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Her episode is now ten years old! Post Maud or rocks to mark the occasion.

/mlp/ reaction thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/16774754/
Hooray! Maud can now go to third grade!
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Damn has it really been 10 years?
Prime example of a character that got way too much shilling and preferential treatment over s1 characters, but since she was made by the new writers she got heaped with way more love.
Made, built, smithed, crafted, engineered, constructed, sculpted, tailored, and devised for big bazinga cock
Technically, she was born to take it.
Look at her poise, balancing Boulder on her snoofa.
I love her, she's cute :)
Remember when /mlp/ wasnt dead, thread?
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The other two deserved more screentime than Autism Pie.
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Looks like sompony hired the Pie Family to build that embankment with rocks from their farm.
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I love pics of Maud doing geology.
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needs more rock poetry
I am granite
Relish my feldspar
Be satiated with my mica
Savor my quartz
Forged by intense love of magma
"Rock Hard Love"
maximum scrunch.
Woah! Filly maud
Bump for Maud
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Love her helmet
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the helmet sealed the deal for me
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good song
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I downloaded this from the last Maud thread I think. I like weird pony pics, but I'm also afraid that it's fetish art at the same time... I am NOT a FREAK!!!!
Sedimentary sandwich
Clasty with pebbles
Sand and grit, yum
In calcium carbonate matrix
I remember playing that futzi01 game of her https://www.deviantart.com/futzi01-reupload/art/Crystal-Crunch-Story-677489194
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True, but I want to plap all four of them.
Imagine having four mares lusting after your cock at the same time
That would get complicated.
The Pie Sisters:
>One sister (Lime) to suck the left nut
>One sister (Maud) to suck the right nut
>One sister sucking ypur penis (Pinkie)
>One sister waiting to rotate in.
>One hand to finger the sister who's sucking the left nut.
>One hand to finger the sister who's sucking the right nut.
>One tongue to lick the clit of the sister sucking your penis.
>Rotation is from penis to left nut to right nut to waiting station.
>waiting station
>implying the others can't munch carpet while they're not on your dick
Everyone's happy in that scenario. Easy fix.
Damn really thought this one out
Yeah, I can't help it. I overanalyze everthing; just a compulsive habit. But >>40921669 was right in pointing out that the sister at the waiting station could be doing something. Not sure I like his solution because I personally don't like female-on-female at all but nevertheless he is correct that just waiting would be wasteful.
page 10 savior bump
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can this thread STOP being PERVERTED
Retcon Pie
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Maybe I'd consider if it the Pies weren't so hot
O conglomerate, you are mine
Behold thy large round stones
O conglomerate, they are mine
Now feel heat and pressure
Your stones, stretched and pressed
Your matrix, it flows glistening
Stretched Pebble Conglomerate.
> pottery
I remember when I saw the episode premiere I didn't like it much because I can't stand the company of autists. She's okay, I think her design is good but I hate that she got so much more screentime than her other sisters.
Xenolith all alone
Far from its rocky home
Xenolith went for a ride
Into the magma
Where it died
In Equestria, the meteorites that fall from the sky are not made of rock and ice, as they are on earth. Instead, they are made of candy. Meteorite candy is the most rare and tasty of all.
so would those belong to luna's domain?
Yes, but she let's them fall to Equestria (safely so they don't hit anypony or destroy thi.gs, of course) so that ponies can partake in yummy meteorite candy.
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It bothers me how a lot of the fan-art gives Maud non-mute expressions.
True, but I think it is good that Maud is sometimes shown with mild emotional expressions such that it is barely perceptible.
I hate that it has been 10 years since all of this stuff relating to pony has happened. It's just greatly saddening to me. I fear for the future of pony.
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Aww, that is so sweet
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I've been waiting my whole life for just one, ROCK!
One tiny little innocent, ROCK!

I like her.
Ready for mineral hunting!
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>agitated because someone rearranged her rocks
Does anyone else still think of Maud as a “new” character?
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i thought this was just a shitpost but shit, i'm looking through the episode gallery right now and i don't see her anywhere. does she really not appear in cutie mark chronicles?
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this is a good Maud
I think armored Maud is my favorite Maud
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I liked this shot so I put it on a rock.
