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Not really a hot take. People just don't care about greentext stories anymore. People just aren't responding to greentext stores for random prompt threads on the catalog anymore. That makes me sad.
Good, write a fanfic in prose for Christ's sake you subhumans
Only baits and drama threads are alive nowadays. Greens have been dead for years.
Erm?! Cringe!? Besides, greentexts *should* be preserved. It fulfills the requirements of a 'folk tradition' which are
1. Transmitability and transmutability
2. The folk art producers cater to the sensibilities of their community (/mlp/)
3. Easily recognizable to any member of the said community (the greentext form)
They have artistic and historical value. This style of writing is unique to 4chan and specifically /mlp/. Fuck off back to /fimfic/, nigger.
Not true, I did a couple greens last year that were received pretty well, and there's another one in progress that I'm gonna pick back up soon. I mean, it's usually about 3 to 5 anons responding to them, but an audience is an audience. I do wish more people wrote them though.
Was it in a general or did it actually come from a random one-off prompt thread? If the latter is true, then I'm really happy for you. I've seen a lot of other writers struggle to reach an audience with their greens and when the stories dry up, only then would people start talking about it/inquiring about the story. It really is frustrating.
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>I get an idea for a green
>Open up a word document
>Remember I'm retarded
>Close the word document
>Time passes
>I get an idea for a green
Post them even if you think they're shit. Please.
>Was it in a general or did it actually come from a random one-off prompt thread?
It's mostly random threads that get me writing, when the idea is good. Did a rather short and kind of low-effort green about Beauty Brass following a fat anon with a tuba once, and even that got people's attention. It's all in a good premise, I guess.
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>Post them even if you think they're shit.
I've posted one green in my entire life, and I regretted it as soon as I hit post.
Write a green about it. I don't remember how many short greens I did but there were plenty of them. If you find any greens in the desu archives that were:
-written by obvious ESL
-about Luna/Nightmare moon
-about akward romance
-turning muh Equestrua bad baits into wholesome stuff
-taxes rant
Some of them could be mine. I got few (You)s from them, engagement wasn't a problem, lack of time is. Says anon on 4chan.
Honestly, I think people are reading less in general. Not just us but the whole world.
However there are still people who enjoys reading it, people who enjoys it and puts in the "I'll read it later soon tm" list, etc.
I try to read before bed everyday, and it heals my soul.
NTA, but I wrote the most cringe, Mary Sue bullshit back in 2017 when I first started writing green. Luckily for me I recognized it as shit just in time before I posted any of it. I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to post something they don’t feel proud of, even if most of the time you’re harder on yourself than you deserve. It’s fucking embarrassing. Side note, but posting something that you put a shitton of effort into, receiving the usual “good stuff”, and then seeing it get dwarfed by something low-effort that panders more is fucking frustrating.
Kys nigger
Truly based /fimfic/sister.
Don't care. I've learned to expect zero (You)s for my greens and will continue writing regardless.
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Kek, that reminds me of the very first green I wrote.
It's roughly 16 thousand words of pure shit in the form of Anon spending Hearthswarming Eve with Trixie.
I still go back and read it sometimes, and I swear it gets worse each time I do.
Though I admire your perseverance, you must acknowledge that not everyone can operate under your conditions.
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>don't be an attention whore
Simple as. Yeah, I get it, that you are sad that noone cares, I don't (You) all stories and drawings I see on this board, unless it gives some fun discussion opportunities. Try to bait people into theories zone with your greens or do some specific fetish it's usually what gets the most attention.
t. drawfag
I don't think I've ever seen a writefag do any attention-whoring. It's not even about that. We have no other metric to gauge our interaction with other Anons. (You)s are all we have and I think it's perfect the way it is. But Anons who do want to see more stories and illustrations should be generous in dispensing (You)s if they want to see more. Maybe people just don't care anymore and just want to create reactionary posts and be angry all day (without the whimsy of the mid-2000s/early 2010s; I acknowledge that this website has always been the premiere source of rage bait since its inception). I don't want to believe it though.
Dropped a mediocre green based on a crap pun and snagged three (you)s in some randos' thread.
Generals suffer more, but they're like that autistic kid in class; always in their own little world.
The themed threads still have some life in them- Talking things like Kinderquestria (for which my idiot brain seems to have a neverending stream of idea vomit), RGRE, character threads etc
I've done a few greens, most were a few years ago in some threads about estrus and impregnation. Also did the two lewd ones in the Snowpony thread
is this real?
I think most of anons are using chatbots and art generators for themselves and they come here only to rant about something nowadays.
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That's too bleak- I refuse to believe it.
Didn't they only become decent a year ago?
I believe that's because most, if not all, greentexts are just self-insert wish-fulfillment about Anon, the perfect 6'11" muscled guy that everypony just wants to have sex with AND he also just so happens to go along with that every single time, because why wouldn't he?
There's a reason why nobody likes to read Mary Sue stories: it's because they're BORING to read.
As with all things in the universe, a story must have a sort of "balance". For every action, there's an equal and OPPOSITE reaction, a push AND a pull if you will. If the mares are all absolute horndogs in contrary to how they're portrayed in the show, then Anon should be innocuous and just want to be friends with them, someone who expects and wants Equestria to be cute and kid-friendly just like the show. That gives the story conflict and makes people interested to see how you can construe such a situation. Also, it gives a reason as to why they'd "chase" Anon and give him the time of day when there's other males to pursue, as he'd be a sort of "challenge" for them. It's not like Anon has some established character that he has to act like anyway.
If you absolutely MUST and HAVE to write an Anon "fluff piece", at least pretend you're writing for an actually interesting character like Jotaro Kujo or Peter Griffin, figure out how you could get someone like them in a situation that you want them to be in, and then replace the name with Anon after the fact.
Not a hot take, reading takes time and effort. Pictures don't. I'm angry things have been keeping me from writing but I will wreck at least three threads and revive two through the power of autism and horsewords for (You).
Embrace the abyss and do it for mare. Write their stories because no one else can.
If you can't understand the flow or positives of greens, you're retarded and likely enjoy jerking off about word counts and decade+ old stories that people say they like despite no one ever discussing them outside of a containment thread.
You're describing RGRE.
Are we doing greens vs. fics wars now? Can't we just enjoy both for what they are?
There's only been one person who bitched about greentexts as a format so far.
After a certain point you gotta do the story for yourself, for your characters. If you wait on attention for every step, or someone to complain, it can wildly veer you off course from what was meant to be versus what you think will get more attention.
OP I got a job for you, but you're going to have to write with designated characters. Yes you'll have to do it for free.
You frame this as some sort of insane proposal but its really not all that bad.
Rgre/harem /= green. Most I've read don't do that even if they're written to insert as a charachter. Usually a pone, not Anon. The ones I did, yeah they were self insert clop but they were average, ordinary pones making foals
Mine was written before I watched the show, if that’s any indication of the quality. Similarly to yours, it had a high word count. As I got better, greens got shorter and shorter, and are often no more than three posts long nowadays.
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Greentexts are hard to read for non-fluid English speakers. You're locking out your own audience. We've been telling you for years. Exclusionary movements inevitably die.
We need a greentexts general!
I started reading and writing greentexts as a 12 year old Filipino ESL back in 2012. I find it hard to believe that you have a harder time with greentexts as opposed to regular prose. If you could understand all of 4chan's jargon, culture, and practices, you should've been able to read greentexts with ease. Also, whoever said they were made to be 'exclusionary'?
generals are boner killers unless they're hyperspecific (i.e plones)
Skill issue. I've also had a green translated to Russian, I agree those lads need more stories.
Figures twisharter would be an ESL
Hey! I'm an esl twifag and that guy's clearly an ssfag...
Nice bait.
It's the exact opposite.
One big problem is just the sheer number of greentexts that start, balloon waayy past their original scope, get good, then the author just vanishes...which I'm also guilty of doing. I know a lot of Anons that have been burned that way so now they refuse to read any greentext until they know it has an ending. That only exacerbates the problem of writefags giving up because nobody's responding to their work. It's become a self perpetuating problem that I don't know how to fix, outside of writing the whole thing offline. But at that point, may as well file the pony off it at the end and publish the damn thing, make some money for your effort.
Alright faggot, let's see you write something better then. Let's see your high minded concept about ponies.
silver spoon
Prosegods stay winning
Greensissies LOSE
So you are saying he is falseflagging as a twifag?
Holy based.
meant to reply >>40993713
I kinda get the feeling that creativity is down all over the place.
>if not all
Don’t comment on things you have absolutely no understanding of, retard.
Completely ignorant post, lurk moar faggot.
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Nah, it's hard to WRITE. You niggas accept stories only in your Amican Dreamland settings, terms and habits.
We can understand your slang, culture, and settings, but you refuse to understand ours.
Secret Service.
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You know, by this point, I'm with you. People have always been against combining all the generals, but I wish it would happen now.
It would never work out, because everyone is too autistic. But I would have given it a chance anyway, if only to see a fast green thread again.
How would you do it? With themed events? I don't see it survive long.
Stupendously and profoundly based. I am inspired to continue writing green for a whole new reason! Thanks friend
History will vindicate us. Keep on truckin.
I have no idea. To tell the truth, green is so rare now that I pretty much give any I find a chance. I lurk generals I never used to, try to read stuff that normally doesn't interest me. It's had mixed results, lel. I like greentext and I'm autistic. That's my motivation.

I think that deep down in their guts, all the green generals are really the same. Not everyone is like me though. And again, there's no guarantee it would work even if everyone was on board.

Also, people have tried to make 'Greentext General' threads before and they always die.
That's why I stopped writing them.
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I tried to start a writefag thread for greens and poems. At first there were a decent number of contributors, then it died off. After about the third thread it became apparent that it really wouldn't work. It seemed like, for the most part, almost no readerfags ever came in to read the greens and comment. So, the writefags stopped contributing. Finally almost nobody was writing for it and I found myself bumping the thread just keep it alive. Eventually, I just got frustrated with it and stopped making new threads. Maybe I'll try again someday using different methods, but not until I've built up several greens to keep it going for a while as a contingency.
I applaud the effort, honestly.

Holy crap. Horsefucker poetry.
I can't into poetry. It's too pretty for me, lel. But what a concept!

>but not until I've built up several greens
Okay, so does that mean, like, you have some?
I'll check them out if you wanna shill.
Do what /bootleg/ did. Have one autist keep it going until others take notice. It was near dead for a very long time before others chipped in. It had a rather large Renaissance of creation from greens to art and even music was made. One of the larger greens has been translated/redone on fimfiction and is supposedly getting a ton of attention.
Let passion and tism guide you. Others will notice. Some may even get inspired. At that point it lives.
/bootleg/ has also dropped off due to lack of activity. Real life coming up for many of the writers and artists. One of the longest greens "finished" and the other longest is near it's end... but for four years? Lot of stuff was made. Entertained a lot of anons.
Yeah, ideally it would need to attract both writefags and readfags.
Maybe themed events with reviews, etc.?
I'm just afraid it might become too artificial though. It could be simply that most anons don't want to put in the effort.
Aislop ruined the board, this is just one symptom of it
This is a consoomercore board, creatives are the minority since the bandwagon is over, so they will of course go consoom aislop. If you looked at the slop generals they had 100 IPs before IPs were removed.
Bootleg waifu is a prime example of why greens are dead. They weren't circlejerk anon as a mary sue who gets to fuck all the mares in equestria so it was hyperniche for an audience, even if it had the most green on the board.

That tripe is exactly what the readers want now, the old creativity on the board is well past expiration. It's incredibly obvious now with the hugbox or fetish greens dominating and stagnating everything else
Are you saying it's a pearls before swine thing? For it being hyperniche there was relatively little mandated for it to fit in. Common threads were there for whatever reasons.
There were good discussions on how to bring back greens, notably with this anon who already tried to do it >>40993921 and I don't want this thread to turn to shit.
So I'm going to show something.
You may have seen that those posts were all saged >>40994196, >>40994214, >>40994234.
Once you see something like this happen, you can sort the board by Last Reply to see this baiter's trace.
Here are all the posts he contributed to the board not counting those ones.
Do you want to argue with that?
>That tripe is exactly what the readers want now
what changed
What a pathetic creature.
I'm not arguing anything. That's why I told >>40993921 to do what /bootleg/ did. It sucked when it was just myself writing and maybe two bumpers but it paid off massively. It led to some anons trying writing for the first time and more. A general green thread can work but it takes it being solid. /bootleg/ is starting to get back to having weekly watch2gether rooms to talk mares, ideas and just compare notes. Things like that can help build a solid support beam for the more transient anons.
When it comes to the topic of being niche, everything is niche if it isn't nearly a decade old or a base layer meme. Shouldn't stop anyone from writing.
I care, OP. I just...haven't had the energy to interact much with anything these days. I used to write greens, but life's changed since then. Plus...my old general of choice gets scruffed all the time because some janny has a vendetta.
So... which fetish general is it?
It's just that there are so fewer anons. As a percentage of posters, there is just as much interest and praise. But this isn't 2013 levels of posting so it looks like less interest and praise.

