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I never seen them, are they any good? what are the differences? what's missing?
no way they could properly compress the whole show into it.
I want to show my friends Gundam but 60 eps is just not going to be realistic to organize I think
They cut out a lot of the one-off plots and character development in return for cleaned up animation, especially in the 3rd movie.
but if I don't care about cleaning up animation it's not worth it? I really don't care about improving the animation.

though I heard some tracks from the ost and it made me also want to watch. especially the ending "believe"
It's 42 episodes, newfag, and yes, it's good. Now die.
Watch both for the full experience, alternatively just don't post and don't watch anything if you're worried about "my time".
43 actually, and I'm not a newfag. it's an odd number so I'm not remembering it most of the time.

did you even read my post? I'm not worried about my time. you know how hard it is to organize a group of people to watch a long anime?
I simply don't organise a group of people to watch anything because I know from my experience in my youth getting people together just to watch films is often a fruitless task unless they're all on the same page. It's easier to tailor things for individual people than it is for groups.
of course its easier, and I'm not bothered. I just don't want it to drag for too long.
I never seen the movies but been a Gundam fan for a long time so I just wanted to ask.
and before you ask, I'll ask first. since when do anime compilation movies do anything right? it's usually garbage
The third one is the best to watch, but if you've been a longtime fan you should go ahead and watch all of them.
I will. just wondering what my friends might miss out on if we only watch the movies.
they absolutely ruined the battle of solomon and elmeth scenes, the sound design is atrocious.
One character that dies in the TV series lives in the movies.
fucking how
The Gyan and Texas Colony arc are dropped entirely.
>43 episodes
Doan is explicitly rejected by the director. Doesn't count.
only for murricans
When did Yoshiyuki Tomino become an American?
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Only to die a few minutes after the end.
Who is they? Dumbfuck.
when he insisted on removing doan's island episode for the american releases


Tomino insisted it be removed. Ergo, it doesn't count.
the owners of the franchise, who the fuck else
"Canon" is a function of capital?
canon is a function of my head.
always has been, even going back to religious canon
Sounds fine on the version I watched.
so what's the verdict
movie good or movie bad?
It's not that simple. It's more about what you want to get out of Mobile Suit Gundam.

Want just the broad strokes of what happened? Watch the movies. Want to actually sit through the multiple experiences the characters went through? Watch the TV show.

I prefer the tv show myself because I actually enjoy the fluff, same reason I prefer Dragonball Z to Dragonball Kai. That being said, I'm not a fan of the desert portion of the series, barring anything Ramba Ral does, that entire part of the story is a total slog.
Just read a fucking wiki article if you care so little dumb zoomer drone.
Also Icelina. But there's a batshit manga going on about her body being frozen and carrying Garma's child.
Tomino wanted the episode removed because it was one of the most rushed and poorly animated episodes. It was embarrassing to watch.

The Doan's Island movie was both an opportunity to redo the story with better (non-janky) animation and to test the waters for whether a full adaptation of Gundam the Origin would be marketable.
They're fine
What's it called?
Greatest dub of all time.
They are three steps forward and one step back.
>Much better animation
>No filler
>The end is better handled
>It cuts a lot of characterization and character development.

So they are like a more epic but less psychological version of the original Gundam.
I actually think that they're the best method of getting people into the franchise (also because they are on Netflix)
There's had to have been way jankier in UC Gundam history, though. And The Origin preserved the off-model skinny design for Doan's Zaku.
There's a conspiracy theory that the real reason it got removed is because Tomino thought it was too toyetic or SR for his tastes with stuff like "Mobile Suit Martial Arts" and "the scent of battle". Or maybe he's the only person this upset with the episode and Yas decided to remake it out of playful spite.
I think it's Rust Horizon.
the choral ah-ah vocals are much worse and in parts replaced with generic spooky music, the sound of the elmeth's guns/bits are different (and worse), and char's reaction to her death makes him seem much less emotionally invested and more like he's just upset his soldier died. despite the better animation the scenes have less weight overall imo
damn... but the characterization and the psychology is the best part
>what's missing?

That's why you watch both, dickhead.
>to test the waters for whether a full adaptation of Gundam the Origin would be marketable

No it was to test whether long movie style one off episodes would be marketable. They aren't planning on adapting the full Gundam the Origin.
This is probably the only good thing to ever come out of CDA
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Watch the whole show and then the movies just because.
Filler movies for long-running shonens already prove its viability.
they are compilation movies anon obviously they suck
they cleaned up animation for like 5 scenes in total or something was really disappointed desu
>No filler
>It cuts a lot of characterization and character development
gee i wonder why
The first movie is just a recap, the second movie is mostly a recap with cleaned up animation and new music but the third movie is totally worth watching. It has like an hour worth of completely new animation, the A Bao a Qu battle feels more intense and it has my favorite song in the franchise
i watched the three movies instead of the anime and had a great time. the 3rd one is fucking amazing. the final battle in that one feels like a war movie
Blow it out your fucking ass
>Or maybe he's the only person this upset with the episode and Yas decided to remake it out of playful spite.
That's the most prevalent consensus, yeah. Btw, I loved the movie, but with all that screening time I think a better story of Doan could have been told. It also made Amuro look a little bit retarded
I got the impression that Doan was dropped for a combination of reasons. Apart from the animation and the zaku martial arts crap, the episode itself is probably the most filler plot the show had
imao, why is the other anon mad he post the last 2 gundam posters?
It was a shameless bump! Fuck that guy!
ok..i see?
ooh it was OP, that's why. lol he's sneaky...bumping his own thread.
I misread your post and thought they attempted another colony drop using the Texas Colony.

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