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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22994750
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Build/paint a robot with a loadout focused on melee combat! Anything from shields to swords to lances to axes to bare fists is fair game. There's no room for ranged weaponry here, however, so anything resembling a rifle, rocket launcher, cannon, pistol, or any other ranged weapon is a no-go (Small ranged weapons that are built into the kit itself like head vulcans are ok, however).

More clarification here:
>If the body part has a built-in ranged weapon (head/chest vulcans, claw beams, etc), then that's fine. If it's a separate part like the Alex's arm vulcans it's best to leave those off.
>Melee weapons with in-universe ranged capabilities (Like the Kimaris's lance or the Gyan's shield) are fair game too.
>Any scale, any brand, and any type of kit is fair game here. That means anything from Gundams to girlpla to miniatures are all free to use.

Send your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com with at least 5 photos of your finished build along with any WIP photos and a description of your entry.

START: 12/8/24
END: 3/31/25
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Show ME what YOU'RE working on!
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do you have dementia you already used my g3 turn a for the op 2.5 years ago
It was worth revisiting. Hey guys, you should post your WIPs. I like them and they're very cool.
I want to see anons snap kinos
thread already unsalvageable after this post
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Posted this a few weeks back, no real progress in the past week because I've been binging on the Helldivers update. But I've gotten most of the plate cut out for all but two shoulder pieces and the backs of the side skirts. Will probably get back to work on it in the next few days now that school is out, and then finally off to painting (I live in a part of the country where it doesn't fall below 60F in the daytime even in winter).
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If you’ve ever wondered why HGs don’t look as sharp as other model kits…

Fillets—rounded edges on parts—are why other models often appear sharper than High Grades (HGs). Fillets serve several purposes: they soften a design aesthetically, reduce stress on materials, and eliminate sharp edges.

In injection-molded HG kits, fillets are more prominent, creating smoother transitions between surfaces. For example, HG Wing Gundam’s ankle armor shows a rounded transition between the bump and main surface, which softens its appearance. By re-scribing these edges, you can achieve sharper transitions that enhance shadows and make panel lines pop.

Flow-type panel liners often spread or clean up poorly on fillets, which can be frustrating. Higher grades avoid this issue by using more parts and finer details, especially in 1/100 scale kits where fillets are less prominent relative to part size.

Even if you don’t plan to panel line, removing fillets by re-scribing edges closer to 90 degree corners improves the overall look, creating sharper, more defined details.
is that chinese MG F90 actually out or not? i have had a tracking number from mofiho since november but it's still "package is waiting to be picked up by the carrier". the site doesnt say it's a pre-order and no one is responding to my question there.
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>Anon told me to check if the chink GM Spartan has waterslide decals before buying it
>none says if they're normal decals or waterslide
Fuck, I'll roll the dice and get the cold district one.
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Aw sweet, my balls have finally arrived
When are they bringing out the RG Wing Zero TV ver? There's nothing to pair with RG Epyon but the HGAC Wing Zero that it dwarfs. Shame because I really want to buy it but my autism is preventing me
just get the g-rework decals if the kit doesnt come with them
only one? weak
one twin set
They're waterslides
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I think even RG kits have that kind of smooth transition between details, inspite of having pointy edges compares to HG. Bandai really knows how to make every supposed to be defined details bleed into each othes, creating a blob, which is mindboggling. Even painted builds seem to be bad at gaining high contrast under well lit environment.

I would have gotten 2 or 3
Why didn't you get bigger Ball(s)?
blobdai should let gsc or koto make late uc kits since they don't want to
Based wing zero tv enjoyer. That gundam is criminally underrated. It’s one of my favorites.
At this point we're getting a Moderoid Luxon NEXT and Bradyon NEXT than MG AGE-3 Normal
They might get jealous when they realize other companies make their gundams better than them and people start liking them
fair enough i'm already busy on a kit
G-Line can pre order now
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Instruction unclear. Where did you file?
Look at the tiny nub in the bottom right of the pictures.
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new saz. https://www.gundam-base.net/staffblog/64903.html
>new gundam base exclusive material, "mechanical core plating"
>clear plastic with colored metallic film applied to the inside surface through vacuum deposition
i suppose you can get the same effect by painting metallics on the inside of a regular clear-color kit?
snapgod kino
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Jet stream attack
This was shockingly hard to find, let alone the MG kit
read that as jeet stream at first
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where the fuck you preordering, eslgodbro? i only see it on aliexpress and it seems like a normal order rather than PO
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These don't look like undergates.

you actually want overgates on this snapkino, the coating is on the underside. this way the gates are only on clear plastic and not the plated side so you can polish away nub marks
i see one listed as RX-81AS. are they gonna chink it out and actually make two releases? one with the armor and one without?
>impervious protection against panel lining
snapkino ascended
I see many listings labeled "TB-G04" too which isn't even a real model number
so no idea what's going on
Not a fan of the colors. I'll wait for the inevitable titans/jesta recolor.
Just paint
gpg not beating the nopaints allegations
Yeah, color correct markers + panel liners + decals + topcoat is good enough for me.
Don’t you feel embarrassed as a grown ahh man coloring with markers like a first grader
NTA but if people in this thread have any kind of embarassment like that, they wouldn't have bought plastic toys for 8 years old.
how different is the experience using markers vs paint brushes? markers seem way more popular than handpainting color correction even though they're more expensive too
I don’t buy plastic toys. I buy actual models. This is a serious hobby and I take pride in it.
snapchads buy rg and mg model kits which say 15+
only real modelers can do justice to 8+ hgs
Nice cope.
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>a grown ahh man coloring with markers like a first grader
Just say grown ass, retard. Also, people of your great grandpa's age use marker all the time for their modeling, the likes of you, 30+ i assume, have no final says. They are tools, not a proof of your penis size.
>the likes of you, 30+ i assume,
he's probably not even old enough to post on 4chan considering he's using unironic zoomer speak like "ahh" instead of ass.
>posted in 2018
>signature claims the most recent model he actually finished was 2015
just like /gpg/....
It’s not a cope. Model making is a serious hobby and the difference in our modeling skills is indicative of my superior intellect.
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the nubs will learn to fear me
Knowing how difficult non snap scale models are, totally understandable.
your keyboard is a numpadless cripple
are you going to repair it?
wagie spotted, go back to your excel spreadsheet inputting since you need a numpad
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you can also achieve the same effect with Korean-style candy coating. it looks particularly bad in that Sazabi because it also exposes the uneven moulds underneath, especially the injection marks
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that's not remotely the same effect anon
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I hate how kampfer candy coats are always this light blue cyanish color. It's not anime accurate. Kampfer is supposed to be dark blue. Candy coat fags can never seem to get their colors right.
The Ball Ver Ka was reprinted recently.
keyboard is kindo for gayms though
where do you bind the 999 autistic uber specific hotkeys in spessship/flight sims?
I play factorio desu
post your wips anon
be the change you want to see
>Tryhard gets buttmad over markers
lmao, stick to reddit newfag.
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dont forget plamo.
>"ahh" instead of ass.
Zoomers are fucking retared niggers, wow.
I posted too many shemale porns on Marvel subreddit and got perma banned on account level. Sorry, reddit insult nolonger works for me anymore.
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It is done, Sony now owns Kadokawa and that means Armored Core + Fromsoftware belongs to Sony.
it's great for games though
I use it for ICP panels in flight sims
only reason you'd need to ditch a numpad is because of tiny, feminine shoulders
>Sony now owns Kadokawa
>10% stake
it's because of poverty actually
mechanical keyboard dorks want expensive keyswitches but don't wanna pay for a whole keyboard's worth of them so they move to TKL and then 60% memes

