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Previously, in Gmares: >>40804383

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde (F), HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival, and Final Frontier.
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Why make a thread for Gmares? It's so obviously dead. Unironically beating a dead horse. And dont give me that stuff about it just being a slow days/week/month. Just let her rest ucu
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Full steam ahead! One on snoofbox
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Its so linking numver

we're so back
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gmares are eternal, do not let this retreat from the mortal coil die
Regardless of if this is unironically true, the thread IS a bump fest.
Is it? if Anons are posting pictures of erams and what they're doing in game?
It's not like a full set for an image happens in the blink of an eye too, besides the random fun that's not recorded like the mare chopper
Pictures are only posted here to get the thread off page 10. I've seldom seen screenshots posted in any other case
Then how are they never repeats? Hmm? Also check last thread and you'll see plenty that doesn't aling with the fallacy
Concern trolling is still prime bait food, I'm sure you know that
>Then how are they never repeats?
Because anons are sitting on hoards of gmare screenshots and keeping them on an IV drip just to maintain the thread
>you'll see plenty that doesn't aling with the fallacy
An exception to the rule does not disprove the rule
>Concern trolling
OK, ignore the problem then
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wtf don't beat mares
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here you go
can I boop the mares?
3 on snoofbox
one on sandbox
5 on sandmare
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*eurobeat intensifies*
i-is she safe on the roof?
2 on sandbox
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3 on snoofbox
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Nice, that's really cute
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where gmares
sorry anon its just an ARG thread. There is no gmod or mlp gmod server. We just post fake gameplay to make it seem there is a server with an active playerbase. ucu
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get me some (AR)Gmares then
Sorry Anon, I'm busy today so can't myself
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these boots were made for walking
her boot too big for her gotdam hoofs
5 on snoofbox
Beyond cute! I'd ride with mares anywhere!
7 on marebox
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wtf qt terri!!
lewd filly
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3 on snoofbox
gmares server died
Seems fine to me, maybe your connection is having issues?
Ragdolls should work now though the error is still thrown. Idk if the other issues are fixed but I've reported it to the addons devs.
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captcha: 4g0tp
they're multiplying.....
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radical mare
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what is terri planning?
post OLD screenshots nao
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my first pic of rosa
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9 on sandbox
12 on sandbox
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is this what happens when she eats zap apples?
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2 mares on snoofbox
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bury me in gmares
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mares at work
>not marenager
turn in your mare card
4 mares at the 7/11
recently got addicted to meth so im back o/
is it as good as everypony says it is?
The TTS mod has been updated.
For the changes.
The server will need to be restarted for these changes to take effect.
Please report any issues.
waow, sounds amazing!
Nice, custom VOX support is cool for sure
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Mares serving domo cup coffee
This mare is so talented!
Very cool!
The Limes are multiplying!
3 on sandbox
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That's a tall filly stack
leaning tower of faggotry
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kek, good screenshot of wheely
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New shopkeeper
She looks high out of her mind.
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>you bring the stuff?
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the tank mare
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lime hypno fetish
stare mares
4 on sandbox
do not roast the mare
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9 on sandbox
cute nerd mare
i wanna suck on those buck teeth
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5 on forkbox
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why does mare have gun
6 mares marening
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9 mares at 7 elevens.
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11 mares 11 seven
they look angi
2 feesh
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Stand your ground mare.
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mare's got a gun
6 on sandmare
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>"Truth is"
>"The game was rigged from the start"
>Spawns nuke on your head
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2 mares 1 borgar
5 on sandbox
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6 on sandmare
mare does not like what she sees
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what is Moondancer making?
3 on snoofbox
a bomb!
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zoomer moment
4 on sandbox
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The solution for the roseclones local genocide and infestation...but at what cost...
they summoned the million eyed filly
its numver
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Big filly isn't too bad
3 on marebus
one bus. none of us ucu
beeg filler
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cute batsquirrel mare
what is she gonna do?
She's gonna hack you anon, replacing all the art of your waifu with various numgets
pony in spawmenu tab
uh, what?
2 on sandbox
what did dash see
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but what if she is my waifu
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This mare is so cute
then she steals your credit card info
numlet a cute
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emo bat
One mare snoofing up the entire box
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>implying i didn't gave all my possessions to her already
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nursing this thread with survivors
I'd love to have a drink with reckless
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what happen
5 on sandbox
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cute mare
9 on snoofbox
yellow eyes?
this will be gmares in 2009
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kek, high quality
one on snoofbox
4 on sandmare
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Rose doesn't know how doors work
Someone should teach her.
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mares CAN into space
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wide Rose is wide
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glue snorting
one snoofer getting ready for an eclipse
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Eclipse mares
Burning mare 2024
1 on sandsnoof
Waow! The bump fest is still going! \OcO/
Pretty neat, though uh... maybe not going for the 2007 look is helpful for showcasing things kek
but i liked the 2007 144p aesthetics
dem quads tho
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if there was a stock market on gmares what would it influence
Not sure, I guess it would depend on what specifically the shares would be based around
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I think I almost figured out how to access ponerpics from within gmod, fixed shares for tags could be added (or for all tags but eh)
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yeah I can just parse the base page or do any stuff, I wonder if I can bake the image into a material and then feed it to the rendertarget for a nice ingame effect
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Give her foals
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that sound took me back like 10 years back
