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Mimobot Edition

Previous Thread: >>40808781


Share your pony rices and tech related projects!
I need to write down the stuff I want to post in /pts/ because I always have stuff to post while it's off the board but by the time it shows up I forget...
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name my 'bot
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You may have heard of people modifying their headphones to support a removable cable... well we do things a bit differently around here
Mostly because i'm not waiting 2 weeks for a shitty bootleg cable with only a 3.5mm audio jacklet to arrive from china|
What is it's special talent?
what does it do? besides be gay
Faggotron 90k
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Speaking of headphones, does anyone know to fix them? I'n talking about your average wired headphones
I think the main problem with those headphones are the jack, and how the actual connecter/connection can become lose or faulty
I think thats whats going on with my pair, a pair of Pinkie Pie headphones
Pic related
Is it even worth fixing? Do I find another?
The pinkie pie faces on the earbuds have worn away anyway
>vacuum robot
thats the one. if its a vacuum anyway
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For me it was almost always some fault in the middle of the cable instead of the jack, but that stuff is always so thin and coated in that paint instead of proper isolation.
>Is it even worth fixing?
How much do you like torturing yourself? I tried it a few times, always a huge pain, even when the headphones were made to be somehow repairable.
But I'm not the most skilled person for this so maybe someone more competent has better experience with this.
I have an old laptop that was given to me and was thinking of throwing a pony distro to learn linux, any suggestions for beginners???
Anon... learn to solder. You kept the iron there for 30 sec don't you? Evaporating all the flux.
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You managed to fix some fault in the middle of the cable?! Jesus, how thin was this cable
The cables on this pair of pinkie pie headphones are super thin
You're right. I would torture myself, for the sake of lolz and muh tech
But the faces on the actual ear buds wore off, I'd rather find some new ones
At least this opens up the avenue for any soldering anons to come in with their input or shown off their skill
Mint, Linux Mint, for beginners
It has an easy to use GUI/interface, and everything is relatively easy to find/access
I remember downloading drivers being the easiest on Mint
Same, I also have projects I want to do and run as well that are pony related
Now, where r the rice pics?
It's a robot car that maps it's environment and can talk to people and recognize objects. Would be fun to bring it to a con and have it drive around and REEEEEE at people.

jannyfilly it is
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Neat, like those personalized robots? What's your inspiration behind the thing
Sounds like Vector from Anki/DDL
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Nien... well not intentionally. It's just very tricky to position the wires on the pad (no holes) so I would have re-melted it a bunch. I solder for a living BTW
You're close, it's usually the wire going into the jack, roughly where the plastic ends. You can cut it off and put on a new plug
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It's nice to see that filly edit I made be used for something cool.
Oh, I also did not make any attempt to remove the existing leadfree solder before adding leaded solder which can end up looking dull like that
No way, you made that?
On what
I say just start with Debian. Imo I don't think "beginner friendly" distro really makes a difference, they just have GUIs for basic stuff like a package manager (app store), and they are all based on Debian anyway.
i actually own one of these, only the rainbow dash however
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>On what
On my computer. I used paint tool sai.
>very tricky
So tricky that on the photo there is a huge wide open area all around it, super easy to access.
>I solder for a living BTW
I made better solder joints when I was 7 years old.
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will boot soon, will inform how it goes
No way, you made that?
On what
what hardware are you booting on?
Aw shit, accident
>rdp rice
Oh, turns out I'm not the only one with this shit...
Only I had pony-coded vm's including specific snapshots
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Debian Trixie
Wait, remote? What is this
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Microsoft's RDP client for Android, probably.
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needed to learn various robotics hardware/software for a big pony robot and new job, this was perfect platform to start. the entire thing was green and black because ngreedia, so decided to make it an anonfilly.
Official M$ RDP client for android.
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Found this gem on /g/
any pony CTFs I can look forward to?
That is fucking sweet, bro
How did you get started? YouTube
Pics or it didn't happen
Based, I always wanted to make show accurate edits like these
are they really just recolors?
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Okay based. Terry and Linus, the mascots of /pts/
We already have ponified Terry, Terri Softmare ; we just need a ponified Linus
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Does anyone own any old Apple products? Or Apple products in general
I recently got this iPod 4th generation from eBay about a month ago, I've jailbroken it and installed homebrew, Cydia, Veteris and such.
I mostly got it for the grainy smartphone camera quality of that era, but I also wanted to see if I could install an old version of Instagram that I remember using a lot.
Couldn't, I think I missed the ability to do so by 1-3 months ; something about the servers shutting down. Need a legacy version
stem degree and looking at what skills are on job listings. alternatively, just diy a robot with no degree, it doesn't matter if you know what you're doing.
I could totally get into that
I'm up for a challenge
Will your robot have any voice, or does it already?
I have seen some people use chatGPT to get verbal feedback
or not, linus is kinda a faggot
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Post your benchmark if you're not scared
pv /dev/zero > /dev/null
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Here is mine blazingly fast PC
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Not the original anon (thank you for making that edit btw), but if I had to guess, he took a base show-accurate model, recolored it, then added the mane ontop of it using SAI's built-in vector tools
Well he's friends with one yea
Based tutorial fag... thanks anon!
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Missed this girl
It's been months since I've last really used this
When I went on the board, I still had /pts/ 9 bookmarked lul
And I forgot how to use vim for a second
What can you do "for ponies" if you're not an artist?
Pet them, stroke them, impregnate th- I mean just ride them :)
lets not. thats zoophilia
what now??
Nice timestamps desu
Did anyone download any cool screensavers back in the xp days? The 3D screensavers I used to use tax the processor in old (mid 00s) laptops, but I feel like something more interesting than 1px wide bezier curves.
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Try this, last time I checked it in 2022 and it worked for me on iOS 6.
>You managed to fix some fault in the middle of the cable?
Well, once but that was for one of the thicker ones, some very old Sony headphones (from my dads Walkman I think), still with normal rubber/plastic isolation per wire inside.
Usually, when I saw the thin wires I just gave up on the spot. No matter where the fault was
>But the faces on the actual ear buds wore off, I'd rather find some new ones
Have you thought of trying to paint them again? I mean, I wouldn't do it because I know I would fuck it up. But when I saw my friends hand painted figurines they looked real good
Holy shit, based? Will do! I'll try it when I'm home from work
Based I have 2 walkmans, I usually use my pc headset for them since it's the same connector
Well honestly the paint job that came with the earbuds themselves wasn't the greatest anyway, so maybe I can give it ago sometimes
That'd be a neat project of sorts
watchface anon?
a Derpy thread on /g/
post your pony tech projects before it's gone.
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what i'm doing is taking op's pic
for the next /pts/ thread!
cute pic
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gone. Would anons be annoying with ponies if GR15 was lifted? Someone had a good point there, that wojak spam could be considered more annoying nowadays, meanwhile ponies just used to be spammed. Not sure if they would be spammed constantly now.
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>mfw AMDcuck...
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So I found this today. Need to set aside the time to learn, kek
We have an operating system and programming language, Based!
faggot mobile
>doesn't use an app that has rotation fix
>We have an operating system
We have multiple in fact, at least 2 currently bootable:
PonyDOS, PonyOS
Then there was Derpian and few threads ago there was hype for Lunix but that one is probably more in the TODO state
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Okay based, I'll try it in a VM sometime
I had no idea this existed. Is this a recent creation?
There's no links for this, huh? Not any I can find on desuarchives that is
When did desuarchive become something that had to be censored
Maybe he's embarassed he didn't saves it locally and trusted archivefag instead
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So I looked into it, and I actually meant Depy GNU/Linux by Derpian,
https://derpygnulinux.neocities.org/ (based on Gentoo)
but it turns out Derpian is (was) real as well
So 4 systems may be the total score, but it depends on how much do you want to count distro with pony defaults as an operating system
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I wonder if any code from these projects are salvageable, considering they're abandoned/lost projects.
We need more like things like this... speaking of. emailanon, you out there?
Which one?
The one behind horsefucker.club
here, what you need?
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Also just checked the cert and it renewed while I was away, I must've got my chronjob working. yay
Sweet! Just wondering if you were here
Thats the main email I use
Glad to have ya
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What password manager do y'all use?
> https://www.crowdsupply.com/nth-dimension/signet

but the team has stopped making updates, I'm tempted to fork the project since it's the only thing that checked all my boxes:
> Open sauce
> Not cloud
> Not in user memory
> requires physical button push to do operations (decrypt, type stuff out, alter/read memory)
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Pass, the standard unix password manager.
Not really any special reason for it, I tried to setup mail client once and it was used in the tutorial. It's simple enough for me, theres basically just 3 commands you need to know to use it, so I sticked to it. There are some GUIs too.

