Would an RX-78 be able to defeat grunt suits like the Hizack?
>>23022775with amuro and the metallic coating against some retarded gruntfag? yeah for sure
>>23022775If a Gelgoog was able to give the ZZ a hard time, on two separate occasions then there's no reason to believe that the Gundam with a skilled pilot could body a HiZack.
>>23022812Could not*
>>23022812wasn't that gelgoog refitted with the latest technology at that time though?
>>23022849The one Masai was using was purely a OYW type that was utilizing a bunch of makeshift traps and weapons.
>>23022775Of course RX78-2 blaster is The blaster
>>23022775YesIf you disagree you are a specsfag secondary who has chosen to avoid watching any of the shows where old suits defeat new suits.
>>23022775Early Hizacks can't even use beam weapons, the Grandaddy dumpsters it.
>>23022775The RX-78 Pilot would have to be more skilled than the Hizack Pilot. Also the Hizack isn't a 2nd gen MS.
Eh, I'd think a Marasai has a better shot at taking down the RX-78. Even then...
>>23022775Its not like the hizack has really any anti-beam armor. Grandpa's beam rifle will still ownzone an up speced zaku, if it connects.
>>23022775In Z around ep 4 a hizacks shield blocked the MK II gundams beam sword when Kamille tried to kill Jerid. Thing just bounced off. If char had a Hizack then that would be the end of Amuro. A random grunt pilot? Amuro would struggle in much more prolonged fights to win if he wins. Early gundam had amuro being carried by the power of his gear.>>23023110A Gundam mkII struggled to kill a hizack with a beam sword, the Grandaddy would be in for a boss fight.
>>23023224The way people talk about the RX-78 makes me think they just got done playing Gundam VS Zeta Gundam.
>>23022843Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.
>>23022775Amuro could beat a Hizack using a Ball, he's that powerful.
>>23022775If it was being piloted by Amuro, easily.If it was anybody else in the RX-78-2 then probability evens out more.
>>23022775Their specs are roughly the same.Amuro could scrap superior 'goog and Zeong piloted by an ace, so >>23023614Probability is a bit better for RX-78-2 if both are at full arsenal.
In Gihren's Greed, the Titans have the option of producing an RX-78 in their colors. The unit is largely identical to the -2 in base stats. Compared to the -3, it has slightly worse maneuver in exchange for a bit of bulk, but it blows both of them out of the water in terms of attack power, with a much stronger rifle and saber.
>>23022775Judging by performance specs, a Zaku II can beat a HiZack
In comparison, the Hizack falls behind all of them in every category. It's even outdone by both the Galbaldy Alpha, a latewar Zeon design, and the GM Quel, an RGM-79 refit.
>>23024142The Hizack in that game also comes in a squad of 3 vs the RX-78 coming in squads of one. When it comes to one RX-78 vs 3 Hizacks the Hizacks usually would win in an aceless situation while it would be closer in a situation where the RX-78 has an Ace piloting it. The Titan's Gundam itself is a barely functional novelty by the game you get it mechanically with One Year War Gundams being filler ace suits at best.
Yeah, the Hi-zack doesn't have a beam rifle until the Titans get the marasai, then it starts using that rifle
In SD Gundam G Generation the Gundam is much stronger than the Hizack but it would much fairer to compare it with the GM which is even worse.
>>23023450Seeing this makes me want to buy a HGUC GM-II just to recreate it. I wonder if the HGUC RX-78's head will fit on it without modification.
at what point would Amuro not be able to carry the RX-78's flaws? If he had it in Zeta, would he have been immediately wiped out
>>23025359Zeta would probably be the RX-78-2's final stand. It would do just fine against Hizacks and Marasais but after that Amuro would be in need of an upgrade.
>>23025359Early Zeta perhaps. In Moon Gundam, F90FF flashbacks. or somewhere else, Amuro mentioned there's a special "feel" with a gundam he doesn't get anywhere else. Thus he's better off in it than an equal ability non-gundam. But by some point that gundarium alloy can't carry it and it'd need massive retrofitting.
>>23025359>>23025362He'd probably love the RX-178. Same But Better in everything except armour alloy, and by that point he's not getting hit too often to begin with. Hell the RX-93 is basically the MK3 in everything but name.
>>23022775Amuro can beat an RX-78 with a Hizack, he is just that good.
>>23029072>In Moon Gundam, F90FF flashbacks. or somewhere else, Amuro mentioned there's a special "feel" with a gundam he doesn't get anywhere else. Thus he's better off in it than an equal ability non-gundamNot quite sure if that's the way it is, but in Zeta Define, Amuro apparently expresses great interest in the Zero Shiki when he finds out that development on it is led by some guy called Edward who used to work under his father, Tem Ray. Also in Moon Gundam, isn't Amuro's best suit in that story the Re-GZID? Neither the Zero Shiki nor the Re-GZID are Gundams, maybe Gundam-adjacent at best.