Is just a lack of audience, really. You went from the screaming crowd at a concert to a few whistling fans in the bar. That's all
Look at the most recent spontaneous greens
>Sniffing fetish fag gets multiple threads
>Train accident in Equestria gets a few posts
Writing takes time, and people are only really dedicated to bumping for fetish greens unless it's some general which is also still fetish dominated.
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I plead the fifth.
Like many have said, unless you want to write sexual or fetish greens, you're better off just writing fanfictions on Fimfiction. At least your story will have a chance of getting engagement there.
It may be retarded, but maybe a thread that regroups and links to all greens could be useful?
I'm sure I'm missing good ones because they are in threads I wouldn't go to at first.
If I want to search manually, here are the two most recent ones I can find, but I'm sure I'm missing plenty.
>retard crying about the state of the board is the one shitting it
it's like poetry
Purity spiral escapism overdose. The really old yan threads had a lyra green that was an a wild ride, the nu yan threads was all fetish crap.
>inb4 yan is a fetish

Just look around the absolute state of prompts, it's stagnant shit the majority of the time or braindead shitposts the other half.
Garbage in, garbage out.
>everyone who sages is one person I don't like
>No saged threads before this retard appears.
>Then multiple appear in rapid succession.
>Not the same writing style at all >>40994245
You're obvious, retard. Begone.
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.. ⊑' ⟟⋏⟒⟟⊬ ⊬.. ⟟'⋔ ⋏ ⟟⟒⋏ ⟟ ⊑⟒ ⟟⟒⊬ ⋏ ⟟⟒ ⊑ ⊑⟒ ⟒⟒⋏⟒ ⟟.
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I just want to pour one out for you and all the other autists who keep the important threads (in my mind) bumped
The last one is fine and spawned some healthy feedback.
>Muh sages
Do you have anything to contribute to the thread schizoid?
>a lyra green that was an a wild ride
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Who is this cute alien mare
It's from 2012
Hardly. Someone wrote a prompt and le based hugboxer came in and re-wrote a green to be more hugboxy, and then everyone clapped. There's nothing interesting in that thread.
lol people have been complaining about this for years. There’s only so many crappy prompts to can make greens about before people just lose steam and run out of new ideas.
Oh, it's just Lyra's Misery. I guess that's pretty yan but Jibber wrote that for Flutterrape, m8.
That's like saying Stompy Slippers isn't bootleg because she predated the general. It's a yan story, they list it in the yan general as one of the greens
we give up saying that's just the way it is and there's nothing to be done, or does anyone have an idea?
>People just don't care about greentext stories anymore
I literally respond to every single greentext I read. And been doing so for 9 years. I most likely wrote more words as response than most of the writefags.
Now what OP?
Not that i'm against a writing general or anything, but if I'm to write for a green general, I'd rather just make a thread for the green itself, since it will be disassociated with any kind of prompt or anything, even if it will just fall off the board quick, and on top of that, a green general likely should push away readers since there's no cohesion to a theme, reason I never participated myself.
I miss prompt threads that at least tried to be creative...
As for poems, have this shitty old thingy
I believe having themed events was discussed. Fetishes could also be disallowed to fix another problem anons seem to have here.
that’s what I was referring to earlier when I said that low-effort pandering gets way more applause than anything else. Just appeal to mareschizos for (You)s I suppose
>Just appeal to mareschizos for (You)s I suppose
it's a circular echochamber that a character who largely only appeals to mareschizos will downvote anything that doesnt reinforce the narrow muh snowpity mareschizo worldview. Low effort pandering is what's in vogue after that was forced onto the board, it's like if /nmp/ cross-contaminated everything else
I think the main reason no one does greentext anymore is that there's simply better places to write stories
On a site like Fimfiction, you just need to sign up and post whatever comes to mind (give or take the minimum character limit).
On here, you would need to find the right time to post a story or make a thread just to show it to people. You could also find a general to post in, but that requires a story with similar themes. Sharing a story with people as they write it can be fun, but not everyone enjoys that type of process. On the flip side, there's a certain amount of stress to sharing a story and the criticism that comes with it, plus the subtle guilt of feeling obligated to finish those stories in a somewhat timely manner despite if you still want to write it or not. That applies to pretty much every writing site, but on 4chan you get constant feedback 24/7 even if you're gone
t. offboarder
Can writefags use this thread as an excuse to shill their greens?
Do it. Post it.
I've been thinking about this the past couple days.

People don't care about anything anymore. Videogames and art. That's all anyone cares about. And even with the latter, it's just look-at-the-pic and a 'hey, that's nice', and that's it. Done. Over. Forgotten. No further thought or discussion.

Nothing old. Nothing new. People are just dead-fish zombies anymore. Again. No deeper thought, discussion, interest. And it's not just the 'consume-product' type of normies that are like this. Pretty much EVERYONE is.
If it's something no one minds I'll be a shill. I've never shilled myself beyond saying "I've been in X thread".
I've done many greens across many threads and themes. Also done panels on writing because words rhyme with fun. /bootleg/ has been my biggest home. /yandere/ has been a close second with /flutterrape/, /rgre/, /kinder/ and a few others. Fourth panel will be at marefair 2: mare harder.
https://ponyfiction.org/story/17473/ to any RUSanons I've also had Twilit Starsky translated to Russian by a great lad.
https://youtu.be/6jLZCH4YJBA an outstanding music man has also felt the need to make music regarding a particular /bootleg/ story.
Some stories are finished. Some aren't. When personal matters clear up, I will absolutely finish everything that isn't finished and move to more new stories.

This is why you create. It's fun. Fulfilling.
I'll shill

Three greens I'm currently focused on
You’re a brave man. I could never link my handle to such shilling out of fear that that’s all I’ll be known/hated for which I know sounds ridiculous. I’ve seen you around forever, it seems like, and you feel like a staple around here anyway.
Don't have fear over them there trips. I really appreciate the compliment. I never meant for anything grandiose. I just felt the need to write. I had multiple ideas so I went to multiple threads. After a few years I suppose I have a catalog. There's no accounting for taste so I won't say it's all good. But it has led to a lot.
I went to a writing panel with a fellow /flutterrape/ writer and cool guy and went "man this is so boring even I could do better". And now I enjoy the panels too. I like the participation it has gotten because I really think there's some value in tackling stories from the character outward.
Gimme time and I'll have even more.
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Most prompts are low effort nowadays, fetishbait and fluffbait are the only things that would get serious interaction. On rare occasions you'll see some esoteric shit like cloaca AJ or orgasm denied Misty but it's almost always just a thread's injoke bursting out of it's OG thread and being spread among the rest of the board, and if you aren't already in on the joke well you've already missed most of the magic. Because of that, whenever you do get greens from the prompts they inevitably regress into comedy, porn, fluffy wish fulfillment, or some combination of those. On occasion you'll get something that's actually interesting but the interesting idea is more a vehicle for one of the above three.
Most longer greentext works just come off better if they get converted into normal prose. I tried reading Everyday Life with Guardsmares in the ponepaste greentext and it just gets aggravating after a bit. There's also moderate-length greens that are incredibly engaging but the author bloody vanishes (QoC please return and continue the Chryssi political drama) or exhaust 90% of their interest early and then feel as if they're meandering or just trying to jump from one drama bit to another to keep interest up (Dreams to Dream).
As for writing greentext independent of prompts, the majority of what people will write will be what they want to see, and that's going to be some variety of wish fulfillment, either fluffy or smutty in nature, and after getting it out of their minds and onto paper the post-nut (post-type?) clarity kicks in and they realize how generic and by the numbers it is. Luna knows I'm guilty of that.
You are a fucking nigger. There is nothing left to discuss about older stories on the board, because /mlp/ is fandom contrarian central and any older story worth reading is automatically shit on because it's not 'board culture'. I know you're trying to bait FOEfags but all you're really doing is throwing the the foal out with the bathwater.
I don’t even have a trip, and the vast majority of my shit is unbinned one-shots in random prompt threads. The best shill I could do is “see that low-effort slide thread? there might be green there, I dunno” kek. Anyway, looking forward to the panel.
I've still never adopted a trip code. I've just put in the name and it was always so. Maybe one day it may be worth it. This panel we'll finally talk about writing. Imagine, a writing panel with a discussion on writing!
"Based" doesn't mean "cool".
Newfag, so-called "greens" were a carryover from when (failed-) normalfags invaded the site; /b/. You talk of "artistic and historic value", but before the misuse of greentext there was simple prose stories, and frankly I find that older aspect of 4chan culture preferable to the early 2010s, even if I would kill to have that again over how things are today.
At any rate, I have repeatedly seen
>this function
used in Twitter and Reddit screencaps. Much like Pepe and Wojak, imageboard culture spreads to the normals. Except, in the past, there was a general understanding that normalfag-stolen content should stop being posted, in favor of new styles. When this stopped with Pepe and Wojak, there was no longer a distinction between what was "normalfag" and what was "4chan", and this helped to blend 4chan with SMS trash. So normalfags come to 4chan, see the epic green frog, then think they're in good company. And that's what happened, and no doubt why Pepe and Wojak are liable to get flame replies nowadays, besides tiredness of them, because anons realized this problem. And so, if greentext wasn't normalfag'd before, it has been normalfag'd now, and that should be enough said. There is a reason why nobility ditched fads that got popular with the commons. And this blind attachment to "tradition" is evidence of a dying people, like an old man who longs for his youth.
But of course, by all means, feel free to post "greentext" stories. If they're good, that's all that matters. But I hope you won't get pissy if anons start posting prose instead.
I love green but the fear of an unfinished story as keeps me from reading unfinished stuff and I don't like wading through 2 dozen threads to find where something started. I want more green but I am indeed a bad consumer.
he green-anons, is pic related to retarded of an idea and/or its sales pitch?, or is there something there?
Unga Bungonymous. Just by glossing over it the idea of "cave mare" makes me think of man and mare going from extremely wary of one another to becoming an evolutionary powerhouse to rule the savage lands. And also the messiest, loudest mating where each meets not just their match, but their natural weaknesses.
That has spice. Now (You) just need to find the right ingredients and get to cooking.
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The worst thing about this is that you need so much more positive feedback compared to negative to feel balanced. So back in the days trolls kinda just drowned under the discussion, but now when the activity is so low, especially during euro hours one troll can shit anonymous board like this like there's no tomorrow.
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>I miss prompt threads that at least tried to be creative...
Can you post some better creative examples from the years past?
I'm not quite understanding what do you want, you dislike hugboxy maremare things, but posted story about death and misery which is quite hard opposite and something some would consider kinda 'fetishtistic' stuff. Do you just want more of gritty and edgy stuff or am I missing something here?
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holy based! horsefvckers shall inherit the earth
thank you
What's your problem with /nmp/?
>another green suit man wish fulfillment story but it's prehistoric
put your dick away anon, the pony you invented ain't gonna suck your dick
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She just did. Deal with it, bro.
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Why do you care so much about people inventing cartoon horses in their heads to have sex with?
>gay lmao
>you dislike hugboxy maremare things, but posted story about death and misery
Which of those two posts mentioned anything like that? I’m the second one you linked, and wrote a sad Rainbowshine thing in her thread, but I have no clue where the ‘death and misery’ part came from. I write fucked up shit sometimes, I’m not denying that, and I don’t even dislike cutesy maremare stuff. The latter is just way more encouraged, and straying away from it at all is just gonna get you shit on by most folks. That’s what I was saying. Apologies for the confusion, fren.
Thanks for moon words, anon.
I think the issue is that people just don't reply to them. The worst thing you can do to a writer or artist is to just ignore them. If you want more content, comment on the existing ones. Even if you don't like it, just give criticism or something. That's how we can get more greens, by actually replying to them.
That's the fun thing. Prehistoric cave man can't put away his dick. It can only guide him to the future. And that future is some beastly war horse of a mare.
I normally don't share ideas I personally like but I may do a green starring Ungonymous and Bungonymous. Brothers in a prehistoric world. One that keeps himself red with clay. One that keeps himself blending into the greenery with a few vines. Bing bing wahoo comparisons and fun things to add and if no anon reading catches on, you can effectively have Bunga Bros right under their noses. Give each one a cave mare and you can also explore different relationship dynamics and ways to bond in such a time and world.
Ideas can flow freely quite easily, you just gotta think about it.
I've read a few decent ones, but 9/10 of them have anon; an "aloof", "cool," "edgy", "sexy" "gigachad" interpreted through the eyes of a teenager – uninteresting. Most greens don't have any other characters developed, so when you read most greens, you really are reading some 20 year olds masturbatory fantasy, and I don't want to participate in that, nor do I want to bully him out of writing.
Fimfiction is full of that too. Look at a lot of smut that serves no purpose other than to be coombait, especially from bigger names. It's nothing but puppeteering characters and ignoring what makes them them. It's more just a lot of writing is masturbatory with no real insight in general. Even 50 Shades of Grey was worthless shallow masturbatory fanfiction of Twilight. Only difference there is that it was published and consoomer women ate that shit up because it was normie self-insert coombait.
Good writing takes more, just as good art takes more. Everyone can draw Miku, not everyone can draw a single panel from Berserk.
And this is exactly why greentext is dead.
It's gone from something that people do to tell a story to a contrived "requirement" of being a "4channer." I think a lot of people on this site are sick of how performative and ingenuine this place has become.
You do realize that my assessment of /mlp/'s narrative greentext culture is descriptive and not prescriptive, right?
Here we go...
You're a wannabe anthropologists strolling through the Sparta Roman tourists visited and saying to yourself "Oh, to think this is how Leonidas lived!"
People come to 4chan thinking they just need to repeat the same magic words that we did 13 years ago to have the same fun we did 13 years ago.
Yeah, that's what I've been feeling lately, but partly because Fingerbang is pretty dead.
I'm the only writefag uploading multiple times a week, the few others that are still around update more sporadically. Plus the audience isn't there anymore. I imagine there is, absolute maximum, 20 lurkers in Fingerbang, and like five who respond to greentext updates. I don't even bother getting all uppity about the AI stuff because that at least keeps the thread bumped.
I blame myself in part. I only just returned to Life Flutters By after being AWOL from Fingerbang for over three years. If I wanted more attention on my work, I should've kept writing it earlier.
I try to not get hung up on this or complain about it, but it's more than a little disheartening when you spend multiple hours putting a story together only to end up essentially shouting into the void. But I know better than to whine about how my updates aren't getting enough (You)s, it is what it is.
Once I'm done with my current Fluttershy x Anon green, I might leave Fingerbang for good. I might occasionally come back to write lewd one-shots, but I can't imagine I'll write another long-form green again.
Anyway, I'm gonna shamelessly shill my work and say if you want to self-insert as the one student who helps Fluttershy volunteer at the animal shelter after school, check out my work: https://ponepaste.org/4865
Why does it upset you so much that someone could possibly have an academic survey of some extant niche internet culture? It warrants research (and it already has!). Plus, I'm no tourist. No post-covid, post-election, post-gamergate tourist would ever latch on to greentexts of all things. I've been here since the beginning (this board. Not during the /co/ days). You're getting all worked up and red in the face over nothing, kitten.
I used to frequent that a lot. I think I remember Tool being my favorite writefag from that general.
Aren't all EQG generals fucking dead at this point? And by that, I mean even deader than other generals.
I love one-offs, I'm so glad people still make them - even an awful writer can make a decent one-off because the scope is so small that you can't really lose sight of the "arc". This is also a format that greentext excels at, vs prose.