shit uhh longsnap kinos titans colors ERGS
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It was not snapchad kino. It’s over snapfriends.
if kadokawa owns FROM how come kadokawa's plamo division doesn't have any ACs????
>newest RG is another SEED suit instead of anything else
It's okay, after the Akatsuki it's going to be age-1's turn
God I wish. Age is fucking dead to bandon’t
Give me fucking AGE-3
but children don't buy RGs
I do.
>Titus, Spallow, Swordia, Flat, Full Glands
>All P-Bandai
Full glans lol
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Next up is the RG Delta Gundam. This time reusing some of the Zeta's RG frame.
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complete subs when?
Is that engrish, or is it meant to be spelt like that?
Hopefully never. Shit’s for kids
when (you) learn japanese to fansub it
Unlike a certain mech suddenly getting called "Volonthe" everywhere that one is spelled right.
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>chink kit that looks like big mclargehuge instead of sanic oc spikes
Am I dreaming?
Still has that cluttered with shit everywhere look
I don’t like any chink kits that aren’t gundams. Solomon mg gp02 2.0 is the only good one.
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did you miss HIM?
RG Nu 2.0????
Why would there be a rg nu 2.0 when there’s not even an rg nu 1.0?
I’m not clicking that.
announcing you got filtered is a thing now?
it's just a heavilu customized Nu Ver Ka. now i look at it, i like how Shun did that underboob armor. it gives the armor an aesthetic hypercar look.
Exia ver.Ka when
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Is it just me or does this prototype gouf look like its using a feddie machine gun?
after Reborns ver Ka.
Fucking hell, my hobby shop just restocked some HG Ex S Gundam. Welp time to go back tomorrow.
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Pretty sure it is a feddie design. Probably used it until they developed the Zaku Machine Gun.
Solomon GP02 is just as much of a greeble nightmare as every other chink kit
It's something the Origin introduced, those machine guns are made by the Yashima company which is a spacenoid industrial manufacturing firm, which may or may not also be named after Mirai's family name

the little blurb next to the machine gun lineart says:

>モビルスーツ用の携行武器で実 体弾を発射する。マガジンはグリッ プ前に配置されており、ストックが 展開可能。八洲重工製で地球 連邦軍の一部のモビルスーツで も使用されていた。
>A portable weapon for mobile suits that fires solid bullets. The magazine is located in front of the grip, and the stock can be deployed. Made by Yashima Heavy Industries, it was also used by some of the Earth Federation's mobile suits.

I guess in war you make use of what you can get, sometimes weapons are captured by, copied from, and/or sold to opposing sides. Happened often enough in WWII.
That's not the Zarov though?
What the fuck this existed?
Name? Which chink company is doing this one? SNAA?
I was mildly wondering if it was just a coincidence. But yeah, definitely the same weapon used by the GM ground type. I guess its kinda neat that there's another corporation out there that sold to both sides.
Found it, so don't need name.
i'd buy the cancer nightingale if it didn't look like SHIT
>which may or may not also be named after Mirai's family name
isn't she literally the heiress? Was in MSG, anyway.
Two different colors as well:
Redpill me on the whole enamel paint process, I picked up some Tamiya enamels.

