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I just played No More Heroes 3 and the main character gives mecha recommendations to another character throughout the game and I want to check at least some of them out:
>Space Runaway Ideon
>Space Warrior Baldios

Most of these have multiple series, especially Gundam, so I'm a little overwhelmed. Any recommendations on where to start and what can be skipped?
Skip Space Runaway Ideon

The show itself is nowhere near as interesting as anything you've read on it would lead you to believe it is, it's quite disappointing actually.
Ok cool thanks. It actually specifically recommended the movie Be Invoked, so maybe I'll just watch that.
Be Invoked on its own is way better than the actual TV show, but watching JUST that leaves you without much context for the characters, especially Karala and Sheryl.

Really, I just wouldn't bother. It's like watching End of Evangelion alone without anything else.
I only like Getter and Votoms outta those.
Ideon's repetitive
Baldios is terrible melodrama that can't even write its characters consistently
Dougram doesn't even bother having characters in the first place, everyone except Lecoque is bland
Layzner is extremely slow and repetitive before the timeskip
Gundam I haven't watched, it's just not my thing
Baldios and the original Gundam have pretty good recap movies, you should definitively check those out. The Ideon recap movie jump around way too much IMO.
This would be highly foolish. A Contact, the previous (compilation) movie, is also not a viable replacement for the series.
Ideon is slow paced but worth it for Be Invoked. You can watch the movies only if you want.

Baldios is great and has 2 endings (TV and movie)

Layzner is like Baldios but has cut ending (OVA fixed it a bit)

Getter Robo is more accessible since you can just watch the OVAs

Gundam is great from 0079 to 00.You can skip everything after 00.
Don't listen to the other guys OP, Ideon is awesome. Just he warnef Baldios is arguably the darkest anime ever made regardless of genre or decade. It's grim. Everything listed is awesome and are all checking out, I'd add Braiger, Orguss, Dunbine, Dorvack, Raideen, and Acrobunch to that list.
Well if Be Invoked is good I'll at least try to find a recap or something.

Votoms looks cool. Getter looks fun

I forgot recap movies are a thing, that helps, thanks.

Darkest ever? Wow. In NMH3 they said that episode 29 is a masterpieces, I'm curious why that is. I haven't even heard of those other titles, thanks.
The "twist" is Baldios is really well done.
>Well if Be Invoked is good I'll at least try to find a recap or something.
Ideon TV is better than these guys are saying, but watch A Contact before Be Invoked.
>Darkest ever?
One of the darkest, capitol B bleak. For THE darkest in all of mecha? Hell Target.

Honestly OP if you want to explore the genre more the board has a Wikia, the navbox pages gives a big list of creators, subgenres, and themes a d the reference page has tons of other Wikias and fan sites to look into.

Awesome, I'm watching it now.

