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Previous Thread:>>40964808
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8 [Embed]
Sunset Shimmer sings https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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>previous thread died after 126 posts
I failed you, Sunset
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Don't look at me faggots I was driving all morning, where were all of you?
>archiving after less than five hours
board's fast today there is usually much wider of a window than this until a thread goes off the board
I got home at 6am, so I was probably asleep. I'm only awake now because I had a work meeting at 11.
The board isn’t fast today
There are no events going on right now, the average post count is barely higher than usual
It’s obvious some triggered faggot slid the thread on purpose. Probably for the honor of their special hugbox circlejerk https://nhnb.org/ where sunset shimmer is redditbanned and someone dared to badmouth it kek
Suspiciously not 12 hours after it was posted
I want Sunset Shimmer to be found in a sundown town.
>It’s obvious some triggered faggot slid the thread on purpose. Probably for the honor of their special hugbox circlejerk https://nhnb.org/ where sunset shimmer is redditbanned and someone dared to badmouth it kek
That's really pathetic
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Reposting this image from the last thread because it's really cute and deserves to be seen more, maybe OP of the next thread
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I posted the last image before going to sleep and thought that'd keep it alive until I woke up again
>last thread in the catalog's last post was only 90 minutes ago
what the fuck is going on today
Seconding this, it's a super cute image and it absolutely deserves more attention.
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Page 10 bumpfagging. Someone’s really mad.
Doesn’t care if the whole board sees, he’s too asshurt to care lmao
That and there's a huge amount of newish shitpost threads
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Looks like I’m gonna start getting up earlier and earlier again to bump the thread.
her feet 100% smell bad
Just ban whoever posts "barbie" and it'll be done sooner than the last Discord raid.
why was this image on chixwithdix.com
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>Sunset, would you like to wear a skirt or jeans with that blouse
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I sleep. If the thread isn't here in the morning I'm >raping you all
Incredibly sexy
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The pony sunset thread died
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You can post Pony Sunset here too
i want to take her out to dinner
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You're right!
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its just that easy?!
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Good, it was a falseflag
We actually love Shimmy here
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>We actually love Shimmy here
To love Sunset you must lover her in all her forms.
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I love Sunset in all her forms, but I can't lie. She's the prettiest mare.
i really really like that image
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AI kills interest.
Wrong. Sunset is best in whichever form she's in at that point in time.
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Right. And if that form happens to be a pony then she is the prettiest, easy. Have you ever seen a more gorgeous mare?
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>Have you ever seen a more gorgeous mare?
I have, she was also Sunset
More like AI enrages some autist hard enough to intentionally slide it.
I was the one in the last thread calling OP a niggerfaggot for using aislop but I wouldn't slide the thread just to get rid of it
No of course not. You definitely didn’t sound assmad enough about it.
This theory >>40987912 is more believable anyway
Look no further than mlpgfags from discord to see this type of faggot
Don’t underestimate the pure, raging autism of antiAIfags trying to push their desperate little grudge for some reason. One little image is all it takes and they lose their shit. I wouldn’t put it past them let the whole thread burn just be rid of it.
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Anyone pretending AI art will never improve past the point it’s at, after how fast they 100% know it’s evolving, is coping out of pure fear.
>trying to push their desperate little grudge for some reason
Uninspired Patreon faggots don’t want everyone to be able to make their own pics at their own will, and their simps parrot this sentiment at their behest.
>One little image is all it takes and they lose their shit
Absolutely, and in multiple meanings of that statement.