There's also an MG PB.
>Nightfall out of stock on any local shops
>just Rusty's shitty first machine
Steewl Haze Ortus when
The MG is of the original MSV design (the good one) rather than Orign's MSD.
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God fucking damn it when is the reprint? I want to buy two.
you thin it slightly with MLT and spray it like anything else. have fun!
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it is for fucking, yes
I'm gonna hand brush it for small details, am I good if I just do it on top of a primer?
where do you insert for sex-o?
Why does the mg get a regular zaku machinegun?
Is this Arcanadea?
why do you think there's a skirt
To hide the hips.
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I want to FUCK a SNAKE!
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Looks like Bandai knew about the RG Akatsuki hip problem from the start and is now selling this adapter to stabilize the hips as PB. Create the problem, sell the solution.
yes. also consider using very slight amounts of tamiya acrylic retarder if you want to handpaint some slightly bigger flat areas (very easy to overthin though). personally im probably switching to using acrylics for handpainting details in the future
that sounds like something that many more kits would benefit from and is a great idea
Between her aptly sized breasts. Looks like they’d be easy access too.
even an unpainted snake girl model is triggering...
>Purposely make bad kits
>Sell dumb gimmick items to fix the flaw
>Makes it the kit looks retarded
>MG Freedom 2.1 with reinforced J4 as Gundam Base exclusive
Your comment was unnecessary
Can't believe RG Strike Freedom Spec II and RG Rising Freedom have a higher chance of happening than fucking RG Flag Graham Custom
Wasn't it the arms that everyone was originally worried about?
actually, everything that uses the MS joint is a point of concern, the problem is only more obvious on the hips because it's carrying the weight of the whole leg and it's not obviously designed for that.
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They’re making an arca nadea anime
I got a Ex Model Albion, anyone here have built one?
I don't think it will be difficult to put it together, but I'm kind of intimidated by the blank colors. I think I will have to make a masking tape mummy.
I fucking hate Origin Prototype Doms. Easily worst in the Dom family
There a high chance that this getting a bootleg release than Bandai reprinting it
Give me Megalomaria anime next please thank you
When is big toy industry going to be held accountable?
even then, you won't see them last even a day because they get hoarded like fuck.
Bandai released an improved HG G-Self as a Base Exclusive! i wouldn't put it past them.
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its up
finally, i've been waiting for them to announce one of these since that first animated pv with lumitea
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bootleg Tyrant Sword releases 2025 Q1
why doesn't bandai have anyone like this? all bandai's product execs do is peek over koto's shoulder and copy their ideas badly
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This interview should explain everything wrong.
Honestly curiosity has been getting the better of me and i want to try out a daban kit, curious as to the quality and build of it.
Do you guys know of any site that list all the daban kits so i can see if there's one that i want that bandai has dropped the ball/hasnt reprinted in a while?
Dude what the fuck is up with everybody 30 and under wanting a giant list for everything? No it doesnt exist but you can make it yourself if you think something like that needs to exist so badly
you want the mg jagd doga
This. Fucking zoomers man. Like just google it if there’s a gundam that you want to see if there’s a daban for
ì tried looking and every place had different ones, so i wondered if there was a chinese site or something.
you can just say no, you don't need to go on why young people just want shit etc etc
There's a very high chance I won't buy the bootleg, I already know how it will be when it comes to bootlegs.
why would anyone want things to be organized huh
what do you mean a site full of autistic people has people who like things in giant organized lists?????
One search through youtube you can find a review of any Daban kits. Why don't you just choose what design you like and check the review.
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I will not buy the Sneedslop
I will not buy the wokeslop (gbitch)
I will not buy the katokislop
I will not buy the happy meal toys (hgs and egs)
I will not buy the AoZlop
Ok guys I look forward to seeing your Dalong equivalent for bootlegs. Since it's so important and necessary that means you guys will make it a top priority and finish it soon.
that's probably what i'll do, thanks
i just hate going through videos because im retarded. lov u anon thx
we're in troll hours huh
Dude they’re bootlegs. It’s not an organized operation. They just like have it. Also they’re literally the same as bandai except for maybe occasional greebles added, you don’t need reviews
Based broke basedbootlegger.
Oh what's that? You're saying making a giant list of all the bootlegs isn't worth your time? Too much effort? But you expect someone else to do it for you
> AoZlop
i will NOT stand for AOZ slander
we're in troll hours huh
the only slander is saying its good
Grab a brush for color correcting, looks far better and helps you develop a skill. Win win
literally the best (im an AOZ bootlicker)
I just think it's funny how suggesting you make the thing you want is considered 'trolling.' Why don't you ask chatgpt to make it for you lol
Got myself a Gouf I want to practice modeling techniques on. I was thinking of learning how to sharpen edges but I'm not sure what to add, any advice or opinion?
TB-G04 might refer to the RX-78-4.
we're in troll hours huh
Yea youre here youre the troll now stop please
but this isn't rx-78-4
You act like an animal backed into a corner
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I-i need. More. AoZ. Slop. Also, just a random thought, would a Gundam Musume tv show work, ya know like a bunch of girls engineers designing and testing mobile suits.
They tried that with WFM
There's barely any designing involved with WfM. Just strictly no politics, just straight up designing mobile suits and what whacky shit they can come up with.
That sounds like it would turn into a Build series really fast when the CEOs catch wind of it
How come we had no news of the panda hobby free pizza meetup?
you weren't invited
No sluts allowed.
Hot anime girls autistically discussing mechs and making mechs.
it's incredible how two to three faggots have made this thread consistently worse than it has been for years.
I honestly miss snapfit and the other -kuns at this point.
that's this general right
>Says the fag who made it worse.
JMS is making bootleg G-Line too
with a bit of luck it could be a repeat of the Spartan Situation
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me on the right
weird kink
Based Makibro
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It hurt to see this kit do this badly in terms of hip articulation . Silver tier from mechagaikotsu and discretionary from MJ2005 (RGs usually getting gundarium/platinum or recommended S respectively ) Makes the wound even worse . I even tried supporting Bandais decision, thinking it was only the elbow and the knee that used the RG strike frame . But wow. The hip?? You know the face Norris pulls when he realises who Shiro is in the best battle in gundam ? Yeah that was my reaction. In fact I should stop speaking because I bet Bandai will find this reason enough to use the RG RX-78 2 1.0s Frame in that Kit
it's troll hours huh
Toronto Girlpla builders were all notified
Does hlj always take long to process shipments or is it because of christmas?
Yes and Yes
RG Akatsuki is hot trash and will go down as the worst RG.
It will put people off buying RGs in the future and move them to HGs, which is probably what Bandai wanted.
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skill issue
god nagano is an artistic genius, how is everything he draws so good?
usually takes about a week from paying to getting a tracking number in my experience. it's slower whenever they have a shipping discount on because everyone empties their warehouse of 6 months worth of crap all at once
nagano has a degree in mechanical engineering and fashion design which makes for some of the most interesting mecha designs in the world.
Everything up until gothicmade
post chinkgod kinos
damn, a week? Aight not like I want it now but pending deliveries always make me anxious
>It will put people off buying RGs in the future
If you're a massive retard then yeah it'll put you off future RGs.
People would buy a real grade turd
gquuuuuux and the netflix bot are pretty close to real grades
Netflix even has a full inner frame no?
not in any way
Flight type parts, use airplane parts or other flight packs from units like aile strike.
Inner frame. Detail. 1/144. Yeah they pretty much are.
if you ignore parts separation, intricacy and gimmicks then sure
Not really
yes really babe
Can someone explain to me how these tiny no name companies are able to make the same kit in different colors? Why can't Bandai do this? Why do they expect people to paint if they want something in a different color when we're paying good money for their product?
/gpg/ not beating the nopaints allegations
it doesn't make financial sense for a larger company to cater to more niche audiences.
between major plastic color changes the extruders and injection equipment need to be cleaned which is just excess setup costs.
>Why do they expect people to paint if they want something in a different color when we're paying good money for their product?
because you're paying money for a model kit
Bandai do it all the time. The manufacturer can simply inject different colors into the plastic and you got every recolor kits known to man.
>Why do they expect people to paint if they want something in a different color when we're paying good money for their product?
Not about Bandai, but Chinese model company don't like painting and don't expect you to paint, they make mega snapshit kits with texture injection, 100% color separated, pre painted parts and plating.
I wish there was more from that chink company that made the transformers kit with the parts attached to the runner via strings of plastic. That was a feat of engineering
hey, don't lump everyone into the snapshitter category
Why is the korean retard not reviewing the new gundams? He hasn't done the akatsuki or bolinoak samman.
bandai is a poor small company that has to be careful what they make. The smallest mistake will bankrupt them.
I think he's in japan right now
Because Bandai is a massive company that has a printing schedule for kits, you think they will stop production and change the scheudle, just because some autisticfag wants a white GM? These chinese bootleggers can do this because labour is dirtpoor, they dont have to worry about regulations, they could put asbestos in it and you fags wont complain because cheap bootleg kit.
Somebody said there's a power struggle among the bandai suits and the gundams guys are losing. they are focusing more on shit like dinos and pokemans and one pieces and dragon balls.
not a big fan of critical thinking are ya
Just bought the master grade ball
I am, actually
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This is factually true.
>In Europe and the Americas, DRAGON BALL trading cards and collectable figures are enjoying favorable demand. Going forward, we will further expand products for the mature fan base. In addition, we will roll out products in conjunction with the TV broadcasts of Disney IP Big Hero 6, and roll out in-house IP, such as Tamagotchi and Hyper Yo-Yo. In these ways, we will work to increase the profitability of our operations in Europe and the Americas.
Just for gaijin
>snapshitter category
we go by snapgods
did that guy post where he got the print for BT
>100 bucks to ship from Mandarake.