>One of the darkest, capitol B bleak.
Well I'm a few episodes in and a dude is having a meltdown because his hometown Florence was destroyed and he basically gets reprimanded. But does it really get bleaker than even mainstream stuff like say, End of Evangelion, or in Death Note when Kira considers killing his father and sister?
It gets much worse. For everyone.
Kill yourselves. Ideon is peak /m/. Quit the shit posting.
>The show itself is nowhere near as interesting as anything you've read on it would lead you to believe it is, it's quite disappointing actually.
That's incorrect. Explain what's actually about if its not as interesting as you claim its being hyped up. You reek of anti trolling.
The other fags are probably trolls. Ideon probably the most compelling & large in scale on the themes of reincarnation, apocalypse, human extinction & life after death. Its a deeply spiritual story.
Listen to this guy, op. I second his post. Everything on that list is great. Suda 51 has great taste in mecha anime. Those other faggots are retarded soulless subhuman trolls that actually don't like /m/ shit & prefer to speed watch their media. These are not shows you speed watch, you actually have to pay attention as they don't really spoonfeed their major themes like most anime do. Tho, ideon is not really that difficult to comprehend or understand, most fags that watch it to complain about it have a bias against it for what ever reason, maybe its their low iq, undiagnosed autism, being emotionally & mentally underdeveloped or all of the above.
>Skip this post OP, its trash
.......You hate infinite ryvius? :)
>In NMH3 they said that episode 29 is a masterpieces,
Yeah..you're talking about this part right?
That guy is a troll shilling his blog, don't pay attention.
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>Awesome, I'm watching it now.
Don't rush through it. Also that other anon probably is...he's right on the mecha recommendations outside hell target but he's...crazy.
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i wonder if he's OP & just talking to himself the whole time...
Ideon gets shit on exclusively by Evafags. It's mentioned on the Eva wikipedia page, meaning it is one of the shows that Eva "deconstructed" (somehow plagiarism is deconstruction, got it) and is therefore not worth watching. It's better to ignore them and not dignify their idiocy with a response, they are just trying to sound like they know anything about the genre so they feel more credible when sucking Anno's unoriginal cock.
Honestly there's a good chance.
interesting ideas & concepts but its not worth a recommendation. Ending was dark but underwhelming due to meh execution. Also Braiger is episodic boredom with the main heroine doing it with a throw away character.
>Ideon gets shit on exclusively by Evafags.
Pretty much true.
>It's mentioned on the Eva wikipedia page, meaning it is one of the shows that Eva "deconstructed" (somehow plagiarism is deconstruction, got it) and is therefore not worth watching
That can't be real. No one can be that deluded.
Are the evafags here in the room with us?
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>That can't be real. No one can be that deluded.
You best believe it. You can never underestimate the level of evil, manipulation, deceit, spite, inferiority complex, dishonesty & bad faith that all conjoins into the moonlithic creature known as the Evatard(TM). Eva is a great show but it has easily the worst fan base out of the entire /m/ community.
>coming in to damage control
Yes & i bet your faggot ass is one of them.
Did you get dumped by an evafat or something?
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Tha fuck is that? A fat person? Go back, faggot. Before i "dumped" (you) by verbally curb stomping you into oblivion.
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Do not reply to me again. (as if i'd date an evafag) Jesus, no.
Kek so I was right. Don't worry bro it gets better with time.
Stop shilling your failed wiki, Duel.
>maybe its their low iq, undiagnosed autism, being emotionally & mentally underdeveloped or all of the above.
Sounds like you're describing yourself.
>lol projection hehe!
That all you got? Little retarded spammer. Your "comebacks" are as creative as your test scores.
>as creative as your test scores.

That doesn't make any sense lol
Thanks for proving me right, retard.
Ideon, Gundam (Watch them in order of creation, you can skip the ones not directed by series creator Yoshiyuki Tomino)

Great Tier

Good Tier
Everything else.

Shit tier
Layzner. Fucking disaster of an anime.

I'd suggest starting with Baldios. The TV version, not movies.
For all of these, it's the original series.
For Getter, it's the manga- you can tell this by looking at Suda's body of work.
You also missed a couple other references, like they directly reference Zambot 3's ED at one point.

For Gundam, again, it's Suda and his influences are pretty obviously primarily Tomino when it comes to Gundam, but I'd say the only Gundam I see in his works would be the first one from 1979 and Char's Counterattack- funnily enough, Hideo Kojima shares the same influences. Almost like those were the most popular parts of Gundam in Japan.
>you can skip the ones not directed by series creator Yoshiyuki Tomino
True /m/en watch G and SEED.
Thanks for proving YOU right, retarD? Where & how did i prove you right on anything? I called you:
>most fags that watch it to complain about it have a bias against it for what ever reason, maybe its their low iq, undiagnosed autism, being emotionally & mentally underdeveloped or all of the above.

