Okay, in theory anthropomorphic mecha have some advantages over traditional combat vehicles, due to the presence of arms and flexible design.However, how are walking tanks or insect mecha, in theory, fundamentally better than conventional wheeled and tracked armored vehicles? Except for cross-country ability, of course?What are your opinions?
Joints just kind of suck a bit. Especially joints that aren't just on projections but are instead holding up the entire frame which is a lot of forces on them. They're also really jittery and shaky in a lot of cases. Bumpy drive. Wheels and tracks aren't perfect but you can just pop them off and replace them and they're inherently pretty smooth.I'd like to see one that nods towards this and the hanger they keep them in has racks of legs on the wall so they can hotswap them after deployments to keep them fresh.
>>23062488This is a muh realism question. The simple reality is that mecha will never really be viable combat vehicles. Wheels are better, treads are better, wings are better, rotors are better, hell, hovercraft are better. Robots are cool, so we post about them- but they are not really "realistic". If you want, you can make up literally any justification you want and have it work because it's fiction. This discussion has been had many times and usually boils down to this.
>Okay, in theoryNo.
>>23062954You're right, it's true in reality.
>>23062944>This discussion has been had many timesYes.>and usually boils down to thisNo.