It's over, when will this shipping menace stop.
bruh tf did you get
take the surugaya pill
mans shipping a pg via ems
surugay doesn't have shit
you don't have shit
AoZ slop. This is the price to pay to get my sloppy goodies.
>between major plastic color changes the extruders and injection equipment need to be cleaned which is just excess setup costs.
Not really. The process has extremely high pressure. There is no leftovers once it is done. Think of it like Alien Resurrection, everything got sucked out with not a single drop of blood remains.
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Does painting your model the exact same color look any better than just bare plastic top coated?
Imagine if we put handfag in that steel mold. Haha wouldn't that be something.
>the gundams guys are losing. they are focusing more on shit like dinos and pokemans and one pieces and dragon balls.
Gundam is garbage and i hope Bandai make less of them.
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my box fort is better stocked than surugaya
holy shit, i want that MG Hambrabi
This is the most normie UCfag backlog i have ever seen.
nice first edition turn a with dvd and shiny logo
I feel like i'm in some sort of twilight zone because Bandai has been making recolors for a really long time, it is not a Chinese bootleg thing.
hey, that's me!
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G-Line probably going to ends up like GM Spartan
I'm convinced that Gunsou has shown us unreleased kits.
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Depends on the paint.
Give me that TR6.
which one?
we have enough new baits to respond to already without going over this ancient one for the thousandth time
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>1/144 Delta Zayin
>Delta Gundam with shitty silver plating instead of shitty golden plating
fucking blowwww me
The Rah. Pls.
this is just the normal one without the added yellow gloss coat on top
should be less expensive as they are skipping steps
it has a new shield
who fucking cares
It's silver. Electro plated.
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does it?
>Plated kit
>Has safetyflags
only snapshitters care about that shit
Thank fucking god I didn't even pre order it.
if you use literally any other pic of zayin, yes you fuck
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those are canon
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eww, is this some kind of buildshit slop?
it's troll hours huh
That's canon UC lore
It's 3:40 in freedomland so yes
I'm not talking about the fin. I'm talking about everything else, shit looks like a silver bubblegum.
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>implying it's only the v-fin
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>design a new shield
>still too long, drags on the ground
>$78 dorrars preez
nice job, Bandai
Plus tip
How many time do we have to have this discussion? I swear to god almighty, only snapshitters complain about the most mundane things there is.
It's not quite that easy as someone that's designed several injection molds- at least not if you want the quality bandai tries to maintain. Different plastic fillers and colors change shrink factors more than you'd think, and they have effects on cooling rates so you're more likely to get sinks and other deformations too.
I think the real consideration is that finer tooling would degrade faster
softer detail lets the molds last decades with minimal repairs
Do you guys think we’ll get more gundam girlpla after figure rise puru? I think there’s a lot of potential in the figure rise standard line. They could even make some of other banrise IPs like code geass or cross ange. That seems like a money printer.
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You literally have no idea how many recolor trashes Bandai makes.
>the quality bandai tries to maintain
it's troll hours huh
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>But yeah, definitely the same weapon used by the GM ground type.
Yes, but also, no. It's clearly based on that weapon (IRL), but the Gundam and GM Ground Types don't exist in The Origin universe (as far as we know). The Local Type Gundams are basically the equivalent to the Gundam Ground type in The Origin, and those come with the same machine gun, but IIRC the first kit to come with it was the Bugu. It's also just bigger.
>attempting to predict bandai's future decisions
only will end in failure
Go on dalong website under pb section they have literally hundreds of recolors
i'd suck dick for those two TR-6s
I regret buying 30mm, got like 6 kits for 2k on yahoo and the p-bandai revernova. 30mm is pretty ugly overall but what did I expect buying kits for literal children.
you'd suck dick for cock
pb is literally known for being a gambling game on quality between releases and it's for that exact reason
I have phimosis, would you still do it?
They are literally HGs, anon. If you want an actual model with good looking details, buy something like a high end Tamiya kit.
you can have my cock without sucking dick just buy me a cheap HG
It is?
for those two TR-6s? yea i love the TR-6 but have no money for PBANDAI
still surprised i managed to get the metal robot tr-6 when that dropped
>pb is literally known for being a gambling game on quality between releases and it's for that exact reason
P Bandai is just a Fomo bait, they put whatever the fuck they want there, not just recolors.
>It's not quite that easy
Uh huh.
Delusional Bandaifag trying to make it out like recolors are some sort of timeline masterpieces that require a fortune to make instead of some cheap cash grab for snapfit people.
it's troll hours huh
gee bill, your mom lets you have TWO polypod balls?
it's troll years
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It's forced bait hours huh
Space age, troll century
post trollgod kinos
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand recolors. The differences are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of electromagnetism and waves most of the colors will fly over your head.
is that guy that posts the list of bait still around
I think he was serious at first when I was talking shit about the idea of an organized bootleg list but now he's just mad that I indirectly called him stupid (if he even got that)
they should, but Bandai is retarded, they rather do stupid things than the most sensible decisions
list of bait or list of words to add to filter
someone's mad his trolling got called out
nobody is ever going to make a list of every bootleg. thats fucking retarded
He must be fuming.
Seething, even,
I wanna have sex...
Malding at this time.
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Anyone here bought stuff from LunaParkStore? Just wondering if you have to pay in full when you preorder or if you pay only when the items is released?
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>high end
No such thing. High end starts at $500+
how woefully droll
How about a list about the best ones?
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Well. Looks like titans colour makes everything look 10x cooler.
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Why not both?
And god forbid you get into functional models. You can easily drop $5000 on a model train, or over $20000 on an RC truck.
At that point you might as well murder someone because youre a full blown psychopath.
damn it actually looks respectable now
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My father has an electric model train with working smoke stack that we used to put up around the Christmas tree when I was a kid. I wonder how much that thing even cost him.
These are models where every part is made out of the exact same material as on the real thing, every connection is made the same way as on the real thing, they move the same way, sound the same way, their mechanics work the same way. That's what "high end" attention to detail means.
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why do people refuse to topcoat after applying decals? that titans logo looks like its about to peel off
Good sir we talk about toys here and not man made marvels.
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EDDAS Asgard.
>no dont look for a simple text website with a table, browse 99 youtube videos with annoying people begging for likes and subscribes
and you called the OTHER anon a retarded zoomer?
someone post a funny image for the 999999 get, i wont be here
they sell their shit all online whereas bandai kits are designed to sit in boxes in store shelves where having too many tiny variations is just annoying for inventory management
imagine if you want to buy titans color gm spartan and the only 1 box in the store is already sold out, but they still have char color, tacticool green, arctic camo, metallic gloss injection, gundam colors and edgy black versions.
and this compounds because bandai already makes 9999 different hg boxes even without color variants
Says the retarded zombie, go choke on a cock already.
so fvcking kino
Bolinoak is the best kit to ever grace us.
the next few posts decides the best kit.
needs more light greys to break up the black navy
It's the Unicorn, of course.
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Actual fucking terrorist win.
The pivot to video (& social media) literally ruined the internet
You're just too young to remember it ever being good and lashing out at the unfamiliar.

