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Rate the episode and Q1
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Gavv's first quarter was ___
The moment the new recruit threw the drugs away, you know something was up.
The strongest in Reiwa by far. Unambiguously a good show.
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How's your mood for Gavv's upcoming 2nd quarter?
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Kill Zone 2/10
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Excited about the them expanding the lore of the Granute world but at the same time scared that they'll pull a King-Ohger and have lots of CGI backgrounds
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It looks better than I expected, but not as good as I'd hoped either
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Reiwa's final pre-New Year episodes.
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Very good character writing
But why the fuck are they eating fired chicken and pizza for Christmas
KFC and Christmas go hand in hand in Japan
Notice the beep after Lango's Agent left jellyfishman? What was that?
That's okay though as long as the world building gets good, i can take any bad CGI shown at the screen.
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>we're gonna have another living in harmony situation
>in takebe show
Fried chicken is a staple for japanese christmas and pizza is good for office parties
It common in japan to eat usually kfc on Christmas
bat granute?
East and south east asian usually eat KFC during holiday.
I wonder if this implies Hanto will kill an innocent Granute once he reaches their world?
I can’t wait for Hanto to go ape shit in the granute world. He would be the wolf granute equivalent to so many children
Then it's keiwa/daiji corruption arc all over again
Please no
Only humans have rights. TGD
please don't fuck this up takebe-sensei ;(
Shouma should just come into the open to Hanto about his granute origins

And for that matter, to Sachika too
it'd be funny if this guy survived and just became sort of a running gag
Gay as fuck
is mouri fujo too or it's just komura?
Mouri isn't a Fujo, he's gay. Kyuranger also had scenes like these.
how is he's unable to hurt kani on the first try?
>Shouma should just come into the open to Hanto about his granute origins
He won't because Hanto needs an excuse to hate him later on.
It's called Fudanshi.
Worried that adding another main character to the current trio will damage the great character work we already have, but hopeful for the future.
Highest - Caking highlights
Least favorite - Dancer arc
But who fired the poor chicken?
When the girl will become a Rider? She has jumping bubble gummies in the opening like the other two
Kentucky Fried Chicken gaslit Japan into thinking that the rest of the world eats Fried Chicken on Christmas. I love how smug the guy who did it is about it: https://youtu.be/Oc3gzwwUQgM
>When the girl will become a Rider? She has jumping bubble gummies in the opening like the other two
It's definitely possible, but it's also possible it was just a design choice to make the intro more consistent with the other two characters. It might even be true that her spot in the intro gets replaced by Vlam.
sachika's aquiline nose
Sex with Sachika.
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The Whip Soldiers continue to be the best addition to Gavv's upgrade form.

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