>The grim reaper won't come when you're ready for him, Hathaway.I did not understand what Amuro meant in this scene, forgive me for the possible autism.
>>23068696Life comes at you fast. Death even faster.
>>23068696It's just him telling Hathaway that he won't know when he's going to die.It will make more sense later in the next movies or if you read the book.
>>23068696He means that Hathaway wanting to be a martyr won’t send him off ‘Beyond the Time’
>>23068703wtf are you on about
>>23068700Interesting to see what they will decide to animate, in 50 fucking years.
>>23068696What's to fucking understand? He wasn't being coy. How are you retards this stupid?
>>23069148maybe he doesn't know what a reaper is?
>>23068844He means dont hit with no hesitation anon
>>23068699>>23068700It's very true. t. almost died once but didn't even feel that I was going to dieMaybe that's what he used to 'cheer him up' and get him out of that state of accepting his death?>>23069148I did say forgive me for the autism, anon. I understand the sentence but not really what he was trying to convey and why.
>>23068696In a broader sense, it means you won't be able to accomplish all the things you thought you would, and that you won't get everything you expected out of life.
>>23068696Tomino was saying several things at once. Amuro was trying to tell Hathaway to stop his reckless actions before he gets himself unexpectedly killed. It was a warning that the path he's on won't end well, and won't end when it thinks it will. Hathaway is operating under the assumption that he'll be able to keep fighting forever, when in reality he could die soom. Hathway's actions are hastening his death. Amuro wants Hathaway to stop living a murderous life, pick a woman, and settle down peacefully.Considering Tomino wrote this novel at the end of the Cold War in the late 80s/early 90s with the fall of the Soviet Union.... it could be a commentary on how Soviet Leadership needs to stop resisting change, and to just naturally let communism fall in Russia. Because nothing was going to change it. It was too late. Tomino foresaw that the Soviet military will probably resist the fall of communism by using violence. He was right. Soviet Generals staged coups, killed people, and tried to keep Communism going in the early 90s. But it was pointless since they didn't have the support of the people, and the Soviet Citizens wanted change. So their Military Coup and resistance failed. This is mirrored with Tomino saying that an age of peace had finally dawned on UC after the events of CCA. Neo Zeon had died with Char, all major Enemies were defeated, and there was no one left to fight. Peace had finally come to UC after almost 20 years of constant wars. Hathaway was trying forcefully stop peace by creating his own resistance movement, but the Universe wasnt having it. It's like trying to stop the rain or a storm. Peace was coming whether he liked it or not. That's why Hathaway died such a pointless and meaningless death. A warning to anyone that tried to mess with peace is going to die a pointless death. Lastly, it was a warning to Bandai to stop trying to extend Gundam. Tomino was depressed and had extended UC Gundam as much as possible. But it's over now.
>>23070305>Peace had finally come to UC after almost 20 years of constant wars. Hathaway was trying forcefully stop peace by creating his own resistance movement, but the Universe wasnt having it. It's like trying to stop the rain or a storm. Peace was coming whether he liked it or not. That's why Hathaway died such a pointless and meaningless death. A warning to anyone that tried to mess with peace is going to die a pointless death.So the whole "the Federation is forcing people off Earth so rich old men can enjoy it alone" was added to the movie to make Hathaway seem less evil? Or something?
>>23069753If he can come here to ask he can google what the grim reaper is.>>23070208>I did say forgive me for the autism, anon.Well you're not forgiven.
>>23070305I believe Tomino also said the novel was a warning on how future generations might become if the current generations didn't stop fucking up. Hathaway isn't a good person at all, but it's also understandable he ended the way he did, it's a sad tale.Tomino was right, considering the rise of extremism in all sides. It might be even more relevant now.
>>23070311the federation really sucks too, but listen to the taxi driver.Even if what the federation do is awful, most of the mass do not care about it, as it doesn't touch them. It's the same with many government right now.Most of the world isn't rooting for Mafty. The movement is just a footnote.
>>23070323Most people really don't care one way or the other about whatever government they live in so long as the trash gets picked up.
>>23068696>when you're ready for himShit translation. It's supposed to be "when you expect it".
Hathaway did nothing wrong.
>>23070323>>23070319>>23070305So basically in the grand scheme of things, Hathaway's Mafty movement is nothing more than a flash in the pan?B R A V O T O M I N ORAVOTOMINO
>>23070774I noticed lots of things were stilted or just plain "off" in the subs. Are there any better subs out there?
>>23070774Yeah it's more of being on guard. Sounds more poetic in nip.
