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Post anything captured by the enemy. Anything modified after capture is encouraged.
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This really bothers me that manga authors treat mobile suit parts like "Legos". You can't just attach a GM Head to a Zaku and expect it to work! They are completely different electronic components made by different manufacturers and uses different software! The body and head can't communicate with eachother like that.

We are even seeing this in the modern age in Ukraine. Western supplied missiles are completely incompatible with Russian made fighter jets. The mounting pounts are different and the software and hardware different. They Ukrainian (Russian made) fighter jet can communicate with the Western missiles. The signals used are totally different. It's why they had to send different fighter jets for Ukraine to use.
NATO/Russian design lineages have had little direct interaction for decades and there was no real interest in standardization in the first place. MS have been around for like a year at most and are largely derived from the same basic equipment and concepts, as well as the support troops definitely having at least minor machining and technical capacity to make some adaptations. It's not the same kind of situation.
That's a nice Quel. The black and red colors work really well on the shield.
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That doesn't mean they are wired or contain the same software for seamless interchangeability. Was reading AOZ and it took some troubleshooting to swap out the hazel's leg with another hazel leg since the computer wasn't picking it up.
>MS have been around for like a year at most and are largely derived from the same basic equipment and concepts
That doesn't mean the hardware and software are the same. That's like saying you can slap a British Challenger tank turret ontop of an American tank hull and have it work no problem. No issues with bolts, connection points, size of the turret ring, different British hardware in the turret being able to talk with the hardware in the hill, or the dozens and dozens of other problems that could happen.

And what's worse is you expect us to believe that Zeon MS field techs... can somehow do this difficult swap while on the run from Federation forces and constantly getting shot at and hunted.
>manga authors
Zeta Zaku anon. Like it or not this has been a long established thing.
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>That's like saying you can slap a British Challenger tank turret ontop of an American tank hull and have it work no problem.
It's saying that the real world analogy made above about Ukraine has it inherently a hell of a lot worse and it is therefore a bad comparison.
>And what's worse is you expect us to believe that Zeon MS field techs... can somehow do this difficult swap while on the run from Federation forces and constantly getting shot at and hunted.
I don't expect anything from you, but ZZ shows this being done without much issue.
00 Gundam had such a fall off. Started off so interesting and then just dropped in quality in the Second Season.
It's actually a very good real world comparison. Why would a GM frame, which is based on the Gundam, be compatible with a Zaku?

>but ZZ shows this being done without much issue.
Without issue? Did you even watch the show? The cockpit monitor didn't even work properly with the Zaku head. Zeta also couldn't turn its head or transform.
They're just that good. Keep in mind this is a franchise where they're able to mass produce a ton of giant robots and ships using a metal supply from fuck knows where, very quickly.
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It equally bothers me when ships can produce entire limbs to get critically damaged MS working again the very next episode

if they can build a limb in a matter of hours, then the ship might as well just crank out entire replacement MS in a few days as long as they have spare parts including reactors
Maybe it's like Nasa with it's 3d printers in space.
Huh. I completely forgot this even happened. Must be pretty early in the series?
This was a big disappointment. Dunno why the author is so against mobile armors dominating
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Duel lost an arm in the episode where Strike loses power and is almost captured by the Aegis, but gets re-equipped with the launcher pack and shoots off the Duel's arm. It sits out the next episode but is seen getting repaired in the hangar.

Off the top of my head, another odd scenario was when Heero and Duo flee Antarctica but the Heavyarms is missing its left arm, it was intentionally left behind in the base when Trowa prepped the Heavyarms for Heero to use. Didn't really matter because a couple of episodes later, Heavyarms is whole again, never mind that gundanium can only be manufactured in space.
You can't bolt it on directly, but with some time and know-how, you can adapt it. It's like modifying cars. They are made to work with a set list of components, but you can put a Ferrari engine into a Subaru if you really really want to.
rednecks could totally pull it off
The development speed of mobile suits is pretty absurd but the material question is easy, asteroid mining.
There's also the huge amount of gunpowder and jet fuel needed for these battles. And they let kids just waste these expensive shit.
Ore wa Legos
>You can't just attach a GM Head to a Zaku and expect it to work! They are completely different electronic components made by different manufacturers and uses different software!
The only real problem is figuring out the protocol/signal standardisation, and you have to do it just once for the faction. I can see either side that can crank out multiple Gundams/MAa in a year being able to do it in a few days tops.
IIRC in 0079, Bright says something about fabricating new parts after the Guncannon has its arm cut in half (from the Gouf I think).
They probably have some dedicated repair + part fabrication facilities in the carriers, which is why Zeon was obsessed with White Base.
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>You can't just attach a GM Head to a Zaku and expect it to work! They are completely different electronic components made by different manufacturers and uses different software! The body and head can't communicate with eachother like that.
The Federation used captured Zakus to build the Zanny and gathered its data to design their following mobile suits.
See picrel, that's a GM head on a Zaku.
>black kid has a micro-boner
Yes, but that was only for learning how a Zaku works. These hybrids probably ran like garbage, and was riddled with issues.