I use it with syncthing, you just setup env variable to point to the synced password store dir, import your gpg key and that's it
>I'm tempted to fork the project since it's the only thing that checked all my boxes
How would that go about?
Oh shit, looks pretty kino, is it lightweight?
You can install it on Arch too
>pass is a shell script
I don't think you go much lighter than that. I even have it in Termux.
I'm pretty happy with it, but it is quite minimalistic.
You can even use it for scripting if you install some GUI pinentry program
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Bitwarden (browser plugin + Android app) selfhosted with Vaultwarden. From my experience it's easier to understand by normal people (family) than the mix of KeePassXC + browser plugin + Keepass2Android + Syncthing. Both options are open source and well maintained afaik, I still use KeePassXC for some other passwords.
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Damn, that's pretty sick, I always wanted to get some HW key but this looks like much more universal
>How would that go about?
I think the first thing I would do is remake the client in python with Qt, they wrote it in C++ I think and I ran into a bug (segfault) that I couldn't figure out when loading backed up password databases. The next thing would be to find a modern microcontroller, the one they used is now marked legacy afaik, and hope it's a drop in replacement, if not re-do the PCB. That's what forking would entail for me, and that's why I probably won't do it haha
I use KeePassXC, does the job and it has been keeping my passwords on there for about 2 years no faults or mishaps
As long as you keep that key file lul
What would be the most security hardened password manager?
>What would be the most security hardened password manager?
AFAIK from some level of encryption-schizo you should consider using hardware\ isolated offline only solutions, because 0day and 3l exploits exist on os levels. If talking avg user comfortable solutions - keepass derivatives are ok and way better than C L O U D shit with planned annual breaches. From what I've heard - some companies specifically enforce using old OG version of keepass by some reasons, maybe it is more secure. In the end, it's all about trust: to enc algo, to software, to auditors, to compiler, to maintainer, to repository, to ISP, to math in general, to OS, to hardware, e.t.c.
Interesting, I'd figure the more revent version of keepass would be more secure
Are there any known faults in its privacy or something
I click Forget your password and reset it every time.
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I assume there is some logic like:
>1.x is old, simple and had more audits when 2.x has more useless in corpo world features = more potential bugs \ exploits
>more recent
1.x is\was updated in parralel with 2.x as legacy for such purposes

>any known faults
Multiple sophisticated attacks about breaking encryption, accessing key during unlocked state (agains diferent versions, most patched \ considered low probability)
Also you can call use of mono in 2.x as privacy\security fault, considering microshit 'analytics' policies.
Also fish algo was removed during 1-2 migration(probably not a big deal but could have been point for someone)
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So one of my LCD screens started growing a line of dead pixels, (2mm/day on average for about a month) but now it stopped, and it seems to be growing to the sides instead. Surprisingly it doesn't bother me much, except for the fact that it's dying.
Anyone had something similar happen? I'd like to use for at least one more year but I wonder if there is any way to estimate how long does it have before it takes most of the screen.
But even then, there is probably some hackery you can do to make X use only the good part of the screen lol
Had similar thing but smaller. As with most screen anomalies main hackery is you learn to ignore it. Also i had dead screen part with working backlight, so it's basically white hole. Anyway, it fucks with your eyes and your mind, so try to buy a new screen \ replace when possible.
How to auto captcha on PC?
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>it fucks with your eyes and your mind
>your mind
wait wha- what? Could you elaborate?
This reminds me, I should probably check and update my keepass version...
Usually such display artifacts like dead pixels or white pixels could result in constant flickering on sideways vision, which could cause additional eyestrain, headaches e.t.c. If you try not to notice them for a long enough time, your brain can adapt and ignore them out of the picture. It will cause stress anyways.
Nothing magical. Just shitty old office displays.
Which pony would be the most tech savy?
Mane 6? Depends on the tech, Rarity would probably have a good grasp on consumer devices, while Twi would have a better grasp of how the tech actually works (the ~magic~) but might not be the best at operating whatever techslop that's being pushed at the time. Funny they're both unicorns... with the pegasi behind them, but not much better than the earth ponies
There's a package on gentoo for it
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Based unicorns
All unicorns own a ThinkPad, and are given an operating system by a newly assigned cutie mark
I need to work on stuff........
dear /g/ with more ponies and less dumb
Why does it feel like Ubuntu is not getting better at overall user experience? Snaps on 22.04 had terrible UX with updates, but 24.04 roadmap said they'll try to make the update popups more actionable and less passive-aggressive. I've just installed beta of 24.04 to see how it's going, and defaults got me with a minimal install (just a browser and not much more), so I had to install more software myself. I didn't try to not know Linux ecosystem so I just installed Libreoffice as a starter. Clicking "launch" in Snap store launched LO Base instead of Writer or their launcher that LO has, or used to have. But whatever. I used Firefox a bit, updated my snaps through GUI, not that bad (at least it didn't tell me to close store to update store). Then I went into files, and saw the familiar and disliked "snap" folder in my home directory. I decided to pretend being a newfren to Linux and just delete this folder because I don't know what it is and I don't want it here. The user data of my snaps was gone.
I don't know, I don't want to rant on Ubuntu. I'm just really wondering why are they like this. I don't even want to hate snap itself despite having "proprietary Linux eta 2038" vibes. I just want it to work and be resilient to user being dumb, kinda the way Flatpak seems to be in my experience. Why are they doing this to themselves?

Fedora doesn't want to be the new Ubuntu, Mint limits itself to Cinnamon which might not be fancy enough to interest someone, and is pretty much a three man project which is managed reasonably well, but given stuff like xz disaster recently I'd rather have my recommended OS managed by many competent people.
Ubuntu is just super opinionated and full of $$. I used it for my personal OS a while from about 6.something to 10.10 (I still run it on my VPS servers because I'm lazy and I know there will be docs/packages/etc... maybe that will change someday). I could ramble and rant on distros, but at a certain point I think it's natural to be dissatisfied with "normie distros" and look to something that's simpler and allows you to pick and chose the software you run. I'll stop there, wait, one more thing, systemd sucks :)
>not getting better
Pure ubuntu is for corpo stuff now. forks will die soon
>update popups more actionable
probably more ads for "ubuntu++Pro Ultra W.I.P" sub
meaning depends on the way you've done it. From my exp on 22.04 with most software there you want debian package and not snap.
>clicking launch on snap store does something
Nice, mine crashes. Also if you want to use snap anyways - there might be multiple branches\versions available. Maybe you've selected some minimal without launcher
>updated snaps trough gui
again, pure luck. Mine fails to do it sometimes if app js running so it's a quest with htop and killal
>deleted folder
Again. If you want to use distro "for Linux newbies" you don't want to change directory structure. Everything is preconfigured for you only to use home directories like Downloads Pictures e.t.c. or your own dirs created by you
If it IS in your home folder - yep it's their shit design.
>i don't want to rant on Ubuntu
nobody wanted, so nobody was there to stop them.
>Why are they doing it?
money, sponsorship of big corpo, fact that rhel fully commercialized itself so they want to be next. All these shiny containers are not there for you. It is convenient obfuscation for company owning container e.t.c.
>Fedora doesn't want to be new Ubuntu
because "beeing Ubuntu" was cool and innovative in 2009. Now it's about stagnation and legacy\big market support
I've heard fedora is ok if you're ok with their packaging.
>cinnamon not fancy
yep. It's goto for old laptops and office use.
>Flatpak just works for dumb user
There were\are some big issues with maintainer of flarpak!=maintainer of package and some cases of malware in flatpaks