Lots of rocks where I live.
One day, in the distant future, when there is nothing left of our civilization, our descendants will find this artifact.
>>40941668 NOICE
> We have found evidence of a religion based on the hybridization of imperial German aesthetic and equine toys that existed circa the early 21st century
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ERM, Maud chads rise up?! WOWHOA
Very awesome, anon
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Amazingly she was in first place for about an hour too
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Ay corundum! Maud is a sexy mare!
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Maud in Alabaster
that's RADICAL dude
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oo I like this, Maud with a boulder on her back is a good theme
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and final results, she ended up rocking 4th
Good job!
What's that?
Where is she going with all that andesite?
She's going to build a wall.
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Maud is based as fuck! An andesite wall will be highly durable and aesthetically pleasing, provided the right shrubberies are used of course.
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This is amazing. Well done, Anon.
Make another one or sell me that one, I love cool things like that
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Dramatic! Inspiring! Makes me want to go rockhounding in the mountain wilderness!
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I don't really have time or space now for rock carving anymore (I made that one years ago)
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Maud has a pretty sweet pad.
I like how she's almost a swastika ^/////////^;;;
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Sisterly bump. Really jealous you guys have much more content.
Yes, 'tis a shame. Limestone also a cute! In some ways I can appreciate her more due to her dedication and hard work.
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Nice dress
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Holy fuck I love autism so much
>the secret engine that drives the fandom
porn doesn't even come close
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Raw anthracite is actually kinda pretty.
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YWN hang out with Maud in her amazing underground crystal cavern mansion. Why even live.
There was a good porn parody using this location
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dude deats
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Ugh, the temptation is POWERFUL!
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I unironically hate I didn't realize it was her 10-year anniversary, I kept telling myself to remember the date but I got caught up with other shit. I'm so happy to see there's still some passionate Maudfags left who still love her as much as I do.
Here's to a whole decade to the prettiest mare and one who changed my life for the better.
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so many maudfags
It's beautiful, every once and a while, the Maudfags reunite
I like the faint mining facilities in the background.
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Casual businessmare
>Crushes your ribcage
>That mini-skirt sitting tight on her flanks
Can she be any sexier?
Any good greens of Maud?
Do you have a particular topic or idea in mind?
Maud goes to a bar and orders a drink “on the rocks”
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Hope to see maudfrens and piefrens at Mare Fair. It will be my first pony con.
I plan on giving these stickers away to strangers I meet.
Mare-in-the-lake, guardian of Excalibur. She waits for a worthy to arrive to bestow Excalibur upon...and a cool little mineral collection.
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Those look great, Anon. What company did you use to make them?
I used sticker mule
I was creating one, I was writing them for Maud related threads, but they would quickly die before I could make new updates. It's still half done right now
It would be very pleasant to meet fellow Maudfags at Marefair, if you see a person with a bunch of Maud merch at one time, please feel free to approach, it's always nice talking to others who enjoy her as much as me.
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you’re now seeing an angry face where her mouth and nostrils are
looks like finn from adventure time
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The dress STAYS ON during sex!
Does anybody even write Maud stories? I can't find any that are serious. I would write one, but I don't think I would be able to write Maud well enough. This thread will die without some original production.
I am trying to find the time to write one, but my life is mostly chaos right now.
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Maud's interest in her pet rock is very similar, I've realized, to my interest in my plushie.
If you'd like, I can show off the one I was in the middle of writing for the previous Maud threads, if the threads don't die prematurely, I wouldn't mind continuing it.
I've studied her enough, down her to body language that I can gauge and write her decently enough.
