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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content: https://poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlight >>Here
Rise of Paradise >>40865415
Semantic Error >>40899856
Caravan Guard >>40927699
Should be Moonlit.
I forgot to fix the name from the last OP. Sorry Mirta.
Regarding Mirta's Moonlit:
Tell them about the bird and the invitation to the forest, then go with Luna (and hope she isn't as sex crazy as the rest of the mares).
We already shot down Luna's attempts at bringing back her sister. Let's not crush the poor mare completely. She needs to know she's not alone in her struggle. That said I really want to check how Moonie and Sassy are doing so we should do that the next opportunity after this arises.
>We already shot down Luna's attempts at bringing back her sister.
That whole conversation just felt so sudden. I mean, we've never talked about it other than being a goal we want to work towards. Feels like we haven't even reached square one yet.
Yeah I didn't know our answers in the previous update would lead to that. That's why I'm voting to go with Luna this time - to reassure her and to maybe learn at what stage are we in the whole "bring Celestia back" plan.
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Semantic Error post
Life finally settled down over here after moving into my new house. I know I was a bit discouraged last time but I wanna give the case in ACP a proper conclusion at least. Anyone still remember Paracop?


I'll update the CN first before starting I think so I can also just catch up, not sure what day of the week I'll do it.
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Glad things aare goig well
More bald ponies is always nice.
god damn it i fucking blinked and semantic error died
>2.5 hours since last post
wait what the fuck
See you next year for more cyberpone action.
So did Rise of Paradise unfortunately it seems. Guess a flood of threads at a bad time.
Caravan Guard was moments away from dying too before I bumped. Lots of shitposty threads at once I think.
I ran into some poorly timed employment issues last week, and it's still not resolved, so I'm going to be putting TSBH on indefinite hiatus because I have no idea how long it's going to take to get things back to having time to write and/or develop- and the way things might go, it might be much easier to focus on working though small bits of development rather than trying to keep the plot moving forward with daily text posts, so I'll keep you guys updated once I know which way things wind up
Hope things get better for you soon.
For those waiting for the return of Growing Village, there's some news in the Massive Pony thread.
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I am risen

Growing Village

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“No, that's fine by me. There's just one thing.”
>You turned to look at Fleur.
>She had her mouth full of food and was busy spearing another bit of eggplant with her fork.
“Fleur, do you still have the letter we found?”
>Glancing at you, she chewed for another second before gulping down what she had in her mouth.
>”It should be in my saddlebag. Probably crumpled somewhere on the bottom. We're lucky the cream didn't get smashed.”
>She set her fork and the bit of food on it down on her plate.
>Her saddlebags, wreathed in her magic, floated to you from the corner of the room.
“You didn't need to do that, but thanks!”
>You stuck out a hoof and let her hang the bags on it.
>Flipping the flaps open, you indeed found a crumpled piece of paper on the bottom of one of the bags.
>Fortunately, it wasn't torn.
>You placed it on the floor and smoothed it out with a hoof the best you could.
“Ah. Excellent! It's still readable.”
>The corners of your mouth curled into a smile as you presented the letter to Luna.
“Here. We found this while out there. That, and a magpie that definitely wasn't a wild one.”
>The princess stared at you for a second and blinked twice.
>”Oh? You ran into somepony else?”
>She fell quiet for a few seconds as her pupils whizzed from left to right while reading the letter.
>”'If you want to find my hollow, the bird you should follow.'”
>Pursing her lips, she tapped her chin with a hoof.
>”A rhyming enchantress living in a hollow? I might know who this... pony? is. And if it is indeed who I believe it is, 'tis imperative you recruit her for our cause. I heard she is wise far beyond her years.”
>She stood up and stuck a hoof out as she stated her declaration.
>For a split second, she stood there like she'd made some grand decision, then blinked and let her hoof fall back to the floor.
>”Ahem. But all that is for tomorrow. I believe it is time we retire for the night now.”

>Some time later, after you'd had time to clean and tidy up everything the admittedly very rough day had left on you, you trotted into Luna's bedroom.
>The mare herself scooped her crown off her head and placed it on her desk just as you came in.
>”Ah, you are done?”
>Her horn flashed and you heard a click.
>Her chestplate made a metallic clunk as it fell onto the floor.
>She lifted it onto her desk as she stepped out of her shoes.
>You nodded as you ran a comb through your still damp floof.
>”Do go ahead. I will join you shortly.”
>Luna's horn flashed again as the covers on her bed were pulled back.
>”Um. Okay?”
>You got the feeling you'd just seen something very few had.
>But, as the princess strode out of the room and towards the bathroom, you were left with little to do apart what she said.

>The bed was just as exquisite as you remembered it being.
>Like sleeping on a cloud, if you had to guess.
>The whoosh of a shower getting turned on suggested that Luna would be a while.
>You were starting to feel tired, but wanted to wait for her since she seemed like she had something to say.
>But, just as soon as you finished the thought, your eyelids got droopy and you had to shake your head to stay awake.
>That was unusual.
>It wasn't quite yet the time yet.

>Shod hooves clicked on stone as somepony approached.
>They stopped right next to you for a second before the mattress you lay on deformed by a heavy weight.
>Something soft and warm brushed against your cheek.
>”I can smell her on you.”
>A harsh voice.
>”How is she? What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?”
>You cracked open your eyelids and rolled onto your other side to face the source of the voice.
>A night black mare with slit pupils stared at you.

What would you like to do?
>What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?
Dream exploration! Tell her how we fell face first into Fleur's nightmare and explored its soft cute underbelly. Nightmares are her thing, maybe she'll find it exciting.
We also spent a little while as a monster and nearly killed her.
>How is she?
Same old, same old. She's still wary about our meetings, and desperate to have her sister back. Why do you ask?
>desperate to have her sister back
Anon, I'm not sure she knows about Celly's predicament. Are you sure we should tell her that?
Well, NMM seemed to possess a certain amount of awareness of the other realm, so I figured Celestia's predicament isn't something that'd have escaped her notice. I'm hoping that broaching the subject with her might yield some useful information for us.
Are you worried that Nightmare might actively try to sabotage our attempt if she knows?
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I did like her design quite a bit.
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>She set her fork and the bit of food on it down on her plate.
Why all unicorns have a fixation to focus on the food?

>”A rhyming enchantress
Is it Zecora?

>”Ahem. But all that is for tomorrow. I believe it is time we retire for the night now.”
Plap plap plap plap Get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep

>You got the feeling you'd just seen something very few had.
Horse-shoe less Luna. Rare specimen. Specimare, even.

>A night black mare with slit pupils stared at you.
Open your legs so she can hug you if she want.
>I figured Celestia's predicament isn't something that'd have escaped her notice
That might be the case, but unless I missed something, she never commented on that.
>broaching the subject with her might yield some useful information for us
I don't have my hopes up in Nightmare willingly sharing any information that could help Luna or Celestia. She gets angry by the mere mention of their names for fucks sake.
>Are you worried that Nightmare might actively try to sabotage our attempt if she knows?
Maybe not something that extreme (who knows though), but she might become more insistent that we abandon Luna's group and join hers permanently, instead of this jumping back and forth that we're doing now.
>”How is she? What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?”
Tell her that Luna is fine and that she can stop worrying about her (I wanna see her reaction). Also, tell her we've been helping the group in the Night World get by and that they're dead set on fixing this mess but it doesn't look like they've got a solid plan yet. Ask her how her and Sassy are doing.
Also this >>41001512 if time allows.
>she never commented on that
true, that's more of a supposition on my part
>willingly sharing any information
I didn't mean asking her directly, but she might reveal something in passing if we get her talking.

Oh well, I guess you're right, now's probably not a good time to mention Celestia.

I take back the second part of >>41002462, maybe ask whether she'd like us to deliver any message to Luna instead. (still holding out hope for a diplomatic solution between the two, this should at least get the ball rolling)
Does she enjoy it herself or it's just another source of angst?
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In honor of Bat Appreciation Day, who’s your favorite CYOA bat?
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I hope Buffy's QM is doing well.
Slinky or 'locked Bright Eyes. Bats are for for being far away from home.
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Definitely Willow. Though Hollow Honor is growing on me fast.
Midnight from Space Hunter. She was a fun character.
I love Willow, but lust after Aether's toned muscular flanks.
Da one that does the gem identification or something and has the witch for a wife
She's got no mane/short fur because of all the sealing tattoos on her which limit what knowledge she can share of the Qa'yi, which she obviously dislikes. Although even once she gets the tattoos removed she'll probably keep it short anyway since she personally likes the look (in a wow so punk way). Gives her more real estate for her own Tattoos too.