The age of greedy attention whore artists is finally coming to a close. Yes an AI future sucks but these faggots deserve it anyway. Hard reset must happen /now/.
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What's the likelihood that Shimmy is a direct descendent of Luna?
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Pretty low...? I guess it's possible either Celestia or Luna might have gotten freaky with ponies thousands of years ago but then even in that case I think it's more likely she'd be Celestia's descendent given Sunbutt would have had way more opportunities to have a secret birth over centuries instead of being trapped on the moon
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I don't think makes sense for her to be related to either princess. Her parents are probably just random unicorns like the racist fireworks mare
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Do not open, exceedingly spicy Sunset art
WAY too spicy
Are we... gonna eat your shoes for lunch?
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>It's dangerous to go alone, take this
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Raging She-Demon likes this
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I'll just have to fuck the evil out of her then.
How was it?
It was sex with my wife Sunset Shimmer. What more do I need to say?
Didn't know you two were married, sorry.
>That Flying V
She really is a boomare.
Killer room, totally worth all the Anal she takes to get that.
oh my, first time noticing this.
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>part-time job at the sushi restarurant
>donations from gaming streams
>Rainbooms gigs
Yeah, I just used a random pic from Google. Yours has better colors, but mine features cute Sunset with slippers.
Literally nothing compared to how much we would give Shimmy for a nut.
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new eqg thread in trash if anybody wants in.

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Sunset really does have the best design of all the ponies.
Royal ass design
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She does have a regal ass.
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Me, a supreme gentleman, coming in to save m'shimmy
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I'm going to do unholy things to Sunset.
How costly is to rent that?
Difficult to know the economy of Canterlot, but it's smack in the middle of an urban area, probably around $2400 to $3000 in real life.
Stop eating that shoe, you stupid horse!
>The age of greedy attention whore artists is finally coming to a close
But then who’s gonna give us more shim pics? Surely enough people will still support real artists right?
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Things will clarify, but I think the real art made by a human will always prevail. Less people might be interested in both making and commissioning it though.

I'm not an expert, but I think that AI is just another tool that still needs a human touch. And people will probably get bored with it eventually.
To continue on this topic:
I'm not very sensitive about visual arts. I just want pictures to give me a smile (or a boner).

But I'm a musician and music enthusiast so I know that there are many people craving for real art made by competent creators with soul and passion. However when you turn up the radio, you can hear much crap that already sounds like made by a robot. And the majority of people still enjoy it.

I believe it translates to all fields of art. It becomes harder and harder to make a living from just being an artist, but I'm sure the creativity will never die.
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Sozglitch makes such great Shims.
Who is this supposed to be? Generic model wearing a Sunset Shimmer wig? Fuck off back to your containment thread.
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How about you post Sunset instead of bitching about other posters you cock gobbling retard.
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Do NOT listen to >>41007112 because he's Paco as evidenced by using one of his typical catchphrases. Clearly dumping AIshit is one of his new tactics to destroy our thread. Keep calling them out, king, and let true Shimmy art dominate
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First time I've been called Paco. It definitely feels weird. Also I post AIslop to keep the thread bumped, since that's better than just posting the word bump over and over again.
Gee if only we had multiple easy to access boorus with tens of thousands of Shim images
Counter point, I get most of my AIslop from the boorus.
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I save both. Also I'm still not Paco.
I'm at work posting from my phone so I don't have access to a better way to scale down fuck huge images.
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I'm starting to feel like the guy raging about AI art is Paco and his new strategy is to bitch and start these stupid arguments to kill the thread.
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You're probably right about that Anon. I'll start ignoring him for now.
Exactly. It’s instigating likely samefaging comments like >>41007156 that try and bring down the quality of the thread. No on is “dumping” AI art. Using a pic to bump with is obviously nothing to be concerned over.
Hmmm. Maybe you are an actual schitzo after all.
You actually sound mindbroken.
The second one's mine. I think you need to check out and leave the computer sometime.
Her face looks off in that pic?
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Driving active posters away isn't going to make this thread any better, it's going to kill the thread. So unless that's your goal, calm down and understand that as one of us are just trying to keep the fucking thread alive.
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*some of us
This is what I get for not proofreading my posts.
Whoever gives names to random anons can't read posts or argue in good faith.
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I'm the guy you've been calling Paco this whole fucking thread! I don't hate Sunset, she's my goddamn waifu. I'm not gonna leave. I'm not gonna stop posting cute pictures of Sunset. And I'm gonna go out of my way to keep posting AI-generated Sunset pics just to spite you. The only good thing to come out of this whole circus is that the thread has been kept bumped.
It's just the way Rocket draws faces, I personally think it's cute.
He called me that before you and when I refreshed my Spanish duolingo he told me I was supposed to be French.
Disband mlpg’s discord server
>I'm totally not a Shimhater, I'm just going to spam garbage and destroy the thread to spite someone who cares about it!
Yeah, we've all seen this before. The only difference is this time it's AIslop instead of cuckshit.
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He never said spam. He hasn’t been spamming in the first place.
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>"¡Hola, onions Sunset!"
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I forgot about that word filter.
>Go on vacation to Mexico with Sunset
>She spends months learning Spanish so she can speak with the locals in their native tongue
>"Hola! Onions Sunset Shimmer."
>Spend the next thirty minutes laughing with Manuel the hotel receptionist while Sunset sputters and tries in vain to save face
Hazy Dream:
I can't wait to get home and see it!
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This anon >>41008171. It was well worth the wait.
Shimmora the Sunsplora.
Kek. Cute.
>Kek. Cute.
Thanks, Anon. I thought it was cute too.
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Huge admin L.
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If sunset had normal skin color what color would it be? Also why do you guys hate ships?

