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Previous Thread: >>22997292

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Will Vram show up at the end of next episode or only appear in the preview
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What are your thoughts on the Narikiri World 2024 items?
Quite great, glad we got designs attached to the drivers this time
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Favorite/Least Favorite Opening?
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Is there a clearer picture of picrel?
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Righmost base form
A on we're literally getting a clearer picture tomorrow, couldn't you have waited to do that collage?
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Kamen Rider Geats Episods 43-44.
>Team Keiwa all the way, baby
Uh, so things could be going better for Team Keiwa, I'm not gonna lie. Just a couple of things, like making sure to NOT have his family be on ground zero of a rogue Rider attack just as he has remade the world and especially after he was strutting around like he owned the place and acting like he listens to Linkin Park 24/7.
Boy, Geats IX has not had an interesting fight since its debut. Really, Ace? Going IX against a bunch of civilians?
Perhaps the true Naago Fantasy was the true love of her family in a subplot that could have been executed better that we made along the way. Remind me exactly why the DGP needed Kosei as a sponsor? Nothing about them shows that they needed his money or influence. They could have bribed the government themselves really easily. And all the Game Masters have had designer clothes.
Hideyoshi Kan, I'm sorry brother, but you need some acting lessons. Wooden is too good a word to call this performance.
Nearly done with King-Ohger. Yeah, King Sentai good and all that jazz. Dagded is so annoying. Just go down, asshole.
Keiwa singlehandedly turned the fight in the villains' favor after they were practically defeated, not even Daiji did this much damage to the heroes' side.
>Just a couple of things, like making sure to NOT have his family be on ground zero of a rogue Rider attack just as he has remade the world
His fault for believing the guys that fucked him over twice wouldn't keep fucking him over.
>Boy, Geats IX has not had an interesting fight since its debut. Really, Ace? Going IX against a bunch of civilians?
Geats IX looks nice and has a few cool fights, but it's easily one of the worst utilized final forms out there.
Agreed, even as a geats/fightfag i'm utterly disappointed by the lack of battle geats9 has. Not even a big spectacle fun shit, i hated fujita because of that. Idk what kind of block the director had back then. Granted there's still some hand to hand exchange vs jiit but that's it.
bitter gavv prototype driver?
Gavv Driver made from different materials, not Bitter Gavv
Definitely saber and build, i hate slow or ska music.
That's why 01, blade (elements) and gaim are my favorite opening, music and visual-wise.
That was to show off that they can make toys out of recycled materials.
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kek i'm retarded
>. Idk what kind of block the director had back then.
It's really the writing. The 2nd big Geats IX battle was against a fucking grunt. Not hundreds, just one. And then later on it was put against villains it wasn't allowed to defeat which always ended up meaning action scenes cut short.
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Eternal tacticool. Reiwa will have it in vram.
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My boi tycuck and my wife are starring in a new drama.
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>still no word on the shf faiz reprint
The announcement was only 9 days ags...
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>be a game developer
>you make the best game nobody make games like you
>get fan mail
>some kid thought of better game ideas than you
>send him anthrax
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I know, I hope they either open up the pre orders when after I get paid or that the pre orders end in less than an hour
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I finished Kamen Rider Black. As I mentioned before, I don't like the change in tone and direction the show underwent, and I dislike the "kid with a problem of the week" format it settled into. However, by far its biggest issue is that it is ultimately a story about brotherhood and loss, yet it doesn't invest nearly enough time in exploring and developing this aspect as much as it should have.

Nobuhiko's transformation into Shadow Moon should have been shocking and tragic. His mechanical design, emphasizes that there's little to no humanity left in him, but, aside from a couple of scenes, we see nothing of his life as a human and, more importantly, his relationship with Kotaro. The potential is there, but it's hard to care about their conflict due to this "tell, don't show" approach to storytelling.

I don't mind that it ends on such a sour note, although I do believe it would have been more impactful if the show had been tonally consistent from beginning to end. What I can't forgive is that the latter half of the final episode is essentially a clip show. I understand the reasoning, but the problem is that the show already did this two episodes ago. Watching the same scenes of Kotaro with his friends that the show keeps reusing for the hundredth time leaves me feeling nothing.

Anyway, given its popularity, I was expecting a lot more, so I think it's fair to call it disappointing. The beginning is fantastic, and the ending is decent enough, but I’m not a fan of practically anything in the middle. They could have told a much more compelling, coherent, and focused story with all these elements, but instead, the show wastes 90% of its runtime on vignettes about kids, where the titular character becomes almost a guest in his own show. That format was fine in the early ’70s, but by late ’80s standards, it not only feels outdated but also clashes with how this show started and was shaping up to be.
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By the way, I was watching the 'This is Kamen Rider Black!' special, and I almost spit out my drink laughing when they showed the auditions for the main characters. While they showed the men acting or fighting, they had the women in swimsuits, as if it were a Miss Universe competition or something. Watching this, It kind of pisses me off that they never show Katsumi wearing a swimsuit in the show, but what can you do?
writings can cause some bad direction?
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I laughed out loud when Sara died immediately after being brought back. I'm also not 100% sure that wasn't the intention, given how much Takahashi loved humiliating this faggot.
>bug themed
>more individualistic than the usual Sentai fare
>powers come from the bad guy but are used for good
King-Ohger is a better Rider show than most of the actual Reiwa Rider shows
>saberfag yelling BOOOOO in the corner
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God i miss build
Still no vram thread? Lame.
The last thread was the Vram thread
oh, sorry my bad...ive been away for a week
we still get new episodes though, right?
Please remind me again lads, what makes this show so popular they even do the sequel right away?
Why are you so obssessed with Saber and its fans?
>we still get new episodes though, right?
No, Rider has been cancelled. Sentai will take both SHT slots next year as part of its 50th anniversary celebration.
Why are you so obssessed with kingoh this is not /ssg/ go somewhere else
Didn't RX kill the series for a good decade?
Black was popular enough for a sequel, but RX was terrible enough to kill the series.
Best: Journey Through Decade and Surprise Drive
Worst: Shounen Yo and Be The One
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I don't know, but I want to see it happen again out of morbid curiosity.
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This is the only place on the Internet where people push more Ageha than Nico and Poppy. And I'm okay with this.
X, Stronger a Super-1 cancelled the franchise. Black was the most popular Kamen Rider had ever been to that point because it was the closest to the original.
Toei didn't want to continue Black but sponsors pretty much forced them to make a sequel. That's why Toei hates Black RX and Shirakura pushed the whole "not listening to sponsors nor people that aren't the target audience, and if we do we do it superficially" thing with Agito onward.
I never mentioned King-Ohger, schizo.
Really? But she's the hottest by default. I guess people outside here don't watch movies?
It's just one anon, and you are probably him.
They stopped after Black RX due to producer in-fighting. The main producer (Yoshikawa Susumu) stepped away from tv Rider due to being annoyed by Ishinomori giving his blessings to Kamen Norida and he thought that was ruining Rider's image. Due to the amount of productions Toei had back then, there was no one to step in, so it just stopped. They went far enough into the production of the next show there were even auditions though. Kobayashi Ryohei (who ended up playing FiveBlack in Fiveman) has claimed he had originally gotten the lead role of the next Rider show.
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>But she's the hottest by default.
There's indeed something really sexy about her hitting Riders with her bare legs. Shame she wasn't a recurring character or that we never saw her fight without her labcoat and untied hair.
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>not listening to sponsors nor people that aren't the target audience
2 or 3, counting myself. Still, Ageha posting outliving Poppy posting is wild. Even Nico still has one poster who drops here now and then. Not talking about popularity in general, of course. Just about this place.
I still remember when mothers complained about Ouja and his solution was to make a two-parter with a girl with Stockholm syndrome which might be worse but he knew that they don't actually watch the show and wouldn't complain after it, and he was right.
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True best main rider & secondary pair.
You know that a KR entry was going to be good for sure when the protags had those unnecessarily long hairstyles. The tradition started to slowly die with Kabuto and Hibiki.
Long hair on men in Japan was just a popular trend for most of the 2000s. Very bishie.
reiwa rider could never!!
Male long hair has an edge to it that short hair can't capture