thank you
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Is that Echo on the left?
It Follows, but its Roseluck
7 on snoofbox
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Why does the roseclone have a balefire bomb?
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high octane liquid snowpity
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she used it to break out of the background
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I wouldn't mind drinking what she had
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getting drunk with mares is very fun
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You would not believe your eyes
fluttercollar invasion
nice gif, did you do the animation?
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yeah those are the first ones I've made in gmod
the bat mares have taken over!
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Uh, is that a tumor?
rare bat illness, no known cure
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inb4 vacation
who's on vacation?
the mares!
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2 on Sandbox
any background pones you want to see as a ppm2 model?
What ones do we have so far?
5 on HL1 COOP infected
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10 on sandbox
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shim/sham (rule 63 flim flam)
didnt we have an aryanne ppm2
I wanted to use her for the screenshot but found nothing
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ary https://pomf2.lain.la/f/jydbzqg5.dat
Raise your dongers.
2 on snoofbox
If you're on Windows and certain videos have errored out for you, try installing the CEF codec fix, linked here: https://github.com/solsticegamestudios/GModCEFCodecFix
I've only tried this on a Windows >11 VM but this should work on 10 or any Windows version that can run Gmares really
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1 on sandsnoof
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11 on snoofbox
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will never tire of these main menus
:sentenced: has returned
they're kino
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Mango sammich
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ooo, look at her go!
wow! did you make this?
that's really cool!
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2 on sandsnoof
7 watching pregnant minecraft let's plays.
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8 mares
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4 on sandsnoof
cute amre
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does anyone know how to use p8 image format for vtf, vtfedit does not list it and the wiki says it's unsupported, vtex2 lists it yet outputs could not convert
Why do you need it?
apparently p8 takes even more space than dxt1, I just want to save space on textures
Limeade being sucked into a blackhole
I think Limeade is the black hole, the witch's snowpity being too powerful for this world to handle
3 on sandmare
numget balloons!
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also if any of you have mare (pony) textures pls send them (especially good if they're tech themed)
or if you want to draw something
128x128 is preferred, assume that it will be point sampled in the game (e.g will be pixelated)
5 on sandsnoof
>almost everyone is using invisibility mode
I understand why it's bad now..
>not wanting the anonymity
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8 sand snoofers
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MGS cutscene
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>Hey, you. You're finally awake.
pretty mare
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>Pov: you finally wake up after the mare carried you away from the front lines to safety
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What is Lime watching?
5 on sandsnoof
Sun of the Morning!
Missing texture jacket would be funny to see in person
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Cardboard mare!
rose and tolly bath water
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what is going on in this pic?
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boop the bat
But bats bite anon...
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8 on sandbox
I will take my chances but its totally worth it
rose...... lay off the peetzer
cute batto
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>or if you want to draw something
I tried
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texture atlas. dunno if it's any good or what you wanted at all
Good job with the textures. I like the aesthetics.
wtf that's amarezing thank you
these are actually handpainted I presume (the way I've been making textures is very hacky, I just paint the general structure and then fuck around with filters and effects until it looks salvageable)
is the first pic an actual 3d render?
These are super cool!
I tried joining before but it wouldn't let me even after using the correct password or what I think was the correct one.
nvm I'm a moron
why is rose so FAT?
>is the first pic an actual 3d render?
quick scene in blender! no lighting though
I can draw more if you tell me what you need
if you can, here's a list of directions
(if you enter a creative flow state just disregard those and go with it, I can adapt the map to fit it)
textures don't really have to be that MUCH high effort like you posted
64x64 is fine too
if some of the textures are supposed to glow (or only certain parts of them) it can be easily arranged too, I'll be writing the VMT files so its fine
they can be pixelated or anti-aliased (if it is desired to go for the hl1 look), pixelated is nice but may look weird
I think its better to go for the hl1 look though idk
the map is planned to be a general purpose (sandbox speaking) area to goof around and possibly have deathmatch stuff (when I actually write the lua code to have it in sandbox)
a large underground facility of unknown purpose, something like mariposa military base from fo:e, a lot like black mesa
primary areas:
reactor room (tokomare fusion donut reactor)
engineering area, maybe orange/dark yellow metal tiles and other tech stuff, pipes, barrels, canisters, storage tanks,maintenance tunnels connecting each area of the map
the first alien movie walls, etc
idk really
5 on sandbox
>quick scene in blender! no lighting though
That's really cool!
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>pov: you are against the wall
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New hot hang out, with doom 3 on the tv.
2 on sandmare
Wonder what they're thinking about
>hmmm, I wonder what's for dinner.
3 on sandmare
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7 on sandbox
why are all the mares retarded?
numget mares?
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mares are SMART
>Verification not required.
that looks super comfy, what map is that?
1 on sandbox
It's a specific room in gm_boreas
4 on sandbox
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3 on sandsnoof
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Hey, been playing for a bit and anon's want a little bit more things to do, nothing too crazy there is desire for a uno table, I would also like that, some complain the models break during posing, so maybe add a few things, and maybe add things you think other anons would like, I have suggested a mode for anons to run through half life 1 or 2, cause I know there's a mode that lets you basically play the game with a lives system and teleporters, but hey whatever, I'm just suggesting.
Added UNO to the server collection.
>some complain the models break during posing
The ppm2 models? That's probably related to the update related issues and I can't really do anything about that.
> I have suggested a mode for anons to run through half life 1 or 2
HL1 and HL2 coop are already on the server, though im not sure if the new updates broke them I know HL1 COOP Infected still works.
>Added UNO to the server collection.
Woooooo, UNO!
3 on HL2 COOP
Server has been restarted and the UNO addon is on the server now.
The TTS mod has been updated, see:
For details.
when are the bot ponies coming?
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I know the perfect thing to add to the sever, GhostHunt and other ghost hunting maps spooky on mass, one thing to note I don't think the billiard's table works, and I haven't seen uno added, though it could be the sever just simply add it yet.
Ah I'ma dumbass
1 on sandbox
cause I didn't check to see we had uno
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>bot ponies