Probably if you want it for your personal machine
>didn't try to not know linux
Use something like arch. (I've been sold on it by random normie friend so at this point it IS a normie distro when you've done with initial config part) because fully containerized approach sucks.
Or pure debian
ah that makes sense, I'll make sure to to solve it somehow if I notice some mind-fuckery or headaches. But I don't want to get rid of it yet as it's my second biggest screen and all the other ones are tiny
Neofetch thread?
Fuck neofetch we inxi -BCDGIMSs gang
I still need to make the custom neofetch cutie mark list
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>furries get Kubernetes version dedicated to them
>ponies don't
They would get the spotlight if k8s existed in 2011, wouldn't they? Right?
When I heard about this I felt something I couldn't put into words. Something like a smile because silly animal weirdos who work in IT got acknowledged, but also a bit of bitterness that it's unlikely ponies would get featured in a similar way nowadays. Maybe it's because it felt like ponies according to stories told by oldfags used to be all over internet, and now they aren't. I'd be happy if ponies were getting associated with good tech nowadays.
Don't forget, that for one positive acknowledgement they get, there is always more drama related shit.
Being widely popular for being
is not a always a good thing nowdays.
Remember all the panicking archivefriens and /biz/doomfriens with
>They don't purge us only because we're not too popular now
>If something like disney will buy it, they'l remove all fandom stuff for reputation e.t.c.
until there will be fully ungovernable archive\network - maybe it's stupid to seek attention without purpose.
How come I see no Pony here yet?
Chop chop
ping -c 1 2a01:4f8:1c1e:85cd:XXXX:YYYY:RRGG:BBAA
How much trouble would I get in if i install linux one of the computers at work
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I'm working on Luna, but after some lolifags started spamming I'm getting lots of drops. I'll leave it running overnight once more
Only one way to find out... By asking them of course, unless you feel like changing jobs
depends on place and your relation with admins
If you want to do it without asking - at least do it in non-destructive to their partitions way like install it to second partition \ separate drive e.t.c.

I have friend who has shitty clerc job and who's work pc had fucking "good old reliable pirated win 7". After updating it it to pirated 10 they humiliated him for "being stupid enough to break company property" and forced to restore 7 because some boomer is scared of new design or smth.
Funniest part is that software he has to use for work is not supported on 7 so now he's keeping secret dualboot, but company is run by retards so they don't care
UMPC's are expensive
Otherwise they'd make for a cool pony fetch picture...
Will they change by some conditions or are you meaning just organizing work like extracting images converting them to right format e.t.c.?
What is that?
Sounds about right... boomers scared scared of tech
I remember some of the computers being on Windows 10, and then at some point we got new ones
Realistically I'd have to check if the software/applications we use that are "preinstalled" are even supported on linux
But it would be fun to partition some space one at least one, an old laptop or something with linux. I would just be afraid of it fucking up the file system, having to wipe it and reinstall would be pretty annoying
Holy shit I was looking for that distro for a while, thanks anon!
Some guy on /g/ee made pixel canvas where each pixel is one IP from IPv6 /64 subnet. You can draw pixels by pinging the corresponding IP.
But it has been down for about a day now. Probably because of the loli and shota spam, even while I was drawing that Luna it was being hammered pretty hard, all those black pixels in her are failed pings
As a more safe solution if you're planning to stay at this job for long enough, you can "invest" into cheap separate external or internal (if it's not a laptop it probably has some slots) drive
But again, if you're planning to do it for long enough - someday admins will find it out, so starting from asking if they even care seems better option anyway.
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>watchface anon?
yup, and I'm really happy to see that my #1 fav thread on this website is still up!
I still have the Luna one on my Pebble, with a half-assed buggy patch for the blinking animation. How long has it been, a year?
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Debian Bookworm
Based! Thanks
I still use my Pebbles, I plan in getting a red one at some point
And the illusive pink one, pinkie pie watch
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Anyone managed to make Synapse matrix server use NTFY? I must be retarded but I can't find much information about it.
There is matrix-docker-ansible-deploy. but I already have normal installation and I'd prefer to keep it that way for a while (no experience with docker and not a lot of time to learn right now).
Or any other way to get notifications from matrix on Android?
My parents like Fluffy chat but without notifications it's next to useless
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>Or any other way to get notifications from matrix on Android?
Well, if the user has Gapps or microG it should just work. For ntfy the setup is a bit clunky, last time I had it (2 months or so) I needed to:
>install ntfy app on phone
>connect it to my selfhosted ntfy instance
>use Unified Push tester (somewhere on F-Droid) to ensure ntfy app can be used as UP distributor
>login into Element X, to create a new device on Synapse's side with pusher URL specified by ntfy app
>debug for a moment why Synapse can't reach ntfy server by private IP, find some issue on GH about it, resort to NAT hairpin
EX had a bit rough UP support back then, e.g. if you had Gapps/microG it would choose notifications through that instead of Unified Push, with no option to change it. Aside from setup that is absolutely too complicated for normal people, it worked quite well. No idea about FluffyChat. I've stopped using ntfy/UP because I decided to install those sandboxed Gapps provided by GrapheneOS on my main profile and have reliable banking app (it was a bit buggy in secondary profile, and if the profile was logged out I wouldn't get notifications about money, a bit meh).
So yeah, setup aside it was pretty smooth. If it was preconfigured like FCM, it would just werk for normal people, and that reinforces my idea that there should be some "small tech" companies that would use FOSS to host equivalents of the consumer clouds of big tech. Want to use Google's cloud? Sure. Want to use someone else's? Just log into it during phone setup and it'd preconfigure that smaller company's cloud for you.
I've shilled Signal to my own family. Easier to find other people on it (just use your local address book) than on Matrix right now.
What a based fucking lad, hats off to you! For defending your waifu
Thats pretty cool tho
Will do, I'm going to check what model the computers there are when im back from the weekend. Gonna see whats in em
Thoughts on Linus?
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which one?
Or current distro
tech tips
>you will never play on the next generation "PONY" console...
>tech tips
Used to be better. Besides ad part there was also quality useful content sometimes and more self-awarness. It was more innovative and experimental sometimes - now it's only self-repeating of old boring videos. It looks like constant shill and ONLY shill (including political). I still check it rarely to make sure there is nothing good left besides it. There isn't. /g/ bots are more legit, they don't ask you to disable adblock or autohide at least.
Also there were some huge dramas n stuf but tl;dr: "videos were shit cuz we had to make them fast" so now they make the same bad quality but slower
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I treat it like Top Gear, funny shit but with tech and very rarely with ponies. Since that drama anon mentioned happened, I've found myself more interested in Gamers Nexus videos how curious given that they were the ones to point it all out as less mainstream focused but still pretty easy to watch tech news.
I feel like someoneâ„¢ should consider working on preserving Pebbles beyond the already excellent work of Rebble, which provides replacement web services. There's only so many of them on eBay and exactly zero in my local online marketplaces for the last year or two. We've lost the firmware and hardware schematics to Fitbit (so now to Google), and nobody else seems to make watches exactly like this - not trying to outsmart the phone, but smart enough to provide value over regular watch, like pretty moon horse blinky peepers. With screen that's truly always on and doesn't need a special waterproof mode to prevent touches while in shower.
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Behold, the Luna phone!
And I've also got myself an Android Wear, so I'll probably port my Luna watchface to it anytime soon (maybe (idk anything about Wear OS SDK))
> with a half-assed buggy patch for the blinking animation
I am sorry but I don't experience any problems with animations on my own Pebble Time and Time Steel, and even if I did, I probably didn't had any clue how to fix it. The animation itself is an APNG file, which caused my Pebble constantly crashing, until I optimized it as much as I could.
> How long has it been, a year?
I'm always here and read every post in /pts/ threads, just rarely reply or post here...
Switching to small keyboards was such a meme. Any good low profile full sized keebs?
Based! /) Did you paint the case yourself? Or buy it kek
>Android Wear
Woah, interesting. And old. How does it compare to say, the old Samsung watches?
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> Did you paint the case yourself?
Nope, bought a "custom printed" case, and it was hard to find it for my phone. The quality is sorta okay, but after all it's still Luna
> And old.
Sorry I meant Wear OS, I bought a 2021 Galaxy Watch 4. It's a pretty nice watch and I like its hardware and how it works, but again Android is an overcomplicated OS for wearables and two days of battery life with a screen that constantly turns off comparing to 6 days of Pebbles with display always on sounds like a joke.
>"custom printed" case, and it was hard to find it for my phone.
Cool, when I recently was searching for case for my relatively obscure model - "custom printing" service had already stockpiled template of Luna\Celestia.