Her being a ginger works for me: >>41007222

As for ships I can only speak for myself. I dislike the idea of "OHMYGOD they look at each other, they must be fucking!!1".
I can understand cases like Rarity and Applejack (EqG only). Some of their moments in 'Rollercoaster of Friendship' seemed... tense. But I think I never saw this "tension" anywhere else in the franchise.

Also, I'm not a homophobe, but come on... Why do these popular ships in any fandom have to be homosexual?

I'd leave this whole shipping thing on deviantART or somewhere.

Sunset should get back to Flash Sentry LOL
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a nu
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>If sunset had normal skin color what color would it be?
For a regular human Shim, I usually either imagine her as a fairly stereotypical redhead (very pale skin tone, freckles, etc.) or with a light tan.
>Also why do you guys hate ships?
I actually love ships. I even have a favorite crack ship (it's me and Sunset).
In all seriousness, I don't outright hate shipping in itself. My problems with it lie more with shipfags themselves. Don't get me wrong, I can kinda sorta see the appeal of playing imaginary matchmaker. Pairing characters up because they had some cute scenes together, or because they have some matching aspects that weren't explored enough within the media they came from. However, it's not something I busy myself with, I'd rather just dedicate that time to thinking about Sunset or drawing/writing about her.
Overall, my interactions with shippers have mostly been negative. I used to draw fanart for a wide number of things, before I started mostly focusing on MLP, and I caught flak for drawing the 'wrong' ships multiple times. In one way, I'm glad that happened to me because it made me realize that shippers can be nearly just as bad as the worst waifufags. Just need a shipper to shoot up a place and they're there.
I like her as a ginger with freckles.

I just think most of her ships are trash.
Sundagio makes no sense.
Both versions of Twiset are boring as hell.
Flashset is totally trash.
The ones I actully like are pieset and sunflower (wallflower and sunset).
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It's pronounced SunPie.
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Pinkie subtly working her way up to being Sunset's best friend by the end of the series is next level kino. You'd think it would've been SciTwi with all the focus on the two in FG and LoE, but no. Ponka had a 200 IQ plot to friendship correct the school's biggest meanie from the start.
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Pinkie being fascinated by Sunset's breasts is one of my favorite memes.
Not Pinkie's hooves, but you get the idea.
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Pinkie is literally me.
Alright everyone I'm heading out, watch Sunset's midriff for me?
anybody up for a new trash eqg?