Depends on many things, but if both pilots are of equal skill, it depends entirely on load out:-Gundam with shield and Beam Rifle vs Hizack with Zaku Machine gun and beam saber has the fight heavily in the Gundams favor. The machine gun barely works on the Gundams armor, so if the Gundam gets one good shot, it ends that fight easily, but it it runs out of shots, thr Gundam will be forced into close quarters, evening things out.-If the Hizack has the beam rifle, missiles and heat hawk, then this flips to the Hizack's favor. The Hizack has more ammo for the beam rifle thanks to cartridges, and the Gundams shield can't defend against beams well due to a lack of anti-beam coating.
Is Hizack Custom a definite winner compared to the Gundam? What about the GM II, did that thing get upgraded with magnetic coating?
>>23025359He'd be able to last against early to mid grunts but he'd really be working for every kill at that point. And it would have been completely stonewalled by the Psycho Gundam, that would be where it just couldn't cut it no matter how good he was.
>>23029438>isn't Amuro's best suit in that story the Re-GZIDHe never stepped foot in it because he willingly passed it to another character he felt needed it more. He spent the beginning in a Rick Dijeh, later in that same one fixed up with Jeddah parts because they don't have much budget, then he gave the Re-GZID to someone else and used a Jeddah currently.
>>23024140>>23024142>>23024231In GBO2 they're in the same cost bracket
>>23030069This was really fucking dumb.
>>23029498>>23030111The GBO2 HIzack can use the Hyper Bazooka. How does that weapon stack up against Gundarium. A Marasai in the UC Engage titan's short got one shotted when hit in the back with one from a GM II. The Marasai also has better Armor than the RX-78
>>23030069I wonder how all the machine guns compare too each other.I would assume the GM rifle is better than those that came before it. The Zaku machine gun is 120mm but its said that 90mm machine guns have better penetration than it.
>>23030233Devastating. A shot to the torso with a bazooka could still destroy a lighter armored gundarium machine, we even see this when Nemos got one spotted by giant bazooka's during the Jaburo invasion. Guncannons could tank some shots only due to their thicker armor.That being said, bazookas aren't the best in ms combat.
>>23024140>>23024142Gihren's Greed is always like this on 1vs3 unitsYou should use the Hizack Custom (designated ace-use 1 unit per slot) instead for comparison
>>23030415Hizack custom is also a 3-stack, as is the Marasai and Asshimar. (The Gaplant also used to be a 3 stack unit in the original Menace of Axis)
>>23022775Remember that time old man Judau fought in a beat up ZZ?
Couldve sworn that in lore Amuros battle data simulation is yet to be beaten by any EFSF pilot. The RX-78-2 is indeed dated, but paired with Amuro it was arguably the most dangerous MS to encounter in the OYW, rivaled only by Char (Amuro surpassed against zeons most advanced MS ) and Gato. Amuro would have no issue killing a hizack in the Gundam. Hell even Neo Zeon still keeps Gelgoogs around near late UC, and were comparable to the gundam, So the technology though dated would still be viable
>>23031244>Couldve sworn that in lore Amuros battle data simulation is yet to be beaten by any EFSF pilotActually, Yuu Kajima managed to beat Amuro's battle data.
>>23031244>Couldve sworn that in lore Amuros battle data simulation is yet to be beaten by any EFSF pilot.Incomplete version of Amuro's data from A Baoa Qu was loaded onto GMs and defeated in combat by pilots from Axis who realized there was a flaw in the data>>23031495Is that the newer Blue Destiny manga? I haven't read it yet, is it fully translated?
>>23030438You're right, re-checked it myself and I had misremembered it somehow
>>23031511No. This is from a spin-off manga with grown-up Kikka interviewing various characters on Amuro after the events of CCA. Takes place in UC0095 specifically.
>>23031546Oh, I remember there was a manga with that premise, but didn't know it included characters like Yu Kajima, I'll have to look for that now.
>>23031546>>23031577The last chapter had Fa Yuiry show up, so I suspect Kamille is gonna show up next.At least I'm fairly certain it was Fa.
>>23031495He did the Kobayashi Maru thing. The situation might be no-win but the simulation can be gamed.
>>23025362>MarasaiNow now lets not get over there.
>>23022775The Gundam Mk II is just an RX-78 with a new shell and it mulches Hizacks just as easily as the 78 chewed through Zakus.
>>23032154It doesn't have gundarium alloy and the internals are very different.
>>23032154The design priorities are the same but the internals are new and very much the point. At least until additional inter-show material came around it was very much meant to be the clear start of 'second gen' mobile suits.
>>23032154>The Gundam Mk II is just an RX-78 with a new shellLiterally the whole point of the MK II is the fact it's made using the "revoluntary new internal frame", it's literally an entirely different mobile suit inside and out. It doesn't even have a Core Block System.