>Android is an overcomplicated OS for wearables. 2 days lifespan.
Android itself is fine. It's probably samsung's google's poor optimization of their own services for constant analytics ads e.t.c. I have one of my old phones from 2017 degoogled and use it "like a watch" (alarm, password manager \ notifications sync with pc \ note taking \ extra storage e.t.c. Usually it runs 2-3 weeks without recharging.
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> I'll probably port my Luna watchface
In the wonderful world of Wear OS, you can do great things without having to code anything at all
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Whole family has G-everything I'm the only one with ungoogled Lineage.
Thanks for the sum-up, I've decided to try getting rid of ntfy because before at least some notifications worked, after it was just dead.
I've also noticed some more battery optimizations that were still enabled even though I thought I disabled everything
>Want to use Google's cloud? Sure. Want to use someone else's? Just log into it during phone setup and it'd preconfigure that smaller company's cloud for you.
That would be real nice, google has been getting some antitrusts so maybe one day. EU has many flaws but I hope they'll be shitting on big tech more, which could hopefuly improve things for burger friends too
I know about that, but I really like having it self hosted. And I also pay for the VPS whether there'll be matrix server running or not so why not run it
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>pony robot autism project
A 3.5 foot tall pony would have 6 inch eyes and 3.75 inch pupils. This is just right for a kinect lite (modded kinect v1). An apeture mechanism would make it have more realistic expression and reference portal. I could put the digital camera in the middle and the depth projector / depth camera outside the pupil so it looks like the eye shines.
yeah he's definitely kind of annoying sometimes in the produced videos, but I like him for his podcast, he seems like a genuine person
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>mfw intelCHAD
time to take the big sniff
>quality useful content sometimes
yeah this is what I miss the most. now a grand lot of it is just
>random expensive crap we bought because we can
>building the amd/wish/alibaba/whatever pc
I kinda miss the more interesting stuff
I tried watching the Gamers Nexus channel for a while a bit before and after the drama happened, but that guy is so goddamn negative all the time, I couldn't stand it.
I'd rather watch the occasional interesting behind-the-scenes/studio build LTT video than another "everything about computers is bad now and you should feel bad" GN video.
Anyone got experience with running windows games on Mac?
The microsoft 400/600 was pretty good but they've recently exited the peripheral game
>everything about computers is bad
They call it "not advertiser-friendly" content.
When I consider buying something I search for known flaws. Good tech review should contain these flaws, they are for viewers, positive is for company who pays for review.
>studio build
at this point they probably have more studio build videos than actual content made on those studios. It is lazy self repeating and after you watch 2-3 "our new X build!11" you've seen them all
Logitech K120
You don't need more.
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based, those things are indestructible. It was my first keyboard, still have it somewhere
As long as furfags won't get dedicated TLD it's fine. Although considering how anything can be TLD these days, it might even happen one day
Rubberdomes sux
funny the "small keyboards are a meme" topic comes up just as I take the bait after years of holding out. The 10key keypad was always something I _needed_, but recently found a standing desk converter at a thrift store and my fullsized keyboard is taking up too much space. I also recently felt some brown switches for the first time and really liked that (currently using a $40 keyboard with knock off blues). So, ordered pic rel and looking forward to it
>have a phone
>pone comes out of the blue
>she's a rootmare
>she asks for superuser access
allow (10)/deny
Avoid Razer. If you have 200USD buy a keychron. solid built keyboards (mostly metal so a bit heavy) good build quality and hot swappable switches if their fantastic switches aren't autistic enough for you
>They call it "not advertiser-friendly" content.
fine by me, do point out when there's flaws or crap, that's just good journalism, but even when something is pretty good, they still find a way to make it sound like shit. it's just dumb and doesn't make me feel excited or even interested in computer stuff. I'd rather watch any other tech channel over it.
>at this point they probably have more studio build videos than actual content made on those studios
nah they're putting out 3-4 videos every week on their main channel, and then with all the Techlinked, Gamelinked, Short Circuit, and other channel videos, they are pretty heavily utilizing the place.
Only my mouse is Razor
What mouse do y'all use?
G502 masterrace with common customizations like additional covers and softtouch removal e.t.c.
Previously used g700 but after 6 years and repair-attempts it's doubleclick became unfixable
I was looking into p2p stuff and wanted to google bitswap (the libp2p protocol), and my browser helpfully suggested https://ponepaste.org/5869 from my history
>it was hard to find it for my phone
what phone you got running? Agreed though, still a nice case
>two days of battery life with a screen that constantly turns off
thats not ideal, even more so compared to the pebble
But I'm sure it's still manageable as long as you remember to charge the damn thing constantly
At least you can set the watch face to anything!
How much did you get your Galaxy Watch 4 for?
Holy fuckk that is soo cute!! Is it a mp4 you set as the watch face to get it to do that?
Does anyone know of any sites where I can download technical papers (such as ISO standards) for free? Besides z-library of course.
I hate mice and haven't found anything good yet. Everything feels hollow and like cheap plastic (especially your logishart) and it bugs me
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Usually generic gaming mouse (they're bigger, I have big hands) at around 20€.
Must have 5 buttons minimum. Dpi + double click buttons are nice to have.
Always wired. They last for about 3-4 years which I find reasonable enough
logishit anon here. Yep. Currently they make it cheaper and cheaper than before and it will get even worse. They are buying more and more former competitors.
>cheap plastic
Might not agree on that (at least before 2019)
Plastic is kinda durable. Soft touch fetish is cancer, if you plan to use something longer than 1-2 years - remove it until it melts into your skin.
>I hate mice
I hate it too. As a concept. I'm fine learning 200 hotkeys and don't look at window to know what I'm doing. But you need it sometimes for modern ui's and when it breaks you search for new one.
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This Red Dragon Cobra was fairly cheap and has been doing the trick for a few years now, and you can turn off the RGB lights, although it ends up turned on because the mode button is on top next to the DPI selectors
Kek, I figured the "drama" anon mentioned was going to be the thing about Anthony
I definitely see the shill more than I see anything tech or g related WITH passion
>someone should consider working on preserving Pebbles beyond the already excellent work of Rebble
Hm, what else is there that we can do?
And do you mean preserve them on a hardware or software level?
>theres only so many of them on eBay
right, and the ones that ARE on there have all seen an increase in price
Perhaps it is time to become the masted Pebble repairer, with all those broken or "for parts" watches listed on eBay
G400s is solid as fuck bro. God mouse.
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> what phone you got running?
LG G8. Switched to it from Google Pixel 4, feels like Google Pixel 4 but good (larger battery, +ultrawide camera, +3.5mm jack, +micro sd slot, +fingeprint). Funny thing that LG made two versions for this phone - one for US and one for any other country. US version has only two cameras (wide, ultrawide), while Global has three (wide, ultrawide, tele). And my case is for US version, so it blocks Tele and LED flash. I don't use them much, so that's okay for me.
> At least you can set the watch face to anything!
And so I could code any watchface I wanted for Pebble. I bought these to try Wear OS as operating system and finally have a watch with lots of sensors that would tell me how anxious I am rn. Still worth it thought.
> How much did you get your Galaxy Watch 4 for?
bought them used, $70. A new Watch 5 costs $359 (according to their website), while the only difference between them is battery capacity. And Samsung doesn't import anything in my country anymore, so that's a good deal to try out that sort of gadget, I guess.
> Is it a mp4 you set as the watch face to get it to do that?
I've made a gif from HD source files I drew before. There's bunch of pre-installed watchfaces and there's one that allows you to set any image as background. I tried putting gif and it worked
I admit tho, my old keyboard was Razor too
I say don't use razer coming from a full razer setup. You overspend for buggy fragile shit. I'm talking keyboard that randomly jacks volume to max kind of buggy, all their products will fuck up somehow. Unless you want to be some "well actually" faggot and sit with customer support for weeks on all of your products to get them to function properly you are extremely likely to have issues. And that's after paying 3x what it's worth . Second most expensive mistake in my life and I'm almost done replacing my hardware and accessories. Spend time and money finding and getting quality hardware, plz learn from my mistakes
NTA but if you;re realy into razer aesthetics and want to
>replacing all
- look ar /csg/ ripoffs and "original brands". Half of razer products that is not mice looks and feels like OEM anyways
With mice and boards(if you're realy into their ergonomics) - try to find old (probably used) models from times when company had competitors and had to bring some quality level
For me it's all that fucking software
Not only was it annoying, but having it open the second I turn my computer on was enough too
My keyboard now just connects, and displays the same rainbow coloration all through out
Albeit, there's no way to change the colors or pattern it flows in
But I'll take it over Razor any day
Have some rgb kingston ram whith shitty software refused to even launch so it was glowing all the time even in hibernation under windows - some shady openrgb fork implements it
asus software on windows implemented in 11+ services working over some shady server - openrgb natively supports it
Bought some used corsair case with fan controlers e.t.c. almost for free - software worked but it was constantly trying to update itself and after doing that it was failing to launch
- openrgb fixed that too
Had chink "smart" lamp... I think you get the pattern