>Be a semi-wanderer, with no real home or permanent point of residence
>Same with occupation, going from one job to another in a completely different town
>You were a human, they were more then rare in Equestria, but after the initial surprise and stares, you find they tended to treat you like everyone else
>Don’t have much friends, see reappearing faces, ponies are friendly and take the time to chat with you, but nothing seems to stick or lead to anything more other then an acquaintance
>Your wandering had lead you to the Western part of Equestria, by far a more dispersedly populated area compared to its densely populated counterparts
>Hadn’t seen a town in a while, anxiety slightly mounting on you
>It was oddly tranquil, the materialized clouds in the sky that leaned way more gray then elsewhere, the naked trees void of any foliage, and most notably…..rocks
>Lots of rocks, shattered everywhere, as far as your sight could go, all of varying sizes, sharp, rounded, flat
>Is this entire area just a massive quarry or something? You didn’t even know what kind of rocks they even were
>You thought to yourself as the almost insignificant sound of soft rubble whiff past your ears, along with the feeling of one of your feet being elevated ever so slightly
>Before you could look down, you a heard a voice, a kind of voice you’ve never quite heard of from all your time of socializing
>”Excuse me”
>It was soft, to the point where you could of easily missed it, but the lonesome scenery just heightened your senses ever so slightly
>You turn, only to find a pony, a mare
>And a very.....slow-moving one at that, she seemed to be in no rush to approach, hell, it seems like she was trying to dawdle if you didn't better
>It was like her walking speed was reduced from being over-encumbered, gray hooves slowly trotting the rock-filled grounds
>As she got into personal range, after what seemed like forever. You could make out all her features, the first thing being those eyes, those big expressionless turquoise-colored eyes that seemed to be fixed on you, idly blinking all the while
>Her bluish-gray coat was the next thing to stand out, along with her violet mane that was utterly straightened, trailing off and resting at the nape of her neck
>Her simple light-blue dress that covered a good percent of her body, barring her neck, steady hooves, and violet tail that was just as properly straightened as her mane
>Her appearance was simple, yet, there was still an apparent effort in maintaining herself, with the apparent eyeshadow that matched her simplistic hair
>"You're stepping on my pet"
>She plainly told, not an ounce of real emotion or concern despite the subject matter
>You immediately jump, internally panicking with yourself. Did you just kill someone's pet? Why didn't they scream? Why was she so calm despite the fact you just straight-up murdered their animal friend
>All you felt was the slight elevation of your foot, it must have been a pocket pet. A squirrel? In an isolated environment like this, any company is probably welcomed >You move back five steps, slightly tripping over the last one, you hoped to find the critter in one piece on the ground, but all you found that laid before you is a small, rounded, flat rock >You immediately expect the worst, quickly checking the sole of your shoe, fully expecting to see the remains of the little guy stuck to it, how were you going to get out this situation? >As you hastily survey your shoe, you notice in the blurred part of your vision, the figure of the strange, seemingly out-of-place mare moving closer
>You fully figured you were about to get a just due bucking to the chest, something you would kind of deserve, however, you noticed no remains whatsoever on your shoe, on the usual clutter of dirt and various pebbles that stuck on >As you realize this, you see the gray-coated more slowly kneel her head down before scooping the small, rounded mineral you previously stepped on with a single hoof >She looks ever so intently at it, her single-eyelash eyes blinking apathetically at the small, dark stone as her muzzle threatens to make contact with it
>You paused, almost frozen like one of the large boulders lying around here. Why is she more concerned with this rock than her pet? I...umm, where's your pet exactly? I don't see it anywhere here >She slowly looks up at you, attention moving away from the rock as she looked at you with those same stoic eyes since the beginning >"This is him, his name is Boulder....he's a rock"
>She said ever so calmly, not an ounce of satire or jest, was she being serious right now? That was her pet?
>The stoic, violet-maned mare ever so slightly extended her hoof that had Boulder on, as if she was introducing him to you
>You immediately jump, internally panicking with yourself. Did you just kill someone's pet? Why didn't they scream? Why was she so calm despite the fact you just straight-up murdered their animal friend
>All you felt was the slight elevation of your foot, it must have been a pocket pet. A squirrel? In an isolated environment like this, any company is probably welcomed
>You move back five steps, slightly tripping over the last one, you hoped to find the critter in one piece on the ground, but all you found that laid before you is a small, rounded, flat rock
>You immediately expect the worst, quickly checking the sole of your shoe, fully expecting to see the remains of the little guy stuck to it, how were you going to get out of this situation? >As you hastily survey your shoe, you notice in the blurred part of your vision, the figure of the strange, seemingly out-of-place mare moving closer
>You fully figured you were about to get a just due bucking to the chest, something you would kind of deserve, however, you noticed no remains whatsoever on your shoe, on the usual clutter of dirt and various pebbles that stuck on >As you realize this, you see the gray-coated more slowly kneel her head down before scooping the small, rounded mineral you previously stepped on with a single hoof
>She looks ever so intently at it, her single-eyelash eyes blinking apathetically at the small, dark stone as her muzzle threatens to make contact with it
>You paused, almost frozen like one of the large boulders lying around here. Why is she more concerned with this rock than her pet? I...umm, where's your pet exactly? I don't see it anywhere here
>She slowly looks up at you, attention moving away from the rock as she looked at you with those same stoic eyes since the beginning
>"This is him, his name is Boulder....he's a rock"
>She said ever so calmly, not an ounce of satire or jest, was she being serious right now? That was her pet?