This dipshit faggot post >>23057229
Didn't disprove my point that you a low iq evatard spammer living with undiagnosed autism & is emotionally/mentally stunted. Which you keep proving me right by misusing terms like "projection" on a daily basis as a part of your pathetic little uncreative "comebacks".
You are too dumb & unintelligent to do any better. Childish insults is all your low iq feeble brain can conjure up. You are truly unbelievably retarded af.
G & 00 are good. Skip seed.
Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you to kill yourself already, dumb retarded evatard spammer. )
I agree with said post but why Layzner in shit tier? Great pacing & animation but i think the character writing, themes & plot are nothing to write home about. But is that enough to be in shit tier?
low iq? Check
undiagnosed autism? Check
emotionally & mentally underdeveloped? Check
Yep, you were describing yourself.
No, you have to watch SEED like all the oldfags.
>"Projection!" to "i know you but what am?"
Obviously samefag evatard spammer when you constantly shit post about gundam & ideon specifically, & start calling others "retard" or "projection" when called out for your childish low iq behavior. So we all know you fit the allegations.
Dork, you will never fit in here
But enough about you.
>constantly shit post about gundam & ideon specifically, & start calling others "retard" or "projection" when called out for your childish low iq behavior.
But I don't, I've never have. I'm just calling a mentally ill autist out, one who makes even Duel look sane.
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Droll is tame in comparison to (you). You are a far worse mentally ill spammer than droll.
>You & him both need:
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Yeah, droll does look a little more sane than the evatard spammer. As a matter of fact. Also, Go shogun is good too OP. Check that out. I'm pretty sure suda would agree.
I wonder how OP feels about the loony who's deviating from the topic to go on a visceral rant about Eva fans that was completely uncalled for.
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Nothing. He feels nothing. Suck a dick, faggot or go watch shin getter robo.
>newfag makes thread asking for help
>some retard takes over and starts a flamewar over a personal grudge
It's just another tuesday on /m/.
Fuck off Duel.
With Gundam you should start production order.
0079 tv or movie recomp (prepare for Amuro being an absolute bitch-ass)
ZZ (which you can skip if you can't stand it)
and Char's Counterattack
after that you can mostly skip around or watch AUs
>Actual retard thinks there's a "flamewar" or " personal grudge" over a shit posting spammer
Stfu & don't bring it up again.
Nigga, you're the one who started raging about Evafags completely out of nowhere, for several posts.
also watch Miike's movies that Travis talks about
the only one I have missing is Baldios. I'd say give Ideon, Gundam (first one is best) and Layzner a try.

Getter and Votoms are universally liked, but I didn't like those. But Getter is easy to consume since the definitive experience is the manga.

Dougram is by the same director as Votoms and Layzner. He tends to do moody military and politics-oriented shows, of which Dougram is the most representative of. I personally found Dougram and Votoms insanely boring.
>you think i'm this fag
You type just like him.
>Kinda strange you come to the defense for a spammer
What spammer? The only one spamming this thread right now is you with your mentally ill rants about Evafags.
>You type just like him.
No he doesn't. I am the original anon. For starters I said Evafags while this guy says Evatards. Furthermore, I've been capitalising series names because I graduated primary school and remembered that you capitalise proper nouns.
You may think it wasn't warranted but I don't see any other way to describe the amount of shitposting directed at Ideon recently. I'm not really an oldfag but I was around well before Eva hit Netflix, and shows like Ideon were almost like sacred cows. Not that I agree with that, I love Ideon but we shouldn't ever have sacred cows. Problem is that criticism towards Ideon rarely extends beyond "durr its le old". Because of this, and an attitude from fans of Evangelion that their show is somehow better than older shows because it's a "deconstruction" (it is neither a deconstruction nor remotely good, let alone better than other mecha anime), I believe Evafags are the ones responsible for this idiotic shitposting.
I already told you to stfu & don't bring it up again, Enough of this shit. Stay on topic. Like i'm doing:
I found Votoms pretty boring but still good. I suggest OP should watch gundam 0079 first before trying anything else on the list as its pretty easy & fast to watch. Very straight forward beginner friendly. If you enjoy 0079 you'll most likely enjoy other old anime too. I consider it a litmus test.
I'm really glad you just popped up as another eye witness. Holy yes.
>I already told you to stfu & don't bring it up again, Enough of this shit. Stay on topic. Like i'm doing:
This isn't a reply to you, but the other guy claiming i'm (you). Like i said earlier i'm pretty crass or straightforward when talking shit to the evatard. Your posting & grammer is better than mine. Its obvious we're not remotely the samefag.
>I believe Evafags are the ones responsible for this idiotic shitposting.
I agree.
How are posts clowning on your mental illness supposed to be "Evatard spam" again?
If you like No More Heroes you should read Apocalypse Zero
It is the most No More Heroes manga ever made, and it very tokusatsu and /m/ coded
You both(?) have a chip on your shoulders that you need to deal with ASAP. It's not healthy to be this mad over fucking cartoons.
>You're doing a piss poor job convincing us you're not the shit posting evatard
Good god, please take your meds already.
>pretending to be two different people
Holy shit we are reaching duel levels of stupidity.
Nice samefagging.
>durr you are le mad over cartoons
You seem pretty upset yourself over accusations that Evafags are shitposters. I'm just describing the retarded anti-Ideon sentiment floating around nowadays, not sure how you can interpret it as anger beyond the use of "-fag", in which case you are either a newfag or a tourist and should go back to Evageeks or Reddit.
I will never understand the idiocy of the backseat janny who cries about threads going off the original topic. Do you cry when a conversation veers off from its original topic as well? Guess what, autist, there's no rule against it and OP can answer his fucking dumb question by watching the shows instead of requesting anons to give a synopsis. So fuck OP, fuck this thread, and fuck you, faggot.
>You also missed a couple other references, like they directly reference Zambot 3's ED at one point.
Really? Was it just another dialogue with Travis and Charlotte? Actually there was also a baseball anime he recommends too, but I couldn't find an English version of that.