Afterwards the Federation made their own stuff.

If you look at the databooks and even gunpla, the inner frames of Zakus and GMs aren't even the same.
And it's always a beautiful young girl with long flowing hair as a co-pilot. LMAO.

The reality is its usually older and middle aged dudes as pilots 99% of the time. You don't see beautiful models and gorgeous women as fighter pilots.

I thought Thunderbolt was supposed to be realistic.
pretty sure the people using hybrids aren't doing it because it works so well together, more like they have no choice

a half-working head is better than being blind
>Yes, but that was only for learning how a Zaku works. These hybrids probably ran like garbage, and was riddled with issues.
True; it wasn't a good suit, but the Federation was desperate.
Militaries often capture and re-use enemy materiel, but repairing and resupplying any captured materiel is another major difficulty.
>I thought Thunderbolt was supposed to be realistic.
it is, they all die barely seconds into the battle
They're there because they ran out of adults, half the human population dying does that to an army's makeup. It's part of the story. Hell, it happened in the original show at the end with A Baoa Qu, teenagers were piloting Gelgoogs cause all the veterans were dead.
>half the human population dying does that to an army's makeup
If half the population is dead, then who is manufacturing these mobile suits and weapons in such huge numbers to overwhelm Zeon?

If total war truly was happening, then women wouldn't be on the front lines. Just look at history. In wartime, 99.9999% Women served in the factories, were nurses or hospital works, did clerical work, or support/logistical work, when times are truly desperate were digging trenches. Even when entire Empires and civilizations fell, the majority of women did not fight on the frontlines.

Look at the Ukraine War, 99.99% percent of women decided to flee the country rather than fight. Even though they COULD have stayed or volunteered to fight. There was no Ukrainian law stopping them from fighting. But they fled.

Like the other guy said, a more realistic Gundam scenario is the women serving as Mobile Suit mechanics, factory workers, or nurses. Not as MS pilots. And especially not like these Naruto squads where every team has 1 designated beautiful girl as a co-pilot that all the dudes secretly want to bang.
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The Zanny was only a trainer suit used far away from the front lines. It was only used to train pilots, and not used in direct front line combat. Even then...it was notorious for breaking down in the middle of training, and also suffered major malfunctions often.
So you don't watch Gundam. That's all I need to know, thanks.
>If half the population is dead, then who is manufacturing these mobile suits and weapons in such huge numbers to overwhelm Zeon?

This is a fair point. Was this ever explained? Making a mobile suit must be a time intensive and manpower heavy process.
>Was this ever explained?
No. Logistics are Gundam's biggest weakpoint as a franchise because nobody gives a shit about it. Not Fukada, not Takamatsu, and definitely not Tomino. It's a toy show, not a war drama for adults. Go watch something directed by Takahashi or Oshii if you want something with even a hint of verisimilitude.
It's probably alot easier to make replacement limbs then cockpits and power sources and all that. Like how they restored Freedom after Seed because the torso with the reactor and cockpit was intact but after Angel Down when the reactor was destroyed they had to build a whole new MS to replace it.
There are female fighter pilots in real life, though not as many as men. But female pilots are still relatively rare in Gundam so it's not that bad all things considered.
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Those look ugly

Hizacks looks good in normal EF colors sadly there are none in zeta.
>There are female fighter pilots in real life, though not as many as men.
Bruh get real. There's barely any. There's 11,000 pilots in the US Airforce. Roughly 3000 fighter pilots. Only less than 100 are women. That's 0.03%. And that's AFTER the push to get more women in combat and pilot roles.
Good Christian Hizack, with traditional family values
not talking about the zanny, talking about the tranny suits used by the zeek remnants from the manga page scan
Real life doesn't have special abilities that give pilots a massive edge in combat that they want to throw as many to be pilots as they can get even if they happen to be women. It's no coincidence that most female pilots in Gundam are usually Newtype/Cyber Newtypes or whatever the universe equivalent is that lean hard on their powers as a crutch.
>The reality is its usually older and middle aged dudes as pilots 99% of the time. You don't see beautiful models and gorgeous women as fighter pilots.