Long hair should go back in vogue for men
RX was so bad it killed rider until Kuuga revived it.
Which lead has the longest hair? Takumi?
I mean it didn't die completely because of Shin, ZO and J going to theaters (and the Showa riders plus them as leaders hanging around throughout the 90s)
Gotchard was so bad it made Toei change the way rider was produced forever.
You mean Geats? Gavv was already in pre-production by the time Gotchard began filming.
Shinji maybe. Ryuki and Blade had at least three main Riders with long hair.
That's just how bad the pre production of Gotchard was.
cancelled for poor ratings or other factors, Stronger had a very definitive end that felt like they planned for it to be a conclusion
Yeah, because Geats was shit.
Rage-9 here.
I'm sorry you will die so Sachika can use your belt.
Has there ever been any form of explanation as to why X was canceled besides the tabloid rumor that fake tabloid rumor that Ryo Hayami fucked a producer's wife?
Ironically, Chihiro Yamamoto has never done gravure nor sported a bikini in the open. And she seems to be doing decently as an athletic actress, so it will remain a mystery how she looks in revealing and provocative clothes.
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Very diverse color schemes
We know they originally planed more Stronger though. It's just they still managed to put up a good ending for the franchise. Still, note a whole new channel had just gotten Kamen Rider to move to them. No way they originally intended to just close the book on it right afterwards.

Although I feel like they expected Kamen Rider to bring success with no investment, considering how poor Stronger's monster suits look compared to X's and Amazon's (even arguably Stronger's own design with stuff like no shiny eye material).

It suffered from decreasing ratings coming from V3, but according to the Japanese wiki, the actual reason was due to changes in schedule of the station/local affiliate system in Japan - Basically, there's the main channel, that then gets rebroacast by local stations with some addition local programming replacing certain part of the schedule. During X's airing, there was a change where several local affiliates changed their "main" station, which resulted in them not airing X at all (since some left and wouldn't get to show X anymore, others didn't want to pick up a show midway through) which is what led to them just making a new series with Amazon before Kamen Rider itself would change main station afterwards.
Rent free.
It will forever be funny to me that Kotaro's actor always had the protagonist jacket:
It's official, I want Sachika to sit on my face. She is my new wife.
I don't think any "good" direction in the world could have saved the idea of Geats IX having its 2nd big fighting scene against a grunt they usually kill in seconds. The writing actually tries to justify it with it being a mutation and such, but it's just a concept really hard to sell to the audience.
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>less then 24 hours until newgavvkino
Can't wait bros!
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I love her so much. Hope Kyoka froze her body or something, while researching a way to resurrect her. If Graduations reveals that she was cremated, then that's pretty much it for her.
I'm so ready for Vram preview
My cute wife...
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The eternal sleeping beauty. Never stained by a man.
Spanner's actor would've made a good main rider or secondary in a better show
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A day left til the end of Outsiders.
>main rider
too old
but he is the secondary
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Outside of Renge and Minato's stiff acting, and obviously Rinne and Hotaro's bad acting, the rest of the cast was decent or competent enough to carry a series. The big issue that hurt Gotchard was the writing and its poor planning.
So the form count so far:
Popping Gummy
Zakuzaku Chips
Blizzard Sorbet
Final form 1
Final Form 2


Cherry Jelly
Caramel Flan

>Bitter Gavv
Sparkling Gummy
VronCan Spicy
Cola Candy
BakiBaki Stick


Is that right?
>but he is the secondary
I mean, yeah in terms of toys, but not really
>the rest of the cast was decent or competent enough to carry a series.
Only if the show actually relied on them more though. Gotchard had a pretty strong focus on the protagonist to the point you get the jokes about Spanner never winning.

Well, I guess this goes to writing too, but it's not just about quality, also intent. The fact they always stuck with that strong Gotchard focus in spite of seeing the limitations of his actor is one of the bad parts of this production.
Vrocan Spicy just summon out the bike not a form change
Oh OK, thanks. Also was it ever confirmed if cola candy was going to be used?
That's a problem with most of Reiwa, to be fair. People also complained that Geats had to get all of the wins in every episode despite the death game premise.

Compare this to early Heisei where other riders would get significant wins from the start. Like how Kaixa gets both kills in his debut episode while Faiz gets none.
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>14 episodes in
>finally get first river roll chain reaction
Kusaka finally got introduced, im ready to see why he is such a bastard.
Also does Takumi grow out of being a man child?
That's his personality
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Okay, good, that's my favorite aspect about him.
Why are you replying to yourself lass?
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Minato was aloof, his actor hasn't stiff.
If you actually look at his win rate, Ace isn't all that impressive. Easy to get that impression with his personality but he actually lost way more than Houtaro.
just remember this is still mouri episode and we should just skip to next year when komura back at writing