Also I may run this weekend depending still.
Requesting any MLP CYOA pics you might have please
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Hello Mirta, I was rereading the ponepaste and noticed that you skipped a post on line 363, here's the missing bit: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39617687/#39620610
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Have the rarest of Whispens.
Did anyone save all the fanart on anonpone? If not there's literal hundreds of images lost forever if you don't count thumbnails.
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wasn't that from the site itself? meaning it should be saved on desuarchive somewhere?
wait a sec, has anyone tried to contact the guy who hosted the damn site?
I know bath has a post saying he did and that the host fucked the site in an update, but as long as he didn't litelary delete the database in it, it should be salvageable by someone else

so what's the problem?
why aren't the files on, idk, mega, for download, so people can try and bring that bitch back online
>litelary delete the database in it
Unfortunately, from the post made by >>39461681, it sounds like that's literally the case.
What they didn't mention was whether the code for the website also got nuked. If it survived, really wish Amm would release it, even if it's an old or partial backup.
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I've replaced the whole thing with a copy of my local file. Do tell if there's any more missing lines.

Also I've had too much work to do among other issues there so I haven't had the energy to write. I've made a bit of progress but things are going to be slow for a while.
New Caravan Guard Thread
Thanks for the heads up. Don't worry about the updates, IRL always comes first and the quest can wait. Hope things improve for you soon!
>10 again
The board's pickied up speed.
Aww, Caravan guard dropped.
womp womp
try a human protagonist next time
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The one time I forget to bump before bed
What CYOAs had human MCs? OSNYIPV, RITS, and what else?
Phone pones, technically, for a while.
We're back. >>41033289
Persona did. I also remember there was a CYOA from before the 2015 hype that was simply just called a green text about Anon in a horror game world. Despite the premise it was very well executed and made good use of video game mechanics/tropes.
humies suck
Gonna try to run a quest again, want to keep this board alive even if I'm an subpar QM
>He’s doing it again
Oh boy
here we go again
How do we revive this general? Back in the day we used to kill threads in just a couple days but nowadays it’s just a glorified bump fest. Isn’t there anything you guys want to talk about?
What's your favorite thing about quests?
Favorite moment in any quest?
That works too
Fatelocked. Seeing other characters reaction to the players cracking the coded notebook on the spot was amusing to say the least.
The chaos of the retreat into Las Pegasus, especially when Byline tackled us and called us out for being emotionally compromised when we lost our shit when we learned Whispen might be dead in RGS.
Second would probably be the ending of Heat, when we finally returned to our party after dying immediately to a grunt after killing the BBEG. The way JD! writes the scene with everyone laying on the bed and staring up at the vines growing on the ceiling are 10/10. But now that I think about it, the scene where we have our last dance with Silver before we leave the party is the closest any pony content has come to making me cry.

Never played Fatelocked. Was the notebook supposed to be a big macguffin?
It was supposed to be a bigger puzzle, but anons were too fast. So in-universe it looked like our normally retarded schizo protagonist took one look at it and cracked it immediately.
>retarded schizo protagonist
A bit redundant, isn’t it?
Technically, maybe, but it happened naturally.
I dunno about favourite, but some that are up there are probably Dandy and Foozle finally making out to save the day, Muffin and Daring hugs, comfy haunting with Willow at Blackstone Fields (also meeting Anon, lmao), screaming at the storm with Shale and Rush (I think this last one is a good candidate for favourite right now, it's simple and not super impactful, but it's just such a good heartfelt moment). I'm not even sure these are the best scenes and those quests have great action moments, too (defeating the first skinwalker in Fatelocked without losing anyone was great), but I can't choose and this is what came to mind first. Also it's not really in a quest but immediate ASCII porn is still funny to me.
mammoth for favourite pain

There's so much good shit in these stupid quests. Willow sexo is also a candidate not just for the obvious but just for the sheer hilarity of those rolls. ACU dice in general.
Boring question. What quest had the hottest smut?
Phone pones. Now if only we actually got to read it
Good morning peebles A Land Beset is going steadily, which is good. Morale is high and plot thickening.
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Yeah, admittedly a boring question. Here's a more interesting question to the QMs that still roam here.
How do you deal with, punish, and/or adjust to anons who think with their horny brain primarily and fail to actually think, like what happened in here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40996849/#41010200
You can kinda tell in that thread that Growfag adjusted by making the mc have more degenerate thoughts and actions without player input to reflect the impact of that choice, which makes me curious on how other QMs deal with it.

Another question to anons who played that last Growing Village thread. What the hell are we going to do now with Verdant? Are we going to actually remain faithful to her, break up with her, or be an evil bastard and continue to do unfaithful acts? Wanted to personally have a whole teasing game with Black Fang to play around with that turmoil back and forth, but the unprompted kiss sort of ruins that.
These poners need hugs
>What the hell are we going to do
Heavily depends on what Black Fang's philosophy is once we confront her again. If she still intends to kill off or severely harm ponies in the midst of her own self pleasure, then that's a big no. If she's instead interested in creating a world which basically consists of being similar to something like MGE, then there are worst fates out there for ponies to have when it comes to having a god of monsters in the world, and we can improve relations with ponies and monsters by giving in to her. Just don't know how we'll separate from Verdant, especially after dropping the "love" admission.
>How do you deal with, punish, and/or adjust to anons who think with their horny brain
It’s only happened once so far and I’m the one who facilitated it. The players already agreed to romance one of their companions, Hollow, but I already had a preplanned scenario where they could easily sleep with another character, Lemonade. When Lemonade proposed having sex (https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40927699/#40942534) enough of my players were eager to comply despite knowing it could damage their potential relationship with Hollow. After that I had Hollow be a little upset about the situation and changed the way their other companions thought of them. Spoiler for my players: The real fallout of hooking up with Lemonade hasn’t happened yet. Everyone that’s aware of the situation is keeping it in mind for one reason or another. The path with Hollow remains open but you’re going to have to resolve some issues with her first.

As for how I’d react to that scene in Growing Village? I don’t know the character but I imagine I’d have them react the same way. I’d have a character warm the MC explicitly that polyamory won’t fly with them and if the players kept pushing the subject then the relationship would be severely damaged with effects on how the rest of the characters view them.
Corrupting Verdant so she's willing to form a primal horse herd.
Only concerning sign from Fang is her mentioning that ponies have potential to be monsters and that she'll make sure they'll enjoy it. Hopefully her definition of a monster doesn't consist of the more brutal aspects when we ask and just consists of uncontrollable desire. Makes me really anticipate meeting her as soon as possible so we can get answers when the thread comes back.
Still undecided of going along with her if her method of monsters is just peacefully deviant, but it is admittedly fun to come up with future transformations to push her towards.
Interesting to hear Caravan Guard is facing consequences for fooling around too soon. Mind giving a spoilered summary of what's happened so far? Forgot to join in early and might jump in when I have time.
Corrupt Verdant. Corrupt the village. Corrupt Black Fang.
>Interesting to hear Caravan Guard is facing consequences for fooling around too soon.
I suppose it is kinda early. I haven’t kept up with CYOAs for a few years but it seems like most of the ones still around go for a lot longer than mine has so far. Still, we’re about 150,000 words into the story, which is about 300 pages.