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On it!
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Watching Sunset's tummy is one of my favorite pastimes.
Seconding this >>41013369
You better not leave us hanging, cropfag
Imagine someone actually sitting in front of their monitor and staring at the pic for 18 hours without blinking.
Is paco the same guy as the gmod/ponytown/tf2 peko?
For Sunset I'd do it for 24.
24 will pass very soon by the way.
It's very unwise to leave Sunset's midriff like that for Anons to look at.
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>18 hours without blinking.
I’d be impressed.
Or mourning because that guy would be dead.
God that's so cute!
Is that your creation?
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that's an old pic
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>After weeks of bargaining Sunset finally agreed to Cosplay with you
>She dresses up in a slave Leia costume
>Tells you she picked out a costume for you too
>It's Han's Episode IV outfit with a note that she couldn't find the right outfit that's about three pages longer than it needs to be and includes a rant about how Disney Star Wars shouldn't even be considered canon.
What do?
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Clearly on top of all of her other amazing traits she has heavily suppressed autism, which only make my cock harder as a lover of mentally ill girls. I will mating press her in said cosplay and impregnate her with the fury of a thousand suns to breed ascended sperg half-pony masterrace children.
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All horses are autistic in their own way.
With the advent of AI we can safely disregard the human equivalent of non-AGI bots also known as NPCs.
This is a bot
It has nothing to do with the replies
Any and every attempt to identify a user and give him a nickname is doomed to failure unless the poster chooses to identify himself; only Redditors struggle with the concept of an anonymous image board where posters can choose to imitate each other and share opinions they themselves do not hold. Bots are known to keep at it and that's why the NPC meme was made.
I assume that 3x3 is yours, in which case
Giga Based.
meds, ingest them asap
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Rainbow is surprised by your girth, Sunset is smug because she knows who gets it on a nightly basis.
God why is she so perfect bros
Yeah, Yubel and Judai have been my favorite yugioh characters ever since I saw s3 of GX. Permanently fusing yourself with a yandere demon who murdered and mindraped all of your friends is probably one of the most based things I've ever seen a character do.
Plus she (male) is hot
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I actually found out recently Sunset and Ryuko share a Japanese voice actress.
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Now I kinda want to try making an EqG version of ryoukos uniform.
The original JP dub cast for MLP was quite good. A shame they were replaced.
Aside from Sunset, Ponk's VA was my favorite casting choice. Pic+Vid related.
More pony.
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ask nicely
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More ponies and humans together.
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Ponies dressed like humans
Our girl won! She got first place!

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That was really great.
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That ass belongs on my lap while we game on the couch.
I really like her boots, sounds gay but I like em.
I agree with you. Sunset has great taste.
Even better than Rarity's?
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For me, those Friendship Games high heels were pure sex. They were also probably the first to not look like some mech-suit legs, lol
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>At first Shimmy was like
>and then she was like
Rarity may be the one to take credit for Sunset's outfit choice, makes sense she starts looking way better when she gets in their group chat.
No, Shimmy. These boots stay on during sex.
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Why do dumbasses like this completely misunderstand and make shit up about her character?
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It's a seething Glimerfag, pay them no mind.
>overanalyzing MLP
Don't bother. The creators didn't bother anyway.
Just enjoy cute ponies/ayylmaos
Fanfics have more depth than the official content.
>Fanfics have more depth than the official content.
Prove it. Post some 10/10 Sunset Shimmer fanfics NOW!
OK, I stepped too far. I only meant that MLP and EqG are shows meant for little kids, so they don't have a complicated lore and overanslyzing them seems not recommended...
Anyway, have a funny EqG fic:
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/363246/can-ponies-get-drunk (I picked a random one from my Favorites list).
Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
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They need to defend Starlight "commie pony" Glimmer and by extension her socialism-like ideology, and without dragging others down with them they can't do that.
The "creators" bothered so much they rewrote the entire lore to make Starlight the highlight of the show.
Magic needs concentration?
Here's Glimmer getting very emotional.
Mind control is a bad thing to do?
Here's Starlight getting off scot-free.
SG-fags are so mad they have to call Sunset "SS" Shimmer a mary sue because they know it's false.
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Sunset is the cutest pony.
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God, she is such a cutie!
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You have to eat all the sweets
dumbass fatfag
Shimmy was the one who ate a bunch of food Anon, not me.
Sunset works off all the empty carbs in the next scene. DYEWTS?
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>He thinks you can work off 30,000+ calories worth of junk food
Just accept that a lot of that stuff went straight to being stored in Shimmy's ass.