>>23070776Lane Aim did nothing wrong.
>>23070783True, he's just a funky little maybe-cyber-newtype guy.
>>23068696He's going to die. Straight up.
>>23070774I....fail to see the discernable difference. It's the same line.
>>23070800The first one implies that Hathawy believes he will die when he wants to while the second one implies that Hathaway is trying to kill himself.
>>23070850Right but both versions of the line effectively same the thing. Death doesn't come when you think it does. This is just splitting hairs.
>>23070776He killed Chen.
>>23070856 How is it splitting hairs? Have you never dealt with subtext or double meanings before?
>>23070881Did Chen do nothing wrong?
>>23070319>spent the entirety pf cca being warned by Amuro of Chars bullshit>Quess is made into a weapon by charHathaway, despite everything:>"hmm yeah maybe Char was onto something"I think Hathaway was just retarded
>>23070938I think he gives off an impression of somewhat being on the spectrum. What do you guys think?
>>23068844You'll learn when the final movie releases
>>23070800Stupid ESL he's supposed to be saying "people die when they least expect it" which is nothing like the shit subs
>>23070928She was trying to save him from Quess, who for all intents and purposes needed to be killed because there was no way in hell he was gonna talk her out of being the psychobitch she was.
Who was best girl?
>>23068696Amuro was telling him that his movie trilogy was never getting finished.
>>23070778>I noticed lots of things were stilted or just plain "off" in the subs. Are there any better subs out there?Better? The fansub industry has been dead for 15 years. You take whatever subs you can get these days.
>>23070991Chan was just being presumptuous. She assumed that Hathaway was in danger because big scary Zeon mech, but she was wrong this one time.
>>23070311mafty's problem with that policy is that there are any people allowed on the earth at all. He's totally high on Char's mumbo jumbo and believes a few politicians and their cronies will reverse the earth's path to recovery, which it is in the process of doing.The mafty imitators and the illegal immigrants don't care about that, they want to come back and live on earth without living in fear of the manhunters, who are literally ICE. Hathaway was fighting for a marginal goal that really didn't serve anyone but himself. Mafty is just one big ideological purity spiral. The only reason it had imitators was because of their open terrorism, which illegals and sympathizers saw as a way to hit back at the Federation for not allowing them to stay on the planet.
>>23070881bitch deserved it, Astonaige died because she suddenly decided to sortie>>23070991Ah yes, the Quess that needed to be killed and then died to save Hathaway.Also watch Evolve episode 5.
>>23072347>which it is in the process of doing.The fuck it is. >they want to come back and live on earthNo they fucking don't? How are you this goddamn stupid, anon? HOW?
why did based bro Gauman tell him about Hathaway?
>>23069115>>23071079After the trilogy is finished I hope Onda can work on other Gundam too.
>>23068696Foreshadowing Hathaway's execution.
>>23068700>if you read the book.I want to wait but they haven't even started on the second movie yet? I know that if I read the first part I'll finish all of them.
>>23068696Amuro is talking about the little death. You see, Amuro as a newtype was fully aware of dangers and intent around him, so he was aware of potential death. He could actually be ready for it, but what he was not ready for was this little death that visited him in the mornings, sometimes in the cockpit, in which his pants filled with cum because Amuro was a premature ejaculator. What he's trying to say is that Hathaway got hard when Quess let him for Char, which is why Hathaway had this moment with Gigi. Amuro is calling Hathaway a cuck. This snapped Hathaway out of it (and probably filed his pants with cum), because Hathaway can't afford to be a cuck anymore, so he has to give up on Gigi and become Mafty, who is not a cuck and even though Mafty may have little deaths in his sleep, he can rest assured that they happen without him, and so it's nothing a change of underewear and shower can't fix. This is actually quite the motivator.
>>23070311The most important point is that he's justified in his anger, but it's not leading anywhere. He's taking lives and causing damage for no discernable improvement to anyone's lives.Tomino's not full on 'if you kill your enemies you win', but he's not going to call you a hero if you're essentially just lashing out.I honestly love Hathaway as a tragic almost-hero. It's a dark direction, but it also feels so natural coming off CCA it's almost inevitable.How could anyone lead a normal life after seeing what he saw? History's unstoppable force met its immovable object in front of him and vanished in a flash of light, causing a literal fucking miracle of combined human will to prevent a tragedy. And then nothing changed. That'd fuck up anyone at least a little.
>>23082142>I honestly love Hathaway as a tragic almost-hero. It's a dark direction, but it also feels so natural coming off CCA it's almost inevitable.This. It made it so fun for me watching it completely blind after CCA.
