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What happened to alpha and beta?
>this thread again
When was it?
All of these look cool in their own way up until you get to Xi.
Man Hathaway had some shit gundam designs.
RX-78-2 is unofficially "Alpha"
Also you just know that they'll have it secretly continue after Xi, like a Pi, Tau, or Psi
But the Xi is so cute
>Nero: Lambda
I thought Nero was the cheapo MP variant of the S gundam
It was a combination of S Gundam and Lambda Gundam. But there's no actual art of Lambda
Alpha is the original as >>23040191 wrote.
The Betas are the GP Gundams like the Physalis and Dendrobium, with the Physalis influencing Gamma Gundam, which is the Rick Dias.
The original wasn't an Anaheim project, it was in-house development by the feds. GP series would be alpha if anything since they're the first Gundam MS project by Anaheim as far as I know.
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For me, it's the Z-III
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So...Turn A is the Omega Gundam?
Alpha Gundam was a proposed but passed over prequel series to the original Gundam.
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You could stretch that the OVER-ON from Walpurgisnacht is "Omicron" but only because the words sound similar
No, as there's no evidence of Anaheim's involvement in its creation
Omega would be the last Gundam suit produced by Anaheim, incorporating data from every suit made since the OYW up until its inception
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...the Turn X? A Gundam we have not yet seen?
Maybe unreleased prototypes that weren't good enough to make it to production?
No proof of Anaheim being behind Turn X
The only Gundam suit to come after the Turn-A chronologically is the Extreme Gundam from EX-A
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In what way is the DOUBLE ZETA Gundam "Theta"??
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Bitch you know who's the Alpha Gundam
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Omega Gundam were never made since Anaheim pretty much ditch the greek lettering scheme by around F91.
Rezel should be in the ZII family
Silhouette and Neo are copies of the Formula line, they're not intended as replacements for the alphabet project

That's you, the viewer
At that point in the timeline, Anaheim hasn't made any more entries in the greek alphabet since Xi failed
Anaheim didn't need to invent the original gundam for it to be the 'Alpha' in this theoretical lineage.

Its connection to the Gundam Development Project are actually more contentious because that project was disavowed but Anaheim is obviously drawing from the lessons learned there too.

As such, the original Gundam and the GP project as a whole make the most sense as alpha and beta in this theoretical greek letter set, but neither are actually part of the Zeta project because they predate it and the actual Zeta project starts at Gamma because the Gamma Gundam is named after the Gundarium Gamma used in its construction.
I don't think Xi was ever meant for mass production. They gave it to a terrorist,even if the feds bought the "that's not one of ours" excuse, making a MP version of a MS they supposedly know nothing about would prove they were involved.
Genius is also suggesting that Anaheim would have publicly disclosed their development of a competitor to SNRI's formula system
I don't know if "publicly", but the entire project exists because the Federation intentionally leaked Formula project data to Anaheim so they can come out ahead. The only ones who don't know about the project are SNRI themselves
None of the greek letter projects were specifically meant for mass production. Gamma, Zeta, Delta went into limited production, but only because they were relatively successful and clients asked for followups. A whole bunch of Anaheim greek letter models were one-offs to explore certain kinds of tech and/or never went anywhere. Epsilon, Iota, Nu, and Xi didn't contribute much of anything to any MP MS, either being too expensive to mass produce or were not even considered for mass production at all.

Silhouette project might have been more or less a secret, but the resulting Neo Gundam, Silhouette Gundam, etc were openly provided to the Federation forces for testing as competitors to the F90 and F91. They weren't exactly top secret models that no one was allowed to know about. Anyone who doesn't know the true origins of the Neo and Silhouette Gundams just assumes that AE has been hard at work catching up and independently developed similar technology to what SNRI was able to come up with first, not exactly unlike how in the OYW Federation and Zeon independently worked on and came up with beam rifles and magnetic coating within a couple of months of each other.
Moon Gundam's Theta Plus is a mass production version of the ZZ, which implies that it is Theta Gundam
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Funny how the S2 is basically the Sigma in all but name
I'm surprised they haven't rolled out a Hathaway MSV yet. There's no way the Xi doesn't have any prototypes laying around.
The Xi's prototype is the Penelope.
Penelope is the name of the armor unit
The main issue is that Alphabetically, there's nothing between Nu and Xi in the Greek alphabet so any earlier prototypes would be late variants of the Nu
Eh, if we wanna be autistic about it, Odysseus is the name of the core MS unit alone. The Odysseus combined with the FF (fixed flight addon) is called the Penelope.

Odysseus by itself has no minovsky flight capability and I'm mostly sure it doesn't have funnel missiles either, so the Odysseus isn't really the prototype to the Xi when it doesn't have any of those shared features.
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Doesn't a core fighter make a waverider mode kind of pointless?
It looks a lot better in some older drawings. Newer ones have a bunch of greeble.
Waverider is usually meant to allow atmospheric entry, which core fighters can't do. If it's not a waverider but just a transformation into a mobile armor mode, then it's still higher performance than any core fighter in terms of thrust and firepower.

