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File: Competent Starscream.png (366 KB, 945x360)
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>Stranded in the year 534 AD
>Uses human slave labor to provide himself with energy, creates gunpowder
>Has Warpath and Hoist at his mercy until a literal fucking wizard intervenes with magic

>Exiled to Guadalcanal
>Robs Cybertron of personality components, uses leftover WWII wrecks to create his own army
>Defeats the rest of the Decepticons and has Megatron entirely at his mercy, the latter ceding leadership to him right before Menasor intervenes to turn the tide

It's like being backed into a corner with limited resources actually makes him use that scientist brain of his. Honestly, would he have been a more effective leader than Megatron?
His egotism was his downfall.
I remember Transformers poorly after watching everything up to Animated but it always looked like he sucked at consolidating power, which is what is actually important in top dog leadership, so in the end he's a useful idiot with a constant rebellious streak
The problem is when given authority, Starscream's pride turns him into a raging idiot. It's like a lot of computer nerds: brilliant solutions but they need someone to keep them in line, because when you let them off the leash they start doing stupid things.
>would he have been a more effective leader than Megatron?

Starscream is an idea guy. He can come up with some legitimately good plans, but he lacks the physical presence and personality to inspire others to believe in or follow him. The moment he tastes any kind of real power, everything goes wrong because it becomes more about his own personal glory than anything else, which always ends up leaving him both overconfident, unlikeable and setting himself up for disaster.
Hmmm, I guess this thread will do for this news.


Transformers Reactivate is cancelled.
I saw this coming when we hadn't heard anything about it since that teaser trailer.
Yeah I just saw this in /v/.
Not surprised at all honestly, like >>23031870 said we've heard nothing about it since.

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