>The stoic, violet-maned mare ever so slightly extended her hoof that had Boulder on, as if she was introducing him to you

Format of that one got fucked, trying again, been too long since I've posted any of my greens
Fast board today
>You've seen some quirky ponies before, with some exuberant traits, but nothing quite like this pony before you, who was so new to you, she was so different, yet so stark and unembellished compared to any other past mare you've interacted with >You softly gaze at her, as she flatly stares back, hoof still extended to show off her pet rock, barely any movements from her apart from the occasional twitch of her left, blue-gray ear >Seemingly the only indicator that she was indeed alive and living, and not some life-like doll in place
O-oh...I've never seen a pet rock before, nice to meet you...Boulder?
>You try your best to appear friendly, giving the smallest, confused-laced smile at the still gray mare
>She looks back at the pocket rock as if she is listening to it greeting me back in full
So, ....what's your name?
>Could of been much better you thought, but it was still a better choice than the seemingly endless silence with the occasional blink
>"My name is Maudileena Daisy Pie"
>"But you can call me Maud Pie, most ponies call me by it anyway"
>She cuts you off before you can even try to pronounce her full name, thankfully with a shortened version, as you were probably going to say it wrong, more than a few times
Well...nice to meet you Mau-
>"And your a Homo Sapien"
U-huh?! What?
>"You are a human...I've never seen one before until now"
>You had ponies comment on your species within the first three minutes of meeting you, sometimes far less than that
>Often with complete surprise, amazement, and pure timidness, sometimes going into the annoying territory
>You've probably heard that exact statement before, but there was no tune of any of those previously mentioned emotions, just complete and total tranquil casualness
>”I’ve heard humans have the same abilities as earth ponies, but better”
Oh, like what exactly?
>”Like walking around…and picking things up….with their hands instead of mouth”
>She blankly said with a tone so muted, you couldn’t at all sense if it was sarcasm or not
>She pauses again, only looking up at you, occasionally blinking those big, unexpressive blue-green eyes
>Was that a joke? Was she wanting you to laugh? You honest to Go- uh….Celestia, hadn’t a single clue
>Eventually, you take a social leap of forward, and begin to softly chuckle, clearly forced on your part, hoping you made the right choice
>”I was being partially sarcastic”
>In that moment, it felt like a sharp rock was jabbed into the back of your neck, as you immediately gulped, fuck! Was she self-conscious about being a mere earth pony? You certainly hadn't encountered it before, everyone seemingly indifferent to almost fanatically prideful of their species
>"You are my biggest laugher so far....besides my sister"
>She briefly turns her head, looking away from you and at the gray-clouded sky, as if she was thinking about something, you were trying to wonder what was going on in this mare's head
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I want Bat Maud to suck my blood. I work out and eat healthy. So, it would be nutritious for her.
>Maud describing the taste of your blood with the same level of detail as she does with rocks
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Delightful, please continue.
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nice stickies, hope to meet you there (also going to be my first pony con), and I hope you'll find something interesting in my sticker mule'd merch in exchange
>spend tons and tons of time learning to draw
>can’t be arsed to take two seconds and spot the numerous errors in the one short sentence written on it
I’m afraid to learn how to draw now, if it means I have to take points out of my other stats kek. Very cute image.