Here’s my attempt at a quick summary: You play as the leader of a small team of caravan guards that are hired by various companies or private citizens to escort ponies through the Badlands and the lands further south, sometimes fight bandits or Diamond Dogs along the way. Most of your customers are settlers leaving the Equestrian mainland for the new colonies deep in the Mysterious South. For unknown reasons the Badlands have become much more violent than normal recently with an increase of attacks on caravans. Over the course of the last month you’ve investigated the issue, learning that in addition to the war against Sombra’s Crystal Empire in the north the Equestrian military has been secretly battling a growing faction Diamond Dogs under the desert surface as well as a group of rebels in the southern colonies. Both of those factions have been largely responsible for the destabilization of the Badlands, especially over the last year or so.
Most recently your team and a team from a rival company have been hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, which is the organization primarily responsible for promoting and managing the migration to the southern colonies, for a publicity stunt to restore the Project’s reputation. Your company was specifically hired to escort one of the Project’s leaders, Fleur de Lis, and her entourage while the rival company escorts the settlers that are joining Fleur on her journey to the southern colonies. As you left the Badlands and traveled through a canyon to the southern colonies you were threatened by a large pack of Diamond Dogs and were forced to hide in an ancient Diamond Dog temple. After a battle which killed most of the other company’s guards, a few of the settlers, and possibly permanently crippled one of your companions you were trapped by a cave in caused by your own dynamite with the only way out being an underground river in the back of the temple. After taking the river some more ponies were lost and now everyone is hiding in an underground Diamond Dog city. Right now the players are trying to find a way to escape while also rescuing the missing settlers.

“Luna? She's the same as always: trying to fix this whole thing and return the world to normal.”
>Nightmare rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out with a quiet 'bleh'.
>You spread your legs out wide and beckoned her in.
>She sniffed at you, scrumched her snoot, but then leaned in anyways.
>You wrapped your hooves around her and pulled her in.
>Well, more pulled yourself to her.

>She was warm and soft.
>Relatively soft.
>On a scale from de Lis to commander Tempest, Nightmare was somewhere in between but definitely closer to Tempest.
“Overall she's doing fine given the circumstances.”
>Reaching back with a hoof, you stroked the alicorn's neck.
“No need to worry about her. She and our group are trying to fix this mess, but I don't think we have a solid plan yet.”
>The alicorn remained both tense and quiet for a second.
>She then relaxed and leaned onto you, her weight pressing you onto the mattress you laid on.
>”That is good news. Perhaps we have enough time to complete my plan, then.”
>She nuzzled your cheek before pulling herself off of you.
>”But, we should proceed with all haste.”
>Her horn lit up as you were lifted off the bed and plopped onto your hooves.
>She had a sly smile on her lips as she swung around and beckoned you to follow her.
>”Come. We shall eat and get you caught up.”

>”Hey! Nice to see you again!”
>Sassy, with a clean white apron on, waved a hoof at you as you trotted into the kitchen.
>”How have you been?”
>She had a large pot on the stove in front of her.
>Steam rose from the pot and the room was filled with a scent of tomato sauce.
>You really didn't feel hungry at all since you ate not long ago in the other world.
“I've been better. I kinda went berserk and turned into a monster and nearly killed Fleur. But apart that bit I've been good.”
>The unicorn blinked twice and cocked her head.
>”Fleur... de Lis?”
>You nodded as you hopped onto a chair next to the dining table.
>”Ah. I'm... not sure how to feel about that. She’ll be fine, right?”
>You nodded again.
>Sassy patted her chest with a hoof and let out a sigh.
>”She is perhaps not quite a friend, but a regular customer and a most welcome face whose visits I enjoy.”
>Sassy's eyes twitched as Nightmare trotted in behind you.
>”An acquaintance of yours? What is she like?”
>The unicorn stared at the alicorn as the latter pulled back the chair next to you.
>Sassy's lips then curled into a very practiced customer service kind of a smile.
>”She is a model and a most pleasant individual to be around. Buys a lot of dresses, both for modeling and because she likes them.”
>Nightmare hopped onto the chair she'd pulled back and reached out to stroke your cheek with a hoof.
>”More good news, then. We'll have more time if she's not good for much apart looking good.”

>You had a small portion of very basic tomato sauce and spaghetti on a plate in front of you since you’d thought it too rude to decline entirely.
>Nightmare twirled her fork on her plate to gather up a bunch of pasta and sauce, then shoved it in her mouth.
>She nodded in approval as she chewed and swallowed.
>”Much better. But.”
>Her fork, wreathed in her magic, spun in the air and pointed at you.
>”We got so engrossed in getting food on the table that you never had time to tell what had you so occupied you didn’t have time to visit.”
>You set down the little bit of pasta you’d been nibbling on and turned to look at her.
>She didn’t look quite as intimidating as she usually did with a faint ring of red sauce stains around her plush night black lips.
“Oh, that? We were busy… exploring dreams. It wasn’t the most interesting one about a weird and twisted supermarket, but then Fleur fell into a bottomless void and it turned into a nightmare of a memory. I think.”
>Rubbing your chin with a hoof, you thought back to yesterday.
>It felt like it’d been much longer with how much had happened since.
>”You, exploring nightmares?”
>She covered her mouth with a shod hoof and let out a chuckle, then glanced at Sassy.
>”I wish I were there to see it. Was that all you did?”
>You shook your head.
>”I wish it was. We ran into trouble on our way back and one thing led to another and I kinda turned into a monster and hurt her real bad.”
>Nightmare’s ears twitched as she stared at you in silence for a second.
>”Oh. I… ‘m glad you turned out fine in the end.”
>She stuck her fork into the pile of pasta on her plate.

>Water sloshed around and metal clinked against porcelain as Sassy washed the dishes in the sink.
>Nightmare still sat on her seat with a beaming smile on her lips.
>”That was truly excellent. Thank you ever so much, miss Saddles.”
>Sassy glanced back with a brow arched.
>”That was extremely simple and not much of anything at all, but thank you.”
>The alicorn waved a shod hoof at the unicorn.
>”I haven’t ever had time to enjoy culinary delights of any kind. Anyways…”
>Her shoes clopped on the floor as she hopped off her chair.
>”…as to today’s plan. As I just had time to say on your remarkably brief visit last night, we have found something. Namely, a sealed vault in the caverns beneath the castle. Are you aware of how this world and the other came to be?”
>She nodded at you.
>You thought back to Luna’s explanation about a spell that was meant to turn the world into a dream going horribly wrong and nodded back at her.
>”Most excellent. The reason why this vault is so important is that, I believe, this vault holds the spell scroll – or at least a copy of it, likely thought to be the only one in existence – of the spell responsible for the situation Equestria is currently in.”
>She spun around and took a few steps towards the door leading to the stairs.
>”I would like to acquire this scroll and enough power to cast the spell to undo it. However-”
>One of her shod hooves stomped on the floor.
>”-a certain individual has cast protective spells around the vault. I managed to dispel the first one, but there are however many more that I cannot get past for the time being.”
>Turning around, she had a hint of a smile on her lips.
>”And that is where you two come in. Neither of you were specifically named when the magic wards were created and should have a much easier time.”
>You and Sassy glanced at each other.
>The unicorn had her ears put back and her well practiced smile on her lips.
>”So, what do you say? Would you be willing to help me?”

What would you like to do?`

Apologies for the delay! Things are looking better now with a more manageable workload so I'm hoping to get back to a more regular schedule of updates.
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>You spread your legs out wide and beckoned her in.
Ara ara~

>Reaching back with a hoof, you stroked the alicorn's neck.
The audacity of this serf.

>She then relaxed and leaned onto you, her weight pressing you onto the mattress you laid on.

I forgot she exists. Can't get mad at the tall mare.

>I kinda went berserk and turned into a monster and nearly killed Fleur.
What the fuck, don't tell her that

>”Ah. I'm... not sure how to feel about that. She’ll be fine, right?”
She... isn't worried about what 'going berserk' is?

>We'll have more time if she's not good for much apart looking good.”
Will we need an adult?

>with a faint ring of red sauce stains around her plush night black lips.
How kissable are we speaking about?

>”I wish it was.
Misplaced '>' mark

Interesting relations between NNM and Sassy. One seem to be relatively friendly, another reserved if not outright disbelieving her eyes.

>Are you aware of how this world and the other came to be?”
Nope. Celestia fell into cake induced coma?

>”-a certain individual has cast protective spells around the vault. I managed to dispel the first one, but there are however many more that I cannot get past for the time being.”
Who? Who did it? Whomst? Whomsn't? Whomsn'tsn't?