All those hardware manufacturers can not be trusted with writing software, so reverse engineered experience is always better today
Razer Viper Ultimate, bought only because my previous mausu got Pinkie stuck inside scroll wheel >>41027103 and some pawnshop was selling this one for way too cheap. I was worried about recharging but since I use it with a laptop I'm also using touchpad 50% of the time, so mouse goes to sleep and it's not that bothersome to lose first drag to "oh shit wake up" instead of moving cursor. With LEDs turned off the logo blends into black plastic. Dock is a bit wonky (needs a push because pogo pins are too short 99% of time) but helps not feel bad about having to charge it once every 2 weeks or so.
On Linux it just werks, I used that Polychromatic program once to disable LEDs and write it to memory, now it's just plug and play. On each fresh install of Windows, however, I'm greeted by the bloatware Synapse anon >>41029691 mentioned. I get it, autoinstall of drivers is nice, but this goes a bit further than just a driver imo.
I wish it could connect to 2 dongles, so I didn't have to swap one dongle between two PCs, and I don't want Barrier just for the mouse. tl;dr good shit I found for cheap, would have bought something else otherwise.
>All those hardware manufacturers can not be trusted with writing software, so reverse engineered experience is always better today
It's really fascinating how often this holds true.
Yeah the software aspect is often overlooked. Buying a mouse where you need always-on software for all its features is a BIG no-no. We're in 2024, it adds like $0.005 to manufacturing costs to include a microprocessor on the mouse capable of emulating a keyboard and translating any number of extra buttons into keyboard presses, arbitrary macros, whatever; if you require software to be installed to do that instead, your product is not fit for purpose.

As for keyboards, I only ever buy stuff compatible with QMK nowadays. Everything else is nearly worthless compared to it.
>I wish it could connect to 2 dongles, so I didn't have to swap one dongle between two PCs, and I don't want Barrier just for the mouse. tl;dr good shit I found for cheap, would have bought something else otherwise.
/csg/ grade KVMs like (you)>green
cost like 5$±
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What about search engines?

After reading this https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/ few days back I remembered that
I've been playing around with the idea of making pony centered search engine using YaCy. It would scrap exclusively pony related sites for searching, thus getting better pony results than google.
However my ISP didn't like that and within a week I got a few emails about my network being infested by viruses kek.
I tried to get it working again when I acquired VPS but something was broken and I don't have the time for debugging it so it's on my To-Do list for now.

So what search engine do you use and which ones do you know Anon?
Still use as my main, but actively looking for something better
Already saved me a few times, but I don't think I'll go with it as my main. It's pretty much the same botnet as Google.
But seems vastly superior for image and reverse image search
>Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo (they should be all using the same index)
I usually use DuckDuckGo on fresh installs, but it's kinda meh
Never got around trying it properly, probably gonna check it soon.
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I wont let /pts/ die just yet!
What a based lad...
hmm I guess I could post about the resin printer that arrived today. Picked up a Elegoo Mars 4 Ultra, I've done FDM for a long time but have never done resin so this'll be an adventure
I switch between goog and yandex for images. I tried using searx but I ended up disabling everything that wasn't google so it kind of felt a bit moot. Having others just slowed it down and didn't provide better results, it's probably still worth it if you're really against google's data mining because you get the same results* but you're effectively proxied.
*It can't tweak results for your specific location
Ive been using Kagi since ~Nov of last year, it's been pretty great. Before that I was using DDG. With Kagi you could even make a pony related "lens" if you wanted to:
I'm pretty lazy when it comes to fiddling with tech, I just use it for the most part, so I haven't really experimented with their more advanced features. Not sure if it's just a meme that I fell for, but I've been liking the results, no obvious political leaning or ads or bullshit, just straight up search with a lot of nice little customizable things, worth it so far
Had searx image running year ago until I nuked my system by mistake. Now I mostly use startpage and sometimes fallback to google.
At this point most popular "proxy" search engines work ok and google itself becomes worse.
I've been considering Kagi. The thing is 99% of what I search for is technical terms while working, and DDG is pretty decent at just giving me first-party documentation whenever it exists and reasonable technical blogposts/explanations otherwise. So I don't really experience the issue with modern politicized search results or otherwise really have much to complain about.