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>"I practice my stand-up routine, it's one of my ways of expressing myself"
>You were shocked she even knew what expressing meant, she certainly hadn't been displaying much of it...at all, in the last five minutes you've been speaking to her (edited)
"Huh...well, it's good to have hobbies and practice them"
>You softly nod with your statement, being truly genuine without any pressure lying on you
>"What's your name?"
>She simply asked, for this entire time, Boulder was still out and resting comfortably on her gray hoof, she finally retrieved her outed limb, softly and slowly placing him in a front pocket, which was more of a hidden cranny in her simple dress rather than a conventional pouch
>Her eyes remained fixed on the small, pocket rock now resting safely in her clothing, like a watchful sibling
"Right, sorry it took this long, my name is Anon"
> 10
bump for boulder. I should read the previous greens you posted too
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If I see a person dripping in Maud swag, I'll be sure to come bother you and make things awkward.
I would be happy to exchange some mule merch with you anon. Hopefully I'll see you there.
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You'll be able to spot me fairly easily, looking forward to the interaction
>”Anon…..Anon,...I like it”
>The repeat of your name was like a new-born foal learning and saying a new word, only she wasn’t at all lacking intellect or being anything other than deliberate with her words
>Her unreadable gaze is fixed on you, pausing ever so briefly with the closing of those violet eyelids, the most common form of movement from her so far
>”Anon, are you out here playing a game of camouflage?”
“Game of camouflage? No, what’s that Maud?”
>”It’s like hide and seek, but WAY more intense”
>Her eyes widen upon reaching the word way as if to really emphasize it
>....that was honestly the most emotion and emphasis she put into anything so far, despite it still being in her quickly normalizing, prone speech
>It seems like this mare kept surprising you, despite seemingly everything you needed to know about her being achieved by a simple glance at her
“So that’s what you and…uh, Boulder were playing?”
>You essentially pieced it all together while in-mid sentence, as the absurdity, really dawned on you
>How could she ever win exactly? There’s like hundreds upon hundreds of rocks just within the radius of you two, eh three
>”I’ve won most of the games so far, I recognize his scent and sedimentary luster fairly well, not that winning matters much”
>Well fuck, nevermind
>”He likes to hide in my pocket a lot of the time, usually works for most of the duration…anyway, we were just playing that to pass the time until our train arrives”
“Well, that’s..smart of him, wait, train?”
>She nodded, her mane barely moving with her stilted bobbing
>”Train to Ponyvile, I was supposed to visit my sister, it should be there by the time I get there”
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>Ponyville? Even the pony that seemingly most fit this place, wanted out for a bit
“Wait, there’s a train station nearby?”
>”It’s not too far away from here, it’s in Rockville”
>”You’ve never been here before? It’s called Rockville because it’s all about rocks…and rock-related job opportunities”
>For fuck sake, what is up with this place and rocks?
“Uh, no I haven’t, hence why I’m here without a single clue”
>She only blinks a few times, as if questioning what purpose you had
>”I can walk you there if you want, me and Boulder were about to head back anyway”
“Sure, I’d appreciate it Maud”
>With that, she immediately turned from you and started walking, trusting you to follow her trail without muttering a single flat word
>With her back facing you, you noticed the simple light black satchel fixed to her left flank
>You realize her simple light-blue dress went all the way towards her back, obscuring her rear-end
> 10
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> *smiles*
oh my gaud pie, I love maud pie
>You didn’t know if this was on purpose or not, was she some kind of puritan? Didn’t want rowdy stallions catching a glance?
>All you know was that the only thing exposed, was her complete straightened blue-violet tail, which seemed to remain almost still with each passing step she made
>Usually with ponies, at least with what you’ve observed, somewhat regularly bob and sway whenever they trot, and especially when they straight gallop
>Not her, it was like she had full command and control over it, and that order was to remain as still as one of the numerous rocks laying in the grey, lifeless ground
>She seemed, deliberately in control of each limb, not walking on basic instinct, autopilot, but rather ordering one directly, in real-time
>It was so surreal, seeing a pony move like that, and while she was moving faster than when she first approached you, you wonder if she would even get back to her train in time at this pace
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Maud would never call a meme "funny".
She would call it "humorous".