I'm not mad at you, I'm just sad that the non-enshittified internet is gone forever and young people will never even know what it was like.
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Are there any gunplas of this galluss? I just started watching ZZ and I think it looks neat, but all I can seem to find is a blue one that looks a bit different
i just clicked on whatever was in my folder, it would have been 5x better if i used the do you even build? guy image again
this is bait
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The Unicorn one is very different, and not just in a way you can "fix" by painting it. It's not even really the same suit, like comparing a Zaku I to a Zaku II.
I was thinking of using him but I didn't have it saved...
There's a really old 1/144 kit of it
it's exactly the same except less armor and verniers
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I think you need to get your eyes checked, fren.
God I fucking miss 2007 internet so badly I would've spent more time online and less time outside fucking random raccoon haired scene bitches if I knew how good it was back then
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It's called artstyle difference. I don't have a pic of unicorn Gallus J on hand but Gallus K is mostly the same and you can clearly see a lot of the shapes are identical when they have the same stance and proportions. Schuzrum just had half its armor stripped off.
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Well if you're fine with the Gallus-K then you can buy the schuzrum galluss and the Gallus-K resin conversion kit which is exactly what I'm going to do
I really thought the Unicorn OVAs meant we'd get a HGUC Gallus -K
Is this retard still screaming about being spoonfed his bootleg list?
it's troll hours innit
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Fucking works me into a seethe that Bandon't is just camping on the FGO license and doing fuckall with it. I want girlpla of Fate and Tsukihime baddies.
It'd make sense with Quuuuuux given that they are waifu baiting, but I think that it's more likely that they do the rest of the Bocchi cast.
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I want girlpla of nyaan. she's hella bad. idrgaf about the protagonist who doesn't seem like she has a single brain cell in her empty head. What I like to do with my girlplas is take the face of the baddies from the shows and put them on bodies with revealing clothing and big boobs.
so you can be even more jealous of them right
clown shoes
Aw man, that stinks.
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have fun
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in every single goddamn gunpla thread: complaining Bandai makes soft rounded kits, unsharpened edges, kits full of safety flags, etc, etc, etc on model kits literally designed for children
why don't they have kits for adults too?
Oh man the body, shoulder armor and armour skirts are the only good parts.
I wouldn’t care if they still made stuff for adults
Not him but holy shit this is actually pretty good, going to keep this in mind for when my backlog thins a bit
No, it's definitely needs a lot of work, but it's doable
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Nooooo why does Bandai follow safety standards???????? Why do they make toys safe????????
No it’s not.
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Didnt you fags tell me that old grade hands were better? But what the fuck is this?
They're free to do that, and we're free to be upset that the company doing it also holds a monopoly on making kits for this IP and actively shut down every avenue that third parties could use to create licensed gundam kits aimed at different audiences
still better than the squares
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They're missiles.
its a missile pod hand like the Gouf's machingun hands you idiot
Youre moving the goalpost there buddy.
It looks like spatulas instead of missiles.
Until there is literally any other option for gundam kits I'm gonna keep bitching about bandai, sorry anon
It used to be that we had gundam kits from wave, koto, volks, kaiyodo, not to mention all the independent sculptors selling under 1-day licenses. All of that is gone now because Bandai needs full control. I hate it.
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I want this Gundam.
dont we all
all of those were resin kits, which was a much looser industry in terms of licensing in the height of popularity before injection molding exploded.
completing a resin kit is beyond your capabilities.
I want it too anon.
Nice projection
Opinions on markers.
Old shit with no QC made in a dude's garage with mold slips, warped parts everywhere and where nothing fits properly is hard, but modern resin kits aren't hard at all. I'd say well made resin kits are easier than plastic kits, especially bad plastic kits with poor fitment and tons of sink marks.
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The only other company on Earth sitting on a literal Russia tier weapon's cache of designs they can use is marvel? or DC. Bandai doesn't have to come up with designs for the foreseeable future and yet they refuse.
tooling is expensive and they'd rather make kits that sell
snapgod kino
>tooling is expensive
Ah yes, that's why they came up with Gcucks which requires new tooling and isn't from an existing franchise that can equally generate hype and interest.
>main character suit from new anime gets a kit
not a big fan of critical thinking are ya
oh my god this is fucking kino. why haven't bandai made a virgo kit yet
Sigh. When is the mg.
anyone complaining about "soft detail" lacks the temperament to complete resin kits.
I need this. The episode where Quatre goes postal on the colonies and OZ sends out Heero and Trowa to fight him in Mercurius and Vayeate is my favorite Gundam episode of all time.
What's that supposed to mean? Most resin kits don't require you to sharpen every single edge and detail by hand like bandai kits do unless you buy a garbage recast.
He's buying garbage recasts from SH Studio
What's wrong with the HG pack?
It's not big
please, post all the resin kits you've built, mr expert
average gpg poster doesn't even plamo anymore, let alone resin
>average gpg poster doesn't even plamo anymore
i feel personally attacked
My favorite part about /gpg/ is the dick measuring contests between people with no builds telling each other to post their builds and there are never any builds posted.
what markers you used for that red?
honestly did not think markers could look that good, i'm surprised
also is that the HG ? or the RG?
I'll post my builds again once I can grab my airbrush from my parents place after chrissy.
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This is the RG. It's just the regular set of metallic gundam markers. I think it's number 121. It looks fine from afar but up close you can see all the imperfections. Because of this, theyre usually they're recommended for adding small details but not really for replacing an airbrush.
ahhh i see
still looks pretty nice, good job anon!!
I want to violate her
Then force her to host my plastic toys livestreams
what the? so what happens after it launches all the finger missiles? the hand becomes useless?
yes. it's over.
According to GBO2 it reloads
theyre okish for detail painting rgs and the dispae fine tipped ones are sometimes good enough to make hgs colour accurate.
But they are ass at large surfaces. They are just a stepping stone to get into painting
well yeah that's due to gameplay reasons, like how mobile suits aren't instantly fucked after getting slashed by a beam saber, cause that would be too OP and unbalanced despite being accurate to the series
What are your Gunpla hot takes? For me, it's that Unicorn mode looks better than Destroy mode.
daring are we
Was the RG RX-78-2 2.0 well received here?
People were kind of pissed that we got another freaking gramps kit but it's a good kit all in all. Both in engineering and design.
what's even left
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This looks so cool
i dont think that's a hot take...
What the fuck is a Hrududu.
the opposite of the hrududon't

it's rabbit for "motor vehicle." AoZ gets its naming scheme from Watership Down.
I was really hoping it was well engineered. Hopefully, this means they'll go back and remake some of the older RGs as well.