>inb4 muh komurabad
I wonder if Rage9 Presses would come out as unflavorful thanks to the doping method. Something about tasting artificial or something
Yes we know, gotshartfag.
>he actually lost way more than Houtaro
You say that as if Houtaro's a jobber.
Glad to know you're developing suicidal tendencies now. Hope you do the deed one day.
Delta barely got any wins.
Another anon said that Press spice made with Rage-9's happy toxin would be akin to dark treats being flavored with artificial sweeteners like sucralose. Like it's kinda the same but something's out of place, and the addicts will -definitely- be able to tell.
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>Nobuhiko's transformation into Shadow Moon should have been shocking and tragic. His mechanical design, emphasizes that there's little to no humanity left in him, but, aside from a couple of scenes, we see nothing of his life as a human and, more importantly, his relationship with Kotaro. The potential is there, but it's hard to care about their conflict due to this "tell, don't show" approach to storytelling.
The manga does this better. There's a decent stretch of the story where Kotaro and Nobuhiko are working together against Gorgom, coordinating and discussing the nature of their powers and their circumstances, and bonding in brotherly fashion. If the show had this it would've made a huge difference.
>you get the jokes about Spanner never winning
As a Rival maybe, his track record as a Rider is decent for a Tertiary.
Imagine if that being the key to stop the addiction? That could be a set up for Rage9 heel turn
This theory came about because someone said Lage-9 was too dangerous of a foe, but that anon doesn't know he's going to get redeemed because he's the Tertiary Rider of the show.
I probably should have clarified but I didn't mean to imply that was a good thing, it could have worked if Houtaro was more charismatic but as it stands his lack of any meaningful struggle only worsened the character.
It's still a solid theory. Anything mass produced in haste ought to create something defective
>Imagine if that being the key to stop the addiction?
Stomach Inc. would just tell him to make humans happy the traditional way if his Dark Treats aren't addicting.
Yeah, but when he finally turn heel, it could be the key they need to stop the addiction.
Don't waste your time replying to that schizo shitposter, retard. Report and ignore.
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It's time to ask that question again since nobody answer last time
Do you guys think Utsunomiya and Arakawa fucked her?
The way you anons talk sometimes it's like you're going through puberty
But you cannot hear me? I just type like this due to being an ESL, I assume those other anons are too
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I wanted to watch an older series but doing so at my desk felt wrong.
So I improvised. The Wii is an amazing machine.
Watching 2000s KR on a CRT is the true experience
holy based
Just like the Evangelion belt, most of them won't ever get released.
People's reaction about Future Hotaro acting like a bitch in Future Daybreak actually makes me think the idea of "this side hero should've been the main hero" will eventually fail because what makes people like them in the first place is being the contrast of the main hero.
You guys have been doing this since Specter and Necrom in Ghost.
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Kamen Rider Geats Episodes 45-49.
Geats has ended, and the journey was flawed. My main gripe with Geats are its characters. Ace never developed a personality, Keiwa learned the wrong lessons because of the wrong reasons, Neon had almost no relevancy, and Michinaga was too much of a villain for a log period of time before becoming a fully good guy.
The story could have done with some tighter writing. Some episodes in the middle felt aimless, and the final stretch is outright padding.
Lookng back at my first post this month, I got my predictions correct. I never really hated Ace, Keiwa got his shit rocked, Michinaga was the source of a lot of bullshit, and Tsumuri was the best girl. She's so cute. Also, the visuals in the OP were recreated in the series proper.
However, despite its flaws, I found Geats to be a pretty okay and decent watch. I'm ranking it second place from the 3 Takahashi Rider Series. Not as good as Ex-Aid, but better than Zero-One. It's also the second best of the Reiwa series I've seen so far, with my personal ranking being: Saber>Geats>Zero-One>Revice. Well, at this moment, anyway. Next month: Gotcha!
But before that, I'll watch the Geats Final Stage and Summer Movie before the year ends.
Oh, and my favorite Geats character was Kekera.
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I know you're earnest but god is that just the shittiest taste
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t. revisissy.
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Cool custom
Post your taste then
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What are your thoughts on the final villain, PunkJack's treatment (he has a special btw, set right before his return in the show), the way Daichi was handled and Girori's return?

Also Gazer has a special too, it takes place right before the V-Cinema.
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Chill guy Vram
It's interesting isn't it?
It's cause most of the time the main rider has to be a role model. Though with how filming works I wonder if they'll move away from that.
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Gavv(So Far)>01>geats>I gave up on Revice and Saber because they were shit and not worth my time>>>>>>Gotchard
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>Diend wasn't even cool enough to be an Outsider
>VronCan Spicy
>Cola Candy
Where did you even hear about these?
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this belt is so fucking cool
what would the rider form look like?
kinda looks like it would fit on Genm zombie
Your time has no value and you have no right to judge others over shows you didn't finish like the pussy you are.
>Outsiders is just a group of reformed villains, Garren, Ziin and Zeronos
what a disappointing line-up.
giving ouja his own survive form is retarded
>Though with how filming works I wonder if they'll move away from that.
Why would they? They're still filming superhero shows for children.
What exactly were you expecting of a group called "Outsiders"?
>giving ouja his own survive form is retarded
Why? Are you are autistic?
They're part of a Gochizo set coming out in February but only BakiBaki sticks are comfirmed to be used by Bitter Gavv so far
Are you trolling? Sabre didn't even have a story thanks to COVID's restrictions on COVID, it was bad guys talking ominously in an empty room while maintaining social distance, and then the good guys inventing reasons to argue and fight each other every week. It couldn't even keep its own story straight.
>final villain
Boring and lame. Niram would have been better.
A much better of an asshole that becomes good than Michinaga.
I did say that they got rid of him way too early because he could have worked as an enemy all the way into Q2. Now, he's good, I guess. Also, he's still technically Ace's dad just like Tsumuri is Ace's sister. Happy... family?
NTA but what would you know? You dropped the show.
>COVID's restrictions on COVID
And it seems like you're too retarded to follow even the simplest of stories anyways.
Sorry I have media literacy and a sense of when enough is enough unlike you retards
I still haven't watch Outsiders subbed but is Yuto in this story meant to be the one who never met Deneb & became Zeronos?
What is the bear (?) character on the right?
I've seen it sometimes on toku actors' social medias like Mio Kudo and Satoshi Matsuda.
>I have media literacy
I seriously doubt that.
>a sense of when enough is enough unlike you retards
You clearly don't since you watched Zero-One, Geats and Gotchard (your lowest rated show, even below the ones you dropped) all the way through.
>What exactly were you expecting of a group called "Outsiders"?
less omori wank and more representation for other riders.
If you watched Ryuki, you would know why.
>Are you are autistic?
what does that have to do with autism?
Jesus what is it about blog posts that awaken all schizos, don't you guys get tired of repeating the same shit every thread?
>If you watched Ryuki, you would know why.
I watched Ryuki, all I remember is that Asakura was an opportunistic asshole who had no problem powering himself up with assets stolen from his victims.
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>implying I watched Gotchard
Just a thought. They film a lot earlier now and so they don't really have to listen to soccer moms anymore or not as much at least.
I'm not saying have them drink or smoke or something.
What about Daichi?
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>only 2 episodes in an Kusaka reveals that you either like him or die
Im guessing he never changes right?
Ranking shows you didn't watch makes you even more of a pussy.
They're still making shows for children, anon. Gavv is still made with the idea of teaching lessons to children in mind and it hasn't finished filming either.
>implying saber is higher than those three
Double standard much? You know taste is objective right?
His wish of gaining knowledge was one of the most interesting, now that I think about it. Honestly, with a bit of a rewrite to put him in from the beginning, he could have made for a fun villain. Maybe even the final villain. Anyone would be better than Suel.
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Thanks for the advice about depression in the last thread sisters. Rewatched gaim and it made me feel a little better honestly :)
Late response from me, but the cat character is Hachiware from Chiikawa.
The only one who needs to cope is your cowardly faggot ass.
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then why are you here
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Gavv is shaping up to be the most competent toyline so far in all of reiwa ngl

every rider comes with more than one gimmick in their base set for more playability, premium bandai releases are optionals with sachika probably becomes a rider, balanced action figure releases, AND FINAL FORMS WILL BE ALL RETAIL
just ignore him and don't reply
Yes, much better than Gotchard
For the three people who care, Junsei's acting in his current BL role is getting high praised. So really it's just Houtaro wasn't a role for him.
Bit narrow minded, but each to their own.
It was all MinatoP's fault. Onore Minato!
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MinatoP is a strange person. He shot down Uchida's intinal pitch which on paper sounds perfectly fine. I understand his worry about how to do it as a two parter, but that's what the producer's job is. To format the script into production. If there are fields that are blank, you fill it in with what you envision that can fit. Uchida isn't a bad writer either, his short drama with Kajiki won best debut work recently.

