Just make this game except you make it like anime. What's so hard about this?
>>22995741A cartoon MW? The fuck?
>>22995741>make it like animeWhat would that be like?
>>22995741There's already a bunch of Japanese games like this though.
>>22996088OK so instead of gay lame mechs with no character, you instead control cool and awesome ROBOT MEN who look like SAMURAI and they have laser swords that go WOOSHMechwarrior 1 has this because they were still licensing the Japanese unseen mechs (pic related) but that game is dirt old and bad. I like some of the original Battletech mechs but I want a game that plays like that with a GUNDAM>>22996124Gungriffon is awesome but it's not really the same because it's on a console. And even then it's rare. If you can suggest other games like Gungriffon I would appreciate it
>>22996086>>22996080Hahaha could you imagine if these got shows with CGI that'd be craaaaaazy!
Just make Homeworld/BattleFleet Gothic but make it in the BattleTech universe.What's so hard about this?
>>22996200 The fact that the Battletech universe is generally duller than dishwater, repetitive and seems to be written people who think being as anti-climactic as possible makes their work realistic and mature.
>>22996226Hard disagree. BT universe rocks but CGL doesn't want to take the risks like FASA did so we can't have cool shit like a book about Blue Water operations or a Raven Alliance space game or A Time of War BA RPG vidya.
>>22996226They had one great idea, the Clan Invasion, and have never had anything capture the imagination like that again. Because FASA and CGL developed a reputation for not paying people, they can't get writers like Stackpole anymore.
>>22996418Stackpole is incredibly mid and the fact that he's considered the high water mark of Battletech is pathetic. The guy wouldn't know characterization if it sat in his lap and called him "Daddy."
a better question how come nobody made a fps giant robot game? its literally the perfect fit most classic FPSes are already semi mecha (HEV, Nanosuit, Master chief)
>>23000105I think Thurston was better than Stackpole; but they both never worked with Battletech again because FASA and later CGL are run by ratfuck Mormon scammers, that can't even get hacks to write for them.FCCW and the Dark Age were retarded in their own ways. The Jihad was the closest thing Battletech got to another story that was as interesting as the Clan Invasion, and it's really not all that.
>>22996135There's been a smattering of first person mech games for Japanese PCs and consoles over the years, but honestly I think they realized that style of game is always a dead end slog like what every Mechwarrior becomes.
>>22995741>make it like animeAnime sucks. It should be in the style like one of those 90s action cartoons like Exo Squad or Vortech.
>>23005714But Mechwarrior is already ugly and shitty. It even has its own terrible cartoon. So this would be redundant
>>23005890I can't believe the show was made canon in the Battletech universe, and Star Colonel Nicolai Malthus was arrested for insulting an Inner Sphere judge while dressed in a Jade Falcon fursuit.
>>23009729>I can't believe the show was made canon in the Battletech universeAs a propaganda cartoon if I remember it correctly...
>>23005714Vortech is a deep cut but it was also kind of terrible. 90s action cartoons were great because they had to be as bloodless as possible whereas Japanese cartoons have plenty of crucifixions, suicides, and beheadings. >>23010200This always came across as a hope cope because the production team admitted the show didn't turn out like they wanted (and kept being compared to Exo-Squad).
>>23010371>and kept being compared to Exo-SquadAnd that's bad?Exo-Squad was GOAT (and I rage that it never got a proper conclusion and instead a cliffhanger where the aliens appear, banish planet Chaos into an alternative reality and overall everyone being in a unsure situation).This show would've also been GOAT if they allowed to, just like Exo-Squad, have on-screen deaths and push serious topics like that show did.
>>23010459Yeah because it was always a negative comparison about how much better Exo-Squad wasAlso the battletech cartoon would have been shit no matter how serious it was since the characters were dull (except Franklin he’s cool) and the mech fights were dogshit
>>23001929>I think they realized that style of game is always a dead end slog like what every Mechwarrior becomes.But Japan still makes dozens of shitty JRPGs every year
The ideal first-person PC mecha game would be Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, except you control giant robots instead of power armor. Maybe you could pick up weapons for your mech like the beam rifle in Gundam or that cool ass shotgun from Gundam 0080. You could have the mech transform and the game turns into Star Wars TIE Fighter. Anyway nobody besides 50 year old fucking nerds wants to play a slow ass clunky faggot game like Mechwarrior.
Just make this anime except add mecha. What's so hard about this?
>>22995741Never heard of an anime FPS, probably for good reasons too.
>>22995741So Armored Core or the old Gundam games?>>22996080So the psx/PS2 Votoms games?
>>23016190lol no they have little in commonMechwarrior & Heavy Gear 2 are in the vain of a traditional FPS while Armored Core is more of an action game.
>>23010921>except you control giant robots instead of power armor.In this case mechs basically becomes giant power armor>Anyway nobody besides 50 year old fucking nerds wants to play a slow ass clunky faggot game like Mechwarrior.Shitton of people plays Warthunder and World of Tanks tho
>>23016451>Shitton of people plays Warthunder and World of Tanks thoThose are all nerds. They're not cool people like me who enjoy giant Japanese robot anime!
>>23016212You want 0079 Rise from the Ashes.
>>23001866Titanfall 1&2 bro
>>23030493they suck also robot stuff is just a gimmck
Well, despite awful optimization and audio bit rate it's been surprisingly great story (although some cinematics, like tiral of refusal, was just a bit awkward probably due to the lack of experience)I wish they went futher with level architecture and added some missions in space along with genreally increased verticality.
Because the Japanese will never understand the fucking KINO of a Timberwolf with a UAC-10.