It's a very neat idea though and I'm keeping it in mind in case DDG ever goes to shit.
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sweetie bump
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workspace basically setup, machine still needs assembly. Glad I live alone and don't have a wife
Hi door i'm Anon, nice to meet you. I hope you're open to more friends :D
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I swing between being open and closed to a lot of things, hard to know where I'll be from one moment to the next, it all hinges on ... you know... my actual hinge
Brave bros?
but do you have mare stls to print?
One so far >>41031490 but I'm sure there's some good freebies out there, and I think I'll try and make my own. I've been working on a little demon core model project and having a little pony holding the screwdriver would be A+
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I like exclusively pony
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Why negate
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No worries anon, my phrasing was off - the animations work well, you could say they work too well. Finally sat down to rub 2 braincells together and figure out less halfassed tiny patch to suspend animation while Luna sleeps, and restart it when she wakes up. I'll test it for a couple of weeks, I'd expect some small battery savings. I failed to restart animation in buggy version of the patch, so after first night the battery life was remarkable, at least until I launched another app on watch and then the watchface was restarted, with Luna blinking again.
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had to install pv lool
I used dd as well for an extra data point
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You gotta increase block size for dd to not have shit performance
Oh, that's really good to hear! If you'll succeed with your idea, you can pull request it on github if you want, and I'll update the watchface with it
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So what should I do when Windows >10 goes EOL? 11 looks a bit too "cloudy" for my tastes, and it feels like I'd be giving up and accepting MS pushing boundaries of bullshit in an OS. Home computer would be fine with some Linux, but mom has 2 PCs at work which need to run Windows only programs perks of purpose built niche software in country with solid Microsoft "lobbying", and of course MS Office because why would you ever want public institutions to use open document formats. These computers won't get autoupdated to 11 because they're on 6th gen of Intel, which happens to be still decent for their work. I'm not sure if I want to run that software through Wine, but I'd feel guilty leaving them on OS that won't be supported => probably won't be getting security fixes anymore. And even as a tiny company they get malware delivered to their email inboxes. I'm also not happy that they're on MS Office 2013 which went EOL a year ago, and who the fuck knows if they won't be sent a malicious Word document which will exploit some known vulnerability that MS won't patch because oh look Office 365. Might be a decent reason to talk with them about switching to Libreoffice and figure out some fucking autoupdate for it because it's 2024 and nobody really felt like Windows LO should have an autoupdater so it doesn't. I mean, on one hoof that makes sense as usual in OSS, but given that it'll open files received from internet I'd expect it to be updated without user having to think about it. Flashbacks from each LO Windows install that years later was always at the same version I initially installed.
I don't know how people manage security for normal people. I'd need a poni to calm me down and help manage the worry and figure out how to convince people to click that "update and restart" button, for their own sake. Perhaps ponies wouldn't have as many malicious actors and wouldn't have to worry as much about security.
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Huh, I run it on my T420 and old (but much newer) gayming laptop and Thinkpad actually won. Now I didn't expected this to be some super accurate benchmarking. But it's still feels weird
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>>why would you ever want public institutions to use open document formats.
>But it is open anon! It even has "Open" in the name: "Office Open XML" format
>It's not our problem it's so fucking huge and complicated that no else can implement it properly, maybe they should just git gud!
>Yeah sometimes even our implementation doesn't match the specs we set, but I promise we tried!
>And yes the backward compatibility is a mess but that's the price we have to pay for all the new features we bring in every release, like... uhm, the cursor is now animated while it's moving between the characters!
>Besides, you can just get the newer version, and no more problems!
>Now be good, and go tell them to rent Office 365, did you know you can use it online? And it's always up to date!

Wasn't there Microsoft mare OC as well? I can't find her
>microsoft lobbying their os in critical public infrastructure and it becomes legacy
First time? I get your point with feeling wrong leaving it that way but it's kinda microsoft's problem and hpefully during this EOL they'l get sued by same governments where they've lobbied it.
Corpo solution for your problem is strict firewall and security policy with whitelists for anything. If the whole work is to get email, open word docs and click some buttons in crappy proprietary program - why would they need access to anything else on that system? (Considering you dont trust them with not getting malware)
>run trough wine
At least try: it might work. Another option - consider isolating office and software in question into windows 10 vm and restrict its access to the host network.
>switch to libreoffice
Might work out easier than in some cases, considering they use
>office 2013
Being older in that case means less incompatibility with libre.
>malicious ms document
there are tweaking lists to completely disable most dangerous stuff from msoffice. Usually it also can be disabled trough group policy.
>how people manage security for normal people
restrictions, trainings, backups
>ponies wouldn't have to worry about security and malicious actors and email viruses e.t.c.
I can see changelings being naturally talented at such stuff. There is also legacy magic with vulnerabilities.
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You don't need more.
Based. Simplicity.
Didn't read but windows 10 ltsc, or windows 11 ltsc which should be coming out later this year should theoretically be much better than retail 11
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Leaked Windows 11 LTSC build gives me a light of hope, since it consumes only 1.6 - 2 gigs of ram from the fresh install. But it still has Copilot so I don't know, if Microsoft will advertise Copilot as a core part of the system like Edge, that would be an absolute disaster
same kernel? what's the difference in processors? Not sure how hard memory gets hit doing zeros to null
If it's a workplace computer, AND a public institution to boot, why is it your problem? You shouldn't do anything, your mom should keep using what her workplace gives her.

At home you can switch to Linux, but work computers are not your property AND not your responsibility.
"Too cloudy" is also not usually a real concern for a business, unless they have any sort of like sensitive data that's regulated and which Windows wouldn't comply this, but I'd be surprised because government type stuff and bureaucracy is a big market for Microsoft. There'll almost certainly be a way to upgrade to like windows 11 LTSC or something, and maybe have like a company Office 365 deployment, and that'll solve their security needs and auto-updates.
Again, corporate is not the same thing as personal.

At home, Linux is really nearly the only option. I guess Macs are an alternative IF you like them (and have the money to spend), but they have enough caveats that if you don't already like them then it's not really going to be a viable option.
I don't doubt for a second microsoft will try to pull the IE stunt with copilot however with windows no matter what bullshit microsoft throws at us people always find away around it. IE could always be removed, Edge can be nuked and i'm sure copilot will be able to be dealt with too
He wrote that he was installing it in the first place. As I understood - they work with public institution sepending on microshit but are small company themself.
>should using what work gives
work doesn't give a f... so workers use anon as free\solid tech support. Again, family member e.t.c.
>way to upgrade and get 365
there probably is but if they use office 2013 they probably don't have extra budget for that shit and extra time to learn new interfaces. Also it's not the solution because when next year microshit will anounce win12, will win11 became legacy again? At this point it doesn't look stable enough for real work.
>work doesn't give a f... so workers use anon as free\solid tech support. Again, family member e.t.c.
Well that's not all that sustainable. Generally for employment, you use what IT says will work. If you start depending on family members for tech support that opens the window for shit like "yeah my brother installed arch and broke my xorg.conf so I'll spend a day fixing it". Is that acceptable at your workplace? If it is, then that's a weird workplace and I'm not sure if it's sustainable. If it's not, then it shouldn't be your responsibility and you should use what IT tells you to.

Ultimately if IT is non-existent, then I guess you keep using ancient software until the entire company gets pwned by some old ransomware or something and then the managers/owner are left holding the ball due to their extremely questionable business practices. Again, not your problem.

In the end if you're messing with self-rolled systems on a work computer, it comes down to two options: either a) you must be certain that maintaining and supporting it can come out of company time, or b) you must be willing to support it entirely your own dime. I've done the latter working as a dev, because it allowed me to use a linux distro I was most familiar with; I'd be on the hook for keeping the laptop functional but I was confident in my abilities, and I gained the benefit of using an environment I liked and was comfortable in, rather than suffering some RHEL or Ubuntu garbage. However I was doing it as a well-paid employee, so it's a tradeoff I accepted, and if somehow my system broke irreversibly I always had the option of just emergency booting debian or something to get back to work if truly need be.