I really don't understand how MinatoP thinks if he shot himself in the foot like this
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Wasn't that when there originally wasn't going to be any main villains?
>Gavv is shaping up to be the most competent toyline so far in all of reiwa ngl
Maybe in terms of retail item distribution, but it has some glaring issues in other aspects.

The Caking Gochizo and the Gavv Whippir are honestly some of the worst upgrade toys we've had in a long while, Caking can't interact with most toys in the toyline due to its flawed design in spite of there being sounds for it in said toys and the Whippir is extremely limited in terms sounds despite one of its major gimmicks being the use of other Gochizos and it being Gavv's only known upgrade weapon so far. Vlam's toys are apparently gimped as hell too, the belt seemingly sacrificed the ability to read normal Gochizos in exchange for having one more upgrade than the Sclash Driver and the bow apparently can't read Gochizos just like the Whippir.
>balanced action figure releases
Valen only has one figure for his base form, none for his other forms. Also Caking was the last gimmick figure in the listings, if they continue the line it's going to be all P-Bandai releases from now on like Geats.
Well, there's no guarantee Valen won't get a P-Bandai final form near the end. Also, if the Dark Riders get final forms they'll probably be P-Bandai.
A villains group wasn't part of the plan. The main enemy in Uchida's pitch was (or seems to be) human malice which if done right, can work as the opposing force. Plus, there was nothing stopping from adding a main villain later on. The need to have a villainous group at the beginning should not stop and rework production. If this is seriously what prevents you from producing your work, you should not be a producer, let alone the main producer.
The other upgrade Gochizos for Vrastom Gear probably have sounds of their own
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Outside of the fact that the Secondary Rider's items were P-Bandai, Gotchard's retail line was pretty good. The Exgotchalibur and the Igniter had lots of play value, every toy with a reader could do something with all the Cards, and Nijigon had the bonus of doubling as the movie form item.
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>every rider comes with more than one gimmick in their base set for more playability
That's normal for every Rider. Just because you hate Gotchard, doesn't mean you can pretend Gavv did it first.
That's a given considering their price tags and the leak regarding a silent configuration with lights for the belt. The issue comes with the Vrastom Gear's lack of compatibility with normal Gochizos, as well as the cup Gochizos potentially not working with the previous toys outside of Frappeis with the ValenBuster.
All this reveals is that MinatoP wasn't one of the driving forces behind Donbros. Which means MatsuraP was
You guys said this during geats too ffs.
Get new material.
Most likely their mind has been destroyed by hard drugs at some point, especially that duelspammer. he does not respond to any insult, he has no actual human thoughts, basically hes a spam bot in rodent form.
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>Dagded is so annoying. Just go down, asshole.
>Plus, there was nothing stopping from adding a main villain later on.
That was going to be the Alchemys Union.
>The need to have a villainous group at the beginning should not stop and rework production. If this is seriously what prevents you from producing your work, you should not be a producer, let alone the main producer.
Villains are an important part of the story since they move the plot forward. They are something significant enough to rework the story for if you don't think the initial idea will work out well. The problem wasn't Minato changing that proposal because he considered it wouldn't work out, but rather the lack of tight planning to make a more cohesive and thought-out story in the long run.
twitter loved this btw
Shirakura was the driving force of Donbros, he was its head producer. Also it's clear Inoue's character writing was what carried the show, because the plot itself was a mess with tons of holes.
His end wasn't satisfying enough for the amount of bullshit he caused.
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Building off an idea I posted in the previous thread.
>MC was a promising athlete who suffered a career ending injury before he could make it big
>gets scouted by a pharma company with their proposal of a new procedure that will keep humans in the prime of health perpetually
>pharma is actually evil and modify him, he no longer has his body but is physically transformed into the belt
>pharma company are transhumanists who want to make all of humanity go through this procedure, but most of the ones who suffer through it end up having their psyche splinter and lose their minds
Forms based on biological systems, trinkets are pill bottles shared by all the Riders. The system is in-lore the "new body" exerting its separate systems in combat applications.
Main form, main gimmick is ability to temporarily boost strength/speed/endurance.
Speed form, gets the Lung Gun, has various wind-based abilities.
Dangerous power form, has gloves that corrode and dissolve objects. Can absorb objects to increase its power.
Frail but has enhanced senses all around. Gets an electrical whip-sword weapon.
An upgrade form that is simply all-around powerful.
>Endocrine & Exocrine
Super form that gives minute control of the Rider's body and also can be used to cure the monsters. Weapon is a knuckle duster that has hormone powers.

Final form is the full body.

Highly defensive, main form. Gets a bone weapon.
Sub-form that is melee-focused with sharp nails, more speedy than Skeletal.
Secondary gets Muscular as a super form after the main Rider gets Endocrine & Exocrine.

Can emulate abilities of previous forms by sending Impulses to the suit and can repel attacks with barriers. Sub forms are done using Lymphatic + previous trinkets.