HS acadeca gf Maud
>Eventually, the virtually ever-moving image of the exact same scenery began to change, the nonexistent path became to morph into one of a simple dirt road
>Soon, you could make out the appearance of buildings in the distance, you guess she must know this place like the back of her hoof to be able to tell with no signs or natural markers to speak off
>As you two made your way into town, you quite clearly and quickly made out the type of place it was
>This was a pure working-class settlement, with gruff-looking mares, and even gruffer-looking stallions
>Upon one task being finished, they go on to the next without any hesitation or breaks in-between
>The few mares that looked like your normal, soft-centered females you were accustomed to, appeared to have more domestic roles
>They reacted fairly calm to your presence, they weren’t as nonchalant as Maud about you being human, but still seemed decently indifferent
>Looking at you for a brief moment, before immediately turning their attention back to their task, like an alley cat or dog showing up at your workplace
>It was somewhat refreshing
>You realize that nearly all the buildings here were made out of some kind of rock or stone, colors of gray and black being the only variety here
>Your slow-moving guide eventually turns to you, that same still, expressionless face on her, as if you expected it to change at this point
>”If you're looking for work Anon, I think this is a decent place. Usually, spots are open and ponies always looking for an extra hoof….hand in your case”
>She said utterly humorless in tone, as you were dreading having to break your back to earn some bits here
>You had no real incentive to follow her to the train station, yet you did anyway, maybe you’ve started to grow accustomed to her almost empty form of company
>She didn’t seem to mind, soon arriving with you at her destinated goal
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blessed green anon
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she'd know each and every one of them on a first name basis and they'd tell her everything
You ever... see a pic like this and imagine them on all-fours?
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look at Maud all dressed up
mauds just one of those ponies that's just effortlessly hot
> What were you thinking pinkie?
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Looking all proper
it kinda looks like she has breast
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It's my pleasure
>The train station wasn’t anything special, seemed usual, something you’ve encountered and visited numerous times before
>But even here, the town’s dull quality seemed to ooze ever so slightly at this lone station
>Seats that looked slightly uncomfortable to sit in for longer than five minutes, station building itself made of the obvious mineral material, even the glass to the ticket booth looked dreary
>You both got there in relative time, the train had already arrived as productive steam idly pumped into the lifeless air
>The multi-color exterior of it seemed out of place in the faded color location, looking like it wanted nothing more than to chug on to a more lively town
>You hear a loud, low-pitch warning from a stallion that the train will be leaving in five minutes, well…I guess this is where you say goodbye
>You looked at the still, gray mare who turns her head to you, blinking ever so softly and slowly
>There was a sudden thing of sadness coming over you then and there, you didn’t know exactly why. You hadn’t known this strange, expressionless violet-maned mare for even an hour, and yet you were saddened to see her go
>Perhaps it was the fact that she was leaving you in this back-breaking town to grind out for bits for who knows long, that she was the pony you were most familiar with in this foreign area, or that most of all…you knew you would never meet a mare like her ever again
>”Thank you for walking with me Anon, despite Boulder being here, I appreciated the brief company and the slight sating of my curiosity”
>Her words by themselves were kind, a little oddly weirded, but genuine, however, the lacing of said words with her vacant voice put it in a different perspective
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Maud was made for clothes
I think I’m harder than Boulder.
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long pie in a onesie
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nice art
I love how their satchels are full of rocks. Maybe they use their tails to sling the rocks at enemies?
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>Despite this, you could still tell you meant it, and you didn’t exactly know how you knew that…you just did
>With a simple, slow raise of her hoof towards you, turning into a somber wave, she turned seemingly for the last time and out of your life
>You couldn’t even get a parting view of her rear due to the simple blue frock that seemed to be the only accessory of bright color she had beside her mane
>As you watch her fall into the line of eager ponies, all the ones in front of her seeming ever so eager to leave this grueling settlement, you notice there was still not an ounce of haste or urgency with her step
>Each step, appearing ever so planned, as the line got shorter and shorter until she was met with the ticket agent
>He was a solidly built stallion, though groomed enough to make clear he wasn’t from here, his gray coat being lighter than the straight-faced mare in front of him
>”Ticket, please ma'am”
>Without question, her muzzle went to her light satchel, opening it before scouting its insides, before soon withdrawing…two tickets?