Meanwhile it sounds like that anon is not an employee of the company, the employees are not very technically proficient in the first place, and at the same time there's no provision for using company time to maintain your self-rolled IT systems either. It's a very dubious proposition and if it were me I'd leave it well enough alone, and let management decide whether they want to invest more into proper IT or whether they want the entire company to remain vulnerable to some rogue virus bringing it all down one bright morning. It's a business decision on their part, and you don't owe them any unpaid labour and headaches dealing with all issues that would arise as a result of said labour.
>Well that's not all that sustainable.
He mentioned it's a small company. It's not about sustainability. It's about getting shit to work and forgetting for next 10 years.
>Ultimately if IT is non-existent, then I guess you keep using ancient software until the entire company gets pwned by some old ransomware or something and then the managers/owner are left holding the ball due to their extremely questionable business practices. Again, not your problem.
getting fired from bankrupt company and searching for next one because you were lazy to ckick "update" one day IS YOUR problem. (In anon's question - his mother's problem which probably will affect him)
>In the end if you're messing with self-rolled systems on a work computer
>working as dev
Messing woth self-rolling windows is easier. I'l give mictoshit that.
>Meanwhile it sounds like that anon is not an employee of the company
>the employees are not very technically proficient in the first place
Yep, they're office workers, not devs, he mentioned they failed to auto-update some shit until forced to and also got malware at least once
>If it were me I'd leave it well enough alone, and let management decide whether they want to invest more into proper IT or whether they want the entire company to remain vulnerable to some rogue virus bringing it all down one bright morning.
Again, small company, family e.t.c., solids favours on solids, all, that stuf. 'Management' in question might be some brother of boss's wife or smth.
>It's a business decision on their part
It probably was business decision to buy 10 which was advertised as perpetual version.
>and you don't owe them any unpaid labour and headaches dealing with all issues that would arise as a result of said labour.
It's for anon to decide. I doubt he does all this completely free.
I do need more. At least free scroll for large files.
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If developer of software\website was kind enough to implement it in every scrollbox and not disabled or remapped for own reasons
shit, you're right, I forgot some sw does that, the worst is the kind that doesn't even support ctrl+arrow for cursor navigation because it's using some 1000 years old win32 api, that should be considered a war crime
but pgUP/Down should work by default in text boxes
Also pgUp pgDown moves cursor and sometimes you want to leave it in place.
In perfect world of implemented keyboard controls we would not need mouse at all. But instead we're moving to websites with mobile only layout. Another crime against keyboard - fuckery wjth cursor itself for example vreaking selection. Like "why would user need default select behaviour?, he's probably on mobile using keyboard for retards without arrows and ctrl\ shift. Iy used to be enabled for "acceaibility reasons" now they ignore even the possibility someone night not like native interface components over their lagging bloat. And if you have custom repeat interval...
Thinkpad: Linux 5.10.0-28-amd64 with Intel Core i5-2520M
gaymer laptop: 5.4.0-174-generic with Intel Core i5-6300HQ (I don't really use it much anymore so it's not been updated)
The CPUs are actually much closer in release date than I expected, and the "gaming" one should be 13% better (except for memory latency).
But the gaming one has DDR4 while Thinkpad DDR3
would be interesting to run the test on an updated kernel, the generic vs amd64 is probably making most the difference if I had to guess, but I'm no kernel expert
Please, post results
Depends you can either save yourself the trouble and use boot camp with windows if you have an Intel based mac.
Or whisky if you have an arm mac, performances might not be the very best out there, but it should be ok
I've been posting resin printing updates to the Posey thread >>41043425 I haven't been working on the demon core project much, sort of lost interest, but I'm thinking of doing a simplified version (just pulsing blue light) without the sensors, I still need to design the pony holding the screwdriver
Today's bump is brought to you by:
xd - change directories effortlessly
Do you navigate to certain directories often? Are you tired of smashing tab all the time? Don't wanna have million aliases?
Then xd is just for you!

No more typing of full or partial paths, with xd all you need to specify is the first letter of every directory, for example to get to ~/Pictures/Ponies/Tech/ponified
You just type:
xd PPTp
For paths relative to root just add "/": /tmp/something/
xd /ts
If there is multiple paths that could be taken, xd will provide you with selection menu*:
xd PPC
1) ~/Pictures/Ponies/Confused
2) ~/Pictures/Ponies/Cute
*Don't press ctrl+c while in this menu because it will fuck up your terminal and you'll have to call 'reset' to unfuck it
I miss NCD.
has /pts/ done a collab project? maybe we could brainstorm something fun
There was a thread where anons wanted Desktop Ponies to judge their computer usage, but nobody's done a thing before thread died: >>40988219. So if anon needs a weekend project and missed the thread in catalog, this could be somewhat easy and fun.
I was playing with idea of making pony voice assistant. Nothing fancy with AI, just set of tasks it could do like old ~2017 android google assistant or how it was called.
There would be a window with pony on the screen, maybe following your cursor, when you press some shortcut, she starts paying attention, you give her some command, then she does it or gets confused depending on whether she knows it.

I wanted to use whisper https://github.com/openai/whisper or https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp for speech recognition and some local pony voice model (if there is such already) for answers
Overall the goal would be to make the base as simple as possible and allow for extending
Do you have experience with existing voice assistants? I've never used them longer than 5 minutes, they seem just so inefficient compared to usual interactions with computer.
I used that mentioned google assistant for a few weeks until I got bored of it. And I agree that they're not really that useful, good keybinding can be superior in many ways.
However, I think that value could be increased significantly if such assistant was a pony, mainly because ponies make everything better
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>LG G8, feels like Google Pixel 4 but good
Really now? Back when I got a Google Pixel 3 and installed GrapheneOS, it worked well for what the software supported anyway
If I remember correctly the SMS was a bit buggy
>two versions of the phone
Don't phones outside of the US have more capability for those sort of things, flashing and installing software? I want another project phone, but I remember how hard it was trying to get a legit phone outside the US, they affordable ones are usually bought out on eBay
>bought the watch for sensors
How do the watches functions compare to modern smart watches though?
I've wanted a smart watch in the past, but don't want to get an apple watch, and I don't really like the look of Samsung ones
But this one looks pretty neat actually kek
Very affordable too! All my Pebbles have been bought second hand
>it's a gif
Lets. Fucking. Go. That is sweet. I def need to find some gif like that but for Rarity
>two versions of the phone
>Don't phones outside of the US have more capability for those sort of things, flashing and installing software?
>I want another project phone, but I remember how hard it was trying to get a legit phone outside the US, they affordable ones are usually bought out on eBay
There is even a scam when they sell you cheaper new US phone with locked bootloader instead of used but full version. Good price cut for normies but actually e-waste when you buy it for flashing.
You should do a research of all possible submodels of model you are buying, or else you're risking buying undeletable facebook\google launcher.
phones are so cucked its unreal
To be honest, I don't even need a phone. It's about getting powerful portable pda with somewhat Linux and without manufacturer's shit. But they dont make those anymore cause 'let's make it phone' and then 'cause it's phone now let's restrict it by fucked up laws, other phonemakers do it right?'
Funniest part is that it's gonna get worse. 3yo unlockable models used cost sometimes like latest locked new. If you want some - buy it till you can.
I wonder, when will they start locking consumer PC cpus? I know there were some laptops with hardware-locked bios but afaik there were some workarounds requiring soldering.
Just buy a pixel and put graphene on it
Unironically google's own flagship phones have some of the best bootloader setups in terms of being unlockable yet well-supported and secure and not an utter mess
For now I have bunch of working devices from different, manufacturers for a price of one pixel. When I'l be forced to update them in few years there is no guarantee that pixel won't become shit as others. They've already promised ble faggotry (1 step from doing it at hardware level - goodbye battery)), removed sd e.t.c.
Was making music on Windows right now
Shit fucking crashed
Tia fucking damnit
Software or win itself?
They've onvented autosave for that long ago.
Then 'modern new cool tech' called ssd was brought to us so 'no more autosave on each step for you' but sometimes it could be tweaked in settings of software.
There are some, but currently they're unoptimized. Last time I checked - generation of phrases took times longer than you want from assistant, even on modern gpu
I also wanted to make something simmilar - Twilight reading rss feeds on demand but it optimization wasn't there when I tried it.
Windows itself
Saved my project, exported
The it died once done
Had to re-export the file, nothing too big of an issue
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That's a shame, I don't even have the modern GPU part. Maybe in a few years then
I'm not saying that's not possible at all or that you need gpu. All i'm saying - you probably won't have fast dynamic real time mare voice generation for now, but you could try somewhat pre-generated aproach like old assistants. I'm not auditory for voice assistants cause all implementations we've have so much are slower than hotkeys but as you said - ponies could do things better. You just have to be little more creative than "connect whisper to some llm and play it with local voice" expecting it all to run background and not affect user perfomance or even launch ondemand (unless you'l have beefy system or pay fuck amount to clouds)
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Yes, permanently, I would probably trust her with that su binary more than myself, it's her special talent after all
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bask under the warm glow of the orange thinklight
That's neato, I've wanted to make my own desktop pets thing in the past, but these days I run a tiling wm (i3) and don't know how that would work, I guess they could just be overlaid and toggled on and off...
another sort of desktop pet huh, I guess there's interest there. I did like animes etc. where hackers had visual ways of triggering their hacks. Would be fun to have a pony that I could be like "nmap the network and tell me what's interesting". . . actually with LLMs it's possible. Making it simple is a good idea, start small.
It would be a fun novelty project, idk how useful we could ever make it, but with some fat GPUs running a nice LLM and voice synth it could get pretty crazy.