Not sure, I haven't really touched them since december. The good news is since I've learned how to use coroutines I can probably do some more cool stuff with them. But there's always these recent gmod updates breaking things. I should really submit a bug report about the issues with PPM2.
If you want to keep nintendo related gmod stuff, back it up.

we could try making our own pony base in the future branching off from sven models
I think it'd be more efficient if the models were static and players just uploaded mdls and textures at runtime (but they would edit them with some kind of offline program)
legacy models dont break ever (probably) and we wont have to use ppm2 plus we'll have normal ragdolls
>GhostHunt and other ghost hunting maps spooky on mass, one thing to note I don't think the billiard's table works
I forked some ghost hunter gamemode a while ago and updated and made some adjustments to it as well as packed a bunch of maps into it. Though I'd rather save that for around halloween I could readd it if people want to play.
As for the billiard table its always kind of been finniky, idk if the recent updates broke it.

3 on sandbox
There is demand for spook it seems.
Alright, added it to the collection.
Need to restart the server to apply it though and I'm nor sure if the recent updates broke anything with it.
An interesting update to this https://steamcommunity.com/app/4000/discussions/5/4211497623308213915/
The Pony Archive is also making moves to start backing up MLP workshop items, probably a good idea
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kek derpy looks fucking stoned
I love how I'm in the corner of the picture like a ghost
Cute, but also a scary sight to witness. Especially if she's looking at (You)...
The maps seem pretty fun, but I had this in mind https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=765496484&searchtext=ghost+hunt It's a really fun map to fuck around in and get spooked in, even has a ghost radar, could add it into the maps, or even do it for sandbox, since well it kind of designed for using gravgun and all that. Again sorry for pestering you for ideas, I like the spooky maps from what I've been lurking around in. Although hell's resort kind of a meme map, but hey its fun
If I were to make a actual suggestion for Halloween, you should try and set up gm_paranormal, cause the maps tend to try and aim for more realism and actual horror, then the other mode could be for more meme horror i'e jump scares, and silly horror.
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2 on sandsnoof
7 surfing mares
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I'm back from feeding the foals in my basement, and all the mares have gone.
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6 on sandbox (they WILL rtv to a different gamemode)
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cute happy mare!
Fuck Nintendo.
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Hey are there any links to url's or pastes to pony manes I wanna make zecora or at least make a pretty zecora.
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we had an anon make a zecora
ghost hunt and several of its maps have been added. I removed Spook to save for the Halloween season.
4 on sandbox
sever needs to be restart thanks half life co-op might need to either fix those co-op campagins or just remove them and replace them other type of co-op that for sure works.
nvm somehow we fixed it idk how lel
Well one suggetion we to just simply add the half life maps to the sand box rotation, that way they can be played while keeping the sandbox fun, plus it would let us play the half life 2 epsiodes.
that would imply changing their names iirc, if you wanna play a map in sandbox that is not for it (btw gamemode designation is literally the gm_ part), type !menu in chat and then map vote from there
5 on sanbox
what's wrong?
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Well both of the them are both have pretty bad bugs, especially the lambda campaign, game becomes unplayble due to many ladders not working. As for the half life one campaign there's just spot that crash the game, idk its werid, we almost needed a server restart due to it completely bugging out and getting stuck on menus.
I think the server content needs an update, I'll get on that ASAP.
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Hey guys free candy
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Maybe the candy's in here
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Oh hey pinkie, why do you got knife?
What are we gonna do on the bed Pinkie?
3 on sandmare
4 on prop hunt

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