I don't ever look at generals that center around making its own canon. If a green or an ongoing project (like anorexic misty, that was the last long form project I followed) goes on for more than like 3 threads, I'm done with it. I still grieve for the first one or two NMP threads that were actually about loving ponies before it became a "worldbuilding" thread because some faggots liked the green more than the actual topic.

On the other hand, maybe don't stay anon if you're proud of your work. There are one or two authors on this board that I think are truly excellent at what they do, and I probably would never have picked up on them if they didn't have a name.
Shit wait I was thinking of the Normal Norman general. I used to frequent fingerbang too but NN took up more of my time.
this but entirely unironically.
>Okay, so does that mean, like, you have some? I'll check them out if you wanna shill.
I do have some, a lot actually. However, they are in various stages of completion. I chip away at them, but slowly because my job is very demanding. I don't want to post them until complete because once you start posting there is pressure to finish the story and continually post updates. I don't write well under those conditions, and also I don't want to be one of those writers that just vanishes without completing the story. So my idea is not to post a story until I've completed it.
I know it's not much reassurance coming from an anonymous faggot, but if you try again to revive a general for the greens, I'll do my best to participate.
Pretty much, yeah. The only EqG threads that pop up here only last a little while of posting fan art before they die.
>Insufferable circlejerk drives out writefags
>Home to the most autistic 'gatekeepers' who fly off at anything
>Bumpfest that wrote the book on lowest quality posts like 'mare'
If you defend that general you're a lost cause, it has no value what so ever on this board. Generals should only stick around if there's quality content, which /nmp/ hasn't had in years.
I wish ponepaste had comments to tell me if my greens are shit and I should just stop or are they good and I should write more. But I guess very small, <1000 word count fluff and k00mfluff doesn't deserve that. I might write a green with a bigger scope than "cuddling and fucking your waifu" but I feel like I should start with something smaller, especially as an ESL.
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I just quoted people who were talking about the Lyra misery green, or at least I thought I quoted. But it's been whole day and I can't even remember my thought process back then so I guess it's better to stop confusing ourselves at this point.
Post your stuff here or the /create/ thread for feedback. If you like writing and want to write more, then write more. You could be the best around but you'll still get an anon wanting to shut you down due to boredom or jealousy. You don't have to start with a bigger scope in terms of story ideas. If you're looking for a bigger project, why not "cuddling and fucking your waifu" and then continuing with the morning after?
ESL is nothing against you. Some native English speakers are on your level or even below. Just means you have an outsider's perspective. That can help.
>first one or two NMP threads that were actually about loving ponies before it became a "worldbuilding" thread because some faggots liked the green more than the actual topic.
Wait, there's worldbuilding in threads about man liking mares?
Nobody reads greens in a shitty rebrand that sold its soul general
I don't really lurk here, but isn't there a whole thing with Cadance setting up the HumanXPony program, the Crystal Heart choosing who your mare is, and things like that?
Probably talking about the cadence crap that sucks the life out of anything interesting about predispositioned love of your life slop
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>state-mandated race mixing program
That was a common trope, but never "mandatory". It was more treated like a story suggestion and a fodder for ideas. Stories were never rejected if they didn't have this prompt in it.
>and then continuing with the morning after?
You know, I might do that. Though doubt there will be conflict to keeps things interesting for some people, but just fluff intended to flutter the hearts of the target audience; the waifufags who love their mare, lots of lovely-dovey stuff. Just a iddylic fantasy, spending time with your mare wife. I feel there's a lack of stuff that's exactly like that, but I could be wrong.
You give me confidence, Anon. Let me get through my taxes and a few other things (finish off some greens also), and I'll try starting another writefag thread later this month (towards the end most likely). I'll change up the method of trying to attract other writefags and reader fags, as well. I will engage the power of my autism to this endeavor to the best of my ability.
You aren't everyone, doesn't matter.
You don't need conflict. When it comes to a couple, there are a lot of things to think of. How are the couple normally? What's their dynamic? How do they get alone, who follows who's lead? If you look at the relationship from that angle, to better understand them, you'll find a lot. Even if it's just the environment and how they differ or are able to synergize.
Here are suggestions; I don't know if they are all good but something to think about:
>Themed events where everyone can vote to decide what will be the next theme (For participation in the thread). It might be helpful to define what constitutes a good theme (e.g., creative, non-fetish, open to interpretation, etc.).
>A central hub to showcase greens from other threads. This could serve as an anchor where all writefags can link their work.
>Also make it a general space for discussing tips, techniques, and seeking reviews.
I believe a thread like this could thrive, and I would be happy to write for it and assist in any way possible.
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shilling in progress
i miss when AiE was super busy. so many good greens in such little time
haven't tried writing for other generals yet but it's bound to happen soon
I've never really been moved to write by prompt threads, idk. The last green I wrote didn't even come about from the thread. I got the motivation to write because of some shit that was happening in my life at the moment and I thought it would be funny for the thread. It was.
>So my idea is not to post a story until I've completed it.
'Nuff said, m8.
What does it mean?
I know this feel
Nigger did you just read the title and based your post on that?
BRB writing the next Nobel prize of literature in greentext.
write "Twilight fillets your cock with a fish knife"
I think that'd be good green to do for someone
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Given it has been mentioned before, a watch2gether room is up now. uwsyjd1n3khjxgavpn is the room, and the /bootleg/ bunker thread has the link up. Good chance to talk stories or just chill and listen to new music.
nigga, I have an entire thread of my greens up right now. it's been running for like a month, or something insane like that.

the only reason greens are "dying" is because more and more storytellers are migrating to dedicated sites, like FiMFic, which I'm gonna do soon.
Fimfiction usage has also exponentially decreased.
Fandom decline is grim.
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>flutterape is now an intangible cultural heritage of the online world recognized by UNESCO
Only on /mlp/. I believe it.
I care, I love greentexts but it's so hard to find good greentexts now, there's like 3 working greentext archives, and pastebin which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
I'm working on finding all the greentext bulk archives I can and putting a torrent together. I have a couple of GB so far, which is alot of greentext considdering it's all just txt files.
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Leave greentext CVLTVRE to me...I will revive it single-handedly...
>before it became a "worldbuilding" thread because some faggots liked the green more than the actual topic
Anon, /nmp/ has a small number of dedicated writefags and not one is using that kind of 'worldbuilding' at all.
The main "issue" with greentexts is basically both the format and the audience.
The format is dynamic, more direct, almost in 2nd person (even when writing from another character's perspective). Greentexts are meant to be short stories of an event. An accidental whimsical idea that follows with a story, and ends with a small funny gathering. Sadly, ever since the change in mods, many janitors here delete anything original on sight, hoping that the stagnation kill us. But for them, as for us, this ride is eternal, and they will have to deal with it.
Now, the second problem is the audience. Greentexts are only focused on the stories a group wants to read. If they aren't interested at all, many readers will go somewhere else. Imagine you are a seller, and you sell apples. People who want apples will come to you, but people who want oranges or strawberries will go somewhere else. And the people who bought apples will stop buying because they have apples, so why would they get more? Greentexts are very audience-focused, and if you aren't in the right thread, nobody will care.
I'll be honest, I simply have no patience to read most stories anymore. Too many times following something long-running has either ended in disappointment or didn't end at all because the story got abandoned. And shitpost spam on the catalog doesn't qualify as "prompts" so there's no reason to even check any of it.
i think its because of the steadily decreasing amount of traffic that the board's been seeing
Yes we do. Sometimes the topic isn't one that catches me but when it does you have no idea how much i love you guys for making greens.
I'm not ready to stop poni poni ing. What shall i do? Where shall i go?
Me neither. I think I will actually spend my final days still shitposting on /mlp/. I've been here since the beginning and I left to be a normie for a few years. Now it's come back with a vengeance and I'm never leaving again.
Just comment on greens. Its not that hard.
This. This will solve all of /mlp/'s problems.
Had a guy comment on something I wrote by tacking more on, effectively killing any chance that anyone else was gonna say anything about it.
Step 1: say something
Step 2: have your brain on when you say the thing
Step 3: If the thing you say is positive, make sure it’s just a tiny bit more thoughtful than “cool”
Step 4: if the thing you say is negative, make sure it’s just a tiny bit more critical than “shit”
Step 5: Everyone happy, and bigger chance that more green is in the near future
Also, it’s better to say nothing than try to make the thing you’re replying to about you.
>Also, it’s better to say nothing than try to make the thing you’re replying to about you.
Not true. Not in this place, at least. We have no other metric to gauge how many Anons your content has reached. I'm not proposing that the system should be changed but rather a simple 'based!' or 'moar' would suffice. Hell, even a 'kys faggot' is better than nothing.
>nu /mlp/ is like social media or a vapid high-school craving validation for its existence from faceless people who they wont even remember the next day or within the same hour

Kill this site already its just Twitter 2.0 with reddit traits thrown in.
>vapid is when you feel unmotivated to write or create OC because no one responds to it
Lmao. Midwit.
Greentext is dead, and we killed it.
No you killed it
I'm afraid it was me.
no, *I* killed greentexts
It was a suicide.
then who was phone?
It was probably your fault and only your fault. It was all you. congratulations. dickhead
to think i could wield such power...brb fucking up /mlpol/
Buncha fruits itt. Be the change you want to see if you care so much. Get to writing and it'll inspire others if it's good enough.
I dunno, Anon. Not even Fimfic is the same anymore. Basically, the same shit is popular there as here: self-insert wish fulfillment with Anon. Except it's written as prose, as you can't post greentext there. Other kind of stories get maybe ten votes and a hundred views before they get bumped off the new section.

Anyway, what they were?
/nmp/ has a singular writefag they don't like.
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I'm still there too. I'm just not posting anything
Any Anon greens that break that mold?
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There's a bunch, some good examples are
There's also a sizable amount of quality edgekino - cough Obsession cough - if you know where to look.
Recently, I've noticed that most greens involving Anon have devolved into typical wish fulfillment more than ever. Greens (and most fanfiction) have all become standardized in this area, its extremely rare to see writers experiment more with the fantasy aspect of Equestria, which is what I like to see the most in literature. Experimentalkino was most prevalent in the early days of the fandom and took a sharp decline once the writers started filling in the gaps of the world with slop. Its extremely tiring having to experience the same overdone settings in fanfiction - the trinity of Everfree, Canterlot, and Ponyville is a shackle that prevents more creative development. They've been exhausted of all magic.
Thanks for the recs, I'll save them to my green pile. And yeah I feel like it's really easy to pidgeonhole into writing a wish fulfillment green these days for most writefags just because it's easier and takes less time overall to construct
One writefag in AiE's got a decent green going so far. Slow start but it's getting into more experimental territory now. Reminds me of the better ones from back in the day, hope it keeps going that way
>wish fulfillment
What has helped me a lot is to not focus on Anon, but the mares. Lot of mares don't get wish fulfillments. I think that is ultimately the right way to go with stories. Keeping Anon around is fun and can work in a lot of ways, but he's just (You). (You) aren't the star of any show, you're along for the ride.
>the trinity of Everfree, Canterlot, and Ponyville is a shackle that prevents more creative development. They've been exhausted of all magic.
Literally hasbro boomer shitface logic
and spoilers, they just make a sloppier new trio of locations that never had any magic
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I should have clarified a bit more. Its not that these locations in of themselves don't have any magic, but that writers (Hasbro included) deprive them of it. The Everfree is the worst offender of this, being flanderized as "place with a lot of scary monsters" and nothing more. There is no deeper introspection or curiosity for Equestria. These places have been dumbed down into plot devices. The reason its exhausting is because their nature as such plot devices. Development becomes predictable. The Everfree exists to spawn dangerous encounters or for strange things to crawl out of. Ponyville exists to be threatened or to fade into the background. Canterlot consists solely of the palace and various noble houses. Its all been done millions of times with no variation. They've been demoted to mere setpieces for a play rather than a living, breathing world. Very rarely nowadays do I come across a work that adds a new building or area to any of these locales.
New locations in Equestria, written by people that have a love for the setting, are always a blessing to read and a breath of oxygen for a drowning man.
>They've been demoted to mere setpieces for a play rather than a living, breathing world
Nothing wrong with that. Not every story needs to focus on world-building and even when you come up with new places to visit they don't need to be anything special if that's not the focus. I'd personally add some flavor to a place rather than autistically explain its history and significance to Equestria, hell I feel more comfortable writing a completely new city or village or area of Canterlot or Manehattan just to have the precise set piece I need for my stage instead of appropriating something that already has its own characters and history/lore tied to it - again, unless it's the focus of the story. There's time and place for everything. Sometimes Canterlot needs to have a shady griffon-owned bar for the characters to visit it but it most likely doesn't need to be justified or explained beyond its context in the story, if you know what I mean.
>I'd personally add some flavor to a place rather than autistically explain its history and significance to Equestria
And this is good! An environment becomes elevated from being a static setpiece once the writer decides to color it with their own vision.
I posted that
>Very rarely nowadays do I come across a work that adds a new building or area to any of these locales.
And it is a large part of what contributes to the fatigue. Having the characters roam only on well-trodden ground deprives one of a sense of discovery or adventure, as they know exactly what to expect. It is only by expanding or elaborating on these places that they are given life. It can be something as simple as a hidden clearing in the Everfree containing a murky lake or even your own example, a shady griffon-owned bar.
Will check this out. Thanks!
He's just yet another /ptfg/ faggot, who is dead bent on ruining this board.
There is still stuff that can be done with Everfree, but you have to get way more creative with it. No one seems to treat it as a big hueg anomaly that is very likely to be way bigger on the inside. I don't know if there's anyone out here on this board who has played Etrian Odyssey, but you can use it as an inspiration for what could be done with Everfree Forest(and old castle too for that matter). Same goes for Tartarus too, it can be done excellently too if someone just thinks about it hard enough.
I love reading and writing so much :(
Then why are you so sad?
Nobody ever read those walls of text.
Everybody used to read those walls of text
Somebody sometimes read those walls of text
I recently started listening to Straight to the point on youtube and it inspired me to resurrect my anon filly green and maybe my anon in equestria one too. My shit isn't anywhere near as well written as some of the things I've read, but when I reread my old greens they made me laugh so maybe someone else will enjoy them. I haven't started quite yet but I will probably start after work today if I still feel like it. (Though this new "wait a while" captcha is pissing me off. . .)
We said the ride never ends, we never said you would enjoy it
You have to pay attention and commit the effort to absorb and visualize the information.