>*cough* ZETA *cough*
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Finishing up a new corner in my goon cave.
apparently there are machine guns underneath the missiles, so after you launch the missiles it still has *some* use
You're missing your gaianotes, anon
so how clean does everyone keep their painting table? I got a cheap folding table but its covered in spills and splatter after 1,5 years
I don't. I also just got a cheap folding table. Idgaf if it has dried paint on it. I'm not gonna use it for anything else and the dried paint isnt doing anything.
In the mail, along with my Alclad >:3
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One of these days I'll buy the sesame ball kit that has several hundred individual sesame seeds that you need to snip and glue on.
>Sesame ball
That's fucking stupid.
I see these damn sesame balls all the time at the asian supermarket hot food area
i dont get the appeal, are they for people afraid of paintbrushes?
there are several sushi kits with individually modeled rice grains too
What happens if you remove the side highlighted in light blue?????
Looks like it didn't stick. That shit's going to blow off when the topcoat hits.
That's how you get gremlins.
Gallus after intermittent fasting
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Was it really necessary /gpg/?
looks like an upgrade to me
The 2.0 looks a lot better
Chest is more compact while older looks like its drooping. Joints between leg and ankle also looks better, has more detail and the joint flap thing has a nicer fit that actually looks attached while older looks like its just floating because there's a peg supporting it.
Really, I wouldn't mind that joint flap thing to be standardized in modern kit. It looks really nice.
I thought you guys were supposed to say old good new bad
I almost want to get it but I have a great fear that if I ever got an old oop kit I'd fuck it up and break it, and then be unable to replace it. How much do they go for anyway? I imagine they're not cheap
20 bucks plus rape shipping from animeland
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yes and no

no, because MG F91 is still a great MG and actually have a better articulation at some points compared to the 2.0 (the foot of MG F91 actually can bend while the foot of MG F91 2.0 is just a piece of brick)

yes, because the polycapless construction/stability of this experimental MG F91 was still mid, specially compared to the new polycapless MGs even the new MG F91 2.0 or MG F90 or MG Cluster Gundam
the main thing the 1.0 does better is that damn rafflesia stand
almost bought one just for it
the p bandai titanium finish one has the rafflesia stand included
thing is that I already have a 2.0
so I really am buying one just for the stand, no matter what
buy it, take the stand out, and then sell it to some snapshitter on ebay or something
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It looks like a giant butthole
In japan, you can probably get this for spare change in a dagashiya. They are literally collecting dust in some 80 year old japanese boomer's shop.
But as a pathetic Goyjin deserving of disdain??? A sexpat goyjin will gladly sell it to you at a 900% markup (plus shipping) and you'll think its a bargain.
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back when bootleg gundams were very prolific compared to now, there was a Model GD MG Gundam F91 1.0, it was bad, but there was a Rafflesia Stand. you could just buy that and throw away the bootleg F91 and keep the stand
It even has that lewd drip of ass slime that you see in the hentais
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This transformation is fucking radical
can't wait to watch Unicorn now
the only thing good about the original MG is that it includes a Rafflesia cockpit so you can recreate the final battle scenes
>buying kits from things you haven't seen
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There's no chink version of the Gilboa Sant Geara Zulu, right? Because I could use that backpack in my project, but I don't want to waste an entire kit.
That backpack pops up as an accessory every once in a while.
I feel like I'm just not getting better at dealing with knubs. Cut it in multiple motions, finish with hobby knife, cleanup with multiple files and the damn white marks are still there.
Use sandpaper
If you created a stress mark, then that's not gonna go away with sanding, you'll have to paint it.
do you use gunprimer raser origin? it's literally retard proof. i cut from the runner and leave a lot of nub left, then make a cut almost flush with the part with godhands and then a few swipes with raser and nub is gone with no white mark.
>noticed dried cum splatters on my snapshits on the shelf above my monitor
never again... I didn't realize my ejaculation reached that high. lesson of the day: do not put figurines and models near your gooning station if you're also mildly OCD with getting your stuff dirty.
I have like 5 different grits of files and sandpaper.
But how do you even avoid getting them in the first place? Some types of plastic, usually dark color, are super sensitive to them. I'm pretty sure some of these marks come from factory on the sprues, too.
Isnt that just a glass file? I use them when the surface is rough, but it never really fixes the issue. The rounded shape is nice, though. Maybe I'll get it.
>how do you even avoid getting them in the first place?

Well the usual advice is to cut far away from the gate and then whittle it down with a knife. If you can't avoid it, then you could try using paint markers to hide them. You can dab on a bit and then rub it off, and the mark will be pretty much invisible.
it's a giga glass file. don't use sandpaper to clean up nubs. the raser is the only thing you need to sand them off. the stress marks are formed by the cuts you make when you remove the part from the runner. cut away from the part when you're taking it off the runner and try not to bend it. single bladed nippers like godhands also are really helpful in preventing stress marks
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I never built the Rafflesia stand for mine because I didn't like how it looked, you want it?
>then make a cut almost flush with the part with godhands
Sounds like this is the major decider here, not the glass file.
heck yeah i want it!
Those details were painted, anon. OOB, most of scalemodels look like featureless blobs, which is the point.
>if you want an actual model with good looking details, buy featureless blobs
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Everyone's posting Galluss!

