kirika and Hibiki combined. As far as I can tell there's no actual limit on her ability to integrate herself into different "systems" or even the rewriting of matter. Maybe stop firing lasers that turn things into silver and instead turn the air into cyanide or something, I don't know.
commit dess?

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