>>23082142>If you kill your enemies, you winI meant 'if you kill your enemies, they win' but you know what I think I like this formulation too.
>>23082142>The most important point is that he's justified in his angerNo he's not. Hathaway didn't start Marty because he wanted to support Spacenoid rights.m to live on Earth. He's bitter about Quess and wants to destroy the Federation. Everything else is a convenient excuse.And Amuro's newtype ghost knows that. It's why hes telling Hathaway to stop. Hathaway is no hero. And the age of peace has arrive. Amuro is telling Hathaway to choose a new waifu from his available harem, stop being hung up on a girl, and go live a life as a family man. It's the only way to be happy. Any other path Hathaway chooses to take will lead to a bitter end.
>>23083909But muh feds still corrupt
>>23070305>Considering Tomino wrote this novel at the end of the Cold War in the late 80s/early 90s with the fall of the Soviet Union.... it could be a commentary on how Soviet Leadership needs to stop resisting change, and to just naturally let communism fall in Russia. Because nothing was going to change it. It was too late. Tomino foresaw that the Soviet military will probably resist the fall of communism by using violence. He was right. Soviet Generals staged coups, killed people, and tried to keep Communism going in the early 90s. But it was pointless since they didn't have the support of the people, and the Soviet Citizens wanted change. So their Military Coup and resistance failed.Please don't make shit up next time. Be better.
>>23070938Hathaway is a complete sperg of a man yes.Despite him selling "I grew up and left the past behind" this is all bullshit. His last conversation with Gigi shows he could have become a better person but instead completely fucked it up and got even worse.The world and war fucked Hathaway a lot, so it's understandable he ended the way he did, but the thing that messed him the most is himself. Which I'm pretty sure even he is aware of considering how easily he accept his own death and his strange friendship with Kenneth (who probably managed to get him better than Gigi).
>>23074524Gauman is kind of a loser trying to be cool.Before the final operation he literally has a small breakdown seeing people in couple because he realize he will likely die alone and without any legacy. I'm surprised he even survived.
>>23070938Char clearly was onto something, UC gets way fucking worse after CCA and the only way it gets a happy ending is when the Turn A destroys wipes the slate clean, Hathaway wants to fulfill Chars mission but in a 'moral' way where he just kills certain people at the top like that will solve anything.
>>23089931his morality is pretty twisted too, plenty of people likely died due to Mafty's action. even if indirectly.though Mafty himself is just a puppet, just like Hathaway, he was only a pawn to be used.Hathaway is the Gundam equivalent of the special services giving a gun to a mentally ill loser for some hidden agenda.
>>23089931>Char clearly was onto something, UC gets way fucking worse after CCABut it's the other way around. Following CCA, the collonies get more and more independent through the decade and the Federation has less and less influence, meanwhile, Earth has less and less people. And yet you've got all the bullshit in Victory and other later UC stuff.
>Gigi won't come when you're ready to come, Hathaway.
>>23090496I still don't understand what Gigi was doing with these in the end.
>>23089931>"UC gets way worse"Wouldnt say that, Tomino was onto something when he doesnt pretend like things get better/worse in the stories no matter the outcome, because thats literally what happens in real life. You always have people saying "the world was worse nowadays/ back then ect" but the reality is despite it all its moreso just repeating. Chars folly is that he does what alot of a bunch of radical figures in history try to do, accelerate some sort of drastic change in the world through violence. Amuro on the other hand, acknowledges humanities wrongdoings but is able to see that itll grow over certain issues and tragedies though perhaps creating new ones. Hell act if he can (stopping an asteroid from freezing the earth) but he doesnt pretend like itll somehow change everything. More of a "why make matters worse" kind of deal.
>>23071013Glasses of course!
The problem with the Hathaway movie is that it models Earth after real life. Sorry but the Philippines in UC does NOT look like the Philippines in real life. There are no Jollibees and bustling cities of people.Zeon slammed 3 damn colonies and multiple smaller Asteroids onto Earth. Massive Tidal waves absolutely destroyed coastal cities and island nations. Half of humanity died during the One Year War. Most which were young breeding age men and women. 90% of what survived the One Year War are senior citizens and children. It's going to take DECADES to rebuild back to former population levels. There should be entire Earth cities abandoned and left to rust away. Europe, North America, and South East Asia (including the Philippines) should be in ruins. Half of Earth should be a freaking wasteland!Yet new UC writers can't seem to grasp this simple idea. They want to act like the Zeon wars were just small battles that is long over and everything is fine now.