>”So, what do you say? Would you be willing to help me?”
Yes, but I don't think we want to piss off Luna or harm Celestia.
Sounds like a plan. All Luna seemed to have was waking up Celestia.
"Will you have enough power to cast the spell once you acquire it? What will happen if the casting fails another time?"
So what's an premise or idea you've always wanted to see in a quest everyone? Including themes and such.
Ok, assuming your plan succeeds, what happens then? After you undo the spell, where do you see yourself? Are we in for another fight within the Royal Family? Is eternal night still a goal you pursue?
Multimedia. The only the CYOA that used more than just art and text on a regular basis that I can remember is The Nine Lands which had original music sprinkled throughout.
Something requiring real life effort from players, like making a video or creating a song to solve a problem would be fun.
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What's the end goal with that, just fixing the world? I can't help but feel like any ending where the world is made unsplit but the schism between Luna and Nightmare is left unmended is nothing but a waste of an opportunity that may never reappear. Perhaps we can help each other? We'll help Nightmare save the world, and while we're at it, she'll think how she can make the first step to reconciliation?
How the first spell that was dispelled worked? How much resistance we should expect? Can the mirror copy of the vault in the other world be less protected?
Character interactions and problem solving with my fellow anons.
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What type of Quest do you think would be popular on the board now? I know the board in general is kind of dead and CYOA isn't exactly doing too well, but I still get the craving to do a Pony Quest every so often but the last one I did, while had a core fanbase, didn't seem like me and the players were on the same page at all in terms of expectations or themes. I think a serious quest is probably out off the table, but I'm not sure what kind of comedy quests would be good either. Never really been into the general ebin board humor and I'd rather kill myself than run an Anon quest.
One type of quest that I remember from a previous discussion, but I don't think anybody actually tried implementing, is ones that are more low-stakes and slice-of-life and just focus on comfy player-npc interactions.
I'm thinking of something similar to the really early idw comic with Big Mac, the one where he heads into town to buy a bag of nails but keeps getting sidetracked.

Just to throw out some more ideas that's more in line with the show's style:
- A mystery/detective lite where the player character finds somepony's lost wallet/saddlebag, and is determined to track down and return the lost item to the original owner.
- Hearth's Warming is almost here, and you still haven't prepared any gifts! Will you be able to secretly probe what each of your friends want without them catching on, and then find a suitable gift in time?
>What type of Quest do you think would be popular on the board now?
What quest do you want to run? I know it's not really an answer (To be honest, I wouldn't know what would be popular, and I generally have fun with almost any quest), but running a quest you don't enjoy running would just be counter productive.
>the last one I did, while had a core fanbase, didn't seem like me and the players were on the same page at all in terms of expectations or themes.
Maybe the best idea would be to layout in front what to expect or what genre you're running at the beginning of the quest? Unless knowing those somehow spoils the fun in the quest, don't see why knowing what to expect would ruin things.

If you do have an idea on what to run, you could also possibly ask the general to gauge general interest or what anons think of it. Our answers may also give you an idea on we may act in the quest and if we're on the same page.
A brothel management sim. With a subtle feel of a dated flash game.
How can somebody imbue a story with abandonware feel, without straightly making it happen in any kind of a computer simulation? Perhaps there are mechanics IRL that mysteriously don't work? Numerous paths and possibilities are hinted at, but almost all of them are deliberately stubbed or go nowhere, and it's okay.
I'm seconding something comfy as opposed to big adventure >>41060243
Something simple like running a tavern in Ponyville, making it a thriving business, solving silly pony problems and flirting with cute pony mares.
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I ran a quest like that before although felt like I ran out of steam on it quickly without any sort of central goal for players to pursue (or at least any that they were interested in).

Pic related
I'm not sure what the root issue can be. The point of management sims is keeping ponies happy. We anons like keeping NPCs happy almost as much as we like watching MCs suffer, or maybe it's just me. What can go wrong? If you need a stricter temporal structure, slap in a limit: if the business is not thriving in two weeks, everybody is fucked, in a bad way.
Well, and this isn't specifically directed at you, the main thing is that comfy is fake.

Steaks need to exist regardless of if you're in a big fight with a big bad or if you're instead laying on your side on the carpet while making walking motions with your feet and pushing yourself in circles. This does not mean you need to put a bomb under the house or imply that a character's "comfy" actions will somehow relate to the destruction of their village. Nothing like that is needed.

When twilight was belly-aching about giving gala tickets to her friends, it was interesting for reasons OTHER than the gala being important or the motivations of each of the mares being valid. The audience didn't really have a firm grasp on any of that, didn't know shit about if the gala would help or if their problems were fake and dumb. Instead, we watch the characters interact. They are forming a dynamic and creating a set of social rules. When twilight eats a daisy sandwich, it's interesting because she is testing a method of dealing with her circumstances. She's simply living as though she doesn't have cringe friends. She's trying it out for a few seconds. It's relevant to the conflict even before rainbow extorts her. Their particular motive, the gala tickets, are a specific conflict that gives them actions to preform so that they can express the real conflict, which is finding a place and a way to exist.

Simmilarly, a pony on their side walking in circles is (probably) bored, which is itself a conflict which expresses that they don't have anything to do, which means there is conflict between them and all of society at that time. This would belong in a quest ABOUT a comfy lack of conflict.

In cookie quest, the main character wants cookies, but what she does is spend time with her sister and, eventually, directly ask someone for cookies. She's becoming less of a little monster, part of society. (direct physical conflict and goal) > (interpersonal interactions and personalities) > (eventual and inevitable suggestion as to how one should live or should not live)

And, given that formula, for big-action stories, it's the same. (Direct phsyical fight) >(gain power of friendship) > (reject avatar of bad behavior in favor of some better way of life)

And that's basically 80% of stories, which means having an interesting goal and a setting isn't actually the same as having an interesting narrative. You can basically make your story about anything and, once you know what the conflict is, the work still won't be done.
I didn't read your specific quest, but I can tell that while a central goal isn't necessary, you have to provide some goal or at least a direction to move towards. Otherwise you'll have five people trying to go in five different directions and the quest fizzles out because it ends up going nowhere.
Don't expect players to come up with a plan or a plot that goes any further than your next piece of writing. Some might, but those are to be treated as an exception and won't always be present.
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How long has it been?
Too long
That was going to be a SoL? I read the first thread and I thought it was going to be a mystery/horror and the setting seems a little too alien/hostile to be comfy.
What was the name of the cyoa? Don't remember seeing it when it first popped up.
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“Do you know where to find enough power to cast the spell? What if it fails another time?”
>Nightmare shook her head and did a sweeping motion at the door with her hoof.
>”I have a hunch, but no definite knowledge since I doubt you would aid me in draining your precious princesses. As for what will happen if I were to fail?”
>Her shod hooves clopped on the stone tiling as she turned to face you and strode closer, keeping her eyes locked with yours.
>”I am not going to fail.”
>Her voice was icy cold.
>With a flash of her magic, the world fell deathly quiet apart the clops of her hooves.
>She kept her steps slow and each clip sent a shiver down your spine as she kept getting closer.
>Your gaze shot to Sassy, then to the door as you squirmed on your seat.
>”Why would you think I’m going to fail?”
>She slammed her shod hoof onto the floor right next to you.
>You flinched at the sudden noise and turned to look at her.
>Her lips curled into a soft smile as she cocked her head and cupped your chin with a hoof.
>”You needn’t worry about my failure. It will not happen. I care about you, about us-”
>Casting a short glance at Sassy, Nightmare let go of your chin for a second to point a hoof at the unicorn.
>”-enough to never fail something as critical.”
>Her cheek brushed against yours as she leaned in for a nuzzle.
>You gulped down a bit of saliva as she pulled away, causing her to let out a soft chuckle.

