Zanscare mobile weapons thread, because Victory Gundam is objectively the best TV anime Tomino ever made and second best Gundam series after Seed Destiny. Starting off with Zanspine, the Bespa equivalent to V2 Gundam.
The best Zanscare MS isn't even from Victory Gundam.
BESPA MS bug me because of the bug eyes. It just makes the machines seem so villainous, in a way that mono-eyes don't. Except that mono-eyes do come off as pretty evil in MSG, and in later shows and OVAs Zeon mobile suits are retroactively made "neutral" and more plausible as realistic war machines. And I can't get over my silly preconceptions because no one had ever gone back and done that for BESPA mobile suits in the same way that Zeon's have been reworked over and over and over.I have no such issues with Crossbone Vanguard gas mask eyes. I guess because despite being frequently shown in media as being creepy, gas masks are known real life tools.
love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe. i'm so glad it was a protagonsit mobile suit for a couple episodes so they could make a kit of it.
I don't really like many Zanscare suits, they're too bug-eyed for me. The exception is this beaut. The cool raijin backpack, the beam mace, the colorscheme, it's so fucking cool.
>>23026402Are mobile armors welcome too? Say hello to Doggog, the new mobile armor introduced in UC Engage. Essentially Doggorla on steroids with funnels, piloted by Katejina & Chronicle.Art by Ishigaki like many Zanscare mecha.
seein' alot of cool guys so far
>>23026837One of my favorite bad guy units
>>23026837wish they remastered the 1/144 so I could pair it with my victory, crossbones and phantom
>>23026402Where are the bikini women?
>>23028034They didn't pilot mobile suits.
>>23026837I like this also, just change the face and switch the colors a bit and its pretty much an MC mech
>>23026974This is just the Judecca
>>23026402ZM-S06S Zoloat is the finest non-federal mass produced MS in all of UC.
>>23026974Looks out of place and nothing like the other Zanscare MS
>>23026837The RE/100 is super cool. Too bad it's P-Bandai.
>>23026891"Bug-eyed" ~ I think that their theme as they were made by BESPA, which reference to vespa, the wasp/hornet. Plus it fits to their motif of queen bee and their cult-like of hive mind mentality.
>>23032248Also referencing Shokeku-Dogu statues that depict fertility goddesses, thing into the theme.
>>23028434Compare it to the Doggorla right under it. The "tail" looks nothing alike, the binders look nothing alike, the armor looks nothing alike. Zanscare MS use rounded shapes and this is angular
hello friendsthis Sandhoge almost defeats Uso
I am inordinately fond of the Memedorza.
>>23036075I love how that Unicorn manga featured its rifle. We only knew it's an old model beam rifle not used by Zanscare military, but apparently it was a 50 year old type from Republic of Zeon days
>>23026837It does look like an aura battler here
>>23052902"Zaku">>23057296"Dom"and "Gouf"Go ahead and look at them again.You won't be able to unsee it.
>>23061480swing and a miss three times in a row, impressive
>>23061476Well, I can definitely say why I don't like UC - it's the dehumanization of the Federation's enemies by giving their MS frankly villainous or, in this case, insect-like design elements. All this immediately turns the story into a simple confrontation between good and evil and emasculates any interest in watching.What's good about Gundam AU, in particular IBO or WfM, is that the participants in the events and conflicts there have different but quite technological MS without any emphasis on the "otherness" of the combat machines, which allows the viewer/reader to avoid the pressure of choosing between "ours" and "not ours".
>>23062480But the pilots in those one-eyed or insect-like mechs get humanized all the time. What about Wattary Gilla? 0083 is literally about the feds going 'bad'. It has a white, heroic Gundam piloted by a maniac who nukes a fleet. Zeta has straight-up evil feds. UC loves to take your expectations based off of the 'otherness' of the bad guy designs and turns it around. They didn't design Nazi uniforms to look evil. They became evil-looking by association.