>>23090496What's the point of this character
>>23098290Same. Mihessia-chan a best.
>>23072343I mean, can you really blame her? Hathaway, in a Jegan, was right in the face of the really powerful Mobile Armor that was fucking everyone that isn't named "Amuro Ray" over.
>>23098317so that Hathaway could
>>23098306If they can churn out gorillions of prototypes with a shitload of variants within a year, I'm pretty sure they could also easily rebuild entire cities in that same span.Don't blame the new guard for depicting things as they are, it's quite funny that you used that pic because Tomino himself wrote in the novel that there are places that were left untouched by wars and still managed to preserve some structures from the old century, with Davao being one of them.That being said, I think that Davao in UC being 90% similar to its IRL counterpart despite having a hundred+ year gap is extremely unrealistic. Places have transformed from utter shitholes and wastelands into proper cities and vice versa in lesser time than that.
>>23102842Sure anon.
>>23102842>Tomino himself wrote in the novelTomino wrote the novel never expecting it to ever be animated. It was his own little project. By Tomino's own admission, it was a creative outlet for to help cope with his depression. To explore ideas he never put in the anime or wanted to put in the anime (like the original 0079 novels where Amuro dies).By the late 80s/early 90s, Gundam had become extremely monotonous and safe. Bandai was unwilling to take risks with UC, and had made UC very corporate controlled. Tomino had to deal with a ton of Executives giving him rules (like the Gundam must appear a certain amount of minutes by X episode. You must push Y suit for gunpla reasons. Etc etc.) It wasn't fun for Tomino anymore.
>>23098317reigniting Hathaway's PTSD
>>23109288How do missiles even work under Minovsky interference? The whole point of Gundam was that M particles forced mobile suits to use guns and dumb rockets.
>>23109645they're psychically guided just like funnels
>>23109645Did you miss the whole Funnel part of Funnel Missiles? They would be much easier to use than Funnels or INCOMs, you only need to guide them to the target, no need for clever positioning and maneuvers to get a firing solution. Must be cheaper to make and can be fitted more into the MS too.
>>23109764>>23109776Those are just normal missiles according to the gunpla book.
>>23089861>Hathaway is a complete sperg of a man yes.He is literally me.
>>23109798I am looking at the HGUC gunpla book right now and you are right, the Xi has "Triple Missile" as a weapon together with the Funnel Missile. Looking at the loadout listing in the movie and yeah, missile together with funnel missile.They probably use higher frequency EM radiation for guidance like contrast seeker or laser guidance instead of radar, and use as fire and forget in close-ranged air combat against low priority targets, in constrast with funnel missiles which require the pilot's concentration.
What a DICK
>>23109776Anons question is valid. Regular missiles are fires from the legs and arms. Funnel missiles only fire from the back, and they very different from normal missiles. Looks like anon found a plot hole.
>>23109843>>23109823To further elaborate, Electro-optical guidance like contrast seeker only works at short ranges (requires line of sight), and are passive guidance that operate at NIR-Vis range so it most likely is minimally affected by Minovsky interference at MS combat level (we not talking about ships combat where they intentionally spread Minovsky particles). For laser guidance, we know laser communication works at short range.Homing missiles didn't go extinct in UC. Even in Tomino's novels where he has the most creative control, there are plenty of mentions of missiles being used. I believe in the first Gundam novel he explicitly stated that guided missiles inside a small colony need to be wire-guided, implying in open space combat circa UC0079 (long range) homing missiles are still in use.
>>23110014AFAIK missiles in Gundam have only ever been wire guided. I can't even remember normal homing missiles being used ever. It's either wire guided missiles or dumb rockets that travel in one direction and explode.
>>23110069Also the homing Stielhandgranate-looking things from Unicorn during the Torrington battle. I can't remember any off the top of my head in a full-year TV series like Z and ZZ, so maybe it happened maybe not. I distinctly remember there are descriptions of missiles climbing upward and chase after MS in both the attack on Davao and the Xi vs Penelope fight in the first Hathaway novel.The thing is none of these even contradicts the Minovsky interference as a literary device, they are still close-ranged weapons in line of sight, and no one is fighting outside of visual range. The first appearance of funnels in MSG was mindblowing because it actually broke this rule, allowing Lalah to massacre Fed's ships without ever getting close, like how BVR missiles work irl.
>>23110109I don't think those are truly homing. I think the Dendrobium just fires a ton of rocket and micro-rockets in every direction. Almost like cluster bombs but for space.