Here's the Galluss-MD from the first Build Fighters Groupbuild.
Do you live in the US? Since it's getting close to holiday seasons I could ship it to you, just promise to paint it and take some sexy pictures to share in the thread.
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I want a Gunboy model kit.
It's like buying a big canvas. You get to do some of the creative work by etching and painting, and since it's BIG you get to add in more details. That's part of the fun for real no shit model builders.
Really, what's the name? Because I can't find shit.
Wow that is very kind of you anon. Thanks for the offer but I actually wasn’t the guy you were replying to. I will let him come and claim it if he wants.
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You won't be able to see 90% of Tamiya's details unless you paint them because the kits have only 1 color. But the sculpt is there for you to work on.
Kinda wanna buy a Titans MK II RG
Bruno Gun. I wish I could find you who I bought mine from but it looks like someone put it up on cults3d for free download and you can print it in resin.
Come on, Bandai. Make a 00 RG that is not a Setsuna suit. Masurao would be highly appreciated.
Why is 00 dead to Bandai? I thought it was a pretty popular show. But it doesn’t get nearly the amount of love that seed does.
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Actually I wonder if a .2mm nozzle can print the parts.
Current events, maybe? Afraid to shill the AU that is closest to real life.
Also why are you and I the only 00bros ITT? I never see anyone talk about it here even though it seems like the consensus is that it was a pretty good show with pretty good designs.
RGs are mostly protagonist and main rival. There are some exceptions like Zaku, but its RG exists due to the unit's popularity.
Masurao is a main rival though
Funfact: Bandai tried to compette with Tamiya during the 70s and had an attempt at military scale models.
I'm the real anon
how much?
western US
Technically Astraea exists as P-Bandai. But as the other anon said, RG seems to be reserved for hero MS and rivals. At best we'd get Reborns or Dynames.

The Celestial Being S1 Gundams finally got their full MG lineup a few years back, and 00 XN Raiser as a very recent P-Bandai RG. 00 is still plenty popular, but given that SEED Freedom finally released earlier this year it's pretty logical that they'd dedicate a bunch of toys to it.
I found a paid one that is the one I have.
>But it doesn’t get nearly the amount of love that seed does
Literally nothing except UC gets any of the love Sneed does.
i just spent 15 minutes fighting with a sticker sheet trying to remove the decals before realizing that they are waterslide.
We better get Flag Custom and Masurao before Reborns and 0
Wingslop actually seems like it got a lot of love. There’s MGs of all the EW designs and their upgraded versions. That includes 2 ver Kas. 2 TV MGs of protagonist gundam. 3 RGs plus the Tallgeese variants.
Inb4 I get roasted for this yes I know wing proto zero is technically not wing zero. I don’t care.
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New addition to the box fort. Now only the Rah and Im good,
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>All the Gundams 5x each
>Only the Leo for grunts
>literally release a reskin of Mercerius and Vayette based on a novel that nobody has read
What the fuck is bandai's problem?
I swear if Providence gets an RG first before something else
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I will not buy the sneedslop
I will buy the wokeslop if Ebikawa designed them
I will buy katokislop but only if it was an original katoki design (as in mechanical design on the show, ver.ka mechs are the real katokislop)
I will buy the happy meal toys (far more fun to detail an HG, it is like a fresh canvas)
I will not buy the AoZslop (not racist just don't like 'em)
I will break all above rules if the mech is aquatic (the ocean needs more guns)
Need HG Virgo and Taurus
Wing, SEED and 00 are the only three AU that get any serious amount of love, given how popular they were/are. You've got almost full lineups of everything in modern HG retail, which is more than you can say for G, X or AGE (yes, I know G is getting the full Shuffle Alliance lineup as of late, but it's P-Bandai exclusive). Hell, even V gets comparatively little love despite being Tomino's last UC proper show.
I will still never understand why Merc and Vay are pbandai as a pair, they were two of the better selling 1/144 wing series kits and have a dedicated fanbase among wing fans while also having several elements (the vayette rifle and both kits' legs come to mind) that are popular for kitbashing historically.
it will reuse the old Justice/Freedom frame because fuck you
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Since it's near Christmas, I'll do it for free. Shoot an e-mail to me with contact details.
>I will buy katokislop but only if it was an original katoki design (as in mechanical design on the show, ver.ka mechs are the real katokislop)
Wtf this is literally one of the most based takes I’ve ever seen on here.

Luv me Katoki mechanical designs. ‘ate ver. Ka MGs. Simple as.
There’s a big red butthole looming over our general
Always been the case for me. I think that I would dislike ver.Ka's less if we got some other mechanical designers doing redesigns in their own style (like ver.Ebis, ver.Yoshis and so on) but I hate that people seem to force you to choose between liking all of the ver.Ka mechs and his original designs, or rejecting all of them. I love his contributions on 08th, Victory and G Gundam but I don't want to see another ver.ka of an Okuwara or Izubuchi design as long as I live (I know I will see several, and that is sad).
Show me where the Ver. Ka touched you.
AGE-3 Ver. Ka
He touched me in my heart with Ex S Gundam. Never have I seen such perfection.
Honestly I don't even hate MG Ver.Ka, I'm just completely cold to them at this point. The objection doesn't come with the mechs, it comes with the fact that they eat up 2/3 of the MG reprint schedule so that every store can have a complete stock of Ver.Ka models "in case a Ver.Ka fan walks in," while other shit goes years and years between reprints. We can't get new MGs of shit people have wanted for decades, but we can get a Ver.Ka redesign of something already in MG so that you don't have to insert shims in the legs and sideskirts yourself!
Katoki gave us Unicorn Gundam. he's based in my book
Katoki gave us Unicorn Gundam. This sin can never be forgiven.
Counterpoint: mg fazz ver ka

But I get what you’re saying
I am allergic to decals. Every ver Ka kit has a fat sheet of water slides that take forever to put on all the caution signs and shit.
Speaking of Ver Ka, my dog ate my Wing Gundam Endless Waltz Ver Ka box when it got delivered.
Based dog saving you from that wingslop. He wants you to do a proper UC Gundam.
'ate UC, simple as
Too bad they have Ebikawa doing all the kids toys now. His talents are much more suited for actual model kits rather than turning everything into 30mm kits.
ebikawa was demoted because he's a shrimp skinned hack
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This thing looks sick actually.
>safety nubs
Based Bandai implementing measures to make sure we don’t poke our eye out, while at the same time making it easy to remove so it can retain its intended appearance with minimal effort.
this guy is a bad influence to me, he lives 2 blocks away from me and has significantly better deals than everyone else leading to me wanting to do more impulse buying

anyways, what should i buy, is the rg sazabi really that good? you see atleast 2 candy coated rg sazabis on reddit a week
Where do you live? Those are rape prices in the land of the free.
Nu Ver Ka
this is canadian pesos with tax included in the price
>only snapshitters complain about the most mundane things there is.
Cutting off safety flags is not even a modeling thing. It is an intelligence issues because you keep buying these garbages.
The Turn A is probably worth it, maybe Tallgeese as well. The only RG there I would probably get is Wing EW. MG Justice and Wing Zero Custom come with free Action Bases if that sort of thing interests you (though those prices are still above what I would pay).
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projectV sells print-and-ship for a similar one too https://projectvhobby.com/products/geara-zulu-geara-doga-heavy-armed-type-36598
OO MS are kinda shelfwarmers, other than Setsuna suits, and even then, its only the Exia that is weirdly popular, that's why it keeps getting new kits/figures
Fuck you we dont have enough Ver Ka kits. We need to have every kits VerKafied, and that MG FAZZ? That needs to be reprinted ASAP.
Source: my ass
>00 kits shelfwarming.