>You let out and then drew a breath, still uncertain how to feel.
“What do you intend to do when you’re successful? Where do you see yourself after you undo the spell? Will you still be at odds with Luna? Will you perhaps work with her? I think it’d be a lot easier if you worked together.”
>Nightmare lunged at you.
>You just had time to lift your front hooves to cover your head before…
>...before she stopped just short of you and let out a low hiss with her sharp fangs bared.
>She drew a deep breath while glaring at you.
>”There can be only one. Once the worlds merge, so will our bodies. One of us will be reduced to a mere thought, something with no sense of time or self. And it will not. Will, NOT, be me again.”
>A few droplets of spittle flew onto you as she shouted the last bit.
>She snarled at you as she drew a few rapid breaths before pulling away from you and turning around.
>”Ahem. So, will you assist me?”
>Sticking her snoot up in the air, she craned her neck just enough to see you out of the corner of an eye.
>You hopped off your chair and wobbled for a few steps since you’d got so tense.
“I will. Just uh, what kind of resistance should we expect? What kind of a spell did you dispel already?”
>A sudden creak and a thump drew both your and Nightmare’s attention.
>It was Sassy sliding off her chair and onto her hooves.
>”If you think her plan is sound, then so do I. But, I am also interested in what kind of obstacles we’ll be facing.”
>The unicorn still had her polite, practiced smile on her face along with a similarly practiced chippy tone of voice.
>All you could tell was that there was something she didn’t let show.
>Like thinking you were stupid for bringing up the subject you did just now.
>Nightmare’s lips curled into happy smile.
>”Excellent. I will explain what to expect on the way there. Follow me, if you would. And Sassy, would you be kind and fetch the rope?”
>Her horn flashed as the door swung open and she beckoned you to follow with a wag of her hoof.
>”The first thing you will notice is a feeling that you’ve taken the wrong turn or that you’ve forgotten something and should go get it. That’s the lingering effects of the first protective ward I dispelled.”
>Nightmare’s metal shoes’ rhythmic clops accompanied her words, along with the softer and quieter sound of your and Sassy’s hooves.
>”Beyond that, there’s the second ward. To me, it is a solid, impregnable barrier. To you, it will be little more than a tingling sensation – as Sassy here already found out when we first ran into it.”
>You were led deep into the oldest part of the castle and down ever narrower and darker corridors.
>Soon enough you felt like you got a nagging feeling that you should go back and make sure you didn’t forget anything.
>”I personally haven’t gone any further, but Sassy said the third ward is a physical one: the entrance is a hatch in the ceiling with nothing below it. Which is why…”
>Nightmare’s horn lit up and one end of the coil of rope around Sassy’s neck floated up.
>”...we’re bringing this.”
>The alicorn ran into something invisible.
>She tapped it with her hoof a few times.
>”Ah. Here we are. You’re on your own from here. The hatch is just up ahead.”
>Sassy trotted ahead before you could.
>She shuddered as she passed the spot where Nightmare stood.
>”Bleh. Still doesn’t feel nice. But, how will we know we’ve found what we’re looking for?”
>You followed the unicorn.
>Passing by Nightmare and through the invisible barrier felt like something stirred at your insides.
>You took a staggering step and leaned against the nearest wall for a few seconds.
>”That, I cannot tell you. It could be a part of a grand tome of forbidden spells. Or, it could be a nondescript scroll tucked in some forgotten corner. Expect magic illusions attempting to lead you astray and perhaps a few… slightly fatal traps around the most powerful items.”
>You and Sassy glanced at each other, then headed further down the corridor.

>The hatch was just out of sight from where Nightmare stood.
>Sassy pulled it open.
>It fell onto the floor with a loud thump and a puff of dust.
>Beneath it was a long fall – several times your height – onto a stone floor.
>Survivable, perhaps, but not without broken bones.
>Down there were bookshelves loaded with scrolls and tomes, statues of unknown age, glowing gems, crystalline sculptures in space defying shapes, along with closed chests and coffers.
>”So how do we get down there?”
>Sassy scanned the area around you for anything to tie the rope to, but the pickings were scant.
>You pulled the hatch off the floor and checked the other side to confirm it did indeed have a hoop on it.
>Apart that there was a hook on the wall that looked like it’d once held a torch.
“I guess we tie the rope to something. And hope it holds and we don’t pull it closed on our way down.”

[] Tie it to the hook. [High]
[] Tie it to the hatch. [High]
I'll see about genning an image to go with each update from here on out. Tell me how you like it.
I wonder if we can tie it to both? From hook to hatch to pit?
Slightly confused by the description of the hatch, is it on the floor or the ceiling?
It's on the floor. It's pulled open onto its hinge, tilts over the tipping point, and falls back onto the floor on the other side.
A lacking description.
Tying the rope to the hatch itself runs the slight risk of pulling the hatch shut when we descend, so I say we use the hook on the wall
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>Tie it to the hook.
And hope it wasn't placed there (in an otherwise featureless room) specifically so that any intruders would try to tie a rope to it.

As for non- input commentary:
>Like thinking you were stupid for bringing up the subject you did just now.
Hey, fuck you too GM.

Guys, are we going along with this plan, now that we know what it is and that there's no way for happy reconciliation between Luna and Nightmare?
Yeah, this was a welcome surprise.
What was your prompt? "Most stoic and calm Nightmare Moon", lol?
Why cat? That's hoers, not cat.
>>Like thinking you were stupid for bringing up the subject you did just now.
Too bad, I'll do it again. Maybe in a sliiightly more diplomatic fashion. There's no way we give up on the opportunity to have two Moonies instead of one in the new world! Can we smuggle Tempest into this world and have her kick the black butt until Moonie considers coexistence? Or will Moonie oneshot her? Or can we fiddle with the spell to make it useless unless both Moonies work together?
>a feeling that you’ve taken the wrong turn or that you’ve forgotten something
Ah great, we're dealing with a cheeky smartass. Throw something down into the corridor. Check if the walls behind the hatch and on its sides are illusory. Check it again with the hatch closed. Check it again with Sassy pulling down the hook.
Who said there's no way? We just have to search better.
I thought he was in the last thread saying that he’d post more TiS if people wanted it. A few people even responded.
>last thread
went back and checked the archive. it was two threads ago actually, back in January
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>What was your prompt?
Positive: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, Nightmare Moon, female, pony, feral, g4, safe, raised hoof, looking at viewer, chest fluff, solo, wings
hoof shoes, detailed fur, slit pupils
(shouting:1.3), (angry:1.3)

Negative: bad anatomy
score_3, score_2, score_1

40 steps, 6.00 scale, Euler Ancestral sampler.

The gen has real trouble with the mouth, the chestpiece, and slender leggy ponies in general. AI jank aplenty.
Going to try and quest again, a story with Canon characters sounds like an good time that can't go wrong.
Damn, and it’s probably been over a year since the last quest update. Most greens that I’ve been reading for years now take around six months to release a single new chapter. I guess it’s been that way for a while now, but I’m still use to stories getting updates at least every month.
Nah I was talking about an older quest. If anything ACP had the opposite problem lol
What quest?
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We're so back boys!
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Don't you dare!
Hurray, you're alive!
I'm back. Let's do this.
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>Her shod hooves clopped

>”I am not going to fail.”
Fail-safe plan

>apart the clops of her hooves.

>I care about you, about us-”
Quickly! Kiss her! In fear and confusion! Propell the penis!

>She drew a deep breath while glaring at you.
Kiss her! Now!

>And it will not. Will, NOT, be me again.”

>”If you think her plan is sound, then so do I
But she doesn't get to fuck her, so why?

>fetch the rope?”
fast train to equestia

>To me, it is a solid, impregnable barrier.
Something, something, impregnate the night

>Tie it to the hook
And as >>41071816 said, let's hope it's not an obvious trap. The hatch seems to have this place only to be closed from within.
on Saturday, Growing village will come back
I want to cure her PTSD with a good hard dicking.
Out of curiosity, will you just go on until we complete the day and go back tonrun gene quest, or will you extend it by one more day to make the thread last a little longer?
I hoped the thread could last a while, even more than another day

I'll say it when Gene quest will be afoot
Any idea of when the imminent thread is in how many hours? Want to participate first come so nothing dumb gets said.
I'm not completely in control of my agenda today, so thread will start probably in 6 hours but I can't be sure
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New thread up. Let's see what you can do with it
There I mean
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[x] Tie it to the hook. [High, 1d6, roll over 1, result: 5, success]

>You stared at the hatch for a few seconds, then lifted it upright onto its hinges.
>It was solid wood, but not at all thick and quite light for its size.
>You gave it a poke as you let your magic dissipate and it fell back onto the floor with a thump as you hopped over to the hook on the wall.
>Sticking your hoof into it, you yanked it as hard as you could.
>It didn’t budge.
>You stuck a rear hoof against the wall beneath the hook, hung your entire weight on it, and strained your leg to push away as hard as you could.
>The hook didn’t budge.
>Letting go, you shook the hoof you held it with to get the blood flowing again and turned to look at Sassy.
“I think that’s the best we have. Do you want to go first or should I?”
>A faint tingle of magic filled the air as the unicorn lit up her horn and lifted the coil of rope off of herself.
>She tossed one end of it to you.
>”Tie yourself to it. I’ll lower you and then climb down myself.”
>Taking the other end, she slung it around the hook and took a firm hold of it.
>You tied your end into a loop as Sassy pulled the loose rope to her side of the hook.
>She nodded.
>You sat in the loop of rope and shimmied off the edge.

