How is Megaton Musashi? I imported the game when it came out, but never got a chance to play through it very much and was a bit filtered with how text heavy it was. Is it as good as LBX was? I was a big fan of that game; however, I hear Musashi has a bit of a grind to it and a lot of content it locked behind DLC?
People had their fun with it, I haven't played it but everyone said it was crazy fun even if finding some gear was grindy.
I thought it was okay. I also played it before the W revision and then their latest attempt to turn it into an episodic online game. The story is cool and batshit insane in a non-apologetic Level-5 way but I hate visual novels in my games. Presentation wise it hits a sweet spot and mecha design is very nice. Gameplay is okay and apparently opens up more later on with customization but I dropped it after a while.>Is it as good as LBX was? Not in my opinion, it wasn't. LBX kicks ass.
it was fun, but it felt like a phone game at times