>>23061480Shokew is closer to a Gyan or an RX-78-Z1
>>23062523You're right about 0083, but the GP02 is a villainous subversion of the heroic Gundam, it is not depicted as heroic in any way.
>>23062480You can argue the opposite- look at the GM, it's a faceless robot thing. The front of the head is just visor, but it doesn't even look like a motorcycle helmet or anything a human wears- the thing is just a big robot. Meanwhile, the Zaku has the gas mask look- it's a soldier, one of our boys in the army, just in a bigger "suit". Humanized, unlike those literally faceless killing machines the Feddies use.
>>23064883I disagree - the Zeon MS look like a relic of an old super-robot anime (all those spikes and unnecessary vulnerable hoses), while the feds' MS are realistic and well-designed mass-produced combat vehicles.
>>23028065really digging the cosmo babylonia influences
>>23069497Odd to see a Rabbit-themed MS instead of an insect-themed one from Zanscare
>>23028067Why do Zanscare MS even have squinted eyes?
>>23028435Did they make her breasts bigger?
>>23071647Unique eye sensors to fit the bug theme their MS have
>>23069819>RabbitIt's still an insect, those are antennas.
>>23071738It does not look like a butterfly at all
new old concept art
>>23071845what in the kamen rider is that face?>>23071862Xi Gundam?>>23071873I love this, reminds me of picrel
>>23072710>what in the kamen rider is that face?early draft from before they decided on the bug eyes, same goes for >>23071847>Xi Gundam?workshopping ideas for >>23071860
>>23071845>>23072710Based Gaimchads
>>23073975>Name is bespa>Bug idea came later How?
>>23073996The particular implementation of the bug theme might have come a little after the name was decided.
>>23062480Does Japan even have the same connotations regarding insects?Kamen Rider is one of their biggest heroes, despite being heavily insect-themed (motorcycles, too, come to think of it), so Japanese children may not be quite as quick to judge the Zanscare designs as being villainous, especially with Uso piloting the Shokew in the first couple of episodes.
>>23073975>>23073996>>23074022The proposal for V Gundam written by Tomino apparently already included a connection to insects (BESPA-vespa) and >>23071845 and >>23071847 are still compound eyes, although less organic-looking and more techno-looking.>In Tomino's proposal, the forces of the enemy Zanscare Empire were named BESPA (Ballistic Equipment & Space Patrol Armory). In Japanese phonetics, this is written identically to vespa, the Latin and Italian word for "wasp." Perhaps for this reason, Tomino requested that the BESPA mobile suits have insect-like compound eyes, but otherwise the designers had been given no specific directions.My guess is that it doesn't *have* to be specifically the round bug eyes since there's mobile suits like the Godzorla where the head doesn't even have distinctive "eyes" and seems to just be a giant sensor panel or something. There's a bunch of concepts where the bug theme is more apparent in the body than just being limited to the eyes/head.>>23074061Sometimes it's less about specifically looking evil and just having a theme and being different enough to tell apart easily. Nobody necessarily thinks the Crossbone Vanguard are necessarily evil for specifically having goggles and gas-mask style of face, but sometimes they'll also just phone it in and decide to have the Feds use monoeyes because it's easier to recognize them as an enemy that way. It still doesn't mean people will get confused just because the AEUG uses Rick Dias which are another type of monoeye (same as the Gaza-C), or that the Psyco Gundam is an ally because it's a Gundam face.
>>23074088A few of the designs are quite Gundam-like, were they planning on a proper evil Gundam early on?
>>23078836that'd be Shokew. It's gundam-esque enough that it was supposed to carry the show for the first 3 eps until Uso got in the Victory.
>>23074061Until the heisei stuff Kamen Riders were enemy cyborgs that defected to the good side. They have always supposed to look "evil"
>>23071872>>23071873Very buglike.
>>23036459Knight of Jove, is that you?
>>23026415Literally Kill Vearn from Dragon Quest.this one has a scythe instead
>>23071650No, she has always been pretty big.