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Full Armor Ground Type Zeta Gundam
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>Ground Type Zeta
Isn't that a Zeta Plus? This just looks like a Zeta wearing S Gundam cosplay
no, zeta plus are aerial transforming MS, they're not specialized for staying on the ground unless being held hostage or being stomped on
i cant think of a single good reason to convert an MS that's whole reason for being is turning into a jet into a ground deploying non-transformable mook
>full armor ground type zeta
So OP is a Zeta... that doesn't transform. That's the whole point of Zeta though. They even kept the wings. You've just made a Jegan with a bodykit. Sure, the ZZ also lises its transformation when FA'd, but the ZZ's deal is beign a flying arsenal, and that's reinforced.
>Ground Type
>doesn't turn into a motorcycle
>hardly touch the floor
FUCK YOU AE, you freaking moonjaw
The Zeta is better than the Jegan even without the ability to transform.
The zeta is fucking gay and was piloted by an autistic femboy. Its only feature is its transgendermation.
The maintenance of the Zeta is a nightmare compared to the Jegan's.
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people on /m/ are kind of stupid
Now I’m more confused
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Full Armor = Full Fun
it can, in fact, transform. And besides transformation is not the only highlight of Zeta. 80% of this thread has no idea what they're talking about.
So it DOES transform. Why ground type then?
But it looks like the waverider mode has all the extra armour purged from it
Without the armor it can transform and glide.
With loaded with the armor and the I-Field Generator on the chest it spends most of its time walking and standing.
Simple as that.
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probably lacking the ability to survive atmospheric re-entry

Zeta's big deal was not it transforms and flies (plenty of MS can fly already by transforming before the Zeta is introduced like the Asshimar and Gaplant), Zeta is special because the wings are made very special material so that in waverider mode, it can survive atmospheric reentry. the original plan was that Zeta would be delivered for the assault on Jaburo, the Zeta Gundam would be able to go down to earth unassisted while everyone is using balute, but Zeta Gundam got delayed and AEUG was delivered a flying armor instead.

basing on the picture, with that sweep wings style, that Gundam is at least somewhat of a Wave Shooter variant. where it is supposed to be wings that improves Zeta Gundam's atmospheric flight capabilities when transformed, the wave shooter system then was used on other variants since then like the Zeta plus, Delta plus and the likes

that's how good the "wave shooter equipment" supposed to be, for example, Delta Plus, it has less verniers and thrusters than Zeta, but with the wave shooter equipment, it almost reaches the same capabilites of the Zeta
So we're just circling back to "it's a Zeta plus"
Specialized for atmospheric use, as you can see since it's equipped with Waveshooter backpack.
No? Anon, do you know what is Zeta Plus?
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but i think, the wave shooter type is some sort of retcon justification for why 1/144 Zeta Gundam looks that way in 1990s because i think the technology was not yet there to make a transforming kit of Zeta in 1/144 scale yet so the transformation is made a little simpler, in terms of the wings mechanism
It doesn't matter why it was created IRL, it has an in-universe explanation.
A Zeta plus is a Zeta without biosensor and the flight form was changed to be an atmospheric flight unit instead.
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idiot, that's full armor Zeta Gundam ver Define.
It's no different from RX-78 ver. Origin.
wait what the hell is this pic from
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>HWS gets a million kits,even gets retconned into the Hi-Nu as well
>FA gets no love, ever
It's not fair
Afaik the FA Nu Gundam actually has one of those big animatronic statues, outside of some office block. But it's somewhat monkey-pawed because they colored it in its parade colors, which is just ... yeah ... :: sigh ::
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>parade colors
This isn't FA, isn't this the "large fin funnel" type?
that's the FF not the FA, and it's not animatronic either
You're talking about FF, which is a completely different thing as seen here >>23017049
Also it's in classic tricolour and is kino
Why did Zeta define fuck with the perfect proportions and design of Classic Zeta?
Define fucks with a lot of stuff because if it isn't going to change anything then it's just a token adaptation and doesn't have anything new to draw in readers. Define also straight up erases the Hyaku Shiki from existence and replaces it with the Zero Shiki which has no influence from the Gundam Mark II. Zero Shiki is still a stepping stone to the Zeta, but is much more of a Rick Dias development.
It's called a redesign.
it's heresy
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Is it really poor first impressions when they are yp against Jestas? One Jesta has 90% the performance of Nu Gundam so three together are insurmountable
What's this one?
They got anuck up on, the Jegans are far newer MS with stronger actuators, the ECOAS pilots are elite operators while these were literal garbage pilots with cockpits full of trash bags. What's funny is that if this were a head on engagement instead, the Zetas would likely have the advantage since they cna fly
Zero Shiki unit 2 with flight binder

You know I really don't like this trend of just slapping on the FA hyakushiki kais's chest armor on things and calling it full armor. At least it's not as lazy as the full armor over-on though.

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