>The rope chafed and yanked on your behind as you sat on the loop while Sassy lowered you a hoof’s length at a time.
>You did your best to stay still despite the discomfort to make it easier for her.
>Despite that, you couldn’t complain about the view.
>Colorful, glowing crystals lined the walls of what had to be a natural cavern.
>The floor was full of shelves, chests, coffers, and pedestals, all full of treasures.
>Though very little gold or jewels.

>Your rear hooves scraped the stone floor as you swung gently on the rope.
>Sassy gave a little bit more, and you fell onto your side with a soft thump.
>A dull pain pulsed in your shoulder.
>You laid still for a while, then rolled onto your hooves.
>And winced in pain.
>”I see you have found my vault.”
>The sudden, soft voice from behind made you hop into the air.
>Behind you stood a majestic, tall white alicorn of immense beauty.
>Well, a flickering image of one, at least.
>It made a sweeping motion towards the treasures around you.
>”I sincerely hope you know what you’re doing and what you’re looking for. Many items here hold enough power to end not only your life, but most of Equestria as well.”
>Turning to look at you again – well, at a spot right next to you – it cocked its head and arched a brow.
>”Please seek me as soon as you can and tell me what calamity has you seek such power. If I’m no longer present…”
>The image’s face turned downwards as it looked at its own, shod hooves.
>It heaved a sigh as the corners of its mouth drooped.
>”...tell my sister I’ve missed her. More than anything.”
>A sudden zap echoed in the cavern as ‘Celestia’ vanished.

>Sassy was all slick with sweat and panting when she let go off the rope to stand on the floor with her own four hooves.
>”A warning?”
>She wiped her forehead with a fetlock as she plopped her behind onto the floor while gasping for air.
“You heard it too?”
“Well I already chose to trust her-”
>You pointed a hoof at the hatch above you.
“-but I can’t say that made me feel more certain. The opposite, really.”
>Still, you’d made your choice.
>Wheeling around, you strode to the closest shelf and pulled out a tome at random.
>’Secrets of Ancient Ponytopia’
>It was very heavy and the pages were yellowed.
>You flipped the front cover open to see a beautiful, hoof-drawn illustration of some city of many stone arches and orange clay brick roofs.
>”Are you sure…”
>”...we’re doing the right thing?”

What would you like to do?
We're doing A thing. Whether it's right or wrong we'll only find out later. Also, it's not like it's impossible to change course later on.
"By the way Sassy, now that we have a moment to ourselves, I wanna ask -- how are you getting on with well, you-know-who? She's not giving you a hard time, is she?"
He's like: o-oh, big hooves.
Of course we had to absentmindedly reach for the nearest book in a magical nuke storage. Put it back. It's probably just weeping about pony Iram, let graveyards be graveyards.
So Celestia has anticipated the scenario where she's dead and somebody else is using her vault to save the day. Can we hope she has something like a card index prepared for guests? We'll never find anything here without guidance. The ending of her message is a bit strange. Celestia can't imagine a world where both day and night are gone for good simultaneously? Or this part of the message was low key meant for Nightmare in case she breaks the spell and enters the vault. Was Celestia's image looking higher than where a normal pony's eyes are meant to be right before she lowered her head?
>”...we’re doing the right thing?”
Certified bruh moment. Even in the best outcome what we're doing here is technically high treason. But our mind and soul are woven of fire. What's Sassy's excuse? She knew Nightmare's plan for some time now, and yet she's still here. Can it be the fundamental difference between ponies who end up in this world and ponies who end up in the night world?
Now that we know her plan involves erasing Luna and taking her place, it's definitely not the right thing to do.
Also this >>41094784 because she had less than positive reaction to almost everything Nightmare said or did and I wanna know what happened.
>”Tie yourself to it. I’ll lower you and then climb down myself.”
Quite a mare, isn't she?

>A dull pain pulsed in your shoulder.
gg, no re

>”I see you have found my vault.”
Is it Tia?

>”Please seek me as soon as you can and tell me what calamity has you seek such power. If I’m no longer present…”

>”...we’re doing the right thing?”
Who the fuck knows?

>What would you like to do?
That's hard to say.

Agreed with this guy.

Ok, but she seemed certain only one of them will remain - which one? Sure, she hopes it's her, but it felt to me that she doesn't think she would remain victorious. Maybe a small part of her will survive in Luna. Who knows?
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i miss her...
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There's been 11 bumps since the last meaningful post. What the fuck?
How is everyone doing? I've been battling ever present depression and lack of meaning in life, still trying to soldier on though.
Sorry to hear that Colt
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I'm tired, man. Haven't got enough sleep all week. Summertime is always rough for me since I already have trouble being tired in the evening and now sunset is after 10pm and I get to sleep between 11 and midnight when I have to wake up at 5:30.
But I'll try to get something done today and tomorrow and post it.
get yourself a sleeping mask it really helped me when i was working at nightshifts
We're back
10 again already?
Alright lads, we should talk about favorite ponies, waifus, husbando, etc.
I feel like we’ve talked about waifus plenty. How about this: who’s everyone’s favorite antagonist in a CYOA and what makes a good antagonist?
I'd think anons are their own antagonist.
Thinking about the question, I can't really think of any prominent antagonists from the quests I participated in, since most of them seem to be more focused on PvE. I guess there's Tome's ex (are we ever going to find out the fuckers actual name?) from Fatelocked.
Now I'm wondering how a PvP CYOA would work. Anons working against each other and OP rolls who wins?
When I say antagonist I don’t just mean a single character but any faction or group that would fill the role. They don’t even have to be intelligent necessarily, like the creatures from 11-54.
I'd say the AIs were the major antagonist

Ya know, we never did get porn of Smokey.
Same, might just mean I never focused on the antagonists much or just have terrible memory, though. Sam and Darpa are fun and I like how they're antagonists but we also spend time just talking to them like there's not much risk. The creature from Threshold 2 was pretty interesting and the eldritch horror from Tomb of Tzitzimitl comes to mind. In PQ-meta, Inept's depression being the antagonist was certainly memorable. And I can't believe I forgot, but mammoth. Actually I think I might choose that as favourite lol.
>what makes a good antagonist?
A failure. Antagonist characters suck as a literary device because they are what happens when people opt out from providing interesting sources of impetus and directly personify the impetus instead. Weak, lazy move. You can make it appear apt, you can make it appear tidy, but somewhere on the conceptual level it'll always be a weak, lazy move. Only two changes can truly salvage it: the character should fail to be an antagonist, or the antagonist should fail to be a character.
Or maybe I'm making up incoherent shit to rationalize my sympathy to bubbly spazzes.
>favorite antagonist
Antagonists who continue to fail to be characters: World, Flesh, Devil, (You).
Characters who failed to be antagonists: third place goes to Euryale Gorgon for her adorable snake nose, second place goes to Aether because he dodged all bullets so gracefully that we barely noticed he was supposed to be an antagonist (or was he?), first place goes to Repa because she's bubbly in a literal way.
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>Characters opposing the protagonist is bad
Do you only like survival stories? You know antagonist can be complex and aren’t exclusively villains, right? They don’t even have to be a single character.

[x] No.