Thanks, I actually do have a separate list for the Miike movies, as well as the spam "Notflix" emails you get with recommendations like 51 Grams and Female Prisoner 51 and even just random shit that gets mentioned, like there are Black Rain and Wall Street references in Travis Strikes Again or NMH3 that I added. Actually I even tried to find videos of the Japanese wrestlers he talks to Shinobu about. I probably missed a lot more references.

Yeah as far as Gundam I should at least watch the original.

Thanks, I'll check it out.
NMH3 feels like Suda desperately trying to tell people to let him do a mecha game. He has some great taste. The game is full of references.
I read before that he wanted to make two gundam game in the past (Adaptation of Gundam Hathaway, and a game about Yazan)
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>Yeah as far as Gundam I should at least watch the original.
Yes. Its great. Also, i forgot to mention zambot 3. I think you should try 79 & zambot 3 back to back before starting ideon & baldios. Ignore all the rampant shit posting in your thread. There's at least 3 dedicated loser trolls on /m/ that hate mecha shows with a passion. Willing to lie about said show's quality to story/plot to deter new posters. Anyone telling you these shows are shit without good faith constructive criticism is a troll attempting to deter you from watching them. Ignore them. This board is pretty shit & more anon's should stand up more often to this behavior.
Dude let it go, you wanna keep ranting and ruining the thread? Go to discord or wherever the fuck.
Suda 51 is a really cool guy indeed. He seems pretty knowledgeable about a lot of other mecha anime too.
>This board is pretty shit & more anon's should stand up more often to this behavior.
Going on rants about your personal boogeymen like a schizo ain't how you should do it.
I did a double take when they mentioned Baldios.
Suda knows his shit.
Hmm? Are you OP? Why are you replying to me like this? You're veering off topic again..
I screen capped that line of dialogue. I don't care much for references or homages to media but the baldios, cca & ideon ones in NMH3 really made me jump from surprise & excitement. Really cool moment from suda 51.
Yup. He's a well known westaboo, but he's got good taste in anime.
>some of the most well known and critically acclaimed mecha shows
>dude omg he's literally a scholar and literally me omg
>Bro. Literally everyone knows about Baldios, man. My coworkers talk about it around the water cooler.
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He does. Can the same be said of kojima? He rarely talks about anime he loves. 0079, CCA, GITS, Oedo, edgerunners are the only things that he brought up that he likes.
Travis' bike's name is a Five Star Stories reference.
Suda is a giant otaku that loves wrestling. tokusatsu and mecha. The main reason he's not talked about is that he's relatively niche and doesn't steal scenes/plot from what he likes instead creating his own thing so people can't grift with the "deconstruction" angle. The best he'll do are things like Midorikawa fights where after teleport Travis nerds about them being in a place where they filmed Kamen Rider Zi-o or those missable dialogues
This is a reference to this
I think the entire Grasshopper studio is infected by this Otakuness. even games not directed/written by Suda had this all over.
For some reasons they (Suda and others) really love Takeshi Miike too.
Man I wish for more guys like Suda or swery who is more or less the Suda of Kusoge kek, both are friends too