You get the information instantly in a near-effortless manner and it often looks even better than you imagined.

A ton of effortlessly absorbed information that also engages your sense of hearing. You sit back and get bombarded with dopamine.

>Video games
Like movies but you're engaged constantly and in control.

People don't care about greens and prose because they are the easiest form of content to make and hardest to consume. It's why everyone worships drawfags even when they're cunts as people. The only times I've gotten more (you)s by writing instead of drawing was when I wrote for niche audiences.
This. Performative is exactly the right word.
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>this whole post
Goddamn... why’s it gotta be so fucking real and painful?
Writing well is not easy. Have you considered the reality that you're a better artist than a writer? Any standard artist can get more (You)s by appealing to a niche market too. I imagine writefags are as cunty as any other fandom creative type, they're just easily ignored cunts because the medium takes time to judge, can go wrong at any point, and there are a plenty more bad stories yet to be read.
The idea of being a better artist is skewed because a lot of bad looking art is still funny. Ironic and unironic bad art can still have entertainment value like MS Paint Adventures.
The only sort of bad story that is unironic trash and still entertaining is My Immortal and that is funny because whenever anyone reads it, they tend to add voices or visuals to make it funny. You don't really have to know proportions correctly to make entertaining art, but you gotta either be an edgy kid or some sort of meta human to write good bad stories without it being plainly low quality, low effort trash.
Now when it comes to good art, it's universally apparent and can be shared regardless of language. A good story can't just be machine translated, it has to be translated organically so the same impact can be administered. Even without translating, you have to do a good job at writing and the reader has to do a good job at understanding and digesting the story for it to hit and last. I'm wondering why most pony stories that are shared tend to be around a decade old. If it really was just better back then or it was just what many anons read first so it had that impact that other stories don't have. Or they never put as much effort to immerse themselves into it to feel that impact because reading takes time.
fucking go for it Anon
if nothing else, then do it just to spite the captcha
and for the poni poni
Do it.
So I used to go by Celestial Origin when I was writing greens. I never finished any of them, but I have coke back a couple times to rewrite stuff or add more stuff. I think I saw my anon filly green in one of the archives though it was missing a chapter and was an older draft. I also wrote an anon in equestria green that I just called coroner anon, but I haven't seen that in the archives. It was a good bit longer and has had several chapters rewritten. I am debating which to resurrect.

What are you guys feeling? Anonfilly, AIE, or just let the old shit die and go play Helldivers?
Would Anons even be interested in reading an AiE story where Anon isn't a total smug epic based dickhead chad where the mares fawn over him instantly? I know it would upset a lot of you niggers immediately but I need to know, would there even be a genuine interest in that amongst the sea of disgruntled fags who didn't get their cookie-cutter power fantasy?
Triple dubs nice

Yeah I like more grounded AIE stories. Hell the ones I like the most are the ones where everybody hates anon and he lives to irritate everybody.
Resurrect whichever you'd have the most fun writing
I think I will go with the anonfilly one. I don't really remember where I was going with my AIE story and I actually wrote down where I was going with my anonfilly green. I did have an anon x changelings green too, but my changeling green was never more than a rough draft of chapter one, though it is the only one that is set outside of the dreaded ponyville, canterlot, everfree locations that people seem to dislike lately for some reason.
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Excellent. Also the
>ponyville, canterlot, everfree
was only one post and it was mostly to complain about the lack of variation writers give them rather than the locations themselves.
I think back on occasion on continuing my greens, and there's really nothing stopping me but my own doubt that I can write well to begin with, and shame at having left them for so long, I wish I could get over myself and look back at my stories and maybe feel inspired to pick them up again
Creativity is a skill, not talent. If you don't write, you won't improve. That's why you write on 4chan, if anons like it, nice, you have an audience to give you constructive criticism, if they don't like it, who gives a shit, we are a bunch of stupid anonymous degenerates. Who cares what we think?
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>People just don't care about greentext stories anymore.
No, they still do. Its just not nearly as prominent as it once was. Hard to come up with something fresh when over ten years worth of ideas of "lol, what if x happened??" have been done already.
>People just aren't responding to greentext stores for random prompt threads on the catalog anymore.
See previous point.
>That makes me sad.
Sure. Would that actually upset anyone though? I always write AiE with Anon being a stranger trying to find his place in an alien world and I like reading about that too, I don't think I've seen people react to that negatively.
People here are always looking for shit to be pissed about. Can't exactly be sure if its genuine though or they're just looking for (You)s.
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>Hard to come up with something fresh when over ten years worth of ideas of "lol, what if x happened??" have been done already.
Skill issue.
But really, I suspect the drought of new ideas is mainly due to a common, nameless phenomenon that plagues every creative industry. That is, in the medium's infancy, when the 'pioneer' is still yet unexplored, people will go out and carve a name for themselves in the nascent industry, being forced to rely on their own creativity to innovate the nascent, unspoiled medium and shape it to their own vision. The people that come after those initial pioneers come with a completely diffferent mindset, they come seeking not to explore the pioneer, but to find success in it, and to do so they inevitably seek to emulate those that found have - the initial pioneers. Everything that follows is derivative in some shape or form, because people look outwards towards examples of their predecessors rather than inwards for sources of inspiration and standards of quality.
The reason greens are in a creative drought is because its become more of an insulated medium compared to its earlier days. Then, people wrote to expand on the nebulous state of Equestria's world and were unfettered by the tropes of greentext we see today, preferring to write either after their own literary sources of inspiration or simply from their own raw creativity. Now, people conform to nine seasons and a decade's worth of greentext conventions. There's dozens of "Anon romances mare and they fuck" so there will be dozens more.
Here's three story ideas I came up with RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW
>DT wakes up in a world where she and AB have swapped places, everyone acts like she's been a part of the apple family her whole life and she has to adapt to being a farmer filly while trying to find a way to fix things
>The Apple farm was seized due to debt before the events of the show, and young Applejack has to join a gang to make ends meet for her family.
>Anon exists as an entity that can only be perceived by foals
Or you can write ANYTHING about Cozy's origins, human Sunset Shimmer, or the Mean 6.
nah i just cant read
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did you ever experience this while you were in school?
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>the initial pioneers
I dunno, as someone who was there, I think early greentexts and fanfics in general weren't that good. The fandom went through the usual growing pains of edgy/autistic bullshit every fandom with active writers does before any sort of refinement of the form took place. I mean yeah it's cool that someone came up with stuff like Rarity's origin story before we knew who her parents were, that kind of what-if was inspiring. But you read this stuff now and it's not really that impressive. Same goes for art and music too. Remember when people straight up didn't know equines have anatomy and gave them anime faces and broken legs?
>There's dozens of "Anon romances mare and they fuck" so there will be dozens more.
I can guarantee you at least some of those greens were a product of wanting something specific to exist and making it, being the change they wanted to see. I really doubt anyone picked up writing of all things to become "popular" here, the only place that even accepts greentext. Because writing is a huge chore and you only do it when you have something to say and need to convey your emotions somehow. Otherwise why would anyone even want to tell a story in this specific format for this specific audience in the first place? Call it inspiration for the wrong reasons but I believe it's inspiration nonetheless and a lot of inspired people who need to get their emotions out are waifufags, so romance is the easiest theme to pick up as all you have to do is turn your daydreams into text and you'll find at least someone who will understand what you're trying to convey and understand you on a spiritual level. I think it's pointless to say that this is the wrong reason to write without providing an alternative.
>Here's three story ideas I came up with RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW
Well, now all you have to do is turn them into stories, right here right now. You gotta walk the walk yourself if you believe your ideas are worth anything. I'd love to read more about the Mean 6 for example.
I've been lurking and posting but I might as well answer the op.
Yeah, I read greens, and sometimes write 'em. I try to leave thoughtful (You)s too, and I think I do. Most of the friends I had that wrote green stopped specifically because they didn't like spending hours writing one and then getting no responses. They're gone now, off the ride. But I remember them, and I try to keep them in mind when I do post a (You) on a green.
To tell the truth, the only reason I started writing greens at all was because there stopped being as many and I was like, "Okay, fuck it. I'll try."
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I wrote a much better reply to this post but closed the tab before submitting and I'm now having to rewrite it again. Life is suffering. Anyways,
>I think early greentexts and fanfics in general weren't that good.
I wasn't referring to technical quality, but how earlier works tackled more outlandish and experimental premises. You can't deny that earlier greens had more variety in what was depicted.
The anon I was replying to wrote that its
>Hard to come up with something fresh when over ten years worth of ideas of "lol, what if x happened??"
And the entire pioneer tangent was to put a spotlight on why one might feel this way. It isn't that fresh ideas have been exhausted - far from it - but that people feel compelled to emulate prior ideas rather than making something more original. We see this the most in generals, where ideas are compartmentalized and everyone writefagging for them is restricted to making edits for a predetermined premise. Fresh ideas are readily accessible once you look past the bounds of convention. There were no convention in the early days, so there were more fresh ideas being written.
Regarding romance, I have no qualms with it and actually will eat the fuck out of a good romance story, but when I wrote that the story is
>Anon romances mare and they fuck
I meant that its literally all the story consists of. There's barely any conflict of nuance. It comes across to me as less a story and more one dimensional wish-fulfillment. I won't deride it, but I'm interested in stories, not literary masturbation.
Some good romance:
https://poneb.in/xiB5Q0YD (up to a point)
>Well, now all you have to do is turn them into stories, right here right now.
Those were premises posted as examples of 'fresh' ideas for the other anon. I don't care if they're "worth anything", but unless you find me a story that has done it before, they serve their purposes.
Most people like that now, you didn't need the whole victim angle to it.
>Most people like that now
>People just aren't responding to greentext stores for random prompt threads on the catalog anymore.
I did for the crotch sniffing thread and people still complain, if I'm reading this right: >>40994386

I wrote for that thread because no one else did.

It was prose. I can't stand to write greentext anymore.
Nu /mlp/ will never be satisfied, you need to remember too much dilution, culture war bullshit, people leaving and lack of actual halfway decent content has fractured anyone's abilities to have fun or be genuine about anything. Do what you think is right for you, not cause some spergs complaining about the time he spends here which equals to about 6-14 hours a day.
Yeah. At least it was a little fun to write about Anonymous for the first time in, what, a decade? I overwhelmingly prefer to write stories without human characters, and to have human characters who are unnamed rather than literally named Anonymous. Anyway, I'm continuing the story on Fimfiction.

You know what would be nice? An artpack would be nice. I rarely get to contribute any stories to artpacks, because I don't use Discord. Most artpacks have fucking Some Leech writing something, and that's it. I haven't been able to help organize a single pack since Winter Wrap Pack, which was years ago by now. My thread, bitching about exactly this, got the whole thing started, and I also suggested the topic; others wanted to make a pack dedicated to big butts or whatever.