no piss/sex forms, it's already on the line of "too wild for kids"
Outsider season 2 ending tomorrow?
SEAmonkeys have no power over Toei, delusional SEAmonkey.
How much pain would Shouma feel if his Gavv got punched?
>Toei has various SEA projects
>no piss/sex forms, it's already on the line of "too wild for kids"
You're writing a fanfic for adult users in 4chan, not pitching a show for Toei, go ahead and do the excretory and reproductive systems.
Do you know nothing about how these shows are made?
Imagine you getting punched in the mouth
Where's your Rider show with SEAmonkey leads?
Imagine getting robbed and shanked in the stomach. Oh wait, where you come from you don't need to imagine.
Well there's also that they're harder to actually make into forms but.
Converts toxins in the body into poison that it stores and and can release. Can be used for toxins within the Rider or others. Also has a soft and slippery body that makes it evasive.
Fusion form, gets a lance. Unable to exert its full power of summoning assists unless the fusion is between are a male and female.
First of all, we never asked for any representation whatsoever, unlike you amerimutt.
We already grateful for this franchise since we were kids, pirate it even, as we become adults.
Second, most of us never question or even badmouth the staff making it, like you all in this thread.
Because we knew there's some intricate process behind it, and they are making it for literal children at heart, not for adults.
>Toei has various SEA projects
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Rider is good
>Villains are an important part of the story since they move the plot forward.
While not wrong, there is not wrong with a concept of a villain. Not every story needs a physical 'big bad', it can be something simple like someone trying to fight off alcohol addiction. The villain here is alcohol and the protag's obsession with it. While I don't disagree that a conceptional villain might not work with kids, I don't think it would've been impossible to portray it in a while that's still engaging to them.
such as?
Except revice.
Don't use my post for your shitposting you loser
All rider is good.
>we never asked for any representation
Yet here you are claiming Toei makes the shows for you.
>most of us never question or even badmouth the staff making it, like you all in this thread.
>Because we knew there's some intricate process behind it, and they are making it for literal children at heart, not for adults.
SEAniggers went as far as harassing Touma and Keiwa's actors on their social media. You have no excuse, you are the worst group in this fandom by far.
File deleted.
Man you've been powering through these! I've missed out on your take on the yearning arc enjoy the keiwa ride, they fumble the bag pretty fucking hard at the end.
they literally just finished voltes v
>meanwhile, revice
Who do you hope makes the standalone winter movie next year?
Shirakura is probably going to produce it but what about the rest of the staff?
I can't blame Minato for choosing to go on a more traditional direction for his very first show instead of taking the risk of trying something that's kinda unprecedented for the franchise (I say "kinda" because Den-O sort of did this "no main villain until the end" thing, but it wasn't Shirakura's first rodeo and he only handled its story the way he did because he thinks time travel is inherently nonsensical). Like I said, the issue lies more on how Minato handled the story itself.
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Gotchard MV bonus are pretty bad
>everyone just stand or sit singing awkwardly
>no dance choreography
>no proper directing
It like they're working on a $5 budget per MV
Well that's my first post in this thread and i just reply to you because you mentioned SEA.
And i agree to you that people who abuse/disrespect their idol are the worst, but they are outlier (i still hated that weiwenn incident done by SEA citizen). Members of our toku community in thai and philippines are pretty respectful and chill towards japanese toku, at least from my time.
I wanna see the version of Geats with your anthro versions of the characters...
>Zero-One would have been kino if Omori just did the original plan he had
>Saber would have been kino if they hadn't changed the plot due to the virus
>Revice would have kino of Sho Aikawa wrote it instead of Kinoshita
>Geats would have been kino if Takebe hadn't changed her mind halfway through
>Gotchard would have been kino if they had gotten either Hasegawa or Akiko as the initial main writer instead of Kinoshita
Really hope Gavv isn't a fluke, I can't believe we went back to how it was with Showa where nearly every show was screwed due to some coincidental outside force
Since when did Kinoshita touch Gotchard
Shitposting ape
Zero-One's story was the one that was changed because of it airing right in the middle of the first COVID lockdowns.
Only Saber's beginning was effected by COVID until the restrictions basically disappeard.
Revice may have been better if a better writer was on it, but we got what we got.
Geats is fine (I'm sick of its anti-fans) and Gotchard didn't have Kinoshita as a main writer?
Meant to write Uchida, I guess that's what I get for posting at 3 AM
You need more sleep, anon-san.
Uchida was clearly not the issue. MinatoP was.
I mean sure it was MinatoP's fault that two greener then apple skittle actors were given the main character roles surrounded by actual okay to good actors that made them look even worse.
He's part of the issue. His character writing suck dicks. Houtarou character only shine when he got mindbroken in eps written by Hasegawa.
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Except Decade
The problem with Zero-One wasn't the final arc but the tournament arc which Omori added because he thought extending the cases of the week was a good idea after its favorable response to the Humagears of the week. Aruto was meant to lose the company inmediately at the start of Q2 and start his own.
Covid-19 affected Saber's pre-production and forced them to scrap the original plan they had plus the schedule in Q1 were screwed
Geats is good but it isn't up to par with other seasons, it would have been as good if the second half hadn't changed since it would have made Keiwa's and Neon's actions make more sense, we would have gotten more Punkjack and no Suel
This anon is right about Gotchard >>23000728
Revice is basically the only unsalvageable one, I don't know what they could have done
Nah, don't put words in my mouse. All rider is good. I am a rider fan unlike you guys.
Honestly I don't mind seeing MinatoP take another shot at Rider.
Houtarou was terrible when he was acting like a sugared-up shonen protag indulging in his hyperfixation.
Scenes when he was just chatting with his mom like a normal guy or scenes when he was in despair or anger were actually pretty alright.
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Well that makes sense then. He looks very cute.
I prefer that he sticks to Sentai. Stuff like introducing the secondary in the movie, the legend mini-arc and having Daybreak and the Geats rival be movie stuff despite having a notable presence in the show was pretty messy.
Him trying to make specials matter fits way better with Sentai
"The battle with Kani will finally be decided tomorrow!?
Will Shoma and Kizuna's feelings come together?
Look forward to the fierce double cake battle just before Christmas!
There will also be some exciting news after the broadcast ends...!?"
sexual tension...
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>rider fan
>likes revice
No you're not.
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Can't wait to see Valen Bushel in action
they should kith
>rider fan
>likes rider
Yes I am.
>after broadcast
V-cinema announcement?
They probably mean Vram
Kiva was the last time we had a kiss in-series right?
Well he's seemingly in charge of Sentai's 50th anniversary season so I'd expect many "Gozyuger meets another Sentai team" style shit for TTFC throughout the year.
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Did it? I only remember the V-Cinema one
Being a Fourze stage actor back in the day must've been great fun
>likes revice
No you're not.
Nah. I like rider, I am a rider fan. You don't like rider, you are not a rider fan.
Just shut up and have sex already you two
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>HD pictures
Hell yeah!
Maybe if he was a rider fan.
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>anon didn't dump the rest
OK then
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Spoke too soon

You're based anon
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003 looks great
idk that cyborg009 started way earlier than rider manga?
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>kamen rider game if it was good
terrible roster
If only we got full cyborg main rider in reiwa..........
what a shot roster, also don't post shit this cringe while actual cool stuff gets dumped
>slop shooter
no thanks
How are Revice, Geats and Gotchard's issues due to outside forces, retard?
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Saber was kino.
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Realized that Henshin Dress was for Precure, sorry
Zero-One's final arc did suffer due to the hiatus, it was quite rushed and would've benefitted from those 4-5 episodes the show lost.
>Next month: Gotcha!
Ooh, you're in for a treat
I didn't deny that, I said that it wasn't that much of a problem compared to the changes Omori did earlier. Like Aruto becoming Ark-One was better than the original plan and a lot of stuff that got cut got included in the Thouser special. The biggest problem from the covid cut was that Gaim's redemption was basically pointless.
Man they somehow managed to make a pudding-themed character look like he could fuck you up
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>still no clear image of the boiling belt
Would appreciate if someone made webms of the exhibit
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Boiling Belt's Rider*
With all the wacky motif Riders we've gotten in the past decade are you really surprised at this point?
Is there no video of the exhibit where one can hear the sounds of the Henshin devices?:
That was pretty much my exact ranking at the time, now I would place Gotchard in between Zero-One and Revice.
Honestly, the final arc was actually my favorite part of Zero-One and I thought it was great aside from Horobi turning into a retard. The only thing that it suffered from was the MBJR development arc, but they fucked up from the beginning by dedicated so much fucking time to the job arc that is probably would've been a slog to get through anyway.
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Will you say goodbye to Kani this week?
>The sounds are actually cool
Goddammit now I want them even more badly, the 009 belt's sounds specially are fucking awesome
I feel like all this would've been cooler of there was a one-shot manga with this plot instead of just concept arts and a belt toy that won't ever be used
He may be killed by Vram
I doubt it, I don't think he can tank both Buschel and Caking
>back when he's revice& geats
>no that's shit
>it's gotcha time
>enjoy it's good
Kys shitposting ape
>rider (wo)man
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Lay off the drugs, they're rotting your brain.
How'd you get this picture of me
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why are you copying this?
I always feel like some of the posts here are copypastas off twitter
They're doing it.
>Hotaro already trapped in the BL pipeline
That was fast. Anons constantly joked that BL was the only way he could continue his "acting" career.
it's literally just one show anon, I've seen clips of another drama where he's a couple with Runa Toyoda (Ultraman Trigger busty girl)
He's a BL fan, he's doing that show 1000% willingly.
Hotarou's actor is a self declared "BL maniac" so I don't think he minds doing BL shows.
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Vram confirmed
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That was really cool

