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A thread dedicated to chicken walkers.
Post 3 faggot, or is this another spam thread?
Multipod enthusiast here, can we share?
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>>23093057 (OP)
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>>23093057 (OP)
Wait, so the AoZ version of the Big Zam reverses the joints? I'm pretty sure the original and Thunderbolt versions had normal knees, not reverse knees.
it's a Big Zam successor
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>>23093057 (OP)
I like the mass produced AE Big Zam, the cockpit resembles the crooked smile of the mass produced Evas
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>once the big zam is mass produced, we will put an end to... wait, what?!
now that you put it like that I can see it. Them lining up with the moon in the background feels fucking uncanny.
If only they were from a better manga.
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I REALLY like Thunderbolt, but that's my personal opinion
Hey look Tall Goose
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Watch me cook
firing squad, now.
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One leg
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Don't stutter.
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