I'd love to participate in another artpack.
fetish shit will always be the lowest hanging fruit, why should you be praised for it?
Come back when you can actually spell “American” correctly, you illiterate fuckwit.
Wrong uniform. Nice try though.
Do all 3.
>people feel compelled to emulate prior ideas rather than making something more original.
That's because nobody chases originality for the sake of originality. Ultimately the point is entertainment, not trying to find more and more outlandish premises to explore. If you're trying to tell me that if someone sees a story he likes and goes "that was so cool, I wanna write my own story about this" and gets to work and people see that and go "oh hell yeah more of the thing I like" and this is bad because I guess ideas only live once and the universal greentext plotline police keeps track of that, then I'm sorry, I am obligated to call you a pseud.
>It comes across to me as less a story and more one dimensional wish-fulfillment
Considering greentexts of old weren't just regular prose with meme arrows in front of sentences I'm surprised you're taking this particular angle. Ironically a rough outline of a scene where Anon and mare are in a silly situation and it ends in sex, the end, is something I'd call closer to the classic definition of a greentext, if we're being this pedantic.
>unless you find me a story that has done it before, they serve their purposes.
Fair enough but that's where their usefulness end. Ideas are cheap, coming up with a dozen of them won't mean they'd be interesting to read or write. And what if I did find you a story that has done it before, what would happen then? Would those ideas be trashed just because someone already did that?
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I can spell this in at least one more language than you, amerimutt EOL
>but that people feel compelled to emulate prior ideas rather than making something more original
I feel pretty confident in saying that I haven't followed that at all. All of the ideas I've had, I haven't had anyone else in mind who did it. I've barely read any greens at all which helps, particularly when it comes to that realm of "I wanna do what X did but Y" or "I wonder if it'll be as good". I've benefitted pretty hard from just doing it and not giving much care to others or what is/was the norm. Have I been in a void? Sure. But I'm also writing into the void. No expectations, (almost) no feedback? No problem. Others will decide the quality.
> That's because nobody chases originality for the sake of originality. Ultimately the point is entertainment
Originality is a large part of entertainment. One can only read a generic ‘anon steps out of the everfree forest and has to try to fit into pony society’ story so many times before it gets predictable and therefore stale unless you’re a retard lacking pattern recognition abilities.
>Considering greentexts of old weren't just regular prose with meme arrows in front of sentences I'm surprised you're taking this particular angle.
Where are you getting the idea that prose = story from? If I wanted eloquent prose I wouldn’t even be in this thread. Some homeless dude regaling another with a recount would still count as a better story than some dude converting his generic green into the most flowery, purple prose.
> Fair enough but that's where their usefulness end.
Yeah? Thats what happens when something serves their purpose. The anon I wrote that for was talking about a problem regarding coming up with ideas, they’re evidently not cheap to him. Someone was having trouble coming up with fresh ideas so I told him a new angle to try looking at it from and examples made from doing so. Its not complicated, I wouldn’t post a story even if I made one because its literally irrelevent for the framework of his predicament, which is regarding ideas/premises for stories, not stories themselves.
For someone who doesn't read a lot of greens aside from topics that interest me I don't even get how people measure the amount of emulation. I've yet to see two greens that were close to one another enough to call them a rip-off. People naturally get tired of tropes but fetish greens and regular smut don't take long to write and read and when it comes to generals you have specific framework of the topic that's being utilized in the stories in it, it's part of the thread's culture. So where are all those horrible greens? I must be visiting all the wrong threads if I miss all of them, lucky me.
You haven't read any bad greens because (You) have good taste.
I've only really seen a lot of fimfic-centric people shit on greens. It's ironic because they focus so much on mechanical structure and tropes and a lot of metagaming... but just don't understand the benefits and perks that a green has. It's an almost challenge mode after a while because you can't rely on having fancy college-level words and grade school level run-on sentences. You have to communicate emotion and action with a lot of bullshit stripped away depending on the perspective steering the story in that moment. If you can get that going, you can get something that can resonate with others. Even if it isn't because you are (You), but you can feel that raw emotion that comes from a situation. But that could also just be from skillful writing rather than a specific format.
>Originality is a large part of entertainment
True, but as I said, originality for the sake of originality is not necessarily entertaining, more often than not when you actively avoid literally anything you've seen before it ends up as pure wank, as proven by all other creative spheres. It is impossible for generic to not exist in any medium but your example of ‘anon steps out of the everfree forest and has to try to fit into pony society’ can take so many forms that the premise alone might not even factor into what the green ends up being about. In my opinion it's better to write something that'll end up being generic than to not write at all, so many things depend on the execution of the idea.
>Where are you getting the idea that prose = story from?
I'm simply commenting on you bringing up abstract of a meet and fuck green as something that doesn't count as a story and noting how historically your usual greentext by definition isn't bound by conventions of what one would define as "story" so complaining about that is pretty pointless.
>The anon I wrote that for was talking about a problem regarding coming up with ideas
Seemed to me like it wasn't a personal problem, but that's besides the point. So what use is an idea that never becomes anything? You said it's "skill issue" and it's true, it's just coming up with a prompt isn't the real issue.
True, but as I said, originality for the sake of originality is not necessarily entertaining more often than not when you actively avoid literally anything you've seen before it ends up as pure wank, as proven by all other creative spheres.
Going “wow everyone is doing (x) so I should probably write something besides (x)” isn’t wank, its common sense and a way to breathe fresh air into a medium. The broader japanese Isekai genre is a shell of itself precisely because people refuse to do this. Obviously, originality alone won’t sell, it has to be executed well.
> It is impossible for generic to not exist in any medium but your example of ‘anon steps out of the everfree forest and has to try to fit into pony society’ can take so many forms that the premise alone might not even factor into what the green ends up being about.
Indeed, but the problem is that, in actual practice, the form it takes and what the green ends up being about is usually pretty much the same. You’d know this if you’d read the bushels of greens out there with that exact setup. Going back to the isekai comparison, its like how the premise of ‘dude ends up in another world’ can take SO MANY different paths but always end up devolving into generic elves, dwarves, and adventurer guild wank.
> historically your usual greentext by definition isn't bound by conventions of what one would define as "story" so complaining about that is pretty pointless.
I’m talking about the ones that are, which is why i’ve posted various examples of greentext stories rather than screenshots of
>tfw in equestria
>ponk throws party
>drink punch
>fucking explode
I don’t want to get into the semantics of what defines a story because I don’t really care, but a four sentence blurb isn’t my definition of one.
> So what use is an idea that never becomes anything? You said it's "skill issue" and it's true, it's just coming up with a prompt isn't the real issue.
My brother in Celestia, the person i’m replying to is /explicitly/ talking about /ideas/. What the fuck.
> Hard to come up with something fresh when over ten years worth of ideas of "lol, what if x happened??" have been done already.
>ten years worth of ideas of "lol, what if x happened??" have been done already.
>have been done already.
To paraphrase, “fresh ideas are hard to come by because most have been done already”. Coming up with a prompt/idea is literally his issue. I’m not going to explain it a third time.
>greentext error
Its so fucking OBER
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and nothing of value was lost
walls of text do not belong on image boards
False. They do. You can't refute this.
>screenshot my green
what now?
>Want to make the best pony story ever
>Obsessed with making a post-apoc worldbuilding adventure story since 2009

What is wrong with me. Why can't I be interested in something fitting for the show and a worthy contribution, or something interesting and novel?
Fallout Equestria did it and it was a great story
Yeah but it's already been done. You can't have TWO Lord of the Rings. Whatever comes after will always be considered lesser, even if not.
Game of Thrones.
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Make post-apoc frostpunk Equestria with wendigos taking over Equestria or smth, that would be cool.
Even LotR was based off of legends and shit that came long before Tolkien. Nothing is original, don't worry about it.
LOTR was successful because it was genuine and made by a war veteran, professor and somebody trying to actually build the world and languages of the realm he created. Nobody is going to go to the same lengths. Not DND, not Blizzard, not Marvel, not George Lucas, not any company or person. They have to want to put in the work.
We shall see. I am hopelessly artistically committed to this and want to make it into a whole project and spend years on it: lots of concept art, a setting and pitch bible, and big core story. I have a lot of stuff to sort out first like managing my feelings on it since it won't get much of an audience and I have a lot of personal problems to get over/ desires I need to make sure I meet with the project. I really do want to make a great fandom contribution but it feels 'improper' when it's another dumb edgy setting and 'unrelated' ideas when the core media is all cutesy slice of life stuff though. Maybe it's just me.
I could draw you some stuff if you want. If I won't miss your post. Do you have a name for the project so I could find you in the future?
I said I'd check out the greens if people shilled, so I did.
I think I got everyone so far.
Hello, Blonde.
Yeah, this guy shows up a lot in a lot of different generals, AiE, Bootleg, Flutterrape, RGRE, and probably some others I'm forgetting.

This one's my favorite:
I like the last one the best, mostly because I have a soft spot for anything Flutterrape. And Applejack.

To tell the truth, the first one seemed like it was the best written one, but I didn't read much of it because I don't like ocs (I do like Anon, though, because I'm a hypocrite.) So I'm sorry about that.
I know you. I'm reading and commenting on Life Flutters By.
>imagine going on a date with Flutters and she loses her skirt
love it
I know you. You basically carry AiE on your back with The Wanderer. I liked "Something Memorable" best in your bin. The ending was cute.
FOE has plenty of flaws getting dunked on by critics, and I see FOE fans recommend spinoff fics like Murky Number 7 or Project Horizons as being superior all the time.
To say all of those franchises aren't genuine or filled with autistic amounts of thought out lore is simply jerking off Tolkien. LOTR is successful because it birthed high fantasy as we know it and had a smash hit movie trilogy some 50 years later.
I was writing it as a comedy more than anything. Sniffing isn't my fetish.
That's exactly what someone with a sniffing fetish would say.
Anyway, the story was funny. I was in the thread and loving it.
>That's exactly what someone with a sniffing fetish would say.
Well, it's true. I only started writing it to capture some of that feeling I used to have a decade ago, when I'd enter a thread and start writing for it, the same thing the OP is mentioning.

>Anyway, the story was funny. I was in the thread and loving it.
Thanks. I guess I'll post the Fimfiction link in here:

I have a lot of other things to write, but I'll finish it. It's a shame the thread died, but I'm not going to write for a thread and also monitor to bump it.
>Well it's true.
Kek. I know. It's pretty obvious what you're into, m8.

>but I'll finish it.
Good to know.
AiE, big time /bootleg/ guy, /yandere/, /flaremare/ and /kinder/ are some different places I've frequented. Even had the man himself HappyHarv like one of the more shitpostier things I've done.
There's 0 clue if I'm actually any good or not. But I can at least say that I have many ideas that go across many threads. Gimme another four years and I'll double my library.
Me too
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I thought you said 'frogpunk'. I'm losing my mind, anon.
>To say all of those franchises aren't genuine or filled with autistic amounts of thought out lore is simply jerking off Tolkien

Half of what I named is either ripping of Tolkien or became thoroughly degraded long before they became well known to the populace.
>ripping off Tolkien
Tolkien was ripping off various mythologies. The "Simpsons did it" argument stifles creativity.
>became thoroughly degraded long before they became well known to the populace
Franchise decay does not detract from the success of those previous works that were beloved enough to be milked dry in the first place. Tolkien's works have been thoroughly degraded in the same exact manner.
I forgot about that. I miss the plane pony general
Damn it, that stole a chuckle from me as well.
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Nah its fine anon. That's very kind of you but I need to do a lot of planning and work before I have something to show. I am not comfortable with the idea of getting art during the development process in case I fuck up or something. I'm also super lazy so that's a lifestyle I need to train out of too. I'll be posting my thing around where appropriate and doing a lot of marketing work to accrue as much interest as I am able in the future. I suppose keep in mind or look out for a huge pony setting in the future where some autistic dude is making art and music for it. And it's about 'Ponies of the day' and 'Ponies of the night' which will help you narrow it down.
This is totally unrelated, but I want McDonald's now...
Thats an AI version of the first McDonald's ever.
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This. LOtR is just Finnish slop through a british faggot's lens.
What does LOTR have to do with MLP greentexts?
Tolkein is a hack and Flutterrape is actually better than any of his gay ass british writing. Everyone knows this.
Damn, frogpunk sounds like a fun genre, someone needs to do this. Imagine all technology based on frogs.
There was a time where an idea like that would be all but guaranteed to happen. At least we can imagine it.
>tfw Battletoads makes a comeback, but it's in Equestria and they fight on the side of ponies.
why are we on frogs now?
I've been meaning to write more greens again for years but free time and motivation to actually do it gets more and more lacking as I get older. Having to write a dissertation put me off writing for a good while though I did put out a couple since then, but now that I'm working full time I generally can't be bothered after work and the weekends I'm chilling with friends or doing some personal admin. Nowadays every time I try to write I get a paragraph or two in and either get writers block or get messaged by a friend telling me to come do something else.

I still really like the greentext format and love reading it, and I try to reply to others writing it when I see it (although I definitely don't leave a reply as much as I should). I will literally never get bored of self inserting as Anon, going on some silly adventure and romancing a qt mare, no matter how many ways it gets rehashed and how overdone it is. The familiarity and the informal non-prose way it's written combined with some comedy and cute ponies is peak comfy to me; perfect to read before bed and think about when I'm going to sleep.

To all writefags out there, please keep grinding away at those keyboards. The (you)'s might be a lot more lacking nowadays, but there will still be plenty of people who read it and love it even if they don't leave a reply. The artists get a whole lot more popularity but your work is still one of the cornerstones in sustaining this fandom.
Please do it. Write, you fucking faggot!!!!!
I keep telling myself that I will; I write the odd short now and again but they're generally only a couple of posts in length. Doing anything more substantial than just leads me to getting distracted and not finishing it. I've got a fair few that are still drafts or half baked prompts but I never post my stuff until it's at least mostly finished because I know how much it sucks to start reading a good green only to realise that the writer abandoned it and it's never gonna get finished.
What's a greentext?