And that's okay.
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>2013 picture of Sunset recruiting people to help her take over the school
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I found this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-pt4VM1pZQ
Is it good?
The entire thing sounds like it was recorded in a tin can.
>see bulge
>think about the og chad meme
Thanks for the laugh.
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Kill yourself
Shortstack Shimmer
love your impotent rage
Nice to see there's no screeching.
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It could be worse.
This is, like, really bad.
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Kill all slopniggers
Fucking look at them spam; you leave the thread in their hands for a second and it becomes an infestation
Maybe if you'd keep the thread bumped the AIfags wouldn't need to.
Then get your fat ass of that chair and start killing them by yourself.
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Imagine seething over people being able to create as many shims as they want with their own computers. You’re absolutely fuming.
Why is she mad and why is there bread?
1. Why shouldn't she yell at the bread
2. If you were smart you would too
they're just jealous that AI can create better art than them
needs a menstruation edit.
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Ponies hate bread
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trips confirm
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About to turn 30 today. I've spent the last third of my life loving this beautiful horse girl. The years go on but Shimmy is eternal.
And you know what the best part is? The Shimmy stays the same age, and stays looking perfect.
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Nice digits.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary, Anon!
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Happy birthday Anon. Hopefully you'll find your Sunset someday soon.
Had my first Sunset dream in a long while. It was kind of fetishy, I dreamt her EQG form was naked and mind controlled in front of me alongside Sci-Twi, both of them blank and expressionless. Then I woke up before I could do anything with them.
Weird dream.
I'd prefer it to be a WET dream lol
Now draw her smoking a cigarette anon
Wow, that's pretty cool!

I want to take a cigarette break with Sunset Shimmer.
Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand she's pretty cute in this, on the other hand smoking isn't.
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That's hot
Sexy pony ass.
Fun Fact: Ponies haven't trusted bread for generations
You can see the BREAD-JUDICE look she has on her face!
Sunset being mad at bread is very cute.
Do you guys have a favorite fic about Shimmy?
Pretty good prequel story about Pony Shimmy. Still ongoing but updated pretty regularly updated. It's about Cadence first appearing in Canterlot and Sunset's struggle to accept her, while also trying to get close to her in order to find out how to become a Princess. Extremely good characterization.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/316357/sundowner, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/478566/bounty-hunter-anon, and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/347892/stay-a-little-longer all vie for my favorite Shimmy fics. I really like all of them but for vastly different reasons.
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Enough with the slop
>the irony
Your whining for literally no reason is funny to me because what you posted is just as slop as ai but with extra steps.
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What lora, if any, do you use?
MODEL: Pony Diffusion V6 XL

All disney princess XL
Styles for Pony Diffusion V6 XL
I’m in love
>not liking sexy abs swimsuit Sunset
are you gay
>calling clearly traced art slop can’t meant you still like it
Work on that reading comprehension
>clearly [HEADCANON]
God aislopfags are pathetic
I get it, I must like ai that I call slop but definitely not traced art I also call slop. Makes sense.
Weird new tactic to justify your spam, Paco
Call me what you want, you’re still wrong regardless. Cute Rockset pic though.
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Imagine Shimmy and Glimmy vs Twilight holy shit
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Why is she working for Filthy Rich?
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Based ambition horse
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>"Are you kidding me?!"
Reminder that she did nothing wrong and Twilight was a fat useless fuck who destroyed Equestria
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I really like this image
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It's really cute.
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Why does Shimmy constantly forgive antagonist recklessly?
She doesn't really.
This, Sunset's first thought is to beat the shit out of someone.
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Sunset has a fire in her.
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Oh really then why doesn't she punish them then?
even the AI knows about Pinkie's obsession with Sunset's bazonkas
Everyone is obsessed with Sunset's boobers.
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The lovecraftian entity known as Hasjew is manipulating her mind so that she doesn't resort to violence
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Would Sunset like your car?
Honestly? Probably not.
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>Sunset with a Sunset plushie
Top cute.
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>"Celestia, come on, it's just a little cock."
"I figured you'd be used to those"
Which is better Celestia being the biological mother of Sunny or adoptive mother?
Adoptive, hands down.
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Her left arm looks shorter than her right in this.
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What I wouldn't give to wake up to this beautiful face every day.
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>"Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame!"
Got any plans for the weekend, Anons?
hopefully staying in bed all day on one of the days, I need to catch up on my sleep
I feel you on that one. My current job's got me flopping back and forth between the day and night shifts.
Damn, that's pretty sexy.

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