NMH3 did feel a bit too fan-service at all for the new generation of fans who behave a bit too differently (and many skipped the spin off that's very important to NMH3 too for some reasons), but it also felt more like Suda talking to the players on others. It would have being impossible to replicate the experience of the original game, but it still was nice. It was also cool he didn't pretend NMH2 didn't happened since it wasn't directed/written by him. I wonder what he's doing next.
>really love Takeshi Miike too.
He makes really japanese style movies and some of them are pretty good like Ichi the Killer or 13 Assassins
>I wonder what he's doing next.
They've been doing a new mysterious game for like 3-4 years and all the 2-3 teaser pics look like shit (it will be good then), saw that he even made a diorama of the whole playable space and apparently some other devs took that idea from him
>and doesn't steal scenes/plot from what he likes
You especially need to watch more toku. I'm not complaining but Suda has taken HEAVY inspiration from a fuck ton of tokusatsu with very minimal changes. The entirety of Travis Strikes Again is like 50% the plot of Decade.
The general idea may be inspired but I mainly was talking about taking things 1:1
Thanks, I already started Baldios so I'll finish that then check out those series.

Oh! Thank you.

Not /m/, but he also references a baseball anime, I forget what it's called because I took it off my list after I couldn't find an English translation. Does anyone remember what it is, or if it does indeed have subtitles?
Oh I found it, it's Yakyuukyou no Uta.
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I am tempted to say this actually held up better than OG Gundam did since it benefited from Gundam's money for its budget. It's very cosmic-scale stuff about the nature of humanity and what it has to do to survive and all that, watch it if that sounds good.
Watch the TV series the whole way through, it's good shit. The first movie is skippable since it's a recap of the TV series. The second movie is an alternative ending to the TV series with a movie-level budget and that's mostly why you want to skip over the first movie for it. Don't listen to any nonsense about skipping the TV series' last episode, it still does a good job of wrapping the story up so you should measure it on its own before watching the second movie.
haven't gotten to it
It's a good war show. The main cast and robot action is sort of a distraction, the real characters are the old men, commanders and politicians that you see waging war against eachother. There's also stuff about war logistics and how economic forces effect war. That's not to say that the robot action is bad necessarily, just know that it's not the main atttraction. Watch the TV show. The movie feels a bit like an experiment to recap the show in a different style, and there's also a one-off chibi animation. I guess you could watch those if the 75 episode main series isn't enough to sate your hunger.
The main show is the director sorta bashing together their favorite movies into one mecha story, so it can feel like a mess at times. Its enjoyable if you like those movies (Mad Max, assorted Vietnam War movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey). The attached OVAs are more original works, with the principle best amongst them being the Roots of Ambition prequel and the Armor Hunter Mellowlink sidestory. If you're set on watching all of these then I recommend tackling them in production order.
haven't gotten to it yet
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It is sort of huge and disconnected enough that you can just pick what you like and watch that. Just know that there is a very significant manga portion of Getter Robo and that the animes usually draw heavily from the manga works in one way or the other.
The first few works from this (Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack) all specifically build off of eachother, so it is highly recommended that you watch them all in order first before looking at other Gundam media.
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 can either be watched as a TV show or as a set of three compilation movies. The movies are neat but they're very fast-paced, so watching them and then trying to watch Zeta Gundam has led many people to get burnt out on Gundam extremely fast, so avoid this. Watch the TV show, it has a much better pace and flows better with the other works if you're trying to watch them all in order.
ZZ Gundam is a bit of a whiplash tone-wise. This is fully on-purpose, do not listen to people trying to tell you that you should take a break after watching Zeta Gundam. There was only about one week between the airing of Zeta Gundam's ending and the airing of ZZ Gundam's first episode. Let Tomino slap your ass and decide for yourself whether or not ZZ is worth watching.
Char's Counter Attack is interesting in that it picks up and focuses on a character rivalry from the first Gundam show. If you're really desperate to see why Travis loves Char's Counter Attack, you can watch Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 and then skip straight to Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack. The mecha design serves this too, being very "back-to-basics" and reflecting a design evolution from the first Gundam show instead of really drawing from its sequels.
Thanks for all the detailed info, especially Gundam. I am interested in Gundam Wing only because it was airing around the same time I watched DBZ and it seemed cool, but apparently people think it's not that good?
People only think that because it's true. Excellent grunt mech design, though. And outfits, come to think of it.
Wing has some interesting story ideas and excellent mecha designs, but the execution falls short of both.
It's only hated by shitposters.
To be fair, you need an extremely high IQ to enjoy Gundam Wing.
I do not like Wing but a lot of people love it. If you're interested in it go watch it.
Ignore the trolls Ideon is good.
NTA but Layzner is pretty bad outside of the cool animation, OP and designs. Nothing happens for 20 episodes and then they rush headfirst into the FOTNS rip off arc only to finish it with the shittiest ending imaginable, one so bad they had to completely remake it in OVA form. It’s a low tier Takahashi work. In fact it might be his worst. At least Gasaraki had some really cool ideas