>You slammed the book shut, shoved in back onto the shelf, and shook your head.
“No. We’re not.”
>Glancing at the shelf, you read the titles of the other books on it.
>’Sunken Kingdom’, ‘Annals of the Crystal Empire’, ‘History of the Three Tribes Era’
>Intriguing, but not relevant.
>”Yeah. That’s how I feel too.”
>Her hoofsteps approached as you heard her gulp down some saliva.
>”I’m just not sure what to do about it. Surviving on my own was so draining that I don’t want to do it again.”
>Wheeling around, you found her biting her lip and looking down at the ground between you.
“I guess now that we have a moment to ourselves… How are you getting on with her? She’s not giving you a hard time, is she?”
>Sassy drew a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, still staring at the smoothed stone floor.
>”...Not exactly. She’s… very eager to have company and either doesn’t or doesn’t want to see I have my doubts about her.”
>She shook her head.
>”I don’t agree with what she’s doing, but I also don’t want to risk making her angry or turn her into an enemy. I’ve seen her lash out at the… things, shadows, that wander the hallways.”
>A shudder passed through her as she lifted her head and looked at you.
>You stared back at her, drawing a breath and holding it as your head swam with conflicting thoughts.
>”I haven’t dared to talk with her about it. Maybe I should. Maybe what she’s doing is the way to fix things and we have to help her.”
>She lifted a hoof off the floor and tapped her temple with it while biting her lip.
>”So. What do you think we should do? I don’t think we can find what we’re looking for right now – and I’m not sure we should even if we could. On the slightly longer term, what do we do with her?”
>She pointed up at the hatch.

What would you like to do?

Short because I think this is an important decision to make, and late because I've been busy playing Helldivers 2 now that I can. Also no pic this time since I have stuff to do tonight and too little time to do it in. And because the model I use can't do Sassy properly since she's a rather niche character and there isn't enough data on her.
If the story is accurate, Night was born from isolation and jealousy. Than she failed to take center stage and became even more isolated for a thousand years. After that she was back for only a day before being banished again and this time without any hope of returning. With her very existence denied, it's impressive that she isn't a creature of blind rage like a Nirik. The path she walks is sadly the only path she's ever known and those that had a chance to convince her to walk a different path in the past chose to use force to simply stop her instead. I mean, how can she learn to care about how she effects others if nobody gets close enough to care about?
What Sassy would want to do with her, if Moonie's reaction and general survival weren't such pressing issues and if everything was possible? It'd be the perfect first step if they could gradually become real friends, with sincerity, sharing doubts, arguing and everything. But Nightmare being Nightmare makes it tricky enough. If Sassy on her end doens't want it and only cares about survival, it won't work.
> I don’t think we can find what we’re looking for right now
Neither does Moonie, I suspect. She deliberately showed us the only place she can't reach to let us have this discussion, and to let us hide from her wraith if things take a turn for the worse later. We still should make a fair attempt to find something useful here, if only to be slightly more honest. We sort of promised to try.
At least we don't have to hurry. The worlds don't deteriorate or anything. The sporadic new arrivals in Luna's world are intercepted and kept safe by Luna. If Nightmare can do the same to ponies arriving here, then the only thing limiting the time we have at our disposal is our persistence at delaying Luna's and Nightmare's plans.
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>”I’m just not sure what to do about it. Surviving on my own was so draining that I don’t want to do it again.”
Depression driven Sassy makes me sad

>On the slightly longer term, what do we do with her?”
Hug. Accept her and make her know that she is being just a pony. Not some ancient lore monster or a creature feared by whom she consider friends. Stern but loving. Discord treatment by Fluttershy. She can cross them, but then she will lose them.
The real issue at hand will be if she is really a real person, and gets squished inside Luna when the worlds reunite/collide. We would have her sacrafice herself, and that's also not cool. If Luna will be wiped, this is just as bad for the same reasons. Even if Luna is not taking some crazy steps in an unknown direction she chooses so not because she's uncappable, but she weight the risks as unreasonable for whatever there is to be gained.
We could finish whatever we're doing there, then go back to Luna and push her to see if she's uncappable of doing what Nightmom Moon is doing, or she doesn't want to. We would probably get on her bad side, but the princess should have told us about what we can do. We were too trusting it seems.
Conjecturally speaking, Celly may have tools that allow two instances of the same person coexist in one world in this very vault. We may even talk to our Nirik form!
I used to run a cyoa way back when, but due to personal shit I had to drop it. I'm really tempted to bring it back but I'm worried that it's been too long.
How long ago was it?
Daybreak Anon? It's been a while, but I think I'd still like to see a continuation.
A couple of years at least.
Good to know.
Depends on the type of CYOA you want. If you want a typical narrative heavy CYOA you could run two different threads where players run two separate characters and parties that are competing against each other. You’d have to run them completely separately except for when the two characters meet in which case you would have to have the players roll for combat and just let the numbers determine how combat goes. Otherwise you could just have the two characters interfere with each other’s plans without even showing up in person.

Otherwise, you could do what OPpenheimer used to do with his nuclear war games on /k/. You have a small set of players playing different countries/organizations with specific win conditions. They would email you their actions each turn in secret then in the thread you would post what the public sees happening while telling each player what they actually see going on. The non “players” in the thread would be playing the public/UN/press/whatever fits the story. This kind of PvP would require a very good QM with a good understanding of the conflict they’re writing (OPpenheimer accidentally doxxed himself and it turned out he was an advisor for the Pentagon for their nuclear warfare plans and had written several important books on theoretical nuclear warfare.)

Finally, way back in 2014 somebody ran a Total War: Equestria Divided game that was lots of fun. Anyone could join as any unclaimed faction at any time and the players gave their orders for what they want their faction to do at the start of every turn and the results of each turn were publicly posted.

Regardless of what you do the QM would need to have very clearly mechanical rules and everything would have to be determined in some way by mechanics or clearly stated narrative reasons. Transparency would be key, more so than any other kind of CYOA.
Does every cyoa update daily or is there room for slower update schedules?
There have also been weekly quests.
If you aren’t going to update everyday, or at least close to every day, then I wouldn’t run one in its own thread. But you can run one in this general and then you don’t have to worry about regular updates or bumps.
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>Cuckqueen pegasus Roseluck
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I will never forgive the anon that cucked her.
What happened?
>semantic error is still going
It's been almost a decade and yet here I am, I was in the first ever semantic error thread in late 2015 but stopped keeping up with it sometime in early 2016 and I became fed up with mlp in early 2018 because of the bad route the show had went down, how shit the later seasons were after the disappointment of season 5 but I thought I'd come back today because I'd been reading some old content I enjoyed from back in the day only to see this blast from the past.
She, the colt, and Fleetfoot were supposed to have sex. Fleet and the colt had their fun and then when it was her turn a cuck said no. They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty. There was a bit more going on, but that one anon made sure that she ran away crying and got no action, ruining the experience of five characters in the process. Two others were getting ready to have their own fun before the mood was ruined.
>They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty
Double kek
Eyyy good to see someones come back. Very unfortunately the main archive for the quests kinda died a couple years ago but if you wanna read Semantic some kind Anon made something here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39899327/#q39924294
Doesn't go to the latest 3 threads but you can read those on Desu.
>We may even talk to our Nirik form!
That would be awesome
Assuming he could talk, or be reasoned with.
Morning everyone, sorry for absence, needed small break amd with my autism and possible adhd I'm going to alternate between two different premises to reduce collective burnout and lack of inspiration.
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With the short break underway, may as well share my inner thoughts on what questions are in my mind from recent events in the cyoa. Not sure if other anons who participated in the thread will be here and respond or discuss, but it's better content than a bump.

With Fang at our side, the question of what happens in combat now is a big one. Black Fang won't dissapear, so does that mean she can tank hits for us in combat now? What happens if she falls in combat? Will the enemies scale with her at our side, despite having the option to fly and select our targets more easily? What happens if we retreat with her? Speaking of which...

Will we need to introduce Black Fang to the village? Besides the retreat question, there is also the problem of Black Fang frankly having nothing to do but while we're gone and resting, and flying will only be entertaining for so long. It's possible her presence won't affect the village barrier anymore with the god's power weakened, so she might insist on coming with us, which will cause a lot of awkward problems, which I doubt we have the persuasion to soften the blow of.
Suppose it's also possible Black Fang will insist on us abandoning the village to be with her instead, but doubt we'll leave our friends to die, and that would go against the point of most of the quest.
Wait a little while, Slothtrot.
Just don't rush anything
Take it slow
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unfortunately I got hit with the yearly month or so of brain exploding and I'm currently incapable of being creative or putting out coherent thoughts until my mental stabilizes.
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Eleven bumps in a row! Hell yeah! I love bump general!
Best way to answer most of the questions here is to just wait until the next thread pops up. A more important question for the future is what now with Verdant? Continue to lead her on, break up with her immediately, or something inbetween?
Ok, next thread of Growing Village will be this saturday around this hour
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lil teaser because I like how it came out
It's been ages, where's 11-53?
Hmm, yes, good. Very shapely rump.
11-54's sequel is Semantic Error. There was supposed to be a prequel that takes place during the incident played from the perspective of one of the mercenaries called in to try and bring the facility under control before it was abandoned and left in an autonomous lockdown.
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You still owe us the IOU lewd scene where lance and verdant were having sex with each other from the last thread by the way Growfag. You know growing village thread 11.
Pretty sure he doesn't need a third reminder by this point anon.
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Growing Village is back

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Hey I'm just dropping by to say that I've been totally exhausted by problems causing unnecessary extra work at work.
There's no immediate relief in sight, but I have managed to get a few lines in every now and then so I haven't forgot about you. Expect something soon!
Here's (you).
Thanks QM
no arrow for mare
Here's my secondary CYOA premise, feel free to give it a shot.
Does he canonically look that unhinged?
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[x] We have to save her.

