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What happened to Guncannons after OYW?
The Guncannon and Guntank lines just kinda went nowhere, if I recall. After all, it is simpler to just stack a shoulder cannon and some extra balancing, maybe a Full Armor or Striker package on GMs and its variants than it is to have three wholly different MS lines at the same time, imo
not enough model sales I guess
feddies realized it looks ass
Why didn't Zeon mass produce the Big Zam?
do you think the world could handle that much zam
In the OYW, both sides of the war experimented with lots of different specialized MS types (ground type, desert type, marine type, sniper type, etc) since MS were still new tech and they were trying to see what works best. After the OYW ended, everyone ended up cutting back on such specialization partly due to cost, logistics, and lack of need due to new weapons tech. Unintentionally this sorta seems to have mirrored real-life tank development, where in WWII you had light/medium/heavy/breakthrough/destroyer/etc but after the war, tank design developed to the point that it was possible to develop a universal tank, the "main battle" tank that could handle most cases.

Guncannon had the simple application of being fire support and range-oriented, but other than lending some R&D data to the GM Cannon line of MS, it didn't see any further development. It seems that in most cases of MS-on-MS combat, a general purpose MS benefits more from mobility than heavy firepower, so future MS design trended towards agility. Fire support is more useful when attacking bases and static targets, kinda less useful against highly mobile enemies. Also beam weapons made projectile cannons less desirable. I'm not saying fire support role is obsolete, just that the Guncannon is obsolete. A few years later there are general-purpose MS that offer not just similar firepower but also excel in both mobility and anti-MS combat.
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Nothing? They kept making MS with shoulder mounted cannons, the design concept lived on. There's even the Guncannon Detector if you want an even more direct successor
They were spunoff into the main unit of the Federation's defense forces of the colonies around Uranus. The Zeta Guncannon, the Guncannon Dendrobium, and the Guncannon F91 were very popular.
They died out but the idea lives on
What became the Main Battle Tank of MSes, or what are a few examples? I would have said "the Gundam of its respective show because it can do anything" but they didn't really mass-produce those. Just the GM and Zaku equivalents that show up the most and get totalled? Was the Sherman even an MBT in WW2, or meant to be as one? I just know that was the mass-produced king.
Technology in Gundam seems to loop as well. Beam combat becomes so prominent, that having a physical weapon actually becomes relevant again. All the anti-beam coatings and barriers in the world won't save you from a GN Sword or the Anti-Ship Sword. Minovsky particles are the main discouraging factor for projectiles.
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MBTs were more of a thing after WWII. The Centurion tank is usually considered the first one.

The Feds used the later GM and Jegans in large numbers as a general purpose MS, and just fitted them with different weapons as needed. Instead of making new Sniper and Striker types as their own separate high performance MS, instead they start making equipment for them instead. E.g., there's no "Jegan Sniper", but in Unicorn you have that one ECOAS Jegan operating a beam launcher on top of the Nahel Argama, and at Torrington there was the GM II fitted with a twin beam spear and extra armor. For support fire, in lore you have the GM III with the extra missile pods or the "Bulldog" parts that makes them like mass production full armor Gundams.

Most of the Zeek factions were a bit all over the place and still used a wide range of different models, but you do have Char's Neo Zeon that mostly standardized on the Geara Doga.
Case in point, fire support cannons aren't obsolete.. everything's got a use.
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They evolved in a way.
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Guncannons peaked with the Double X. He may have not had kids of his own but he did train a bunch of his nephews in the secret family technique. He should be very proud.
This is a pretender. A false Guncannon. It's a Methuss with some decorations tacked on it. I will not allow you to blaspheme in the name of Guncannon. A pox be upon you.
>called guncannon detector
>doesn't detect guncannons
fucking bs
They realized you can mount cannons on gms and it works just fine.
Like why bother complicating your logistics when the bread and butter model can fulfill the same role with some tweaks.
In reality, every military doing its own development salivates at the idea of having the one general purpose machine that they can just attach equipment to and have it fill every role but historically those usually just end up sucking at everything.
Oddly, there was a Guncannon early in X's development when it was using UC suits for the grunts, but then it just disappeared once they changed to more original designs with no direct counterpart in the final show (unless you count the Daughtress Cannon, I guess, but there is a GM Cannon, and both fo those have only a single shoulder cannon, unlike the Guncannon).
I love that Turn A Guncannon thing.
Was there ever High Mobility Guncannon in mainline UC? I can only find in The Origin continuity
The closest thing is the RX-77-3D type that had extra backpack and leg thrusters. It's considered a general improvement and optimization rather than specifically "high mobility".


Sort of related is the GM Cannon Space Assault type, it had leg thrusters based on the GM Sniper Custom's legs.