That was already posted >>23000757
I'm expecting that Rage-9 will either transform right before the preview or will appear in the next time segment.
So is Joe supposed to be able to transform into the other Cyborgs here or there are 10 Cyborg Riders?
Every cyborg gets a 00 Driver seemingly

Keiwa and Medic as a childhood friend turn couple

Tanuki is no longer a cuck, I'm kinda proud
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New toy line for the goons
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Seem to be sold at local stores/onlines
>autistic scalper noises
That looks very cute
Omedetou to the Agents for starting a new toy line
So-Do isn't a new toyline.
What's this? Another so-do line or something?
And just like Gochizou, you can buy as many Agents as you want.
truly a blesses time for riderfans..if only the scalpers die..
They've been making So-Do for combatants before, I remember Ex-Aid got one.
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Bandai jew-tactics running wild this year
So cute.
>when she saw your cock
What do you guys think of the belts' sounds/Brace's sounds?
Best sound wise Surprise Drive, with Did you see the Sunrise as a close second but visually 555's opening is my favorite
The worst both sound wise and visually for me is Be the One because it sounds generic and the opening video never updated in any interesting manner plus the video composition after the chorus hit is just kind of meh
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Saa, Dousuru?
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For me it was her role in Geed
She was great in Geed. But Geed overall was just top tier Ultraman as well.
I dislike Geed for having one of a best looking main beam finishers ever, but the show never fuckin' has him use it
I'm not familiar with Ultraman outside of the Gridman Anime and the Mirrorman mangs done by the Nobunagun guy (who clearly wants to do a Rider manga since he did a ripoff that's on hiatus and helped design stuff for Kyuranger and Zero-One)
Which Ultraman writers would you guys want to write for Rider besides Hasegawa and Konaka?
The guys who did Orb and Geed. Those two series are just basically Kamen Rider, especially Geed being "Fuck You Dad" the series
I enjoyed Orb protag so get someone to write a rider ver of him
I wouldn't in general. Ultraman is very formulaic, to its own strengths but also weaknesses. Ultraman type stories don't really suit Rider's format. Hasegawa's best work(s) were in Ultraman as opposed to Rider (Dyna and Nexus). Heck, I liked Dynazenon more than Hasegawa's Rider work.
Gai is just a friendlier Takumi
So is Puddingman actually playing both sides like fools or is he just an edgelord?
I always get frustrated when rewatching R/B because holy shit, why couldn't Revice be like that?
We don't know. As of now he's just a augmented dark treat addict turning people into presses with his happy toxin. I'd say he's probably a turncoat that'll try to destroy Stomach Inc from within.

I think of R/B as Ultraman's Fourze.
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Zero one is shit but izu give it a plus one for the series
>series is bad but girl good :)
Simple minded
1. Ziin and Beroba's Mission:
Ziin enlists Beroba to help gather the Outsiders, but none of them initially take her seriously. However, they all eventually show up. Ziin’s belt also appears without explanation.

2. Yuto Sakurai’s Return:
Yuto regains his ability to transform into Zeronos through the “love cartridge” connected to Ryotaro Nogami. The exact mechanism of how this works remains unclear.

3. Introduction of Multiple Dimensions:
The "Kind Dimension Gate" summons three additional "Kind" entities, making a team of five, including Evolto. They begin an all-out brawl against the Outsiders.

4. Card Usage and Summoning:
- Cards for OOO, Fourze,Wizard, and Zi-O are used in the battle.
- OOO, Fourze, and Wizard’s cards summon their respective final weapons.
- The Grand Zi-O card summons the base forms of Hibiki, Den-O, and Zi-O. However, these three are countered and defeated by Zeronos, who strikes back with his own special moves.

5. Battle Between Evolto and Ziin:
Evolto's clone observes from the sidelines but is eventually defeated in a solo fight by Ziin. Meanwhile, Oma Zi-O (Grand Zi-O) uses his powers to restrain all the "Kind" Riders throughout the battle.

6. Climactic Showdown:
The Riders unleash their final Rider Kicks together to defeat the "Kind" adversaries. After the battle, they each go their separate ways. There is a notable moment of eye contact between Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai and Kamen Rider 03.

7. Post-Battle Developments:
- Kuroto Dan rebuilds his company.
- Ziin and Beroba return to the future.
- Karizaki reflects on his wish to protect his favorite Riders over a cup of coffee.
- Yuto Sakurai departs from this world, with his partner Deneb following him.
- Takumi Inui is seen retrieving a card.
- Ryotaro Nogami (Den-O) returns to his company, holding the love cartridge with sentimental value.
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8. Foreshadowing:
- Ziin mentions a “fox deity,” hinting that the deity would disapprove of the current events.
- Karizaki’s wish is revealed to be about protecting the Riders he admires.
- Kuroto's goal remains to become the world’s greatest CEO.
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So no world unmerge? I thought Zein's whole thing was that it wanted to merge all the Rider Worlds. I can't keep up with the flip-flopping between the two world views.
>The Grand Zi-O card summons the base forms of Hibiki, Den-O, and Zi-O. However, these three are countered and defeated by Zeronos
This power scaling is crazy when you think about it
Takeru Sato cameo?
Why does every single youtuber covering this event decides to not focus even once on the design of this Rider? I couldn't find a single decent picture of it on the internet
No shit, ace become pacifist EOS why would he want chaos.
00-Driver has the best sounds
Ah, Rage-9 made it to the Kraven premiere
>Implying Kraven even has that many watchers
Nah, way too crowded
reminder to never take any rider spin-off seriously as it is intended to be noncanon
What is 'Kind'?

And are you sure you didn't get Ryotaro Nogami wrong for Airi?
It Zein but the machine translation doesn't know the context
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>/v/ thinks the trademark is a new game
>If it is its almost certainly mobilesloppa
look they are daring to dream, having learned nothing!
Akahoshi for doing Mebius, there are some really good episodes under his belt like Ace and Leo's tributes and the Traveler episode in Ultraseven X.
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boys we Evoltoposting?
When did you come to terms with the fact Over Quartzer is the best Kamen Rider opening?
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Which spoiler is true? This guy said Outsiders to be continued on next summer with Delta & Ibuki getting a new form
Find out in 14 hours
>he thinks evolto is unpopular enough to be defeated rather than just peacing out and going "chiao!"
one leak is instantly untrustworthy, that motherfucker is too popular its why he keeps coming back and has like 11 forms now.
Evol X is a clone not the real one
Definitely not this guy because no one cares about Ibuki
Dan kuroto more popular though.
Black, Cyan, Yellow and Magenta are all common ink colors for printing.
But what does that have to do with jellyfish?
Sachika color
Trust the plan
>They could have told a much more compelling, coherent, and focused story with all these elements, but instead, the show wastes 90% of its runtime on vignettes about kids, where the titular character becomes almost a guest in his own show.
Where did you see /v/ talking about defense warriors?
Bros her tits look a lot bigger than I thought they were.
Outside of bitching about using Kaijin the same way X-Men uses mutants for a racism allegory, I really don't get why Black Sun is so reviled here.

