Asides from snippets. I barely can find any updates on this manga now.
>>23024748They got Gyan’s now
>>23024754what's happening as of right now. I started this thread cause I heard thunderbolt zeong jobbed hard.
>>23024766I stopped reading when zeonic stopped translating after it was licensed. Where can I find and read every translated volume?
I hate those big ugly rocker boosters they shove on everything in thunderbolt>erm, but that's what they would actually friggin' use in space!True, but then you're just making it even more obvious how pointless the humanoid designs of mobile suits would be for space combat, ultimately making it harder to suspend your disbelief than it would otherwise be with the the traditional vernier designs.
>>23025947Didn't 90% of mobile suits then started to have transformations into waveriders for that purpose? fast approach to battlefield, then transform into mobile suit for close encounter
>>23024748I hate this fanfictionIt's so out of touch with MSG development/MS numbers/scale
I always thought this was a short series that finished years ago. Had no idea it was still going.I really enjoyed the first part in space but the cult stuff on earth felt a little lame and I dropped it.
>>23025973Who cares? The ms/ma designs are pure gold. The one thing, however, I didn't expect was the headthing, which was actually quite interesting. Only IBO, X and WFM had something similar out of every gundam show.
>>23024766>Perfect Zeong VS Braw Bro Nise Gundam fight gets interrupted by the solar ray firing>Zeong (no longer Perfect) VS Nise Gundam (no longer Braw Bro'ed) fight mimics the damage taken both MS in the OG show>both MS get fucked by the solar ray firing mechanism>both Io and Daryl are on the Biggest Zam, Io tries to pull a "Char headshot" but Daryl stops him>meanwhile the Biggest Zam is being ripped to shreds by the Mass Produced AI-pilotted Biggerest Zams>Karla Mitchum keeps fighting her personal battle of being a worse waifu than Nina Pendelton
Apparently vol 4 finally got a reprint or something? Used to be you couldn't find it anywhere except for rape prices on eBay or something but now it's back on Amazon and a few other places.
Gyan...with a gun?Why don't you give burning gundam a beam rifle while your at it.
>>23026049>Gyan...with a gun?MSV gives the Gyan a rocket luncher and then goog beam rifle
>>23026068Who gives a shit? The important gyan from the oyw doesn't use a gun. It's a dueling ms.
>>23026049Why is giving it a gyun objectionable or even noteworthy when it's shield is already packed with missiles and bombs?
>>23026191Use your brain
>>23026038>two mobile armors>both have I-fields>both damaged/destroyed by superweapon
>>23026049>>23026068>>23026182>Who gives a shit? The important gyan from the oyw doesn't use a gun. It's a dueling ms.Gentlemen, let's reach a compromise.
>>23024748Daryl is still a faggot
>>23026261>hurrdurr close combat types aren't allowed to have guns
>>23026191>gyunI laughed
>>23026409I-fields are just magnetic fields that repel minovsky particles. Solar system is a concemtrated blas of sunlight, no minovsky particles involved
>>23027449He's just drawing parallels to 0083, not claiming that the I-field meant they should be immune to superweapons.
>>23026409Since the Taal Volcano arc, Thunderbolt has been a constant love letter to the older shows
>>23024748>>23025943There's like 20 volumes on nya, bros. You guys do know nyaa has manga uploads as well, right?
>>23024748they had went full retard with the plot,but it should be finishing really soon
>>23024748Why didn't the feds give him legs like the ones he had in Ghiren's Greed?>>23024754What the hell for? I mean, it's clear that "MSVs are needed", but why did they start mass production of close combat VS "there" in order to make a ranged MS out of it?>>23026038So who ultimately wins the battle for possession of the superlaser? The Feds, the Zeon Remnants, the Fighting Cultists? And what about the "Chinese Federation" - did they become the third party in this AI(?) endless wars?
>>23028102>So who ultimately wins the battle for possession of the superlaser?They're still at it>Io has infiltrated the Bigger Zam to kill Karla>the Black Tri-Stars infiltrated the Bigger Zam too to kill Karla for killing all the Psycho-Zaku pilots for her failed ploy>Daryl is so nervewracked that can't even pilot properly a Zaku I>all the mechanical crew are dead>Bianca just used a grende to free herself>the Siren girl and the Psychommu clone of Fuu are working on the disabled nuke>Anaheim has declared independency from the Federation>the Anaheim AI Bigger Zams are taking their sweet time to damage both the solar ray and the Monk Bigger Zam because plot convenience
>>23028102>what about the "Chinese Federation"Reduced to escaping refugees on Side 6 (iirc), as soon as the monks got their Psycho Zakus and pilots on space, they surrendered to the feds or fled to space
I fucking hate this series and how it has set my expectations to be high for animated gundam shows.
>>23028102I read part of the later physical volumes and there's a scene where a space colony's trying to escape the conflict and they devote tons of resources and missiles just running away. For so close after the OYW, tons of later mechs including the ZII are shown so Thunderbolt Anaheim is way beyond normal canon in dev speed.
>>23024754With shot lancers no less
>>23024754Holy fuck they're so ugly
>>23029074To be fair, that is a fanservice chapter, and the president of AE tells Io that those are "design models" and will take them 6 years to begin actual tests
>mfw reading thunderbolt's plot
Daryl is a fucking retard and Io is a fucking retard AND an obnoxious loose cannon. Who the fuck am I supposed to be rooting for?
>>23032849Io because at least he's not a cripple