>The stallion merely looked to her sides, and quick peer behind her before looking back at her with a confused gaze
>”Uh, ma'am, where is your friend or acquaintance?”
>You knew instantly who it was, a slight sigh leaving you as the gray mare soon retrieved Boulder and presented to the somewhat bewildered stallion
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Maud is based pony
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A horrid shame this never got the attention it deserved.
>You could tell he was more than muddled and questioning what was wrong with her, but he had no desire to argue or open up that can of worms, only softly sighing
>”Miss…uh, Boulder here, doesn’t classify under any pony or creature that needs a ticket, you still have a free spot”
>With that declaration, your eyes somewhat glinted, as it wasn’t long until Maud turned her head to find you still where she left you, softly blinking at you as those turquoise eyes zoned in with their quickly familiar lack of intensity
>”Anon…would you like to come with me on my trip to Ponyville?”
>Her offer lacked any of the outward kindness you’d expect from someone making such a generous offer, it was hoofed out ever so plainly, to the point where it sounded like a necessity rather than a lavish choice
>You ever wondered how you were able to hear her so clearly, with the sounds of activity around you, including the incessant sound of the train engine idly warming up
>It was like her stony voice went through all the other clutter, straight to your senses, without a single raise of her vocals, was there even a way those could be raised?
>You steadily approach, your answer being clear with your trudge over to her side, a soft glance over from her as the cold stare went back to the stallion
>”This is my other acquaintance”
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> the christmas truce football game is cut short
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>She declared blankly, not at all seeming to care about the sudden change of seat arrangement, not a single ounce of annoyance in her voice or posture
>You’d thought someone as quiet and impassive as this violet-maned mare, would appreciate her train trip alone with merely her rock friend
>The ticket stallion glances at you, less than surprised, but less than expecting to see someone like you walking up with her
>Perhaps you’ve seen him before, it wasn’t the first time you’ve been on a train, but quite a few of these stallions’ faces blended in with one another over time for you
>”Alright, second-class are two carriages up, you two are free to move along, we are getting going shortly”
>With that, the stallion made his leave, idly pulling out and checking his pocket watch as he did so, punctual, a good trait to have
>listening to Rocks
I like to imagine Maud's taste in music is shaped by only trying albums or songs that reference rocks in some way.
Keep going
Bumping to save a thread
>Her soon-to-be prophetic words stole you from your train of thought, no pun ever intended
>Despite the train leaving at any minute, clear signs from the bellowing of the active engine and increased exhale of steam, she still stood there, as still as can be without a sign of urgency>Second class? You realize then and there, that all the ponies lined up before Maud, were going to the carriages descending it
>What was this mare’s job exactly? Well, clearly it had something to do with rocks, but what was her position to get something as trivial as an upgraded train seat, two for that matter
>Perhaps she was of an upper standing, at least within this grueling place
>Despite her appearance being somewhat plain and subdued, in comparison with most of the other ponies in this town, her simple blue frock, and eyeshadow made her stand out
>If she did sit with the ponies in third class, she’d probably look luxuriant when in contrast to her neighboring passengers
>”Anon, the train is going to be leaving soon”
my fucking dick
Glim Glam looks more like she belongs on the Ost Front
>10 Years
time really does fly huh?
A decade of the best rock mare
It all returns to nothing
>It all returns to nothing
Is that a NGE reference?
It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
Mare an anniversary general and list all dates.
Then, make an M6 family for all family members of the M6.
Sometimes we have spam.