>You stared at the square hole in the ceiling and the rope coming down from it.
“So. From what I know, it’s either her or Luna who has to go when the worlds merge. And I don’t want to see either outcome.”
>Sucking your lower lip in between your teeth, you paused for a second to gather your thoughts.
“We’ll have to figure out some way to let both of them stay. But, before that can happen, she’ll have to learn how to be friends. That’s where you can help.”
>You turned to look at Sassy.
>Her brow furrowed as she stared at you for a second.
>”So… you want to save her? Redeem her? How?”
>She drew in a breath like she was about to continue, but held it in for a few seconds.
>”And wouldn’t redeeming her turn her into Luna?”
>It was your turn to draw a breath and hold it.
>You had not thought of that.
>Were they truly separate beings or, like you and the beast within, just two sides of one coin?
“I’m not sure. We’ll find out, somehow.”
>Sassy cocked her head and arched a brow.
>”Sure. I’ll give her a chance to be friends.”
>She tapped your side as she strode past to look at the bookshelf.
>”Anyhow. I’ll trust you know what you’re doing and go with your plan. But, for right now, we need something more than…”
>Leaning in, she read a few titles.
>”...books about forgotten history.”

>The problem with finding something in the vault wasn’t that there was nothing to find.
>It was that there was too much to find.
>You stared at one of the few gold items in there, a gold amulet in the shape of an alicorn bust with a red gemstone in the middle.
>It was on a pedestal under a glass cover.
>But, valuables weren’t what you were looking for so you headed further from the hatch and the rope hanging from it.

>”Hey, come take a look at this.”
>Sassy called for you from the other side of a very tall pile of armor.
>Chain, plate, leather, with and without holes for wings or horns, in all sizes – but, as far as you could tell, entirely mundane, if spotless and well kept.
>You trotted around it to find your unicorn friend pointing at a staff.
>It was a black, crooked branch, about as tall as you, with a light blue crystal for an endpiece.
>A very simple looking thing, if not for the fact it was floating in the air with neither support nor magic holding it aloft.
“What do you think that is?”
>Sassy glanced at you and shook her head.
>”I have no idea.”
>A shiver passed down your spine as you rounded the staff and it followed you: no matter which direction you looked at it from, it looked exactly the same.
“Uh, I don’t think this is a good thing. It’s giving me the creeps.”
>Sassy stared at it as well.
>She leaned away from it and lifted a front hoof off the ground to cover her chest.
>”Ehh, yeah. The longer I look at it the less I like it.”
>Still, creepy or not, it had to be an item of great power and would no doubt please Nightmare Moon.
“I’ll keep looking.”
>That didn’t mean you wanted to stay close to it.

>A few minutes later, close to an – as far as you could tell – entirely mundane painting of Princess Celestia, you ran into a tall standing mirror that caught your attention.
>It didn’t reflect anything.
>It was just a deep, deep pool of pure silver, even when you trotted in front of it to look into it.
>The frame was solid, brown wood carved with intricate images of prancing pegasi on it.
>There was nothing behind it apart a plain marble pillar supporting it.
>Rounding back to the front, you stared deep into it.
>There was, you thought, a hint of blue mixed in with the silver.
>Lifting a hoof, you stuck it to the mirror.
>And stopped just short of touching the surface.
>You wanted to find out what that thing was, but thought it best to not risk anything.

“Find anything?”
>You strode out from between two racks stocked with swords, spears, halberds, and bows, of which none stood out in any way.
>Sassy stood in a small clearing, staring at a glass display case that had Luna’s crown in it.
>”I found this.”
>She pointed at the display.
>”But as far as I can tell, there’s no magic to it. There’s none to either princess’ regalia. They’re purely ornamental – unless Celestia and Luna have held a secret for all these years.”
>After a few more seconds of staring at it, she turned to face you.
>”So. I haven’t seen anything even resembling a spellbook or a scroll and we’ve been at this for a while. Should we keep looking or just pick something and get back up?”
>Both of you glanced at the rope dangling from the ceiling, now quite a ways from where you stood.

What would you like to do?

Apologies for the delays! I'm still having a rough time and now I was even asked to come in for the weekend. I said no.
If that bust amulet was on a pedestal, perhaps there is a placard to go with it? The staff seems dangerous, I doubt we can bring the mirror up, and the tiara is underwhelming.
I'd like to investigate the mirror by poking it with a stick, or the closest equivalent at hoof.
It's not our job to redeem anyone. Nightmare and Luna may agree to disagree for all I care.
Celestia is a mixed bag but she doesn't strike me as vain. Are we certain her portrait is legitimately boring, and not under a charm of unassumingness similar to the distracting spell she used to protect the vault? Try to interact with the portrait. Try to look at it through the mirror. Tickle its back side and listen for muffled giggling.
By the way, can we locate the least interesting item here? Close our eyes and go in the direction opposite to where our curiosity pulls us.
The closest thing to a catalogue of this place that comes to mind is Celestia's diary. Too bad it's censored. I can think of three ways to uncensor it, in order of waning practicality: Fleur's extensive knowledge of it coupled with her wits if we can get her on board with it, somehow exploiting possible differences between two versions of the diary in two worlds, and sending some kind of a magical decensoring spell found in this vault to ourselves from the future.
Good morning peebles.
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Funny how in the end, Coltshan won.
Lol, when was this made? I haven’t seen a search the ground for bits joke in a long time.
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Aww, Westworld dropped before we got to see Rush. Now I'm sad.
I bet he's in the game jam.
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>“We’ll have to figure out some way to let both of them stay
True ending unlocked?

>”So… you want to save her? Redeem her? How?”
Hot, sweaty, tall mare sex, of course!

>”And wouldn’t redeeming her turn her into Luna?”
Uh. Good point.

>Sassy cock(...)
Cyberpunk music

>But, valuables weren’t what you were looking for so you headed further from the hatch and the rope hanging from it.
No, no no no no no! Take it! Take it!

>your unicorn friend
Twilight would be proud

Was it the storm king staff?

>You wanted to find out what that thing was, but thought it best to not risk anything.
We just avoided getting pushed to Equestria Girls-verse

>What would you like to do?
Take the regalia.
It's Over, westworld fall.
Truly, an Aftercase
I hope he will come back.
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Who's that blank flank?
Looks like Grayscale from Lost but happy.
any tips or anything for doing a livestreamed CYOA? I plan on drawing it out and letting the audience vote with strawpolls are something. it'll be for /mlp/con and I have never run a cyoa of any kind before
Practice before you do it. I'd even advice you to not do it at all since you'll bore your audience if you take even five minutes per update. But, if you're set, practice. Try to run a CYOA on the board or in this thread where you set yourself a timer for each piece of writing or a drawing.
Once you're done that, you'll know how many inputs you can accept in the time you have and still produce acceptable quality content.

And plan it out. How it starts, how it ends, how to get from the start to the ending. You'll probably want to have a flowchart type plan or something. You have a strict time limit so you don't want to get sidetracked and stall out when you realize you have no clue what happens next.
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any fungeon ponies still around...? I miss you all
it went great btw
How did it exactly go, our of curiosity?
It was a shitpost quest like we haven't seen in some time
Is there a recording of it?
the CYOA starts around the 6 hour mark
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CYOA newfag here. What happened to anonpone? Is there any hope of recovering what’s been lost?
anonpone is anongone, all the data still seems to exist in some form

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