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The series feels like a typical Gundam AU series
It definitely takes place in the same world as ZZ. Take that as you will.
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only the original 6 volume crossbone story, the more crossbone story Hasegawa writes, the more out of place of UC it becomes
No, it feels more coherent with UC than anything else that's not written by Tomino.
Perhaps you just don't know what UC is.
Yeah no anime for both
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You just outed yourself as a secondary. Crossbone heavily references the previous entries and is a logical continuation of the series
The thing I like the most about Crossbone it's that how creative it is with technology mostly without downright creating new tech that don't already exist in mainline UC.
Ive always thought that crossbone, victory along with f91 are treated like AUs with sunrise. Theyll acknowledge the series in timelines, sure, but they probably realized the money makers for UC are the fed v zeon stories. Thats not to say any of the aforementioned series are bad, but lets be honest, youll find more people talking about narrative of all things than any of the three. sunrise just doesnt see them in line with the rest of the UC series.
Why there is no anime of this?
Like >>23036870 said, it's zeon fault.
Which is weird since it has the most "ZEON, FUCK YEAH!" moment in the entire franchise.
It feels more UC than Unicorn. The characters feel like real people in a conflict instead of voiceboxes for the creator to spout pseud drivel they thought sounds deep.
and yet...
And what would that be, the momkeys?
Yup I realize they are both UC. OP was talking about the feel.
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I really like patchwork
The Zeon army saving the day and fighting the Divinidads alongside the feddies.
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say whatever you want about Unicorn or Narrative (specially Narrative) but damn that ost is amazing
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Why does that thing have the Bandock’s head?
These Zakus are the best
Dust is set after the Federation completely collapsed, and the science of manufacturing new mobile suits was lost. Warlords vying for power filled the vacuum with constant warfare, and the various factions built new mobile suits by salvaging old ones for scrap and patchworking things together.
There was no Zeon there.
I was just joking with Banagher's catchphrase
>Crossbone heavily references the previous entries
>and is a logical continuation of the series
Absolutely fucking not
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>Dust is set after the Federation completely collapsed, and the science of manufacturing new mobile suits was lost. Warlords vying for power filled the vacuum with constant warfare, and the various factions built new mobile suits by salvaging old ones for scrap and patchworking things together.

Looks like UC might be Saved after all
and yet many have literally minovsky craft systems in tiny ms which is bleeding edge technology
>science of manufacturing new mobile suits was lost
This is fucking retarded

G-Saviour never lost manufacturing tech, they just got wrapped up in bureaucracy and trapped behind low budgets as the federation ran out of money and got mismanaged to hell. The colony branches retained the tech and just dusted it off for the movie. The G-Saviour and Rais have your typical late UC staples even though they're just higher budget versions of the old Freedom and Bugu. And the very next year they make the Raven, which completely shits all over the G-Savior, and then the G3 which beats Raven
Oh lol. I only ever think of him with soredemo.
Try reading the fucking manga. The Federation hasn't collapsed. They're still active. They're still big and bad. They mostly leave the colonies alone. Arnold is part of the EFF group Cyclops/Kyklops or whatever
Every non animated UC work is an AU story.
>Every non animated UC work is an AU story
so Thunderbolt and GQuuuuuuX are mainline UC?
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what Zaku variant is that?

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