Are Puru clones a thing?
>>23029312Yeah, even in the original show they were a thing
>>23029312Chise is a Puru?
It's called a loli.It existed before purus.
Technically, Rei from Eva are Puru clones.
>>23029312Yes. Also post redheads
>>23029312fuck off, Gridiots
>>23029340Chise is an armpit slut.
>>23029312I suppose Sophie from G-Witch, maybe?
>>23029791Isn't Asuka more of a Puru 1+2?
>>23029995That's a Nena Trinity clone
>>23029312>obtain cloning technology>Zeon can now produce their army of Aryan newtype super soldiers>they're all redhead lolis with brother fetisheswhat did Glemy mean by this
>>23030611>brother fetishesthat's just nature
>>23029312Yes Rei Ayanami
>>23030407Was Nena a Puru clone?
>>23030643wanna lick?
>>23030611You can't compete with perfection
>>23030611Should have been redhead lolis with father complexes. That's why he lost, he failed to understand papacons are better soldiers.
>>23030806>papacons are better soldierssays who?
>>23030964Consider the following, lack of father leads to daddy issues, lack of brother does not lead to brother issues. Therefore the need for papalove is clearly stronger. Thus papacon clones will fight harder because their need is greater. The glemy faction would have won if he had imprinted them as daughters instead of little sisters.
>>23030975your math is all messed up
>>23029855My man of culture
>>23030611Glemmy wasn't very smart.
>>23034753rero rero rero rero rero
Isn't it spelled "Ple"
>>23030611>>23031670Glemy being Gihren's bastard son makes a lot of sense when you realize how terribly Glemy mismanages his life and Axis' resources.
>>23035055No, "Ple" is her nickname as that was the fist noise she made spitting up cum. tl;dr, she is a whore.
>>23035055If you're a zoomer
Is Machu a puru?
>first UC girl to get a figure rise kit>same month as HG Psyco Gundam Mk IIkneel>>23035055I spell it Puru but pronounce it "Ple" since it rolls off the tongue better, imho
>>23057699>since it rolls off the tongue betterAmong other things for her.
>>23029316Speaking of her, where was she when everyone was seeing Judau and Roux off at the end of ZZ?
>>23035055>these responsesAre we really THIS full of newfags?
>>23069237She died of the injuries she sustained when the Quin Mantha blew up from Roux killing Glemmy. You see the exact moment she dies on the ship.
>>23070314She dies then? Everyone was so nonchalant about it and excited to see Judau, I would have expected then to at least acknowledge her dying. Jeez
>>23069237>>23070314She's alive in my heart. And SRW, etc
I want to show Puru 2 to bully my pp
>>23071105 for the end
>>23029312Of course.
>>23029312>just remembered that Marida was forcefully prostituted>mfw cloned sex slaves are a thing in UC
>>23071101Yeah she just kinda dies without any real fanfare or notice. This was back when Tomino was big on the whole "death in war isn't always glamorous or overly tragic, sometimes it just...happen"
>>23088361>death in war isn't always glamorous or overly tragic, sometimes it just...happenWish things would stay like that.
Happy Valentine's Day Chise dear.
Martian Purus
>>23102083Ayy lmao.
>>23088361I wish he handled Victory like that. Watching the entire cast cry for nobodies the viewer barely has had time to met was really annoying. Well, I guess near the end he does kill some main characters without much of a reaction, but that doesn't undo all the unearned melodrama earlier in the series.
>>23106122You know, different characters will react differently to different situations.
>>23106147I mean, if he wanted to show that the cast reacted, we could just get a brief aftermatch, like teary eyes while they're already moving on to something else or a brief shot of them mourning/burying her. But nope. Even the first shrike team member who gets killed in basically one episode after her debut as part of a huge ensemble cast with little individual focus then gets full on flashbacks and the entire cast crying for her. Even though the viewer has no reason to be invested in her at all.
>>23106154Are you autistic?
>>23088361I don't have any issue with the whole "sometimes people just die amid the chaos and no one has the time to have any real reaction about it" approach but I think with Puru Two that was handled really poorly.If the situation was very chaotic and there was a lot of pressure for the rest of the cast, it would've made sense but she died right after the crew won their final battle against Haman's forces, so no one noticing or caring about what happened with that injured girl just feels off.
>>23110832Sometimes lolis die, it's natural.
>>23071101>>23070314some of her clone sisters survived though to become onaholes like what happened to Marida.
>>23035055It was officially localized as Puru back when oldfags actually watched this shit in significant numbers, and played English release games involving the character.It's supposed to be a reference to an old otaku magazine called Lemon People.L. People = Elpeo Ple. So it would be spelled Ple but pronounced Pull... which comes out as "Puru" for native Japanese speakers. At some point the localizers decided keeping this obscure as fuck trivia intact was more important than having her name spelled how it sounds. This created further confusion cause I'm pretty sure an English dubbed line in Unicorn has her name literally pronounced "Pleh".
>>23120897>It's supposed to be a reference to an old otaku magazine called Lemon People. The subject came up on /gpg/ last week and another explanation was that Tomino named her after some fairies he read about, though many assume it was the aforementioned publication. I don't know which is real but I can live with both.
>>23120990the lemon people rumor is just that, a rumor
>>23120897>>23120990Elpeo Ple is super popular and her name also has a backstory to it. Director Tomino is the one who came up with her name. The director was reading a book that talked about a family of adorable fairies, so he used their name. In other words, the people of El. However, there was an issue with the name. When he suggested the name to the scriptwriter, Mr. Endo, he rejected it, saying, “But we already have Elle and Roux.” Despite that, he managed to get it through as he took a particular liking to the name Elpeo Ple.- Zeonic
>>23127552Kill yourself spammer.