Welcome to anime? Japan finds middle aged men boring as shit, which is why most characters are either teens or young adults that act 10 years older than they actually are.
Makes you wonder. If they are so resource starved that they need to use GM parts to repair a Zaku, then they probably shouldn't be fighting anymore. Using a GM head should be the ultimate shame for a Zeon warrior.
Probably the most professional looking captured mech because the original model was something the pilot used before. It didn't stop him from attaching every gun, shield, and Avalanche set he had available.
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I think the Zanny just shows that the Federation copied elements of Zeon suit design when designing their project V suits. If the GM style head on the Zanny was designed to interface with a Zeonic chassis, it's possible that some level of compatibility was designed into the whole line of GM heads as an unintended consequence, such that with some modification it wouldn't be impossible for a Zeon engie to get one working on a Zaku.

But I think the critical point that's being missed here, is that's not even what's going on in the picture! Renchef's unit isn't a Zaku with a GM head- it's a whole GM- a Gefangener GM, or a captured GM in Zeek service.

Eventually it does get some gouf pauldrons, but it's probably a lot easier to make a custom bracket to put zeon pauldrons on a GM than it would be to put a GM head on a Zaku.
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Another example of the Gefangener GM

Who made those giant Zeon land battleships in the back of your picture?

Why don't we see more of them?
But anon, mobile suits is freedom
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You use whatever works and lets you fight. Soldiers, not warriors. Soldiers only face shame in defeat. No shame in victory, no honor in defeat. When the feddies made the Gundam EZ-8 in 8th MS Team, they used Zaku shoulder shields for extra plating to armor the unit's chest. Do you think they were ashamed to do so? Nonsense.
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arrogance and fanaticism has always overridden any logic they had
iirc soviets had quite a few female pilots during ww2
but that was mostly because they made cockpits so tight that only manlets and women could pilot the planes, and they were all out of manlets by the end
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Titans semi-counts given they were disavowed. Barzams were good enough that people would rather GM them up than abandon them.
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That's the Dobday class. It's unknown whether Zeonic, Zimmad or some other company produced it, just that it was made by Zeon. Some say the Russians had a hand in its design and it was based off a mobile command post made by a Russian design bureau that Zeon had captured. But you know, people like to talk.

It appeared in the original series and MS Igloo. Timeline wise, both of its appearances were in November, towards the end of the OYW, which would be why we didn't see more of it. They also show up in some manga and quite a few Gundam games
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That's the Dobday/Dabude-class. They got featured in an episode of MS Igloo 2. They're bigger than the Gallop and are generally the equivalent of the Federation's Big Tray landships.
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>arrogance and fanaticism has always overridden any logic they had
I just realized something. How did the Federation erase all records of the GP project? Delaz literally broadcast Gp02 for the entire Human population to see and shared its secrets.
>It's unknown whether Zeonic, Zimmad or some other company produced it
How would that even work? The thing is enormous. Did they create some sort of giant drop pod to transport it from the Zeon colonies and then drop it through the atmosphere?
>that gundam looks kinda evil and zeek-y, you really think we'd build that?
>then how the hell did a bunch of terrorists build a nuke?
>anaheim pays the news corps to kill off any stories on them
like the submarines of the california base, the dobday is probably something produced by zeeks when they landed on earth and captured earthside factories and facilities
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>built in Russia
>made multiple giant crawler tanks the size of small town
>no major battles occurred in Russia during OYW

Why wasn't the Apsalus from 08th MS team built in Russia? Who though it was a good idea to built it in the middle of a humid jungle in South East Asia, with Gorilla Fighters everywhere, and requiring them to drill into a mountain and create a vast underground base. They Should have built Apsalus in Russia in a normal factory where they made Dobdays.
Thunderbolt diasagrees with you
>You can't just attach a GM Head to a Zaku and expect it to work!