Is that a display option or something?
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I'm roughly in a similar situation. Just not time at all to do any hobbies anymore, doesn't help that my job is also mainly typing so writing sometimes feels like a second job and I started hating it at some point. I keep notes (just now finished adding some more in fact) to my green ideas but the combined grind of filling the gaps between notes with flavor+typing and editing takes so much time that it all has slowed down to a crawl, needless to say I'm not liveposting stories anymore and have to pre-write big portions to ever hope to finish anything. Popularity and (you)s don't concern me, I want to write, I have a lot to write. Just can't seem to make time.
on an unrelated note, how do we stop threads from being bumpfests and instead spark discussion? so many generals and other threads are just image spam with nothing new being created or consumed.
By making more content that people want to talk about. It won’t be someone else that does it, it has to be (You). I’m only half kidding. If I didn’t write so damn slow, and put too much goddamn energy into every little thing I write, I would be doing green for a lot more threads to try and liven them up the tiniest bit. In threads I can’t find the strength to write in, I show support to others that do. Even if you’re just doing that, you’re helping a fucking lot, trust me. Positivity has a way of spreading, the same way that negativity does.
DO IT. DO IT FOR MARE. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for them. Only you can write, and finish, their stories.
Part of the issue is that most greens are ungodly boring and worthless. If they weren't, you'd think anons would be more open when it comes to talking about them, posting thoughts or what they think may happen. A lot of the "keep it up" posts are neat but there's a point where you gotta ask if your work is liked... or if it's just being spurred on because any activity is better than none. The odd bit is that I've seen a lot of great artists throw stuff out there without really going into detail so that isn't a default.
There's also doing writing panels. They're fun to do and some anons are surely getting something out of it.
It's fun to go to different threads. You can tackle different ideas and angles, put yourself out there when it comes to trying something new. The main downside is that the more threads you write for, the less attention you give to all of them. You're inevitably going to find a home and you'll find that other things you really want to tackle just don't get the focus. If it weren't for /bootleg/ I'd probably have put a lot more time into the /neet/ thread, or even /kinder/.
That's the neat part. You don't.
Literally everything belongs on imageboards. They used to be just be boards, then we added images to have more shit
I commission a lot of fetish porn for my general, usually based on my stories to various degrees, and this helps make up for dry spells without much else happening.
>how do we stop threads from being bumpfests and instead spark discussion?
Posting bait is an option.
Might I ask which?
>If they weren't, you'd think anons would be more open when it comes to talking about them
I don't think you can reach anything similar to /nst/ early days levels of activity now no matter how good the green is. It's a much slower burn these days, you get less reaction upfront but people do remember the stories they liked.
That only works when people know it's bait and agree to participate, and not just assume the thread is starting to rot and leave.
Someone has been guzzling their troonshine.
Tolkein is a troon too. Didn't you know? When confronted with criticism for some of the plot holes in his writing, instead of facing it head-on, he shut himself off and retreated to his shell, like a tranny.
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Woo, designated shilling street!
I've been focusing more on prose for Fimfic lately, but I've started getting the itch for greentext again as well. Which thread I'll start posting for and when is still an open question, though I do certainly miss the prompt threads of yore that drew the autism out of me.

I think I remember the threads you're talking about. FWIW, I would certainly be willing to help keep a second coming of those threads lively if it were to happen!

Honestly, I like the idea of a big index of greentexts. If a second coming were to happen, it could be structured similar to /create/, or possibly some better maintained OP posts as seen in /glim/ and co. And a big paste, of course.
If nothing else, it would make the job of archival anons much easier.
Sounds like the average poster on this board
I'll self-shill, too. I've been gone for quite some time and should get back to at least my incest green. At a minimum, I'll put it on Ponepaste to make it actually accessible.

I recognize the name. Welcome back, fren.
Good stuff.
It's the Pregnancy General.
You have an anon posting green, you have content. What then? Writing into the void makes it impossible to tell who is or isn't paying attention. You could have a lot of eyes on your stuff to make it seen as good. But you could also just be part of the thread that no one goes to, that will die as soon as you don't bump it more fast enough.
What makes "good stuff"? Is it people making art of the green? Are there even any extended conversations about greens?
because they are always fucking porn or about awkward situations. im no saint im just sick of reading peoples dumped e621 comment fantasies. ill read greens i think could be funny, in a contextually relevant thread. otherwise i am skimming it until i see 'anon' or another red flag and checking out
>What then?
Ideally you hope people are secretly impressed enough to keep the thread bumped. Realistically you hope for the best and make sure this shit survives until you can finish. On the other hand the audience also doesn't know how much the writefag is invested into the story. I don't mind bumping an empty thread I'm personally interested in but I always wonder if it's not something that discourages the guy writing for it. Since most threads die before anything gets finished I assume that it is.
The obvious answer to this is to keep replying to the green.

Then let them know. Negativity is better then nothing.
Maybe ask writefags if they plan on continuing if its not obvious?
Writefags are, by their very nature, attention whores. Why else would we do this shit? Unpaid, impermanent, unremembered half the time. So yeah, unironically asking after a writefag is a great way to motivate them, so long as you aren't too annoying.

Is this kinda pathetic? Sure, but hey, I'd appreciate it anyway
Unironically do it for mare. Do it for your characters. Do it because you enjoy the story that's going on and you wanna see how it actually ends. Do it because no one else on the planet is capable of doing it like you.
Even if it's obvious it still takes time and nagging someone constantly isn't helping things. Low demand topics are fragile like that. I guess there's always an option to move the story to a topic-adjacent general if a thread dies.
You guys will argue then go back to writing greens forgetting if you should be outraged or not if people pay attention to them. I hate how devoid of actual importance this board is now.
>I hate how devoid of actual importance this board is now
And yet I find myself writing more than I ever have, despite the lacking reception. I think I genuinely get a twisted feeling of enjoyment out of it at this point. There are worse problems to have, I suppose.
Based off what's being posted in the Golly thread, there are still people making long greens at least.
What stuff do you write?
Small shit here and there if a post/pic catches me, and the occasional longer thing when my brain allows it. Doesn’t sound too spectacular, and really isn’t, but some of them I think are decently clever/funny or whatever but often get overlooked in favor of the more instantly-gratifying pics around them. It’s not too hard to understand why that happens on an imageboard saturated with pretty/sexy ponies that you need only drag your jaded eyes across for a moment to get the good feeling, which makes it easier to shrug it off and just do the next thing.
Well I was going to continue my anonfilly green, but I kinda thought of a fun pair of characters that the pones could interact with. What do you guys thing of this very rough 1st chapter? It's been a long time since I last tried this so I am pretty rusty. This is going to be an AiE green.

>A faint vibration echoes through Twilight's castle.

“Did you girls feel that?” Twilight said.

>The gathering all stopped what they were doing to listen. Ears swiveled and eyes dashed around to no avail until the silence was broken.

“Feel what?” questioned Rainbow. “the only thing I feel is this ridiculous heat!”

>Giggles and a groan were heard after Rainbow spoke.

“Oh, it's not that hot out Rainbow!” Pinkie chimed in. “Besides, if you need to cool off, I'm sure Twilight has some lemonade around here somewhere, that'll cool you off for sure! Ima go find some, be right back!”

>Before anybody could get a word in, she was gone, leaving nothing but a brief after image and a faint scent of sugar.

“She does know that's not what I was talking about right?” Rainbow said with some annoyance. “Doesn't everypony know that its summer?”

“Not everypony is a Pegasus Rainbow, us Earth Ponies have “the curse” in the fall. Besides, I could go for some lemonade myself.” Applejack said with a jovial smirk. “I don't hear Fluttershy complaining none.”

“Girls please, not now! Another one is coming!” The increasingly panic stricken Twilight warned.

>A faint rumble began to be heard by more than just Twilight. Growing in volume, it caused the stained glass of the tree castle to vibrate, as it continued growing the sound became almost deafening.
>The ponies all panicked in their own ways. Rainbow immediately took to the air, lost balance, and crashed through the nearest window, Applejack braced herself against a wall, Rarity began to hyperventilate, Pinkie was nowhere to be found, Fluttershy was curled up in a ball under the table, and Twilight poofed a book into existence, “Earthquakes for Dummies”.

“FOUND IT!” Pinkie shouted as she appeared out from under the couch.

>She blissfully moved to place a tray with a pitcher of Lemonade onto the table, only for it to topple over and spill everywhere.
>After a moment or two that felt like an eternity, the shaking subsided and all was calm once again.

“W-what in equestria was that?!” Rarity cried out.

>A crash and the shattering of a window was heard.

“Rainbow Dash, why didn't you come in through the window you left from?!” Twilight shouted.

“Twilight, shut up and look outside!” the panting Rainbow Dash said.”There's something wrong with the forest!”

>The ponies all gathered at the window to peer out. Looking to the forest, it looked totally normal, that is until you start to look at the area where the old castle stood. The entire area looked blurry.

“That's really. . .” -Twilight began squinting toward the area- “weird.”

I-I really hope the creatures out there are okay. Fluttershy said.

>Even from this distance, Twilight could tell that powerful magic was at play here, but the exact spell was a mystery to her. It vaguely felt like teleportation magic, but much more powerful, but at the same time, disorganized, almost hobbled together.

“I'm gonna go check it o-”

“HOLD IT” Twilight shouted as she enveloped Rainbow Dash in her magic field. “If we are going to check it out, we need to do it together. Who knows what could cause an earthquake hundreds of miles from the nearest faultline!”

>All the other ponies nodded in agreement and began downstairs. Questions still lingered in their heads and safety was a concern, but they had faced so many things in their lives, what was one more mystery?


“Shit, this isn't Waterdeep is it?” A distinctly male voice said.

>A scraping sound echoed through the hollow walls as another, much more feminine voice spoke up.

“Damn it Anon, I told you that thing was broken! But noooooooo! You just HAD to use your stupid toy.” The feminine voice nagged.

>The man let out an exaggerated sigh as he pocketed the small cube in his hand.

“Well, you win some, you lose some. You can't really blame me for trying such a rare-”

“Oh ho ho, that's where you're wrong buddy boy. I specifically told you not to buy that junk. I told you that it was broken and leaking magic like a stuck boar. I swear, if we are stuck somewhere bad I am gonna-”

“Bitch, it was a fucking Cubic Gate! How could I NOT BUY it? Those things are rare as fuck and expensive as shit when you do find them! If I can fix it, we could sell it to a warlord or a king or something and be set for life!” His voice echoed.

“Your life maybe. . .” That scraping sound echoed again.

“H-hey now don't be like that, maybe after we fix this thing and sell it, I can use the money to get the stuff to become a lich so you don't have to worry about me dying anymore. Wouldn't that be fun?,” his joke didn't land and the only response was the echo of his own voice. “I guess I'll try to figure out where we landed.”

>With a sigh, Anon dusted himself off and began to mill around trying to get his bearings.

“Let's see, which side did I press again. . .”

Again, ROUGH DRAFT from a rusty writefag.Stupid? No?
Just trying to get the CSF flowing again before I try to continue my older stuff.
Pretty good so far.
Anon dun fucked up.

>“Feel what?” questioned Rainbow. “the only thing I feel is this ridiculous heat!”
Funny, one would think that Rainbow would be the Main 6 member most used to heat.
seems cool
Does that pedo general make anything besides pedo greens?
Not always. That big green is pretty SFW.
In my head Rainbow is Autistic. She managed to make friends with the M6, but is too much of a sperg for most to tolerate. Perma-Virgin Dash.
I don't know. She seems to be pretty popular.
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>Spend two hours on a six-post green
>Post in a general halfway through its post limit
>Thread fucking dies IMMEDIATELY
NEVER again.
We need to bring back the really bleak edgelord ones, remember Rapetrain? Thems were good days, good days...
I’ve been kinda wanting to do something like that lately. Gotta make sure those are in their own threads, though. Unless you enjoy getting shit on by everyone except maybe one guy.
Post it on ponepaste and link it here.
Should I continue here or head over to the AIE general, repost the 1st part and then post the fresh 2nd part?
perhaps link back to this thread or just repost in AIE
Sure, I can do both. Be warned, part 2 is more than triple the length of part 1 and this is the 1st draft so expect bad writing/grammar.

>As the ponies ran, Clops became thuds as the ground beneath them changed from cobblestones to dirt.

“Twilight, I don't get why you won't let me fly above the trees,” Rainbow Dash complained. “If there's something dangerous, a little heads up before we get there wouldn't hurt.

“We don't know who or what caused that strange magic. It could be a pony or it could be a-”

“A giant pony eating monster coming from another dimension to eat our brains?” Pinkie interrupted.

>A stunned silence fell between the girls. The silence quickly gave way to laughter before they started walking again.

“I mean, I guess that is a possibility, bu that's pretty unlikely Pinkie. Although, I can't rule it out,” Twilight let that statement float for a second before giggles filled the air. “No more scary movies, Pinkie. They make you crazier than usual.”

>Pinkie had watched an old pony B movie the night before. She thought it was funny, though Fluttershy didn't appreciate a “scary” movie right before bed during their sleepover.

>Passing the various landmarks of the everfree, or at least the closest things to landmarks that exist in such an chaotic part of the world, the ponies paid little mind to the various beasties and dangers in the area. Most not bothering them because Fluttershy was around, but a few had tried to interrupt their travel. The occasional Timberwolf or Patch of poison joke not slowing them down much. As the castle began to come into view, the ponies slowed from a gallop to a canter.

“Whatever magic had caused that earthquake seems to be fading. We are definitely getting close to the source, but it seems to be losing power,” Twilight spoke. “I really hope that it's nothing catastrophic.”

“Everything will be fine, Twilight. I doubt that whatever this is is worse than Tirek or Discord,” Rainbow said while casually flying upside down.

“And even if it is, we will beat them, together,” Rarity added.

>Content with her friends’ confidence, Twilight decided to leave it at that. The remains of magic that was heavy in the air felt, foreign. It still felt like magic, but almost like Chaos Magic rather than Harmonic Magic. Now that she was close, she could tell that it wasn't Discord that caused it though. Discord's magic is potent, but his power comes from the sheer amount of magic within him. This magic itself felt chaotic, but the spell felt organized and controlled. It just felt unnatural to her. How do you organize chaos? It didn't make any sense.

