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Mecha nightmare fuel redesign
What is this supposed to be? An EVA Unit?
Nightmare fuel? What are you 6 years old?
That's suppose to be a RX-78-2 Gundam
I can understand the similarities in>>23005103, but stuff just looks like GQuuuuuuX.
these are so fucking cool
coming out of a model kit box is adorable though
I should've called it youkai redesign, welp too late anyway
>Mecha nightmare fuel redesign
What? Reiterate entirely, don't just use random words.
it's okay anon, you'll pass 4th grade one day
kek, that's a good one
You are the one in 4th grade if you find any of this scary.
>all Gundam shit
genius armor
i dont get this one
whata bout this one? >>23005119 Hyaku Shiki?
is this one supposed to be >>23005125 FA Hyaku Shiki Kai?
It's easier for an artist to dedicate a theme to one thing instead of bouncing all over something they don't know about.
Great thread, thank you
Finally, it looks as fearsome as it is.
>Big Zam
>Zaku II
>Char's Zaku II
>Hyaku Shiki
Not sure about this one. Hyaku Shiki Kai?
>Alpha Azieru
>Jagd Doga
White Base? (Trojan Horse) This one is confusing me
>La Vie en Rose
Also no clue about this one. It's a Gundam, but which one?
>Baund Doc
Zeta Plus? another take on ZZ? It's either a MP unit or a triple combiner
>Z'gok commander

Did I get them right?
>Our System thinks your post is spam
fuck me
>White Base? (Trojan Horse) This one is confusing me
Text has the SCV prefix that it sometimes uses, so probably. My first thought was a really stylized Messala, but WB makes more sense.
>Also no clue about this one. It's a Gundam, but which one?
It's the Alex. Obvious in hindsight but I wasn't getting it either.
>Zeta Plus? another take on ZZ? It's either a MP unit or a triple combiner
I was thinking original with B parts and the two core fighters/boosters.

Cool post, OP. Thanks.
>Elmeth pretty sure thats either Quin Mantha or whatever the big green one from Unicorn is called
Regelgu methinks
could be, but then Gelgoog would be conspicuously absent
I think there's one or two other significant missing things even if Gelgoog would be particularly strange. But with the color it kinda has to either be Regelgu or Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog which is arguably even more out of place. And the large wing flap things do match Regelgu's shoulders.
Literally says "百式改" in the corner.
>yep. it's monday again.
I like this one.
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A famous example. Kobayashi's Ideon.
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That's huge. Did they make this 1/144?
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>Zeta Plus? another take on ZZ? It's either a MP unit or a triple combiner
i believe it's the gundam + b-parts
Today OP was not a fag.
Good shit dude, 李國弘 is an amazing painter, crazy good understanding of classic chinese painting and woodblock printing process. And he plays Theremin and has a shit ton of Ultraman works.
Love getting turned on to new artists.
Jesus Christ just STFU if you have nothing else to say other than "not scary", it looks cool
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>Also no clue about this one. It's a Gundam, but which one?
>Zeta Plus? another take on ZZ? It's either a MP unit or a triple combiner
G-Fighter (picrel)
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That's a demon dildo
I guess that disqualifies everything Mamoru Nagano ever put out.
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How the fuck did they not do the Byarlant or Gabthley in thus Yokai style?
Ask them?
This is some cool stuff. OP is the opposite of a faggot.
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that's not the g-fighter it's missing the front end
Pröööö :D
Once the big clam is mass produced, the seafood buffets days are finished!
Xenomorphs are youkai?
It literally says "G Fighter" in the corner.
>It’s all Gundam robots
At least the art is cool but that’s disappointing, could’ve thrown some Mazinger in there for variety.
Well, Geiger did intend them to be the physical manifestation of Rape.
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then THEY'RE wrong too anon
White Base, it is a Pegasus-class after all.
This is art.
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