Back in the day, around 2011 I was learning node.js and my pony project back then was a chat room that used the desktop pony gifs and you could fly around and just chat... that was pretty fun
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> Really now?
I hated my Pixel 4 a lot. I invested more than $200 in this phone, constantly repairing everything because this phone is designed to break. And it was losing about 40% of its battery over night, which meant it was constantly using the battery ANY time I wasn't using the phone. And it happened on every custom rom I've installed, with google services or not. Modded kernel haven't fixed that issue too.
> How do the watches functions compare to modern smart watches though?
I don't know if I understood this correctly. If you mean Pebble comparing to modern smartwatches - pebbles have like 100x more software designed for them, comparing to any modern smartwatch. Galaxy Watch 4 that I bought have everything to do even ECG and measure the blood pressure, but that's all of the great things they can do. Comparing to Pebbles, they suck at everything else. Buttons are much better than poking into the screen (and leaving fingerprints), because I can control music on my pebbles without even looking on them, it's that intuitive. I dunno, for now I'm really disappointed in Android Wear, just like in any other modern "smartwatch".
> I've wanted a smart watch in the past
> All my Pebbles have been bought second hand
Just stick to the Pebble, Android Wear is not worth it. Preferably Time, Time Steel or Pebble 2.
I've received a Pebble 2 today, and it's a really nice watch. It's lightweight and it has a soul just like any other Pebble.
By the way, nice and cute phone case you've got there!
I did not know they made them orange as well, can you even see anything with that? Does it have more color modes?
None that I know of, I think that starting some would be pretty hard, you'd need big range of skill levels to have a chance at getting more than 3 anons involved. How many posters are usually in /pts/ anyway? If I remember correctly it was usually at around 50 (max 70?), I alone usually have at least 5 IPs because I bump from all over town and I don't expect to be the only one.

When did 4chan start hiding poster count? I unironically noticed only now
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>pebbles have like 100x more software designed for them, comparing to any modern smartwatch.
Haven't used Apple watches, but instinct says I doubt this very much. Rebble app store is a bit of a graveyard, you've got all the apps that were available when Pebble was sold, but that means you've got e.g. watchfaces with weather APIs that no longer function. I do agree that Pebble, while officially alive, did manage to get a lot of third party developers to write nice small apps, but I wouldn't say Apple/Android watches had less software. I kinda get your point, smartphones seem to be the only "smart" post-PC hardware where you've got a thriving 3rd party development scene. Most other stuff has only the manufacturer caring for it, for limited time, which for some reason always reminds me of feature phones.
I've mentioned Apple watches at first because they seem to have become "the smartwatches" which means they have future and people will dev for them. Other platforms don't give me that feel. fuck, time to go on 4am trip through AW's "lifestyle" marketing. Luna's going to give me AW dreams afterwards, ain't she.
>Buttons are much better than poking into the screen (and leaving fingerprints)
After 5? 6? years with Pebbles I'm not sure if I'd agree with this. Often I get accidental presses when hand is at 90 degrees angle, can't use nose for basic swipe gestures when the other hand is unavailable. It occurred to me thag I can use my large phone one handed, but need two hands to operate the watch, so my experience with Pebbles became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy: the watch is meant to require as little interaction as possible, be read only unless absolutely necessary. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you expect out of a smartwatch I guess. I came to Pebble with no prior smartwatch experience, maybe I'd have different opinion if I bought something with touchscreen first.
>How many posters are usually in /pts/ anyway?
well there's (Me), (You), the moonfag, the twifag(s), the rarafag, the skate camera helldesk ponkfag not sure if present in this particular thread, the bathroomdoorfag (he just wants to come inside), and a bunch of anons which seem to have posting styles with enough variety that doesn't feel like it's all one Anon Ymous.
a month or two ago. Not liking this change, could've hidden it from frontend if it's just for making advertisers think there's fewer samefags.
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>I can control music on my pebbles without even looking on them
I use a bebble nearly exclusively for this, and during winter months i don't even need to pull up my jacket sleeve to control music.
>can you even see anything with that? Does it have more color modes?
Yeah ish, it's just enough to see the kb. The white light on newer models is definitely better for reading papers for example, though the warm light is probably more comfortable for longer sessions and for people around you if you're on a plane or something. And no, this is long before ergbleds, but just now I learned that some Dell models have a satanic ritual mode
I've used an Applewatch for a couple days, it's super OP. An AW and a pair of airpods could entirely replace a phone if you wanted to, but everyone I know that owns one only uses it for fitness tracking. Regarding ux, it's okay. I feel like the crown is underutilized, you can't use it to scroll through menus and click to select for example, and touch hitboxes are sometimes way too small even for my relatively asian tier fingers. It's mostly good with the occasional frustration, I think a lot of the buttons vs touchscreen argument is mostly "sixes and two threes".
i've seen Anonfilly pixel art on an appleII once.
wtf are these anon? i must know
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Mimobot USB flash drives
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guess who
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I've been designing excel spreadsheets at work recently for the company to use. Hardly anyone is tech savvy and we don't have a dedicated IT department (it is outsourced), so I was handed the project. The spreadsheets are like mini databases for employee logging and data, everyone is used to excel and the data there is easily readable and changeable. Previously data was stored in the spreadsheets in a disgusting manner; we have employee numbers but for some reason it didn't occur to them to include this in the spreadsheets so no primary key. You can imagine how frustrating it was to find the correct Harpreet Singh among 15 of them. The main goal was to break down Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion data we collect on our workforce. (the company is not huge and it's growing). Long story short, I created a sheet to run a report based on a filter set by drop down boxes, while being able to set the date range to search in based on employee start and leave dates. It was a pain in the arse because I had no experience doing anything complicated with excel (especially excel online). Had to create scripts that would actually run the report, a painful learning experience since excel's typescript is rigid. Used MS Copilot for most of the project because I had no idea how to write out the formulas, but I did have to majorly problem solve and think of the methods and solutions myself, just the ai was used for writing it up and bouncing ideas off of. Also had to do some stuff with Power Automate to take data from one table and copy it to another file where graphs display the data (otherwise there would be like 25 sheets in one file). It's been a frustrating project but really fun to learn.
It's not part of my job, and I am on minimum wage (but I was awarded preemptively in steam cards). I plan to continue innovating parts of the business when I'm able but like a said it's really not my job and realistically I am not getting paid enough to do it. But it's my first job and I enjoy it (even the parts that are in my job description).
And at the end of this wall of text I have a question.

What's a good starting point to get into coding stuff and tech as a hobby?
> What's a good starting point to get into coding stuff and tech as a hobby?
If you don't have any experience in programming, look for basic/beginner tutorials for C++ or Java, you will learn how coding works in general. I don't find recommending Python as a beginner language a good idea, since it has a weird syntax comparing to normal programming languages and other languages won't give you that many ways to do something as Python does.
If you do have experience in programming, well, depends on what you want to code and for what. If you wanna make websites, look for PHP, React. Wanna make apps for mobile devices? Look for Kotlin/Java (Android) or Swift (iOS). And etc. When you'll decide what kind of stuff you want to make, look for example projects and tutorials. Practice is the most important part, so always try to make something by yourself, start from simple project ideas.
Thanks for the advice.
Don't really have any coding experience outside of learning a bit of HTML and Ruby back in school using CodeCademy. My main motivation would to create solutions for problems or tasks.
Java seems like a good shout as it appears quite versatile in where it's used.
Android app development sounds good; the other day I was pondering about a lock screen that functions like that Pebble face, but I imagine there's quite a few limitations around that sort of thing for android.
If you want to do this as a hobby, I don't think it matters what language or framework you choose. Just start a random project and find what people usually use for similar purposes. Or you can start by learning the C language. This will give you a good foundation for programming, but it's a boring way to go.
It's actually so easy to find a programming job these days. I'm checking test assignments right now and half of the applicants can't even read the vacancy description.
but maybe that's just a Web-shit problem.
Ooo, it's good friend Tolly! Nice Anon!

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