>>23110142They literally do U-turns toward the Zaku II's direction after going past it in the webm. And the aforementioned weapons used in the Torrington battlehttps://youtu.be/Y39UviQnVhw
>>23110155Are you sure it's really homing, and not just the mobile suit computer programming the rocket to fly in a specific direction?
>>23110109>>23110155The problem with this is that it breaks the Gundam universe laws. Why can't larger ships use missiles and micro-missiles then? Why don't Salamis and Musai ships carry huge containers of missiles and fire off missile spam at eachother? This is why it's so annoying when writers want to make their Gundam be a super special snowflake and unique. They try to make exceptions and it just ruins the setting. Tomino only made exceptions for laser communications (at short range), and newtypes. That's it. If you want to hit something, then you need to get within visual range.
>>23110157I don't see how that could be the case. Any example of that happen in UC?>>23110165Like who? Tomino?>The Gustav Karls continued to fire off their beam rifles at Gawman’s Messer, and launched missiles to chase it even as it soared to heights of several hundred metres above the city.Large ships do use missiles, I don't know what are you talking about. Gundam's first space battle is against missiles, and not dumb-fire, they maneuver. The problem remains still is actually detecting the ships further than your camera can detect so you fire either missiles or mega beam weapons or any other long-range weapon.
>>23110183 (me)And obviously missiles don't have the energy density advantage of beam weapons, a shitton of missiles will add a shitton of mass to the ship.
>>23110142Those might be some sort of semi-homing or homing-esque, but these are making pretty sharp turns.>>23110165They do, sometimes. Usually it's in a show where someone at least pretends to care that carting around extra tonnes in space isn't trivial so they don't go nuts with it and their guidance systems are generally worse for longer range bombardments and/or there's more time for Bright to yell at people to intensify the barrage and shoot them down.Hell, 00's pretty missile happy (including their not-Salamises carrying huge containers of missiles on their sides) but it hardly ruins that.
So no one has offered official explanations on the missiles being able to home in on targets yet? How do these missiles >>23110109 track the target through Minovsky Particle jamming?
>>23110183>Large ships do use missilesYou can still dumb fire missiles in a general direction. They don't have to actually track specific targets.
Why create funnel missiles if regular missiles can still target?
>>23110223Because they can't target that well.
>>23110204Cameras still work at close range, so electro-optical guidance can still work at close range (including thermal guidance using IR-NIR light, which is shown to work in games like Zeonic Front), same for laser. These guidance systems can't be effective for super long-range combat because they are passive (this alone makes them less vulnerable to M interference because signals only need to travel once, besides using higher frequency wavelengths), so without M particles radar would still be the go-to long-range detector in space.>>23110223And to follow this up, passive detections are much less accurate than active ones even without M particles in the equation, so you'd need a mass quantity of homing missiles to be effective, and for that, you need to load your MS/MA with a load of missiles, which is a load of mass. AND you still need to get close enough to see the target, powerful Newtypes don't. If you watch Lalah's first sortie again, it's nothing like how funnels are used later on. It was meant to be used beyond the opponent's detection range.
>>23110697 (me)Actually I think radar is still used in UC for long range detection, which is how ships can detect, gauge and visualize the Minovsky density in regions of space.
>>23110109homing missiles got used in the final battle of ZZI think the Zeta's grenades were dumb though
>>23110697>Cameras still work at close range, so electro-optical guidanceBut where are the cameras on Dendrobium missiles? It's a solid metal case
>>23111349They made some transparent Gundarium.
>>23075824>>23109288Xi Gundam was cool but the most advanced missiles looking and sounding like bottle rockets was weird
>>23109645>>23110109>>23110165>>23110195IIRC, heat-seeking missiles are all still (mostly) functional, being that they do not use radar (Zeta even has a few in it's arms, though they're dubbed as a grenade launchers.) You hear pilots and bridge operators bitching about "incoming heat sources" all the time, after all, so minovsky particles seemingly do not interfere with thermals of any kind.Unfortunately, they also have no IFF, which limits their ease and safety of use, hence why they aren't used as often as beam weaponry.
>>23112622With enough minovsky particles even visible light looks warped, so I think thermal also can be disrupted at high enough density. But probably not enough to conceal the general direction of a giant heat source like a firing mega beam cannon.
>>23068696Literally carpe diem.
>>23110109>Minovsky interference as a literary device, they are still close-ranged weapons in line of sight, and no one is fighting outside of visual range.IIRC Minovsky Particles even screw with visuals. They have super long lenses on ships and craft but the crew can't trust them. Ms igloo discusses this idea, and how the crew need targeting data from units closer in the field. They can't rely on optics because of Minovsky interference.