Alternate OYW fanfic idea: Big Zam defeated the Gundam and pushed the war back into a standstill. Later on, Big Zam is mass produced and both sides are focusing their resources to building larger mobile armors while normal sized mobile suits focuses solely on being cheap mass produced grunts. But the Federation is secretly building a mobile suit that will turn the tide of war, the Psyco Gundam.
What does the Gundam have over the Guncannon? They're practically the same MS, guncannon can use gundam's weapons, and it also has the cannons.
Its slower on land and in flight and its less maneuverable
i love those finger guns so much....
Destroying the Gundam at that point would've done nothing, Zeon had decisively lost already.
according to the lore, all of them along with all the out dated ms were sent to luna2 as defense fodder on the cheap but did little to nothing because the feddies didn't want to use money to defend captured asset.
>What does the Gundam have over the Guncannon?
High mobility. Guncannon is pretty heavy to due the armor and Gundam is jack of all trades
I forgot about the Centurion, I only remember the Jaguar and the Leopard.
>briefly forgot about the Jegans instead
I think I misremembered the ReGz as being the mass-produced model, I'm sorry Jegans.
I get being modular for conventional weapons, but I thought the GM Sniper had a generator or some other built-in feature to be able to use beam sabers and snipers, how would-
>the Jegan by default has beam sabers and a short-range beam rifle
Never mind, I forgot you could start improving on your mass-produced models. I guess as technology improves, your MPs can get improved until the point where anything past that would be psycommu tech, which wouldn't even be useful for non-newtypes.
>Geara Doga
Not sure how to feel about them, there's nothing wrong with the cool design and it's an understandable evolution from the Hizack, but it just feels a bit too on the nose.
>All the anti-beam coatings and barriers in the world won't save you from a GN Sword or the Anti-Ship Sword.
Yeah in SEED Freedom because everyone got so used to using beams which used to be rare, the villains of the movie have specifically anti-beam suits. And then Shinn wrecks most of them.
>but I thought the GM Sniper had a generator or some other built-in feature to be able to use beam sabers and snipers, how would-
>Never mind, I forgot you could start improving on your mass-produced models
The pseudotech is cool, but in the end it's still made up pseudotech. There's a variety of ways they can handwave technical things. Yes, the expensive GM Snipers generally had the best specs and could use high end beam weapons by themselves, but then occasionally you have other machines like Zaku Sniper or the "poor" GM Sniper from 08th MS Team, both carry external reactors or take power cables from elsewhere to help power their super beam sniper weapons, as well as needing coolant or whatever special thing to help them do what they do.

I used to hop on the autism train a lot, but now it's a lot less headachy and more enjoyable to forget about the lore and specs for a while, especially when it becomes a habit for them to retcon things regularly.
Zeon only lost after giren was shot.
The real trick is realizing that it's all true, even the lies.
IBO is also an interesting setting because the Nanolaminate armor means anti-beam tech eventually evolved to the point that beams were pointless. That's why everybody has big goofy weapons and fire support units.
I know that looks powerful but let's be real, Amuro would've done that with a single shot that doesn't need to be continuous.
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Anon, there's... there's no Guncannons left to detect...
Cute Methuss
While the guncannon itself never got much progression, it would have many spiritual successors. And one of these successors would be the victory gundam itself, a machine made 73 years after kai shidan and hayato first piloted the guncannon.
It's obvious the coolant is needed here not for basic shots, but for turning the beam rifle into a long-range beam saber.
They even seemed to forget the stuff can deflect beams. For good reason, sure, but it still surprises me that it was totally out of mind.
I find it best to think of OYW as, to the Mobile Suit, what WWII was to the Tank. It was the big test bed that saw a lot of very successful vehicles tested, but then also taught us what tanks DIDN'T work and why. But the most important lesson it taught us is
>Yes, you can build a tank custom designed to do that and it will do that job very well, but it will ONLY do that job and nothing else.
Better to build something that will do a lot of jobs and you can give a situational piece of equipment that will allow it to do that job about as effectively as the specialist vehicle.

Guncannon was the Tank Destroyer of UC. It did it's job very well, but it was just far more cost effective and more versitile to build the Cannon unit separately that can be fit onto your Main Battle Suit
>Better to build something that will do a lot of jobs and you can give a situational piece of equipment that will allow it to do that job about as effectively as the specialist vehicle.
>Guncannon was the Tank Destroyer of UC. It did it's job very well, but it was just far more cost effective and more versitile to build the Cannon unit separately that can be fit onto your Main Battle Suit
But the exact opposite happened. Virtually all self propelled artillery and other specialist vehicles of WW2 used an extant chassis as their basis, the only notable exceptions off the top of my head being the M18 GMC and the Geschützwagen III/IV. Even the first closed top, fully tracked APC designs were based on tank chassis.
Contrast that with pretty much everything having its own purpose built chassis today.
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I thought tank destroyers fell to the wayside because a stiff breeze could blow them up, which made them impraactical.
American TDs yes. Soviet and German TDs, not so much.
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If anything it's the lightly protected stuff that stuck around, up to this day depending on how you count wheeled assault guns, missiles and helicopters.
The heavier stuff fell off because tanks caught up in the gun department and there no longer was a massive war of attrition going on so everyone could just built tanks instead.
With Americans it's a bit special since the M18 was born more out of fancy than reason or need, but their conclusion after the war was still the same; just use a tank.
Would love to know if a Turn Zakrello existed.
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