Actually, that's exactly how it works.
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Kamille is a man's name.
>Get real
>Proceeds to agree that there are women fighter pilots
Sounds like he was already real.
I have my complaints about Thunderbolt's mechanical design but I would fuck, impregnate and take responsibility for the Feddie-refitted Gelgoogs. It's so good in the colour scheme and I love the replacement GM Custom shoulders/arms.
It'd be an obscene amount of work but I want to do a custom build at least inspired by it some time.
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stealing is wrong, you shouldn't steal
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It's not stealing if it was built for you in the first place.
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Gundam vs Zeta Gundam’s captured Nemo looks so good.
Anon, that's not a Zaku with a GM's head bolted on top of it, that's a whole GM. It's the GM Gefangener, stolen jims that Zeeks put to use in their own forces. The only real Zaku-ish things it has on it are a few replacement shoulder armor bits and that Zaku machinegun.
Maybe, but I will be dead and fucking buried and turning in my own grave before I even fathom to call the fucking Perfect "Gundam" a Gundam
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God I should have bought the mg when I had the chance. I’ll definitely try to get thr hg gundam base versions.
The MK2 is blessed, it doesn't have a bad kit. The 2.0 MG holds up remarkably well for being the very first 2.0.
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>the colors remind me of Zero, any reason you painted it that way
>I dunno I just thought it looked co-
Is it okay to put animal heads on captured power armor and mechs?
v fin should've been white and not pointing upward
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And ZAFT still has the Duel and Buster to this day.
Technically Terminal does
It's ugly on purpose to deter thieves
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you. i like you.
Captured data counts?
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>It's why they had to send different fighter jets for Ukraine to use
That's mostly because they don't have enough jets, period and those they have are worked to the bone.
A fair amount of weapons were adaptable, sometimes losing capability but it's far from completely incompatible.
Zaku head zeta to keep it /m/
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Zeon stealing bad
Feddies stealing good
Not the anon you are replying to, but this is like shoving an early 1990s Webcam that uses a serial port on a modern laptop computer. Kek. Good luck with that.
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A few were on the Arghama during Unicorn and looted. They even repainted the Jegan shield to its colors.
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and it's possible to plug in 30 year old keyboards and 40 year old monitors to have them work today, cherry-picker

not optimal but the whole goddamn point is that they're making do with the parts they have available
Not without adapters using modern technology. Which shouldnt be available during the one year war when both the GM and Zaku were new and using opposite technology.
How much of an adaptor do you really need to juryrig a few wires together? They might use different design philosophies but motors and cables are motors and cables at the end of the day.
Yeah, even better when it's a mecha animal's head.
PS/2 and VGA ports still exist on PCs so no, no adaptor needed. The actual biggest problem might be signalling because the monitors back then had awful colour and resolution support and EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) support for VGA didn't exist until the mid 90s, but it still doesn't make it impossible.
Zeon has only been separate from the Federation for about 20 years when the OYW started. Expecting them to have completely alien and incompatible technological standards is fucking retarded. The US and USSR were on separate sides of trade and technology embargoes for decades and their shit is not alien enough to not work together at all.

I'd like to fucking remind you that Aina took electronic components from the Apsalus prototype to give to Shiro so he can get his cockpit working again, but noooooooo, apparently it should be fucking magical that they can even work together.
>The US and USSR were on separate sides of trade and technology embargoes for decades and their shit is not alien enough to not work together at all.
They literally say in Ukraine that they can't get a lot of their Russian equipment to work with Western supplied arms and equipment. They are incompatible.
Good thing there are actual mechanics working on MS, instead of a bunch of drunk slavs trying to force boolets through unmodified guns not meant to take a caliber, huh?
They're also doing business with neutral colonies so there are probably some hardware standards to keep things simple. It's possible to innovate and make improvements, but when lacking spare resources and manufacturing capacity it's easier and cheaper to buy off-the-shelf components.
I now want a OYW sidestory where someone uses salvaged tech but has to switch down to CGA because it's the only standard that works on both tech types and they're constantly dealing with that godawful magenta and cyan.
Sort of? Stolen weapon, stolen drive technology.
It shouldn't. That Sinanju repaint is based off the Nu, which has a golden V-fin
>tl:dr the use AI and CNC machines
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There's a lot of obstacles but shit like frankenSAM and western missiles being fired from old SU-24 shows a lot can be accomplished with talent and determination
True. But while it's theoretically possible with infinite money (from the West) and resources for Ukraine to do this eventually, it's not practically possible for Zeon. Ukraine has entire factories, 3 years of safety behind the front lines to tinker with weapons and make Frankenstein bizzarro machines.

After their loss at Odessa, Zeon ground armies in Europe were on the run. They don't have what Ukraine currently has. No time. No resources. No safety. Several manga cover desperate caravans made up of ragtag Zeon troops and whatever random equipment they could grab before their base fell to the Federation. I highly doubt an MS tech could attach foreign technology under those circumstances.

It's far more likely that Zeon troops would abandon any broken or malfunctioning equipment since it would only slow them down. Zeon armies wanted to get back to space and didn't care about anything else anymore.
I don't really get why you're hung up on insisting it takes place during the war and there's no time to do any of that stuff, when the picture you were complaining about is when the remnant Zeeks started new attacks after the war

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