“Twilight, do you think that it's inside the castle?” Rarity questioned. “I would hate to have dust get in my mane.”
“The magic field is shrinking, and it looks like it is all contracting towards somewhere inside the castle,” Twilight answered truthfully, which earned a groan from the white mare. “Don't worry, I'm sure that the castle isn't that dusty. Besides, we-”

>A loud sneeze reverberated through the castle.

“Oh, bless you Pinkie,” Twilight said before turning back to Rarity.

“That wasn't me, Twilight,” Pinkie claimed.

“DAMN IT, cover your fucking mouth Anon!” a voice that DEFINITELY wasn’t Pinkie’s echoed from within the castle.

>The startled ponies all locked their attention forward. Twilight shushed the others before leading the ponies deeper into the castle. As they entered the old throne room, an argument was heard coming from a very large creature eating something in its hand and while they had heard another voice before, they didn’t yet see the owner of the other voice. Luckily, it hadn’t noticed them entering the room before so the group silently hid behind a fallen pillar.

Once the ponies were sure that they were well hidden, they took the opportunity to study the creature. He was tall, Twilight estimated that he was about a little more than a Head taller than Princess Celestia. He was almost as tall as Discord, though not quite, but he was quite a bit bulkier. He wore a well filled backpack as well as Thick, well worn clothing that covered everything but his head and his hands. Their colors were faded reds and deep browns. A thick tome was hanging under his left arm, bound by a leather strap. Twilight could feel strong magic radiating from the book so she figured that it was a spellbook or maybe a grimoire. A small sword was snuggly held between his backpack and himself within a metal sheath.

“I sneezed! Oh, I'm not allowed to sneeze?” Anonymous bitched to seemingly nobody.

“Do you see who he’s talking to, Twilight?” Pinkie whispered.

>A loud scrape was heard as the sword on Anon’s back raised from its scabbard all on its own. The motion startled the ponies hiding behind the pillar.

“Not when you get slobber all over me you're not! Do you want me to rust?” The other voice seemingly coming from the sword nagged.

“Uh, Twilight, did that big knife just talk?” Applejack asked in a hushed voice.

Now that the sword was partially out of its sheath, Twilight could feel potent magic within it. The hilt was small with a thin crossguard that extended into a knuckle guard. The pommel, like much of the rest of the sword, was rather small and shaped like a snail shell. Both the pommel and the crossguard were made of bronze. The blade was made of shining steel and was long and thin. Overall the sword was rather dainty. Quite different from the swords that the Minotaurs use.
Oops, looks like I missed some >s to make the non speaking text green in a few places.


>The man was apparently done looking at the stained glass and sat down on the dusty throne after setting his backpack down in front of him. He then opened up his pack and pulled out a bundle of cloth that was then unwrapped. Within the bundle was half a wheel of some sort of aged cheese.

“Comere for a second,” the man demanded as he reached back and pulled the sword from its sheath making that god awful scraping sound again.

“H-hey what are you doing, put me down! I'm not a bloody kitchen knife!” The pleas went ignored as Anon grabbed the sword and used it to cut off a chunk of the cheesy goodness. “I fucking hate you Anon.”

“Oh relax, I’ll clean it off when I finish eating. You aren’t going to rust in 5 minutes,” Anon said as he laid the blade across his lap as he started eating the cheese. “I got plenty of oil and cloth in my pack no need to freak ou-”

“Get this rotten cow juice and your putrid snot off of me now!” she yelled. “You know I can’t handle feeling greasy! Ugh, so fucking gross man! Clean me Clean me clean me clean me. . .”

>The voice, while annoying, was genuinely upset, that was pretty clear. Unfortunately for the sword, its pleas fell on deaf ears as the man just started eating the slice of cheese with seemingly not a care in the world.

“What do we do? Who knows how long he’s gonna sit there and eat while that thing is blowing out my ears.” Rainbow said.

“Let's wait for him to finish eating. After that, we can try to talk to them” Twilight said as she motioned for the others to stay put.

“That’s probably a good idea, some creatures are food aggressive.” Fluttershy added.

>Anon decided that his hunger was more annoying than the sword’s whining and continued to eat his cheese, ignoring the incessant begging. Anon took the time to enjoy his snack and look around the room he has found himself in just to spite the sword. Despite the annoying voice echoing through the area, the building looked rather nice to him, if rather ancient looking. After cutting another piece off the block of cheese, to the horror of the sword, Anon got up to look at the stained glass windows again, leaving the sword on the throne.

>It's now or never, Twilight stood up and slowly approached the man while his back was turned and the others stayed back. She took a big breath to speak, but just as she was about to get the man’s attention a shout was heard.

“Anon, look out behind you!” the sword shouted as it floated up and lurched to the man’s hand.
>There was panic in the man’s eyes as he turned, sword in hand and swung at Twilight. Luckily for her, she managed to duck down and avoid the blow, but as soon as it came, she had to dodge another swing, and another. He then pulled the sword back, leveling the deadly point at her chest, but just before the thrust came a Rainbow maned pegasus crashed into him knocking him down.

“Are you alright Twilight?” Applejack asked as she appeared at Twilight’s side.

“Yeah, I’m fine, he just barely missed me,” Twilight said.

>Rainbow Dash was zipping around the man as he kept the point of the sword between him and Rainbow, not letting her get close. Applejack, after checking on Twilight, ran up to the man to back her friend up, hoping to find an opening to land a kick, but had little luck. The man was in an athletic stance that allowed him to turn rapidly and maintain balance. Any time one of the ponies got close, a flick of the wrist or a quick thrust sent them back. The sword wasn’t very long, but its movements were fast. After a few back and forths the man was able to force both Rainbow and Applejack into a corner and was about to make a move that would be very difficult to dodge in the limited space.

>She had to do it. There was no other choice. Anon was mid swing when the magic beam was launched that would send him into the wall and hopefully knock him out. His back was to Twilight and there was no way that he could see her, but just as the beam left her horn the sword spoke again.

“Oh no you don’t you sneaky little cunt,” the sword called out as it stopped Anon’s attack mid swing and lurched his arm up and over his shoulder, flexing his spine backwards to deflect the beam with the flat of the blade.

>Unfortunately for Anon, this weird position gave Applejack the opening she needed. She spun around and kicked him right in the gut, knocking the wind out of him and himself across the room, the sword falling from his hand and onto the ground. Rainbow didn’t need any encouragement to fly over, drop onto him and start wailing into his face. Dazed, he could only try to block the attacks with his arms covering his face.

“ANON!” the sword screamed and began to float again.

>Applejack tried to grab it, but the sword was small and fast. It lunged toward Rainbow pointed directly at her neck from behind. Thinking fast, Twilight tackled Rainbow off of him just in time to avoid the sword. The two ponies scrambled back to Applejack, expecting the sword to go back to his hand again, but were surprised when it turned around and chased after them wildly flailing around, shouting obscenities, and trying to cut them as they ran around the room.
>Anonymouse, having finally caught his breath, stood up and reached his hand toward the flailing blade. “Selene! To me!” The sword flew into his hand without hesitation. With the blade in his hand, he turned and ran toward the door. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie had left from behind the pillar that they were hiding behind to watch the fight and were in a very bad position. To Anon, it looked like the ponies were attempting a pincer strategy to defeat him.

“Ahh! There are more of them! They’re blocking the door!” the sword screeched. “Anon we need to get the fuck out of here!”

>The three less physically and magically capable mares panicked as the man rapidly approached them and raised his sword to cut them down. As Rarity screamed in terror, Pinkie pulled out a small cannon from seemingly nowhere, yanked a cable, and with bang, launched a cubic buttload of confetti and glitter straight into Anon’s eyes and face, choking and blinding the man and causing him to scream in pain and shock.

“Girls get over here, now!” Applejack yelled to the trio.

>Anon pointlessly flailed his sword in the general direction of the mares in front of him while as he was coughing his guts out, tripped and fell, giving the ponies a chance to regroup.

“Are you alright Anon?” the sword in his hand asked.

“I'm just peachy, I’ve only gone fucking blind.” he responded as he stood back up. “God this fucking hurts. . .”

“Oh great, don’t worry Anon, I can be your eyes. We can still take them!” she said as she pulled his arm out and spun him around to face them. “I’ll do the stabbing, you do the footwork.”

Anon coughed before straightening his posture. “I think I have a better idea.”

>The ponies suddenly felt the room increase in temperature as a magic circle appeared underneath the ghastly man before them. In the hand not holding his sword a potent clump of magic swirled before igniting. The magic was extremely unstable and looked like it was about to explode!

“Yeeeees! That’ll work!” the sword sadistically moaned. “Burn them all to a crisp Anon!

>The man smirked as the spell suddenly grew in size and power in his hand. The sword had started cackling when it noticed the change in the spell.

“I think I’ll upcast it, just in case.” he said
>At this point Twilight is starting to get nervous. This magic is unfamiliar to her. Is he fireproof? How is he holding a ball of flame in his hand? A thousand other questions are flowing through her head, but right now she has to focus. She is quite sure that she will have no problem blocking the spell, even if it is rather potent, but the instability and explosiveness is concerning. A wall is stronger, but if the spell explodes, she will need a dome to protect the others and a dome requires a lot more magic. Should she forget the shield and try to overpower the spell with one of her own? He looked ready to cast the spell. She has to make a decision. Hopefully it’s the right-

“WAIT!” cried out Rarity, interrupting Twilights thoughts. “Come now, do we really need to fight? I’m sorry that we startled you, but we didn’t mean you any harm. Why don’t we all calm down for a minute and just talk this out?”

>The man hesitated, but kept the fireball and the sword in his hands.

“I think we are well past that at this point,” he responded.

“Oh come now, nopony wants this! Lets just all take a deep breath, come on do it with me. . .” Rarity takes an exaggerated breath in and out, “and maybe we can sort this out without any more fighting. I’m quite sure that your eyes are hurting and I think I speak for all of us when I say that nopony here wants to get hurt,” Rarity pleaded.

“Nopony?” Anon questioned before sighing and relaxing just a little. “If they make any sudden moves, or if you feel anything magic coming from them, scream for me, Selene.”

“Got it!” the sword affirmed.

>Twilight visibly relaxed when the spell in the man’s hand fizzled out. Only to panic as another spell took its place. This spell however, was much more benign and looked rather harmless. To Twilight’s surprise, after he cast the spell, a small cloud appeared above the man which then started raining. He stuck his face into the rain in an attempt to clear the glitter from his bloodshot eyes. After a minute or two of this he suddenly pulled his head out and the cloud disappeared.

“Okay, let's talk.”

End of part 2

No, Anon is NOT going to be an overpowered badass capable of beating Twilight or Starlight in a magic duel, at least not a fair one. He is capable and knows how to fight, but he isn't a God or an Archmage or something. Today is my birthday so I want you guys to talk lots of shit and tell me where I suck so I can improve. The Sword's name isn't final and I may change it if I come back to revise these 1st parts. Feel free to suggest better names for the Sword!
Very good work!
Thanks anon. Any suggestions for the sword's name or is the placeholder name fine? I kinda like it, but don't really think it sounds swordy enough. The sword is a full character so it should have a name that sounds like a name, but is also a sword so it should sound swordy too if you can understand what I am trying to say.
Can't wait to have time to read thism
>Today is my birthday
>tell me where I suck so I can improve.
Well how can I possibly refuse when you put it like that.

So I know this is basically a rough draft, but I'm just going to treat this like I would any green that I would find on the board.

First off, your dialogue tags are complicated and wordy, which is really too bad because you write speech well.
Here's an example:

>"Twilight, I don't get why you won't let me fly above the trees," Rainbow Dash complained.
Judging by what she says alone, and how she says it, it's obvious that Dash is complaining here, or at the very least frustrated; but being told that that was how I was supposed to feel in the dialogue tag that followed her speech, that took me out of the story. I would have preferred it if you kept things simple and wrote 'Rainbow Dash said.’

>"No more scary movies, Pinkie. They make you crazier than usual."
This felt more like a line Rainbow or Applejack would say. Twilight would note the oddity, like she did when she said she "can't rule it out," before redirecting her focus back to the task at hand (or hoof.)

>Pinkie had watched an old pony B movie the night before. She thought it was funny, though Fluttershy didn't appreciate a "scary" movie right before bed during their sleepover.
You should have just written Pinkie and Fluttershy having this conversation, rather than tell us about it. The sentences are confusing too. 'Pinkie had watched' implies that she watched the movie by herself. Then, at the end of the following sentence, it's revealed that they all watched it during a sleepover. And that it scared Fluttershy right before bed.

That's a funny idea, and, looking at how you wrote it, I get the feeling that humor is what you were going for here. But it just didn't work for me. Maybe with a couple rewrites the joke would have landed better with me. (Because I did laugh when the lemonade spilled in your previous update.)

>"The magic field is shrinking, and it looks like it is all contracting towards somewhere inside the castle,"
Contracting is a really odd word choice here. I’d suggest looking in a thesaurus for a more fitting word, preferably one that’s not also associated with construction work and child labor.

>"DAMN IT, cover your fucking mouth Anon!"
You need a comma before Anon, since he's being addressed. And writing in ALL CAPS is cringe. Writers usually do this with the idea that emphasizing certain words will draw us closer to how the character is feeling ('DAMN IT', for instance, is supposed to help us feel closer to Selene's rage.) But it usually has the opposite effect. The characters didn't choose to emphasize those words in the text with ALL CAPS, the writer did. I just find it distracting.
>As they entered the old throne room, an argument was heard coming from a very large creature eating something in its hand and while they had heard another voice before, they didn’t yet see the owner of the other voice.
This sentence is messy and long as fuck. There's about two, maybe even three different sentences here that you Frankensteined together. The writing is all vague and lacks any detail. Phrases like "eating something in its hand" and "a fallen pillar" and "well worn clothing that covered everything but his head and his hands" are fine, but they don't paint vivid pictures in the reader's mind. They don’t suggest to us how Anon is eating his food, or even what it is.