>cancelled show has weak ending

no shit
>nothing happens for the first 20 episodes
I still wonder what Kobayashi's idea going into that Ideon redesign was.
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OP here, I'm a ways into Baldios, it's a pretty fun watch.
OP I'm sure you've caught it already but the joke is everything Travis recommends to Charlotte is soul-crushingly depressing.
what do you mean CCA is depressing are you a fucking zeek
Votoms is hopium at its core and Layzner really can't be called depressing altho it can be moody.
He doesn't recommend either of those.
Be Invoked is hopecore.
I've only finished Baldios so far and yeah that was pretty bleak.

Also OP here, just realizing I'm retarded, Travis doesn't recommend all those anime to Charlotte, some of them she mentions herself.
Raideen has subs?
Up to 37.
Anno is kinda of a lying con man. Just like his fans. Suda has insanely incredible knowledge & taste. I got into the susano oh manga because he recommended as one of his favorite manga from go nagai's work. I'm frankly convinced that susano is the best manga written by go nagai & that berserk took more inspiration from it as opposed to devilman. It was on hiatus a lot during the 70's & 80's like berserk's reputation & there's a casca like rape scene that changes the main mc's character development & the rest of the story. And like with griffith from berserk, the whole traumatizing event was orchestrated by a very close friend of the mc & his love interest. When the mc finds out why & how the event happened to them he goes on an revenge quest to kill his friend, but at the end, it ends on a cllif hanger when he finally found him but by that point he's a changed man. The manga is a damn near masterpiece if it wasn't for its abrupt unfortunate ending that go nagai intended. It leaves you wondering if he moved on from his hatred or killed him as he's basically an enlighted god like being at the end of the story. Susono oh is considered a lesser known series but its critically acclaimed as it won an manga award.
Not ideon
Yes, that's what I was talking about. In that episode the enemies move Ganymede so it blocks the sun from Earth. There's a cocky pilot who is being trained to replace our boy as pilot of the Pulsar Burn. In the end, a rocket is invented to destroy Ganymede, but it's a suicide mission and it can only be piloted by someone who can pilot the Pulsar Burn (for some reason) and the cocky pilot sets off in it ahead of schedule to destroy it himself, because Dr. Quinstein was his teacher who he had a crush on in school, and he wants to protect her. I guess it's sad because he doesn't tell anyone that's why he goes on the suicide mission, but there are better episodes, not even counting the endgame. I wonder if Suda (or someone at Grasshopper) really liked it, or they just picked a specific episode to be funny.
>Anno is kinda of a lying con man. Just like his fans
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
I feel like you're just biased.
Nothing, the guy just loves Suda, one of the most pathetic and failed game developers in Japan.
Because its true.
>Suda, one of the most pathetic and failed game developers in Japan.
What the?

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