Maybe Kyrios? Most of them sell out when restocked. The problem is most of the 00 fanbase already has every of the mg kits. It doesnt make sense that they dont do MG Reborns, or the other trailblazer suits. Im pretty sure MG Zabanya will sell like hotcakes
They never did any MGs of Graham's suits, or Ali.
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not really digging this one
looks amazing to me
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Need more of this.
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It is an expensive bubblegum.
Is it from the burger king or mcdonalds kids meal?
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dunno what you mean, this is great. Finally a good kit after a shit year.
Not even joking, for 5000+ yen, you can buy an old MG kit with better sculpt. The audacity of Bandai nowadays.
>Lego hands
>Smoothen edges
>Subpar sculpting
>It is hard to sharpen this shit due to its complex designs
That will be 5,280 yen plus tips, sir!
go make a better one buddy
koto AC kits have the exact same features but cost 12k yen instead. there are no good AC kits so might as well go with the cheaper one
>koto AC kits have the exact same features
Nice cope
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>box hands
That will be 12100 yen, sir!
Koto's Vengeance has pointy saw blades, anon. Bandai will never dare to pull this for their 8+ models.
did you intentionally choose an image where the points have been filed down?
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it is nolonger 2010, grandpa. Learn how to catch up.
>hollow parts
Did you look at Bandai's attempt at chainsaw?
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No they are not. Above is silver colored thruster and below is a peg hole.
If Koto is so good why isnt it called Kotopla instead of Gunpla? CHECKMATE KOTOFAGS.
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Any advice for making Kamen Rider figurises look good? Like anything to do with top coats or highlights to help the body look a bit more like it's made from the same material as in the show?
Theres basically a 0% chance of an MG SUMO or anything from Turn A now, right?
Why isnt it Kondam then????
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Honestly most of Kamen Rider suit looks like unpainted snapfit kits.
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lotsa coping in this thread
lots of gloss varnish should do the trick
I'm mostly trying to get the glosses right, if that makes sense
0% chance of any 1/100 from turn a. Maybe like 5% chance of a hg sometime in the next 5 years since those are cheaper to make.

There’s an old 1/100 sumo you can get that’s not terrible
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From terrible to ok. I used a marker for the copper parts on pic related because tamiya enamel copper looked like shit when handbrushed (applied on center). I'm surprised the lacquer flat coat didn't melt the marker since I think it's alcohol based
I'm afraid it is my hemorroids
Kek I did a similar thing with a sticker sheet once, thinking it was a waterslide sheet.
So the third party MG based on the MB Exia Devise is out. Does anyone know of any places that took a look at it?

I'm somewhat tempted and I guess I better nab it before the orange man tax hits.
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Is that White Glint? Most of those AC kits are super old. Kotobukiya has been pursuing more realistic looking hands for a long time now.

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>Photoshots with sharpening
Let's see how it looks like under average lighting.
the shield is hollow
That grey is horrendous.
still looks cool
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Ohnononono Box Hands bro, Kotobukiya betrayed us, how can this be happening?!
Take bets on what show will produce the next MG:
>seed freedom
>ver ka from some random 80s or 90s UC Gundam show
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box hands? what's that?
Woah it’s big
UC > Seed > anything else in order of most to least likely imo
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It is charming. I wish Bandai delievers more hollow looking stuff.
lewd anon
Finally, giant safety flags
Yeah, if you are a snapshitter then it looks alright.
You should use the closed up type of suit as reference. In case you don't know, Kamen Rider usually has 2 types of suits in the filming: Action suit and Closeup suit. Action suit look bad most of the time and their appearance is not really cannon to what the Kamen Rider looks like.
For the gloss, sometimes KR suit separate this thing. Example, Agito's golden parts and his belt are glossy, but the black parts of the suit is matte. Or Chalice's suit is glossy for the metallic parts and semi gloss for the black parts.
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The Full Mechanics IBO kits have safety flags.
Any 1/100 that isn't MG has safety flags
As stupid as it sounds I didn't even realise that, I've just been casually watching a couple series since I was introduced. Any idea where I can find pics of both suits for Zi-O? That's the one model I could get my hands on at a price that isn't ridiculous.
I'm not even joking, FM is Bandai's plan to sell 1/100 stuff to children and expect the adult fanbase to just suck it up and forget about MG.
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The 1/100 Aerial doesn't to my knowledge.
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Well her fins are obviously smooth out. JNTHED designed the fins to look not pointy but still sharp.
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That's not the same thing as safety flags. The RE/100 Lindwurm and Full Mechanics Calamity also don't have safety flags.

I'm guessing that's because FM is supposed to be the new MG. Older 1/100 NGs and RE100s have safety flags
it's not tho
It’s the enshittification of the mg line. Less detail, less production cost, meant for a broader audience. We get almost as much FMs as MGs these days. They’re slowly expanding it to take over the 1/100 market share.
Zi-O's suits look pretty consistent between the 2. However, you can notice the stunt suit by the visor, it looks obviously less detailed and serves as something for the stuntmen to see easier for action scenes.
it's troll hours huh
Compared to older MGs, newer 1/100s have similar if not even more detail. The FM Calamity has way more surface detail than the MG GP01 for instance.
next year is Zeta's 35th anniversary, so it's going to be from there Gundam Mk. II Ver Ka
Having an absolute bitch of a time getting images to upload at all. New thread. Report and ignore shitposting and bait, even if it's just ceremonial at this point.

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nah, its going to be 1/100 Psyco Gundam
>We get almost as much FMs as MGs these days
I afraid FM has more releases than MG now. Most of them in 2024 are just P-Bandai recolor trashes, but still, it is a bad omen.
MG was never really about surface details. MG Sazabi looks almost the same the HG, the only difference is the internal details, the chest can be opened as cockpit detail, the wings can be extended, etc.
"Safety flags" is just a buzzword the safety measures Bandai used for the fin. Not many people noticed the neutered nature of HGs beside the fins. I still believe FM is just an excuse for Bandai to put safetyflags and smoothed out edges into MG, lmao.
my table is fine, i mix all my paint etc inside the booth so it all just spills in there
it's hard to pick between the two because they both have a lot of inaccuracies, but different bits are inaccurate on each one. they need a 3.0 really, third times the charm
just buy paint
Nice find. I think this may be the group I bought from way back but they just re-branded. Their naming convention was space something.
just paint it snapbaby
no. i dont think i will.

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