Detail in writing is the difference between:
>In proportion as the manners, customs, and amusements of a nation are cruel and barbarous, the regulations of its penal code will be severe.
>In proportion as men delight in battles, bullfights, and combats of gladiators, will they punish by hanging, burning, and the rack.

You did better later on when you were describing the sword.
An important note to close on: Don’t include every detail you can think of. Use the best and most relevant ones, and write them with words that evoke images and sensations, so that the reader can project themselves into the scene.

>The man was apparently done looking at the stained glass
Well was he done or wasn't he? Watch out for qualifiers like this in your writing, words like apparently, obviously, evidently, etc. They drag everything down and weaken your storytelling needlessly.

Things were going better after this.
Then I saw this really distracting comma splice:

>It's now or never, Twilight stood up and slowly approached the man while his back was turned and the others stayed back.
Your writing has a lot of mistakes. I'll be honest, if you hadn't asked for criticism at the end of your post, I wouldn't have read your green.

Anon immediately attacking Twilight felt off to me too. Doubly so after Rarity managed to defuse the situation so quickly.

To end this, I’ll say that you're not bad at writing action, and you write the characters well overall. I just wish you had shown me the second draft of this instead.

and Happy Birthday, fren! I hope you got to poni poni a bit sometime today
Thanks Anon. I'll screenshot this and add it to my constructive criticism Google doc for future reference. I really do appreciate the detailed tips. When I eventually redraft and repost in AIE general, I'll definitely keep your advice in mind!

Have a Banana for your trouble!
That's an interesting sword thing going on with Anon. It does make me curious as to the backstory of the duo. Quite interesting so far.

>the sword nagged.
Poor Anon, stuck with a nagging sword wife.
>There was panic in the man’s eyes as he turned, sword in hand and swung at Twilight.
Anon's pretty panicky as I can see.
>This magic is unfamiliar to her.
Is Anon using some otherworldly magic then?
>sword's name
I suck at naming things, but considering how MLP names work, you can get away with something like Stabby or Swordess quite comfortably. I am quite partial to Stabby myself. It's a cute name.
I wouldn't say that he is panicky. He has probably adventured enough to know that when something has been hiding from you and then suddenly appears behind you, it pays to swing first, ask questions later. Especially when something doesn't look like a person at 1st glance.
>Is Anon using some otherworldly magic then?

Anon is based off of a DnD character that I never got to use with some changes. Any magic he uses is going to be fundamentally different from the Harmonic, friendship powered magic of MLP. He isn't strictly a DnD character though as I am probably going to take some spells from other franchises as well since he is a Wizard multiclass and can learn spells rather easily and add them to his spellbook for future use.
What's spooky?
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A skeleton is fine, too.
I don't know what I'm doing, but this thread inspired me to try a green.
Two 'entries' only now.
my fashion horse...will read it later
Nice. Rarity needs more love.
I fucking love it. I'm hooked. Not kidding, I want to know who's gonna fucking pet that pony.
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I think it's honestly the cons fault. Plenty of us are nearing mid life crisis and we want to do bigger and better things than some quick and dirty green.
>the cons fault.
What cons?
I've never been interested in greentexts, except for short ones. My interest is lost after the fifth line.
You better continue that shit Anon! I love fun, simple, little stories like that!

Part of the reason I ended up quitting before is because I started with long story driven greens and couldn't figure out how to continue. Simple Greens that you can stop at any time are fun and good practice!
Fucking ADHD Zoomers ruin everything. ;P
Nice model.
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Whilst I always appreciate OC in any form, I have a very hard time reading in general with my ADHD, and It's very very rare for me to actually read a green.
I won't quote every anon, but thank you all for the feedback.
I posted a follow-up here >>41026831. I hope it stays at least entertaining.
I'm not sure I will be able to do this daily, but I will update when I can.
My ADHD must be pretty light, then, because I can read no problem. Now, writing, on the other hand, that’s a problem. Short stuff is fine, but I’ve never been able to write a finished green longer than six posts. So many half-written greens are in the trash.
why does everyone have adhd now? is it actually because of 'le phones bad'?
Pretty sure smartphones didn’t give me ADHD in the 90’s.
what is this about
It's funny. I have the hardest time reading, but can get hyper focused on writing. My cringe self insert green fic has over 100K words
>My cringe self insert green fic has over 100K words
That’s nuts. I can’t imagine writing that much, and I don’t know if my total word count across everything will hit that before I die kek. When I first started, I could’ve probably went on and on as well, just letting my autism carry it forward. Then I started caring about the quality, and now my most ambitious greens are laughably short compared to what I see everyone else doing. My lack of focus has forced me to write things more condensed, and being a perfectionist freak doesn’t help when I’m hanging on every line for multiple minutes.
I'm a zoomer so I can't read, sorry.
Stop being a zoomer.
I will listen to your greentext at the gym if you take the time to have an AI voice on haysay read it.
Woah you fixed me. I stopped being a zoomer as soon as I read your post.
Get your shit together and have a long, happy life.
Done and done. Please tell me to marry and impregnate my waifu Twilight next.
poast teat
How cringe?
Wow, I didn't think that would work. Congratulations man! Enjoy your new life as a non-zoomer.
Follow up of this.
Can AI transform green into prose and vice versa?
AI cannot remember anything past 10 pages, so if it's short, maybe.
>Green into prose.
Some yes, but they all have quirks, so manual/human editing will still be needed if you want good results. Don't use Chat-GPT for this; it's not great at creative writing.
>Prose into green.
Like >>41031746 said, they have a context memory and also a max output they can give in one go. So you can't feed them an entire fic and expect good results.
You will need to feed it part by part.
Again, human input will be necessary.

I really don't believe letting it do all the job will give great results.
It would require lots of micromanagement.
Forgot as well, not at 100K Words. 85K+. Still pretty high though.
autism kino
Damn, that's impressive.
I do...
why didn't you reply then...
I suck at showing appreciation.
Nothing a friendship lesson wouldn't fix
>Negativity is better then nothing.
if you don't like something, you don't reply to it. anyone would prefer negative attention to nothing, but thats the point of ignoring it
But greens are good, even the ones that are shit. Bad is better then nothing. At least it bumps the thread.
I want to fuck mares. Fucking hell, I am so sexually frustrated.
what's stopping you?
from fucking mares?
The portal.
Very impressive.
so did people start replying to your greens after this thread or what?
Which writers are quitting greens for conventions?
>orgasm denied Misty
I missed that one. Where was it happening ?
>QoC please return and continue the Chryssi political drama
Which story was that ?
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My last green was subject to hotpocket’s wrath before more than one guy or so could. Had it coming I guess, but eh. Other than that, I’ve got a couple half-baked green bean casseroles I haven’t gotten around to finishing. The real fun for me is in the writing, to be honest. The posting is kinda always stressful, but that’s probably not common.
No, but I didn't shill tbf. I'm glad some people did, though. I saw some familiar faces. I would like to have seen more, but, hey, wouldn't we all?
>hotpocket's wrath
You mean it got deleted or something? I'm so confused.

>The posting is kinda always stressful, but that's probably not common.
I don't know. I'm kinda the same way, honestly. There's a certain comfort in not posting for me. It's like, as long as I don't post it, then there's always a chance that I can go back and make it better before I eventually do. And you can guess how that always turns out.
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>You mean it got deleted or something?
Ye. Best of luck on your writing endeavors, fren.
Nice work.
What? Why? Can you find it in desu?
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>What? Why?
Rules, jannies
>Can you find it in desu
Yes, but odds tell me that you wouldn’t enjoy it. Trust me.
I wrote futa (trans) trixie phimosis smegma fetish greens trust me its not going to be worse than that
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Alrighty then.
its kino wdym
Futa and trans aren't the same thing.
i initially wrote it as trans and retconned it to futa so people wouldn't get mad (they got mad anyway)
Why did you write it as trans to begin with? Are you ill?
It was for a trans trixie thread and i was up for the challenge. Also, what set you off is the tranny thing and not the phimoses smegma fetish? Bahahaha you fucking midwit.
So you are ill, got it.
>i was up for the challenge
oh you're just one of those losers that just like to add fuel to the fire LOL
We are on a board where the average user is pumping a life-sized plushie of their wife full of cum every night. Not exactly the best place to moan about people being 'ill'.
Don't bust a nerve over it, kitten.
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I love you guys
Thats kinda gay
greens are gay
>Read on to find out why this is secretly a good thing!
>flip flopping to appeal to the crowd
Not exactly helping OP's point.
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not even normalfags on /v/ like tranny headcanons, using the
>Y-you guys are so degen so troonshit should be normal!!!!!
is a flimsy excuse at best
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do you speak english
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Guess this is the rest of the thread. Might as well pack up our shit and leave while the playground slap fight continues kek
I agree.
bob's burgers in equestria
It turns out Angel Bunny is a total stud when the numerous does he's knocked up turn up at Fluttershy's cottage to get him to pay child support.
Why not.
Just to make 500
Nah, let's leave the thread unfinished. That way, it's just like most greens.
And yet, due to my autism, I insist that things carry on even if no one's looking.
My autism says no.
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It's because almost all greentexts are just wildly exaggerated shitposts that are self-conscious and bury any hint of genuine creativity or enjoyment behind a dozen layers of hyper dense absurdity. Almost all generals that get run into the ground start off as a genuine subversion or wish fulfillment that's not really seen in fanfiction, let alone fiction in general and before they can realize their true potential everyone gets embarassed over writing mlp fanfiction and make it as caustic and blunt as possible. RGRE started off as a wish fulfillment of disillusioned men wishing they had the opportunities modern women have (and squander). It was at it's core a bunch of lonely guys dreaming about living in a world that would shower them in love and dote on them, something that's starting to become something you see talked about in mainstream media nowadays. Instead it's just a bunch of poorly written shitposts about all mares being cartoonishly sexist cunts that treat Anon like he's a lobotomized retard that has no rights and deserves to be treated like shit. So instead of having a thread full of genuine stories about people's wishes, fears, and dreams using a reverse gender role society as a way to express their thoughts we instead have a collection of dumb shitposts all accidentally based around the same concept of men (the mares) being evil condescending rapists and how women (Anon) face horrific abuse just by existing. So the comedy/romance thread about how men are tired of being treated like slimeballs and how they wish they lived in a world that appreciated them turned into a thread about how men are all slimeballs and women deserve to be worshiped. Awesome.

And then you have Flutterrape, which while not nearly as obnoxious as the retardification of RGRE is still a shell of it's former self. Flutterrape at it's core was about wishing a women desired you enough that she'd repeatedly try to win your heart, about having enough options in life that you can look a woman that genuinely wants to be with you in the eyes and turn her down with no regrets, about being able to hear someone confess to you and take it in stride and not be shocked that someone genuinely felt that way about you. It isn't a bastardization of it's former self, but most writers have definitely forgotten it's wish fulfillment roots and have just settled on the old reliable "spam the same two jokes for a decade" strategy.

Greentext generals always suffer this fatigue route. Someone tries expressing themself with a fanfic, people subconsciously (or even consciously) feel a connection with the story's themes or ideals, and then they add on to it until a bunch of people that take shit at face value roll up and piss on everything.
The End of the Universe is pure kino, I wish Ao3 let me post it there anonymously to keep it alive someone. Ain't no way anyone besides a few oldfags are going to remember these archive sites like poneb in a decade. I feel bad for all the newfags that'll miss out on all the awesome fics that got erased over the years because everyone on /mlp/ is an autist that'd prefer hosting their fics on the most barebones sticky note sites not designed for story sharing over just making an Ao3 account.
Honestly sucks because RGRE is like catnip to me, I love the concept of world of moral reversal and I dont think its as shalllow as you describe. the concept of fantasy women being powerful go get em, loyal, and intelligent is I believe a male orientated fantasy. if you look at lots of shojou works you don't see things quite like this. At most you get something like precure or sailor moon but something like galforce, bubblegum crisis, gunsmith cats, or gunbuster is primarily aimed at men.
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Greentexts are hard to read because it's fucking GREEN TEXT and these idiots devote too much effort and turn it into a WALL OF TEXT.

If they made the font and website colors more user-friendly then you wouldn't have to squint your eyes to read the fucking WALL OF GREEN TEXT that's barely visible.
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I’m sorry that your eyes are shit, and that you have no patience to read more than a short sentence due to all the instantly-gratifying content you consume.
It's just time to stop writing greentext and move somewhere else, maybe to FimFiction.
Pack it in, boys. The grass is always greener on the other side.
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That is a cute linker. I really love her. I want to rub her belly.
>can't even read greentext
git gud skrub
I think I’d rather write in the comment section of random Derpi images than go anywhere near that stuck-up shithole. Explain the appeal to me, please.
>Explain the appeal to me
I don't know. It just seemed like the most obvious place to move to. This thread has proved its point. Green is dead, no one cares anymore.
Long live green!
>It's just time to stop writing greentext
The day I stop writing greentext is the day my writing dies. It's that or nothing.
What of offline storage? I've saved a ton of greens/fics over the years. Much was lost online, yet I still have some missing chapters and fics that the Internet decided to scrub from existence. How do we share/dump these?

Will there even be anywhere/anyone to share in a decade? It feels like lifelong fans of niche generals these days are a handful at best. There may only be memories in the future.
I want to save a bunch of greens and longfics in a usb file so if society collapses i can still enjoy some fics in post-apocalyptia
Sounds like the plot for A Canticle for Leibowitz
Sorry to bother but do you have any plans to return to this green was an interesting idea

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