>but they're actually dangerous so my racism is justified!
>George Fly'd!

The suits are super cool, the action is intense with well-done effect work, music is great, both time points are handled far better than Kiva did a similar concept, and to anon's point Kotaro and Nobuhiko's relationship is managed better than the original TV series.
you're serious about this?
Actually yes. I'll admit I have a big soft spot for gory toku ala this, Amazons, Hakaider, etc., but yeah
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Man, it's totally a me problem but I really dislike his performance/expressions in anything I see him in. It's like he's bad at acting AND really smug about his acting
I was excited at first, but it looks like the mask colours will be annoyingly small stickers and, even worse, unless I'm mistaken the straps are just hanging stickers which seems like a terrible idea (I really hope I AM mistaken)
saber is ass
Unlike the past two shows Gotchard is actually competent.
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Because R/B was made with love and revice was made with spite.
>does nothing wrong
>gets everything he wants
>is proven correct
Based character
Kek man never said a single lie, he was always right.
KINOshita wrote his characters with love, though.
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Proven right
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I wonder who will Suga shove the organ into next Or is he gonna shove it again into Hanto?
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From vinz facebook page
New season, Kamen Rider Insiders
>The suits are super cool
Most kaijin suits really aren't though, often just heads/hands on clothing, or goofy out of place shit like Bilgenia's, and the Rider suits are hurt by the permanent damage to the legs (in addition to Shadowmoon in general looking odd, with them deciding to go organic too, but giving it those out of place metal bands to reference its original design).
>So no world unmerge?
That summary says nothing about that?

If you mean just the reference to other dimensions existing, that was already in the previous episode, with the true goal behind the Foundation X guy who became the new Zein being revealed to rule over all dimensions.

Alternative dimensions with Riders isn't the same thing as all tv series being in separate worlds.
Kamen Rider Inside Hers
Now with a bigger budget
He didn't. He hated everyone except mooteki.
The only form left for him would be something that can corrupt other games
Just a few more hours until more Gavv

I'm so happy bros
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Can’t wait for the flood of Vram’s info tomorrow
Kamen rider inside him*
the suit looks so plasticy in that image, hope it's better in the show
What a waste of time and money
Because of what >>23001082 said. It’s barely a kamen rider show, it’s almost ashamed of its roots despite referencing them near the end. The racism allegory aside, none of the characters are good and the fight scenes aren’t even as cool as Amazons or even Geats. Nobody cares about it after it aired for good reason, it’s easily forgettable.
Retards salivating over the most worthless hack character ever. No wonder Outsiders has fans.
Last one of the year right? Should be fun
Yeah this coming NichiAsa is the final one of the year before the New Years break week.
When watching Geats I always assumed Ziin and Beroba were siblings, and that has to be the case because otherwise, what the fuck are you doing man, kill that bitch.
>It’s barely a kamen rider show, it’s almost ashamed of its roots
Nigga stop making shit up, Black Sun unironically feels more tokusatsu than literally every Reiwa KR that's happened before Gavv
It's fine if you don't like the show but don't be such a dishonest faggot about it
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>the show with barely any fight scenes or suits feels more tokusatsu than the shows that have multiple suits and fights per episode
Just say you like your dark kamen rider stories and stop pretending you have a higher knowledge of toku than anyone else here. Just because it’s dark and violent doesn’t make it good
Any show with this suit is an embarrassment.
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Bilgenia's design is the worst part of the series easily. Like, looking at the original you can kinda tell what they were going for, but full-face Kaijin are incredibly dated nowadays.
Wow it is ugly
cool bike tho
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The two biggest misstep of reiwa riders.
Old design grew on me. Maybe he just gaslighted me with how often he appeared
>muh black sun is bad
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This was also him before joining Gorgom
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The old design works more due to the fact it's an 80's tokusatsu series. It isn't too jarring compared to any number of general or commander characters looking fairly similar in a given Sentai or Metal Hero series that was contemporaneous to Black. And honestly, the color helps.

The Black Sun design fails because that design philosophy is completely dead in the 2020s. There is nothing like it in it's contemporaries, and compared to the much more intricate suit designs within it's own show it stands out like a sore thumb. Like, maybe it could've worked with a redesigned head. Probably wouldn't have been too bad. Though with that said the undersuit material does come off as cheap compared to the molded armor.
also the lack of makeup sucks
Even with the old design, in the 80s, they noticed the face looked too odd and gave him make up later on. The issue with both designs, and that somehow becomes even bigger in the modern one, is that it clearly just looks like cheap fake armor rather than some kind of organic construct.
This is a Japanese kids show. Every game is slop shovelware.
>Kuroto Dan rebuilds his company
I forgot the Ex-Aid novel takes place before this so this is the grand finale for our favorite sperg?
kinda disappointed
>Ace is destined to become cynical and less trusting of humanity
>Fuwa is dead, Aruto is just stuck on the moon and MBJR can just be rebuilt
>Kuroto is alive and a human
would you crush a Goschizo?
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So since that Armed Ibuki leak was real, I guess I can post the rest of it
>Next TTFC special is for Gozyuger. It's supposed to be a prequel of sorts. Returning heroes, Zyuoh Eagle, Shishi Red, Gokai Red, Don Momotaro, Kuwagata Ohger. They're assembled for a sword tournament against other sword users, but those five are the only returning actors.
>Gavv spinoff also announced, picture of Gavv, Valen and Fram with a shadowy figure behind them but you can guess who it is based on the text "A sweets of Legend is found!"
>Upcoming toy releases: Zein Driver, Ziin Visior Driver, and CSM Zeronos Belt 2.0 with CSM Zerogasher and Denebick Buster
>Hibiki getting anything new
It’s not real until the special comes out.
Nobody wants to see armed Ibuki. Bring back Asumu and give him his own Oni form. That’s all Hibikifags want
>legend is spin off only
Thank god they learn to put him in a separate show instead stone wall the current show to promote another show at the end
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inb4 it's actually Amaki
If this somehow ends up being real it's likelier to be her since she has shown desire in wanting to come back
Isn't Laage/Rage 9 Vram?
Yeah he is. I didn't deny it?
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>new gavv kino today
Feels good being a kamen rider fan
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Had two days between Christmas break from work and travelling to see the family for the next week, so I decided to finish Geats and King-ohger.
In all honesty, Keiwa was pretty much what I expected from the beginning. That he was one to get pushed around by everyone. I just didn't expect that that would last for over 40 episodes. It's like Takahashi forgot to give him proper development until Bujin Sword. I don't hate Keiwa, but he's barely better than Daiji.
I am actually curious about finally starting Gotchard, because it seems to be very divisive.
Ohma Zi-O made an appearance? Also , what happened to the Orphenoch King?
It's just bad. Some people really want to defend it because it's technically what a lot of people had been asking for (going back to few Riders and done in ones/two parters, rather than focused on a running plot) by the time Geats aired, but it just sucked anyway.
Gotchard is whatever, but for some reason it inspires massive Revice-tier amounts of seething among autists the same way Saber does.
I think the biggest problem with Black Sun Bilgenia is that they casted an actor whose face is the complete opposite of the original's, it's too chubby and unthreatening. But I guess it fits the new (bad) direction they gave the character as he's now supposed to be pathetic and ridiculous.

