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Discuss the shows, bitch about the Kickstarter.
For better or worse, it's the only franchise I've watched to completion in the last 5-7 years; it's surprisingly consistent, even Flash.
That one's nearly hit autosage.
Shows don't need a thread up constantly for no reason. If you have something to say about it, do so. Just having a thread up to have one up is little more than masturbation.
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High praise from the original creator of "Dirty Pair," Haruka Takachiho: no copyrights on hair colors or titles.

It's acceptable to make a magical girl anime featuring a pair of girls, one with short red hair and another with long black/blue hair, fighting together, even after "Dirty Pair."

As long as they didn't blatantly name the pair "Pretty Cure," shortening it to "Precure" was a viable option.

Anecdote where Sunrise's producer, Yamaura, felt "Precure" went too far and confronted Toei's producer but was dismissed with, "It's none of our business."
>rip off a couple of pro wrestlers
>"Actually, I made the idea of two girls fighting"
I want to fuck Yuri in the pussy.
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Flash was better.
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Flight 005 Conspiracy had the best designs.
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I dreamed that I was inside some Dirty Pair universe, but since they died in the original episode 24, and I was only like ep 26, I was on my own. That was literally my logic. I was some kind of officer on an Earth Federation starship which was experiencing problems, but good news: I had time travel. The ship was going to explode in minutes, and each cycle I learned something else that was wrong. First round was what I thought was the only issue: Phase inhibotor in the reactor in this very long submarine like section. I fixed it. Whoops ship still exploded, so I had to cycle through again and again until I got it right.

I even asked "Can I get the Dirty Pair to give me a kiss?" as a condition for fixing things. First, the ship's Computer replied: 1. They're the LOVELY ANGELS. and 2. They died remember? Oh yeah. Then asked if blowing into my ear was a suitable replacement.
Shut up.
If they were babysitters, would they be the Dirty Au Pair?

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