Core fighter is usually protected because it's inside the chest, so it can still eject and be in good condition even if the machine it ejected from took damage, but it's usually low-powered and mostly serves to get the pilot away from dangerous situations, not for fighting in general.
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not really, a core fighter is an escape pod on steroids but little more beyond that

Correction, Formula project have nothing to do with Zeta's cancelation, as it's dead long before it takes off.
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what did William Bridgeman mean by this?
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But who's the Aleph Gundam?
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>Gamma Gundam
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Ah yes, the "Dabasan's vs Daisan's!?" circle. Here's their take on the Lambda Gundam
the gabaldy units…
Nah it was probably the SNRI itself that authorized the leak at this point. They've been leaking tech to literally everyone. Mars. Jupiter. Busch Concern. League Militaire
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Ah yes, the seldom-seen Sigma Gundam. Is it the MSK-009? Is it the MSA-014? Is it the RX-183? Who knows? I do know Yukio Ageta did a nice job on the model. And I also know that it has a descendant: the MSA-0XX Double Sigma Gundam!
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And the RX-178 is "Beta"
I don't know how anyone discredits this given its history all the way up to CCA
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wow anaheim sure didn't know their greek alphabet, they fucking came up with delta and gamma before stealing beta
>Expecting lore continuity from the cash cow franchise
The fact it's even remotely more consistent than Zelda's "timeline" isn't surprising.
or maybe trying to shoehorn non-anaheim designs as being anaheim's alpha and beta projects is stupid and just like real life military, not all projects are sequentially labeled and numbered

>hurr durr there must be so many top secret fighter projects from F-24 to F-34 that involve aliens and time travel because they would never jump from F-22 to F-35 for no reason
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The GP project could have been Alpha and Beta, except that there were freakin' FIVE GP Gundams.

Oh wait!! It may have started with Gamma because of Gundarium Gamma -- in fact, I may have heard that somewhere....

The Gamma Gundam (what became the Rick Dias) was so named because it was to be a Gundam made of Gundarium Gamma, and then they just carried on with more greek letters after that. After all, the Rick Dias was the first Anaheim MS. At least, it was originally, before retro-continuity stories like 0083 came along.
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I prefer the idea that the "Dabasan's vs Daisan's!?" circle came up with, using a cleaned-up version of the Hi-Streamer novel's new Gundam as the Myu Gundam
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The Hi-Streamer in the novel looked like this... thing...
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Thith ith the Aleph Gundam.
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>and just like real life military,
Some butthurt janny (probably you, given the range of posters in /m/ these days) deleted my comment, so I'll just sum it up again: we're done at this statement.
And if you want to be autistic about it: EFF has had deep ties with Anaheim forever, who also played both sides. Delete it again to prove me right.
this is 100% true and cannot be refuted

also anaheim themselves skipped greek letters
I think this rough design for the ZZ is really cool and I wish it was real. I dubbed it the Omega Gundam, because why not?
Another rough draft, that was closer to the eventual final design, but less interesting (to me). Double Omega Gundam, I guess?
get your extreme vs bs lore out of here
Cry more about it. Having all of Gundam die with Turn A is boring
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The only times this thing has gotten a name, it's been "Nagano's version of the Gundam ZZ," the "White Mirage" (when it was reimagined as a Mortar Headd), and "Proto Epsy Gundam" (a kind of midpoint between the Psycho Gundam and the ZZ)
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Ah yes, that one! Back when Mamoru Nagano was going to do the mecha for Char's Counterattack, this was his design for what would eventually become the Re-GZ.

Meanwhile, here's a pretty picture by Nagano
Since we're on the subject of these things, here's a re-re-revised version.
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Ooooh, I've never seen that page before! It's from a Nagano exhibition artbook, eh? Will need to find it. I've seen the MS before, but the notes that it's a 14m mobile suit named Trancer Alpha is new to me. Thanx for sharing!

Meanwhile, here's Kazumi Fujita's take on Nagano's idea for the ZZ Gundam. I've named it the MSF-010 Double Delta Gundam.
It's primarily the chest it takes from the Lambda. Maybe the skirt aswell, but the rest of it feels like S gundam and generic AE part design
the lambda utilised bits
I could've sworn it also had heritage to a upsilon gundam - but I might be misremembering
Epsilon/Epsy Gundam is different, it's basically a Mark II and Hyaku Shiki hybrid that has been scaled up to Psyco Gundam size and has nuclear pulse thrusters for interplanetary travel, so it doesn't have much to do with the Nero.
upsilon/ypsilon not epsilon
but there can never be enough epsy posting
I'm the alpha, check your mirror to see the beta
Those funnel ports look weird. But I really like the poncho looking armor the Hi-Streamer Nu has
Does anyone recognize what book this page is from?
It's from this book
Dunno but what is obvious to me is that Iota/S/Ex-S clears
Is it on the panda site?
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tho not really UC, GQuuuuuuX timeline has
the RX-78-02 (which is atleast strongly implied to be of Anaheim Origin) is redeveloped by Zeon into the gMS-α Red Gundam
unsure if they made it clear where the titular gMS-Ω GQuuuuuuX is from.
Head reminds me of Mk V so I can't hate it
>(which is atleast strongly implied to be of Anaheim Origin)
I don't think I've ever seen a decent picture of the Zeta Rapier One transformed. Dangit.
RX-78 has the same origin as the real one. Red Gundam is just the RX-78 with a new paintjob, psycommu, and bits
If you accept the current bandai method of arbitrarily adding random parts of Yas’ Origin to the current compendium of UC, Tem Ray developed the RX-78 at Anaheim.
that being said, don’t see any indication of GQuuuuuuX having any of the MS manufacturers (other than Zeonic shutting down after the initial run of Zaku II)

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