The new "horns" are also an issue, they look like a cartoony Dracula hairstyle.
>I am actually curious about finally starting Gotchard
Gotchard is competent. Something the previous three shows were not.
Competent at being boring, yeah
It literally had te most incompetent pre-production in the franchise
Because the last 10 minutes ruin the whole show. I was enjoying it until that point despite the political stuff being out of place and ALI's ex-rapper's character.
Most of the people complaining haven't watched the show but at the time of release when people actually gave it chance most people hated it precisely because Aoi randomly became a Neo Nazi at the end. It's just a tragic ending with 0 build up which feels like an extremely hacky move
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And yet it had a really great cast, a solid story, strong and memorable characters. Things previous shows lacked.
Gotchard was such a breath of fresh air. It was such a joy to watch every week. Which I definitely did not feel in the seasons that preceded it.
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What do the Steamliner and Hopper1 Ultima cards say in the normal driver? Or are they the originals just rainbow colored?
I said this during the original finale airing but they needed to at least have him freak out more once he realized he was about to die
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>new Gavv this Sunday
I wonder how it feels to binge Gotchard instead of waiting for it weekly. Weekly it sure was a pain. The consensus seems to be that it's mid with the two leads having, very euphemistically, lackluster acting skills. The ending is also rushed.
>The ending is also rushed.
The DC somewhat fixes that even then it feels disconnected
>strong and memorable characters
Daybreak (because introduced together with a very hype power up), Legend (because discount Decade), Atropos (because very good kid actor) and Lachesis (because she's hot).
I don’t know you guys suck him off so much. He’s just the generic wacky omori villain we’ve gotten like 2 times before and 2 times after
The problem is more like the entire arc. They just drop whatever plotline they were going for with Clotho, Lachesis just gets randomly zapped and Spanner's dark flames go nowhere.
> Atropos (because very good kid actor)
Your standards are low. She’s the second worst actor in the show and only because she’s a fucking kid
Don't reply to bait anon
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Sure not saying you did, I was just thrown off by you just referring to him as just Vram so I thought someone else was Vram for a second.
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Is Chocodan crying because HE wanted to murder Gummy?
Todoroki & Zanki were always cooler, give Todoroki the powerup instead
I apologize it's just my consoomer brain referring to characters by their toys. Going by tweet it will be preview only I guess?
Vram or Vlam?
We'll find out when he appears on some boxers
I can't wait to see Vram, bros
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Is she transforming in Outsiders finale?
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Not very hi-res but you can see the VRAM text behind them in pink
It's freaking time for Gavv

So yeah, it's Vram
Wow, there’s a lot more child abuse in The Tale of Despereaux than I was expecting.
So yeah, he delivered his quota. All those pressed people are "dead". Redemption how?
By revealing that the Pressed people are actually inside the machine
KirameiBlue’s actor is one of the guests today
Huge if true
Cool if true. Atomu is a cute tard.
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It's true
Hanto gets to learn a bit from Kani talking to himself
Just a gyaru feeding her pet dog spaghetti
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Even Rinne wasn't this much of a stick
One of Shiguru's movies airing at the cinema
It’s Yodonna 3
Oh yeah, Rage-9 is an insider turncoat that wants to destroy Stomach Inc from the inside
Yup he doesn't give a shit about the drugs as expected
>didn't want the dark treat
Damn, what a gnarly kick
She wants to have sex with her umasho but at the same time doesn't want to spoil his innocence with her base desires
SasoriOrange's actor plays a villain real damn well lol
He played a villain for five episodes of Kyuren
All I remember about Kyuranger is the baseball episode
I love he does the crab shuffle even in human form
But as a cool villain, not the cartoonish villain
Cry more.
We will eventually get the entire ex-aid cast to do insurance ads
Bushel Valen tanjou!
still no raw yet at nyaa for the Fuuto Pi movie at U-NEXT. You think someone can this link an upload a raw at MEGA in 720p format?

And then Kani was kill
Absolutely based and explains his entire demeanour change
Someone just post the raw last thread
Christmas Chicken...
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Japanese christmas~
Kamen Rider Vlam
Damn, the drawings were so correct
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Too cool
Vlastam Gear
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>Valen Berserk
is that an evil Valen?
>Dark Valen is just a very angry Hanto
>There continuing posters after Gotchard
Nice. There's Bitter Gavv and Dark Valen?
Oh, so Hanto's transforming into Evil Valen?
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Ahh, he’s red. I wanted green so bad.
>Gavv Negro and Tetris Valen
>Valen forma de genocidio
Dark Gavv my beloved
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Super macro image.
Bitter Gavv already looks fucking amazing.
Q2 begins!
So how the fuck does Frappe work with this thing?
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You put it in the top.
>Inb4 the poster get more grim and dark with each arc
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The disrespect
So, no Japanese name as a disguise?
Bitter Gavv looks way cooler than what I was expecting.
Also does this mean they're going to the Granute world?
You took off the top part of the Gochizo and put it in the gear. The bottom part probably goes to the Valen gun
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Why does the show about candy have the raddest poster
It splits into two, one half is a cup Gochizo and the other half is for ValenBuster to activate finisher.
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Ibuki and Delta confirmed
I always like it when kaijin uses the belt
They have to offset the goofy motif
Bitter Gavv looks really nice.
was not expecting bitter gavv to look so sexy
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R8 the first arc
Miss the abs
Should’ve ended with Caking’s debut
This 2-parter felt like filler
Must be Eitoku right?
Given Bitter Valen's color scheme, I'm guessing he's Lango?
The thick thighs and skinny legs sure seem like it.
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MUCH worse than the pics
Definitively the best Q1 in Reiwa
Possibly one of the best ever
How's Gavv been, I just saw Vlam and that's a pretty cool design
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H-H-How dare you say that not to my favorite series!!? Reeeeeeeeeeeta-aaaasrgh
Kino so far, even the weaker episodes like the last two and the Halloween two parter have been pretty good
Is Mouri gone now?
if not for Byundi they would get Takada just for suit actor joke
Image limit
Q2 poster for next bread pls
They making mochi?
Is Dark Valen going to be Suga's attempt to make Chocolate Gochizos and amplifying his hatred of Granutes? Literally, chocolate that makes you more racist?
Move on
I'm guessing DEI concerns was why Valen can't be completely dark from black chocolate?
>Dark Valen is just Valen with some scribbles
Ass design
Probably cuz he doesn’t really want to kill two potential allies
The best Q1 of Reiwa so far.
That's not Dark Valen/Vital, that's an alt form for Hanto. Still an ass design tho

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