>You immediately rush over, the last thing you want to do is make this peculiar mare miss her trip, though you morbidly wondered what kind of response she would have if you did
>As you came to her, she steadily boarded the destinated carriage, expecting you to follow without saying a word
>You take one final look back at the preceding carriages, the blinds to the windows curled up, allowing you to see inside
>Gloomy and exhausted faces, you notice many of them having plenty of luggage with them, this was a one-way trip for these ponies, to a better and more colorful life, at least you hoped
>As you climbed aboard, you instinctively made sure to lower your head, you weren’t the tallest but you knew most places still weren’t physically accommodating to your species
>You were suddenly hit with the scent of sweetness as you entered, a far cry from the smell of sweat and the somewhat pungent aftermath of grueling all day with minerals of earlier
>The interior matched the pleasant scent, welcoming passengers with a certain level of comfort, from the matted train seats that looked decent enough to pass out on, to the simple engravings on the blinds
>You did wonder how they were able to always maintain the light green carpet that fitted the flooring, no doubt being trampled on by hundreds of hooves from various walks of life all across this place, seemingly every day with little stops
>There were only about half a dozen or so ponies here, most of them you figured were from a different spot, just waiting out the stop rather than venture out to the dull town, you couldn’t really blame their lack of adventure
>If there was even anyone in first-class, you imagine they were a long way from their destination, and currently have their blinds all the way down so they don’t even have to look at this place
>As you walked in slowly, it didn’t take long for you to spot Maud, standing and staring at you on the green path, seemed she already picked her spot….and was waiting for you?
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this mare makes me too hard
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Me too
Nice socks
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Such a legendary gif
>The seats she was standing still next to, were completely empty and waiting to be filled
>You didn’t know this was an act of courtesy or her merely wanting to sit away from the window, you just couldn’t tell with this mare, not that you could really read her
>You noticed some glares and soon heard some soft gossiping leak into the room, guess they were aware of your presence now
>Perhaps they thought you two were a thing, you were the two oddest ones one out, certainly would win the strangest couple in Equestria
Oh, thanks Maud
>You simply say as she lets you pass over to the usually desired, window seat, not saying a word back but rather just softly gazing at you with those large, almost calming eyes that seemed to blink far less when they found a target to stare at
>Despite the seats being made for ponies in mind, they were still rather comfortable, feeling more like a comfy mini-bed rather than a seat for transport, and while you certainly couldn’t lay your entire body down like the mares here, you could still realize and take a much-needed breather
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I can feel the awkward tension yeesh.
Thank you, I try to describe the feeling perfectly
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Very dark
Love the shading
>As you got seated, Maud steadily climbed the second half of the cushioned seat, the speed being comparable to someone being raised down rather than up, it was somewhat strange seeing such a motionless mare like her have movements that wasn’t just walking
>She rested in a sitting position, all fours making contact with the cushion, her back arched ever so slightly, making her violet tail raise barely
>Even with just sitting and getting, she had…just a unique way of doing it, that just had to be seen for yourself to be fully explained, her position allowed you to better spot out her hooves
>Her Persian-gray color that made up her coat, was in pristine condition, despite traversing the rocky, rough earth for who knows how long, with no spec of dirt or anything of the sort, she was absolutely sterile for this kind of living environment
>Despite this place being so odd, she was even odder being placed in it, around ponies giving their blood, sweat, and tears
>Her hooves were as still as can be, no fidgeting or moving around to speak of, you noticed how they looked slightly more toned than the average mare, perhaps this simple-dressed mare has done a fair of hard work
>It wasn’t long until Maud retrieved Boulder from her hidden pocket, you were off put by it at the first interaction, but you were increasingly getting used to “his” presence, you watched as she slowly circled the rock on her taintless hoof, with very soft and gentle motions, like she was handling a butterfly, her look was of calm fixation
>Your observation of her rock-idling was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of the train’s howling, followed by the initial few hard chugs to signify that you were finally on your move away from here…with an unexpected guest
>You could of tried and trail off to a nap, wouldn’t of been the biggest challenge, but you were somewhat intrigued by the gray mare sitting hushly next to you, she probably wouldn’t of mined you being dead silent for the entire way there, but yet, you wanted to try and make some talk..if possible
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Remember when her VA was a stripper? There were vids out there
Yes, I have the photo of M.A Larson signing her ass after some erotic dance she at one of the cons, I don't have any videos though so feel free to share
>Most clothed pony
>VA is a stripper
God loves those kinds of jokes
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Is there some write up on the incident?
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Long story short, there was some kind of 18+ event at one of the bronycons, and there was an advertisement for some kind of surprise. The surprise was Ingrid Nilson performing an erotic dance, well after it was done, M.A Larson himself went over and signed her ass. Here's the photo
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Cute pic
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